Open Thread – Mon 11 Dec 2023

The Floor Scrapers, Gustave Caillebotte, 1875

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December 11, 2023 11:41 am

As with many things, I blame him generally.

He set several crucial policy paradigms that have been with us since.

In that sense, he’s entitled to be credited as the author of contemporary Australia, such as it is.

December 11, 2023 11:41 am

Does AirbusAlbo take toto overseas? What about 6 weeks quarantine each time

Seems like Luigi is getting a “free pass” on quarantine cos if the mutt had 6 weeks quarantine per trip he’d be making very few trips .. Luigi being in Oz for 6, straight, weekz would be Guiness Book of Records material ….
And why hasn’t “our”, renowned, dog-sniffa-outer , sheriff “Beetroot” gotten involved ..?

December 11, 2023 11:47 am

The Harvard dean Claudine Gay seems to be a piece of work if this lengthy article is true.

Apart from being a particularly egregious example of Haitian affirmative action (four articles nobody read as a prelude to being hired) she seems to involved in academic malpractice involving fabricated data; among many other sins.

From the floppy end of the arts faculty. Again.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 11:47 am

It is not really about the numbers per se but the labour market, housing market, infrastructure and cultural capacity to absorb them. By and large, up till recently that has not really been a sensitive issue ( outside certain groups). As times get tougher, immigration is rightly placed under more scrutiny.

December 11, 2023 11:49 am

Forgot to mention, she was the black one with the comedy glasses refusing to say in recent testimony that threats of genocide were bad if it involved Jews.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
December 11, 2023 11:51 am

The Stan Original Documentary Revealed: Ben Roberts-Smith Truth On Trial exposes how a group of brave soldiers and determined reporters uncovered the truth about Australia’s most decorated living hero. The must-see documentary is now streaming, only on Stan.

Losing the civil case put a green light on this bandwagon.
A civil case, mind.
Not military, not criminal, civil. But that’s enough, apparently.

cohenite, is this a civil equivalent of double-jeopardy? Stan isn’t defaming BRS because he was already defamed by someone else and a judge ruled it was fair?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 11, 2023 11:54 am

Cough Palacechook” & Olympics

Not yet in the Courier Mail, but realistic to expect the Palacechook to eventually displace Andew Liveris as Chair of the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee.

A sloppy $500kpa job, with almost unlimited jollies and travel opportunities.

December 11, 2023 11:54 am

Sadly, it is likely that the ‘new recruits to Hamas due to what you did to me/my family/my home/my country’ will be well in excess of the -7000 the IDF has in their claim count.

Hopefully, once Israeli militaty is finished in Gaza this scum go back too won’t be on the same terms ..
Me, I’d create a no go zone between the Israeli border & Gaza ( maybe 1km), allow NO Gazans into Israel for any reason, plenty of arab “neighbours” they can scrounge off, medical, work (LOL) or food .. NO Israeli help with re-build and no construction materials, food, oil or general goods passing thru Israel into Gaza and charge ’em Oz prices for utilities, gas, electric, water ….. and cut ’em off if they don’t pay on time ..!
Alternately & my favourite .. glass the bloody joint(along with the mullahs) and let the neighbours take their Gazan “maaates” in ………..

December 11, 2023 11:58 am

It is not really about the numbers per se but the labour market, housing market, infrastructure and cultural capacity to absorb them.

We should be looking seriously at water supply & storage and the impact of urban growth (inc. regional cities) on land use. Short of some major infrastructure projects that might render marginal land occupiable and productive, the continent does not have an unlimited population capacity it can support without significant impact on quality of life.

December 11, 2023 12:00 pm

Vertical wind shear and dry air has decimated Jasper, very little convection this morning. Looks like Cyclone Ita once it got to Townsville a few years back, bit of wind and very little rain.


It is coming

December 11, 2023 12:04 pm

My citizenship policy would mandate an Oath of Allegiance and would include natural born citizens as well as those that come from abroad.

I’d do a deal with Sudan for those that did not want to live by it.

But I guess I’m a wacist now?

December 11, 2023 12:06 pm

Hopefully, once Israeli militaty is finished in Gaza this scum go back too won’t be on the same terms ..

It’s an opportunity to complete the population transfer which began after 1947 when Jews were ethnically cleansed from all Arab/Muslim countries.

December 11, 2023 12:10 pm

The Harvard dean Claudine Gay seems to be a piece of work if this lengthy article is true.

All those she hired for the positions she invented to execute her agendas should also be fired, and abolish those positions.

December 11, 2023 12:14 pm

I’d do a deal with Sudan for those that did not want to live by it.

While I don’t think it was wise to accept Sudanese refugees, they are by and large not a problem in respect of loyalty to the nation.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 11, 2023 12:15 pm

‘Airbus Albo’ brings his dog Toto on taxpayer funded flights

And whenever he lands overseas he can say to the mutt “I guess we aren’t in Oz anymore, Toto.”

Well, unless he has returned to Australia when he is in Oz.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 12:17 pm

Will you be seeing yourself out Lode?

Johnny Rotten
December 11, 2023 12:18 pm

Vaccines Can Be an Undisclosed Risk

“A 15-month-old healthy girl was given three vaccines at the same time and died two days later. When you get some prescribed drug from your doctor, there is a warning: do not take it with something else. That is what is missing with vaccines. One of my employees cannot take any vaccine. His entire family gets violently ill just taking a flu vaccine. We are not all the same. I was vaccinated, and so were my children. I do not recall getting three all at the same time. They do not come with any warning label that a parent gets to read.

The problem is that our pretend “representatives” have given 100% immunity to drug companies. Why? They paid them off. If an auto company had 1 in 100 cars blow up when you turned it on but could NEVER be sued, why fix anything? Go 10 miles over the speed limit, and they fine you to teach you a lesson. They do not do the same to their favorite supporters – drug companies and bankers. Any politician who voted for that should be driven from office and held responsible for conspiracy to violate human rights.

I would not allow my children to be vaccinated with multiple vaccines all at the same time.

But I am not a doctor. Just my GUT FEELING!”

December 11, 2023 12:19 pm

The real Toto was a cairn terrier.

He would have bitten Albo. Hard.

This one’s just a canine fraud, anxious for treats.

December 11, 2023 12:21 pm

Roger – my comment was directed not at sending people back to Sudan but sending anyone who chooses to Sudan. 😛

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 12:22 pm

It’s an opportunity to complete the population transfer which began after 1947 when Jews were ethnically cleansed from all Arab/Muslim countries.

There were just as many, if not more Jews, ethnically cleansed from Arab/ Mooslime countries, who were absorbed into the new State of Israel, as there were Arabs, who heeded the call to flee, and return when the invading armies had swept the Jews into the sea……

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 12:23 pm

This one’s just a canine fraud, anxious for treats.

So, pretty much like Cabinet then?

December 11, 2023 12:23 pm



‘Used EV market expected to boom’

December 11, 2023 12:25 pm

Roger – my comment was directed not at sending people back to Sudan but sending anyone who chooses to Sudan.


Well, the problem there is that even Sudan has standards, Lysander.

December 11, 2023 12:25 pm

Sadly, it is likely that the ‘new recruits to Hamas due to what you did to me/my family/my home/my country’ will be well in excess of the -7000 the IDF has in their claim count.

How much more can they create when martyrdom is part of the school curriculum?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 11, 2023 12:32 pm

Will you be seeing yourself out Lode?

Well, would you believe it. Someone hijacked my phone while I was in the kitchen.

I am sure it was their fault!

December 11, 2023 12:33 pm

Mongloid government: We will reduce numbers to “only” 250,000 a year.

Mongloiod government less than a year back:

Albanese government to radically streamline migration with three-tiered system for skilled workers
Australian home affairs minister, Clare O’Neil, announces reforms designed to cut red tape and reduce delays to permanent residency

O’Neil said that by the end of 2023 – after another round of consultation and the implementation of the government’s final strategy – “all temporary skilled workers will have a pathway to permanent residency”.

O’Neil said the focus was the “quality of our migration program”, at first seeking to avoid debate about whether the policy would result in a “big Australia or small Australia”.

So lets feculate…
They claim they will control numbers.
They also claim students will have a pathway to permanent residency.

So how many students are eligible?
The number of international students studying in Australia totalled 746,080 for the January-September 2023 period. There was a change of 31% compared to the same period last year.

Australian Unis are effectively a visa selling racket.

December 11, 2023 12:34 pm

‘Used EV market expected to boom’

Flooded with gullible sellers who can’t sell (because there are no buyers).

Like gender, the ABC has had to redefine “boom” to justify its beatup.

December 11, 2023 12:35 pm

Does Israel have enough space in its gaols for scumarse?

December 11, 2023 12:36 pm

Like gender, the ABC has had to redefine “boom” to justify its beatup.

Tom…”boom” as in “ka-boom!” was my immediate thought.

December 11, 2023 12:38 pm

What are the numbers being reported for these mass surrenders over the last few days that have been publicized? Hundreds? Just saw a report saying about 10-15% of those pictured were Hamas-affiliated and the rest may have been simply men that remained in those areas for whatever reason and were subsequently released.

That’s my understqanding .. they round-up any males between certain ages in areas thethey’ve been told to evacuate, vet ’em then release or hold ..
To date, approx. 100 have been detained thru video/personal recognition as being HAMAS/Oct 7 participants ..
The gummint is re-introducing a “war” crimes statute that will include the death penalty (Israel doesn’t have death verdict under current laws) for anyone found guilty of Oct 7 involvement or HAMAS leadership roles ..
They also issue every IDF member with a pack of “cards” (similar to the US in Iraq) picturing known HAMAS/Oct 7 participants …….. and is expanding the “we-is-coming-for-you” criteria to any HAMAS outside Gaza …..

