Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
“What a childish response. I’m no hypocrite, but it seems, you certainly are.”
Nah, I leave the childishness to you. And yes, you are a hypocrite, and you don’t like it when your hypocrisy is called out.
Don’t worry, it’s coming. FWIW, Tony Maddox – back in Court tomorrow over the incident of the culvert and the Wagyl – is blown away at the popular support he’s receiving.
Please, let it be so Zulu.
The tree regeneration should just proceed as planned. It’s repulsive that this has been halted.
You think accountants can’t game the number ten?
They will take two paces, claim government credits for 12, amortise them over the next three years waiting for the National Pace and Leap Standardisation Act, sell four paces to a Pace Broker, use the money to lease six, divert three paces to a Pace haven, and bundle the remaining 273 paces in packages to be sold on the open market.
They will be lucky to be facing off on the same continent and in the same decade.
Nobody here is without some sin
People tell me I’m perfect all the time.
“People tell me I’m perfect all the time.”
Almost perfect.
Fok jou ma nog vreemdelinge vir busrit?
The tree regeneration should just proceed as planned. It’s repulsive that this has been halted.
Get a grip, dude.
We’re talkin’n bout f…ing trees.
Good petition against ruinables in arwstralia
Sign up or be square!
Cassie of Sydney
Jul 9, 2023 6:44 PM
“What a childish response. I’m no hypocrite, but it seems, you certainly are.”
Nah, I leave the childishness to you. And yes, you are a hypocrite, and you don’t like it when your hypocrisy is called out.
You may be under the impression you are the greatest oracle to grace this forum, but let me tell you, your posts are repetitive and now bordering on boring. New material, Cassie.
Earlier this year, here in Sydney, progressive scum protested a funeral, the funeral of Cardinal George Pell, yes a funeral. I saw it, I was there.
Yesterday, in the UK, an ageing global warming catastrophist protested a wedding, yes a wedding, by gatecrashing the bride and groom outside the church with God knows what.
I have to go out of my way and sin deliberately so natural sinners don’t feel embarrassed in my presence.
My sins are a virtue.
It’s Ok Ed, you are safe now.
Can you show us on the doll where the trees touched you?
“You may be under the impression you are the greatest oracle to grace this forum, but let me tell you, your posts are repetitive and now bordering on boring. New material, Cassie.”
Lol. Poor JMH, doesn’t like being called a hypocrite.
Oh and I think my comments are highly regarded. And you can say what you like about them, but unlike yours they’re rarely boring. A tad jealous perhaps? Or are you trying to instigate a pile on? We know you like them. You don’t, of course, like being on the receiving end of one, but you sure do like participating in them.
ageing global warming catastrophist
there is a difference between common, boring, everyday sin which (almost) everybody does … and original sin.
Progressives hate their own religion while believing that certain people are guilty of original sin, calling it “racism” or “colonialism” or “slavery”. As Chesterton said, religion don’t go away it just takes new forms.
Greta has grown up now, but like the Bourbons, learned nothing.
Sin, I have no sin. I’m as pure as the driven snow.
Yeah, but you drifted.
Cassie just saw the protester at the wedding. My MiL said they should have beaten her for ruining their wedding.
Lol. Poor JMH, doesn’t like being called a hypocrite.
Oh and I think my comments are highly regarded. And you can say what you like about them, but unlike yours they’re rarely boring. A tad jealous perhaps? Or are you trying to instigate a pile on? We know you like them. You don’t, of course, like being on the receiving end of one, but you sure do like participating in them.
Thankfully, I do not suffer from delusions of grandeur.
Re the query were my children’s and grandchildren’s neurological issues caused by childhood vax – for my children, unlikely as they only had the three usual separate ones and not a combined measles/mumps one. My eldest, the one with autistic tendencies, did however have a smallpox vaxx to go to Sri Lanka when he was 3 months old, and also a BCG against TB at that time. Given the way in which autism spectrum has presented down the generations I suspect it is genetic. Do vaxxes bring it out? Simply cannot say, but can’t see evidence for that in population studies. My grandchildren have had more vaxxes, the sort all kids get today.
Hairy’s grandson gets his autism from our son’s wife (double university medalist in engineering and law, so not dumb) who has tested strongly for it herself recently. She has certain problems in socialising. She put me onto the special adult testing clinic for my adult son. My eldest son’s grandchild probably gets his autism from my first husband (double univer)sity medalist also, with a fine mind for numerical and logical brilliance, but not easy in his own skin). Our daughter’s little three year old, Hairy’s other grandson, a playful and bright child of high intelligence and excellent sociability and speech, has mild variant of a disastrous genetic disorder of the connective tissues. It’s never been in my family nor Hairy’s so probably comes from our daughter’s husband’s side. Who knows? My mother had a severe schizophrenia and my father had bipolar disorder. We three kids are all normal enough in intelligence (we’re all pretty good on IQ tests) and sociability, my brother is now deceased early from a stroke. No strokes in the family.
Go figure.
Pure as yellow snow.
This will be a big step forward in treating depression and offers hope for brain injury, schizophrenia, and some types of dementia. It is consistent with a large body of other research. It is also a good example of when governments and agenda pushers get out of the way smart people can get things done.
the wedding was George Osbourne’s. No love for Osbourne, a particularly odious character in British politics. However, in no way do I condone what was done to he and his wife. It is also an example of the useless security available in the UK. To wit, the tennis a few days ago. It was f**king Wimbledon and these morons were able to waltz past security. It has been thirty years since Monica Seles was stabbed in the neck, and nothing has changed.
