Rafe’s Roundup July 18

Heads up for Free Speech

CitizenGo Defending life, family, and freedom across the world.

Look out for The Free Speech Union of Australia! Get in early, sign up here to be on the mailing list when it launches.

Check up on the usual suspects

The Energy Realists    The Australian Spectator  Conservative Vagabond  Jo Nova    The Monarchists  Quadrant  The Free Press  Bettina Arndt  Menzies  IPA       The Sydney Institute  Mannkal  CIS     Taxpayers   Alexandra Marshall `   Australian Institute for Progress

CitizenGo The Free Speech Union

The revised and renovated Rathouse

My website dates from 2002 and it is named in honour of the Rathaus, the Great Hall of Vienna that was the venue for the Centenary Conference for Karl Popper (1902-1994.) It fell seriously into disrepair after the original webmistress, my wife Kilmeny Niland, died in 2009.

It has been cleaned up by another webmistress to be ready for the revival of Karl Popper next year in the Our Karl Popper Project that was floated by Margaretha Hendricks (in New York) and others including myself.

The Rathouse.

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July 20, 2023 11:51 pm

The rathaus (municipal hall – so they’re everywhere) was perhaps second in generating mirth when I learnt German. Thanks for keeping us up to date with links and happenings.

  1. “For a starter every floor of those two buildings weighted around 4,500 tons. A Boeing 767 weighs about 80 tons…

  2. What about “60,000 BC immigrants”? I’m sure the megafauna would love to deport them. Oops, alas there aren’t any anymore.

  3. Reposted for excellence – Digger, late on the OOT, and in response to some resurrected nuffery from over 20 years…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x