Open Thread – Weekend 21 Oct 2023

The Landing State, Claude Monet, 1869

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Bruce in WA
October 21, 2023 12:31 am

First? FIRST!

Thank you, Mum.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2023 1:07 am

I love her to bits.


Woman uses a brick on her attacker.

October 21, 2023 1:07 am

Nummer toooo

October 21, 2023 1:08 am

ooops, threee & is this foooor

October 21, 2023 1:18 am

Good morning

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 21, 2023 1:28 am

In the top 10

October 21, 2023 1:34 am

Anal sux but we already know that

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2023 1:40 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 3:56 am
Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 3:56 am


Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 3:57 am
Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 3:59 am

Oh my goodness me I can contribute should I have anything worth contributing. As a long time lurker I have used you guys as aggregators sometimes you are on the money … others just hopelessly delusional.

I might be a good fit.

October 21, 2023 4:00 am
October 21, 2023 4:01 am
October 21, 2023 4:02 am
October 21, 2023 4:03 am
October 21, 2023 4:03 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 4:04 am

Apropos nada- Richard III
Acksherly apropos I used to run it after Spiritualized, Electricity DJ’ing

October 21, 2023 4:04 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 4:05 am

Shite, sorry Tom
Thanks in advance- yer Leak ‘toons are nudging double figures on the upticks, who knew there were so many of us lurking?

October 21, 2023 4:05 am
October 21, 2023 4:06 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 4:06 am

Was about to buy Ryan Adams tickets for January… then I saw how much pud he’s put on lately
…does that make me shallow?
… it’s definitely not a man-crush

October 21, 2023 4:07 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 4:07 am

All of Van Morrison’s good years were slim

October 21, 2023 4:08 am
October 21, 2023 4:09 am
October 21, 2023 4:10 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 4:10 am

Knight’s got his Christmas meme out early this year
…surely there’s some Halloween or Thanksgiving gags to be had
or, you know, a war on, or current affairs close to home

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 4:11 am

Tim Rogers is still a scrawny bastard
I think he’s run out of tunes though

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 4:12 am

But as to this “bearded Leftie ” bah humbug VS Rock Ribbed Conservative stuff that you guys… OK hashtag not all …

Nah not gonna do that … But i am a Leftie … Not on the Monty scale of repulsiveness … More on the scale of having rolly fags and whisky breathed Old Soldier’s from WWI

Reading me bed times stories and Kipling….

“Sonny promise me you will never belive the bullshit they print in the papers !!! and when you are as old as I am now (getting close) … you will tell other young Blokes “never go to War for the Bloody Bosses ”

Made an impression on me then … and I was fortunate enough to have a mind that works… and I DID make a promise to those Old Blokes…

Peace Brothers and Sisters.

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 4:26 am

Wanna know what? … I dont even believe Monty exists.. I think “It” is some glove puppet that one of you idiots use to pepper up the conversation .

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 4:45 am

What Fresh Hell is this ?

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 4:46 am

OK my Bad …..

OK a little about me … my most trusted Journal of Record is the Daily Stormer .. .haven’t read it .. perhaps you might ? … it makes no sense what so ever ..but at least is does not cost me twenty cents a day ….

October 21, 2023 4:51 am

As against Sicktoria

Fueling Africa: How cooking gas can reshape the post-colonial economy

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) can play an important role in ensuring the energy security of Africa. But to achieve this goal, postcolonial economic models need to be restructured

Discussions on ensuring Africa’s energy security usually come down to providing access to electricity, developing power grid infrastructure, and supplying fuel for transportation.

However, the challenges faced by households in Africa are often left out. Despite the seemingly insignificant market, the consumption of energy resources by African households is growing each year. Moreover, in all African countries, households occupy an important place in the structure of energy consumption – their share ranges from 20-30% in industrially developed countries (e.g. Algeria, Morocco) to 90% in small, mostly agrarian countries (e.g. the Central African Republic).

What Africans use to make fire

Along with improvements in the quality of life, changing consumer habits, and growing urbanization, Africa’s fuel structure is also undergoing a transformation.

Traditional fuels are being replaced by modern and more environmentally friendly energy: Methane, propane-butane, and electricity are gradually replacing firewood, brushwood, and household waste.

For African households, energy access comes with certain challenges. Firstly, due to the warm climate, heating solutions (including heating infrastructure) that are widely used in temperate climates are not suitable for Africa. Secondly, due to the lack of natural gas transmission infrastructure, it is impossible to provide households with natural gas (methane), like in Europe.

The only exception is Algeria – a country which has a developed gas transmission system and where household gas consumption amounts to 11 billion cubic meters annually (this is comparable to the volume of Nigeria’s domestic market). Thirdly, the shortage of electricity generation capacities and the deplorable condition of electric power distribution infrastructure make power grids an unreliable source of energy.

These are all long-term issues, and they are sure to influence the situation in Africa for the next 20-30 years.

But Africa needs energy now, and this need increases with each passing year. Around 65% of the population (800 million people) of sub-Saharan Africa still uses firewood and similar means for cooking and heat. Moreover, the energy should be ‘mobile’, meaning it should be quickly delivered from the manufacturer to the consumer in relatively small volumes and at an adequate price.

Cooking kills?

Providing Africans with clean fuel for heating homes and cooking isn’t just a matter of comfort – it is essential for the health of the African population.

Every year, about 1 million people in Africa die from diseases related to air pollution, and using firewood and other solid materials for cooking food plays a large part in this.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in Nigeria alone, over 98,000 women die every year due to respiratory diseases caused by the use of firewood.

Cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner on such fuel is almost like smoking up to 20 packs of cigarettes a day. The UK’s Clean Air Fund estimated that the transition to cleaner fuels will save up to 120,000 lives in Africa annually.

What is cooking gas

The people of Africa understand that the above-mentioned challenges can all be solved by using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

LPG is a mixture of propane and butane obtained from associated petroleum gasses or during oil distillation.

Liquefied petroleum gas – familiar to most of us as the liquid in a regular lighter, or as ‘cooking gas’ – is an oil product, and should not be confused with liquefied natural gas (LNG) which is obtained by liquefying methane.

Consumption of LPG in Africa grows by 10% each year on average. In Nigeria, over the past ten years, LPG consumption has increased almost five times from 300,000 tons to 1.4 million tons, and in Kenya, it has grown four times (from 100,000 to 400,000 tons).

Liquefied petroleum gasses will continue to replace kerosene, firewood, waste, and manure as fuel in the household sector (used primarily for cooking). In total, Africa consumes around 14 million tons of LPG annually (4% of the world market), or 14kg per person (the lowest indicator in the world – for example, the figures for Asia and Latin America are 27kg and 53kg, respectively).

Rest of the Artilce worth a read!

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 4:58 am

On Referendum Day I chummed up with Anne Aly .. my local Member …sorry chaps I am not living the leafy life ….and I actually like Mirrabooka… I quite liked Her …obviously she was all over YES … but us ? not so much…

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 5:02 am

I hit her up with “Free Julian Assange ” and she seemed all for it ..

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 5:09 am

@ OldOzzie … You are Hell Right ….gas as a fuel is far more complicated to move about as a liquid … the whole conversation is missing this factor …

October 21, 2023 5:14 am

Hello Grahame, hopefully soon goodby Grahame.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 21, 2023 5:22 am

Vikki Campion:

You can drape the nation in red, black and yellow flags, and open every meeting with a Welcome to Country, but until you stop vulnerable children from being abused, all that amounts to is tokenism.

One white woman allegedly raped in Parliament House: the Labor Party will raise hell for you, millions of dollars will be spent on inquiries and reviews, and workplace laws will be changed.

One Indigenous female senator threatened by a white male senator in the stairwell of Parliament House, and the man will be sacked from the Liberal Party.

But if children are raped in remote regions, far from the shiny black Comcar convoy, and raised in a climate of fear of speaking out, it is crickets.

Those who so bravely advocate for all other victims including the Climate-200-backed independents, the Greens, Labor and child abuse victim Bass MP Bridgette Archer all of a sudden lose their Voice and vote against exposing it.

In leading his argument against a royal commission, Parramatta MP Andrew Charlton said Indigenous children were seven times more likely to be abused, at an average age of eight years old.

“Between 2021 and 2022, more than 13,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were under child protection substantiation.,” he said.

“That is seven times higher than for non-Indigenous children.

“I’ll say that again: Indigenous children are seven times more likely to be exposed to child abuse.”

His argument was not to deny that this disgusting trauma happens, but that it doesn’t need another report.

But a royal commission is not just another report, it’s an independent investigation with coercive powers.

So who exactly does he think that will protect? Because it sure isn’t the kids.

If Indigenous child abuse is as prevalent as Dr Charlton told the house, until they are protected from harm at home, everything else is just perfunctory.

Child abuse is the bullseye of the dartboard of pain. Every other problem radiates from it.

If you are sexually abused as a child, you are on a highway to hell. That’s what the juvenile crime crisis stems back to, the high youth suicide rate, the high hospital admission rates, the alcohol and drug abuse which leads back to the low birth weights — and the cycle goes on.

A royal commission is for when the system fails and the normal processes are not open to victims.

Lingiari MP Marion Scrymgour claimed in the Matter of Public Importance debate on Friday that sexual abuse “was the reason for substantiated harm in only 7 per cent of cases for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids” and that “every time child protection is politicised, perpetrators go underground”.

To claim that the only time perpetrators go underground is when you have a royal commission into child abuse of Indigenous kids is an outrageous proposition.

Where are the pedophiles the rest of the time? Walking the streets?

