Open Thread – Tues 21 March 2023

Saturn Devouring his Son, Peter Paul Rubens, 1636

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March 22, 2023 8:01 am

I have had a lot to do with the two in Pesutto’s office , both young but the male has worked for nine years in business and has been extremely helpful to me in matters of building faults . Also when We first met we discussed his bosses lack o f balls to take down Dan so can’t believe he didn’t suspect Dan dirty tricks if he saw full video not one on msn . police did not stop the boys in black at all reminder of Jan 6

March 22, 2023 8:01 am

A lot of them appear to be in suspiciously good physical shape. I wonder what their day jobs are.
Not policemen anyway.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 22, 2023 8:01 am

Went to an info evening about the proposed renewable energy transmission line that will cut across western vic to connect to Snowy 2.0.
It’s immeasurably worse than we could have imagined.
What the AMEO didn’t and did know:
– how high our machinery is and how the 4.6 metre limit under lines will impact farming.
– whether the power lines cause interference with telecommunications like our GPS systems or any wireless devices.
– how will fire be controlled when the CFA must first ask for permission to enter the easement and even then the use of hoses could be banned.
– fire fighting aircraft cannot be used near lines.
– no concept that a small fire could end up a huge fire if crews have to wait for the fire to leave the easements.
– the lines can arc to the ground when smoke or heavy dust is present.
– no idea or concern at the devaluation of your land resulting in losses of millions at the point of sale.
– any structure or tree in the path or over 4.6 metres will be removed, including farm houses and your sheds and silos.
– irrigation equipment such as pivots could be banned.
– the liability landholders face in the event of accidents, fires and access by work crews.
– what extra insurance costs landholders will face as they “host” another entities infrastructure and have to operate under an agreement.
– how costings were arrived at when a fuzzy line that’s 25km wide and 280km long is all they claim is proposed go far.
– how much native vegetation will be lost to clear the path.
– how height limits effect big machinery movements on roads.
– the mental health problems foisted on the landholders by all the new agreements and unwanted changes to their lives and businesses.

That’s just a start. It’s a nightmare!

March 22, 2023 8:02 am

No need to manufacture Garage Nasties when we have our own home grown Fascist govts throughout Australia.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 22, 2023 8:03 am

I barely slept last night.

March 22, 2023 8:03 am

Reading “First to Fly” by James Tobin. Excellent writer and tells the story of the Wright brothers and there contemporaries including Samuel Pierpont Langley in great and interesting detail.

March 22, 2023 8:03 am

Sorry, their

March 22, 2023 8:06 am

Samantha Power will be heading to Uganda.

March 22, 2023 8:11 am

“Looks like they picked the wrong Christians.”

An LGBTQI+ activist has got to know his limitations.

March 22, 2023 8:12 am

Thanks for keeping us updated, Gez.

In other green religion news, I see the University of Helsinki is conferring an honorary Doctorate of Theology to Greta Thunberg.

Not even attempting to hide it now.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 8:14 am

Trump has never been popular, it’s not as if there is any latent swing support for him at this late stage.

So unpopular he got the most votes of any candidate in US history.

Morning Consult Poll: DeSantis has Half of Trump Support (21 Mar)

“Ron DeSantis has sunk to his lowest level of support since tracking began in December, as the latest Morning Consult survey released Tuesday shows that only 26% of potential Republican primary voters are backing the Florida governor.

That’s compared with 54% who support former President Donald Trump.”

Rasmussen Poll: 64% Expect Biden-Trump Rematch (21 Mar)

“The Rasmussen survey reveals that 64% of voters say it’s likely Biden will be the Democrat nominee in 2024, including 32% who say it is very likely. … Similarly, 64% say Trump will be the Republican Party presidential nominee in 2024, including 32% who say it’s very likely.”

Should blow a few foofoo valves in the RNC and DNC headquarters.

March 22, 2023 8:14 am

I had a bit of a chuckle with the Beloved over the Christians vs. Rainbow People scuffle. He would have been in it in his yoof too, having trained for the job in brutal Church rugby.

These days he’d be content to be a stretcher bearer. I suppose I could go back to distributing half-time oranges.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 22, 2023 8:14 am

A golden rule is that arguments involving changing cultural norms are like a siren song for unsavoury elements on the extremist fringe.

This must necessarily be. Norms are not things that can be just switched on and off like lights on a panel – they are connected because society is organic. It is many different things at once. It is culture, it is class, it is a history, it is language, it is how we live with our neighbours, it is how we approach strangers, it is how we work etc. And society itself is not uniform.

It is extremist thinking to believe you have 1) the insight and 2) the right to impose change for which society itself shows no predisposition. The extremists mistake their zeal for competence and impatience for their right. They do not even look into themselves to see why they have such ideas or urgency.

There was a women’s movement that turned militant in the 70’s that pushed an agenda that politicians (somewhat predictably) fell for. Well there are more opportunities for women now, but was that due to an already existing trend going back almost a century? The tools of the feminist’s (quotas, special departments, special rules) are still viewed with suspicion. I know quite a few women who have taken on roles very conscious that they might be considered diversity or quota hires rather than merit, merit being what really cuts it.

There was no public clamour for SSM. What there was was a lot of gaslighting from government and HR departments, and virtue signalling public spaces. But a very dishonest, and very biased, campaign and accusations of homophobia got the thing over the line. All it has achieved is to form a precedent for excursions into darker recesses of deviant human sexuality.

People just want to be left alone to live their lives in society without activists and politicians tugging at strings to make them perform like a marionette – obedient, unthinking, and lifeless.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:16 am

Oh come onsays:
March 22, 2023 at 1:07 am
I don’t suppose it’d be too difficult for someone who knows what they’re doing to ID at least a few of those purported neo-Nazis at the Posie Parker rally. Have a look into their background, y’know.

A lot of them appear to be in suspiciously good physical shape. I wonder what their day jobs are.

VicStasi or Fire Services Union?

March 22, 2023 8:16 am

Cassie it is admirable you want to help the garage nasties, but one problem exists. Our own ASIO has spent a fortune looking for them with very poor results, which seems to be why everyone is labelled a GN so they don’t feel so bad. Get in touch with the CWA as they always know whats going on. Hope this helps.

March 22, 2023 8:16 am

Remember all that brou-ha over the Cartier watches and Oz Post that led to Christine Holbrook moovin’ on? ..
Well, how many realise that those watches are the reason why your mail doesn’t get thru ..
You see, the contracts that were negotiated, successfully, guarantee those businesses “Priority Delivery” ..
yep, folks ordinary mail is shunted aside to ensure that contracted mail is delivered within a specified time frame ..
I realised this last week, as a customer of KOGAN .. I ordered several items that were delivered by Oz Post within three days of purchase! .. yet another item from another source bought & posted the day before the Kogan stuff from the same, general, location is still in transit with no specified delivery date ..
Sooo, basically, the contract customers pay a premium for “guaranteed” delivery but the vote-herd who pay over-the-top dollar for basic postal service get pushed to the back of the queue and a few Oz Post executives get to wear expensive “bling” ..
Why do any “public servants” get bonuses of any kind?

Johnny Rotten
March 22, 2023 8:17 am

That’s just a start. It’s a nightmare!

And where are those all Environmental Impact Studies? And how quickly they were done with Community discussion galore. It’s a Definite Maybe is the Guv’ment response.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 8:18 am

Kellie-Jay Minshull isn’t an Agent Provocateur?

Gimme a break, she was being interviewed by Avi Yemeni, another foreign Agent provocateur, on the steps while Moira Deeming was giving her speech flanked by masked black shirts and violence promoting banners.

The topic of the interview?
John Pesutto’s shortcomings, what else?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:24 am

There won’t be huge riots this time, all the J6 instigators are in gaol. Low energy, sad.

m0nty=fa gloats that peaceful demonstrators are still being held without trial after more than two years. A perfect demonstration of the reality that, to the fascist left, “civil liberties” and “human rights” were only ever meaningless political slogans.

Got your Hugo Boss uniform yet m0nty=fa? One of Herman Goering’s old ones should fit you perfectly straight off the rack.

March 22, 2023 8:24 am

VicStasi or Fire Services Union?


Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 8:26 am

Cassie of Sydney:

As for the Victorian Liberals, they are now now completely castrated. It’s over. They should fold up their tent and vacate the camping ground. They have now forfeited all rights and privileges.

Agree with almost everything you’ve said except for the bit above.
The Liberals are doing the job only they can do, which is to occupy the place a real Opposition should hold. They are there to deny a place in Parliament to a genuine party of opposition by pretending to be something they are not and that is a Conservative Party.
This is the legacy of the ‘men in the smoke filled rooms’ who are allied with Labor in NSW but sit on the opposing benches. You know of whom I speak.
Until they are dethroned the Liberals cannot come back and perhaps that’s a good thing. Perhaps a Conservative party can arise as they die off.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:27 am

From the Oz editorial.

On Tuesday, Mrs Keen said neo-Nazis were predominantly “sad, pathetic men who aren’t going very far in their lives”.

And Good Morning to m0nty=fa and Dick Ed, exemplars of the description.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 8:27 am

Oh look, it’s already happening, Labor trying to connect what happened in south-west Sydney last night to Grampian Nazis.

Jones blasts Latham for ‘reheating culture wars’

“I think it’s most unfortunate whether it’s the incident in Sydney overnight where Mark Latham was essentially trying to reheat the debate that kicked off in Melbourne earlier this week, I think it’s unfortunate,” Mr Jones told Sky News.

“When kids who are struggling with their gender, with their identity, hear politicians like ourselves squabbling over this issue the message they hear is we’re not right, we’re not part of the community… They don’t need that. More

OMG, the very mediocre Labor hack Stephen Jones has picked two wrong targets…

1. Mark Latham, who isn’t scared of anyone.

2. Lebanese Maronite Christians and their friends in the Lebanese Muslim community here in Sydney.

Carry on Mr Jones, you won’t win this. I’ll get my popcorn ready.

March 22, 2023 8:28 am

Munster thinks Trump has never been popular. Que! Take the rest of the day off. What passes for a brain needs a rest. Have a couple of boxes of Krispy Kremes to keep the weight up and a sugar hit for the brain as the cluebat missed. In other news munty has cornered the rake market.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 22, 2023 8:29 am

VicStasi or Fire Services Union?


Local Gym, could be bodybuilders/powerlifters, but I’d say Boxers.
Labor Party/Unions have cultivated very good relations with the Boxing Fraternity over recent years.

March 22, 2023 8:31 am

March 21, 2023 at 11:50 pm
With the collapsing banks in USA what is the likelihood for rolling spillover to other countries – and are our Banks and our savings insulated?

Id appreciate your collective thoughts

Happy to speculate that it will have minimal effect. Much like the GFC, the Australian financial system is fairly robust. Could be some balance sheet issues with the value of government bonds held, maybe loan defaults, but I can’t see any collapsing. I am certainly not selling my bank shares.

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 8:32 am


Seems to be a lot of effort over nothing, unless it’s more vaudeville.

It’s all Kabuki Theatre, where the appearance becomes reality.
“Governments only put up barricades and barbed wire when there is a danger of civil disturbance. There are barricades and barbed wire so there must be civil disturbance.”
It’s called ‘setting the scene’ for a State of Emergency.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:38 am

March 22, 2023 at 7:49 am
The A.I. tweaked flic, Battle of the River Plate looks amazing on a big screen.
Later today, the alleged Victorian Liberal leader, John Pesutto,
will attempt to ban the USN from all Victorian ports.

