‘Voice’ referendum thread

The Big Picture, Tom Roberts, 1903

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October 14, 2023 12:56 pm

Will this be Aus’s Brexit moment?

October 14, 2023 12:56 pm


October 14, 2023 12:58 pm

Well, Razey, it might be but my exclamatory no was not my answer to your most excellent question.

Just bad digital timing.

Helen Davidson (nmrn)
Helen Davidson (nmrn)
October 14, 2023 1:01 pm

No 52%, Yes 48%
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW
State for Yes: TAS, VIC

Voted early last week at Coolalinga (rural area 40km south of Darwin). No signage or spruikers for either side. Laptops used for marking the roll.

I think people under-estimate the effect Australia’s largely urbanised population will have on the percentages. I’m worried that if the NO vote only gets in the low to mid 50s, rather than the 65-70% the polls are showing, then the Yessers will treat it as a victory.

I agree with those who think Albo and his activist mates will go ahead anyway. But at least we’ll have kept it out of the Constitution and if we ever get a sensible government in future, it can be reversed.

October 14, 2023 1:05 pm

if we ever get a sensible government in future

Yeah. I guess there is a first time for everything.

October 14, 2023 1:08 pm

Kooyong this morning at a local school, no laptops, just paper books

Only “Yes” folks there, about 20 of them, some locals I knew. Lots of signage for them too.

They all looked glum

Got my Freedom Sausage ($4)

Left the scene

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 14, 2023 1:13 pm

This is Albo’s Titanic moment

Go down with the ship you old trot lesbian.

October 14, 2023 1:20 pm


October 14, 2023 1:24 pm
October 14, 2023 1:29 pm

An appropriate visual for the thread, Dover. Thank you.

October 14, 2023 1:31 pm

Checkin in away from the Open Fred.

I am pleased by the apparent desperation reported among yessers, no doubt large shipments of ex-Soviet copium are being distributed to them.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 1:35 pm

Mother Lode from the Open Fred

They will be so pissed off that they set up a trap for us and we didn’t fall for it.

They carefully built and branded the vehicle as the “Innocuous Recognise”.
Too bad we managed to prise the hood open and have a look at what was powering it.

October 14, 2023 1:36 pm

Any bets as to who will publicly spit the phrase ‘a day of shame’ if No does a morning glory?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 1:41 pm

Luigi Lotto from the OT.

Top Ender

Oct 14, 2023 1:32 PM

A Referendum Result competition

No will win…. (in order of No winning magnitude)

Bar Beach Swimmer: No 72%, 28% yes
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

DrBeauGan: No 71%, Yes 29%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Barking Toad: No 70%, Yes 30%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Thefrollickingmole: No 70%, Yes: 30%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

John Brumble: No: 70%, Yes: 30%,
States: “only one Yes state”

No: 69%, Yes 31%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Speedbox: No: 67.5%, Yes: 32.5%.
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: Qld, WA, NSW, SA, Tas

Lysander: No 67%, Yes 33%
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Alamak!: No 66%, Yes 33%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas
States for No: Qld, WA, NSW, SA

Rockdoctor: No 65, Yes 35
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Top Ender: No 65%, Yes 35%.
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Megan: No: 64%, Yes: 32%
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: Qld, NSW, SA, WA, Tas

Mizaris: No 63.5%, Yes 36.5%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Mak Siccar: No 62%. Yes 38%
State for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Dot: No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Makka No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Nelson Kidd-Players: No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Salvatore, Iron Publican: No 61%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Delta A: No 60%, Yes 40%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas.
States for No: Qld, NSW, SA, WA

Robert Sewell: No 60%, Yes 40%
Yes states: Victoria, NSW
No states: Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Rugbyskier: No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Rosie: No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: Vic, SA
States for No: WA, Qld, Tas, NSW

Hzhousewife: No 59% Yes 41%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW

Sancho Panzer
No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Razey: No: 58%, No 42%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA, Vic

Rabz No: 58%, Yes 42%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas, SA
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld

Bruce in WA: No: 58, Yes 42
States for Yes: Victoria; Tas
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA

Local oaf: No 58%, Yes 42%
States for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA

Beertruk: No 57%, Yes 43 %
All states: No

JC: No 56; yes 44
States for Yes:
States for No:

Cohenite: No: 55%, Yes: 45%
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: all the others

Helen Davidson: No 52%, Yes 48%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW

Yes will win….(in order of Yes winning magnitude)

Alwaysright: Yes: 51%, No: 49%
States for Yes: Vic, NSW, Tas, Qld
States for No: WA, SA

October 14, 2023 1:48 pm

Have just done my civic duty. Fairly quiet and no waiting at the local primary school. Had a quick chat with the chap handing out the NO pamphlets – his personal opinion was a national vote around 68-69%.

I pray it is a resounding NO – anything in the ’50s’, even if NO, will spur Albo and the Aboriginal industry on. We have to flatten and kill this thing.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 1:58 pm

Some delicious cope from LaTingle:

In the atmosphere of the Voice debate, Australia’s small markers of progress have already been eroded

You have to marvel at the arrogance and lack of self-perspective of this woman, who purports to speak on behalf of Aboriginal people, non-Aboriginal people, Yes voters and No voters. She knows what’s best for all of us and those of us who do not follow her advice are foolish and probably hate Aboriginals.

October 14, 2023 1:59 pm

Ok my guesstimate.

39% Yes v 61% No

All states No except TAS.

Hope No nearer to 70%.

Problem is the states are going ahead with truth telling and treaties anyway. Need to send them a message. Unfortunately state Opposition leaders have been weak on the issue and have not noticed or are ignoring the majority No sentiment.

October 14, 2023 2:00 pm

I gave up drinking alcohol some years ago, mainly because my ageing carcass can tolerate only small amounts. However, I have just been down to First Choice and bought a small bottle of best French champagne, and if (as I hope) the Screech goes down in flames, I shall drink it with great joy.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 2:05 pm

I say 55/45 all states except Vic No.

Tas I’m conflicted about. Yes it’s full of luvvies, but I’m not convinced that they are anything more than a large-ish but noisy minority. It has also got a lot of older people living there now and I suspect they skew No, and will balance out the luvvies.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 2:05 pm

Oct 14, 2023 1:48 PM

Have just done my civic duty. Fairly quiet and no waiting at the local primary school. Had a quick chat with the chap handing out the NO pamphlets – his personal opinion was a national vote around 68-69%.

I pray it is a resounding NO – anything in the ’50s’, even if NO, will spur Albo and the Aboriginal industry on. We have to flatten and kill this thing.

Can you imagine the outrageous outrage if Yes scored a 55% national majority, but fell at the second hurdle by failing in Tassie, SA and WA?

