Roundup Autumn 1990

In the Centre for Independent Studies quarterly Policy magazine.


DE Soto. Only about 5 per cent of Peruvians belong to labour unions and more than 60 per cent are operating as entrepreneurs in the informal or black ecoqomy. Informal operators do not regard themselves as either the private or the public sector because they see the former as the beneficiary of privileges handed out by the latter.

Hook. Serious moves are under way to politicise the study of the humanities in the United States. These tendencies are reflected in the social studies texts proposed by some education reformers. Traditional texts are to be replaced or supplemented with books composed by women, coloured people and other representatives of the ‘oppressed classes’. Special courses will be provided by members of these disadvantaged groups. This amounts to a massive program of historical revisionism and cultural affirmative action.

The debate hinges on a blatant extension of the term ‘political’ to include any difference of opinion whatever. Consequently, people who suggest that
history and literature texts do not need to be studied as essentially political documents are accused of covering up their own political interests in the status quo. Hook identifies this as a part of a sinister tendency to politicise the truth itself, as though truth were decided by power and influence. Unfortunately, corrective action will need to have a political dimension the radical reformers have successfully captured positions of political power and influence.

Michael Novak. Novak identifies several valuable moral traditions that were called forth by democratic capitalist institutions in the early American colonies. These include civic responsibility, personal economic enterprise, creativity and a certain kind of communitarian living embodied in a myriad of voluntary associations. On a more sombre note, he reminds us that capitalism depends on a moral framework that is under threat from relativism in the intellectual realm and from social engineers in the political and social arena. ‘It would only, take a generation of citizens who have forgotten their founding principles and all the lessons of experience to set in motion a precipitous and calamitous slide’.

AND THERE ARE MORE 1989-1991 1994-1996 1997-1999

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May 18, 2023 11:20 am

‘It would only, take a generation of citizens who have forgotten their founding principles and all the lessons of experience to set in motion a precipitous and calamitous slide’.

I think Ben Franklin said it first…”a republic, madam, if you can keep it.”

The Founding Fathers were well aware that without a virtuous and devout citizenry a republican democracy would be corrupted.

May 18, 2023 12:43 pm

Barely reported, but De Soto only narrowly missed out on being the ‘right’ candidate in the last Peruvian election that instead saw a left populist with Cuban associates take the spot, only to be removed.

May 18, 2023 1:33 pm

Rafe – just out of curiosity, when did you first start writing about global warming? As noted before, I first heard about it in mid 1989 (and knew instantly it was a load of anti-scientific fact and evidence free horse manure.)

May 18, 2023 2:03 pm

This is what jumped out at me:

Serious moves are under way to politicise the study of the humanities in the United States.

After 30 years, we’ve had a lot of eyebrow exercise.

Old Goat
Old Goat
May 19, 2023 11:30 am

Civilization is an agreement between people to cooperate and it’s in danger . Our “politicians” are busy turning us all into victims of historical injustice both racial and sexual .We are being manipulated by the media by swamping us with both information and lies . Politics is run by the media (big business) as its a popularity contest with the prize being able to write your own paycheck . Follow the money . The slide is in motion .

May 19, 2023 4:02 pm

Any Cat notice Google Chrome hijacking comments, forcing people to sign in?

May 19, 2023 7:57 pm

Damon, I use duck duck go and even then on some sites the bot asks for security verification.
Gives me the irritation.

I want to say a lot more about the earth and galaxy doing it’s natural thing , and ask why my last two electricity accounts were zero and 5his latest one from yesterday is $234.00.

Even my spreadsheets over the last two years cannot give me a plausible answer.

Bugger, shit.

  1. Unis really do incubate and cosset truly vile people

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x