A group of leftards in the then Vicco government tried that on waaay back around the 1980s. They backed off rapidly when the Commonwealth government threatened to use the High Court Gordon below Franklin judgement to overrule any such state level action.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 22, 2023 8:39 am

Another own-goal by the idiots that run what passes for law and order in the NT:

The teenager who allegedly stabbed a bottle shop worker in Darwin on Sunday night after being refused service of alcohol had been released on bail for aggravated robbery and aggravated assault just over a month ago.

Keith Kerinauia, 19, was arrested on Monday morning after bottle shop worker Declan Laverty, 20, died after being “assaulted with a knife”.

He has also been charged with aggravated robbery and faced Darwin Local Court on Tuesday. Mr Laverty was declared dead upon arrival after emergency services were called about 9pm to a bottle shop in the northern suburb of Jingili.

The court heard Mr Kerinauia’s previous charges, for which he was arrested in May 2022, allegedly involved a “bladed weapon”.

Sources told The Australian it is alleged he stole a bag, watch and hat and assaulted an individual walking down a street last year. He was granted bail on February 13 this year on strict con­ditions, including that he report to police daily, and lived at an ­Indigenous housing facility.

His bail conditions stipulated he be at the address between 9pm and 7am; he was also banned from the Darwin CBD.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 22, 2023 8:39 am


March 22, 2023 at 8:03 am

Reading “First to Fly” by James Tobin. Excellent writer and tells the story of the Wright brothers and there contemporaries including Samuel Pierpont Langley in great and interesting detail.

Why read it?
You were there, right?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 8:43 am

Farmer Gez, how terrible for you to have this nightmare suddenly thrust upon you. I can only hope various organisations can quickly muster up more opposition to this proposal, and also let voters know exactly what is being foisted upon you (and us all) in the rush to ‘renewables’. Why more people can’t see that the name renewables refers best to the fact that these monster ‘industrial’ (h/t Flying Duk) installations are not ‘farms’ and will need constant renewing and disposal of old pieces. They therefore even in the terms of the greenies will save not a jot of CO2, consuming more of it in their making and renewing (in China using coal fired power) than they will ever output in ‘green’ electrickery. Plus the issue of the new lines needed has received far too little coverage so far.

Those wind turbines also use a lot of oil to keep turning, not counted in their equation.
We need to stop the production of any more of these remote installations and their lines asap.

Lots of mental hugs to you Gez. Stay strong.

March 22, 2023 8:44 am

Later today, the alleged Victorian Liberal leader, John Pesutto,
will attempt to ban the USN from all Victorian ports.

Please tell me you made that up.


March 22, 2023 8:44 am

A bit amused by this “Don’t ya know who I am” outburst from “dum parrot-head” to get the wifie an ambulance .. why on earth would he contact “ruby” Hazzard? ..
I’d of thunk that “ruby” ringing thru to ambulance HQ and ordering “service” would have further exacerbated the problem …….!
Maybe I’m wrong and “ruby” is luvved by the paramedic brethren ….. LOL!

March 22, 2023 8:44 am

Not sure about the Maronites and Muslims being great pals, given their history in Lebanon. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pooling of resources in the short term against a common enemy.

What is clear is that trouble was expected and many…many people were on call. Who would have thought that Latham could attract so much loathing?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 8:45 am

Something I’ve been suspecting for a while now: unemployment is low because a huge number of working age people were disabled and debilitated by the mRNA vaccines.

“An Extraordinary Change”: Labor Data Reveals Shocking Drop In Workplace Attendance Following Vax Campaign (22 Mar)

In their latest analysis, Dowd and crew use data from the Bureau of Labor Statistcs (BLS) to reveal a shocking spike in both employee absence and lost worktime rates, which they believe is due to vaccines – either from primary vaccine injuries, or because of weakened immune systems due to the jab, and not long covid caused by the virus itself.

“It’s not a stretch to conclude from this data that the vaccines are causing death, disabilities & injuries due to a degradation of individuals’ immune system,” Dowd says. “The rate of change is not explained by the long Covid trope. Ask yourself where is funding for such studies?”

Lots of data in the analysis for those who want to assess the claims themselves. I suspect another reason why unemployment is low is because people who formerly worked in areas such as health and aged care aren’t doing so now because of the mandates for vaccination, masks and RATs. It just isn’t worth the effort if you don’t really need to work full time.

March 22, 2023 8:46 am

Real Mark Latham Retweeted
Gray Connolly
Replying to
Have been in that church hall many times – the St Michael’s Belfield precinct has long been a special place for Catholics of all Rites & ethnicities esp as it is open for prayer & this should never – ever – have been allowed to happen. Well done for speaking up, Mark.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:49 am

Ed Casesays:
March 22, 2023 at 8:18 am
Kellie-Jay Minshull isn’t an Agent Provocateur?

Gimme a break, she was being interviewed by Avi Yemeni, another foreign Agent provocateur, on the steps while Moira Deeming was giving her speech flanked by masked black shirts and violence promoting banners.

The topic of the interview?
John Pesutto’s shortcomings, what else?

Richard Cranium, still shilling for leftards.

March 22, 2023 8:49 am

His bail conditions stipulated he be at the address between 9pm and 7am

Joke bail conditions, sez it all dun it! .. the only way plod is gonna know if someone isn’t complying with restricted hours//place conditions is WHEN they break them and it’s reported ….
Reality is the OZ justice system is weighted in favour of the villain(s) never the victim(s) ……!

March 22, 2023 8:49 am

Who would have thought that Latham could attract so much loathing?

Coyly disingenuous, hopefully you fluttered the eyelashes as you typed that.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 22, 2023 8:49 am

“Why would people attend an anti-trans rally?” the Prime Minister told Nova radio.

The snaggle-toothed f’wit* defined the rally in terms of the trannies that crashed it, not the actual words of the people who arranged it.

Pesutto is a rather comical figure, strutting about denouncing this and denouncing that as if he might one day lead Victoria, when he cannot even stand by his own MP’s when Dan Andrews points a finger. Goody Deering is to be led to the stake as a witch. I imagine Pesutto as a little man in a splendid 19th century military uniform, deep navy blue, stiff with golden brocade, epaulettes, brass buttons marching in twos down the tunic, scarlet sash across his right breast, ranks of bright-ribboned flashing medals clanking on his left, sword in a scabbard that scrapes along the floor, blue riding britches, knee high boots with silver spurs – and topped with a fur-trimmed bicorn hat. His chest swollen with pride and self-importance, marching across the floor, eyes so low that the lids are near shut and he cannot see, but so steeped in the moment he doesn’t give it a thought. And this is how he has been tamed.

*He can get cosmetic surgery, but the ugliness of the little runt who ‘fights tories’ (our geographic genius PM) goes much deeper than the skin and can only probably be corrected with sulfuric acid.

March 22, 2023 8:50 am

With the collapsing banks in USA what is the likelihood for rolling spillover to other countries – and are our Banks and our savings insulated?

Our banks, like the rest of the world, have been unsound for years. The entire economy has. Decades of ‘centrally planning’ the price of money (aka interest rates) and fiat currency creation has lead to economic errors and distortions on an unfixable scale. Our wise rulers have made promises to the citizens which cannot be kept. Pensions, health care, aged care, all of it is an illusion because there is no money to pay for it. Its all a ponzi scheme and always has been. The indecent rush to import hundreds of thousands of ‘new Australians’ annually is merely the last desperate attempt to keep the scam going.

Oh and your ‘250k deposit guarantee’? Thats an illusion too. There is no money there to meet that liability either. It will be met, like all the other promises, by printing money, which will further accelerate our rush to hyperinflation (our real interest rate is over 20% already).

Financial collapse is a mathematical certainty. Get out of debt and learn how to insulate your assets from systemic theft – guns gold and bitcoin, while you still can….

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:50 am

March 22, 2023 at 8:24 am
VicStasi or Fire Services Union?


Looked a bit too fit as a group.

March 22, 2023 8:50 am

Gray Connolly
Thank you to our Muslim sisters and brothers here … and well said. The protests at the Cardinal Pell funeral were yet another stage on the road to last night …

Quote Tweet
Mohammed Abbas
Just caught up with the church incident in belfield. I’d strongly encourage those who don’t like religious beliefs to stay away from churches, mosques and places of worship. If I knew ppl people were going to lakemba mosque to protest against us, I’ve be absolutely livid

March 22, 2023 8:51 am

Something I’ve been suspecting for a while now: unemployment is low because a huge number of working age people were disabled and debilitated by the mRNA vaccines.

And the obvious .. no one would be ringing in sick or quitting whilst working-from-home .. would they?

Robert Sewell
March 22, 2023 8:52 am

Boambee John:

The A.I. tweaked flic, Battle of the River Plate looks amazing on a big screen.

Is one of those German matelots in the initial lifeboat scene (6.04), carrying a Thompson submachine gun with a straight magazine?

March 22, 2023 8:53 am

“Wind and solar will never work.”

They know that – its what they want….

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 8:54 am

Ed Casesays:
March 22, 2023 at 8:29 am
VicStasi or Fire Services Union?


Local Gym, could be bodybuilders/powerlifters, but I’d say Boxers.
Labor Party/Unions have cultivated very good relations with the Boxing Fraternity over recent years.

Do you therefore concede that the “Nazis” were actually Liars Party tools? Should Prosciutto be attacking TaliDan, rather than a member of his rapidly declining parliamentary party?

March 22, 2023 8:56 am

I always flutter my eyelashes when I’m being disingenuous, Frank.

I have never been fond of Latham – he used to be a go-to interviewee on Seven Sunrise. He lost me when he criticised Howard and Abbott for giving Cardinal Pell a reference for the court. Stupid and partisan barely describes it, especially as he knew exactly what the purpose of those references are.

I’m starting to come around, though. Mainly through the dearth of any actual opposition and championing of those things I hold dear. One Nation will get my vote by default.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 8:57 am

Helen, Australian banks have a $250,000 guarantee on all cash deposits in all Australian Banks that take cash deposits (often on fixed terms) up to this amount. Thus we have spread cash deposits up to this amount over a number of banks, which the local manager of the Commonwealth told us was what a lot of people around here are doing when it comes to their cash.

In the US there is a move by Biden to extend this guarantee not just to a capped amount but to deposits of any amount, which if their banking system became under strain would probably bankrupt the country. Using a cap, as in Australia, is protective of self-funded retirees who deal a lot in cash from liquidating assets, as a holding operation prior to other uses for it. As far as I know that cap applies per deposit per bank, not per individual no matter how many banks he or she uses.

Others may be able to add more to this, as Hairy makes all of our financial decisions, provided I agree.

March 22, 2023 8:57 am

Premier Daniel Andrews on Tuesday announced the Progress flag – which is made up of light pink, baby blue and white stripe – would be a permanent fixture outside the Victorian government offices.

along with daily demonstrations of bend over boyfriending

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 8:58 am

Labor Party/Unions have cultivated very good relations with the Boxing Fraternity over recent years.

Give me a ping, Vasily.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 9:00 am

A related story:

“I Couldn’t Remain Silent”: Physician Assistant Fired For Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events To VAERS (21 Mar)

For her efforts to report injuries to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and to educate others in her hospital system on doing the same, Physician Assistant Deborah Conrad said she was labeled an anti-vaxxer and fired from her job.