October 14, 2023 2:06 pm

Tingle is an ugly both in soul and appeance. John Tingle was a twerp too. Media garbage.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 2:13 pm

Problem is the states are going ahead with truth telling and treaties anyway.

They can have their gab fests. Fine. Okay, they’re a drain on the state treasury, but not a crippling one. However, if measures are legislated that really hit the ordinary Joe in the hip pocket, these are liable to get shot down quick smart. I think other states would have the extremely short and unhappy life of WA’s heritage law (or whatever the hell it was called) in mind and not do that.

October 14, 2023 2:16 pm

No 65
Yes 35
All States NO.
Voted prepoll and asked very politely to remove my small NO badge from my jacket!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 14, 2023 2:16 pm

According to the Tingle there are countless reports that people will vote No because of ….. nuclear subs.
One report would be enough, oh great diviner of the tea leaves.

October 14, 2023 2:19 pm

I have not been paying attention. When is the result due please?

October 14, 2023 2:20 pm

This is your brain.


This is your brain on copium.

According to the Tingle there are countless reports that people will vote No because of ….. nuclear subs.

Any questions?

October 14, 2023 2:23 pm

Oct 14, 2023 2:19 PM

I have not been paying attention. When is the result due please?

I think, March 17th, 2025.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 2:23 pm

When I wrote 55/45 above, I meant 55 No 45 Yes.

I too would like to see a more lopsided vote to really put this whole dumb idea to bed. We’ll see.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
October 14, 2023 2:24 pm

Oct 14, 2023 2:19 PM

I have not been paying attention. When is the result due please?

You should have an indication by 6 or 7pm

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 14, 2023 2:24 pm

I’m now heading out to vote No in disgust at the Wayne Harmes out of bounds incident in the 1979 GF.
Laura made me do it.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 2:26 pm

…and when I wrote “put it to bed”, I meant it in the Philip Nitschke way.

October 14, 2023 2:29 pm

Can you imagine the outrageous outrage if Yes scored a 55% national majority, but fell at the second hurdle by failing in Tassie, SA and WA?

I could hope for that (and TAS by 1 vote), just so I could watch the aneurysms.

October 14, 2023 2:30 pm

I just wish the legacy meja would hurry up and die. Tingle et al will not be missed.

October 14, 2023 2:34 pm

I always had a crush on Tingle.
The sober librarian type. She throws off the specs, undoes her hair…


She’s still an attractive woman.

October 14, 2023 2:36 pm

CL. The wasabi has killed your sense of taste.

October 14, 2023 2:40 pm

I always had a crush on Tingle.

She’s beginning to look like a dude.

Around the mid 80s a pal and I were about to move firms and then we stayed as we were offered more money. Someone leaked the goings on to her at AFR and the crazed bitch wrote about it making us look greedy.

She’s all for them workers!

October 14, 2023 2:42 pm

Attractive? Rubbish. Ugly as.

October 14, 2023 2:43 pm

CL. The wasabi has killed your sense of taste.

Carolina Reaper couldn’t kill my taste enough to like shiny, overpaid ABC pets.

Dino Saur
Dino Saur
October 14, 2023 2:48 pm

If No wins, the current Ogres of the Aboriginal Industry lose their power. Is that why some appear to have become a bit panicked in the last week?
Will those who replace them be Ogres or Leaders?

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 14, 2023 3:01 pm

Just finished my stint handing out how to spell No cards, deep in Dan Andrews country. For the first hour I gave away No cards to 1 in 10. Then later it was 1 in 3. Then we went 1 for 1. For min 50% Very multi culti English not in their top 10 languages. They had no idea what they were doing. WTF did they come here if they do not understand voting requirements.

My booth definitely a Yes.

October 14, 2023 3:02 pm

If No wins, …

They will legislate the same sort of garbage.
The electorate having shown that they are all ignorant hicks, leaves the intelligent people like Albo to decide for us.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 3:03 pm

Oh come on
Oct 14, 2023 2:23 PM
When I wrote 55/45 above, I meant 55 No 45 Yes.

I too would like to see a more lopsided vote to really put this whole dumb idea to bed. We’ll see.

As a Consishushunal change issue, it is goneski for a generation.
And it has grabbed the Republican cause and taken it over the edge with it as it jumped.
Think about who was behind this.
The ALP, the Greens, and the soft left wets in the LNP.
the unions. running adverts and supplying volunteers.
nearly every major company in the asx200.
almost the entire mainstream media, with the exception of a few on sky. initially they were knowingly smug and complacent, but became increasingly shrill and desperate towards the end. The Channel Nein News guy (Mark Burrows) didn’t bother to hide the pom-poms whilst ‘reporting’ from Ayres Rock during the week.

October 14, 2023 3:08 pm

Just finished my stint handing out how to spell No cards, deep in Dan Andrews country. For the first hour I gave away No cards to 1 in 10. Then later it was 1 in 3. Then we went 1 for 1. For min 50% Very multi culti English not in their top 10 languages. They had no idea what they were doing. WTF did they come here if they do not understand voting requirements.

You should have to pass a civics test to vote and it shouldn’t be compulsory to vote.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 14, 2023 3:11 pm

Bingo card markoff!
“False balance”, h/t La Ursa Tingle

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 14, 2023 3:12 pm

My better half is supervising a booth for AEC in SE Melbourne. Said its gone nuts. Police called, lines way down the Street.

Anyway, I cracking a cold one. My job done.

Rococo Liberal
Rococo Liberal
October 14, 2023 3:16 pm

Some delicious cope from LaTingle

I’ve just made a complaint to the ABC on the fact Tingle and all their so-called experts are spraining for the “yes” campaign.

If the polls are saying that over 50% of people are going to vote “no” the ABC should be commissioning at least 50% of its opinion pieces from writers who are against the Voice.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 3:18 pm

This is an opportunity for Australians to show kindness, to say ‘I know’ — as the 97 per cent of Australians know — that they won’t be impacted directly by this. It won’t have an impact on their lives directly, but it might just make a difference to the 3 per cent of Australians who are Indigenous,

Don’t lie, Albo. I’m amongst the 97% of Australians you speak of and I don’t know what you claim I know. In fact, I know it will directly impact me if it gets up, as, at a bare minimum, I’ll be paying for it. You don’t speak for me.

And I use the word ‘lie’ advisedly – people are often accused of lying when they are merely wrong. Albo is lying here. He knows full well that a large proportion of the 97% of the country’s population that he purports to speak for does not hold the view he attributes to it. That’s not being wrong; that’s lying.

October 14, 2023 3:20 pm

I always had a crush on Tingle.

