Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Ah yes, a masterful gambit to spook the markets and destroy business and consumer confidence.
Too soon?
Pension not passion.No hope of that increasing
Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…
Rodger Cook is shaping up to be another.
I saw that the other day too.
Just more spite and backslapping.
They don’t even pretend that they’re not at war with us- they believe we need to be taught a lesson. Dawkins filth once let it slip ‘a spokesperson for Mr Dawkins said it was time Australians took a long hard look at themselves’. Just fuk off pollimuppetts.
He’s not quite in the same league as the truly evil Dictator Dan.
Viktor Bout.
Lord Of War – Life Of A Bullet – Opening Movie Scene
More like a case of ageism.
Really enjoyed today’s ‘Theology at the Cat with Monty and Calvan’.
Not surprisingly the linked Catholic exegesis which placed the verse in both the historical and biblical context seemed somewhat more logical and convincing (thanks Mole)
Of course I would say that.
Watching that French “ the shame and the pity” it’s interesting to see a lot of angles covered.
From a chap who was a communist firebrand, to a Catholic head of a resistance group, a Germanoccupation officer, Lavals son in law trying to defend him, ex Chalemaine SS volunteer, Antony Eden and An ex-transvestite radio operator who hated guns but wanted to prove he was brave.
A few takeaways.
1: people most likely to join the resistance were generally those with the least stake in society.
2: pretty well all of Europe was happy to palm off its Jewish segment for the boxheads to deal with. Sometimes for reasons as simple as getting rid of a business competitor.
3: The line between outright murder or assassination and resistance was an extremely blurry.
4: most of the people in it give rational reasons for their actions, even some bad ones
5: France was massively divided pre WW2, particularly by the Spanish war.
I have about an hour to go, I’m sure the rest will be just as interesting/ awful
Proof that evil is not easily defeated.
Mme Zulu’s father was with the Dutch Resistance – he maintained that no – one knew how they would react, until their country was actually occupied. (Her mother survived the “hunger winter” – the one thing you never ever did when Mme Zulu was growing up was to waste food..)
They were fairly scathing of the middle classes was being reluctant to risk what they had.
Also scathing of those ho after the war “ showed me the pistol in the draw and told me they were ready to do something. But history showed the pistol never left the drawer”.
Not live but cool as.
Boney M. – Ma Baker (Live Video)
From memory, in the mid 1970’s there was a series of articles in an Army magazine, about whether Australians would mount a resistance movement, in the event of an enemy occupation.
One conclusion was “Don’t kid yourself – there would be those who collaborated.”
“And it all comes to you.”
Gypsy – Fleetwood Mac ~ by Rumours of Fleetwood Mac ~ Extended edition video
“And it all comes down to you.”
Finally…at Narita. Sat on the tarmac in Cairns for an hour while they kick started the plane. Not a bad flight once airborne.
Forgot how cute everything is here, even immigration signage. The lifts have squished, tearful cartoon characters warning of closing doors. And, of course, it says thank you as you leave. 🙂
Absolutely wrecked… “dinner” is a green tea and a Kirin lager from the lobby vending machine. Forgot about those wonders.
Very few masks, much to my surprise. Looks like the Japanese are over it too.
Seriously? Chaps were genuinely hitting up that ghastly Banks woman. I mean sure, they say every one you say no to is one you don’t get, but I find this proposition very hard to believe.
I’m reading an article from “Quadrant” magazine on – line. Seems “smoking ceremonies” are all the go at lesbian weddings…
Wow. What a tour de farce.
Third world kleptocracy stuff.
Labore, da unionionions and da ALPBC.
Z-grade corruptocrats selling this country down the toilet as quickly as possible, while attempting to enrich themselves in the most expedient and inevitably shameless ways* imaginable (and unimaginable).
Incestuous does not even come close to describing such an expansive toxic slime coated web.
Incidentally – the entire piece (and yes, I only got about three quarters of the way through it, before having to get off the train home) sounds as though it was “narrated” by one Kathy Jackson, an ALP “convenience root”, union moll and later woife of FWC Kommissar Michael ($500,000pa for doing nothing) Lawler, both of whom were caught up up in a particularly unedifying imbroglio involving the attempted “misappropriation” of the estate of a stubborn (“he’s still not dead, the stupid ol’ filthbag**”) irreparably brain damaged barrasite. This all took place while the (alleged) former j’ismist Michael Smith existed in a caravan*** in the backyard of the Wombatra coveted estate of the aforementioned barrasite.
To describe these monstrous creatures as Bourbonesque is an insult to those long dead frog royalty.
“Let them eat merde”, indeed.
*Dastardlyary being bought and subsequently wholly owned by the CCP for a hot Chinese Sussex St meal and $1,000 stood out as a spectacular subterranean low in shameless treasonous prostitution.
**Kathy Jackson to Kommissar Lawler circa 2015 (?) being very annoyed about the delay in obtaining their latest massive meal ticket
***Without wi-fi
Australian Army Journal.
Unless you know the right search word, it might take a bit.
End of thread. In lieu of current events.
Buffalo Springfield – For what its Worth | The Vietnam War
Highlights from Tom’s Please Explain at 7.09:
1. The porky, jowly Sharaz; and
2. The Harry High Pants worn by that Wong chap.
Would go close. Wouldn’t say boo without getting sign off from the iron ore guys and the big end of town which kept him in check. Cook soon reverted to type in the first couple of weeks of Parliament.
One of the first acts after getting control of both WA houses was to shut down all logging in “old growth” forests. I think Chairman Dan only recently achieved the same outcome.
WTF is an “old growth” forest? Wouldn’t you want to be cutting old trees down rather than younger ones?
God, no! “Old growth” is sacred to the tree huggers and greenies!
They’ve been known to hammer railway spikes into “old growth” trees to sabotage the chainsaws.
WTH is going on???
My posts appear and disappear; my name and email have disappeared completely.
June 16, 2023 at 9:53 pm
“Thankyou for making a humble lift very happy!”
Douglas Adams would approve. 🙂
m0nty says: June 16, 2023 at 2:08 pm
Note the generous turn of phrase!
Bruce in WAsays:
June 16, 2023 at 11:26 pm
WTF is an “old growth” forest? Wouldn’t you want to be cutting old trees down rather than younger ones?
God, no! “Old growth” is sacred to the tree huggers and greenies!
Quite reasonable, after all, a lot of the “tree huggers and greenies” are pretty “old growth” Boomers themselves!