Leftism Dies in Daylight

Historian and poet Robert Conquest was a communist in his early life until he saw the light. Light is the operative word. Communism, leftism more broadly, survives only in the shadow of ignorance. Apropos, Conquest’s first law:

“Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.” Or, the version I like: “Everybody is reactionary on subjects he knows about.”

The more you search for the truth and the more you know, the more conservative you become. That’s why people become more conservative as they grow older. It’s not a function of aging per se. It’s a function of gaining knowledge and experience.

Numbers of commentators opposing the Voice are exactly right. The more people get to know about the Voice, the more they dislike it. This is precisely why the Prime Minister and the hapless Linda Burney, and the various self-styled Aboriginals who populate the Yes campaign, deflect questions about how the Voice will be formed, what it will do, and how it will close the so-called gap.

Never mind, they protest. Nothing to worry about. Australians will get to see what they’ve voted for, after they’ve voted. Nancy Pelosi springs to mind. “We have to pass the [Obamacare] bill so that you can find out what is in it,” she said in 2010 without a hint of its absurdity. It’s a mistake to think this is dimwittedness. There is no leftist plan that can survive open scrutiny. They subconsciously know that and therefore do their best to nurture ignorance.

You might object. Surely they believe in what they’re doing? Yes, but it’s their imagined utopian ends which besots and preoccupies them. Accordingly, they close their minds to facts which might derail their plans. And, at the same time, do their best to keep any such facts out of the public square.

Fortunately, the Coalition’s eventual opposition to the Voice and the effectiveness of Warren Mundine and Jacinta Nampijinpa Price in making the No case have exposed the discriminatory nature and deleterious consequences of enshrining the Voice in the Constitution. They have armed voters with a level of insight which would have been otherwise hidden from them. Hence, the ‘conservative’ option of voting No appears to be winning the day. The more light; the less leftism.

Listen to Chris Bowen on “climate change.” His mind is impervious to facts. The wind, sun and batteries cannot power a modern economy. Any remotely feasible number of batteries cannot hold enough power to bridge gaps when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining. In any event, to carpet the required land area with wind and solar erections is impracticable and simply won’t happen. Only so much ugliness will be borne by those affected. Green hydrogen simply cannot be produced economically at scale. Renewable energy has shown itself around the world to be the most expensive form of energy. None of this has a chance of penetrating Bowen’s mind. He sees Australia becoming a “green energy superpower.” That’s his utopian vision, inconvenient facts be damned.

Wherever you look, leftism strives to keep people ignorant. Covid is a case study. And a case study too, in the way governments which are not avowedly conservative drift left when it suits them. Conquest’s second law is applicable: “Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing.”

Some generous people give governments the benefit of the doubt at the beginning of the pandemic. That’s a mistake. It was clear in March 2020 (even to non-epidemiologist me – here’s my Quadrant piece to prove it) that the virus threatened only those with serious underlying conditions; perforce, mainly the aged. An integral part of the tyrannical lockdown policies was a determined effort to shut down more considered views and to cancel those who held them. This authoritarian approach to quashing dissenting views carried over to questions about the usefulness of masks and about the effectiveness and risks of the vaccines. An open marketplace of competing views and ideas is poisonous to leftists.

There’s lot more examples. I haven’t even mentioned the determined effort to supress biological reality in order to press transgender rights. Another of the fact-free causes du jour of leftism.

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October 1, 2023 8:34 am

There is no leftist plan that can survive open scrutiny. They subconsciously know that and therefore do their best to nurture ignorance.

There are no unforeseen consequences in left-wing policy. The chaos is planned because left-wing governments are cunning and know the news media will help them obfuscate the consequences.

Left-wing ideas are revolutionary and therefore, by definition, do not have popular support.

Left-wingers know their ideas must be imposed on the public, who would never vote for them in a democracy.