CL, like a minority of left women, Tingle was once cutish and beddable.

Remember that the bloke she finished up with eventually got sick and died to get away from her.

Now toddle off and have a power nap about Nigella’s ample bottom.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 3:20 pm

Oct 14, 2023 2:40 PM

I always had a crush on Tingle.

She’s beginning to look like a dude.

I expect her to appear as one of Cronkite’s Cue Towels any day now.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 14, 2023 3:21 pm

The only way to heal our fractured nation is a “Defund the ABC” referendum.
Plebiscite, whatever. It would just be delicious fun to have Their ABC, as a compromised party, locked out of their “we know what’s best for you, disgusting oiks” main game.

October 14, 2023 3:22 pm

While I would like a massive NO vote, in the light of the forces for YES and the appeal to the vibe (see today’s Leak) and the general repudiation of thought, I will settle for 55% NO. This will reassure me that a majority of Aussies are not gullible nongs.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
October 14, 2023 3:24 pm

Just voted in my WA country town. 20 minute queue and locals a bit miffed with a stream of grey nomads voting absentee and lengthening the wait.

No HTV cards, one lone “NO” placard.

Much chatter in the line about wheat and canola crops, rainfall and the rising costs of fuel and fertiliser. Albo is a dirty word in these here parts.
Nobody discussing their voting intentions, but a resounding “No” vote in this booth won’t surprise me.

I brought my own biro and pinched the AEC pencil.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 3:25 pm

You should have to pass a civics test

Gosh, I can’t think of any way such a measure could be gamed to disenfranchise those with politically incorrect views.

It’s a terrible idea that, if enacted, would almost immediately be weaponised by the worst kind of statist scum imaginable.

Agree that voting should be voluntary, though. At a bare minimum, there should be a ‘none of the above’ option.

October 14, 2023 3:32 pm

deep in Dan Andrews country.

Yes same. At my booth it was quiet , about 50/50 but noticeably it was women taking YES htv cards and blokes taking NO. I gave the NO volunteer a cheerful G’day mate and ignored the women handing out the NO’s. Now to await the victory.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 14, 2023 3:33 pm

That’s what I call stickin’ it to the man, Pedro.
I’m going to drive the Massey Ferguson up to the hall on the highway for a chiko roll and a tin, around 4. Might not shift any votes, but it’s a good reminder that one, you can’t tell the Rain God how to Welcome To Songlines, two, wealth only comes from work.
And three, the world has moved on from firesticks and nulla nullas.

October 14, 2023 3:33 pm

Back from at polling for No ‘ Yes lot all friendly in fact my co worker was teacher at local girls’ private school and YES lot he had taught. Asked one young man if he still lived home with mummy Yes he said well if you had a mortgage you would br voting No I said I am in Kooyong believe 43% voted prepolling or postal votes .

October 14, 2023 3:34 pm

Gosh, I can’t think of any way such a measure could be gamed to disenfranchise those with politically incorrect views.

That’s politics in general, tell me a simple and efficient way to stop senile people from voting?

“What election is this, what’s you’re name, who is the PM?”

That would be almost enough for me.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 3:36 pm

Since we’re on the topic of the attractiveness of women as they age – if someone told you in 1993 that, in 2023, Roseanne Barr would be vastly easier on the eye than Madonna, would you have believed them?

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 3:43 pm

tell me a simple and efficient way to stop senile people from voting?

You’re talking about a tiny fraction of the population, then. Senile people voting is a non-problem. And we already have to answer one of your three questions to vote.

The issue of disengaged and uninterested people voting for whatever is essentially solved by ceasing to force them to vote.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 3:44 pm

You have to marvel at the arrogance and lack of self-perspective of this woman

. and don’t forget her cankles

Is she still an item with all ’round self-important twat, Sam Neil?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 3:45 pm

Pedro the Loafer
Oct 14, 2023 3:24 PM

you are such a man of erudition and style, love it!

October 14, 2023 3:45 pm


Champion comment.

“This is one of the most absurd articles I’ve seen on The Conversation. There is absolutely no way people without basic comprehension and/or reasoning skills due to a psychiatric or intellectual disability should be on the electoral roll. My schizophrenic daughter is on the electoral roll and all that happens is she collects fines when she fails to cast a ballot and then I, as her guardian, have to sought it out. I’m so tired of do-gooders who refuse to think through the implications of their oh so clever ideas.

If someone lacks the cognitive capacity to drive a car, join the army, sign a contract or be held fully liable for a crime, they have no business at the ballot box (or more likely collecting fines).”

October 14, 2023 3:47 pm

The issue of disengaged and uninterested people voting for whatever is essentially solved by ceasing to force them to vote.

That’s a decent argument but what I say is now relevant because of the NDIS Swampers trying to turn their clients into an army of voting drones.

October 14, 2023 3:49 pm

Since we’re on the topic of the attractiveness of women as they age – if someone told you in 1993 that, in 2023, Roseanne Barr would be vastly easier on the eye than Madonna, would you have believed them?

Today, I can identify as a woman and a woman can identify as a man and we can get each other pregnant and share and sync up our mensies, go figure.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 3:49 pm

You should have to pass a civics test to vote and it shouldn’t be compulsory to vote.

My migrant Czech friends both got 100% in their citizenship test. And both voted a BIG BLACK NO with their own black pens – and had a photo taken with the NO hander-outers because this was their first election after becoming citizens in July, just in time to do a great service to their new country.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 14, 2023 3:51 pm

My eighteen year old (year 12) daughter is off to vote for the first time and quite innocently excited by the prospect.
I asked if she would vote yes or no.
“I’ll vote No.”
I cannot imagine where she got that idea.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 3:53 pm

I’m so tired of do-gooders who refuse to think through the implications of their oh so clever ideas.

. Hear Hear!!!! indeed case in point the Royal Commission into disability which delivered its report at the end of last month was split 50/50 on the clever and ridiculous ideas/pragmatic and sensible ideas paradigm.

October 14, 2023 3:54 pm

Handed out “no” votes all morning in a predominately Muslim burb.

Only got a few winks from the odd Aussie.

October 14, 2023 3:56 pm

Sam Neill ditched Laura yoinks ago.

October 14, 2023 4:00 pm

Previous articles have indicated the electorate with most No voters was going to be Bob Latter’s.

Somewhat ironic when he has famously claimed to be Aboriginal.

October 14, 2023 4:01 pm

Voting NO was easy for me .. having live dnext door to a “you can take the 251 out of Redfern but you can’t take Redfern out of the 251” family .. no work but always money for drink, smokes & dope and a regiment of gummint do-gooders to ensure they were well looked after especially when plod came callin’ ……

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 4:01 pm

as the 97 per cent of Australians know

. Mr 32% purporting to speak for the 97% – an insufferably arrogant and irredeemably lazy imbecile.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 4:03 pm

Oct 14, 2023 3:56 PM
Sam Neill ditched Laura yoinks ago.