Conrad told The Epoch Times she began to see early danger signals in 2021 upon the vaccine rollout, and with that, resistance among her colleagues to report on them.

“After the vaccines came out, there was this uptick in unusual symptoms, some of which I had never seen in my 20-year career,” Conrad said. “In every case, it was in somebody who had received the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Conrad said she had never admitted an adult patient with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) until the COVID-19 vaccines.

“And every patient who came in with RSV was vaccinated for COVID,” Conrad said. “It wasn’t normal.”

Then, there were the adolescents with no previous medical conditions who had gotten the COVID-19 vaccine a week prior and, suddenly, they were struck with pneumonia and not able to function, she said.

“They weren’t able to walk or eat, and they were completely and totally fatigued,” Conrad said.

This was in 2021 before myocarditis was being discussed, so many of those early cases that were probably myocarditis were diagnosed as pneumonia, she said.

“A lot of these myocarditis cases came in with fevers because of this massive inflammatory response that was taking place in the body, so they would be labeled as septic, treated as if we were treating pneumonia or fevers of unknown origin,” Conrad said. “We’d treat them with antibiotics and all sorts of other things, not realizing that they were having heart failure.”

Well it’s happened now. I don’t know what can be done about it. But I think all mRNA vaccines will cause the same issues with inflammation because they all are lining blood vessel and heart lining cells with virus coat particles. And adjuvants are included to enhance immune system reaction in order to produce sufficient antibodies. Unfortunately the resulting inflammation is a very serious problem that I can’t see an answer to – although for cancer treatment where an injection is made close to the cancer location that might be worth the risk.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:01 am

ps friends of ours who came round on Sunday hold a lot of gold, which has shot up recently. Like any investment, the gold price can fall as well as rise, some Cats here were discussing this a week ago and there are also holding costs. Our friends see it as a port in a financial storm, and its price reflects this.

I suspect the time to buy gold has already passed.

March 22, 2023 9:02 am

– how will fire be controlled when the CFA must first ask for permission to enter the easement and even then the use of hoses could be banned

2 of the last 3 grassfires around me (Western Vic) started in windfaactories.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:03 am

Bloody hell Gez.

– how costings were arrived at when a fuzzy line that’s 25km wide and 280km long is all they claim is proposed go far.

– how height limits effect big machinery movements on roads.

You could just see the ponytails hunched over Google Earth, scrunched-up post-it notes scattered over the desk going ‘Right. Somebody please work out how high a tractor is.’

A shitfight of Mount Everest (i.e., 4.6 metre high) proportions.

March 22, 2023 9:06 am

Who would have thought that Latham could attract so much loathing?

People who have met him lately.

March 22, 2023 9:07 am

Albansleazey (channeling Prosciutto):

“Why would people attend an anti-trans rally?”

Yes, it’s a mystery – if you’re a profoundly intellectually disabled collectivist c*ckhead.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:07 am

As I’ve detailed here, my second-eldest son in his 40’s had a massive inflammatory response in the week following a second Pfizer only 3 weeks after his first one – swollen hands with acute synovitis in both wrists (MRI), extraordinarily painful and making him physically dysfunctional for nearly three months. Thankfully, it’s mostly resolved now. No doctor would say it was caused by the jab, but it clearly was.
He’s had no prior history of any similar sort of inflammation and no other reason to have it then.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:07 am

No doubt that, among the conversations had by said ponytails, there was talk of eggs and omelettes.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 9:08 am

March 22, 2023 at 9:02 am
– how will fire be controlled when the CFA must first ask for permission to enter the easement and even then the use of hoses could be banned

2 of the last 3 grassfires around me (Western Vic) started in windfaactories.

Back before the Canberra bushfires of 2003, an NSW state forester was sacked for clearing the easement under a major transmission line in the Brindabellas.

When the fires came, that (cleared) easement played a major role in stopping the spread. He wasn’t reinstated.

March 22, 2023 9:09 am

Munster thinks Trump has never been popular. Que! Take the rest of the day off.

Dont feed the troll…

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 9:09 am

March 22, 2023 at 9:06 am
Who would have thought that Latham could attract so much loathing?

People who have met him lately.

Have you met him lately? Or are you just displaying your usual fascist tendencies?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:10 am

Who would have thought that Latham could attract so much loathing?

People who have met him lately.

I’ve met him a number of times in the past few years.

He will get my Senate vote, no question.

You should think of your children coming into puberty, M0nty, before dissing Latham.

March 22, 2023 9:10 am
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 22, 2023 9:11 am

This is why I (Latham) was surprised the police commander said I shouldn’t speak,” he wrote.

He is being very politic here.

Seriously, what would anyone expect our Police hierarchy to do. They have one mission – to spare officers any risk from enforcing the law. The public are waaaay down the list. They don’t care about the dangers to them. They would rather stop someone like Latho speak than have to defend his right to speak (and allow those who wish to hear him). This is because the Antifa and Trans mobs are aggressive. On the other hand they do not need to ask Antifa or the Trans mobs not to speak because they are the violence. There is no danger of violence when they speak, but there is a danger if you stop them.

And look at the steady militarisation of the police uniforms and arms. They want to intimidate, not connect.

Front line police may well be different, Well, most are. But their opinions are superseded by the ‘higher ups’, and they are in a way hostage to their own circumstances – paying a mortgage, keeping food on the table in a job that does not pay too well, family – it would not be an easy thing to just toss it all in and start looking for work with a police officer’s skill set.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 22, 2023 9:12 am

ML @ 8:14am
But a very dishonest, and very biased, campaign and accusations of [
insert here] got the thing over the line.

Every and any thing that the left wants is achieved through this play book.

At the moment it’s da Voice using claims of racism as the hammer. Next week it will be something else.

The country is being done like a dinner by a bunch of whingers and complainers who start the passive-aggressive wailing and when that doesn’t work, use every form of thuggery to get the thing done.

March 22, 2023 9:13 am
March 22, 2023 9:14 am

Like any investment, the gold price can fall as well as rise

Gold is better viewed as an insurance policy than an investment – apart from periodic ‘catch up gains’ (where it sharply rises to meet the money supply after years of stagnation), its role is to hold constant your buying power against the ravages of inflation (recall the old ‘one gold coin bought a nice toga in ancient Rome and still buys a nice suit today’).

As such, ‘increases in the gold price’ generally reflect a fall in the value of the dollar, not an increase in the value of gold – which doesn’t stop our wise rulers capital ‘gains’ taxing the increment.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 22, 2023 9:15 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:

March 22, 2023 at 8:57 am

Helen, Australian banks have a $250,000 guarantee on all cash deposits in all Australian Banks that take cash deposits (often on fixed terms) up to this amount. Thus we have spread cash deposits up to this amount over a number of banks …

You might want to check the fine print.
I think the guarantee is in aggregate.
Over all deposits at all banks.
Not that I think there will be a default.
Just less hassle if opening extra accounts is pointless.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 22, 2023 9:16 am


March 22, 2023 9:17 am

Australian Government Bank Guarantee: Which banks are included?
Your deposit up $250,000 in a licensed Australian bank is protected by the Australian government. Here’s how the bank deposit guarantee works, including when your money isn’t covered under the scheme.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:17 am

March 22, 2023 at 8:24 am
VicStasi or Fire Services Union?


Looked a bit too fit as a group.

Gym junkies, offered some cash or roids in exchange for services?

By whom? That’s the real question.

March 22, 2023 9:19 am

He wasn’t reinstated.

Just like all the health care workers who ridiculously claimed that the vaxxes were unsafe and ineffective, and that Ivermectin worked.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 22, 2023 9:20 am

Mother Lodesays:

March 22, 2023 at 9:16 am


Bing Bong!
Faulty pinger alert.
Bing Bong!

March 22, 2023 9:20 am

“I bet Trump is having nightmares about it.”

Paying a non-disclosure agreement to someone (“go away” money) is going to be very, very difficult to prove as an “in kind” political donation, especially given Trump’s high profile as both a celebrity (“The Apprentice”) AND a businessman (well known multi-million dollar property developer) at the the time the alleged “offence” happened (2015!)
FEC declined to charge AT THE TIME.
DoJ declined to charge AT THE TIME.
2 x Federal agencies tasked with prosecuting the exact “crimes” the NY DA asserts.
So the NY DA thinks he has a case where FEC and DoJ didn’t? He has more resources and more experience prosecuting election law violations than the FEC?
And that those “crimes” elevate what is, at best, a misdemeanor offense ALREADY well past the statute to limitations, to a felony.
Face it M0nty – it a political prosecution, pure and simple.
This is the same DA who releases rapists and murderers with no bail, who refuses to criminally charge people who steal from shops, who wants to prosecute people for defending their own lives and livelyhoods (shop keepers) with a firearm when their life is in danger.
It’s obviously more important to prosecute Trump for a 7 year old “book keeping” misdemeanor than it is to prosecute someone who performs armed robbery in broad daylight on the streets of, as that same DA says, “one of the safest cities in the US” (hey, only >300 murders in NY in 2022! That’s down from >250 in 2021. [but still way higher than the last time a Republican Mayor ran the place])
Furthermore, if it is so bad, why has it taken them nearly 7 years to get around to doing it?
Oh, that’s right – after 7 years, the statute to limitations on that crime will run out, so if they don’t do it now, they’ll have nothing to “get Trump” on for the rest of the current election cycle. What fortuitous timing, eh?

And if the whole thing really IS a “donation in kind”, then what about the Twitter and Facebook WRT the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell”? Is that a “donation in kind” to the Democrats? Certainly looks considerably more likely that it is, compared to paying someone “go away” money.

They don’t want Trump convicted, just charged. Then they can say he got off on a “technicality”, and “he really is guilty, we just can’t prove it at law.” Just an excuse to smear the man with. They know they can’t win on policy, so the need to smear other side. Pretty disgusting.

March 22, 2023 9:23 am

Mother Lode says:
March 22, 2023 at 8:14 am

There was no public clamour for SSM. What there was was a lot of gaslighting from government and HR departments, and virtue signalling public spaces. But a very dishonest, and very biased, campaign and accusations of homophobia got the thing over the line. All it has achieved is to form a precedent for excursions into darker recesses of deviant human sexuality.

People just want to be left alone to live their lives in society without activists and politicians tugging at strings to make them perform like a marionette – obedient, unthinking, and lifeless.

Interesting the #2 on Liberal Democrats NSW Upper House How to Vote – having been brought up in a Lesbian House, agrees with you

Millie Fontana
#2 NSW Legislative Council

Millie Fontana is a 30 year old children’s rights advocate, activist, and political commentator based in Western Sydney, NSW.

As the daughter of a lesbian couple, Millie made an entrance into the political spotlight during the same-sex marriage debate and became the face of the ‘No’ campaign, opposing changes to the marriage act predicting that the push for ‘Equality’ was a Trojan horse used to undermine those with conservative values, and manipulate discrimination law in the long-term.

Millie decided to run for the Liberal Democrats when the member for Sydney announced his Equality Omnibus bill with no opposition to the bill from a Labor or Liberal government. Millie firmly opposes the bill, citing it as an attack on religion and parental rights.

Millie also recognises an obvious fix to the NSW health crisis, determined to end vaccine mandates and bring emergency service workers and health professionals back to work where they belong.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:25 am

“People who have met him lately.”

I have met him numerous times over the last few years. I doubt you have.