December 11, 2023 12:39 pm

Love to be an optimist but poor old Jasper still gulping in dry air from the northern quadrants and convection round the low level centre of circulation seems absent. In fact there seems more convection in her wake…

Apparently Mackay & Whitsundays copping a flogging today. The eye or what’s left of it went over Lihou reef Lighthouse 550km east of Townsville or pretty close last night. Winds dropped right off at 984.1 hPa. Previously and after sustained winds 80km/h and gusts to 110km/h, pretty well much a Cat 1/weak Cat 2.

December 11, 2023 12:43 pm

Does Israel have enough space in its gaols for scumarse?

I did hear security fencing in the Sinai is the short term intent .. tho pre Oct 7 the Israeli gaols had over 4 000 terrorist related occupants so I’m guessing “no prisoners” will be a preferred option … if the majority are in the tunnels the odds are they aren’t coming out, anyway ..!

December 11, 2023 12:45 pm

So, pretty much like Cabinet then?

Floppy, fashionable, dribbly, responds to praise, belongs to anyone who will give them a treat, anxious to please, rips up its bedding when bored and expects new stuff, leaves a puddle if it gets caught.

Works for me.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 11, 2023 12:45 pm

Anthony Albanese
Good luck to all the year 12s around the country who have started getting their results this week.

No matter the result that you get, you should be proud of the effort you’ve put in.

So if you’ve done sweet tweet, and your leaving certificate points to a career on the public teat, be proud anyway. Oh, and remember to vote for your future breadwinner.

A Labor philosophy to live by.

December 11, 2023 12:48 pm

I believe Hamas is threatening to kill the remaining hostages (including small children) unless Israel plays along.

Tell me again why I should feel anything but loathing for these creeps?

Also, they’ve murdered several while in custody. What are they going to do? Kill them again?

December 11, 2023 12:49 pm

I’ve never been pro death penalty but the events of 7/10/23 are testing my resolve.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 12:51 pm


‘Used EV market expected to boom’

I liked the story of the Tesla driver who did a million miles.

Here’s What It Takes to Drive a Tesla Over 1 Million Miles (9 Dec)

“As InsideEVs notes, early Model S cars, including the 2014 year, commonly had reliability issues with the rear motor units and even their replacement units, which impacted this example as well, and the owner claims the rear motor unit on this one has been replaced a whopping 13 times (an average of 84,285 miles per motor including the current one, though we hope reliability has improved in recent years). The battery pack has faired much better, only being replaced three times so far, for an average of around 300,000 miles per pack, which seems pretty solid.”

His longevity secrets: “But he also somewhat babies his Model S, careful not to over-juice it on charges beyond 80 percent full, and by not letting it dip below 20 percent state-of-charge when driving. He typically only journeys about 60 miles at a time before taking a break, and doesn’t top off on breaks unless the car is low charge.”

Replaced the back motors 13 times and the battery three times? Sounds like Granddad’s ax. And if he stopped every 60 miles as he claims that is stopping 16,667 times in the nine years he’s owned it. Which is five times a day every day for nine years. The guy is German, which I think helps explain it. No one is as anal as a German Tesla driver.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 12:53 pm

Dec 11, 2023 12:19 PM
The real Toto was a cairn terrier.

He would have bitten Albo. Hard.

This one’s just a canine fraud, anxious for treats.

Calli, take the word canine out of that last sentence and it covers the dog’s owner.

December 11, 2023 12:54 pm

A Labor philosophy to live by.

Prizes for everyone!

December 11, 2023 12:54 pm

That’ll be two.

EXCLUSIVE: @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis, violating Harvard’s policies on academic integrity.

If Harvard was a stock it would be now down about 80%.

December 11, 2023 12:55 pm

The guy is German, which I think helps explain it. No one is as anal as a German Tesla driver

Don’t leave us hanging with this bait.

December 11, 2023 12:57 pm

Dot status…

Fully en-bar with oak leaf and diamonds..

Sworn in as President of Argentina, Milei signs his first executive order, reducing the Argentine government from 21 ministries to 9

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 11, 2023 12:58 pm

In Quadrant Online. 1000 thumbs up from me.

Peter Smith
Frequent contributor

Three Weekend Australian newspaper articles and two (December Issue) Quadrant articles got my attention after a planned outing was deferred and I had time on my hands. The articles, in order, by Gemma Tognini, Greg Craven, Greg Sheridan, Rachael Kohn and Daryl McCann were, and are, well worth reading. This isn’t a review. But, briefly, all turn on the horrific slaughter which occurred in southern Israel on October 7.

Tognini laments the sentiments expressed in the streets and on the Left; Craven, the parsing of evil; Sheridan, the incursion into the West of anti-Semitism via immigration from the Middle East and North Africa; Kohn, the subservient position of women in Islam; and McCann, the attitude of Arab states to Israel’s existence. Obviously, there is much more to each article. I’ve taken a liberty, for a purpose. That purpose is to use plain words to identify the underlying problem and the solution. More liberties to come I’m afraid.

All of the authors get close to identifying the problem and the solution without reaching a definitive denouement, at least so far as I’m concerned.

Tognini comments on “how far we have fallen” since Doc Evatt in 1947 “guided the UN vote” to establish the state of Israel. You don’t have to go back that far. I arrived in Australia in 1965. How far have we fallen since then; since later than then? And why, principally, when it comes to anti-Semitism? No prizes for guessing.

Craven manages to avoid mentioning Islam. Like Basil Fawlty not mentioning the war. The anti-Semitic Left and right get mentioned, and Hamas as the embodiment of evil. To wit, “in the dirty bomb assault against Western values, there is no Israel only a greater us. As far as Hamas and its allies are concerned, we all wear kippahs now.” Maybe, but if we’ve only got Hamas, Hizballah and the Houthis and other like groups to deal with we don’t have serious problem. But we do have a serious problem.

Sheridan gets much more down and dirty and thus closer to the truth. But true to form, having identified the curse of Muslim immigration and referenced three books on the subject by Andrew Hussey (The French Intifada), Chrispher Caldwell (Reflections on the Revolution in Europe) and Douglas Murray (The Strange Death of Europe), he proceeds to write: “Nobody wants a religiosity or ethnically discriminatory immigration program.” Sorry, yes they do; lots of hands shoot up, including mine. I’ve also read other scary books on the matter by Oriana Fallaci, Mark Steyn and Robert Spencer, among others. Perhaps they have coloured my concerns and made me more careful about who is invited into my country. Kohn writes:

Assimilation to Australian values and norms of egalitarianism and freedom of conscience is therefore not going to happen smoothly and easily for Muslim Australians as long as they are beholden to the imams and sheiks who hold forth in the mosque and prayer hall, and appear opposed to contemporary interpretations of the Koran…

I am a literalist by inclination. All else, ‘contemporary interpretations’ and the like, are simply subjective imaginings. Imams are literalists too. The Koran, the very words of Allah are immutable, as are the sayings and doings of Muhammed (in the Hadith). Assimilation to Australian values is a dream. Not only is such assimilation not going to happen easily, it’s not going to happen at all.

Like Sheridan, McCann gets close to the truth. Some great stuff on the ‘victim versus the oppressor’ narrative which plagues much of the commentariat’s misguided analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, he refers to “Islamic revivalism,” dating back to the eighteenth century. What I don’t like about this way of putting things is that it might suggest that a more benign Islam once existed and might, possibly, exist again. I am drawing this inference, and concede McCann might not have meant it at all. But for me it’s a platform to make the point that there is no reason to believe Islam will ever reform; whatever that means. Some commentators have held out hope, including Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Heretic: Why Islam needs a reformation now) and Zuhdi Jasser (see my “Reformist Pipedreams, Islamic Reality, Muslim Accountability,” Quadrant, December 2017). Hope springs eternal.

Time to put up. I think Islam is incompatible with Western civilisation. I think Islamists and knowledgeable Muslims know this. On the other hand, even leaving aside those comprising the deluded political and media Left, we traditional Westerners don’t know it; or most of us don’t. Many of us cling to some baseless Micawberish hope that fourteen centuries of conquest, and belief in Muslim superiority over all others, is a passing phase. It won’t pass. And 1.8 billion philoprogenitive Muslims will increase in number not die out.

Containment is the only feasible strategy. Part of that is to severely restrict, if not ban, Muslim immigration to the West. And to ensure so far as is feasible that no taxpayer support is provided to any institution, Islamic schools in particular, which teach or preach values inimical to Western values. Part is unequivocally to support Israel, the country in the front line of defending Western civilisation. Part is rediscovering national self-belief and ridding schools of the influence of teachers and curriculums which undermines healthy patriotism. This is a battle which must be won. The wider war will not be won; it just must not be lost.

On one side is Judeo-Christian civilisation, fashioned through faith in the one true God whose son Jesus Christ set enlightened new ground rules for treating each other decently. And it has borne much fruit. On the other is Islam, of which, as Churchill put it, “no stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

December 11, 2023 12:59 pm

Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information “Threatens Democracy”

Threatens Demonrats, he means.

December 11, 2023 1:00 pm

If Gay is accused of “self plagiarism” I will defend her.

It’s like accusing someone of raping themselves.

For many years, in multiple locations, in the most degrading manner.

If the are an expert on topic X and your supervisor tells you to do another research degree on almost the very same topic…it is a fault of academia generally.

December 11, 2023 1:01 pm

If Harvard was a stock it would be now down about 80%.

Harvard has a buffer against its own stupidity in the form of the world’s largest university endowment (c. $50bn+).

But even so, you’d imagine this would have to be a “teachable moment” for them.

December 11, 2023 1:01 pm

I’m falling backwards in my chair right now.

December 11, 2023 1:01 pm

Does Israel have enough space in its gaols for scumarse?

They should outsource imprisonment to a South American country or maybe the Heard Island penguins.

December 11, 2023 1:01 pm

I’ve never been pro death penalty but the events of 7/10/23 are testing my resolve.

It’s easier to reconcile if the machinery involved is out of your own hands, several jurisdictions and a few oceans away.

December 11, 2023 1:02 pm

EXCLUSIVE: @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis, violating Harvard’s policies on academic integrity.