Ordinary people need to start carrying riding crops. Once these filthy eco-terrorists are whipped across the face a few times, they won’t be smirking like that evil slag who doused Osbourne and his wife with garbage.
Cats, several years ago I was challenged by a braindead clickbait piece on the interwebs – “How to write a song like Taylor Swift”
Thought, I could write a song like the aforementioned bimbette in several minutes. So here it is, for your muzakal delectation, Cats:
Well, I’m a vacuous blonde bimbette
Did I tell you I’m like, totally het?
I’ve never had an original thought in my life
But I tells ya I’ll never be ya trophy wife!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
My legs have got that matchstick look
I’ve never evah like, read a book
My fans are all as dumb as me
For my songs they’ll even waste money!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Colourless bureaucrats don’t turn me on
Justin Beaver is like, da bomb!
Poor ol’ Rafe is like, kinda cool
But Harry Clarke is just a tool
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Coda …
“Thankfully, I do not suffer from delusions of grandeur.”
No, you just suffer from hypocrisy and nastiness.
Jul 9, 2023 7:12 PM
Agree 100%, I don’t like Osborne, all round toff and comrade of David Cameron. But he and his bride didn’t deserve to have their wedding gatecrashed by progressive scum.
Cassie of Sydney
Jul 9, 2023 7:12 PM
“Thankfully, I do not suffer from delusions of grandeur.”
No, you just suffer from hypocrisy and nastiness.
Do I now? New material, Cassie. This is simply repetitive tosh
I also understand you seem to support absolute lies and slander directed at someone you do not like. Duly noted.
To paraphrase Lance Corporal Jones in Dad’s Army, self-righteous loudmouths don’t like it up ’em, suh!
Seems Comrade Mayo realises he has lost control of the narrative.
“I also understand you seem to support absolute lies and slander directed at someone you do not like. Duly noted”
LOL. I duly noted your hypocrisy a long time ago.
I quite enjoyed this-Round Britain 1976
“Seems Comrade Mayo realises he has lost control of the narrative.
Comrade Mayo realises he has been exposed.
Officially if he has a handicap recognised this can be considered in finding him suitable work. I do think it will change his behaviour because that’s what driven him to consider testing. There is apparently quite beneficial neuro-linguistic programming treatment that helps autistic adults better comprehend their responses and hence work to change them. Studies do exist showing that this can be effective.
There is also the placebo factor. More care and attention to someone’s problems can in itself be beneficial in helping people to overcome them. I like that old Dr. Kanner (autism’s first case, see above) who in the 30’s wanted to hold over over-labelling people (sensible psychiatrist) but who had to come up with something to explain deep autism, which presented in many different ways with the defining feature always being ‘just not ordinary, cannot cope, odd literality at times (time to get on your bike, said a friend of ours to my son re his HSC study – so he went out and got on his bicycle and rode off), strange ways with language (my son won a poetry prize for an extraordinary imagery and flair with words he only half understood! he can still use complex words he likes the sound of in ways neither you nor I would use them, in conversation). My sister’s son, the part-aboriginal one, nailed it. He said the trouble with my son was that he was perfectly fine for 25 minutes out of every 30. It was the minutes when he wasn’t that were the problem. Hairy’s brother, out from the UK for our daughter’s wedding, picked it immediately sitting near him at the wedding table. His career was as a maths and computing head teacher at a major British boys public school. He’s dealt with young male students and their problems for many years. Somethings definitely wrong, he told me. Probably autism.
Look out!
Carpe’s having flashbacks again.
I like that old Dr. Kanner (autism’s first case, see above) who in the 30’s wanted to hold over over-labelling people (sensible psychiatrist) but who had to come up with something to explain deep autism, which presented in many different ways
You know what else started in the 30s?
Mass, multiple Vaccination of Children.
These old commos never went away.
I’m losing you … 😕
Come on down…Eddie Mabo!
Cassie of Sydney
Jul 9, 2023 7:24 PM
“I also understand you seem to support absolute lies and slander directed at someone you do not like. Duly noted”
LOL. I duly noted your hypocrisy a long time ago.
Give it a rest, Cassie. You won’t win this one even though you may want the last word. Puerile repetition does you no favours.
There is nothing at all “progressive” about those scum. They are mental midgets, who are simply opportunistic. They see someone or something that they don’t like, rush in to cause disruption, with no logical plan to implement whatever it is they are babbling about.
Reminds me of Sir William Deane- ‘unutterable shame’- our elites hate the country I love. I suppose I’m helping to pay Dean’s superannuation which is probably more than I earn.
Good Lord Mayo is clutching at his pubes which he imagines as straws now.
“It’s been frustrating to see positive stories with negative headlines and that is something that has been concerning,” he said last week.
Read Next
“People tend to just read the headlines from time to time and that doesn’t help us.” Mr Mayo, a Kaurareg Aboriginal and Kalkalgal, Erubamle Torres Strait Islander man and union official, made the news last month after tweets he posted in 2018 revealed him saying it was necessary to have repatriations, give land back and pay rent to Indigenous people.
Maybe enunciate why Teh Voice is good for the nation and contrast to your poor form previously Mr Mayo.