Now piss off Jew hating, misogynist, pervert apologist.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:25 am

Thanks, P. That link provides a very comprehensive coverage of the banking guarantee cap.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:28 am

“Mother Lodesays:
March 22, 2023 at 8:49 am”

I think you’ve said it best.

March 22, 2023 9:30 am

I’ve met him a number of times in the past few years.

He will get my Senate vote, no question.

He already has mine.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 9:33 am

Gold is better viewed as an insurance policy than an investment

Just watch out for fraud. The Chinese industrially produce fake gold – since tungsten is almost exactly the same weight as gold. Gold on the outside, tungsten inside. Test it before you take possession.

The big boys get caught out too:

It Turns Out That JPMorgan Bought The ‘Nickel’ That Was Actually ‘A Bag Of Rocks’ (21 Mar)

“2023 has not been a glowing one for JPMorgan.

In mid-January, we discovered that the giant US bank was tricked into paying $175 million for some millennial’s fake rolodex to enhance its college financial aid platform.

Javice allegedly fabricated an enormous list of “fake customers – a list of names, addresses, dates of birth, and other personal information for 4.265 million ‘students’ who did not actually exist.”


But, now, in mid-March, we may have an even more embarrassing moment for Jamie Dimon.

Some may remember, but in early February, we reported details of a huge nickel trading scam that involved Trafigura (one of the world’s largest commodity traders) facing 100s of millions of dollars in losses, after discovering metal cargoes it bought from an Indian businessman didn’t contain the metal they were supposed to.

“Since late December 2022, a small proportion of the containers purchased from these companies have been inspected as they reached their destination, and were found not to contain nickel,” Trafigura said in the statement.

Well, it turns out, Trafigura was not alone.

The Wall Street Journal reports that, according to people familiar with the matter, JPMorgan owned the LME nickel contracts that turned out to be backed by bags of stones rather than metal.

Last week, the LME announced that it had canceled nine nickel contracts – worth about $1.3 million – after it discovered bags of stones instead of the nickel that underpinned a handful of its contracts at a warehouse in Rotterdam.”

In a world where Chinese spike baby formula with a poisonous chemical just to save a few bucks on protein additives you can see why adulteration of metal shipments would also be taking place. Trust yes, but verify verify verify.

March 22, 2023 9:33 am

And what about Florida? It’s the best run state in the Union at the moment. Does no one care what happens to it if DeSantis walks away? Politics trumps everything. DeSantis is on a hiding to nothing.

“What Ron DeSantis Did Today is END HIS POLITICAL CAREER!” Viva & Barnes on Trump Indictment

March 22, 2023 9:34 am

I’m probably being naive here, but unless your gold holdings are in actual gold that you can bury in the backyard, isn’t the holding of it just another piece of paper saying you have “x” amount in wealth? And can’t that just be taken away with the swipe of a pen, or more likely these days, with a press of a button?

March 22, 2023 9:34 am

I have met him numerous times over the last few years. I doubt you have.

You two suit each other.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:34 am


it would not be an easy thing to just toss it all in and start looking for work with a police officer’s skill set

They’re doing it anyway, and everywhere. The experienced uniforms have been leaving in droves since the start of you-know-what in 2020, and they haven’t been able to be replaced because unsurprisingly, people in general terms don’t want to be a policy enforcement arm for unelected advisors of the government of the day.

Because they haven’t been able to recruit the people they want, they now recruit the people they can get. The flow-on is an excess of inexperienced coppers with no independent thought and less common sense (Category A) – although this isn’t seen as a disadvantage by the brass (Category B), as they can now issue orders with little or no danger of them being questioned by experienced sergeants or senior sergeants who’ve been around the block a bit.

Look at every major ‘crowd control’ event across the country in recent years. It’s 95% Category A being instructed by 5% Category B. Every time.

There is still a small core of jacks – I think – hoping that the wheel will turn and jack stuff becomes all about locking up shit people again, but that core seems to be shrinking.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:34 am

For deposit cap info if you don’t click links:
What if I have multiple accounts with different banks?
The scheme is applied per person per ADI. If you have several accounts with different ADIs, for example if you had one account with Westpac and another with CommBank each with $250,000, both would be covered in the scheme. But if you had two separate accounts with Westpac each with $250,000, you’d only be covered for the first $250,000.

It’s important to understand that the government guarantee covers the underlying ADI, and not different brands. Some ADIs offer multiple accounts under different brand names. For example Bank SA, St.George and Bank or Melbourne are all part of Westpac and covered under the one ADI. If you have multiple accounts under different brand names but all under one ADI, the guarantee only applies to the one ADI and not the different brands.

Another example is ubank. Ubank is protected under the Government Guarantee Scheme, but ubank is owned by NAB. This means that if you have $250,000 in an account with ubank, and $250,000 in an account with NAB, you’ll only have $250,000 guaranteed as both banks operate under the same ADI licence.

What happens with joint accounts?
For joint accounts, each person is entitled to an individual guarantee. For example, for a joint account holding two people, the account is covered up to $500,000.

March 22, 2023 9:35 am

I’ve become a “verify then trust” kinda gal, Bruce.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 22, 2023 9:36 am

Now piss off Jew hating, misogynist, pervert apologist.

Don’t you hold back now, Cassie. Say what you really think!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:38 am

Above should all be in blockquotes, as it’s from P’s link.

If you use both names as a joint account, you can get up to $500,000 guaranteed for any one bank.
So spread that around four licensed banks and you can safely store two million bucks.

However, the interest rate won’t keep pace with inflation. That’s the downside.
Depends how much you care about security vs risk.
Cash in the bank is pretty boring. 🙂

March 22, 2023 9:39 am

Ed Case says:
March 22, 2023 at 8:29 am
VicStasi or Fire Services Union?
Local Gym, could be bodybuilders/powerlifters, but I’d say Boxers.
Labor Party/Unions have cultivated very good relations with the Boxing Fraternity over recent years.

Gym is very likely involved but more likely these were members of a dance or theatre group. They looked very waxed, not a leg hair in sight. As such, they would have thought it a hoot to play a part.

March 22, 2023 9:39 am
March 22, 2023 9:39 am

Face it M0nty – it a political prosecution, pure and simple. […] a 7 year old “book keeping” misdemeanor


NY DA: [about to lock up their boy Trump for illegally paying off a porn star for a one night stand while his third wife was home suckling their baby]

Cats: …. no no no, not like that… (sound of painful wracking sobs)

And if the whole thing really IS a “donation in kind”, then what about the Twitter and Facebook WRT the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell”?

Joe Biden was not in office or running for office at the time of the Chinese payments in question. Next!

March 22, 2023 9:42 am

They looked very waxed, not a leg hair in sight.


March 22, 2023 9:42 am

Interesting shift…

The Greens have started publicly talking about “pollution” instead of “carbon emissions.”

Such changes in political “messgaing” don’t happen by accident.

Is their fear mongering about emissions no longer getting traction?

March 22, 2023 9:45 am
Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:46 am

“Don’t you hold back now, Cassie. Say what you really think!”

Because he is everything I write. The same creep who complains about Nazis and fantasises about “punching Nazis” but makes excuses for other Jew haters who are more suited to his ideology, saying they have “legitimate grievances”, which, I must say, was a low point on this blog. He is a disgusting hypocrite. He comes here and takes advantage of Dover’s goodwill. He doesn’t care about freedom of speech or anything like that. With him, it’s only ever about the ideological side. He’s never recanted his description of Cardinal Pell as a “rock spider”. A real man, a man with some integrity, would say that he got that wrong, but such an admission takes strength of character, which is something he is lacking in. He only comes here to gloat, yet when things begin to go belly up for the Albanese government (they already are), he will disappear down a rodent hole again.

March 22, 2023 9:49 am

Meanwhile, the ABC is reporting the Liberals have folded overnight on a couple of demands re the Voice referendum machinery that until yesterday they insisted were key to enduring the integrity of the vote, including a pamphlet outlining Yes & No cases and funding for both sides.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:49 am

Calli, you can ask for your gold to be delivered to you and keep it in your own bank deposit box or under your dahlias if you wish. Not sure if there is a limit on the amount.

I was looking at the gold broker links put up by Cats recently; did think it might be nice to have an ounce or two lying around the place, just to feel a bit like Croesus, for the mythology of it, going back to 585BC when gold coins were first properly minted.

In Greek and Persian cultures the name of Croesus became a synonym for a wealthy man. He inherited great wealth from his father Alyattes, who had become associated with the Midas myth because Lydian precious metals came from the river Pactolus, in which King Midas supposedly washed away his ability to turn all he touched into gold.[23] In reality, Alyattes’ tax revenues may have been the real ‘Midas touch’ financing his and Croesus’ conquests. Croesus’ wealth remained proverbial beyond classical antiquity: in English, expressions such as “rich as Croesus” or “richer than Croesus” are used to indicate great wealth to this day.[24] The earliest known such usage in English was John Gower’s in Confessio amantis (1390)

March 22, 2023 9:49 am

Knuckle Dragger says:
March 22, 2023 at 9:03 am

Bloody hell Gez.

Had a ten minute chat with our local MLA (Helen Dalton) yesterday. (Sat down to eat a quick lunch at my table outside a local bakery)
An issue in the Murray electorate is a new transmission line linkfrom Wagga to SA.

Apparently there’s been a lot of “Get out of the way, peasants!” going on.

Once described by one John Barilaro as a “disgusting human”. Which in my book is an endorsement of her character.

March 22, 2023 9:50 am

Supercut video of Posie Parker at the Hobart rally. She did not have a good time, LOL.

March 22, 2023 9:50 am

calli says:
March 22, 2023 at 9:34 am
I’m probably being naive here, but unless your gold holdings are in actual gold that you can bury in the backyard, isn’t the holding of it just another piece of paper saying you have “x” amount in wealth? And can’t that just be taken away with the swipe of a pen, or more likely these days, with a press of a button?

Calli, that’s what I understood as well. It’s not like you have a number of gold bars in a bank deposit box.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 22, 2023 9:50 am

Gold is very heavy. It’s apparently quite hard to lift a small bar of it.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:52 am

Ha, hahaha ha ha.

The NT Chief Minister, a bored housewife by the name of Natasha Fyles just held a presser in response to the stabbing murder of a bottlo attendant the other night.

Increases in stop/detain/search and seize powers for weapons carried by roaming punters, along with some sort of audit for bottle shop layouts, and more bail law reforms. Interestingly, she also said:

‘We want to stop this before it takes hold.’

Where the Christ has she been?

‘This’ has been entrenched in society for years, ably enabled by her own government who bent over backwards to accommodate the partisan RC findings into children in detention (thank you very much Dylan Voller), and as a result facilitated violent young dickheads on double-figure sets of bail to roam the community inflicting shit on normal people without any danger of facing a single consequence whatsoever.

‘Before it takes hold.’ Piss off.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 9:53 am

“Supercut video of Posie Parker at the Hobart rally. She did not have a good time, LOL.”

This is what I mean, there was violence in Hobart from those protesting the Let Women Speak rally. So, this Jew hating, misogynist pervert apologist doesn’t mind a bit of violence against women.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:55 am

They looked very waxed, not a leg hair in sight.


Brunswick salon technicians.

March 22, 2023 9:56 am

You can’t eat gold. In all the SHTF scenarios you are probably better off with certain survival skills.

Growing spuds in garbage bins might be one of them. 😀

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 9:58 am

You can’t eat gold. In all the SHTF scenarios you are probably better off with certain survival skills.