Thanks for that little tidbit — came to his senses — I miss these things because I have not watched/listen to/ or read any mainstream media offerings since 2007

October 14, 2023 4:06 pm

An appropriate visual for the thread, Dover

When Gran died in 1988, Mum and Dad cleaned out the home he’d occupied for 70 years — all sorts of junk and odd stuff, as you might imagine, but the real surprise was when they removed the seemingly mundane board that had been used to block the fireplace and stop the wind whistling down the chimney.

Turned out it was a picture frame with a 3 foor x 2 foot engraved print of Robert’s Opening of the First Parliament. Better yet, it was signed by the artist.

Apparently Gran’s uncle had something to do with the building and/or maintaining the Cotter Dam and the pictures went to Canberra insiders.

No idea what it’s worth, but no intention of selling it anyway.

October 14, 2023 4:07 pm

Gran wasn’t a tranny. That should have been “she’d occupied”

October 14, 2023 4:08 pm

The other thing that strikes me about tingle is she seems to think.insults and abuse pass for reasoned argument eg calling the libs ‘clunckheads’. Piss off slag.

October 14, 2023 4:16 pm

In Lilley electorate.

Voted at the local evangelical church. Pleased with the set up for the NO side, with corflutes placed prominently and the lone NO HTV person in the best place. Voted just after noon, it was still quite busy. Usual staffers, looked like teachers/public servants/retired people earning an extra dollar. Offered a pencil, said I have a pen, no issue. Name marked off printed roll.

Spoke with the discreet/tactful NO HTV person afterwards. She “couldn’t gauge” how the vote was going, but did comment that she had had a lot of interesting conversations with people asking what it was about and what should they do! I find that pretty amazing after the amount of TV advertising we’ve been subjected to, but when I think about it, it wasn’t advertising that told us anything, just go with the vibe and look at this pretty child.

October 14, 2023 4:21 pm

I gave up drinking alcohol some years ago, mainly because my ageing carcass can tolerate only small amounts.

That was a huge tactical mistake. The correct path would see you drinking a lot more in order to impress upon your body that it must and will do as instructed.

October 14, 2023 4:21 pm
October 14, 2023 4:24 pm

That was a huge tactical mistake.

Alcohol is only bad for you if you abstain from one of cigareets and whisky and wild wild women.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 4:27 pm

Crikey sets fire to the pram

So Crikey is telling us that Albo failed to bring Coalition supporters over with his awesome persuasive super power? Uniting the country and all that? Say it ain’t so!

I love lefties. Whatever happens that they don’t like it’s never their fault.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 14, 2023 4:33 pm

Oct 14, 2023 4:21 PM
Crikey sets fire to the pram…

Thanks Chris for the link — I like this rather pithy comment:

had full
As an Indigenous Australian elder with roots going back to the year dot, I say that all Australians, are as Australian as I am and deserve thanks in advance for preventing communist politburo acting as mob voice and attaching itself to the constitution like a bush tick.

October 14, 2023 4:34 pm

It’s no secret Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is a person for whom the words truth and integrity are of little to no importance. Where dwells political self-interest and opportunism, there goes Dutton. Such traits stand in the space vacated by his moral compass, guiding his every move and every word, making him instinctively impervious to the clanging gongs of criticism.

Take it easy!

I don’t like the boy BUT how is this “news”?!

October 14, 2023 4:37 pm

Thanks for that, frollicking!

October 14, 2023 4:39 pm

Oct 14, 2023 3:32 PM

noticeably it was women taking YES htv cards and blokes taking NO

Interesting. In the most recent Morgan Poll, Male / Female NO voters were 57 / 45.

Clear Gender divide. This is different to polls in July, when gender was line ball and a clear Yes result.

So the blokes have come to their senses at about twice the rate of women.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 4:52 pm

Watched a bit of Skah News whilst doing a bit of admin stuff this arvo.
Classic example of j’isms letting their bias show.
One polling booth reporter talked about asking No voters to “explain why they voted that way”.
Most of the Yessirs on the vox-pops were all about da feelz and “It’s the right thing to do”. Not one mentioned how it would fix domestic violence, school attendance, criminal behaviour, preventable health conditions … nafink.
The other issue which popped up was Nicholas Reece flagging The Big Issue.
That is, the long queues to vote and “the failings of the AEC”. I predict some street theatre at 6:01 PM with yacktivists screaming outside polling booths that they weren’t allowed in to vote.
“Electoral Genocide!” will be the cry.

October 14, 2023 4:53 pm

Alene Composta revealed everything you need to know about Crikey and its newsroom of blue-haired nitwits, immediately embracing the “moose knuckle” absurdity.


Mind you, Jonathan Green had just departed Crikey for the ABC, so his scat may well have infected his successor.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 4:55 pm

Nicholas Reece also banging on about how tewwible it would be for Dutton if Teal electorates voted Yes.
He didn’t say (and wasn’t asked) what it would mean for Luigi if, as predicted, some 50-60 current ALP seats voted No.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 4:58 pm

Mind you, Jonathan Green had just departed Crikey for the ABC, so his scat may well have infected his successor.

Jonathan Green.
His time has come again.
Wasn’t it him who suggested that the best way to deal with murderous towel-heads was “cultured reason”?
Tim Blair used to have a lot of fun with him.

Robert Sewell
October 14, 2023 5:09 pm

The people shouting “Gas the Jews” don’t sound like Nazis – they sound like Muslims.
Start calling them by the correct name and make it stick that Islam is the problem, not the pitiful remnants of another ideological dung heap that was burned out – mostly – 70 years ago.

October 14, 2023 5:12 pm

Jonathon Green is responsible for first using the term “J’ism” to describe journalism. We can thank twatter for this.

Anyway, voting – what a joke. Forgot my pen for starters and when I turned up at the local school was advised to adjourn to the closest polling place as the wait at the school was likely to be about an hour.

Not a single No spruiker to be seen at either venue. Lots of sanctimonious looking white inner city collectivist imbeciles (BIRM) including some utterly vacuous bimbettes directly in front of me at the second venue. The fact that these people vote is an outrage.

Anyway, time to head off to my evening gathering. Happy celebrating, Cats!

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 14, 2023 5:15 pm

Carpe Jugulum
Oct 14, 2023 2:24 PM

Oct 14, 2023 2:19 PM

When is the result due please?