I trust Mr Mayo is on a good taxpayer wicket with no variance in bounce.
Too stupid to realize that others can scroll through his previous rants, and highlight his immaturity and arrogance.
The Sir William Deane who beclowned himself so monumentally apologizing for the “massacre at Mistake Creek” – a group of Aboriginal stockmen murdered a group of nomadic Aborigines, in a dispute over a woman?
“Give it a rest, Cassie. You won’t win this one even though you may want the last word. Puerile repetition does you no favours.”
Firstly, despite what you think, you’re not the blog censor and I and others here don’t take orders from you. Secondly, there’s no “competition”. I will however respond to comments made to me personally or made about me. My first comment was about your hypocrisy, where I said that nobody here is without some sin, and that includes you. I (and others here) well remember your many vicious remarks about Lizzie and to Lizzie.
And it’s you who’s engaging in puerile repetition, and yes, I agree, it most certainly doesn’t do you any favours, but not a lot does seem to do you any favours.
Beatiful work rabz.
The hard bit is creating an earworm like the string section played on the synth like in “Call Me Maybe”.
Sacré bleu, Cats!
Swifty or Miss Ellie?
I see the angry uncle JHM’s turned up in his Leyland P76, demanding to know who took away the clear spiky plastic hallway runner he bought in in 1978.
Dad used Deane ‘holy Willie’- lives in canbra of course.
Is Miss Elli a dude too, Rabzy?
Donald Trump Jr.
So your literal plan is to add Ukraine to NATO so we can go from fighting a proxy war to a direct war with Russia, sending American kids to die on the other side of the world for… what, exactly???
Neil Oliver: The reality that lies beneath the purveyors of “kindness and inclusion” is hatred.
Sacré bleu, Cats!
Swifty or Miss Ellie?
Definitely Miss Ellie. Les artifice.
JWH, you did join in pile-ons of me, which you now see as simply corrective of something I am or that you think I have done. I guess that’s what all the uptickers think, so be it. I put you down then in my own mind as rather a sour old chap, rather set in his ways and tried a couple of times to be nice to you without success. I was surprised to find you are a woman; since you told us that you have definitely been more contributory and chatty. I think that’s a good thing. Don’t worry about JC, he’s ok in a crisis and has some worthwhile commentary but just enjoys getting antsy.
I said above that everyone is a bit of a psychological case in some way. Human nature.
Let it come out and forget about it.
I’ve said here I can’t see the point in old coals and grudges. Let’s move on. Plenty of other things to worry about and discuss.
Sacré bleu, Cats!
Swifty or Miss Ellie?
Taylor Swift hands down.
Dolores O’Riordan was a beautiful woman as was Andrea Corr. Elles brunes de Irlande
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Jul 9, 2023 7:26 PM
Hope it works out for your son, any improvement is better than none.
I only asked because I know next to nothing about this condition and thought the age might be a problem.
All the best.
When you say clear KD, do you mean the transparent ones in a pale yellow shade, or the plain ones.
If it’s the pale yellow, I think I know who took it.
Dr David Lloyd and Andrew Bridgen MP discuss the Pfizer Covid vaccine
‘The WHO are putting in for a massive power grab of our sovereignty with their post-pandemic treaty’
OK. I’ll go into bat for Taylor. I used to call her the Porcelain Doll.
Fifteen. I realize it harks back to a more innocent age, but someone has to sing these songs for twelve-year-old girls.,, and someone has to sing songs for fifteen-year-old boys so hats off to the skinny chick.
An afterthought, Cassie. As a very good friend, why did you not go into bat for Lizzie when she was under the pump from numerous posters? It’s rather revealing that you come out a-guns-ablazing now when the dust is well and truly settled.
What a friend you are!
how to write song lyrics like Taylor Swift apparently does
its on old tech(“LSTM”) but works well enough and can be manually tuned. Chat GPT 4.0 is a better TS song writer ofc.
Dr. John Campbell
Excess heart deaths
GMH and The Mysterious Matter of the Imaginary Pile-ons.
Easy tiger.
You’ll blow a foofer valve champ.
Lizzie is a class act.
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn: Globalist Forces Are AT WAR With American Freedom | Eric Metaxas on TBN
Several years ago, protesters gatecrashed a sermon by Father Rod Bower, a particularly nasty far-left priest, in Gosford.
The cries of outrage and disgust from the left, suddenly concerned with the sanctity of the church were a sight to behold.
Having said that, protesting church services, weddings or funerals is absolutely a no-no in my opinion; I don’t care who the protest is against, or the the reason for it
Chris Hedges: They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They Are Lying About Ukraine.
“What a friend you are!”
I am a good friend to Lizzie, and she is a good friend to me. I have come to bat for her many, many times, and will continue to do so in the future. But your comment is one again revealing, you see only what you see. Here’s a thought, perhaps you should go to Specsavers.
My Dad loved his. Mum gave us tacit permission to ruin it!
That’s exactly what it is.
The Great Reset Is a Project of Extermination
Here’s a thought, perhaps you should check the definition of hypocrite again, Cassie.
I take it that you are ignorant of such things Ed.
Perhaps you should read Arutz Sheva.
It’s a good news outlet.
H/t Cassie.
As a matter of interest I’ve done a fair bit of work in heteroaryl chemistry. Furan, thiophene, pyridine. But I never did work with the arsenic equivalent, which is known as arsole. I defer to you in that respect, since you clearly are an expert.