The left-wing solution to the problem is to get rid of democracy, not the policies opposed by the public.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2023 8:56 am

And a case study too, in the way governments which are not avowedly conservative drift left when it suits them. “

I think we can safely say that almost all right of centre parties in the Anglosphere, be it the Conservatives in the UK and Canada, the Nationals in NZ, and the Liberals here in Oz aren’t even “avowedly” conservative anymore, the parties are full of actors. We have elected these parties in the hope they will try and implement some right of centre policies, but they don’t. Once in power, they run a mile from any confrontation and so the progressive status quo stays. Nothing changes. Zilcho. We had nine years of this here in Oz, a government too intellectually feeble to rein in the NDIS, too feeble to broaden the terms of the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, instead allowing it to become a witch hunt into particular religious organisations, too feeble to confront the climate hysteria, too feeble to talk about immigration. I could go on, the list of feeble failures is endless. In the UK, despite thirteen years of Conservative governance, they now have out of control immigration, bleeding borders, people having their bank accounts shut down, Tory MPs with contempt for the such things as the “presumption of innocence”, and Tory MPs wanting to censor and shut down “right-wing” media outlets.

There is simply no point in electing them. There are a few exceptions, their names are Trump and Orban.

I don’t see any hope here in Oz. Just look at NSW where we have a Liberal opposition leader by the name of Mark Speakman, who was a particularly disgraceful NSW A-G, who supports YES and who, a few days ago, basically said that unless Australia opens its borders to immigration, we will be invaded! Odd, because I think we’re already being invaded! Also, perhaps we need to start building massive apartment blocks in Speakman’s electorate of the Shire. I’m pretty sure shire residents won’t take kindly to that. You have to wonder what planet Speakman is on, doesn’t he see how Sydney is choking? Doesn’t he read about the exorbitant housing prices? Meanwhile, Speakman says nothing about the sinister and vile surrogacy and LGBTQI+ laws being proposed by that utterly sinister and repulsive member for Sydney, ‘Prince’ Alex Greenfilth. I will NOT vote for a Liberal Party headed by Mark Speakman.

Watch the NZ Nationals win in two weeks, and then watch them do nothing to rein in /curb the disastrous last six years of Jacinda Labor governance.

Conservative parties are now just another avenue for leftists to infiltrate.

October 1, 2023 9:09 am

A case in point, Cassie, will be the Queensland elections. The Libs will probably get in and do absolutely nothing conservative or try to redress the infiltration by the socialists.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2023 9:25 am

“The left-wing solution to the problem is to get rid of democracy”

Correct, and they’re succeeding across the Anglosphere, in the UK, in Canada, in NZ, and here in Oz. I still have some hope for the US, although if the Demonrats hold on in November 24, it’ll be all over for the USA.

A distraught Laurence Fox, in his talk with Triggernometry two nights ago, made the claim that the UK is now almost “communist”. No Laurence, that’s not quite true. Instead, as Michael Malice (who is a student of history) pointed out in a talk a week ago with Canadian, Megan Murphy, the West, and particularly countries like Canada, Oz, Uk and NZ, are now “authoritarian”. And the left have done this without firing a shot, they’ve taken over everything, the police, the army, even conservative parties. They don’t need to built gulags anymore, instead they have cancel culture. It destroys and eradicates in exactly the same way as Stalin’s gulags.

Here’s another example of a so called right of centre party enabling authoritarianism. Remember, this proposed “misinformation and disinformation” bill was first drafted under the Morrison government and that vile Paul Fletcher. They gifted it to Sleazy and his merry crew.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2023 9:32 am

“A case in point, Cassie, will be the Queensland elections. The Libs will probably get in and do absolutely nothing conservative or try to redress the infiltration by the socialists.”

Well yes, considering that even in “opposition”, when you’re supposed to “oppose”, the QLD LNP couldn’t even find the spine to oppose the new law which would allow the media to name accused rapists and sex offenders.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2023 10:03 am

“The left-wing solution to the problem is to get rid of democracy”

I remember when Gillard wanted to bring in her CO2 tax she was adamant that what the business community wanted was ‘certainty’ – not that they wanted to be spared another impost. They wanted the certainty of no tax, but she was arguing they would be just as happy with the certainty of bleeding from another of a thousand cuts.

As far a she was concerned, she wanted a fait accompli with no more discussion.