When Senator Jacquie Lambie and Coalition MPs agitated for a royal commission into veteran suicides for a range of concerns, including young people in defence being raped and humiliated, nobody said “we can’t do this, as this will push perpetrators underground”.

In the royal commissions into aged care, robodebt, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with a disability, who was pushed underground exactly?

A royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody was a proper process, but a royal commission into abuse of Aboriginal children is not.

If there is one person who needs a voice, it is a five-year-old being molested by an adult. If there has ever been a reason for a royal commission, surely that is it.

What do you say to that child who asks “why did you let this happen to me?”.

Do you tell her or him that it would be racist to help? That it would upset Aboriginal bureaucracy on cultural grounds?

Would it hurt their feelings to question if they were doing their job properly or at all?

Being silent is being complicit.

Pedophiles create a power structure where the child is the bad one for speaking up. In remote Indigenous communities, the perpetrator also has more cultural authority than the child.

Young women who report abuse are ostracised from their communities, their whole families kicked out and left homeless.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price actually brought them to parliament long before she was elected here, and the Liberal minister at the time, Ken Wyatt, refused to meet with them.

There is a correlation between young people’s suicide after reporting sexual abuse.

How could you have possibly pushed the Voice for 18 months, pushing out statistics of harm — such as in “remote areas Indigenous females were 51 times as likely to be hospitalised due to assault than non-Indigenous females living in the same region” — and continue to ignore little kids?

They have blasted us relentlessly with their concern for the Indigenous campaigning for the Voice, which would have cost untold billions, but now won’t support a child abuse royal commission because of cost?

You can have the most generous royal commission that ever existed just by soaking up the waste of duplication among agencies that refuse to work together because they fear their funding will be stolen.

The Voice has shown us that the Australian public is miles ahead of the politicians and is sick of political correctness instead of logic.

Add David Pocock to this. All spiteful arseholes reeling from the defeat of the referendum. Wasn’t Milton Orkopoulos fond of Aboriginal kids?

Mark Bolton
October 21, 2023 5:34 am

Bottom of the flag is yellow top is blue …. ra ra team home

and before that it was ……. the Jab … jab me once shame on you …

This whole Team Blue VS Team Red is such bullshit …. one hand does not wash the other one … well at least in my experience … I normally watch them both as they wash each other… HTH

So what is the next enthusiasm we might expect ?

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 21, 2023 5:49 am

NSW Plod news, Daily Telegraph:

The family of tasered Cooma grandmother Clare Nowland is suing the state for battery and negligence, alleging the 95-year-old was restrained and “pushed into the ground” even though she had lost consciousness.

The Nowland family has begun civil proceedings against the state government in the wake of the woman’s death following the taser incident at the Yallambee Lodge retirement home in May.

According to their statement of claim lodged in court, the executor of Ms Nowland’s estate allege NSW Police acted unreasonably on the night and had attempted to downplay what had happened in front of shocked staff.

One of the officers, Senior Constable Kristian White is defending separate charges in a criminal court. Neither he nor his fellow officer, Sergeant Rachel Pank, are listed as defendants in the civil matter.

Sergeant Pank is not facing any charges.

The court document contains the first detail of what allegedly happened in the early hours of May 17 when Ms Nowland was tasered while holding a knife while she was using her walking frame.

The tragic chain of events unfolded just after 4am when a staff member at the retirement home called an ambulance to the facility.

By 4.49am two police officers recalled to duty arrived at Yallambee Lodge where Ms Nowland was found sitting in a chair at a desk inside the nurse’s treatment room holding a knife in her right hand.

Referring to evidence purportedly gathered from body worn police cameras, the family’s statement of claim alleges at 5.08am the two officers put on slash proof gloves and contemplated disarming the frail Ms Nowland.

“Actually would it be an idea to get her out where we can just grab the knife off her,” Senior Constable White allegedly says in a transcript of body-worn footage

“I feel like I could do it right now,” Sergeant Rachel Pank replied according to the document.

When Ms Nowland, who had dementia, stood with her walker she was warned several times by the two officers.

“Oi, we’re not playing this game Clare, you’re going to put that down,” White warns in the transcript.

About 20 seconds later came another warning.

“This is your first warning. You see this. This is a taser. Drop it now,” he said.

“See, you keep coming, you’re going to get tasered.

“Stop now. Don’t think I’m going to give you another warning.”

Less than a minute later it is alleged White says: “Bugger it” and fires the taser from two metres away, causing Clare to fall from her walker and hit her head.

“Clare come on. You’re all right. Talk to us Clare,” the officers are said to have responded when the 95-year-old fell.

“Are you OK? Is your head all right Clare.” Sergeant Pank asked.

“Didn’t expect it to be like that,” Acting Sergeant Jessica Pank said according to the transcript.

“Unfortunately that’s the way it had to go. I was thinking I could just grab it but it was a bit too sharp and pointed it at me. I thought surely I could just hit it out of her hand.”

“I’d prefer not to have to …” White said after Ms Nowland fell back, according to the document.

“Not be the person in town who tasered a 95-year-old,” Sergeant Pank asks.

“No. No actually have someone stabbed,” replied White.

“Oh yeah that too,” Sergeant Pank said.

“It was the slowest fall ever,” White said.

The Nowland family claims the officers’ discussion of the incident while Clare was still on the floor was “demeaning, dismissive (and) self-serving”. and showed “disregard for the harm they had caused to Clare”.

They also claim in their case neither officer “apologised or expressed any regret or remorse” to the family.

They also criticise how Clare was treated after being hit with the taser.

“The actions of White to apply further force to Clare in restraining her and pressing her into the ground after striking her with the taser were humiliating and unnecessary in disregard to Clare’s loss of consciousness and the likelihood she had suffered a serious head injury,” the family claim in court documents.

Clare died in hospital a week later from head injuries described by a doctor as “blunt force trauma” surrounded by some of her eight children, 24 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren.

The claim alleges Constable White fired the taser at Clare knowing she was elderly, disabled, had extremely limited mobility, was unable to move quickly or offensively and had a “particularly small body mass”.

“He knew or ought to have known Clare represented a low threat to himself … and presented a very small risk of injury to other persons,” the claim alleges.

The claim accuses the police officers of not properly considering alternative and safer methods of containing Ms Nowland and de-escalating the situation.

“The actions of White were grossly disproportionate and excessive use of force,” the claim says.

The officer who used the taser, Constable White, is separately facing criminal charges of recklessly causing grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and common assault in the Local Court over the incident. White has been suspended from the force with pay; Pank is facing no criminal charges in relation to the incident.

The Nowlands in their case claim the taser was fired in breach of police guidelines and that Sgt Pank, as the senior officer, failed to direct her colleague to not use the weapon on the 95-year-old.

Police are also investigating the death of Ms Nowland with a critical incident team whose investigation will be independently reviewed, declining calls for the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission to probe their actions. The shock of Ms Nowland’s death and the community backlash caused Police Commissioner Karen Webb to urge the community not to turn on police over the tragedy.

The Nowlands are asking for damages over Clare’s death including funeral and wake expenses, loss of financial support, damages for curtailment of expectation of life and loss of financial support.

The NSW District Court can award damages of up to $1.2 million in civil cases. On Thursday the Downing Centre District Court adjourned the case to October 26.

Skippy is now running before I head out for a shift. Got more nous than NSW Plod.

October 21, 2023 5:51 am

A royal commission is for when the system fails and the normal processes are not open to victims.

So can we have one into federal funding for the ‘Yes” campaign?

October 21, 2023 6:22 am

Ricky Gervais retweets his best work overnight telling celebs to STFU.

October 21, 2023 6:32 am

Two hostages freed.
Qatar brokered deal.
Somewhere between 100 & 200 to go.

October 21, 2023 6:39 am

TE, this is one of the raft of articles on the uniqueness of the concrete.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2023 6:47 am

Caroline Glick: Biden’s visit to Israel was a stalling tactic to delay the ground invasion, and the hundreds of trucks waiting to bring “humanitarian supplies” through the Rafah gate from Egypt (complete with cheering Gutierez) probably contain a lot more nefarious things than food medicines and water.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2023 6:57 am

Two hostages found murdered in Gaza.


October 21, 2023 7:03 am

Qld Labor are in a real prickle. The more left MPs are determined to carry on with treaties and who knows what the Premier thinks.

They simply don’t get that 69% voted No and over 70% if don’t factor in the Green seats. Regional areas 80% plus.

Noel from Noosa not been heard from so far.

October 21, 2023 7:06 am

Good Voice articles in the Oz but Geoff Blainey stands out.

“This land is infinitely more fruitful than it was in 1788, and most Aboriginal people are now the gainers”.

October 21, 2023 7:07 am

About that intel failure…

The intel failure just might have been caused by the fact that Biden’s head of intelligence programs, is Maher Bitar.

“He is solely responsible for prioritizing what collection efforts on intelligence are tier one, two, three and four for President Biden. Why is this guy’s name important? Well, one, he used to work for Samantha Powers, but let’s put that aside in the United Nations. Two, we just found a photo of Maher Battar recently wearing Palestinian garb, raising a hand behind a picture that said, we want Jewish apartheid. This is the guy in charge of intelligence operations for the United States of America.”

Nah, couldn’t be.

October 21, 2023 7:08 am

Biden’s visit to Israel was a stalling tactic

Apart from the intense dislike, the body language from Bibi said it all. He didn’t want Biden there. The crucial time was lost, time the hostages didn’t have. I’m relieved two at least have been released, their story will be revealing.