“Having said that, protesting church services, weddings or funerals is absolutely a no-no in my opinion; I don’t care who the protest is against, or the the reason for it”
CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as ’cause’ on some death certificates
Not ONCE did I see you enter into any discussions re. Lizzie – and there were plenty of them. On Sinc’s and also here. As I said – what a friend!
And nor should you.
In fact, I can’t think of a dude who exudes less grandeur.
Besides, there is only room for one God-Oracle on this blog.
“Here’s a thought, perhaps you should check the definition of hypocrite again, Cassie.”
I have checked the definition, and I can confirm again that you are a hypocrite.
“Not ONCE did I see you enter into any discussions re. Lizzie – and there were plenty of them. On Sinc’s and also here. As I said – what a friend!”
You really need to go to Specsavers. Oh, and now you’re referring to the pile ons against Lizzie, pile ons you gleefully joined in on, as “discussions re. Lizzie”.
Why do they leave out the Philipino and all the other bits of his ethnicity?
I hope this isn’t doxxing Uncle GMH.
I give it 15 minutes before Uncle GMH starts picking fights with someone who isn’t here.
“Why do they leave out the Philipino and all the other bits of his ethnicity?”
Yesp, including his Jewish ancestry.
Sympathies. At any age the right treatment can help. There are therapists that specialize in ASD, if possible, seek them out. I’m surprised he hasn’t been formally diagnosed.
That is so ASD, language taken very literally.
It’s difficult to sort out a temper tantrum from sensory overload, the latter can be a real problem for autists. Very difficult to do this but if you can detect a pattern there, a set of circumstances that sets him off, it might help. This is probably moot for you but asking him if he knows what triggers him or what environments irritate him might help. Autists sometimes have very specific triggers.
Don’t ignore the possibility of drug treatments. Autists often have an unusual connectome, different communication pathways in the brain that can create problems. Another issue in ASD is low GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. Hence anxiety can also be a problem. One autist I came across always carried a small bottle of cannabidiol so when he became anxious a couple of drops under the tongue helped control that(CBD boosts GABA). Low dose 2nd gen antipsychotics is another option. I appreciate that sounds severe but it might help.
ASD can come with comorbidities like ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, sensory hypersensitivity, food intolerances, gut issues, systemic inflammation and autoimmune issues. One of the more unusual things I read about ASD is the tendency towards low vitamin D status irrespective of sunlight exposure. It isn’t just about the brain, it can be a whole body condition.
Full text is available.
That worked independently of D status. Odd but consistent with the immune dysfunction so common in ASD.
That’s extraordinary because my Aspie friend is a highly acclaimed poet. The goal is not to make them normal, that’s not possible, but to play to their strengths. If you could find some poetry comps for him to enter, or general publications that accept poetry, and he can focus on that, it could make a huge difference. Finding a focus, something to give them an orientation in life, can be beneficial.
I can’t tell you what to do, I can only make suggestions. An Aspie friend who has written a few books on ASD said to me: if you’ve met one autist you’ve met one autist. The implication is that like so many behavioral conditions there can be a very wide variation in symptom presentation.
Oh, hello.
Moeen Ali, of all people has been dragged into the crucial No. 3 spot after Duckett burned an LBW review.
This would appear to be a bit silly.
Ed Case
Jul 9, 2023 6:53 PM
We’re talkin’n bout f…ing trees.
Good to see you’ve moved on from your bear obsession Ed.
Old Ozzie 9/7 3:53
Phew, I need help in understanding this.But the banks took on govt money at say 3% to on lend. The govt says these monies are now to be paid back at say 5%.
The banks now have to recover by increasing interest rates.
But the banks could not increase the onlent monies to customers as theses contracts were locked in at 3%.
Is this correct.
Dot please explain in plain Inglis – I am in the micro level.
EU Exposed For Being Behind Nigel Farage Bank PLOT
Why do they leave out the Philipino and all the other bits of his ethnicity?
Because they’re the importrant bits.
He’s walked into a Crane Operator job on the Wharves at 17 years old, so he’s got an interesting backstory that we’re not being told about.
Is Moeen Ali an affirmative action batsman? Sorry — batter, as in the stuff you dip flake in?
Rabz, that’s a platinum hit fo shizzle.
All it needs is a feat. rapper in the middle eight to make it “pop” in the clubz and for the boo crew too
u huh, tune in to this
audio bliss tailor made fo my girl Taytay Swift
globetrotting doll gonna totter on those matchstick pins
stateside, worldwide, Orstraylia coming after this
four million punters down under wanna come an see
Swift play, B-Pay, Pay Pal and yo C-B-D-C’s
tonnes of funny money coming through dat shelf company
based in Pana-ma, so buy that hooded tour sweat-ah
signal to ya daught-ah, now Pride Months is o-vah
thatlookinglikearighttit isvirtuoussosignalit
andthereaintnobandwagonbigenough toholdallofthegreeenstuff
A.I., e-money, hit “like” and we deliver it
and Mizz Swift
banks Swiss
Surely a combo of Uncle Arthur and Bruce Ruxton:
‘Do you know how many wars I died in for you?’, staring at a Kimberleys beach waiting for the Indo invasion.
Pro tip: Turn the spiky hallway runners upside down. That’ll learn ’em.