And iodine.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 10:00 am

The Greens have started publicly talking about “pollution” instead of “carbon emissions.”

The nitrogen stuff and the PM 2.5 stuff are the latest scams. Neither are real but the damage being done to ordinary people of “controlling” this “pollution” is enormous – as we see going on in the Netherlands. Steve Milloy has been covering the fake PM 2.5 scam forensically for some time.

The push to stop fertilizer use, ban motorized equipment like lawn mowers, and banning of gas stoves will come here too very soon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 10:03 am

Haha Monty is linking the notorious PRGuy17.

March 22, 2023 10:05 am

Joe Biden was not in office or running for office at the time of the Chinese payments in question. Next!

And obviously in no other position of influence or power.

They just grabbed him off the street and made him president, yeah?

March 22, 2023 10:07 am

The push to stop fertilizer use, ban motorized equipment like lawn mowers, and banning of gas stoves will come here too very soon.

Victoria is already on the war path against gas stoves and heating.

Things there are going to get dystopic very quickly once the eastern grid is made redundant by ruinables.

March 22, 2023 10:08 am

UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning

Coupled to the Ukies’ aversion for mine maps and they’ll have Cambodia with hot spots.

March 22, 2023 10:12 am

The Greens have started publicly talking about “pollution” instead of “carbon emissions.”


The word “pollution” can mean whatever they want it to mean.

I mean, I think people like monty are a pollutant in society but I’m not about to call for his/their eradication.
And therein lies a difference between us and them.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 22, 2023 10:13 am

Thanks for that, OldOzzie. I think LDP will do well with regards to my voting for the Legislative Council. I think I will vote for Latham though, because he has the cut through. What he says gets reported and out to the people in voterland.

Sadly the seat of North Shore has a choice of candidates largely like a bain marie full of last weeks chiko-rolls, chicken, fish, rissoles, and chips.

We have a Liberal, a Labor, a Green, a Teal posing as an independent, someone from the ‘Sustainable’ Australia party, an independent who still thinks AGW is science and serious.

We do have someone from what is called the INFORMED MEDICAL OPTIONS PARTY He himself has proven almost impossible to find anything about. He seems to have no web page or such.

However, the party’s constitution tells a story. The first (presumably oldest) points are about vaccine mandates and coercion (with a view to the recent past and attempts to try it again) and also demanding a RC into the conduct of all previously involved.

The last four points are:

9) The party supports amendments to the Australian Constitution to entrench fundamental rights, such as the right to freedom of thought, religion and conscience.

10) The Party supports a society in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security, and none shall be enslaved by ignorance or conformity, with its primary concern for the rights of the individual and sets freedom first.

11) The Party will support environmental policies.

12) The Party supports smaller government and less government intervention into the lives and business of Australian citizens.

Of the above 9) looks reasonable, and as long as they can prevent the right ‘not to be offended’ which is the medium within which woke freaks thrive flourish.

10) I am prepared to hope is merely over-liberal use of purple prose with ‘none shall be enslaved by ignorance or conformity’. I would hope they mean they won’t allow ignorance through being denied important facts and conformity through trying to guilt people by making them feel they are far out weirdos.

11) It kind of depends. If they are serious about it then it is a good thing. They would see the environmental impacts of wind and solar farms. Take away the booga-booga of AGW and fossil fuels clearly have less impact on the environment. Even with nuclear they could still get rid of the ruinables. Hazard reduction burns benefit the environment. Keeping rivers clean and such is not a bad thing.

12) Is a no brainer.

I am not sure, though, how much these last four were brought forward to attract people now the mandates are fading, and to maintain relevance. There is the consistent thread that big government is a sticky beak and a bully and people need to be given more control over their lives.

The representative himself makes me shudder a little, but. Alternative medicines and spirituality, an ex-Buddhist monk and music therapist, but that is just his own lifestyle. On the IMOP site it says he is opposed to Da Voice, and in addition to vaccine issues calls for truth and integrity in government decisions – as I mention at the end of the previous paragraph this is consistent with his anti-mandate views.

It is just possible he has edged out my vote for the Dickenballs party.

March 22, 2023 10:14 am

Something I’ve been suspecting for a while now: unemployment is low because a huge number of working age people were disabled and debilitated by the mRNA vaccines.

It was ever thus ….. there are *huge* numbers of people who are not working yet not classed as ‘unemployed’ … think pensioners, other retirees, disability pensioners, children, etc etc.

Despite a ‘3.5%’ unemployment rate, the % of the population actually in work is about 65% …

March 22, 2023 10:14 am

Zipster says:
March 22, 2023 at 9:45 am

Tucker: Why don’t they want this war to end?

From the Comments

“All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” – George Orwell

March 22, 2023 10:15 am

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

March 22, 2023 10:16 am

Farmer gez.

Not to add to the woes of the cockies, but this would kill any use of drones/cropdusters dead in the areas affected?

March 22, 2023 10:16 am

There’s nothing that monty likes to see more than a woman shut down from speaking.

Other than, perhaps, to see her punched.

Isn’t this how it goes?

March 22, 2023 10:16 am

You can’t eat gold. In all the SHTF scenarios you are probably better off with certain survival skills.

Lead and brass are precious metals too…..

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 22, 2023 10:17 am

Rita Panahi:

The question isn’t whether Moira Deeming is fit to sit in the parliamentary Liberal Party, it’s whether John Pesutto is fit to lead it. It’s one thing to be politically impotent but quite another to be obtuse and unprincipled.

The opposition leader has never laid a glove on the Andrews government, even in the weeks when the premier was mired in multiple scandals, from the outgoing IBAC commissioner accusing his government of revenge attacks, to yet another corruption crisis involving the public service, to a bombshell report revealing state Labor used taxpayer funds to monitor Andrews’ personal popularity during the state’s six lockdowns.

But being hopelessly ineffective is nothing compared to the deeply dishonourable manner in which Pesutto has behaved in recent days in attacking and defaming a first term MP, Moira Deeming, after she was verbally and physically attacked at a “Let Women Speak” rally on the steps of Parliament House.

Instead of calling out the premier’s cynical tactics of blaming women for the actions of around 20 Nazi morons, or condemning the far Left activists engaging in violence that saw several women injured, Pesutto opted to be Dan’s and the media’s useful idiot. He accused Deeming of supposedly being connected to women who were connected to others who interviewed white supremacists.

It’s an absurd accusation that appears to be based largely on false information from a Wikipedia page.

Little wonder that Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price publicly slammed the Victorian Liberal leader: “If John Pesutto throws Moira Deeming under the bus he will have trampled on the rights of women! Standing with Moira were Jewish women, Muslim women and women from all political persuasions! To trample women’s rights by calling women Nazis who are not is not leadership!”

Indigenous leader and former Labor Party national president Warren Mundine called the opposition leader “gutless” and incapable of leading the Liberals to victory. “This is a continuation of the Liberal leadership that has been so pathetic over the years … he (Pesutto) is completely hopeless,” Mundine told me on Sky News.

If I was Moira I’d sue him for defamation. (Pesutto) needs to get a backbone and stand up for liberal values … the women did nothing wrong … The sooner they get rid of him the better chance they’ll have of an election victory.”

But we must not forget the bulk of the media in this affair who have outdone themselves in gaslighting the public.

March 22, 2023 10:23 am

Mother Lode says:
March 22, 2023 at 10:13 am

Thanks for that, OldOzzie. I think LDP will do well with regards to my voting for the Legislative Council. I think I will vote for Latham though, because he has the cut through. What he says gets reported and out to the people in voterland.

Sadly the seat of North Shore has a choice of candidates largely like a bain marie full of last weeks chiko-rolls, chicken, fish, rissoles, and chips.

We have a Liberal, a Labor, a Green, a Teal posing as an independent, someone from the ‘Sustainable’ Australia party, an independent who still thinks AGW is science and serious.

We do have someone from what is called the INFORMED MEDICAL OPTIONS PARTY He himself has proven almost impossible to find anything about. He seems to have no web page or such.

Mother Lode,

I am going with Manly [1] Phillip Altman (Independent)

Your IMOP Party Lower House choice looks OK

Michael Antares

Musician, Composer, Writer and Educator
B.Mus., Dip.Mus.Ed. ATCL
NORTH SHORE, 2023 NSW State Election

Vaccine damage at the age of 25 changed his life irretrievably, yet led him to alternative, natural medicine and spirituality. Once a Buddhist monk and later a resident, performer and music therapist at a Queensland health farm, a teacher and educator for over 40 years, he now enjoys semi-retirement and welcomes the opportunity to stand for his beliefs in the political arena with IMOP.

Michael supports the NO vote in the Voice to Parliament referendum, believing it to be racist, divisive and unnecessary.

In Upper House as I said previously

and probably go with 1/2 One Nation Q , 3/4 Craig Kelly Group B, 5/6 Liberal Democrats J, 7/8 Informed Medical Option Party M, 9 Nile G, 10/11 Liberals/Nationals I, then come back with 12-No 3 One Nation Q, 13 No 3 Craig Kelly, 14 No 3 Liberal Democrats J, 15 No 3 IFMOP M

March 22, 2023 10:25 am

I’m probably being naive here, but unless your gold holdings are in actual gold that you can bury in the backyard, isn’t the holding of it just another piece of paper saying you have “x” amount in wealth?

Gold has 2 monetary uses:

1) Insurance against loss of purchasing power of ‘money’ eg via theft, inflation, government seizure or freezing of your accounts. For this usage, physical possession is critical (no point having it in a bank box to protect you against bank failure for example.)
2) ‘Investment’ – ie where you aim to profit from movements of its price in $. In this use, central custody or ‘paper gold’ may be more convenient.

These are *completely different* uses.

March 22, 2023 10:26 am

The question isn’t whether Moira Deeming is fit to sit in the parliamentary Liberal Party, it’s whether John Pesutto is fit to lead it.

I wrote the other day that there were some ‘learnings’ ahead for Pesutto, but quite frankly I don’t think he’s teachable.

March 22, 2023 10:28 am

In Upper House as I said previously – Below The Line – Must do Minimum 15

and probably go with 1/2 One Nation Q , 3/4 Craig Kelly Group B, 5/6 Liberal Democrats J, 7/8 Informed Medical Option Party M, 9 Nile G, 10/11 Liberals/Nationals I, then come back with 12-No 3 One Nation Q, 13 No 3 Craig Kelly, 14 No 3 Liberal Democrats J, 15 No 3 IFMOP M – then keep going for another 5 to 10 numbers

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 10:29 am

The Victoriastanis would be one of the more gas intensive economies following the Bass Strait discoveries and their commercialisation.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 22, 2023 10:33 am

The Victoriastanis would be one of the more gas intensive economies following the Bass Strait discoveries and their commercialisation.

With looming power outages you’d think Pesutto would be all over it like monty punching Nazis.
But alas no.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 10:35 am

We started a consulting engagement in Melbournibad around the time the Longford gas plant blew up. Not a lot was happening, as people who were there would recall.

March 22, 2023 10:36 am

Don’t recall mOnty or the left giving a shit when Shorten failed to declare a donation from a businessman to his personal election campaign. A donation that was dodgily put through the union books as being for ‘research’ when it was in fact used to employ someone working on Shorten’s campaign. Oh and that was while the union was supposed to be representing the interests of this business’s workers.

But TRUMP not declaring using his own money for something hardly related to his campaign, arrest that man!!11!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 22, 2023 10:36 am

Standing with Moira were Jewish women, Muslim women and women from all political persuasions!