Does she have tenure via faculty?
I believe plagiarism negates that.

December 11, 2023 1:03 pm

When I say plagiarism, I mean something like a thesis or something.
Not a column in a ladies mag.

December 11, 2023 1:05 pm

I don’t get how you can plagiarise anything like this in the past 20 years.
When was her thesis?

December 11, 2023 1:05 pm

reducing the Argentine government from 21 ministries to 9

I’m beginning to warm to this guy.

And then there was this tweet by Max Blumenthal’s missus (Zionist Derangement Syndrome) that also put him in the “look favourably upon” basket.

Anya Parampil
Javier Milei’s ultimate legacy will be ensuring Argentina remains enslaved by the Western financial cartel for the foreseeable future

Total cuck

Suuuuure. Look across the breakfast table ma’am. That which you seek might just be sitting opposite you.

December 11, 2023 1:06 pm

Oh, the PM’s dog!

Calli, I thought your comment at 12.45 was an incisive description of Ms Higgins!
On reflection, I still do.

I wonder if Toto will vanish as quickly as that other Prime Ministerial accessory from the props cupboard – Reuben.

December 11, 2023 1:07 pm

It’s easier to reconcile if the machinery involved is out of your own hands, several jurisdictions and a few oceans away.

I’m comfortable with letting the young men and women of the IDF pass sentence upon encountering Hamas operatives AND their supporters or enablers.

December 11, 2023 1:07 pm

If Gay is accused of “self plagiarism” I will defend her.

It is bad form, though.

Like talking about yourself in the third person.

December 11, 2023 1:08 pm

I’ve never been pro death penalty but the events of 7/10/23 are testing my resolve.

The Hamarse baby/women killers have surely forfeited their right to exist on this planet.

December 11, 2023 1:09 pm

Does Israel have enough space in its gaols for scumarse?

They’re Egyptians*. Repatriate them.

*As many at the Rafah crossing reminded the gate keepers.

December 11, 2023 1:12 pm

There are these things called prisoner of war camps.

DNA, photo recognition, residue testing.
All very simple tests.
Israel needs to collect a lot of them to trade for the remaining hostages/bodies.

December 11, 2023 1:12 pm

Sworn in as President of Argentina, Milei signs his first executive order, reducing the Argentine government from 21 ministries to 9

Fantastic to see him follow through – I look forward to the world’s weenies having a sook.

December 11, 2023 1:13 pm

Like poor Reuben, I see a canine hostage situation.

The derg is clearly saying “Heeeeeelp meeeee!”.

December 11, 2023 1:14 pm

The Argie prez has to get spending/budget initiatives through the congress.
He’s not an emperor.

December 11, 2023 1:15 pm

If Gay is accused of “self plagiarism” I will defend her.

It is bad form, though.

And against the rules of citation.

You might get away with it in an undergrad paper, but not a thesis.

December 11, 2023 1:19 pm

I don’t get how you can plagiarise anything like this in the past 20 years.
When was her thesis?

She obviously got caught, just didn’t suffer the reputational damage a straight white man would.

Oh wait, Biden got caught plagiarizing in laws school AND in his aborted 1988 presidential campaign.

Seems it might be an agenda thing then.

Johnny Rotten
December 11, 2023 1:24 pm

Dec 11, 2023 12:23 PM


‘Used EV market expected to boom’

More like ‘boom’ as in blowing up.

December 11, 2023 1:25 pm

If Gay is accused of “self plagiarism” I will defend her.

It’s like accusing someone of raping themselves.

For many years, in multiple locations, in the most degrading manner.

To use your analogy.

She claimed to have raped herself, using novel body parts that didnt stack up.
None of her papers were replicatable.
Her figures and data were crap and… adjusted… to fit her conclusions.
(from the extremely good article posed yesterday)

December 11, 2023 1:25 pm

More like ‘boom’ as in blowing up.


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 11, 2023 1:28 pm

Like poor Reuben, I see a canine hostage situation.
The derg is clearly saying “Heeeeeelp meeeee!”.

Interestingly, in the very natural and completely un-styled picture, ‘Albo’s beer’ has been pushed well into the foreground of the shot. Almost implying the little chap is in the habit of quaffing a manly pint, rather than a sipped-at pony.

December 11, 2023 1:30 pm

I’m getting a Gillard knitting vibe.

December 11, 2023 1:30 pm

I really don’t see how plagiarism matters in a Presidential race. Most undergrad students are a shit fight.

Even the good to very good law students.

It’s a silly idea, self plagiarism. You can “publish” any old crap and put it in or out there.

A friend of mine did a G Dip in Theology for the requirements of ongoing employment as a Catholic school teacher.

One of his lecturers would only let the class use his papers which referenced his own prior papers egregiously.

Not against the rules, but come on dude, this is against the spirit of scholarship.

December 11, 2023 1:33 pm

You mean the macropodial tricoteuse?

Good times.

Airbus is so dull by comparison.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 1:34 pm

Great column from Peter Smith, thank you M.S.

Yes, now is the time to start re-examining our migration plan. And what a good time it is!

Just now I’m watching O’Neill’s and Giles’ press conference to announce a review into immigration. Yes, the system is broken, Claire and Andrew, when 500,000+ arrive in under a year. Now please tell us something we don’t know.

But it’s not just the numbers and what skills these people are bringing that needs to be reviewed, although both are important. What has been clear for years, but is deliberately ignored, is “fit”.

We can no longer accept what’s been called a non-discriminatory immigration system, except for skills and age. Instead, discriminating against those who either will not assimilate or present a risk to the wellbeing of the nation because of their beliefs must be a major consideration when assessing potential migrants.

The political class and its minions in the media and academia, can no longer ignore or pretend ignorance of what’s been unfolding on our streets since Oct 7 and the links to non-Western values.

December 11, 2023 1:37 pm

He’s not an emperor.

“I should be. I want more. I don’t like democracy. It’s dirty and lobby groups get all over your agenda. I don’t think the system works. The Congress should be made to agree…not by me, err, somone, somone wise. It might sound an awful lot like a dictatorship to you, but if it works, it works!”

Cat Lady swooning intensifies.

December 11, 2023 1:38 pm

what skills these people are bringing

Highly skilled demolition and explosive experts.

December 11, 2023 1:38 pm

Like poor Reuben, I see a canine hostage situation.
The derg is clearly saying “Heeeeeelp meeeee!”.

You know the breed would have been extensively focus grouped by Tod Sampson. As per Dr Faustus above, the beer is pretty suss in its placement.

Johnny Rotten
December 11, 2023 1:40 pm

Forty for you, sixty for me. And equal partners we will be.

– Joan Rivers

December 11, 2023 1:43 pm
December 11, 2023 1:44 pm

The political class and its minions in the media and academia, can no longer ignore or pretend ignorance of what’s been unfolding on our streets since Oct 7 and the links to non-Western values.

Just watch them.

December 11, 2023 1:45 pm

Sadly, it is likely that the ‘new recruits to Hamas due to what you did to me/my family/my home/my country’ will be well in excess of the -7000 the IDF has in their claim count.

This is probably as wrong as the idea that poverty and lack of education breed terrorism. Terrorism is an expression of hope that their act will somehow create better conditions. It’s not from despair – and that’s what’s really needed. Palestinians need to know for certain that aggression will always deliver worse conditions.

December 11, 2023 1:46 pm
December 11, 2023 1:48 pm;143.4;5&l=wind-250m&t=20231212/0900

showing when you zoom in the track of Jasper as at tomorrow Tuesday 12 Dec 23 2000 heading towards Cairns – Winds speeds up to 160Km/Hr

December 11, 2023 1:48 pm

The Rufo thread/investigation of Gay’s plagiarism here:

If Gay is accused of “self plagiarism” I will defend her

She is accused of lifting slabs of text without citations. This was Dr King’s trick as well.

December 11, 2023 1:48 pm

How this threat level has not been upgraded from “possible” to “probable” is beyond me.

December 11, 2023 1:53 pm

Just watch them.

800+ TPVs for Gazans which will morph into de facto permanent residency courtesy an appeal to the HCA, for starters.

December 11, 2023 1:53 pm

Dec 11, 2023 1:14 PM
The Argie prez has to get spending/budget initiatives through the congress.
He’s not an emperor.

Bern, if he moves quickly wouldn’t momentum work in his favour. What do you think?

December 11, 2023 1:53 pm

Mr “Outyear Surpluses,” Wayne Swan, has labelled Palashook as Australia’s 2nd best Premier evah.

December 11, 2023 1:54 pm

Hamas: Pigs at the trough who ate all the food

By Monica Showalter

Are the terrorists who attacked Israel ‘Hamas’ or are they just ‘ham’ for short?

We all know what they looked like when they surrendered to Israel’s military-fit, battle-tested troops.

I think we found out whose been stealing all the humanitarian aid rations. Allahu Snackbar!! #HamasTerrorists

The only thing they look like they train for is a Coney Island hot-dog eating contest.

So many beer guts in those lineups.

But amusing as it is to mock these anything-but-macho men who attack old people, women and children for their physiques, it does tell a bad story about how they live and what they do.

See these videos from Twitter — a horrific propensity to rob aid caravans from their own women and children and eat all the food.

Today Hamas stole the Christian community’s humanitarian aid in Gaza.

In Gaza lives a small Christian community. They are also victims of the humanitarian crisis Hamas brought upon Gaza.

It was therefore decided to provide them with humanitarian aid. So in coordination between Israel, the UN, and other relevant authorities, an UNRWA truck filled with aid was sent to them today.

Sadly, once the truck entered Gaza, Hamas terrorists stormed the truck, wounded the driver, and stole all the humanitarian supplies to themselves.

(Recall the irony of Hamas having a cow over Israel accidentally shelling a Christian church in Gaza, which they took responsibility for. These creeps turn around and starve the Christians.)

Gentlemen they are not.

But now we know why they look the way they look in their surrender-skivvies.

They feed themselves first, and if children and women in Gaza go without, they don’t care, they blame Israel.