I enjoy what you write here Cassie. You’ve always stood up for me, especially when you know times have been a bit grim, so thanx for that. So sad to read about your stepfather and your mother’s distress as well as your own. This place is good for sharing stuff, especially if it has a political angle. Most things in life do have that when you think about it.
But rest easy. The blog’s a blog.
Hairy’s just announced his Sunday roast is ready. He was hurrying it along because we came in late from swimming our laps and I’ve just had to race to the kitchen and open windows to avert the smoke alarms going off. We’ll watch the second hour of outsiders over dinner tonight. Bad habit of course, watching TV over dinner, but we’re both too tired to talk. lol.
You’ll note this is from the Department of Defence. They seem to have been conducting the Covid exercise from the very beginning.
U.S. DOD issued contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine in 2019
Dunno Tom. Apparently he’s a ripping bloke.
However, what it means is that Stokes is injured, and if they need a quickfire 40 out of him – which is all they might get – the kipper-munchers realise they may need another 100 on the board first.
Well, it is a little early for a nightwatchman.
Although I wonder if McCullum thinks there is still a bit of juice in the wicket from yesterday’s rain and humidity and is thinking it will settle down.
Anyway, back to the main issue. I am only watching in the hope of seeing the Midget Cheating Houso Ranga spill a catch.
Plastic hallway runners.
Golden memories.
Moeen Ali, of all people has been dragged into the crucial No. 3 spot after Duckett burned an LBW review.
This would appear to be a bit silly.
Either a masterstroke or stupidity.
I’m thinking the former, stay in and allow the ground to dry out, pitch the same.
See what happens.
1997 at Old Trafford I believe Knuckle Dragger. Tubby won the toss and batted first on a mudheap. SR Waugh made twin tons. Taylor decided to bat first because he thought conditions were right for his batters and right for the bowlers at the arse end of the match.
Tubby was a great captain
Muddy’s been quiet.
Bing Bong! Wrong order — it’s midget houso ranga cheat!
There’s nothing sinister about it – Mayo was a rising young star in the Maritime Union of Australia, he was the protege of a hard line Communist by the name of Brian Manning, he put his hand up for the job of Union organizer, and the crane operators job would have come with the position.
There’s nothing sinister about it – Mayo was a rising young star in the Maritime Union of Australia, he was the protege of a hard line Communist by the name of Brian Manning, he put his hand up for the job of Union organizer, and the crane operators job would have come with the position.
Uh, dickhead … Union Organiser is a Paid position in it’s own right, there’s no Crane Operating involved.
As I said, nobody walks into a job on the wharves at 17, let alone a Crane job, you’ve got to wait for someone to retire, and then his son gets first dibs on the job.
I think all sorts of cozy arrangements are possible when the MUA is involved.
It’s fun getting Angry Karen to blow up. She’s so pathetic.
Good work Cassie. Karen goes from nought to ten in a split second.
As I said, nobody walks into a job on the wharves at 17, let alone a Crane job, you’ve got to wait for someone to retire, and then his son gets first dibs on the job.
rare for me to agree with Ed but in this Case .. waterfront jobs are, generally, heriditary and even if you got lucky and scored one no way you’d have a crane operator’s tix at 17 and the experience to fluke such a closed shop number!~ …….
Lol, Actually Cassie is a pretty decent oracle.
Because the power and entitlement only comes with the enumerated heredity.
Because the power and entitlement only comes with the enumerated heredity.
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders have absolutely zero power to promote and platform anyone, so it’s the non ATSI part of his heritage that is important, not the long extinct Tribe he claims identity with.
You would be shown “on the books” as a crane driver, and paid as one, for “services rendered to the union” even if you didn’t have a crane drivers ticket, or the experience.
Looks like Scott Boland is our Affirmative Action pick.
The guy has done nothing except leak runs.
You would be shown “on the books” as a crane driver, and paid as one, for “services rendered to the union” even if you didn’t have a crane drivers ticket, or the experience.,
says a bloke whose life experience of working was digging latrines for the Army and shoveling sheep shit on the farm.
Wake up, dickhead.
The ‘affirmative action pick’ took 6/7, against England 18 months ago.
Todd Murphy – where art thou?
Yes I know Mark Taylor just said that, but geez.
Captain Climate needs to think about bringing the spinner on.
Poms are batting fairly easily atm.
Keep beclowning yourself, Grogs. If you want to add new dimensions to the word “Idiot”, that’s fine by me.
This is one of the problems with having a quick as captain.
If you are a hammer, everything’s a nail.
All he can see is fast inswinging yorkers hitting leg stump, or outswingers taking the edge.
With 120 to get, he may as well give Todd a trundle now.
Speaking of which – Root gorn via the hammer. Accidental, but there you go.
Here we go. Stokes in.
This will be over in an hour and half, one way or the other.
Toddles got wickets bowling on a goat paddock in India.
Once the wickets improved, he did nothing.
Scott Boland had one good performance 18 months ago.
He’s a passenger now, and with Toddles being a Post Turtle,
Australia are trying to win with 2 bowlers.
Although it was a leg-side strangle, which I don’t think would have been in their top five strategies on the whiteboard under “How do we get Rooter out?”
KD, Sanchez
We were staying with pals in Portugal and the dude is a mad cricket supporter from Sth Africa. He ended up hating the aussies because he reckoned they were cheating. I don’t watch it, but is what he said true?
Actually three.
Which is three more than Joe Burns.