October 21, 2023 7:13 am

Seen on a US chatroom:

Terrorist Group Hezbollah Calls for “Day of Unprecedented Anger” Against Israel amid Biden’s Visit

Comment: Can we have a “Day of Unprecedented Anger” if Biden comes back?

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2023 7:16 am

… a defining feature of totalitarianism is mind control. First, propaganda warps and destroys people’s grasp on reality. Second, propaganda is designed to foster groupthink, conformity, and collectivism, which marginalizes critical and independent thinking.
Beyond Orwell: The High-tech Lynching of America
American Thinker

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 21, 2023 7:22 am

Janet Albrechtsen’s article utterly excoriates the legal profession and academia – I am not surprised at the judges she names as supporters, given one of them denied justice to those who were not vaccinated, forbidding them from entering the precincts of any court in my home state. A Pox on them all for their treacherous perfidy.

October 21, 2023 7:37 am

When/if Trump, or some other Republican, wins an election they will have to discard the entire intelligence apparatus and start again. They would be better off without one than have enemies run it.

Second, academia will not reform until is hit hard financially which means cut their budget and no more international students. Allowing such a high component of international students has skewed the whole educational model. In Australia universities are nothing more than permanent residency visa factories.

Academia has degraded to such a degree that they have produced nothing exceptional or even passable in decades but they have turned out an elite that has such a high regard for themselves and a complete contempt for anyone else. Their support for the Voice is a perfect example.

October 21, 2023 7:43 am

SCOTUS to hear Missouri v Biden.

October 21, 2023 7:44 am

There was a low voter turnout this referendum
2.6 million people didn’t vote .
If you wanted change you would probably have made the effort to vote yes
So the couldn’t be bothereds we’re probably no voters
Which makes the figures much worse for the yes cause

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2023 7:45 am

Greta gets trolled.

Israel Mocks Greta Thunberg over ‘Solidarity’ with Gaza: Hamas Doesn’t Use ‘Sustainable Materials’ for Rockets (20 Oct)

Unsurprising she sides with the Hamas murderers. It seems to be part of the green ethos, although I don’t know why that is.

October 21, 2023 7:56 am

Nah not gonna do that … But i am a Leftie … Not on the Monty scale of repulsiveness

That is to be confirmed by the committee, Number Six.

October 21, 2023 7:56 am

Greta gets trolled.

She IS a troll. Completely incapable of any sort of discernment. A classic case of a propagandised puppet.

October 21, 2023 8:01 am

Greta’s support is a classic example of Blair’s Law

October 21, 2023 8:02 am

Oct 21, 2023 7:56 AM
Greta gets trolled.

She IS a troll.

Certainly looks like one.

October 21, 2023 8:02 am

Oct 21, 2023 7:44 AM
There was a low voter turnout this referendum
2.6 million people didn’t vote .

I doubt that the turnout was that low as there remains 18.6% of ballots cast to be counted.

October 21, 2023 8:05 am

Unsurprising she sides with the Hamas murderers. It seems to be part of the green ethos, although I don’t know why that is.

Zombie tribal belief system, BoN. For leftards, it’s never about the issue, but campaigning for the tribe, with virtue-signalling brownie points allocated for daring stupidity.

Away from the protection of the tribe, leftards are almost incoherent when their tribal belief system is analysed and itemised.

Leftards need to be chanting chants in a crowd. Original thought is a threat to the solidarity of the zombie mass that protects them.

Belief in Hamas is compulsory for leftards. It doesn’t occur to them they’re supporting mass murder, terrorism and anti-semitic hatred.

All leftards know is that the chanting leftard crowd cocoons and protects them. Leftism is their primitive security blanket.

October 21, 2023 8:09 am

If the 15 percent who didn’t vote are counted as no voters ( because they didn’t vote for change) then the yes vote drops to 33 percent. (39% of 85)
Appalling figures

October 21, 2023 8:09 am

I don’t doubt the turnout may have been low as there is a trend in declining valid votes if you add up invalid votes and those who did not vote at all (or failing to vote on its own) over the last several elections.

Why people are obsessed with this meme about the AEC disenfranchising people is not beyond me but it is BS.

We’ve had Col Batshit Bazi push this meme and others note there has been other misinformation on social media regarding segregation of voters and non secret balloting.

It stems from the AEC poorly presenting information and then it is used as misinformation to demoralise non leftists.

October 21, 2023 8:10 am

Oct 21, 2023 8:09 AM
If the 15 percent who didn’t vote

Why are you so sure of this?

October 21, 2023 8:11 am

Biden’s visit to Israel was a stalling tactic

Has Obama said anything about Hamas and Gaza?

And another – has Zelenskyy said anything about applauding the Nazi in Canada’s parliament?

October 21, 2023 8:20 am

Mark Bolton
Oct 21, 2023 5:34 AM
Bottom of the flag is yellow top is blue …. ra ra team home

and before that it was ……. the Jab … jab me once shame on you …

This whole Team Blue VS Team Red is such bullshit …. one hand does not wash the other one … well at least in my experience … I normally watch them both as they wash each other… HTH

So what is the next enthusiasm we might expect ?

I agree and you see Democrats and Republicans judge the morality of a war over who is in office. It’s gutter morality.

Don’t worry, I’m off the reservation. The normal left right paradigm hasn’t appealed to me in over 20 years.

These things I believe

Term limits
Recall elections
Jury nullification
CIR to vote down bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

It is also obligatory you watch this presentation on thorium. Where would we be in a world without thorium?

October 21, 2023 8:25 am

Special Military Operation favourite Armchair Warlord is doing his best to shill for Hamas now:

“Israel dropped a 2000 lb JDAM on a Palestinian hospital. Farfour and Nahoul and four Young Pioneers were killed entertaining terminally sick Pali kiddos in the parking lot, I tells yas!”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2023 8:28 am

More signs that the climate scam is running out of puff.

Hundreds of jobs at risk after electric lorry start-up files for bankruptcy (20 Oct)

It is the latest electric vehicle company to run into difficulties. A wave of EV start-ups have emerged in recent years amid booming interest in green technologies and ready access to venture capital funding. However, many of them have since gone bust as economic conditions worsened and interest rates have risen. Others have experienced lengthy production delays.

Lights Out: Solar Power Stocks Crash After Demand Warning Across Europe (20 Oct)

The renewable energy meltdown continues as solar power company stocks tumbled on Friday morning after solar equipment maker SolarEdge Technologies warned of sliding European demand. … Solar demand has also slid in the US due to high-interest rates and less favorable state renewable policies.

Please Tell Us We’re Finally Seeing Climate Hysteria’s End (Newsmax, 20 Oct)

And as time marches on, we know the skeptics were right all along.

Nothing in the last article that Cats don’t already, but I included it since seeing such articles in a major broadcaster like Newsmax is very heartening. The green-left won’t go down without a fight though, there’s ‘way too much money and power to be had from the scam.

October 21, 2023 8:34 am

I thought Greta Thundberg would have been the first to scream out “How dare you” at Hamas killing and decapitating Israeli babies, women and old people. That she is siding with the savages tells us so many things about her, none of them good. She is no longer a manipulated child but an adult who should be able to engage the reasoning app in her brain. She has chosen evil.

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 8:36 am

Oct 21, 2023 8:02 AM
Oct 21, 2023 7:56 AM
Greta gets trolled.

She IS a troll.

Certainly looks like one.

She looks like a Cabbage Patch Doll IMHO. Just as smart as well.

October 21, 2023 8:36 am

Archbishop of Canterbury arrives in Holy Land, joins church leaders in prayer for peace
CNA, By Marinella Bandini – Jerusalem, Oct 20, 2023 / 16:30 pm

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
October 21, 2023 8:38 am

It would appear that some 3.2 million didn’t vote (or haven’t yet been counted?)

From the AEC website.

National Enrolment: 17,676,347

Yes Yes % No No % Informal

National 5,600,280 39.31 8,647,468 60.69 143,812

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2023 8:38 am

Another one which is relevant to us too:

Dutch Take Emergency Measures As Electricity Network Is Nearly Exhausted (20 Oct)

Earlier this year, the country’s grid operators warned that the electricity network was almost exhausted in all provinces, mainly due to the growing demand for heat pumps, solar panels and charging stations for electric vehicles – a problem shared by many other European countries.

The boldface bit is particularly notable since many charging stations can’t be built since there’s insufficient local grid capacity for them. So who pays for upgrading that capcity? The charging station company or the electricity supply company? The capital spend would be vast either way.

And unlike the Netherlands we can’t draw upon other countries for shortfalls. Some journo could ask Blackouts Bowen about the Dutch problem, surely it’d make an interesting article.

October 21, 2023 8:40 am

Ben Garrison wins today without doubt, except it’s too true to be funny.

October 21, 2023 8:44 am

The AEC said the number of out of electorate votes was so great in some booths they ran out of envelopes.

October 21, 2023 8:45 am

LOL, this aged well, biased journos expected a close YES result.–and-heres-why/d8dfc35a-e0fa-4014-bd62-717804ed67d9

Despite the rush of early votes, ballots won’t be counted before polls close and an outcome will never be officially declared on the night of a referendum, in line with federal elections, according to the AEC.

As soon as three States were a definite NO it was all over.

October 21, 2023 8:49 am

Right time to stick my neck out.

I predict 74% NO overall

600,000 did not vote, 96.6% turnout

0.97% informal

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 8:51 am

Bruce of Newcastle
Oct 21, 2023 8:28 AM
More signs that the climate scam is running out of puff.

And, from one of your weblinks Bruce –

“The entire energy transition to renewables is cracking and never was sustainable. And queue more spending from the White House to prop up the failing industry.”

LOL. That should be cue. The Yanks were never good at spelling english or the use of English.