Must be fun to live a pig’s lifestyle and be able to blame the Israelis, or more specifically, the Jews, for the hoggish mess they make.

I’ve always been struck by how unmanly this Hamas bunch is, targeting the helpless in their war on Israel instead of the soldiers, allowing themselves to get grossly out of shape, failing to wear uniforms, and now eating all the food.

What kind of sorry excuse for “men” are these?

If this isn’t reason to hold them up to public scorn for their gross appetites and absent noble spirit of any kind, what is?

Oink, oink, oink.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 1:55 pm

Roger, when major donors and board members are withdrawing from institutions like the STC, and Jewish Australians in the arts and media are refusing to be silent; while donors to the Ivy League Universities in the US have announced their pull out if anti-Semites are free to remain, then a corner has been turned.

The barbarity that the whole world witnessed on October 7 in Israel and the push back on the streets of major capitals in the West against those who support those who would destroy us, if able, is of significance.

December 11, 2023 1:55 pm

Dunno JC.
He could be shitting gold nuggets & some in that congress would vote against it.

December 11, 2023 1:57 pm

Harvard President Gay Goes From Frying Pan To The Fire

A Rough Year For Diversicrats Continues

It’s been a rough year for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion crowd.

First the Supreme Court ruled against Affirmative Action last summer, then Harvard President Claudine Gay and her fellow Ivy League leaders got caught flatfooted by their Affirmative Action admits’ pro-Hamas protests.

Now it gets even worse for President Gay: Chris Rufo and Chris Brunet just argued on X that Gay plagiarized her PhD thesis:

The full quote from Harvard’s plagiarism policy is:

When you paraphrase, your task is to distill the source’s ideas in your own words. It’s not enough to change a few words here and there and leave the rest; instead, you must completely restate the ideas in the passage in your own words. If your own language is too close to the original, then you are plagiarizing, even if you do provide a citation.

Back to Rufo’s thread:

December 11, 2023 1:58 pm

Mr “Outyear Surpluses,” Wayne Swan, has labelled Palashook as Australia’s 2nd best Premier evah.

The debt she racked up didn’t get a mention.
This, like Andrews, is her legacy.
Lucky QLD has a booming mining industry with it’s juicy royalties to mitigate that for now.
Victoria, not so lucky.

December 11, 2023 1:59 pm

This is probably as wrong as the idea that poverty and lack of education breed terrorism.

Many of the leaders of hamas are engineers and doctors and yes the lesson from terrorism needs to be it doesn’t work.
Seems like gazans, in part join hamas because they are fed poison about Israel and Jews (via hamas run unwra schools) almost from birth and partly because hamas offers the only regular employment, as tunnel diggers, in rocket manufacture, as teachers at unwra schools, as government workers, as foot soldiers (with possible promotion to shaheed)

It seems duk thinks Israel should not have responded and simply
allowed hamas to have free rein to massacre Israelis again and and again, as they promised they would.

December 11, 2023 2:00 pm

… then a corner has been turned.

All that has zero influence on immigration policy, BBS.

I hope I’m proven wrong by this review, but Labor is reliant on a certain demographic in particular urban seats.

December 11, 2023 2:00 pm

@Frolicking Mole:

“He screen caped it and showed it to me.
“brotherboy”, “Sistergirl”, “asexual”, “Aromantic”, “2 spirit”….. and so on.

with “other” at the end.”

I think it was Spoke Mulligan who told the story of providing the best answer to the question about “sex”;

“Yes, please”.

December 11, 2023 2:04 pm

I’ve never been pro death penalty but the events of 7/10/23 are testing my resolve.

Its only problem is the execution of innocents.

The probability of that from any selection of adult Gazans is zero.

December 11, 2023 2:10 pm

… then a corner has been turned.

All that has zero influence on immigration policy, BBS.

As far as I can see the source countries of migrants isn’t in the terms of reference, unless it relates to points of origin from which students come who are known to overstay or seek to convert student visas into PR or work in the “black” economy under “dodgy” employers, i.e. India.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 2:11 pm

I hope I’m proven wrong by this review, but Labor is reliant on a certain demographic in particular urban seats.

Definitely true. But what’s different is the increasing backlash from the community.

Since the referendum Australians seem more prepared to speak about their concerns as they’ve realised that upwards of 60% of the nation agree with them on some major social-political problems.

Add to that the realisation that those who would destroy us aren’t going to work within the Geneva Convention rules, and everything is up for review.

Finally, the Govt is on the nose. Consequently there is no better time for the electorate to impress its concerns onto members.

December 11, 2023 2:11 pm

I had a good laugh today. The business hired a young German kid while I was away. He’s the son of my friend’s German friend and is here on a study and work visa. We had a chat about the political situation in Germany. He’s from Heidelberg, which he claimed is very left-wing and pro-immigration. It’s a very expensive city to live in, and consequently there are very few immigrants there.

December 11, 2023 2:13 pm

Albos dog pic?

Plaiting the cavoodle?
Stroking the lapdog?
Airmileing the pooch?
Dorking the dishlicker?

December 11, 2023 2:14 pm

clicked too soon.

Ironically, he reckoned the mass of support for the German nationalist right party is coming from the East which is giving it around 35% support across Germany.

December 11, 2023 2:16 pm
December 11, 2023 2:16 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 2:19 pm

There are these things called prisoner of war camps.

The people the IDF have captured aren’t prisoners of war under the Geneva protocols.

The terrorist combatants fail under the definitions given in Article 4 section 2.

Therefore the IDF can do anything they wish, up to and inclusion of summary execution. Which anyone fighting for Hamas or Islamic Jihad thoroughly deserve. But since the IDF are civilized they’ll have mercy upon them.

December 11, 2023 2:22 pm

Finally, the Govt is on the nose. Consequently there is no better time for the electorate to impress its concerns onto members.


But probably already too late for this review, which is the second in a year into immigration, btw, the first being by Martin Parkinson iirc.

The government must be getting some heat from the community. Their way of dealing with that is this Clayton’s review.

December 11, 2023 2:23 pm

Miners are already rumbling about the royalties. Just take a drop in commodity prices to put a few mines into care & rehab and exploration projects back to compliance drilling,

However what does Palace”chook” care, that will be Chrisifullis problem…

Wind starting to pick up in this neck of the woods. Totally overcast now but no outer shower bands yet 🙁 BOM still persisting with a northern track over Cairns, I’m reckoning on watching this morning Tully crossing more likely unless it rapidly intensifies.

December 11, 2023 2:23 pm

He’s from Heidelberg, which he claimed is very left-wing and pro-immigration

Great place.
College town.
US base.
Not exactly on it’s knees economically.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 2:25 pm

This one’s just a canine fraud, anxious for treats.

… but enough about Adam Bandt.

December 11, 2023 2:27 pm

A gazillion years ago when I was in Heidelberg I had this black beer that was a local drop.
It was black like a stout but not stouty or ever very hoppy.
It translated into “blood beer”.
I asked for similar things all over Germany but only got funny looks.
I need to go back.

December 11, 2023 2:28 pm


December 11, 2023 2:29 pm

JC, ask him about the black beer or blood beer.
See if the locals were playing some prank on an innocent young Australian tourist.

December 11, 2023 2:29 pm

Heidelberg look like a very beautiful European city.

Can highly recommend summer evenings when they shoot fireworks from the castle out over the river. With a nice bottle of the local in hand of course.

December 11, 2023 2:31 pm

It’s probably just Doppelbock.

December 11, 2023 2:35 pm

Similar but a lot lighter (to drink, not colour), Dot.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 11, 2023 2:38 pm

Weirdest thing about that photo with Albo, even though it is a photo you can al no ost see the dog blinking out “Help me” in Morse code.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 11, 2023 2:38 pm

Al no ost?


Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 2:40 pm

Dec 11, 2023 1:14 PM
The Argie prez has to get spending/budget initiatives through the congress.
He’s not an emperor.

Difficult to allocate a budget to a ministry that no longer exists, so I’d reckon it is – at worst – a good first step. Momentum, per JC.

Or just an elected representative doing what he said he’d *^%%$#$() do. Breath of fresh air.

However you read it, even though I think he’s a bit of a nutter, maybe that’s what it takes when you’re as far in the hole as the Argies.

December 11, 2023 2:42 pm

I don’t want to belabour the point but the propagandizing currently is off the charts.


Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 2:43 pm


We can no longer accept what’s been called a non-discriminatory immigration system, except for skills and age. Instead, discriminating against those who either will not assimilate or present a risk to the wellbeing of the nation because of their beliefs must be a major consideration when assessing potential migrants.

A creative bureaucrat could write a “non-discriminatory, skills-based” program fairly easily.

Start with a language criterion emphasising written and spoken English. Say a thousand-word essay on a matter of current interest (perhaps the Palestinian or Ukrainian questions). Mark it based on the fluency of the writing, excellence of grammar, spelling, and logical flow.

Then an oral test, requiring the applicant to read a 500-word passage from, say, Chaucer, translating it into modern English as they read.

Then move onto mathematics. Basic stuff like simultaneous and quadratic equations, extending series, and some mental arithmetic, to confirm the applicant’s oral skills.

I’m sure Cats could suggest other basic skills.

Then move onto more advanced skills …

December 11, 2023 2:46 pm

Ok another Sunny Day in Seaforth

– Aiming to run the Zodiac VX550 Pool Cleaner once a week to reduce load on newly Installed Diatemaceous Earth Pool Filter with Waterco Multi-Cyclone 16 Centrifigal Filter (pre-filtration device that works on the basis of centrifugal water filtration and is designed with no moving parts and no filter media to clean or replace.)

Would have liked the MultiCyclone 12 & 16 Ultra, which combines centrifugal and cartridge filtration into one streamline housing, creating an ultra compact filtration system that can be vertically installed on a pool pump, but did not have enough clearance above pool motor – thought about rasing compressed cement pool cover, but too old to get into that sort of work.