And she knew no more about business, about the art of creating what people want and need, than in her socialist Uni days.

October 1, 2023 10:23 am

There are no unforeseen consequences in left-wing policy.

Hard to argue with this; its like a blind spot that covers 9/10 of their range of vision.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2023 10:40 am

Haven’t we seen again and again with each generation kids leaving high school, entering uni and almost at once see them change – filling up with fanciful abstractions and theories, which they proclaim constantly with supreme condescension, dismissing all objections to lack of vision, ignorance, stupidity, and a selfish desire to maintain status in the status quo.

Then they graduate, gain experience and knowledge, have families, and the whole fatuous cycle starts again.

October 1, 2023 10:54 am

Imagine a society in which the bulk of the ruling class works with words and abstracts prior to gaining power.
Where it’s quite possible ( indeed preferable) for them to go from school, to uni, to political ” advisor” to power without encountering how the bulk of Australians live.

Where ” my muvva was a houseo” is seen as proof positive you are a real battler background, never mind the silk cushion ride through school/ uni etc.

Where disobedience or questioning is a ticket to being removed from the group.

That the dysfunction we have nurtured.

October 1, 2023 11:23 am

So true. Ignorance is bliss for those amongst us with not a critical fibre in their being until it hits them personally. Big picture is beyond them.
As for immigration which used to mean bringing in people who would have skills and values to benefit Australia, it’s now a free for all for anyone with a pulse.
I get “Planning Alerts” for my suburb and it’s sad to see the single house dwellings on say 750 sq metres demolished and now having storied apartments being allowed. Would not have been permitted not that long ago. Stack and pack is the current mantra. Many problems already apparent. So sad.

John Brumble
John Brumble
October 1, 2023 12:29 pm

Big business (i.e. business behind the government-created barriers to entry that are regulations) doesn’t mind extra taxes.

They do want certainty- the certainty that there will be yet another line of protection for them from disruptive innovation.

October 1, 2023 1:08 pm

Just look at NSW where we have a Liberal opposition leader by the name of Mark Speakman, who was a particularly disgraceful NSW A-G, who supports YES and who, a few days ago, basically said that unless Australia opens its borders to immigration, we will be invaded!

And never mind the massive housing crisis we already have.

An example is the lady and her pre-adolescent daughter, living in her van for many months now.

Our politicians are too stupid (or malignant) for words.

October 1, 2023 5:15 pm

The US commentator, Mark Levin, recently noted that high levels of immigration posed a real threat to the cultural integrity of a nation. Given that it is now apparently possible to live in Australia without speaking a word of the language, it seems the Balkanisation of the country is well underway. Especially as children are being deliberately misled as to the origins of well accepted historical facts and traditions.

October 1, 2023 5:53 pm

Oct 1, 2023 5:15 PM
The US commentator, Mark Levin, recently noted that high levels of immigration posed a real threat to the cultural integrity of a nation. Given that it is now apparently possible to live in Australia without speaking a word of the language, it seems the Balkanisation of the country is well underway. Especially as children are being deliberately misled as to the origins of well accepted historical facts and traditions.

I maintain Australians have been replaced in our own country. There is no longer an Australian nation for immigrants to assimilate into, there’s been far too much for far too long and we are on track to suffer all the ills of every multicultural empire in history, with all the blood and pain that entails.

October 2, 2023 8:35 am

There is no leftist plan that can survive open scrutiny. They subconsciously know that and therefore do their best to nurture ignorance.

That’s why the lefties and “doctors’ wives” must have causes that sound nice while hiding the real monstrosities that they are.

October 2, 2023 8:41 am

Renewable energy has shown itself around the world to be the most expensive form of energy. None of this has a chance of penetrating Bowen’s mind. He sees Australia becoming a “green energy superpower.” That’s his utopian vision, inconvenient facts be damned.

Bowen is the quintessential Tinman, no brain. His mission is to create a whole nation of brainless people so he does not look out of place and nobody can challenge his stupidity. That scientists are not challenging him either is because they have been bought and therefore their students will not be taught reality but will adopt The Science as their religion. This is how civilisations fall, because it becomes profitable to do so.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x