Bring back Burnsy!
Burns wasn’t selected as an fast bowler.
He did score 4 or 5 Test centuries, as well as taking a fair few blinders at second slip.
Yep. SandpaperGate. 2018.
All should have been banned from all forms of the game for life. Bancroft for smashing the pill with sandpaper hidden in his jocks, Warner for organising it and Smith – especially Smith – for being the captain, knowing what the others were doing, ignoring it and then telling everyone at a presser later to ‘move on’.
Only the blind would say that.
He was in the armchair at first.
Toddles to Stkes.
What’s the Ashes record for sixes in an Over?
Well, yes.
Which gives rise to the “cheating” part of “midget houso cheating ranga” (Australian opener David Warner).
There were two issues.
Not only were they cheating, but they were cheating ineptly and got caught.
The precise mode of cheating was roughing up one side of the ball to encourage it to swing through the air.
The thing is, ball tampering is akin to steroids in American baseball twenty years ago. Everyone is doing it, but no-one is talking about it unless confronted with obvious evidence (to wit, a close up of a big strip of bright yellow sandpaper on the TV).
The devices/substances used for altering the state of the ball include hair product, bottle caps, sugary mints, sandpaper, fingernails, you name it.
Davey was the only one who didn’t buckle the nut.
Smith cried, Bancroft cried, Davey did his suspension, said nothing, and walked back into the team.
Ed October cried when ‘Burnsy’ rightly got the arse.
Banks that want to survive match assets and liabilities on duration (short against short, long etc) and ability to earn a positive return given customer and economy risks. This means they lend funds taken from govt actions which cost 2% at more than 2% – how much more depends on the market, the product and what other options they have for the money on offer.
Banks also have other sources of funds besides the Govt like bond issues and shares issued which can have different cost of funds than the RBA cash rate. As for the contractual “lock-in” part thats handled by regular lending rate reviews for cards, overdrafts and floating rates on mortgages. Its more rare to have fixed rates in Oz than e.g. USA where fixed rates are common.
KD at 10:13.
The other great unspoken truth is that every bowler on the team would have known the ball was being tampered with.
Have you ever known a fast bowler not to carry on like a pork chop if the ball is returned without the utmost care being taken for it’s condition.
You’d get off lighter if you beaned their first-born with a claw hammer.
But this ball is gently played 15 metres across lush grass to Bancroft, is returned to the bowler looking like one side has been dragged across the Nullarbor behind a truck, and no-one notices?
That will be a chapter in Little Davey’s book, no doubt, and might be his selection insurance policy.
Cronkite is never around when you need him. He should’ve commented on Steve Milloy’s piece in the WSJ. If he stopped focusing on Trannies and spent time concentrating on gerbil warming bullshit, he would’ve posted this and talked about it.
How freaking “preposterous” is this? Gerbil warming is supposed to be measuring what are essentially small wiggles in temps and these morons are suggesting they can ascertain the global temp from 125,000 years ago, compare it to now and suggest we’re living in a hothouse. How freaking bad has some areas of science gotten to is incredible.
No. Really, I must protest at this. At times here Cassie was the only friend I had, and she provided a support for me over some very nasty scenes. To say she never spoke up is just totally untrue. I also know her personally. When I broke my foot in 2020 and we met up with other Cats at the pub, me in my moon boot, she was so solicitous to me, helping me to walk to the carpark. We’ve always been like sisters in spite of our age gap but re my foot she was like a very considerate daughter, just the sort of daughter she is to her mother in the current sad situation. She is a very generous person. Don’t diss Cass. She is also one of the best commenters here.
If Brook and Stkes (h/t Googlery) bat for 40 minutes after lunch, the fat lady can start warming up.
Yes she did support you as we recall. Angry Karen is just attempting to recreate history because she’s a delusional little zero with nothing to add to any discussions.
Nothing really works for her – even trying to sound smart by being a nasty little worm.
Don’t diss Cass. She is also one of the best commenters here.
No argument from this little black duck.
Hairy tells me the crickit is going to be settled tonight. Thank goodness, perhaps he’ll get to bed a bit earlier in future if that is the case. He was reminiscing to me over dinner about the old days on The Hill, and the throwing of bottles and cans of beer. Mostly, he says, they were empty, but a few were full, tho’ the worst sort were those thrown half full because the drinker had a fit of absolute anger and disgust. You had to duck and usually you got wet with a stream of flying beer regardless, he says, a bit wistfully I thought. Glory days, boys, glory days.
Stokes gone for 13.
Getting interesting now at 5/161 chasing 251.
Don’t worry about the reliability of GMH’s memory stretching back weeks or months.
He usually can’t remember who he was stoushing with on the previous page.
Dover moving from 250 comments per page to 100 isn’t going to help GMH at all.
Rooter and Stkes out to leg-side strangles.
That is lazy crickit.
Bristow’s big chance.
The boring idiot brought up the argument with Trans (that other drunken imbecile) from last night. Trans started the stoush with just an abuse laden comment and then when he was asked to support his assertion he began something resembling a mouth frothing fit. He went spastic.
The one thing I do and have always done is to at least support my assertions. Nasty Karen suggested I don’t.
Would love to see the chubby ranga run out again
Now 6 for. Ranga out
Bristow goneski.
I think he might be changed out.
His keeping has been ordinary as well.
Just realised that it is three years ago to the very day that I broke my foot.