Saturday Evening’s Southerly, having done the VX 550 weekly clean, blew the weekly out of the water – so today, did 3 runs to clear up mess – 1 with 200 Micron Filter and 2 with 100 Micron Filter

I have a new Kreepy Krauly to replace 35 year old one, but as Grandkids using Kayaks & Surfboards on pool, not worth putting back in with Zodiac Cyclonic Leaf Capture – as Kreepy Krauly requires 2nd Skimmer Box be blocked off – still takes water from low point centre drain, have been using Poolskim Automated Pool Surface / Leaf Skimmer – Return Line Surface Cleaner on one of the return outlets Skims all floating debris from the surface. Uses the pool return line to create a gentle venturi effect

– again as hectic kayak & surf board riders in pool, will leave to end of summer season

As Salt Chlorinated Pool, have lead weight in skimmer basket as sacrifical anode – Latest Raypak Gas Spa Heater comes with in built Sacrifical Anode – when installing new Raypak, got them to replace Sacrifical Anode in 35 year old Optima Rheem Gas HWS – Big Long Anode and boy did it need replacing – Other Rheem Gas HWS will do on Raypak Annual Service next year

As the VX 550 takes 2 1/2 hours on each run, took time out to go and sit on Balcony of Son & DIL place on Manly Beachfront – 2 Cups Nespresso and pleasant NE Sea Breeze, watching from Queenscliff to South Steyne & around to Fairy Bower, the passing parade of People, E Bikes, Cars, Buses, Surfers

– Relaxing

December 11, 2023 2:48 pm

Will do, Bern.

December 11, 2023 2:49 pm

Back from shopping, parked next to a car with a sticker “dead pedophiles don’t reoffend”. Picture of someone I don’t recognise with pedo written over it. Have to agree.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 2:52 pm

Boambee John
Dec 11, 2023 2:43 PM
A creative bureaucrat could…

Or we could just be honest and say we don’t want any more of whatever group some Byzantine test is designed to exclude. In this case, Muslims, but it applies across the board. Stop making excuses.

We have to remove from the word “discrimination” the taint of it being somehow bad. It is not.

I don’t eat rancid meat or drink curdled milk. I don’t barrack for Collingwood. I don’t vote Green. This is what “discrimination” means, and it is a good thing.

December 11, 2023 2:53 pm

The Koran, the very words of Allah are immutable, as are the sayings and doings of Muhammed (in the Hadith). Assimilation to Australian values is a dream. Not only is such assimilation not going to happen easily, it’s not going to happen at all.

Our security agencies don’t seem to know this or care which I consider as dereliction of duty. What the recent events have revealed is that our law enforcement are not even interested in containing the danger of rampant and rejuvenated Islam. We are headed for some ugly times though I think the new arrivals from India and China won’t have much patience for their thuggery and may embolden the rest of the population. In the end resettlement may be the only solution.

December 11, 2023 2:54 pm

I’m happy to accept that the guys mopped up by the IDF were ordinary joe Bloes foraging around for food.

I’m more interested in the 10-15% who were Hamas, and perhaps another 10-15% who were Hamas adjacent and just happened to stroll into southern for a little exercise and looting.

None of it is particularly clear-cut. And I don’t blame anyone looking at them and thinking about the cries for food. They look well fed. Perhaps the lack of food hadn’t quite kicked in to reduce their waistlines. Even so, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that distribution is…patchy (to be kind).

On the positive side of the ledger…the IDF released them. Now put the boot on the other foot.

December 11, 2023 2:59 pm

From flights and food to a costly, exhaustive High Court case: Nicolle Flint investigates the ‘true cost’ of Labor’s immigration detainee debacle

Whether it’s flights or accommodation, welfare benefits or clothes, the Albanese Government must come clean about how much their incompetent handling of the immigration detention saga is costing the Australian taxpayer, writes Nicolle Flint.

The Albanese Labor government’s incompetent handling of immigration detention has resulted in two serious costs to our community:

the terrible human toll of these criminals endangering the safety of innocent Australian citizens as has been extensively reported, and the extraordinary financial cost to the taxpayer to support these criminals.

Financially, this is not just the cost of “Albo’s free everything” for dangerous offenders as reported on the front page of The Advertiser yesterday, with taxpayers funding “flights, food, cash, clothes and accommodation for convicted sex offenders, murderers and drug traffickers following their release from immigration detention”.

It is the years of financial support from Australian taxpayers before their release into our community that these same convicted criminals have enjoyed.

There is the time spent in our jails, detention centres, possibly payments from Services Australia, and what we can only imagine is the significant legal and departmental costs incurred over their time here in Australia.

Aussies deserve to know exactly how much these non-citizen criminals are costing us, because we have far more important priorities right now during the national cost-of-living crisis, and with a health and housing system under immense pressure, than bankrolling murderers, pedophiles, rapists and drug dealers.

Here’s a brief overview of the sorts of costs Australians are bearing – either directly as taxpayers – or indirectly because the Federal Government is diverting money to this problem that could and should instead be spent on our citizens.

Services Australia dedicates several pages of its website to explaining what financial payments refugees and asylum seekers may be entitled to receive.

These include JobSeeker, parenting payments, disability and carer payments, age pension, crisis payments, special benefit payments, rent assistance, concession and health care cards and a range of family payments.

Services Australia also links to the Department of Home Affairs Status Resolution Support Services payment which if you are “unlawful and living in the Australian community” may provide support including financial, accommodation, health care, schooling for children, case worker support and case management.

This neatly leads into the untold departmental and legal costs taxpayers incur while criminals, like the ones just released, commit crimes and pursue their attempts to stay in Australia.

Take the example of the High Court case NZYQ vs Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, which is the judgement that resulted in the recent release of the criminal detainees.

According to the “plaintiff’s chronology” on the High Court website, the plaintiff NZYQ who arrived illegally in Australia by boat under Labor’s failed border policies in 2012, was convicted of one count of sexual intercourse with a person aged between 10 and 14 years in 2016.

Even if the plaintiff self-funded their costs – and that’s a big if – Australian taxpayers undoubtedly footed the bill for the rest of the system to deal with this criminal.

Various NZYQ legal matters have been heard by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Federal Court and the High Court over the years.

The plaintiff’s chronology lists 14 various instances of Departmental and Ministerial involvement, interviews and action.

The High Court case involved not only the taxpayer-funded Australian Government Solicitor and three barristers, but the High Court also allowed the Australian Human Rights Commission and their two barristers to appear amicus curiae in the case to support the position of the plaintiff.

As the Human Rights Commission is taxpayer funded it seems fair to assume taxpayers footed the bill for their involvement.

The High Court also allowed the Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC) to appear amicus curiae (someone who assists the court on points of law) in the case to support the position of the plaintiff.

The HRLC, established in 2006, is registered to receive tax deductible donations.

According to its inaugural Annual Report it received early funding from the Victorian Government.

The High Court also also allowed the University of New South Wales Kaldor Law Centre to appear amicus curiae (someone who assists the court on points of law) in the case to support the position of the plaintiff.

Aside from the University receiving general taxpayer funding to operate, the Kaldor Law Centre is similarly registered to receive tax deductible donations.

The Human Rights Law Centre and Kaldor Law Centre were represented by four barristers.

The Albanese Labor government needs to let Australians know the true cost of this entire debacle, and the true cost in all the other similar cases.

We have the right to know how much of our money has been spent to achieve an outcome that has made us all less much safe.

Hey. It’s Only Your Taxpayer Money, and The Australian Labor Party Loves to Give it Away!

December 11, 2023 2:59 pm

OldOzzie, next time you’re up for a pool cleaner, consider one of these.

We have the older style one which is quite heavy, but the newer ones are much lighter.

Israeli company also.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 3:00 pm


Identification via DNA, fingerprints and photos.

Then $10,000 (US) per individual, or $30,000 (US) per family to leave and never return?

They could make a good life in many parts of Shitholistan with that.

December 11, 2023 3:00 pm

As was reported earlier, about 10-15% of those we saw over the weekend where Hamas.

They will all have donated to or supported Hamas in some way. The Pali diaspora send money home , a portion of which ends up with Hamas. After the atrocities of 7 October, I wouldn’t be showing them any sympathy or mercy. They deserve naught.

They have chosen their path. Let them survive among the rubble.

December 11, 2023 3:02 pm

‘He has no autonomy’: Coalition blasts UK High Commissioner over move to cancel London Australia Day Gala, call on PM to reverse decision

Nationals leader David Littleproud and Opposition leader Peter Dutton have lashed out at the High Commissioner to the UK’s decision to cancel an iconic Australia Day Gala in London.

Bianca Bongato and Jack Mahony

Nationals leader David Littleproud and Opposition leader Peter Dutton have lashed out at the Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom’s “appalling” decision to cancel a January 26 gala in London.

The High Commissioner to the UK Stephen Smith has cancelled the Australia Day event, citing “sensitivities” that surround the public holiday, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

The decision was met with furious opposition from Mr Littleproud who called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign Minister Penny Wong to immediately force Mr Smith to backtrack on his position.

“The High Commissioner has no right to do this and Penny Wong and the Prime Minister need to intervene and intervene quickly and make it very clear to the High Commissioner he has no autonomy in walking away from Australia Day,” he told Sky News Australia.

“That is our national day and if he doesn’t like it he should pack his bags and let someone else represent this country that has pride in it and is prepared to stand up for what our country means to our fellow Australians.

“This is an appalling act by the High Commissioner and its time now for the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to intervene and intervene quickly otherwise they’re complicit.”

Mr Dutton also voiced his disapproval on social media, calling on Mr Albanese to step in and reverse the decision.

“The Prime Minister should direct his hand-picked High Commissioner to reverse this bad decision. Australia Day is our national day and it shouldn’t be cancelled like this,” he wrote on X.

The gala has been held every January for the past 20 years in the Exhibition Hall of the Australian High Commission in London.

Mr Smith was handpicked by Mr Albanese to be the High Commissioner to the UK told the Sydney Morning Herald it would not go ahead next month.