This is something I noted the other day, that the demographics in the different alliances are coalescing in new combinations. The left will remain left (they wear it with pride – 100 years of killing everything they touch means nothing) so everyone else will be the right and, therefore, Nazis.

Christians and Muslims side by side?

Or maybe it is just that as the left finishes with their special causes and find a new one, the abandon the old one, who must then make common cause.

Funny thing is that it provides a basis for coexistence.

March 22, 2023 10:38 am

And if the whole thing really IS a “donation in kind”, then what about the Twitter and Facebook WRT the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell”?

Joe Biden was not in office or running for office at the time of the Chinese payments in question. Next!

Baby steps…
Here we see Monty doing the “Biden was a paid Chinese stooge who laundered money through his crackhead son and other family members- but he wasnt president yet so it doesnt count” gambit.

Even by Monty standards this is as weak as piss.

March 22, 2023 10:41 am

calli that is what I said about my mate in NZ. The majority of his friends live on acreage and can feed themselves. Also they all have guns and lots of ammo. Skills and a clue carry more weight today than money imho.
Trust is another thing. My mate sold a machine to a bloke and borrows it back when needed. While I was there he got it back but it was broken. The guy had loaned it to someone else who never said about the damage. Only noticeable when using it. My mate repaired it. The new owner paid for the parts and the guy who broke it never gets anything again. This sort of system only seems workable in semi rural settings.

March 22, 2023 10:41 am

Some pipe smoking bloke in a tweed jacket might suggest marrying into
the upper middle class may cause a degree of resentment in a self declared class warrior
which might manifest itself as the expression of delight when women are harassed.

March 22, 2023 10:42 am

Wali Dali

Mine wife is backing out of her chairpersonship of the catchment group. The Aboriginal Heritage Act now has primacy in every consideration, every gathering, every board meeting, every board composition… basically what was once a community group doing environmental farm science water stuff now devotes about ten percent of its time and budget to Voice appeasement, for which they get no-one turning up, no addition to the store of knowledge, nothing. Even worse, it’s blooded the sit-down money hounds who have now rebranded themselves “saltwater people” and are on the sniff to hold sway over fisheries and offshore extraction.

This is the exact scenario the new heritage /underwater treaty is designed to put in place.

Australia must do more to prevent ‘looting and destruction’ of underwater heritage, report says
Government urged to ratify UN convention in order to protect undersea areas like shipwrecks and now-submerged First Nations heritage sites

The committee wrote, in its report, that protecting and preserving First Nations underwater cultural heritage was “of vital importance” and welcomed the evidence that Australia should do more to identify, protect and learn from it.

Viduka said First Nations underwater cultural heritage goes down to a depth of 135 metres across a timeline of 65,000 years. “Most First Nations heritage is between 40 and 70 metres below the present coastline, because that’s where the coastline was from 65,000 years ago to about 30,000 years ago,” he said.

The committee’s chair, Labor MP Josh Wilson, said academics had reported that over the past 20,000 years, 2m sq km of Australia’s land mass had been submerged.

“This means that many historic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sites – dating back thousands of years – lie underwater and can be protected, preserved or studied,” he said.

Mabo to the continental shelf?

March 22, 2023 10:44 am

Uniparty in action.

Palacechook toes the ABCcess manufactured line.

It does disturb me and where is this hate coming from? It’s coming from a very dark place and, you know, our multicultural society should be reflective of a modern society and that has really no place. We have not seen those types of rallies to that extent here in Queensland, but it is disturbing to see that those images are happening down in Victoria and I do commend Daniel Andrews for taking action.

March 22, 2023 10:44 am

Trying to explain anything to munty is a waste of time. Teaching a Kookaburra calculus would be easier.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 10:48 am

Thanks BB, Rita is superb as always.

March 22, 2023 10:49 am

Charge the 3rd Tribal Grifters for causing sea level rise. If they hadn’t been running broad acre farms and driving round in Holdens or rockets for their space travel none of this would have happened.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 22, 2023 10:56 am

Charge the 3rd Tribal Grifters for causing sea level rise. If they hadn’t been running broad acre farms and driving round in Holdens or rockets for their space travel none of this would have happened.

To say nothing of their methane production.

March 22, 2023 10:57 am

‘Trump will NOT be arraigned this week.’ Former president is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK

A source familiar with the proceedings exclusively told on Tuesday: ‘There will be no arraignment this week’

Trump is expected to be indicted Wednesday, after which the DA office will reach out to his Secret Service detail to make arrangements for his surrender

All 36,000 NYPD officers are in uniform and on notice for deployment after Trump called for his supporters to protest his imminent indictment

March 22, 2023 10:57 am

I mean, I think people like monty are a pollutant in society but I’m not about to call for his/their eradication.

It is more a case of there being a lack of education involved, given time and inclination I’m certain he could be taught.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 22, 2023 10:59 am

Can it be the government’s “new measures” will not be enough?

One youth is in custody after a spate of alleged break-ins, thefts and vandalism across Darwin overnight.

Police say a group of at least four youths used a stolen car to ram raid a Fannie Bay service station.

The Humpty Doo Golf Club and a BP in Winnellie were also broken into and a number of Bees Creek shops vandalised in attempted break-ins.

Police said the alleged incidents occurred between 11pm Tuesday and 1.30am Wednesday.

Investigations are ongoing.

March 22, 2023 11:01 am

How Russia and China overtook the West

A new world order is slowly taking shape


For the past year, Nato countries, led by the US, have strived to nudge the rest of the world into providing military aid for Ukraine and sanctioning Russia, in the hope of isolating the latter. They have, by and large, failed on both counts.

Western officials might point out that 141 of 193 countries supported a recent UN resolution demanding Russia withdraw from Ukraine, but the 32 abstaining countries included China, India, Pakistan and South Africa — which alone account for around 40% of the global population.

Despite the West’s attempts to “globalise” the conflict, only 33 nations — representing just over one-eighth of the global population — have imposed sanctions on Russia and sent military aid to Ukraine:

the UK, US, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Japan and the EU — in other words, those countries that are directly under the US sphere of influence, which in many cases involves a significant US military presence.

The remaining nations, comprising close to 90% of the world’s population, have refused to follow suit.

If anything, the war has actually strengthened Russian relations with a number of major non-Western countries, including China and India, and accelerated the rise of a new international order in which it is the West that looks increasingly isolated, not Russia.

Since the invasion, China has hugely increased its purchases of Russian oil, gas and coal, while exporting far more machinery, manufactured products and high-end electronics in the other direction; they have boosted their bilateral trade by more than 30%. The two countries have also committed to significant investment and infrastructure projects through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the world’s largest regional grouping in terms of geographic scope and population, which also includes India, Pakistan, Iran and all the major Central Asian republics. Moreover, as a result of Western sanctions, they have been forced to rely on rouble-yuan trade instead of using the dollar, which has enhanced the yuan’s reserve currency status.

On last month’s anniversary of the Russian invasion, Wang Yi, Beijing’s most senior diplomat, said that China was committed to “strengthen[ing] and deepen[ing] the Sino-Russian friendship” and “promot[ing] mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas”. Even more significantly, the two countries have increasingly been speaking with one voice about the need for a more balanced international order, explicitly framing their collaboration as one aimed at weakening the West’s dominance in global affairs. China, in particular, has implicitly embraced Russia’s view, espoused by foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, that “this is not about Ukraine at all… It reflects the battle over what the world order will look like”. In this context, it should come as no surprise that Beijing and Moscow have maintained the steady pace of their joint military exercises, nor that Xi is due to meet Putin in Moscow today.

America’s increasingly aggressive posture towards China has only fuelled the perception, among Beijing’s elites, that they are united with Russia against the West in an existential fight for survival.

Xi recently issued an unusually blunt rebuke of US policy, in which he accused Washington of being engaged in a campaign to suppress China: “Western countries — led by the US — have implemented all-round containment, encirclement and suppression against us, bringing unprecedentedly severe challenges to our country’s development,” he was quoted as saying by state media. This represents a significant departure from China’s traditionally measured approach. It followed the publication, by China’s foreign ministry, of an unusually critical document titled US Hegemony and Its Perils, which claimed that America has “acted… to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community”.

The problem for the US, and for the West, is that this message is starting to resonate around the world.

Many non-Westerners feel that the US is in no position to lecture other countries about the sanctity of sovereignty, territorial integrity, international law and the so-called rules-based order.

They recognise that the US has violated these principles before — most recently with the disastrous invasions and bombing campaigns against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. This is why the West’s attempt to frame the conflict in Ukraine as a moral struggle of “good versus evil” elicits unease among many non-Westerners, especially in those countries that have been on the receiving end of Western colonial endeavours.

India has also openly defied the West on Ukraine. It recently announced that its trade with Russia had grown 400% since the invasion, mostly due to a 700% increase in its import of petroleum-related products — a result of its refusal to abide by the Western-imposed Russian oil price cap. Russia also remains India’s largest arms supplier. In an effort to justify these decisions, India’s government has assumed an explicit narrative about the historic significance of its break with Western foreign policy diktats. As Venkatesh Varma, India’s former ambassador to Russia, wrote last month: “In not accepting the Western framing of the Ukraine conflict… India stood its ground and that ground raised India’s global stature.”

How long will this last? Recent developments certainly aren’t tipping the global balance in favour of the West.

On the one hand, it is becoming increasingly apparent that Nato’s strategy in Ukraine isn’t working: not only is Ukraine facing heavy losses, while the West unable to keep up with Ukrainian demands for ammunition and equipment, but the sanctions have hurt Western countries, as well as developing ones.

On the other, the financial crisis triggered by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is yet another reminder of the intrinsic instability of the West’s hyper-financialised brand of capitalism.

Only last week, America’s global standing took another hit with the signing of a historic agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia brokered by China (while, it should be noted, the Saudi foreign minister was in Moscow).

All these developments suggest a radical geopolitical realignment is underway which is hastening the demise of American global supremacy.

This is confirmed in a recent global study carried out by the EU-funded European Council on Foreign Relations — tellingly titled “United West, divided from the rest”. It found that, while the US and Europe are growing closer, they are increasingly politically alienated from the rest of the world. The proxy war in Ukraine “marks both the consolidation of the West and the emergence of the long-heralded post-Western international order”, characterised by a strong desire for a more even distribution of global power among multiple countries — namely, multipolarity. It concludes that, even if Ukraine somehow managed to win the war, “it is highly unlikely” that a US-led liberal world order will be restored. Instead, “the West will have to live as one pole of a multipolar world”.

March 22, 2023 11:05 am

Trump Slams Investigations: “Most Disgusting Witch Hunt In History”

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date March 21, 2023

Former President Trump offered this comment on “Truth Social” after writing this weekend that he expects to be indicted by the Manhattan district attorney this week:


These four horrible, radical left Democrat investigations of your all-time favorite president, me, is just a continuation of the most disgusting witch hunt in the history of our country. It’s gone on forever, with “Russia, Russia, Russia,” “Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine,” and the Mueller hoax. It’s an absolute disgrace what is going on. They even spied on my campaign. And remember this, with all of the work that they did on Mueller, no collusion, that’s what the answer was. It was all no collusion. Whether it is the Mar-a-Lago raid or the unselect committee hoax, the perfect Georgia phone call (it was absolutely perfect), or the Stormy “Horseface” Daniels extortion plot, they’re all sick, and it’s fake news. Our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them. And they know it very strongly. And they’re looking at the polls where not me, but we, are up by so much. They can’t even believe it. We won twice, and now we’ve got to win a third time. They know that we can defeat them, they know that we will defeat them, but they’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you, I’m just standing in their way, and I always will stand in their way.