No exercise for months due to my foot and resultant DVT, not much walking, Covid lockdowns, and swimming pool closed. Big cancer-scare op in 2021 No wonder I put on a few more kilos than are good for me. I eat when anxious. Managed to counter that eventually, and then of course the world opened up again, and wacko, we’re off to the UK, then the US, then the UK again this year, with cruises and other small trips also and the tendency was to eat with the joy of being free again. I eat when happy.
In fact, I enjoy eating far too much no matter what my state of mind!
I find as I’m getting older though I tend to drink less. …. There’s a predictive text shadow that comes up on this comment box now and it just put in ‘drink more’.
The hide of the thing. A single glass a nite if I’m feeling up to it these days.
And a G & T whenever I want one to kick-start the evening.
Thanks John H for your information about medication for adult autism.
It could be very helpful.
Re Vit D, I have had everyone in the family on supplementary Vit D ever since Covid. The evidence for it is very strong, and not all of us get the sunlight we need.
Yeah, I recall you saying you’d flabbed on 25 kilos. That’s quite a lot Liz.
Mark Dice:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s covert propaganda program to manipulate the mainstream media and the American people through the use of numerous assets who. RFK Jr. brought it up during an interview with Lex Fridman who was completely clueless.
RFK Jr. Blows the Lid Off Operation Mockingbird and How the CIA Manipulates American News Media
Watch the video and tell me which nation is world No. 1.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
– Arthur Ashe
Jul 9, 2023 11:38 PM
Watch the video and tell me which nation is world No. 1.
The USA is still Number One. However, they need Trump back Big Time to at least steady the ship.
Tony Heller:
7 Jul 2023
The press claims Earth had its hottest temperature ever this week. There seems to be no limit to how absurd and dishonest they are willing to be.
Climate Fakery Part 7
testing blah
Hi Cats! Here’s a longish travelogue for the late nighters. If tedious, please scroll as it involves gardens and gardening.
Lost Gardens of Heligan
These extensive gardens are near St Austell in Cornwall. My interest was first piqued twenty or so years ago when my brother gave me a book on the gardens and their discovery. The tale was one of those exciting gardening treasure stories – not a Viking hoard, or a Roman pavement, but an overgrown ruin. The owners bought the house, a very large house, as a doer upperer and along with it came a tract of land. Behind the house in the mountain of jungle there was a suggestion of paths and walls and old glasshouses. It was much like my first house at Epping in Sydney, but on a mammoth scale.
Over the years and with great labour the lost garden was rediscovered, uncovered piece by piece, path by path. Walls held up with ivy and other parasites were repointed and recapped. The little Italian garden was replanted, its central fountain playing once more, and the wonder of the place, the glasshouses, were repaired. A Melon House, a Peach House and one for the exotics that we take for granted. And the cold frames for the kitchen and flower gardens, their carefully set out parterres once more providing massive amounts of fruits and vegetables and cut flowers. Lining the paths – step over pleached apples of every description, augmented with pears and figs.
It’s now a great money spinner, but its delight for me is the accessibility for people with disabilities who can wander (or wheel) freely through the place. Visiting is timed so as not to have too many in the garden at once.
Another find – the very rare Davidia, the handkerchief tree, plus a collection of species rhododendrons just at the end of their seasonal triumph. Trees like evergreen magnolia, commonplace in Australia, also grow outside here, as do a great variety of fuchsias, all dancing and nodding on long stems.
Worth a look for green, and not so green thumbs if you are visiting Cornwall, just for its romantic history, replete with happenstance and hard work (my favourite type). Naturally, the Duchy is full of gardens to visit, many with plants quite exotic to Britain but growable due to the unique climate tempered by the Gulf Stream.
All should have been banned from all forms of the game for life. Bancroft for smashing the pill with sandpaper hidden in his jocks, Warner for organising it and Smith – especially Smith – for being the captain, knowing what the others were doing, ignoring it and then telling everyone at a presser later to ‘move on’.
Cannot be reiterated enough.
Mutt of the weekend…
She actually looks very much perfect, I’m going to go all out for this one.
Thanks for the travelogue Calli. Have enjoyed it.
Meanwhile, cricket has gone to shit. 6/221 – 30 to win.
Heh. Because I’m a parsimonious bugger, I’m sitting in the Free Wifi booth quayside here in Iceland with some of the ship’s crew. 😀
I won’t write too much about the country right now, have to get my head around the beauty and ruggedness of the place. Also something odd…the sun didn’t set last night. We are above the arctic circle, the land of the midnight sun. Because of that all pervasive current from the south, the daytime temperatures are quite mild – it’s low twenties and t-shirts. There is still a dusting of last winter’s snow on the higher peaks and troughs that look like white fluffy aprons against the dark basalt. The rest is a brilliant green, mostly short cropped vegetation with a very few trees.
The grinding action of forgotten glaciers has left behind a landscape that appears to be quarried blue metal. Piles of broken, pounded and differentiated rock sprouting tufts of grass like a teenager’s chin.
sprouting tufts of grass like a teenager’s chin.
I visited another garden today. When winters are six months long and the days consist of four hours of weird twilight, you can understand why flowers and all things green are so important to the locals. Tender plants are coddled along in green houses and pricked out at the first hint of reliable warm weather.