“It is well known that Australia Day touches on sensitivities for some Australians,” a spokesman for the the High Commissioner said.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 3:04 pm

The Koran, the very words of Allah are immutable, as are the sayings and doings of Muhammed (in the Hadith). Assimilation to Australian values is a dream. Not only is such assimilation not going to happen easily, it’s not going to happen at all.

…. the danger of rampant and rejuvenated Islam.

The very point is that is not “rejuvenated”. It is inherent.

Christianity was once arguably as barbaric, but reformed. It was able to, I’d argue, because the Bible is not the “actual” word of God, but human’s telling of it. Wriggle room, if you will. Not true in Islam.

I simply don’t see how (despite the best efforts of many over the journey) how you can “reform” the “actual word of god”. It seems contradictory.

December 11, 2023 3:07 pm

We are screwed. Boyfriend of one of our kids telling us about a mate who has recently got a position in the Federal Public service, some sort of building management position.
He had a similar position at a university.
The difference now is that he was the sole employee at the uni although there was more work in total than in the new position.
In the Fed PS there are 8 employees doing less than he did on his own, all pulling more than 6 figures, including two project managers who have had no projects to manage for 2 years.
This is insane.

December 11, 2023 3:08 pm

In the Fed PS there are 8 employees doing less than he did on his own, all pulling more than 6 figures, including two project managers who have had no projects to manage for 2 years

Need to keep those job creation figures up!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 3:09 pm

I couldn’t have consented’ Higgins told staffer
Joanna Panagopoulos
Joanna Panagopoulos

Defence Departmental liaison officer Christopher Payne has told the Federal Court he asked Brittany Higgins outright: “Did he rape you?” after chief of staff Fiona Brown alerted him to the alleged incident.

Ms Higgins responded: “I could not have consented, it would have been like f***ing a log,” he said.

“She (Ms Higgins) said that she and Bruce (Lehrmann) had arrived in an Uber at Parliament House, and they had come through security, and come back to the minister’s suite,” Mr Payne recalled.

“She told me that she had been sitting on a windowsill and didn’t remember anything after that until she woke up on the couch in the minister’s office.

“She said to me that at that time, Mr Lehrmann was having sex with her on the couch,” Mr Payne said.

“She was very upset at that point.”

“And I then asked her, may I ask you a very direct question … And she said, ‘Sure, go for it’.”

“And I said, ‘did he rape you?’ And her response was, ‘I could not have consented, it would have been like f***ing a log’.”

At that point Matt Collins KC said: “You’re very clear in those words, Mr Payne, why is that?”

Mr Payne responded: “They were quite confronting words as you can imagine, I mean, I don’t know, a 20 something year-old female in tears saying those words to me was extremely confronting. So they stuck with me.”

He said he then let Ms Higgins “collect herself because she was very upset”.

“I said to her, if you want my advice, you must go and see a doctor and you should go to the police,” Mr Payne said.

December 11, 2023 3:10 pm

We have to remove from the word “discrimination” the taint of it being somehow bad. It is not.

Until recently someone with discriminating tastes was considered refined and superior yet these days it only describes a bigot. With a deformed language comes a deformed society which we must wrest from the enemies of civilisation who now rules the upper reaches of the western world. The reason I specify the western world is that Asians and Africans don’t buy into those illusions unless it advantages them against the West.

December 11, 2023 3:20 pm

In the Fed PS there are 8 employees doing less than he did on his own, all pulling more than 6 figures, including two project managers who have had no projects to manage for 2 years.

’twas ever thus.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 11, 2023 3:21 pm

“It is well known that Australia Day touches on sensitivities for some Australians,” a spokesman for the the High Commissioner said.

It is less well known at the High Commission level that not celebrating Australia Day touches on sensibilities for some Australians.

Mainly those who think Australia is a good idea. Some of whom live in the UK.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 11, 2023 3:21 pm

New political trio restores public sanity to NZ

New Zealand’s 42nd Prime Minister has committed to introducing a bill to parliament nominating English as the country’s official language, a measure none of his predecessors seemed to think was necessary.

Ministers have reminded bureaucrats that government business should be conducted in the vocabulary of 89 per cent of Kiwi homes. The convention of writing public signage primarily in English is to be restored, rather than Te Reo Maori, a language only 50,000 New Zealanders speak fluently, mostly in the northernmost districts of North Island.

The re-anglification of civic life is high on the agenda of the new woke-busting, swamp-draining conservative coalition led by mild-mannered former businessman Christopher Luxon.

Together with his coalition partners, NZ First’s Winston Peters and ACT’s David Seymour, Luxon has set out a detailed plan for the restoration of sanity after the destructive experiment conducted by Jacinda Ardern.

The two agreements Luxon signed with his partners a fortnight ago represent a comprehensive rejection of every progressive measure introduced by the former Labour government.

For members of the country’s small but vocal elite, such as Te Pati Maori (formerly the Maori Party) co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, the agreements are “a flashback to the 19th century … a manifesto of white supremacy and cultural genocide”, a win for “profiteers, landlords, conspirators, and climate deniers”.

For much of the rest of the country it is as if dawn has broken on a home-alone party of rebellious teenagers and the adults are back in charge.

October 14, 2023 was a day of insurrection on both sides of the Tasman. In separate ballots, Australians and New Zealanders independently arrived at the same conclusion: race-based privileges are anathema to our way of life.

The results of the general election in NZ and the Australian referendum on the voice to parliament were a decisive rejection of the divisive politics of identity and Indigenous separatism. Citizens of both countries asserted they were equal before the law, with the same rights and obligations, and with the guarantee of the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.

They were crushing defeats for the Indigenous establishments. Of the 650,000 Maoris entitled to vote, fewer than 88,000 or 14 per cent voted for Te Pati Maori.

“How can they call themselves the Maori voice?” Peters asked parliament last week. “All their highfalutin Auckland University sociology department claptrap, making it up as they go along.

“That is not what people want out in the Maori world. You know what they want? They want an affordable house, they want to get medical treatment as soon as they possibly can, and they want to get on the escalators that take you, with education, as far as you’d want to go. And the fourth thing Maori want is First World wages.

“We’re not coming back here to listen to this humbug any longer. We want this country to be called New Zealand.”

Work on He Puapua, a radical blueprint for separating NZ into two sovereign states, has been abandoned. It ends plans for a Maori court system, health system, upper house or parliament, the protection of Maori seats in parliament and compulsory Maori history in schools. It stops plans to renegotiate the Treaty of Waitangi ahead of the 200th anniversary of its signing in 2040.

The reaction from Maori separatists has been petulant and swift. Last Monday, a protest organised by Te Pati Maori took to the streets, blocking traffic in Auckland and other towns. However, the attempted show of strength served only to demonstrate its irrelevancy as a fringe movement, no more important in public life than Extinction Rebellion.

The shock is understandable. The radical activists have been empowered by the most progressive government in New Zealand’s history for six years. Together with the Green Party, they grabbed the agenda of the most progressive, far-left government the country has seen, pushing through a string of anti-business, anti-farming measures that restrict individual autonomy.

Labour, whose parliamentary presence has been reduced from 65 members to 34, faces the task of rediscovering for whom it stands.

“Members opposite do not own Maori,” newly elected Nationals MP James Meager told parliament last week in a maiden speech in which he spoke of his Maori ancestry.

“Members opposite do not own the poor. Members opposite do not own the workers.

“What unites us (the Nationals) is our fundamental belief that it’s the individual family unit that knows what’s best for their family – not the state, not the government.”

The magnitude of the political earthquake on October 14 cannot be overstated. The coalition agreements press the reset button on economics, health, education, welfare, and law and order.

“It’s a 180-degree turn,” says Oliver Hartwich, of the New Zealand Initiative. “This is probably the most right-wing New Zealand government for decades.”

The government is committed to spending within its means, simplifying employment laws and relieving the Reserve Bank of New Zealand of its role as “guardian to the financial ecosystem of Aotearoa” so it can get back to managing price stability.

The government will tell teachers to return to their core business of literacy and numeracy and restore balance to the history curriculum. Mobile phones and transgender indoctrination will be banned from the classroom. Charter schools will be encouraged, and teachers will be held accountable.

Hundreds of extra police will be trained to deal with the crime wave and the government will introduce mandatory sentences and boot camps for hardened young offenders. Free speech will be protected by abandoning hate speech legislation and a top-level inquiry will examine the management of Covid-19.

Red tape will be reduced to allow farmers to farm. An expensive pumped hydro project will be scrapped, and gas and geothermal exploration will be encouraged.

The timing could not be more urgent. New Zealand recorded its worst-ever results in the OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment this year, finishing 12th in the overall rankings, one place behind Australia.

The International Monetary Fund forecasts that economic growth will fall to 1 per cent next year, ranking NZ in 180th place, just ahead of Peru and the Central African Republic.

As the prelude to the agreement between the Nationals and NZ First puts it, the united aim of the coalition is to “provide stability, grow economic prosperity, restore national unity and boost social cohesiveness”.

The ambition is audacious: to restore the country’s former reputation as a world economic and social leader, to make a united New Zealand great again.

Nick Cater is senior fellow at the Menzies Research Centre.


December 11, 2023 3:22 pm

The problem with this mentality is that any party to a conflict can justify a future atrocity by reference to a previous atrocity.

I guess the Romans are still peeved about Boudica

December 11, 2023 3:22 pm

Boambee John
Dec 11, 2023 3:00 PM

Identification via DNA, fingerprints and photos.

Then $10,000 (US) per individual, or $30,000 (US) per family to leave and never return?

They could make a good life in many parts of Shitholistan with that.

That would be a very economical resolution compared to how much is spent on them annually however, I don’t think there would be any takers.

December 11, 2023 3:22 pm

When you paraphrase, your task is to distill the source’s ideas in your own words. It’s not enough to change a few words here and there and leave the rest; instead, you must completely restate the ideas in the passage in your own words. If your own language is too close to the original, then you are plagiarizing, even if you do provide a citation.