Same for Australia and from the Tennis Elbow/Blackout Bowen “dynamic duo”.

All going down in flames with Taxpayer and borrowed dollars burnt.

“Australia – The Clever Country” (one of Malady TurnBullShits fame-arse comments).

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2023 8:52 am

“Biden’s visit to Israel was a stalling tactic”

Look, I don’t know about this, however I think the IDF and Israeli government want to try and extract the hostages before any invasion is launched. Jewish law is very specific about the importance of human life, of saving lives, because once any invasion starts, those hostages remaining alive in Gaza will be dead, and the Israeli government and the IDF know this.

My gut feeling is most are already dead. I hope my gut feeling is wrong, I want to be wrong about this.

I don’t know if people quite understand just how shattered the Jewish world is. I went to synagogue last night and everyone is sad, we all have a heavy heart. I spend most of my days trying not to cry, everyone would know what it is like to have lump in your throat, you feel as though you’re about to cry? Well, I how have a permanent lump in my throat, my sadness consumes me. I suppose going to work is a good distraction.

Last night, at Shabbas dinner, we all agreed that the last few decades in Jewish history have been an aberration. Only a month or so ago, I was reading about how over 100,000 Jews were slaughtered in Ukraine during the civil war, mainly by Ukrainian nationalists. I recall reading that and thinking, gosh, aren’t I lucky to have been born and grown up in Australia, where the idea of Jew hatred is something I was told about as a child, I read about in books or I watched in documentaries on television. I remember when I was 9 or 10 years old and being made by my parents to watch the whole World at War series (still the best), the penultimate episode being the one on the Holocaust, I still recall the magisterial voice of Sir Laurence Olivier. I remember my father lecturing me about Munich, about Yom Kippur war, then Entebbe….and so on.

But I never saw Jew hatred on the streets of Australia, until now. I took my safety here for granted because Australia, the UK and the USA have always been havens for Jews, but I don’t think they are anymore, the rabid left have seized control of the narrative and they don’t like us Jews, for a long time they masked their loathing for us Jews behind the anti-Zionism mask, but this has always been a crock of shit because they have always been, and always will be Jew haters. Watching the protests across Australia, you see how the left aren’t even hiding their Jew hatred now. They don’t have to, they can dance merrily on the streets and nobody blinks any eyelid.

I saw what I saw on Monday, 9 October 2023, here in Sydney’s CBD. Whilst the Jewish bodies of those butchered were still warm, lying in fields across southern Israel, slumped over blood splattered beds in kibbutzim, Jewish babies beheaded, and yet rabid Jew hatred were emboldened enough to have a gathering at Sydney Town Hall and scream, screech and shout for more Jewish blood, a verbal pogrom aided and abetted by our very own NSWaffen police force. We Jews know that pogroms always start with a verbal onslaught, and then it quickly descends into a physical onslaught.

You see, when those Nazi Pallies, with their leftist comrades (which included a Plibersek staffer and the son of a NSW Labor minister) converged on the steps of the Sydney Opera House and screamed, shouted and screeched “gas the Jews”, read my lips…


October 21, 2023 8:53 am

Dot Votes that haven’t been counted have still been ticked off the voting rolls .
You tick off your name ,receive your paper and vote
This applies whether you vote are absentee or not
The uncounted votes have all been ticked off the voter rolls

October 21, 2023 8:58 am

Unsurprising she sides with the Hamas murderers. It seems to be part of the green ethos, although I don’t know why that is.

One totalitarian group supporting another. A perfect match.

October 21, 2023 8:58 am

I see Minns has drawn another line in the sand:

March in Sydney CBD can go ahead but “zero tolerance” for hate speech.

Meanwhile, police have reportedly been “working with” rally organisers.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 21, 2023 8:59 am

Greta gets trolled.

She IS a troll.

Certainly looks like one.

She looks like a Cabbage Patch Doll IMHO. Just as smart as well.




Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 9:00 am

Oct 21, 2023 8:36 AM
Archbishop of Canterbury arrives in Holy Land, joins church leaders in prayer for peace
CNA, By Marinella Bandini – Jerusalem, Oct 20, 2023 / 16:30 pm

That reminds me of what Josef Stalin once said –

Quotes – The Pope? How many divisions has he got?

October 21, 2023 9:03 am

Proptrack reports rental vacancies at a historic low of 1.06% in both capital cities and regional areas.

Meanwhile, the ABS reports immigration reached at a record annual intake of 500 000 in 2022/23.

Something has to give, as they say.

October 21, 2023 9:03 am

They buried an Oz victim of HAMAS in tel Aviv this morning .. why aren’t Luigi & the chap there representing us?……. happy to flit off to Washington .. AGAIN .. no time for an Oz citizen ………

Galit Carbone’s body was found outside her home in Kibbutz near the Gaza border.
She has been farewelled at a funeral in Israel.

October 21, 2023 9:05 am

…. happy to flit off to Washington .. AGAIN .. no time for an Oz citizen ………

Whores follow the money.

October 21, 2023 9:06 am

How do you rate Therapeutic Albanese on his ‘Cost-of-Living Plan’?

Thanks to Anthony Scalise who writes:

Imagine a ‘10-point plan’ that is so aspirational, it’s beyond the reach of @AustralianLabor.

Their ‘plan’ has failed on every metric listed and requires them to ‘Rob Peter to pay Paul’.

Typical Labor.

October 21, 2023 9:09 am

The ABC reports that as prices for sanitary products increase, “Australians with periods are feeling the pinch.”

Who could these “Australians with periods” be, I wonder?

“The average person who menstruates will spend $10,000 in their lifetime on period products – which does not include pain management.”

“Average persons”…could we be more specific?

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 9:10 am

Oct 21, 2023 8:59 AM
Joey Mannarino

Biden’s request to Congress includes:

$14 billion for Israel

$60 billion for Ukraine

$10 billion for general humanitarian aid

$7 billion for the Indo-Pacific

$100 million for Gaza

$14 billion to process illegals faster at the border

Your taxpayer dollars at work!

Congress in the lower House (House of Reps) has no Speaker so they can’t pass anything except for a good shit.

October 21, 2023 9:10 am


Just a reminder of the Loving People Malcolm Fraser then Labor allowed in

64% of Palestinian refugees taken in by Denmark in 1992 now have criminal records

Summed up in The Comments

– Similar or worse criminal muslim refugee stats would be found around the western world.

It is in their DNA. Just what group in Australia is the most prominent for violence, criminal behaviour and dominates the drug scene.

Around the western world the politicians and police fear them.

Gaza has a population of approx 2 million.

The capital about 1 million – reported to have approx 500 pregnant women and approx 50 giving birth this month ( next 10 days ).

No matter how bad and dangerous the living conditions or how poor or starving muslims may be, nothing stops them from breeding.

– With the massive unvetted immigration Albo is authorising currently it won’t be long before we hear the screams for Palestinian refugees. It is difficult to imagine a greater mistake for Australia. Just look at Europe and see the mess they are in. It is Criminal to think it will not happen here.

October 21, 2023 9:10 am

I cant wait for Greta Thundberg to get fat.

I can then call her Greta Hindenburg.

Its the big things in life you look forward too that really make it worth living.

October 21, 2023 9:15 am

Some journo could ask Blackouts Bowen about the Dutch problem, surely it’d make an interesting article.

I see a problem with this suggestion. The good ones are virtually extinct.

Where is Greenpeace and the WWF when you really need them?

October 21, 2023 9:15 am

In the war against Hamas, Israeli drones are key. Here is why

Israel’s Hermes 450 Zik drones of the 161 Squadron played a key role defending Israel from Hamas terrorists

The Magazine spoke to two pilots from the 161 Squadron, which was founded in the 1980s and once flew helicopters; but after Israel became a pioneer in drones, it transitioned to fly the new vehicles.

Drones are important because they can be used in what is known as “dull, dirty and dangerous” operations. They were invented in Israel after the Yom Kippur War.

This fact is important to our narrative because it was the difficulties that Israel faced against Egypt in 1973 that led experts to design unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that could help provide surveillance over the battlefield and relay real-time intelligence so that Israel could neutralize air defenses and strike enemies.

However, the enemy has changed over the years. In the 1970s and 1980s, the enemy had advanced Soviet-era air defenses such as surface-to-air missiles. Today, it is more complex.

For instance, Israel now faces Hamas and Hezbollah – two terrorist armies in Gaza and Lebanon. Hamas is armed with AK-47s and RPGs as its standard weapons. That means drone operators do a variety of tasks, many of them secret, that help neutralize the Hamas threat in complex ways.

Drone pilots call their machines “aircrafts.” This distinguishes these drones from smaller drones that Israel also uses.

The country now has a variety of soldiers and units that use unmanned systems.

The 161 Squadron flies the Hermes 450, built by Elbit Systems, one of Israel’s defense giants. Elbit calls it a “Tactical Long Endurance UAS.”UAS means “unmanned aerial system.” It is described as “a multi-role high-performance tactical UAS and the primary platform of the IDF in counter-terror operations.” Hermes 450 is “a mature and combat-proven UAS with over 300,000 operational flight hours and a class leading safety and reliability record.”

The machine is packed full of sensors and different capabilities that enable it to carry out surveillance and airstrikes.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2023 9:18 am

Jew hatred is something I was told about as a child, I read about in books or I watched in documentaries on television.
Yes, Cassie, but that was before we imported or “allowed asylum” to thousands of jew-haters.

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 9:21 am

I see Minns has drawn another line in the sand:

March in Sydney CBD can go ahead but “zero tolerance” for hate speech.