In among the permanent specimens all manner of bedding plants from decorative cabbages to fuchsias and my favourite, Mecanopsis cambrica, the blue poppy. Also many species roses of great hardiness. And towers of delphiniums, even overtopping the Beloved’s 6’3”.
That’s it from me today. We’ll be off soon to the next port, this time at anchor with the little tenders whirling around the great ship like little hungry piglets.
7/230. 21 to win. Starc 5 wickets.
I made a little mistake in the Heligan piece.
A parterre is a decorative garden for strolling and gawping at. The business end of edible production is, of course, the potager.
Captain Climate bowling shit. Belted for 6
Do you reckon it will be safe for me to mention the crickit tonight? The ship is full of cricket-cranky Poms so I’ve kept my head below the parapet.
I feel torn – I detest our current crop of sportsblokes, with very few exceptions, but I still want them to win. The closer the better too.
All over red rover. Ashes still up for grabs.
Finishing my port and off to bed.
Keep the head down Calli.
They’ll be gloating.
Whining soap dodgers win it!
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Visited Salzburg today.
Dearest Mother, i have completed most of my symphony but the wifi keeps droopen aut. I can attest to it being very hot , i would say its that hottest two days this week. Give my regards to father and please ask these tour buses to ferforken off.
Yours in music
Mozart A Von Snitzen-gruber
Peter Broelman.
Doh! Apologies Tom, its the Munich beer.
Peter Brookes.
Andy Davey.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Thanks Tom.
How can anyone not love the Musk
More climate change stupidity, Hun:
They just don’t let up, despite demonstrably wrong predictions. Go away dickheads.
The nicest thing you can say about all of them is that they are in the grip of mass insanity. The only thing that will save the world from their lunacy is to lock them up.
Let’s see what happens in Netherlands, it may be an indicator of which way the world is going.
Credlin & Abbott launch a podcast.
Unless they are going to review the mistakes of his government, why bother ?
Am in downtown Munich and the bells go on and on und on und on. But but ist see nein train kommen.
In Karaoke bar in Munchen. There is nothing like the sound of german electro pop songs being sung badly. …sounds like die voice to Parliament. No wait I can walk away. Ist gut.
I arose, all bright and twinkly, only to find the soap-dodging kipper aficionados won the crikkit by three wickets.
Straya had about 100 less runs to play with than they had at the same ground four years back. Lyon or no Lyon, that is a significant handicap because you can only defend smallish fourth-innings totals so often.
If only one of ‘our’ highly-touted top order batsmen had contributed more than five runs over two innings.
Aha. Daniel Cherny in The Hun:
told youse
Pieces of Eight etc
We went to the Ulster Museum today to look at the Spanish Armada collection. Following their 1588 defeat by Francis Drake and Co, some of the surviving ships fled north around Scotland and then west of Ireland. One of them, the Girona, got wrecked and sank with the loss of 1500 lives.
There’s a good collection of artefacts in the Museum including three guns and a lot of personal items, including jewellery. In one case was a heap of gold coins – known as “pieces of eight” if you remember your Treasure Island, along with silver coins too.
That was followed by Carrickfergus Castle, north of Belfast. Dating from the 11th century, it has been in constant use including into the 20th century – its last starring role was as an air raid shelter.
Over the hundreds of years it has been hacked about, with gun firing fissures piercing the walls, and then anti-ship guns on swivelling rails put in place. Underground storage for shells was added too. Although a small castle, it was still a fascinating example of the type.
On to Londonderry, or if you’re really Irish, just Derry.
Heads up: New Monday morning thread is up.
Inevitable fate of a castle worth having; location, location, location.
I will put it on my list.
Just read the 25 comments on the article about celebrities like Cate Blandchick not helping the ‘yes’ campaign. None in in her favour.
It was 23 years ago that Cate Blanchett was feted beyond her intellectual capacity by Kevin Rudd with the aid of the Misses Bonnie and a fawning elite.
I recall she was even published in the Australian, the writing a banal Year-7 level article. We the readers and subscribers were left dumber and less informed in reading it.
Please Cate, I know it can be confusing, but the words you speak in your movies are not your words but the words of great authors with great minds-I’ll leave it at that. Stick to acting, you’re good at that.
As a skin suit full of sh1t, who better than Turd Case to make this judgement?
Brrrrrrh! .. off early for my Monday swim .. with the Mayor of Fairfield closing the pool, between 10.30am & 2.30pm from now ’til September, to save on energy & staffing costs, gotta go earlier than my normal 9-ish ..
Monday is an OAP ‘freebie” 5.15am thru 9.30am entry so to get my K in before 10 gotta go earlier ……..!
Weren’t the ‘pieces of 8’ 8 reales, silver, with a cross image; cut into fours, the ‘quarter’ became what Americans called ‘two bits’? They were the international US Dollar of their time, silver thalers used internationally and overmarked by some like the Sydney Mint holey dollars and the Dutch East Indies VOC mints.
The common gold one I had no idea of, but a quick google tells me they were 8 Escudos, possibly called gold doubloons.
Quite apart from the failing fab four batterers, there is the little matter of the Poms catching, which looked like they thought Dukes was a brand of soap bar.
If Rooter and the tubby wanderer behind the stumps had hung onto their catches, Straya is out for under 150 in the first innings and gets belted.
The Insurance Council of Australia wants more action by government to slash emissions, meanwhile there people still living in caravans and back sheds after the floods of last year.
They thought they had insurance.