You should have an indication by 6 or 7pm

Carpe must have been trolling. They won’t even start counting until 6pm.
Not even the postal and pre-polling day ballots that they already had in the boxes yesterday will even begin to be counted until 6pm tonight.

Maybe some MSM co will publish exit polls from some close electorates between 6 and 7pm, but that could easily be biased in favour of Yes.

I’d give the counting at least 3 hours before getting too worked up about it. Check https://www.abc.net.au/news/elections/referendum/2023/results at 9pm for the earliest indicator. Presumably AEC have their own page but I have not found a link to it yet, which is not surprising as polls won’t close in NSW/VIC for another 45 mins.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 5:21 pm

Apparently the fact that the Yes side is soaked in enormous wads money and can afford to have booth babes and vast spreads of corflutes is a criticism of the No campaign. Or something.

Yes campaigners out in force while No camp nowhere in sight on polling day (News.com.au, 14 Oct)

[by] Alex Turner-Cohen and Tileah Dobson

No campaigners may have made a grave error on voting day as millions of Australians head to the polls.

Those campaigning against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament have “arrogantly abandoned” their posts outside polling booths, a Melbourne-based political expert has claimed, which could see the Yes side claw back some votes.

Kos Samaras, founder of political consultancy firm Redbridge and a former key Victorian Labor strategist, made the observation on Saturday morning.

“Absence of No volunteers at polling places is stark,” he wrote on social platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

He said this was good news for the Yes campaign, who could “convert” the undecided at the 11th hour.

Sounds very religious. And the whole article is unintentionally hilarious. I wonder if the lack of unpaid and castigated No volunteers means the No side is the underdog?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 5:26 pm

I forgot the funniest bit, which is the headline appearing on the main News.com.au page:

Arrogant act could flip Voice vote on its head

Yes, Cats, apparently it is arrogant to be poor and scared.

October 14, 2023 5:27 pm

Farmer Gez
Oct 14, 2023 2:16 PM
According to the Tingle there are countless reports that people will vote No because of ….. nuclear subs.

Sorry Cats but I have to ask – WTF have nuclear subs got to do with it? I read the Indigenous Voice to Parliament Final Report – all 270 pages – and I didn’t see a single word about submarines, nuclear or otherwise. What have I missed?

October 14, 2023 5:29 pm

Just reinforces my contempt for the meja.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 14, 2023 5:29 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Oct 14, 2023 5:21 PM

Apparently the fact that the Yes side is soaked in enormous wads money and can afford to have booth babes

Did you take a wrong turn and walk into a different kind of establishment, Bruce?
Did they do “poll” dancing?
There were no booth babes where I went.

I do remember seeing a freaking *aeroplane* towing a * banner* with Yes-campaign promotional sentences written on it.
Wads of cash is correct.

Rococo Liberal
Rococo Liberal
October 14, 2023 5:29 pm

The reason there are few No people at polling booths is that they don’t need to be there. Most people are going to vote “no” anyway.

October 14, 2023 5:32 pm

I wonder what proportion of NO voters were doing it simply because they were royally passed off about being welcomed to their country at every opportunity. A lot of people saw it for what it is, a reminder that they are not welcome.

October 14, 2023 5:32 pm

Very fitting that tingle wound up it the rotten stinking ABC. Doesn’t anyone still watch the 730 vomit? I haven’t since the days of Kerry o poo face.

October 14, 2023 5:34 pm

Regardless of the outcome of The Big Steal, the Lieborals remain persona non grata to me. I have an immense capacity for grudges.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 5:34 pm

Burqa is feeling combative I see. Not indulging you son, go find a rock to crawl under.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
October 14, 2023 5:36 pm

Those mile long miles at booths are odd. I live three doors from one in Kooyong and there has been barely anyone attending all day. I was in and out in under 1 minute. There were more ageing Yes volunteers than voters

October 14, 2023 5:38 pm

La Tingle already laying the groundwork for a no outcome on TheirABC

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 5:40 pm

Skah News running through the history of this shit-show.
Kicking off with Tony Abbott proposing Constitutional Recognition.
Trundling along in the background until Maocolm knifed Abbott.
Because it wasn’t Malcolm’s idea he called it a third chamber and decided to oppose it.
Luigi revived it because he wrongly thought 32% = landslide and the polling (based on eight years of talk about symbolic R Recognition).
When the bullshit started over Treaty and Macarena, a lot of people suddenly thought “WTF? I didn’t buy this.”
Maocolm now decided he supports it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2023 5:41 pm

I’m so demoralised that I’m predicting a YES win.

October 14, 2023 5:43 pm

Chris Kenny is being rather unpleasant about the bad Yes prospects on Sky and making everybody know it. I hope they give him the heave-ho soon.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 14, 2023 5:44 pm

New Farm, inner-city epicenter of Green Brisbane. Once a working-class and New Australian enclave, now home to increasing numbers of hipsters, mid/senior public serpents, QWERTY folk with shared custody of a dachshund, and lawyers and doctors.

Shirley a shoo-in for Yes.

I voted this morning at the Merthyr Road Uniting Church – one of the larger Brisbane polling places. Many, many No workers outside and relatively few Yes. Very calm and well-ordered (possibly due to the three cops having a cuppa), although Team No was looking elated.

After voting (phone book) I enjoyed a pikelet and jam from the New Farm Historical Society and a quick chat with a couple of No HTV workers I know from walking the dogs.

It turned out the elation was due to the relative HTV handouts and informal exit polling – “We thought it would be awful, but it’s looking something like 70%...”

No idea how it will end up; but fingers crossed for a solid No – sufficient to terrorize Labor Governments thinking to freestyle Truth and Treaty without first running it past the punters (Hi Annastacia).

October 14, 2023 5:46 pm

Never give up. Never give in.

Cass, be strong and very courageous.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 5:48 pm

Been looking at some lefty news sites, including the ABC. I think I need a shower, and a brain transplant. This is the best one yet though, from the ABC:

Darwin rural areas brave heatwave to vote

Voters are trickling into the Darwin rural area booth at Bee’s Creek School amid heatwave conditions in the Top End.

Many of the voters the ABC has spoken to have said they have voted No.

There you go, if it wasn’t for global boiling Australians would vote yes or something. BoM tells me the current temperature in Darwin is a scorchingly incendiary 31 C.

October 14, 2023 5:48 pm

You’re finished, downticker.

You just don’t know it.

October 14, 2023 5:59 pm

Talking to a couple of Chinese immigrants I know, they will tell workmates etc. (Teachers) they voted yes, but they claim th o have voted no.

Suspect the more recent Australian citizens are not going to break the way Labor expect.