March 22, 2023 11:09 am

It is more a case of there being a lack of education involved, given time and inclination I’m certain he could be taught.

After years of being at this site and Sincat he hasn’t learnt a bloody thing. No argument, no matter how well presented and with abundant facts, changes his mind.
He’s like a bollard in a footpath.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:10 am


Face it M0nty – it a political prosecution, pure and simple.

m0nty=fa not only doesn’t care, he r3vels in the possibility.

Like all leftards, communist, fascist, socialist, he likes the idea of show trials for his enemies, preferably to be held in the execution chamber, to save time.

Like all leftards, communist, fascist, socialist, he thinks that the trials will only be of his perceived enemies, and is too historically ignorant to notice that soon the internal enemies are also facing show trials, in the never-ending quest for doctrinal purity.

“If only Stalin knew.”

March 22, 2023 11:13 am

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Devoted at Least 16,000 More Hours to Jan. 6 Riot Than to BLM Riots in DC

FBI agents worked about 16,000 more hours during the pay period of the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, than they did during the pay period of the 2020 riots that hit Washington, D.C.

That’s according to documents obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project through the Freedom of Information Act. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of Heritage Foundation.)

FBI Payroll records show agents in WFO worked 86,262 hours from the Jan 4-17, 2021 pay period. Compared with the May 25-June 7, 2020 pay period (when BLM riots began in DC) WFO agents worked 70,367.25 hours.

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) March 20, 2023

Payroll records for FBI agents in the Washington, D.C., field office show they worked a total of 86,262 hours in the Jan 4, 2021, to Jan. 17, 2021, pay period, during which the Capitol riot occurred involving those opposing Congress’ certification of the 2020 presidential election in which Joe Biden defeated then-President Donald Trump. Trump alleged irregularities and did not immediately concede the race.

By contrast, during the May 25, 2020, to June 7, 2020, pay period, when the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots were occurring in the District of Columbia, payroll records show that FBI agents worked a combined total of 70,367 hours.

On May 29, 2020, BLM rioters forced President Trump into the White House bunker and burned a historic church. During the first week of the 2020 riots, 150 local & federal LEOs in DC were injured. The summer 2020 riots led to $2 billion in property damage & killed at least 19

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) March 20, 2023

It was on May 29, 2020, at Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., that rioters gathered near the White House and set fire to the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church. The violence outside the White House prompted the Secret Service to move Trump and others into the White House bunker.

The FBI did not provide information about how many of the more than 86,000 hours were spent on Jan. 6 cases alone, according to the Heritage Oversight Project, which is suing for more transparency.

The Heritage Oversight Project obtained FBI records that show the time spent on all investigations.

According to whistleblowers, FBI agents were said to have been pulled off serious felony investigations to work nearly solely on Jan. 6 misdemeanors.

“We’re suing the FBI because they deserve it, and because these documents belong to the American people,” Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Oversight Project, told The Daily Signal.

“It’s clear the FBI and Justice Department have been weaponized,” Howell added. “These numbers show the lengths they will go to to surge resources towards nonviolent offenses that fit their political narratives. In the midst of a [George] Soros-funded crime wave, law enforcement should focus their resources where they are needed and put an end to the gangs, rapes, carjackings, and murders that have become all too common.”

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:17 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
March 22, 2023 at 9:34 am
For deposit cap info if you don’t click links:
What if I have multiple accounts with different banks?

Thanks Lizzie, very helpful

March 22, 2023 11:20 am

America’s increasingly aggressive posture towards China has only fuelled the perception, among Beijing’s elites, that they are united with Russia against the West in an existential fight for survival.

not that, that’s a bad thing

March 22, 2023 11:21 am

WSJ – Are We Headed for World War III?

Students discuss the threat of China invading Taiwan, the war in Ukraine and polarizing domestic politics.

Editor’s note: In this Future View, students discuss World War III. Next week we’ll ask, “Are the liberal arts dead? The number of students majoring in the liberal arts has declined, and the question is why. Is it the takeover of liberal arts by politicized concerns? Is it a fading of belief in the importance of the classics of Western civilization? Or is it students more concerned with degrees that lead directly to jobs?” Students should click here to submit opinions of fewer than 250 words before March 28. The best responses will be published that night.

The War of Ideas

Whether it begins in the South China Sea or Eastern Europe, World War III feels more likely with each passing day. But what’s more concerning is the domestic war of ideas that would surely accompany it. During the Cold War, the stark contrast between the American way of life (individual liberty and free markets) and the Soviet system (political oppression and state control of the economy) made it easy for Americans to rally around our ideals and oppose our enemy. The same can be said about our national attitude toward Hitler’s Germany and Imperial Japan.

But that dynamic doesn’t apply to America today, as the public debates whether such ideas as free markets, limited government and individual liberty are even worth defending. Any chance we have of defeating Vladimir Putin’s Russia or Xi Jinping’s China in the next world war will depend on a national consensus that our ideas are better than theirs. It’s hard to imagine such unity happening anytime soon.

Still, most Americans are rallying for a free Ukraine and learning about China’s oppression of its own people through increased news coverage. The national attitude toward our potential enemies is shifting in the right direction. But without a stronger national understanding of what makes America good, we’ll lack the domestic unity necessary to put up a winning fight.

—Trevor Kiefer, Chapman University, law

We’ve Predicted Wars Before, and We Were Wrong

It doesn’t take much for Americans to deem a conflict the next World War. When U.S. forces assassinated Iran’s Gen. Qasem Soleimani in January 2020, people were quick to tweet “#WW3” and speculate about nuclear fallout. Months later, the question went viral again surrounding China-India border tensions.

Nowadays, most Americans have forgotten these events even happened. Which raises the question: Why are we so obsessed with identifying the next global conflict, and why are we consistently wrong? Since World War II, the military-entertainment complex has become embedded into our cultural narrative. From films such as “Top Gun” to videogames such as “Call of Duty,” Americans aren’t merely desensitized to warfare—we pay top dollar to be enamored of it.

Our fascination with war motivates us to speculate its emergence. In discussing a third World War, however, Americans perpetuate two misguided assumptions: that World War I and World War II are history’s only world wars, and that our next global war will mirror warfare from 80 years ago.

The next major global conflict won’t be fought with trench warfare, blitzkrieg or other familiar mechanisms from other world wars. It will be fought—or averted—with cyber tactics and economic sanctions.

—Meredith Perkins, Miami University, diplomacy and global politics

There Will Be No War

As America comes to terms with no longer being the world’s only superpower, Washington has taken steps to ensure it can maintain its hegemony and support of liberalism across the globe. But that recognition itself is crucial and ultimately suggests that a third world war won’t happen.

Why? With a rising China, who is to say the U.S. wants to engage in—much less win—a war with another superpower? Instead, the U.S. will likely seek proxy wars to maintain its power, while attempting to balance its other international commitments, such as the war in Ukraine. That there is no political will for the U.S. to get involved in war on a global scale counsels in favor of this thesis, never mind politicians’ claims to the contrary.

While World War III is unlikely, the alternative may not be much better, especially with the nation’s own domestic political situation intensifying over a range of cultural and social issues. Instead, America should focus inward and care for its own internal needs first.

—William Benson, the Catholic University of America, politics

The Chinese Computational War

I fear World War III will happen soon and believe its consequences could be far more disruptive than most Americans expect. Toughness on China has enduring and broad political appeal in the U.S., and Xi Jinping has grown increasingly aggressive toward Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. If China attacks the territory of our Pacific allies, the U.S. is sure to intervene.

But my biggest concern isn’t the possibility of conventional war; it’s that if China begins losing, it might escalate by wreaking global havoc on civilian space and electrical infrastructure. For decades, China has been perfecting antisatellite missiles, culminating in a 2007 test strike on a satellite that resulted in one of the largest creations of space debris ever. In conflict, such strikes could destroy most normal satellites, leading to the loss of GPS, telecommunications, instant online financial transactions and other critical infrastructure that could cripple the American economy and quality of life.

China has also developed electromagnetic weapons that could knock out power grids across America and allied countries, causing long-term blackouts. Without functioning power grids, stocking grocery-store shelves and keeping gasoline flowing to stations become monumental tasks. Even a scaled-down version of these attacks could disrupt the lives of citizens thousands of miles from the frontline. Given the U.S.’s military superiority, China can win only with these unconventional tactics, making the war about computational power.

—Lucas Moyon, College of Charleston, economics, physics and astronomy

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:21 am


Joe Biden was not in office or running for office at the time of the Chinese payments in question. Next!

Do the daily leftard talking points guarantee that there have been no payments when Creepy Joe was in office or running for office at all? Including during his many years in the Senate?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:25 am


He comes here and takes advantage of Dover’s goodwill. He doesn’t care about freedom of speech or anything like that. With him, it’s only ever about the ideological side.

His own blog seems to be a monologue between three ignorant leftards, m0nty=fa, Steve from Brissy and Homer the idiot. He comes here because he gets no actual conversation at Phat Pussy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:28 am

March 22, 2023 at 9:50 am
Supercut video of Posie Parker at the Hobart rally.

“Supercut” is leftard speak for “deceptively edited”. But m0nty=fa will be jerking off to that video for the next week.

March 22, 2023 11:29 am

‘I Just Want to Feel Like Myself,’ Tearfully Admits America’s Most Famous ‘Trans Kid’ Jazz Jennings

There are a lot of deeply disturbing and unlikeable members of the trans cult. Jazz Jennings is not one of them. He was transitioned by his mother at the tender age of five. By the age of eleven, Jazz was on puberty blockers. At 17, even though a minor, Jazz underwent multiple genital surgeries to remove his penis and have it inverted. This process was botched and several attempts were made to remedy it, but the reduced size of Jazz’s penis due to years on puberty blockers made an already brutal surgery even worse.

Jazz has since suffered from mental illness, rapid weight gain, pain, constant reflux, a lack of sex drive, an inability to orgasm, and anxiety. And not unlike the Truman Show, it all happened in front of the cameras for a global audience. Were Jazz to want to escape from this reality, there is nowhere he could go where he could begin again in private, away from prying eyes.

Jazz has now broken down (on camera, of course) and spilled his heart to his mother that, despite it all, he doesn’t feel like himself. It is a moment many of us saw coming but hoped for the sake of this severely traumatized and abused child wouldn’t. God help everyone involved in this unspeakable crime that was done to this innocent person who is suffering in front of us all.

“I really want to understand myself and be able to read my own soul… I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!” Jazz cried.

During the show, there are moments where Jazz seems to disassociate from his body and needs help staying in the moment. And often, when Jazz struggles, his mother Jeanette is there to criticize how he is feeling, trying to sweep it under the rug. Telling Jazz “I know how you feel” is so disingenuous. Did Jeanette get her genitals inverted and botched? Is she flooded with the wrong hormones all the time? Did she have to try and navigate dating by telling all perspective mates she was born a different sex than she appears? If not, then she DOES NOT know how Jazz feels in any way.

Jazz didn’t make any of these decisions. Nothing that was done to him — from living his entire life on a reality show for the entertainment of the mob to being rushed into irreversible surgery — was done in private.