Meanwhile, police have reportedly been “working with” rally organisers.

And for a Corona Virus Demonstration? No ‘effing way and rubber bullets in MelBum, Sictoria.

October 21, 2023 9:22 am

Death toll in Gaza hospital blast greatly exaggerated – independent intel

Local Hamas-run Gazan sources allege that 471 people were killed at the hospital;

foreign independent intelligence sources claimed instead that the number was closer to 10-50.

What can we see in the pictures?

Open-source intelligence source OSINTtechnical on X (formerly Twitter) analyzed the incident using satellite imagery obtained via SkyWatch satellite. It noted that no clear difference could be discerned in the area around the hospital complex. Specifically, OSINT examined the graveyard from which the projectile was reportedly launched according to an intercepted phone call released by the IDF.

Full imagery, 10/18 on the left, 10/17 (pre-explosion) on the right.The graveyard mentioned in the call released by the IDF can be seen to the west of the hospital complex. No clear differences can be discerned between today and yesterday.

— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) October 19, 2023
In the IDF recording, two Hamas agents discovered that one of their rockets had fallen at the hospital rather than in Israel proper.

OSINT noted that, based on a preliminary analysis of the images, “there isn’t a ‘smoking gun’ here that can be easily pointed to.”

Both OSINT and Nathan Ruser, an analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, also evaluated snapshots of the parking lot outside the hospital from before and after the blast.

Nathan Ruser

Now that day has broken, and we’re getting better evidence, I’m willing to share some PRELIMINARY thoughts on the al-Ahli hospital explosion. The photos of the scene are, to me, not consistent with an airstrike and are not consistent with claims that 500+ people were killed.

OSINT surmised that the blast had the worst impact on the displaced persons who were gathered for shelter in the hospital’s courtyard. Between 30-50 of those people were likely killed on Wednesday night. “They took the worst of the blast,” OSINT wrote, “many of their bodies were badly burnt.”

Ruser noted that within about 10 meters of the impact site, cars appeared largely undamaged.

October 21, 2023 9:23 am

Noel from Noosa not been heard from so far.

Noel “promised” to STFU ……….. 6 dayz after & we is still winning …. LOL!

October 21, 2023 9:26 am

I have to get around to watching this show.
They are just a mob of learn nothing degenerates but funny.


Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 9:29 am

Where is Greenpeace and the WWF when you really need them?

Chasing Woodside BUT looking the other way with the damage that these Wind Towers are doing to the environment/animals both on land and soon to be the sea on the Eastern Seaboard.

Tanya PleberSuck. Where are you as well? Bunkered down in Redfern NSW waiting for Tennis Elbow to fall down those stairs I expect just like Chairman Dan of Sictoria did.

October 21, 2023 9:30 am

‘Can’t I just enjoy my bottle of red in peace’: Push for new health warnings on alcohol labelled ‘paternalistic nonsense’ that ‘treats us like children’

A push to mandate health warning labels be slapped on alcoholic beverages – similar to cigarette packets – has been labelled ‘paternalistic nonsense’, with Sky News host Caleb Bond asking “can’t I just enjoy my bottle of red in peace?”

A group of public health organisations have called on the Albanese government to force alcohol producers to put labels on their products warning consumers about the risks of liver disease, cancer, heart disease, poor mental health, injury and alcohol poisoning.

Despite the criticism, the Albanese government seems to be taking the proposal seriously, with Assistant Minister for Health and Ageing, Ged Kearney, revealing she had sought advice from her department on how best to raise awareness about alcohol-related harms.

“The Australian government recognises the importance of labelling to raise consumer awareness of, and seek to prevent, alcohol-related harms,” she said.

October 21, 2023 9:30 am

Now I did lay the boot into Armchair Warlord, but OSINT are the good guys now?

Is this a good war now? Does it “pwn” Biden?

Biden is pwned by having balls on his chin, having the Grim Reaper on each flight of stairs and being totally addled.

…and I mean seriously, other than to appease Jew haters, why did we need OSINT to tell us Farfour and Nahoul were not killed by a 2,000 lb JDAM whilst they were swinging cats by the tail in the car park, entertaining poor deprived Pali kids with stage IV – VI cancer?

October 21, 2023 9:33 am

Congress in the lower House (House of Reps) has no Speaker so they can’t pass anything except for a good shit.

There’s an acting speaker, you clown. They don’t need a permanent speaker. Go ask Socrates you moron, and get ladyboy to change the diaper. You stink, you filthy troll.

October 21, 2023 9:40 am

Nicolle Flint blasts the ABC’s attempts to portray her as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ over her warnings about the potential for an Indigenous ‘self-government’ in Australia

It beggars belief that I received such fierce pushback from the ABC simply by putting a UN declaration about the future of our Indigenous communities under the microscope, writes Nicolle Flint.

As we know, the ABC never lets the facts get in the way of a story, as the last two weeks have once again demonstrated.

The ABC have used the cover of alleged “conspiracy theories” to spread misinformation and disinformation about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and the impact it might have on Australia if implemented -and separately, yet another judge has ruled against the ABC in another drawn out defamation case regarding former special forces soldier Heston Russell.

An examination of the ABC’s so-called “conspiracy theory” about the UNDRIP shows how they present a story to suit their left-wing world view, regardless of other perspectives, or indeed facts.

On October 5, ABC 7.30 ran a segment called ‘The conspiracy theory linking The Voice to a UN takeover’, about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

In fact, until the ABC 7.30 segment I was unaware examining or questioning UNDRIP could attract such ridiculous claims.

Rather, my opinions about UNDRIP were based on carefully researched facts, which is exactly how I formulate my views for my Sky News columns and appearances each week.

It is, for example, a fact that the Human Rights Commission wants the Australian Government to take “steps to implement the UNDRIP into law, policy and practice” and negotiate a National Action Plan with Indigenous peoples to do so.

It is a fact that the Human Rights Commission’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commissioner has written:

“Incorporating UNDRIP into the structures of this nation – its laws, policies and institutions – would be a strong commitment from all Australian governments to working in genuine partnership with First Nations people to respond to our needs and aspirations”.

The document contains 46 articles, which set out specific rights the United Nations think any country with an indigenous population should adopt and enshrine in law.

These include an Indigenous “right to self-determination”, including “political status”, “autonomy or self-government”, their own “decision-making institutions” and “the right to a nationality” (Articles 3, 4, 6 and 18).

The UNDRIP also said: “Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions” while separately exercising their rights in “the State” if they ‘choose’ (Article 5).

From the Comments – Guess Who?

– This whole thing started in 2009 when Rudd signed up to UNDRIP.

In fact one of the architects of the Uluru Statement, Eddie Synot has pretty much said as much. Imagine and unelected UN having even more power to stick its nose in Australia’s business….

October 21, 2023 9:42 am

Was reading on the tenured loons and their students in the USA and their distress finding out they might be blacklisted for such harmless behaviour as calling for genocide of Israelis.

The line from no country for old men sprang to mins so I memed.

If the education you had brought you to this…..

October 21, 2023 9:43 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 9:44 am

Wait. mUnty isn’t real? This is going to take some time to process.

October 21, 2023 9:45 am

” I went to synagogue last night and everyone is sad, we all have a heavy heart. I spend most of my days trying not to cry…”

It is indeed a sad state of affairs, and I can only imagine your pain.

Be brave dear Cassie – that does not mean you do not fear, it means you do not fear the fear. The demons ( I will not call them animals, that is in insult to animals ) will pay for their sins – and sins they were and are.

Stand tall, you are not alone, your community is not alone, and you will not be abandoned, at least by this individual – and, I dare say, many, many others of similar mind but being ignored and silenced by the MSM and Big Tech. I believe such is the actual majority of Australians as will become clear in time.

In a war between civilised people and savages, we will always back the civilised and we will always win. It may seem the savages have the upper hand, but they always appear that way at the start because the civilised are ever reluctant to be at war, preferring to build rather than destroy. But when they awaken to the danger, when they finally see the real face of the savages, they rise up and crush them. It is a never-ending fight, and we have been lucky enough to live a period where the savages were reduced and held in check. Now they attempt to rise again, and again the civilised must respond – and we will, never fear. But it is our very civilised nature that means we do not react without thought. That is both our weakness and our strength. The savages see only the weakness, never realising the strength within, and the resolve their disgusting and immoral acts engender in the civilised, nor the fury they will unleash.

October 21, 2023 9:45 am

The NATO alliance is preparing its first-ever alliance-wide doctrine for dealing with drones on the battlefield, as the unmanned aerial vehicles continue to proliferate and find new applications in warfare.

Formally dubbed counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS), the doctrine will standardize how armies across the NATO alliance fight drones, which have become essential parts of modern warfighting. Armies today use aerial drones for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, search and rescue, and airstrikes, among other tasks, and are increasingly adopting ground and maritime drones as well.

After the Yemeni Houthis used kamikaze drones to get past US air defense systems and attack two major Saudi oil facilities in 2019, the Pentagon launched a major effort to develop both short-range air defense (SHORAD) systems and specifically counter-drone systems, ranging from vehicle modifications to handheld devices for soldiers and even directed-energy weapons on vehicles and warships.

October 21, 2023 9:46 am

Speaking of the ABC I saw geriatric Butterose is getting paid $200k. Obscene.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 9:46 am

Thank goodness the grief counselling for Captain Carbon and the boys worked. Never doubt the wisdom of sports administrators.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 9:49 am

Like anything put out by the ALPBC, maybe give the Annual Report a miss too.

October 21, 2023 9:49 am

‘Multiculturalism neither encourages integration, for fear of upsetting cultural sensitivities, nor does much to foster social cohesion, as it leaves the host Society without a clear understanding of what it actually stands for.’