October 14, 2023 5:59 pm

Off topic but latest is Israeli offensive to start at 9pm, WA time.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 14, 2023 6:03 pm

The Israeli offensive and a No win.
Keep the butter knives away from the ABC panel. No red in sight as slugs bleed green.

October 14, 2023 6:07 pm

Wall to wall abo on the telly.

October 14, 2023 6:10 pm

I reckon the NO vote will romp in.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 14, 2023 6:13 pm

When BoN can no longer distinguish good-natured humour from malicious personal attack, he becomes toxic and so creates even more reinforcing negative feedback from other people in what becomes a downward spiral.
I know exactly what has led to this sudden 180° turn in his interpretations to my unchanged messages. It may be curable but only he can do that.

He just has to admit that it was fair for people who don’t personally know him to initially judge what he literally said, despite that miscommunication not adequately representing his good intentions and which he later clarified.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 6:13 pm


Oct 14, 2023 5:43 PM

Chris Kenny is being rather unpleasant about the bad Yes prospects on Sky and making everybody know it. I hope they give him the heave-ho soon.

I haven’t watched Skah for a while but I just saw that.
What a flog!
Sneering, dismissive c-nt.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 6:14 pm

First time I’ve seen an election wake start at 6:01 PM.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 14, 2023 6:14 pm

Final predictions:
– all Cats except one predict a No win
– Vic and Tas are the states most predicted for a Yes
– SA is predicted for a Yes by a few
– no-one predicts a Yes from Qld or WA

A Referendum Result competition

No will win…. (in order of No winning magnitude)

Bar Beach Swimmer: No 72%, 28% yes
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

DrBeauGan: No 71%, Yes 29%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Barking Toad: No 70%, Yes 30%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Thefrollickingmole: No 70%, Yes: 30%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

John Brumble: No: 70%, Yes: 30%,
States: “only one Yes state”

No: 69%, Yes 31%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Speedbox: No: 67.5%, Yes: 32.5%.
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: Qld, WA, NSW, SA, Tas

Lysander: No 67%, Yes 33%
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Alamak!: No 66%, Yes 33%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas
States for No: Qld, WA, NSW, SA

Rockdoctor: No 65, Yes 35
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Top Ender: No 65%, Yes 35%.
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Knuckle Dragger: No 65%, Yes 35%
All states No except Vic

Megan: No: 64%, Yes: 32%
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: Qld, NSW, SA, WA, Tas

Mizaris: No 63.5%, Yes 36.5%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

132andBush: No 63%, Yes 37%
States for Yes:
States for No:

Chris: No 62%, Yes 38%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: the rest

P: No 60%, Yes 40%.
All States will vote NO

Mak Siccar: No 62%. Yes 38%
State for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Dot: No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Makka No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Nelson Kidd-Players: No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Salvatore, Iron Publican: No 61%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Delta A: No 60%, Yes 40%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas.
States for No: Qld, NSW, SA, WA

Robert Sewell: No 60%, Yes 40%
Yes states: Victoria, NSW
No states: Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Rugbyskier: No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Rosie: No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: Vic, SA
States for No: WA, Qld, Tas, NSW

Hzhousewife: No 59% Yes 41%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW

Sancho Panzer
No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Razey: No: 58%, No 42%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA, Vic

Rabz No: 58%, Yes 42%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas, SA
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld

Bruce in WA: No: 58, Yes 42
States for Yes: Victoria; Tas
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA

Local oaf: No 58%, Yes 42%
States for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA

Beertruk: No 57%, Yes 43 %
All states: No

JC: No 56; yes 44
States for Yes:
States for No:

Cohenite: No: 55%, Yes: 45%
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: all the others

Helen Davidson: No 52%, Yes 48%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW

Yes will win….(in order of Yes winning magnitude)

Alwaysright: Yes: 51%, No: 49%
States for Yes: Vic, NSW, Tas, Qld
States for No: WA, SA

October 14, 2023 6:14 pm

For those without sky (not showing it “free” on YouTube) and can’t watch the filth on ABC, Rushkan has his own panel.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 6:21 pm

Aunty Pat Karvelas on ABC trying to spin the low number of No volunteers as a sign that it wasn’t a grassroots campaign.
Not a word that the Yes campaigners were fully paid for by Unions, Colesworth and The Banks.

October 14, 2023 6:22 pm

Surprised he didn’t put shadowy figures in triple brackets.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:22 pm

You are not good natured, Burqa. Find a rock. Or a long drop toilet.

October 14, 2023 6:23 pm

Very early counting NSW& Vic nearly 80% no..

Can’t be right

October 14, 2023 6:23 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Oct 14, 2023 5:41 PM

I’m so demoralised that I’m predicting a YES win.

You shouldn’t be, Cassie. For starters, the Hamas assault has had the effect of getting every civilised person on the planet to support Israel. Also to make the uncivilised people extremely obvious.

I don’t see how there is any plausible way of putting in a fix on the referendum. Not on the scale needed if the polls are reliable. And I would expect them to be unreliable in the direction of overstating support for YES.

October 14, 2023 6:23 pm

Need to warm up the great post-game chant: “Look at the scoreboard dah dah dah dah dah….”

October 14, 2023 6:23 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
October 14, 2023 6:23 pm

Updated with a few latecomers:

Final predictions:
– all Cats except one predict a No win
– Vic and Tas are the states most predicted for a Yes
– SA is predicted for a Yes by a few
– no-one predicts a Yes from Qld or WA

A Referendum Result competition

No will win…. (in order of No winning magnitude)

Bar Beach Swimmer: No 72%, 28% yes
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

DrBeauGan: No 71%, Yes 29%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Barking Toad: No 70%, Yes 30%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Thefrollickingmole: No 70%, Yes: 30%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

John Brumble: No: 70%, Yes: 30%,
States: “only one Yes state”

No: 69%, Yes 31%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Speedbox: No: 67.5%, Yes: 32.5%.
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: Qld, WA, NSW, SA, Tas

Lysander: No 67%, Yes 33%
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Alamak!: No 66%, Yes 33%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas
States for No: Qld, WA, NSW, SA

Rockdoctor: No 65, Yes 35
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Top Ender: No 65%, Yes 35%.
States for Yes: Victoria
States for No: NSW, Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Ceres: No 65%, Yes 35%
All States NO

Knuckle Dragger: No 65%, Yes 35%
All states No except Vic

Megan: No: 64%, Yes: 32%
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: Qld, NSW, SA, WA, Tas

Mizaris: No 63.5%, Yes 36.5%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

132andBush: No 63%, Yes 37%
States for Yes:
States for No:

Chris: No 62%, Yes 38%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: the rest

P: No 60%, Yes 40%.
All States will vote NO

Mak Siccar: No 62%. Yes 38%
State for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Dot: No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Makka No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: Mainland

Nelson Kidd-Players: No 62%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Salvatore, Iron Publican: No 61%, Yes 38%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Bourne1879: No 61%, Yes 39%
All states No except TAS.