Every fight with siblings, every argument with parents, and every embarrassing moment have been broadcast for the world to gape at. He can’t even go out with friends at age 21 without his mother tracking him down to check on him. Jazz missed his first semester at college because he was so mentally unwell.

If I could talk to Jazz, I would first hug him and tell him how sorry I am that the adults in his family, his medical team, and this country didn’t stand up for the child we all watched go through this heinous reality. What kind of monsters are we? Were the executives at TLC so blinded by money that none of them asked themselves, “what happens if this backfires and we destroy this kid?”

Jazz has been used in an unforgivable way as the face of a movement that he didn’t even understand and still might not fully grasp. He’s a show pony, a cause, a public experiment done for the entertainment of some and the political goals of others.

His children’s book has been used as a seductive tool to suck other five-year-olds into the same nightmare. It isn’t Jazz’s fault. And if I could talk to him, that’s the first thing I’d tell him.

None of this is your fault. It’s okay to feel bereft and sad and angry. You don’t feel like yourself because the adults around you convinced you to try to be someone you were never made to be. It was all a lie.

Instead of coming clean, Jazz’s mother, an oft-vilified character, gaslights Jazz by saying, “You’re your own worst enemy.” That’s not how we see it, Jeanette. While some people are pointing the finger at Jeanette — and it’s understandable why — that’s not where the majority of the fault lies. Jeanette Jennings did profit off the transition of her little boy in many ways, including a hit television show, numerous speaking engagements, and elevation to stardom in the “trans community,” where she is treated like the Virgin Mother of the Christ child.

But she is also a victim of a predatory medical industry full of people who lie for billions of dollars.

Marci Bowers is one of those people. A biological male who not only transitioned himself but is a surgeon who performs the disfiguring surgeries they call “life-saving” is also Jazz’s surgeon, and he is one of the major villains in this case.

It wasn’t only Bowers but also the rest of Jazz’s medical team, from psychologists who didn’t treat Jazz’s gender dysphoria (if he ever had that at all and wasn’t just a feminine boy) to the school counselors and teachers who encouraged Jazz’s fantasies. It is those people who bear the brunt of the blame. The media also needs to take some responsibility for pushing this on the American people as if it was stunning and brave and not dangerous and experimental.

There is a Hell of a lot More at the Link – America is Depraving Society and becoming a Fallen Nation

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 22, 2023 11:29 am

His own blog seems to be a monologue between three ignorant leftards, m0nty=fa, Steve from Brissy and Homer the idiot

Now that is really sad.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:30 am

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 22, 2023 at 10:03 am
Haha Monty is linking the notorious PRGuy17.

Or as m0nty=fa calls him “Holy Guy 17”.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 22, 2023 11:34 am

So the ‘leader’ of the Lieberal party of Victoria has expelled the magnificent Moira Deeming from the party – ‘Proscuitto’ perfect name because he’s such a ham.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 11:39 am

Only now it turned out these tents are from a humanitarian convoy that China sent to Syria.

I suspect that “humanitarian” should be rendered in quotes. China is especially not known for doing such things. They are, however, great fans of supporting their enemy’s enemy though, which makes me think those tents just might be battle spoils.

March 22, 2023 11:40 am

there was violence in Hobart from those protesting the Let Women Speak rally

I saw video of one of the TERFs pushing one of the counter-protestors, but otherwise I haven’t seen any evidence for this claim. It seems to have been confected.

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 11:41 am

From The Oz…

NSW Independent MP Alex Greenwich has called his state’s One Nation leader Mark Latham “a disgusting human being” following a violent clash between a small group of LGBTI protesters and hundreds of other people outside a church meeting the party leader was invited to speak at.

“Mark Latham is a disgusting human being and people who are considering voting for One Nation need to realise they are voting for an extremely hateful and dangerous individual who risks causing a great deal of damage to our state,” Mr Greenwich, the member for Sydney, said in a press conference this morning.

“It is really incumbent on political leaders to call this out and to show support for the LGBTIQ+ community.”

All I can say is that Mark will get a lot more votes now.

Go Mark, go One Nation.

March 22, 2023 11:41 am

Standing with Moira were Jewish women, Muslim women and women from all political persuasions!

Isn’t it funny how useful Muslimas were to ensure that women’s only spaces (eg Fernwood, women’s hours at the pool etc) were preserved, but now their views are cast aside

March 22, 2023 11:42 am

I’ve come up with a policy position for PHON (Cat members feel free to pass it on :P)

Climate Action Plebiscite
Since climate “change” is now pervading just about every single aspect of public policy and is resulting in a significant impost on taxpayer funds, it is the policy of (ENTER PARTY) to hold a plebiscite in NSW, asking voters how much of a reduction in carbon emissions should be aimed for. After all, shouldn’t voters get a say in this?

Voters are given the following options (and info on outcomes) on cuts to choose from:
1-24% cut: Intermittent power outcomes, high bill shock, starvation among poor and elderly deaths.
25-49% – Regular power outages, severe bill shock, significant small business impact, general deaths.
50-74% – Blackouts are the norm, defaults on mortgages/loans/savings, starvation, death.
75-99% – Civil disruption, crime increase, starvation, death, Mad Max lifestyle.
100% – Are you an idiot?

Cassie of Sydney
March 22, 2023 11:43 am

“I saw video of one of the TERFs pushing one of the counter-protestors, but otherwise I haven’t seen any evidence for this claim. It seems to have been confected.”

That’s because, Jew hating, misogynist, pervert apologist, you’re watching a confected version. But it’s good to know you support violence against women. Thanks for confirming.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:43 am

March 22, 2023 at 10:41 am
Some pipe smoking bloke in a tweed jacket might suggest marrying into
the upper middle class may cause a degree of resentment in a self declared class warrior
which might manifest itself as the expression of delight when women are harassed.

LOL, but so true. m0nty=fa might not entirely be a “kept man”, but he knows here the cream on his donuts comes form in the family.

March 22, 2023 11:45 am

It is more a case of there being a lack of education involved, given time and inclination I’m certain he could be taught.

I saw that scene, they did terrible things to Ludwig van.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 11:46 am

March 22, 2023 at 10:57 am
I mean, I think people like monty are a pollutant in society but I’m not about to call for his/their eradication.

It is more a case of there being a lack of education involved, given time and inclination I’m certain he could be taught.

He lacks the inclination to learn.

March 22, 2023 11:49 am

Defense Department spokesman John Kirby says LGBTQ rights are a core part of our foreign policy

Defense Department spokesman John Kirby made an appearance in the White House briefing room Tuesday to talk about foreign policy, the origins of the coronavirus, and more. In case it hadn’t been made clear by now, Kirby reaffirmed that LGBTQ+ rights are human rights and are “a core part of our foreign policy.”

He doesn’t even look the slightest bit embarrassed saying that out loud.

– Follow-up question, not a single journalist will ask: Why?

– That’s why America is sinking into the mire, while losing influence worldwide.

– That’s crazy and dangerous! I’m sure that’s also at the core of Russia’s, China’s, North Korea’s and Iran’s foreign policy.

– Our society is completely screwed.

– And this is exactly why no one respects the US.

– Oh really… go on over and preach that in the Middle East Kirby

– Can you imagine Russia and China saying LGBTQ+ are part of our foreign policy? Russia and China have one goal in their foreign policy-spread the power and become the world’s leading player. They are rolling with laughter when they read these kind of statements from our Admin.

March 22, 2023 11:49 am

He lacks the inclination to learn.

He lacks the intellect

March 22, 2023 11:50 am

Oh my, I forgot the following two options:

-0% cut.
-Increase to carbon emissions..

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 22, 2023 11:52 am

Thanks to fellow Cats for the support and concern.
We are now looking at our local municipality who have been very gung ho on renewables and were far from keen to take part in a public meeting and wished to control the process.
The public meeting threw a hand grenade into the railroading of this project and also perhaps blew a few doors open behind which deals may have been done without ratepayer knowledge.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 22, 2023 11:55 am

I saw video of one of the TERFs pushing one of the counter-protestors

But you didn’t see any violence perpetrated by the WERTs against the poor persecuted women?
Monty, that’s weird.

March 22, 2023 11:56 am

But it’s good to know you support violence against women.

He’s not sexist, he supports violence against men as well, and ultimately the eradication of both men and women if they disagree with him.

It’s dirty work building a “new society” in the image of a rainbow frosted Krispy Kreme.

March 22, 2023 11:57 am

March 22, 2023 at 10:57 am
I mean, I think people like monty are a pollutant in society but I’m not about to call for his/their eradication.

It is more a case of there being a lack of education involved, given time and inclination I’m certain he could be taught.

I believe he could be educated quite quickly. And by a woman no less. 😉

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 12:00 pm

March 22, 2023 at 11:40 am
there was violence in Hobart from those protesting the Let Women Speak rally

I saw video of one of the TERFs pushing one of the counter-protestors, but otherwise I haven’t seen any evidence for this claim. It seems to have been confected.

I doubt that even you are so stupid as to eb unaware of the concept of deceptive editing.


March 22, 2023 12:02 pm

I mean, I think people like monty are a pollutant in society but I’m not about to call for his/their eradication.

The fat munt has a right to be a bigot.

March 22, 2023 12:03 pm
March 22, 2023 12:03 pm

“I really want to understand myself and be able to read my own soul… I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!”

What happens when a confused kid is plied with drugs and a chainsaw taken to their genitalia.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 12:04 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 22, 2023 at 11:55 am
I saw video of one of the TERFs pushing one of the counter-protestors

But you didn’t see any violence perpetrated by the WERTs against the poor persecuted women?
Monty, that’s weird.

Selective blondness. Surely he was warned what too much would do?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 22, 2023 12:05 pm

Blindness, but blondness works too.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
March 22, 2023 12:06 pm

Robert Sewell
March 21, 2023 at 7:14 pm
Would this be to smoke out any phones that are ‘unregistered’ or somehow invisible to the authorities?
I don’t believe they would be doing this for any purpose they’re prepared to admit to.

Agree. Aside from the fact that they’re manipulating your phone remotely and scaring old people to death, you can’t use your phone again until you’ve clicked on the link. My guess is, as with the internet when we click “agree” etc, a program in being downloaded inside your electronic device, probably spyware or similar program that gives them the power to remotely control and manipulate your phone. A bit like EVs.
Link is in case I stuffed up

March 22, 2023 12:09 pm

Defense Department spokesman John “bendover BF” Kirby says LGBTQ rights are a core part of our foreign policy


March 22, 2023 12:10 pm

Xi recently issued an unusually blunt rebuke of US policy, in which he accused Washington of being engaged in a campaign to suppress China

No no no. declared some White House spox.

Our goals are not about countering, or being a block, or being an obstacle…

In 1950 Mao expressed something similar to Western countries — led by the US — have implemented all-round containment, encirclement and suppression against us…
The US discovered the limits of Chinese patience at the Chosin Reservoir.

March 22, 2023 12:12 pm

Black Ball says:
March 22, 2023 at 10:33 am
The Victoriastanis would be one of the more gas intensive economies following the Bass Strait discoveries and their commercialisation.

With looming power outages you’d think Pesutto would be all over it like monty punching Nazis.
But alas no.

There is nothing at present that Victorian Liberals have in their policy that they used to promote about twenty years ago. You can’t tell them apart from Labor and Greens so what are they doing in a supposedly conservative party? The only thing normal people would think is a hostile takeover by people who are Labor and Greens to make sure the Liberal Party is not a danger to the former two.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x