Is diversity our strength?

October 21, 2023 9:49 am

Unsurprising she sides with the Hamas murderers. It seems to be part of the green ethos, although I don’t know why that is.

I think it can be explained with one word, misanthropy.

October 21, 2023 9:54 am

US universities lose millions as donors pull funding over Hamas stance – Paywalled

Tensions rise on campus over freedom of speech and academic leaders’ public responsibilities

Donors are withdrawing millions of dollars in planned funding to punish US universities for their responses to Hamas’s attack on Israel, in a stand-off over free speech, higher education funding and academic leaders’ public responsibilities.

Billionaire benefactors including Apollo Global Management’s Marc Rowan and Limited Brands founder Leslie Wexner have called for stronger condemnation of Hamas and antisemitism by universities, and tougher action against students protesting against Israel. Law and investment firms have threatened to rescind job offers they had made to students, or not hire protesters when they graduate.

The pressure has left universities including Harvard, Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania struggling to contain a growing crisis, with some revising earlier statements to be more outspoken.

Others — including free speech advocates and the University of North Carolina Wilmington — have defended principles developed in the 1967 Kalven report for the University of Chicago and since used more widely that colleges should commit to academic freedom and insist on “institutional neutrality on political and social issues”.

On Tuesday, Liz Magill, president of the University of Pennsylvania, said: “Penn stands emphatically against the terrorist attacks by Hamas in Israel and against antisemitism”, but acknowledged “we should have communicated faster and more broadly about where we stand”.

Her declaration came too late for donors, including Ronald Lauder, the cosmetics heir, who criticised a recent Palestinian literature festival held on campus and said he would pull funding. Others withdrawing support included venture capitalists David Magerman and Jonathon Jacobson, and Jon Huntsman, the former US ambassador to China and ex-governor of Utah, who said he was “closing his checkbook”.

While Apollo’s Rowan called for Magill’s resignation, Blackstone president Jonathan Gray told Bloomberg that she had “made some mistakes” but he would continue donations. Colleagues had raised legitimate concerns about “hate speech masquerading as free speech”, he said, adding: “I think it’s important that university leaders really stand up.”

Wexner, who has a building named after him at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, said in an email to the university’s board of overseers that his foundation was “formally ending its financial and programmatic relationships” in view of its “dismal failure?.?.?.?to take a clear and unequivocal stand against the barbaric murders of Israeli citizens”.

Last Friday Idan Ofer, the Israeli billionaire who also has a building at the Kennedy School, told CNN he was stepping down from its executive board because of “the lack of clear evidence of support from the University’s leadership for the people of Israel?.?.?. coupled with their apparent unwillingness to recognise Hamas for what it is, a terrorist organisation”.

Such actions have highlighted the influence of donors, who last year contributed $60bn to US universities, and the magnifying pressure from social media on sensitive issues.

Bill Ackman, the hedge fund billionaire, divided opinion online when he called last week on X, formerly Twitter, for Harvard to identify students behind a statement from societies on campus that held “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence”. The move was needed “so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members”, he argued.

Davis Polk, the law firm, told the Financial Times it had withdrawn job offers to three Harvard and Columbia law school graduates linked to pro-Palestinian statements that expressed views “in direct contravention of our firm’s value system”.

“The student leaders responsible for signing on to these statements are no longer welcome in our firm,” it said.

Liora Rez, executive director of the campaigning group StopAntisemitism, said she was aware of many other donors planning to cut funding. “There will be big hits to endowments. The dominoes are starting to fall. We encourage every single Jewish alum and their allies that until universities stop allowing pro-Hamas demonstrations, close your cheque books.”

She argued that universities remaining silent “had no problems making statements when we saw horrific incidents surrounding the George Floyd murder, with support for African-American students during Black Lives Matter [protests].

The only problem they seem to have is when their Jewish students are involved and vilified.”

However, Ken Roth, the former head of Human Rights Watch, defended Chicago’s Kalven principles. The Kennedy school offered and then in January this year withdrew a fellowship for Roth, in a decision he believed the dean took in response to concerns over his criticism of Israel. The dean has since reversed the decision, apologised and announced his plan to step down.

“The bottom line is that university administrations should not get into the business of issuing statements about events in the world,” Roth said. “They just open themselves up to donor pressure. Their job should be to defend academic freedom on their campuses.”

“They should ensure their students are safe from violence, intimidation and harassment, but not from difficult ideas,” he added. “I look to universities to prepare students how to meet difficult ideas and argue against them. Not to close their eyes and ears.”

Lynn Pasquerella, head of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, said: “There’s a demand for people to pick sides. I’ve talked to many [college] presidents saying we knew we would anger some, but the vitriol is extreme. Doxxing students to never hire them, and threatening to withdraw money because of a viewpoint is antithetical to American higher education which is grounded in the unfettered pursuit of truth and the free exchange of ideas.”

Bill George, a former chief executive of medical device group Medtronic and an executive fellow at Harvard Business School, drew a parallel between the reaction to the war between Israel and Hamas and the widespread corporate statements condemning Floyd’s murder in 2020.

“I think it’s incumbent on leaders to make a statement, based on their organisation’s mission, purpose and values. If they don’t speak out, others will and cause more chaos. One can condemn Hamas without condemning Palestinians?.?.?. Timing is essential, and some people have waited too long. Some clarity is important,” he said.

However, he said he had no plans to dissociate himself from his own alma mater, and praised a revised statement by Harvard president Claudine Gay this week, which “drew a nice line between condemning terrorism and supporting freedom of speech, and supporting their students”.

University administrators under the current intense pressures are finding that defending free speech comes at a price.

As Josh Wolfe, a venture capitalist pressing his alma mater to be more outspoken in condemning antisemitism,

posted on X: “Freedom of speech?.?.?.?also means freedom for me — Cornell alum — to close my wallet.”

October 21, 2023 9:54 am

iirc there was a report by an ex diplomat whose name I don’t recall in the late 80s saying multiculturalism was a failure. I was ignored by the Liddle filth gubmint of course.

October 21, 2023 10:04 am

posted on X: “Freedom of speech?.?.?.?also means freedom for me — Cornell alum — to close my wallet.”

Eggsactly, and that’s the reason we should uphold free speech because the principle is it aids not only the speech you support, but also the speech you strongly oppose. And look what it’s done. Not a single person has been converted to the Hamarse cause and in fact it’s caused revulsion in the wider community. Let them come out from under their rock and speak. I’m glad they have.

October 21, 2023 10:04 am

The latest in air defence is an area denial weapon which forces drones to run out of fuel.

Standard Hovering Air Reassignment of Tasks

October 21, 2023 10:09 am

I have been thinking a lot about multiculturalism, diversity, tribalism etc etc as it seems that there is little cultural cohesion in modern western society.

The Roman Empire was indeed multicultural as Pax Romana extended across the Mediterranean & embraced and engulfed so many diverse cultures. Conquest was resented, of course, but economic prosperity & law & order followed. There was a unifying and underlying strength that weakened tribalism. Most of the great historical empires followed that course.

There is much to be learned from the social history of strong empires. Perhaps the post industrial empires of Britain & others have charted the same course. The USA has been more of a cultural icon & military enforcer, but the same unifying factor can be observed.

The progressive collapse of western societies is surely due to the disruption of unifying values when the dominant culture loses faith in its values.

October 21, 2023 10:09 am

Oct 21, 2023 9:45 AM


A+ for articulating this.

The tribe will cheer on the lunatics and make a noise.

It’s the quiet ones you have to watch and I’m sure many of the quiet ones are not too impressed with a bunch of desert hillbillies and their leftist commie associates bringing threats of another holocaust to Australian streets.

October 21, 2023 10:14 am


I think we can distinguish between settler countries like the US, Australia etc and those that aren’t like UK, France etc.

Australia has been a hugely successful settler nation, but with some exceptions. I’d argue the US has been too, if you remove the historical scourge of slavery.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 21, 2023 10:15 am

Thank you Calli.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 21, 2023 10:16 am


Oct 21, 2023 7:44 AM

There was a low voter turnout this referendum
2.6 million people didn’t vote .
If you wanted change you would probably have made the effort to vote yes
So the couldn’t be bothereds we’re probably no voters
Which makes the figures much worse for the yes cause

Waiting for the analysis from their ABC that they were shy Yes voters who were badgered into staying home by the KKK.
Even if all 2.6 m voted Yes, they would still be 400,000 votes short.
In the last week of the campaign a few Yessir sympathisers put it about that the fine for not voting was only $20, I think hoping that No voters wouldn’t turn up.

October 21, 2023 10:19 am

Safer for plod to put the frighteners on a couple of Israel supporters
than enforce the laws regarding proscribed terrorist organisations.
They’d just rather not admit it.

October 21, 2023 10:20 am

I don’t even believe Monty exists

It would be nice if he didn’t.

October 21, 2023 10:21 am

Stalling Hovering Assets Reassignment of Tasks

Also known as SHART.

October 21, 2023 10:22 am

I have been thinking a lot about multiculturalism, diversity, tribalism etc etc as it seems that there is little cultural cohesion in modern western society.

Culture is downstream from religion.

I think we can distinguish between settler countries like the US, Australia etc and those that aren’t like UK, France etc.

Previously yes, but we seem to be headed in the same direction as W. Europe.

Not to mention the prog-left war on settler societies.

October 21, 2023 10:22 am

The tribe will cheer on the lunatics and make a noise.