A job for chatgpt!

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 3:24 pm

Roger at 1:30

I’m getting a Gillard knitting vibe.

Knitting the kangaroo. Arguably Gillard’s greatest contribution to Australian political discourse.

John Brumble
John Brumble
December 11, 2023 3:25 pm

The 10% to 15% number was sourced to an unnamed individual or individuals purportedly from the Israeli government, and then reprinted alongside the public statement by IDF. It smells an awful lot like someone hoping for re-reports and news scraping sites to further mash the two…. which has indeed happened.

It could be true, but the manner in which the reference is dealt does not fill me with confidence.
“Just happened to be in the area”, my hairy bum.

December 11, 2023 3:26 pm

‘Used EV market expected to boom’

Shirley “catch fire”, “flare up”, even “heat up” is more apropos?
What has happened to editors – they can and should do better than this.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 3:26 pm

That is certainly what I had thought for a long time but the reality is somewhat different.

I’m citing Benny Morris’s books “The Birth of the Palestine Refugee Problem Revisited” and his history of the 1948 war – so far, he’s the only Author given access to the I.D.F. Archives. He makes the point that the I.D.F. could be quite ruthless in driving out the Palestinians from areas they deemed of strategic importance to the new State.

Morris is a balanced historian – .he’s described as the mouthpiece of the Israeli Right by the Pali’s, and a stooge of the Palestinians, by the Israeli Right.

December 11, 2023 3:27 pm

That is certainly what I had thought for a long time but the reality is somewhat different.

It was both, I’ve seen an old interview with a couple of elderly women who said they were told to leave by their village elders.
There are also tens of thousands of Arabs who arrived to work in the British mandate in the two decades preceding the 48 war.

December 11, 2023 3:27 pm
December 11, 2023 3:27 pm

Dec 11, 2023 2:59 PM

OldOzzie, next time you’re up for a pool cleaner, consider one of these.

We have the older style one which is quite heavy, but the newer ones are much lighter.

Israeli company also.

Thanks calli,

have bookmarked for future reference

Am pretty happy with Zodiac VX 550 – had it for 4 years and no wear on replaceable treads – amazed at how it traverses whole pool in the 2 1/2 hours & the acrobatic manoeuvres it performs when in a tight sport

December 11, 2023 3:29 pm

The problem with this mentality is that any party to a conflict can justify a future atrocity by reference to a previous atrocity.

There needs to be a strong incentive not to repeat the behaviour. e.g. execution, damnation, living in a wasteland

If there is not a disincentive then the behaviour will be repeated.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
December 11, 2023 3:32 pm

A cyclone that will ‘only’ be category 2 on landfall, so the government can look like they’re all organised and prepared and on top of things, safe in the knowledge there will be minimal damage to all structures built to code.

What an easy entry for Steven Miles. A gift TC. So at midday he put on a presser.
If I was between Cape Flannery and Cardwell I’d still be waiting for reassurance.

He even divides Qlders into the natural-borns and the recent Mexican ring-ins!
I’ve been here for 36 years and I’d be a newbie at TCs too. It’s a swing’n’a’miss.

December 11, 2023 3:33 pm

At Least “No Knickers” Higgins knows her Position in Life!

‘Like f**king a log’: Higgins’ tearful admission to colleague after alleged rape

A former colleague of Brittany Higgins has revealed her tearful admission to him during a “blunt conversation” about her alleged rape. WARNING: GRAPHIC

Mr Payne then witnessed Ms Higgins distressed in the office and had a “blunt conversation” with her.

“And I then asked her, ‘may I ask you a very direct question?’ And she said, ‘sure, go for it.’

“And I remember those were the exact words. And I said ‘did he rape you?’

“Her response was ‘I could not have consented it would have been like f**king a log’.”

John Brumble
John Brumble
December 11, 2023 3:33 pm

Fk me but NZ Peters is a massive, massive trough guzzling hypocrite.

The self-interested buffoon could have ensured Adern never made the Premiership, but was perfectly happy to prop her up in return for some first class flights and the chance to say “look at me, I’m important”.

My full opinion of him is it fit to print:

December 11, 2023 3:33 pm

The government will tell teachers to return to their core business of literacy and numeracy and restore balance to the history curriculum. Mobile phones and transgender indoctrination will be banned from the classroom. Charter schools will be encouraged, and teachers will be held accountable.

Argentinians and now New Zealanders are showing the world a way back to sanity while major powers US, UK and Germany are drowning in stupidity.

December 11, 2023 3:33 pm

I’m all for Israel convincing hamas to surrender because they think their mates are.
According to hamasisis though they were all summarily executed then released because civilians.
Don’t care if only 10 to 15% are card carrying hamas.
IDF fatalities post 7 October are around 100, hamasisis are estimated at 7000.
I suppose someone will start bleating about proportionality.

December 11, 2023 3:37 pm

The problem with this mentality is that any party to a conflict can justify a future atrocity by reference to a previous atrocity.

You need to better understand Arabs and the ME, dover. And don’t read more than what I said into It. It’s not a “mentality” , it’s a read on the realities existing in that part of the world. In the ME you are dealing with a mentality- a medieval one that requires medieval type responses to be effective and to be taken seriously.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 3:37 pm

… The Congress should be made to agree…not by me, err, somone, somone wise. It might sound an awful lot like a dictatorship to you, but if it works, it works!”

Dictatorship is great till the other side gets a go.

December 11, 2023 3:37 pm

Of course there are quite possibly civilians who hadn’t left war zones like Jabaliya because Hamas would shoot them if they did, so surrending to the IDF was a way out.

December 11, 2023 3:39 pm

Boambee John
Dec 11, 2023 11:21 AM

How many new recruits to Mossad will result from the barbarities of 7 October?

rather less than those to Hamas I would think, the pool of potential recruits is smaller. The world Jewish Population ~16 million, world Islamic population ~1.8 Billion, and then theres all the westerners who have been radicalised by their left wing educations to reflexively ‘stand with gaza’.

December 11, 2023 3:41 pm

Justice must be done and seen to be done.

I challenge anyone to come up with a conflict that, after the final trials and punishments, has resulted in a line being drawn under it and everyone is content to move forward.

Human nature just isn’t made that way.

John Brumble
John Brumble
December 11, 2023 3:42 pm

mIs that like the ABC is balanced because it gives tongue-baths to anyone on the left, but also occasionally has someone from the IPA on without immediately burning them at the stake while shouting “witch”.?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 3:42 pm

Lysander at 1:53

Mr “Outyear Surpluses,” Wayne Swan, has labelled Palashook as Australia’s 2nd best Premier evah.

Goose Swansteen now a respected Liar party elder. Some consideration please.

December 11, 2023 3:42 pm

“It is well known that Australia Day touches on sensitivities for some Australians,” a spokesman for the the High Commissioner said.

The London branch of “YES we is 251s” fully supports Stephen Smith ..! a vote taken at last night’s party meeting (Hammersmith tube station phone booth, 2nd from left, platform 4, next to “down” escalator) scored an awesome 3-nil whitewash in Mr. Smith’s favour ………!

December 11, 2023 3:42 pm

Gawd Fentiman has put her hand in the air for Premier. She’s just as clueless as Miles just without the pinchable personality.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 3:50 pm

Ms Higgins responded: “I could not have consented, it would have been like f***ing a log,”

You certainly didn’t look anything like a log when you were caught on the security cameras lady. Not even very pissed.

Looks like the vixen has her leg stuck in a trap and is thrashing about trying to get free.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 11, 2023 3:51 pm

Britnees ole man didn’t help much in the witness box.

Seems like he got into the mini-bar before taking the oath.

Didn’t know what day it was. Reckons he was a surfer and got up early and didn’t keep track of time.

December 11, 2023 3:58 pm

The problem with this mentality is that any party to a conflict can justify a future atrocity by reference to a previous atrocity.

Part of the reason the Tamil tigers (remember them) were such an intractable problem was the diaspora, plus a well run stand over/intelligence mob that levied contributions from any Tamil outside Sri-Lanka.
Ninety percent of people, even if they don’t support the LTTE, they are scared. The killing doesn’t just happen back home in Sri Lanka. It happens in Paris, in Canada. They burned the library,1 they broke the legs of DBS Jeyaraj. They tried to stop the CTBC radio from organizing. A journalist was killed in Paris. The threat is not only in Sri Lanka. It’s everywhere, all over the world.
—Tamil community activist, Toronto, January 2006

We were receiving Tamil boys in detention most of whom met a few notable criteria.
1: Able bodied
2: Considered reliable (ex fighters)
3: Still with significant family back in Lanka.

It was a deliberate funding method by the Tigers, to use Australian refugee law to ensure a cashflow back to the homeland.
Australian dollars funded the civil war.

This isnt a defence of collective punishment or “they are all the same” but it does point out how impossible it would be to unpick the funders of Hamarse.

The “wests” compassion funds atrocity.

Journalists and activists in the Tamil diaspora who openly criticize the LTTE or are perceived to be anti-LTTE have been subject to severe beatings, death threats, smear campaigns, and fabricated criminal charges. In 2005, the LTTE detained two British Tamils for several weeks in Sri Lanka in order to gain control over a Hindu temple in London. Such incidents have created a culture of fear within the Tamil community, stifling dissent and discouraging individuals from organizing activities that are not sanctioned by the LTTE.

The LTTE has for many years pressured members of the Tamil community to provide financial support for its operations. In late 2005 and early 2006, as armed violence escalated in Sri Lanka’s North and East, threatening the four-year-old ceasefire between the government and the LTTE, the LTTE launched a massive fundraising drive in Canada and parts of Europe, pressuring individuals and business owners in the Tamil diaspora to give money for the “final war.” Fundraisers for the LTTE and LTTE-linked organizations went from house to house, and approached businesses and professionals, demanding significant sums of money for their cause. In Canada, families were typically pressed for between Cdn$2,5002 and Cdn$5,000, while some businesses were asked for up to Cdn$100,000. Members of the Tamil community in the U.K., France, Norway, and other European countries were asked for similar amounts.