Delta A: No 60%, Yes 40%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas.
States for No: Qld, NSW, SA, WA

Robert Sewell: No 60%, Yes 40%
Yes states: Victoria, NSW
No states: Tas, WA, Qld, WA, SA

Rugbyskier: No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Rosie: No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: Vic, SA
States for No: WA, Qld, Tas, NSW

Hzhousewife: No 59% Yes 41%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW

Sancho Panzer
No 59%, Yes 41%
States for Yes: none
States for No: all

Razey: No: 58%, No 42%
States for Yes: Tas
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA, Vic

Rabz No: 58%, Yes 42%
States for Yes: Vic, Tas, SA
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld

Bruce in WA: No: 58, Yes 42
States for Yes: Victoria; Tas
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA

Local oaf: No 58%, Yes 42%
States for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: NSW, WA, Qld, SA

Beertruk: No 57%, Yes 43 %
All states: No

JC: No 56; yes 44
States for Yes:
States for No:

Oh come on: No 55%, Yes 45%
All states except Vic No.

Cohenite: No: 55%, Yes: 45%
States for Yes: Vic
States for No: all the others

Helen Davidson: No 52%, Yes 48%
State for Yes: Tas, Vic
States for No: WA, SA, QLD, NSW

Yes will win….(in order of Yes winning magnitude)

Alwaysright: Yes: 51%, No: 49%
States for Yes: Vic, NSW, Tas, Qld
States for No: WA, SA

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 14, 2023 6:23 pm

That aboriginal bloke on Sky – the one who’s got a gig on multiple corporate committees – just like Kenny, already starting with much gnashing of teeth.

October 14, 2023 6:24 pm

all Cats except one predict a No win

Doesn’t mean I like it.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 14, 2023 6:26 pm

Oct 14, 2023 6:14 PM

I’m currently watching this live stream

Not sure if this will continue for the rest of the night but would assume it would have been cut by now if they really wanted to put paywalls in front of their coverage.

October 14, 2023 6:27 pm

Albo back in Canberra this evening. He won’t be around for many interviews I think.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 14, 2023 6:28 pm

Looks like the NZ Nats are romping in and along with ACT will form a government with a clear majority.
Adern’s seat has gone to the Nats as well.
Let the good times roll.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 14, 2023 6:28 pm

AEC has 39/61 for Yes/No with No ahead in Vic, NSW and Tas

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 14, 2023 6:29 pm

To clarify, AEC only has a count for those three states.

October 14, 2023 6:30 pm

Hubby pretty happy at the very very early results in NZ.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 14, 2023 6:30 pm

NZ Election

National Party up 16.5%
Labour down 24.3%
Green up 2.3%

they were too quick for me for the other parties

October 14, 2023 6:30 pm

I’m so demoralised that I’m predicting a YES win.

Cassie, you have much more support than you are probably feeling at the moment.

Stay strong. The SP and I stand firmly with Israel. I feel incredibly privileged to have been able to visit and Jerusalem remains at the top of my visited favourite cities.

October 14, 2023 6:31 pm

One nation has a referendum page up.


October 14, 2023 6:31 pm

AEC has 39/61 for Yes/No with No ahead in Vic, NSW and Tas

What percentage of the vote is that? I need to know when to break out the champlonk.

October 14, 2023 6:35 pm
October 14, 2023 6:35 pm

AEC has 39/61 for Yes/No with No ahead in Vic, NSW and Tas

It’s over.

October 14, 2023 6:35 pm

To clarify, AEC only has a count for those three states.

QLD & WA still voting. SA just closed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:37 pm

ABC has a live feed for those like me who don’t have a television.

Antony Green just had some early NSW numbers suggesting about 60:40 for No. He’s the only reason I’d watch it.

October 14, 2023 6:39 pm

Let’s see the Green Ant flip out (again) on the voting system because the results aren’t “correct”.

October 14, 2023 6:39 pm

60/40 is not comprehensive enough to shut them up. We need 70/30, or we’ll never hear the end of how it was sooooo close.

October 14, 2023 6:40 pm

Voted NO, of course.

Turned off Sky at 6.05 pm – an idiot interviewing another idiot wearing a Yes T-shirt. On the ABC now.

October 14, 2023 6:40 pm

Thanks Colonel
Only works on the webpage.

Does anyone have a YouTube link to live Sky???

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 14, 2023 6:41 pm

Sky now talking about whether Luigi will be wounded. Michelle Rowland talking up Albo as a deliverer. Now, she’s saying that there’ll be no winners. WTF?

Personally, if the yes vote goes down very badly, I can’t see how the PM can survive. The honourable thing would be to resign. But Albo and honourable just doesn’t compute.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 14, 2023 6:42 pm

In the ACT it’s a 66% vote for Yes. Tells you all you need to know about how out of touch with the rest of Oz it it.

October 14, 2023 6:42 pm

From the ABC votin’ page:

Support for Indigenous Australians
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line 13YARN on 13 92 76
eSafety Commission’s First Nations resources

WTF is this hot garbage?

October 14, 2023 6:42 pm

The Australian reality is that the middle class is only about 30% of the electorate.

The other 70% are partisans of the left or right.

Partisans of the left have zero tolerance of their political opponents.

Their de facto position is that their opponents must bend to their will.

In other words, the left are fascists who can’t tolerate any difference of opinion.

That is why we are stuck: one side believes in live and let live. The other side doesn’t.

Ultimately, I don’t believe that situation can be resolved by anything less than violent confrontation.

The left have already won academia and the education system, as well as the judiciary, which administrates justice. Therefore the left believes it is in the home straight to achieving total fascist control.

The left used to be an insurgent opposition rabble, but now it’s the de facto ruling class.

Leftists have no idea how to wield power, so they behave like a fascist Mussolini caricature.

And here we are.

The prime minister is a radical Trotskyist activist. The only reason he is the PM is that leads a trade union party supported by a third of Australian voters that represent fewer than 10% of workers and is propped up by Australia’s compulsory superannuation scam.

They only thing in our favour is that our democracy theoretically requires a popular ruling party.

But our rulers currently study how not to give voters what they voted for.

It is not a very secure electoral foundation.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 14, 2023 6:43 pm

Lysander, I just checked – it’s on Sky’s FTA channel. Sky Regional – channel 53 here.