It’s the quiet ones you have to watch and I’m sure many of the quiet ones are not too impressed with a bunch of desert hillbillies and their leftist commie associates bringing threats of another holocaust to Australian streets.

This has been amply illustrated by last Saturday’s referendum result. Silent majority are not only nervous but pissed off enough to vote against the obvious social pressure.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2023 10:23 am

Bugmeat will go the same way as EVs and solar panels. There isn’t any real demand.

Eat Ze Bugs! Meat Giant Tyson Invests in Insect ‘Food’ for People (19 Oct)

Tyson has agreed to invest in Protix, a company that turns insects into “protein” for human and animal consumption. I’ll let Protix introduce itself. From the Protix website (remember, I’m on “woke patrol and will highlight all the woke-iness I see):

Protix is the world leader in insect ingredients. We believe that feeding the growing world population should go hand in hand with protecting our beautiful planet. A huge challenge! Fortunately, the solution lies in nature itself: insects provide low-footprint proteins and other nutrients that can be processed into more sustainable feed and food.

Whoa, all that wokeness in just one paragraph!

It’s fun, though, to watch these woke corporations and their elite Harvard-educated executives faceplant like Daffy Duck over and over. Hopefully after the dust settles we’ll have some companies that actually make things people want.

October 21, 2023 10:24 am

Waves of change: How sea-levels and climate altered the marine ecosystems at the South Pole 390–385 million years ago

Climate change, but no SUVs, no coal-burning anything, no bovine farts?

An enigma baked in a mystery and consumed by an agenda.

October 21, 2023 10:28 am

The west’s fifth columnists
Melanie Phillips – Oct 20, 2023
Media outlets are enabling anti-Jewish evil in a time of war

For several hours this week, the BBC, The New York Times, The Financial Times and other prominent mainstream media outlets claimed that Israel had bombed and destroyed Gaza City’s Al-Ahli hospital, killing hundreds of patients and staff.
This was a lie.

Western antisemites and Israel-haters promptly parroted the Hamas lie. In America, Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) spread on social media that the hospital had been hit by an Israeli rocket.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared that “it’s not acceptable to hit a hospital,” as if Israel had done so. British Labour MPs shrieked about the “murder of innocent civilians” by Israel and branded the event a “war crime”.

And Agnes Callamard, secretary-general of Amnesty International, tweeted about the “bombing” of the hospital, “This is the cost of the US and EU unreserved support for Israel: more civilians killed; more war crimes; more, more, more.”

Yet the blood libel against Israel was untrue and there was soon evidence to prove it. There had been no Israel attacks in the area at that time. Instead, an almost simultaneous barrage of rockets had been fired at Israel from launchers in close proximity to the hospital.

October 21, 2023 10:29 am

JC – there is something in that. Even so, the settler countries brought with them the cultural markers of the parent country -including its values. Now, those settler countries developed unique characteristics forged by their own history eg the knockabout, independent nature of colonial Aussies. But I would argue that even those developmental traits were seriously redefined by subsequent multicultural immigration.

October 21, 2023 10:30 am

Oct 21, 2023 10:09 AM
I have been thinking a lot about multiculturalism, diversity, tribalism etc etc as it seems that there is little cultural cohesion in modern western society.

The Roman Empire was indeed multicultural as Pax Romana extended across the Mediterranean & embraced and engulfed so many diverse cultures. Conquest was resented, of course, but economic prosperity & law & order followed. There was a unifying and underlying strength that weakened tribalism. Most of the great historical empires followed that course.

There is much to be learned from the social history of strong empires. Perhaps the post industrial empires of Britain & others have charted the same course. The USA has been more of a cultural icon & military enforcer, but the same unifying factor can be observed.

The progressive collapse of western societies is surely due to the disruption of unifying values when the dominant culture loses faith in its values.

As far as I can make out reading history, when there’s not more good times of plenty to keep a lid on things it will get very bloody.
Could be 5 years, could be 50 but like it or not that will happen here, it’s just a matter of time, and when it happens people like monty will find their beliefs don’t matter. The color of your skin will be your uniform.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 10:34 am

KD might want to pick up Teh Weekend Paywallian who do a bit on Basil. Apparently he is potentially the WA Lieborals next big thing. Hopefully that goes a bit better than the Zak Kirkup experiment (which would be a great album title). I’m on the fence with Basil but a few years at 6PR suggests he may be solid.

October 21, 2023 10:35 am


The UK’s new Chief Scientist, Dame Angela McLean, called then Chancellor Rishi Sunak “Dr. Death” because he urged people to eat out at restaurants during social distancing restrictions and referred to a colleague who opposed lockdowns as “a f*ckwit.”

Daily Mail

October 21, 2023 10:36 am

Stephen Fitzgerald wrote the report critical of multiculturalism iirc.

October 21, 2023 10:37 am

Sunak turned out better than expected so far, but the bar was set oh so low.

October 21, 2023 10:37 am

Yes Roger, culture is indeed downstream from religion. And religion is dying in the West.

It breaks my heart to watch it – but the current Israeli / Palestinian confrontation illustrates the point. Israel in particular is strengthened by its religiosity which is central to its identity. It hardly needs stating that the Palestinian drive towards a separate entity is very much influenced by Islamic identity.

October 21, 2023 10:41 am

The color of your skin will be your uniform.

What does that mean?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 10:41 am

But I would argue that even those developmental traits were seriously redefined by subsequent multicultural immigration.

The US is probably a better case study than Australia with a longer history and more regionalised migration patters. Many US states and cities carry a strong echo of their immigrant past. I am thinking of places like Wisconsin. TheGerman influence north of Adelaide might be an equivalent. I’m sure there are others.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 21, 2023 10:43 am

Still 3.2M referendum votes to count, eh?
Slightly more than the 3M difference between Yes and No totals, eh?

(conspiratorial ideation intensifies)

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 10:44 am

Baz was also on the end of some tranny hate (isn’t everyone?). So that’s a plus.

October 21, 2023 10:47 am

Colonel Crispin Berka
Oct 21, 2023 10:43 AM
Still 3.2M referendum votes to count, eh?
Slightly more than the 3M difference between Yes and No totals, eh?

(conspiratorial ideation intensifies)

If you are reading my posts, please know that I am already dead.

October 21, 2023 10:47 am

electric lorry start-up files for bankruptcy

Fantasy meets reality.

Reality wins. Again.

October 21, 2023 10:52 am
October 21, 2023 10:53 am

Archbishop of Canterbury arrives in Holy Land, joins church leaders in prayer for peace

As of two days ago he was still talking about the “mass casualties” resulting from the “missile attack” on al-Ahli hospital.

al-Ahli Hospital is an Anglican hospital. The Archbishop is the head of the worldwide Anglican communion.

So when, if ever, did his people break the news to him that the hospital was never hit and there was no mass casualty event? Why hasn’t he cleared the record on that rather than repeating propaganda points for Hamas?

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 10:55 am

Oct 21, 2023 10:47 AM
electric lorry start-up files for bankruptcy

Fantasy meets reality.

Reality wins. Again.

“Pollie” folly political Pipe Dreams – Minus ZERO. (NO Net needed).


Economic/Financial Reality – “To Infinity and Beyond.”

And the Winner is……………………

No need to do any counting as it’s Game Over for Tennis Elbow/Blackout Bowen. The alleged “Dynamic Duo”.

October 21, 2023 10:56 am

Many US states and cities carry a strong echo of their immigrant past.

Certainly true, but the US historically had “the melting pot” idea which encouraged assimilation (as opposed to the multicultural “salad bowl.”)

Epitomised very well in WWII TV/film dramas where a platoon is often depicted as multi-ethnic but patriotic with undivided loyalties.

October 21, 2023 10:57 am

One nation, one people, one destiny. As it should be here.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 10:58 am

Lorry? Is that a splinter group from the truck v train war?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 11:02 am

Agreed Roger. I was thinking more of character/personality traits. Everybody was expected to turn out for the 4th of July parade.

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 11:05 am

Oct 21, 2023 9:33 AM

BS. They have not been able to pass anything except the shit that you constantly put out. What a Sictorian Pompous Windbag you are.

Go back to NY where you really belong. You short arse dope head.

October 21, 2023 11:06 am

Why hasn’t he cleared the record on that rather than repeating propaganda points for Hamas?

He made a mistake in assuming the attack was deliberate, the implication being it was Israel. But he then cautioned about assigning blame before all the facts were known. He should have heeded his own counsel on that point.

He also said it was “an outrage” that Hamas was holding civilian hostages and called their actions in Israel “evil and heinous”. He maintained Israel’s right to defend itself.

He should issue a clarification on the hospital situation.

Incidentally, the worldwide Anglican communion is in schism, with a majority having rejected Welby’s primacy for doctrinal reasons.

October 21, 2023 11:09 am

Agreed Roger. I was thinking more of character/personality traits.

Yes, one of the most interesting things about the US.

I posted a map a while back that showed the historic ethnic majority of each county in the US, Germans being the most predominant.

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 11:10 am

H B Bear
Oct 21, 2023 10:58 AM
Lorry? Is that a splinter group from the truck v train war?

Lorry is the English word for the word ‘truck’. A train is completely different unless it is a ‘Road Train’ here in Australia.

A semi trailer in the US and OZ is an Articulated Lorry in the UK.

A very well spoken lorry. LOL.

Or in English slang, an ‘Artic’.

October 21, 2023 11:10 am

The modern C of E is very much as Huxley predicted in BNW. Welby is Arch Community Songster.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2023 11:13 am

The UK’s new Chief Scientist, Dame Angela McLean, called then Chancellor Rishi Sunak “Dr. Death”

Really interesting watching how leftist-colonized science is producing so many tofu-brained idiots lately. Lysenkoism seems to’ve been a demonstration project for what happens when you end up with science controlled by dogmatic totalitarian people seemingly without any ability to detect the real from the imaginary.