The Tamil Tigers were dealt with eventually by complete destruction, despite UN calls for cease fires etc
Sri Lanka today rejected the separatist Tamil Tiger rebels’ latest offer of a ceasefire, saying that the guerrillas would have to lay down their weapons before any truce would be considered.

With rebel forces trapped and outgunned by the army on a sliver of the island’s north-east coast measuring just 34 square miles, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) made a last-gasp international call for outside nations to step in to halt the fighting.

In a letter to the United Nations, the Tamil Tigers’ political chief, Balasingham Nadesan, said international pleas for the rebels to disarm were “not helpful for resolving the conflict … [weapons] are the protective shield of the Tamil people and their tool for political liberation.”

Seem familiar?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 11, 2023 3:58 pm

Wayne Swan, the world’s greatest most useless Treasurer, giving Palachook a wrap.


All we need now is to see Dictator Dan mounting her as they brag about debt.

December 11, 2023 3:59 pm

The Romans held grudges.

No they didn’t. It was a simple case of swift retribution so the other side would know who’s boss.

Roman Empire was awesome. If you paid the vig and behaved you were in good stead.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 4:02 pm

Is it bring your family to court day?
“Hesa good boy. He do nothing wrong.”

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 4:02 pm

Dec 11, 2023 3:22 PM
Boambee John
Dec 11, 2023 3:00 PM

Identification via DNA, fingerprints and photos.

Then $10,000 (US) per individual, or $30,000 (US) per family to leave and never return?

They could make a good life in many parts of Shitholistan with that.

That would be a very economical resolution compared to how much is spent on them annually however, I don’t think there would be any takers.

Bargaining is a big part of Middle Eastern culture. Let them make a counteroffer, then start the bargaining process. The non-negotiable part is that once they take the money, they never, ever, return. It could be worthwhile to make a counteroffer involving annual payments (at less than the social security rate to take account of lower costs in Shitholistan).

December 11, 2023 4:06 pm

It was a deliberate funding method by the Tigers, to use Australian refugee law to ensure a cashflow back to the homeland.
Australian dollars funded the civil war.

Incredibly well disciplined community (mob-style).
Immigration agents I know have clients from many places even though they specialise in Chinese students.
Do not, repeat do not, take a Sri Lankan client.
You’ll be paid a visit if you do.
And who knows what happens to the punter who tried to get advice outside of their “community leaders”.

December 11, 2023 4:07 pm

“Hesa good boy. He do nothing wrong.”

A friend has a dog called Heeza.

December 11, 2023 4:08 pm

Have you not heard about what the Romans did to the Carthaginians and the Jews?

I’m kidding.

December 11, 2023 4:08 pm

Wayne Swan didn’t care about debt either.

December 11, 2023 4:09 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 4:10 pm

Dec 11, 2023 3:39 PM
Boambee John
Dec 11, 2023 11:21 AM

How many new recruits to Mossad will result from the barbarities of 7 October?

rather less than those to Hamas I would think, the pool of potential recruits is smaller. The world Jewish Population ~16 million, world Islamic population ~1.8 Billion, and then theres all the westerners who have been radicalised by their left wing educations to reflexively ‘stand with gaza’.

Much of the world Islamic population would already be committed to “The Cause”, and nothing that Israel does will alter that. The western leftards will always stand, not with, but behind Hamarse – a long way behind them, well out of range of anything kinetic.

December 11, 2023 4:11 pm

How about a warning JC.
Also, how empty is that auditorium?
Google says Penn State has 88k students.
A dozen or so showed up.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 4:13 pm

Wayne Swan didn’t care about debt either.

Post ScoMo & Josh no one does. The Beazley Black Hole now a rounding error.

December 11, 2023 4:13 pm
December 11, 2023 4:14 pm

She’s a freaking moron, but if Trump is taken out, I’d hold my nose and vote for her.
I don’t to read any criticisms , because it’s all relative.

SHOCK POLL: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS — And Trump Tops Biden By 4

This must be the indeps.

December 11, 2023 4:15 pm


December 11, 2023 4:16 pm

Seven News is now reporting about two luxury cars going up in smoke in a garage, a Lamborghini and a Tesla. This is proof positive that Teslas are luxury cars yet our betters are insisting that we all purchase them. The obvious inference is that it’s a luxury car or nothing, public transport for the cattle class is our fate if they had their way.

I suppose until recently the world was at the most egalitarian point where the richest and the poorest drove similar cars, wore similar clothes and ate similar food, holidayed in same locations. Then the elites rebelled and invented climate change for which everyone except them must sacrifice in order to stop the change. Clever ploy but the hoi polloi are not buying it as much as was expected.

December 11, 2023 4:16 pm

The world Jewish Population ~16 million, world Islamic population

You are so correct, millions of muslims are flocking to gaza to join hamas.
Isis who initially make a much better fist of establishing a caliphate only managed to attract 30,000 odd internationals all of whom went on to be sadly disappointed or dead.

Delta A
Delta A
December 11, 2023 4:17 pm

Britnees ole man didn’t help much in the witness box.

Neither did her mother.

Wily Mr Whybrow took less than 20 min to demonstrate that she could be loose with the truth.

December 11, 2023 4:17 pm

In Israel-Hamas war, radical Islamism threatens democratic values

by Joseph D’Souza

The hideous terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 invited Israel’s fierce response.

While most of the conversations surrounding the war tend to focus on what is taking place there, what is often lost is that there is a larger, undeclared war underway between radical Islamism and a commitment to humanity preserved by democratic values.

As Israeli President Isaac Herzog put it, “This is not a battle between Jews and Muslims. And it is not just between Israel and Hamas. It is between those who adhere to norms of humanity and those practicing a barbarism that has no place in the modern world.”

What we must realize is that if Hamas is not dismantled, not only is Israel’s future threatened, but the specter of extremist Islamist violence will raise its ugly head in other Western democracies and throughout the free world.

They will seek to sabotage all efforts at peace and coexistence between those God has created in his image, whatever their religions.

The Palestinians, used as their human shields figuratively and literally, will be their victims, too.

Unlike many in the majority Christian West, I share my perspective as a minority Christian from the East.

Here’s what I know: Islamist extremists despise the existence of the Christian West almost as much as they despise the existence of Israel.

When the Iranian regime calls America the “Great Satan,” it means it.

These vile threats cannot be taken as hyperbole.

And when any terrorist organization, most of whom are funded by Iran, declares anyone unlike them as infidels, they are serious.

Killing infidels is, for them, a legitimate and just cause.

Unfortunately, all too often, these extremist voices in Islam are unchallenged, if not coddled in the West, even as moderate Arab nations have lost any such need to coddle such extremist views.

Those countries are confident in their approach because they know Islamist fundamentalists, and their violent actions, do not represent the majority of Muslims who want to get on with living and building a better future for their children.

As the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates famously said in Europe in 2017,

“Let me say this in English so that you can understand what I’m saying … I just want to make sure you get it right.

There will come a day that we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision-making, trying to be political, or assuming they know the Middle East, Islam, and the others far better than we do.

I’m sorry, but that’s pure ignorance.”

The foreign minister was, and is, right.

Europe and the United States have let naivety guide their decision-making.

We are, therefore, witnessing the eruption of anti-democratic values in democratic countries where the freedom of speech can never be an excuse for violent hate speech.

There should be no room for Hezbollah, ISIS, al Qaeda, and Hamas in these countries, or for their sympathizers.

The West does not seem to understand that achieving a multicultural society actually requires a refusal to appease extremist groups that make threats of violence, no matter their ethnic or religious affiliations.

Blindness to this threat is often perpetrated by leftist thinkers who seem to have a naive view of human evil and despise their own democracies far more than they despise those who would do them harm.

The kind of antisemitic protests that are seen in Western democracies today have to be taken more seriously.

Shouting slogans about driving the Jews out to the sea is nothing but crying out for another Holocaust.

Extremist Islamic groups do not want peace in the nations of the world.

Their vision of global dominance drives their fervor, and it always results in violence.

When these groups resort to violence and terrorism, civilized society has no option but to defeat them and to refuse to fall for the propaganda that indiscriminate acceptance of refugees presents no threat to their populations.

The emergence of Hamas and the brutal, inhumane attacks on Jews both in Israel and around the world must not be seen merely through the prism of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as important as that is.

This is far bigger than Israel.

It’s about the rest of us, too. Democracies that respect the rule of law are worth fighting for.

Archbishop Joseph D’Souza is an internationally renowned human and civil rights activist. He is the founder of Dignity Freedom Network, archbishop of the Anglican Good Shepherd Church of India, and president of the All India Christian Council.

December 11, 2023 4:20 pm

Haley is swamp.

Mark Bolton
Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 4:20 pm

Glenn Greenwald hosted …

DEBATE: Batya Ungar-Sargon vs. Omar Baddar on Israel-Gaza

Well intentioned but passionate people trying to make sense of an utter horror show. Braver than me … I have no clue.

It was a a trudge but Batya IMHO made the best sense. She at least tried to move the discussion along. Intelligent and pragmatic. Omar never addressed the discussion but used the opportunity to divert and soap box.

Disappointingly Batya was relentlessly sledged in the comments … nothing like the perfume of self righteous outrage to justify intransigence and mindless polemic.

Piss poor effort Omar but it went down well with the punters.

An interesting debate however and props to Glenn for hosting it.

Keep an open mind ….


December 11, 2023 4:21 pm

Dunno Calli, might have taken a couple of generations but Germany and Japan seem okay in the festering grudge department.

  1. Indolent October 18, 2024 10:44 pm Florida House Rep. Richard Rowe Jr., Who ‘Wished Death on Anti-Vaxxers’ Dies Suddenly It…

  2. Did a block walk tonight and all I could hear was frogs. All sounded happy. The song I posted above…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x