October 14, 2023 6:43 pm

ABC saying that 60/40 is inner suburbs only, and once the outer suburbs get folded in, the gap will surely widen.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:43 pm

Haha, LaTingle is on point for the ABC coverage. Hand waving!

October 14, 2023 6:44 pm

Pretty easy count compared to an election.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:45 pm

Antony Green has Tassie about 60:40 No also, maybe higher.

October 14, 2023 6:46 pm

Tom, we need more referenda, not just on constitutional matters, but key day to day legislation. The technology exists. No reason to not have a say on key issues.

Citizen initiated referenda for the win!

And recall elections.

Both of those would get up in a referendum.

October 14, 2023 6:46 pm

Thanks. Worked out my smart tv can cast from the phone!!!

No more c*nuts like “Speersy”

October 14, 2023 6:47 pm

Not likely to go to preferences… 🙂

October 14, 2023 6:48 pm

Surprised and encouraged by the Tassie vote.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
October 14, 2023 6:49 pm

Watching ABC. One upside to the cost of living crisis is that I can’t afford to put my foot through the TV. Host is openly saying ‘it’s not looking good’. Raze it and salt the earth.

October 14, 2023 6:50 pm

On a coach travelling from the Swiss Alps to Pisa.

Been too tired at night to post any travelogues plus our Europe SIM was useless. Rectified that with getting an eSIM which is far cheaper and with far better coverage.

I’ll be checking in here over the next few hours to see how it’s progressing.

With a bit of luck I’ll post a travel update in the OT thread in the next day or 2.

October 14, 2023 6:51 pm

Yup, it’s over. At 1.26% counted in the places most favourable to YES, it’s about 40/60
YES/NO. YES can only go further down when Queensland and WA come on. Over 370,000 votes is a sizeable sample, even though biased.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:51 pm

Antony calls the ACT for Yes at 3%.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 14, 2023 6:52 pm

Nationally 370,000 votes counted.
Running 60:40.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:53 pm

Lots of cope on the ABC.

October 14, 2023 6:54 pm

WTF is this hot garbage?

These utter, unspeakable ghouls are hoping that an indigenous tops themselves.

Shut the buggers down.

October 14, 2023 6:54 pm
October 14, 2023 6:55 pm

ACT should not be allowed to vote.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 6:55 pm

Oh I love watching ABC 24 on nights like tonight, I must tune in now! The last time the ABC was so entertaining was election night 2019. So much salt.

October 14, 2023 6:56 pm

It has to get up to mid-60’s at least for the fascists to acknowledge it as a defeat.

October 14, 2023 6:56 pm
October 14, 2023 6:57 pm

Gap narrowing on the AEC website. will be 65/35 soon. Fix is in.

October 14, 2023 6:58 pm

This will be instructive about which state to move to.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 6:58 pm

Actually it probably won’t be as good as election night 2019 as I think they’ve internalised the loss. But you never know. I really want Marcia Langton is on!

October 14, 2023 6:59 pm

David Littleproud on Sky just noted that towns in the electorate of Parkes with a majority of Aboriginal residents have strongly voted ‘No’. Looks like they realised it was for the urban elites and not them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 6:59 pm

Antony does some booths. Industrial Hobart is No (Glenorchy), woke Hobart is Yes (Sandy Bay). Tassie 59:41. Antony calls Tassie for No.

(Lived in North Hobart for a while, nice place Tassie.)

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 7:00 pm

Wow they’ve found some of the most inarticulate No Tasmanians to feature.

Why are you voting no? Uuuuhhh not sure

October 14, 2023 7:01 pm

The night Noosa Noel promised he’d stop speaking.

October 14, 2023 7:01 pm

In the ACT it’s a 66% vote for Yes. Tells you all you need to know about how out of touch with the rest of Oz it it.

Sounds like my instructions, passed on by Ruperts press, made their way to the good people of ACT.

66% – same as I predicted and same as the election outcome. Means Albo has convinced nobody who didn’t vote for Labor in last election despite spending hundreds of millions. Augurs well for next election …

October 14, 2023 7:02 pm

Does this mean no more welcome to countries?

October 14, 2023 7:02 pm

I’m so demoralised

Cassie, I have nothing of comfort except that you have done always what is right and will do so at the cost it takes.

he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Your enemies are fewer and weaker than they seem, and your family and your friends resolve greater than you can know.

October 14, 2023 7:02 pm

How can a fix be in if yes loses?

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 7:02 pm

Based Australia ?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 14, 2023 7:03 pm

Thomas Mayo being interviewed on Sky.
He “still has a smile on his face”.
Python-esque Black Knight copium (pun not intended).

Mayo reckons the No campaign was dishonest and Yes were honest.
Because with Yes there was nothing to lose.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 7:03 pm

It’s over. NSW called as no.

October 14, 2023 7:03 pm

Have given up on Sky News with Kenny – now trying Channel 7

October 14, 2023 7:04 pm

I was surprised to see so many Cats predicting a Yes vote in Tasmania, though I’m expecting my electorate (Franklin) may well be.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 14, 2023 7:04 pm

Aunty Pat Karvelas on ABC trying to spin the low number of No volunteers as a sign that it wasn’t a grassroots campaign.

What a stupid thing to say when, within a few hours, she could reasonable expect a ‘No’ victory.

60% of Australians aren’t grass roots?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2023 7:04 pm

Antony puts up Hunter/Illawarra, 55% No despite rusted on. Excellent. My birdies will be happy.

Bit of a divide between Labor blue collar and prog wings.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 14, 2023 7:04 pm

Oh wow the ABC panel is almost in tears. Even the newsreader held back a sob when they threw to her

October 14, 2023 7:05 pm

Not having a TV I am watching the poll discussion on the PC,
Is there a better channel than the ABC?
Not usually watch any.

October 14, 2023 7:05 pm

It’s over.


Top Ender
Top Ender
October 14, 2023 7:06 pm

Linda Burney so useless her own seat is trending No

October 14, 2023 7:06 pm

When yes gets up in Vic, treaty here we come.

October 14, 2023 7:07 pm

In the ACT it’s a 66% vote for Yes. Tells you all you need to know about how out of touch with the rest of Oz it it.

This is EXACTLY what I anticipated, the final statistic here is a weapon against the Pubic Service, which needs to be decentralised. The Canberra pubes run the politicians to our detriment. OUT OF TOUCH !

1 2 3 6
  1. If you think Trump believes that the USA is now a diminishing power, then you have no understanding of him…

  2. The effect of this would be that manufacturing would be proportionate to the size of the population. That still holds…

  3. He’s very reticent with his public speaking. He prefers singing or songwriting. Super smart man of mystery. Did not treat…

  4. PS. Old school, I know but the CD player is far more reliable than plugging my phone into the not…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x