They just can’t give it away either. Here’s one from today, via Powerline:

The Mask Comes Off (19 Oct)

Scientific American, which dates to 1845 and touts itself as “the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States,” recently ran an article arguing that scientists should prioritize “reality” over scientific “rigor.” What would make a publication with a name like this one set empirical evidence at odds with reality? Masks, of course.

Naomi Oreskes, a Harvard professor of the history of science, argued that by “prioritizing scientific rigor” in its mask studies, the Cochrane Library may have “misled the public,” such that “the average person could be confused” about the efficacy of masks. Oreskes criticized Cochrane for its “standard . . . methodological procedures,” as Cochrane bases its “findings on randomized controlled trials, often called the ‘gold standard’ of scientific evidence.” Since RCTs haven’t shown that masks work, she writes, “[i]t’s time those standard procedures were changed.”

Masks of course do not work against viruses, that is obvious just from a comparison of the pore size vs the size of the virus. I said so here day one. Numerous studies have confirmed this. But they can’t let go. It’s weird.

The fun thing about Naomi Oreskes claiming that actual science misleads the public is that she’s also one of the prime climate activists who’ve been howling for action over not-happening thermageddon.

That too they can’t let go. And the entire academic scientific system built painfully over hundreds of years is being destroyed by these leftists. It’s sad.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 11:15 am

The Archbishop of Canterbury was always seen as an object of ridicule in Yes Minister which is a good starting point.

Iron Cove
Iron Cove
October 21, 2023 11:18 am

Fun fact.
In Leichhardt in the heart of Grayndler the Yes vote was 80%.
In the electorate of Leichhardt in FNQ Thursday Island recorded a 72% Yes vote.
Lockhart River was 66% Yes.
HopeVale 75%.
Bamaga only 60%.
It would be interesting to know whether the substantial No votes in these predominantly ATSI towns were Lydia Thorpe type nos, anti Noel votes or for other reasons.

October 21, 2023 11:18 am

Daughter got a gas plumber to come round to disconnect a stove top. Has a special tool that doesn’t require the gas to be turned off.10 minutes $150 thankyou very much. Minimum charge of 0.5 hours. He does small stuff most of the time. Coming back this week to do sink fitting. She had some guy come to have a look, he gave a quote, the next day said he didn’t want to do it. That was for electrical work. Some people get their money too easily.

October 21, 2023 11:21 am

Like most of Canbra

October 21, 2023 11:21 am

The Archbishop of Canterbury was always seen as an object of ridicule in Yes Minister

Only believed in the MCC, steam locomotives and mohammad, IIRC.

October 21, 2023 11:22 am

I can’t get the map to upload, but if anyone’s interested search:

Largest Ancestry by U.S. County – Vivid Maps

October 21, 2023 11:22 am

I just saw something so completely shocking on Fox, that turbaned Somali woman in the US congress was asked why she doesn’t want Israeli army to go after the people who tortured and killed old people, women and babies. Her answer was “When is there enough killing?”

According to her, her side can kill as many as they can but retribution or even bringing them to justice is too much killing. Any Americans who vote for her are as damned as she is.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 11:24 am

I might investigate bottled gas when my current HWS dies. My actual gas consumption is tiny and paying a quarterly supply charge for it is just theft. I use electrical RC air conditioning for heating anyway.

October 21, 2023 11:25 am

I sometimes think the old lefty slogan ‘human need not corporate greed’ had a point.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 21, 2023 11:28 am

Mak Siccar

Oct 21, 2023 8:38 AM

It would appear that some 3.2 million didn’t vote (or haven’t yet been counted?)

From the AEC website.

Twostix got all hysterical about this after the 2022 Federal Election screaming about the Great Vote Heist.
The thing is, the AEC “total votes cast” figure is really “total votes counted so far”.

October 21, 2023 11:28 am

Regarding the conduct of our big corporations,. reprehensible is an understatement.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 21, 2023 11:31 am

“Bottle maintenance charge” will bowl over the supply charge easy, H.B.- Kleenheat has hit $50/bottle/year. All for the privilege of me picking up the dang thangs too.
You can hook up a 9kg bottle, but that’s illegal *screams*

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 21, 2023 11:31 am

Reposted for excellence:

areff at the tail of the OOT, and apropos of telemarketer annoyance methods:

If it’s a male Subcontinental, tell them your gaydar has picked up that they’re into hot guy-on-guy action. They’ll become increasingly agitated the more you insist that they must be gay because real men drive trains and wrestle bears rather than spending all day calling people they don’t.. One gent was so upset he hung up, then called back to shout obscenities.

A million times yes.

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 11:32 am

And for ‘Jer Cough Cretin’ as a bit of ejucashion for the T.W.A.T. –

‘The House cannot function without a Speaker’

“One of the most powerful positions in Congress is the House speaker, and without someone elected to the job, scholars say the House can’t do much. The Constitution mentions the need for a speaker but doesn’t say much more about their duties.”

October 21, 2023 11:34 am

But they can’t let go. It’s weird.

Masks are symbols of control. Making people do ridiculous things against their will or risk punishment is about raw power.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 21, 2023 11:35 am

Further excellence reposted:

the imminent Mrs Barnaby, posted by BB at 5.22 and concerning the shoutdown of a Royal Commission into remote indig child sexual abuse by the very same people who wanted a Voice:

You can have the most generous royal commission that ever existed just by soaking up the waste of duplication among agencies that refuse to work together because they fear their funding will be stolen.

Bam. Bang on the money.

October 21, 2023 11:36 am

Just a thought.

Were any Jewish employees of Qld Government or other organisations granted 5 days paid leave. Or do only upset Aboriginals matter?

October 21, 2023 11:36 am

Only believed in the MCC, steam locomotives and mohammad, IIRC.


Interestingly enough, the former incumbent’s chief contender for the position in 2002 was the then Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, born in Karachi to a father who’d converted from Islam.

Some believe he didn’t get the nod because he was rather too Christian.

Instead, we got Rowan Williams, who was also a Druid.

If you made this up people wouldn’t believe you.

Johnny Rotten
October 21, 2023 11:37 am

Oct 21, 2023 11:28 AM
Regarding the conduct of our big corporations,. reprehensible is an understatement.

Shareholder Class Actions are in the pipeline. “Slutter and Gawdun” and the other ‘Ambulance Chasers’ await.

October 21, 2023 11:39 am

The house has an acting speaker, you incontinent dipstick. That means the House is able to function. For a intellectual pygmy recently telling us a private blog is public property with the owner having no rights, you ought to remain silent in between diaper changes.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2023 11:40 am

Cheers Wally. Might just have to look at a dedicated wok burner outside off the BBQ bottle then.

October 21, 2023 11:40 am

If it’s a male Subcontinental, tell them your gaydar has picked up that they’re into hot guy-on-guy action. They’ll become increasingly agitated the more you insist that they must be gay because real men drive trains and wrestle bears rather than spending all day calling people they don’t.. One gent was so upset he hung up, then called back to shout obscenities.

Tell them to do the needful and carry buckets of water for you and end with a jibe that they come from Porkistan.

October 21, 2023 11:42 am


……Patrick McHenry is currently serving as speaker pro tempore until an election for a new speaker is completed.………..



Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2023 11:43 am

Instead, we got Rowan Williams, who was also a Druid.

Another organization built painfully over hundreds of years that the progressive-left has destroyed, at least in the UK.

October 21, 2023 11:47 am

Johnny Rotten
Oct 21, 2023 11:05 AM

Oct 21, 2023 9:33 AM

BS. They have not been able to pass anything except the shit that you constantly put out. What a Sictorian Pompous Windbag you are.

Go back to NY where you really belong. You short arse dope head.

I should go “back”, should I? You maggot ridden limey wog, you ought to be deported. No more Mr. Nice Guy towards you, Wodney, you incontinent limey piece of shit. For too long you’ve trolled and abused people here for absolutely no reason other than you’re angry for having soiled your diaper.
As Dot correctly suggested the other day, you’re the most worthless commenter here with zero to add to any discussion.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 21, 2023 11:54 am

the imminent Mrs Barnaby, posted by BB at 5.22 and concerning the shoutdown of a Royal Commission into remote indig child sexual abuse by the very same people who wanted a Voice:

‘Reasoning’ shouted by people who wanted a Voice:

“Singling out Aboriginal families and communities is harmful and puts ideology before evidence,” the statement from the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care said.

“The most recent Child Protection Australia data release by the AIHW shows that Indigenous children were less likely to be the subject of a substantiated notification of child sexual abuse in 2021-22 (6.8 per cent of substantiations) than were non-Indigenous children (9 per cent of substantiations).”

So, according to an indigenous agency, the First Nations child sexual abuse problem is at ‘background level’. A problem, but not a specifically indigenous problem.

Not immediately clear what goes into ‘substantiations’, or whether they happen consistently across all communities.
But apparently no further evidence is required.
Or, something.

October 21, 2023 11:54 am

I wish I could write like Melanie Phillips.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 21, 2023 11:56 am

TruTh news (the NT News):

A Territory couple whose home was hit by a peculiar Unidentified Flying Object have been baffled by the humanoid-like smudge left on their window.

A Katherine woman, who asked not to be named, has turned to the online community to find answers after a mysterious mark appeared on her window one evening.

She described the smudge as a pale mark with “little paws on each side and a full body” left 1m up the window pane.

Tartarians. Obviously.

1 2 3 7
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x