Now, that one is actually funny.
Now, that one is actually funny.
Has X now been closed off to anyone without an account? Fabulous. Free speech, or at least the viewing of…
Jessica EvensenThe West Australian Tue, 11 March 2025 2:00AM Jessica Evensen The family of a young girl murdered by one…
The practice of macro economics should attract the death penalty.
Pissy, lame, cowardly and despicable. The canbra way.
Boo.and merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all who make this blog enjoyable to read,
0:13 / 2:32:51
Handel’s Messiah from the Sydney Opera House
Recommend scrolling forward 1:30 to start in order to avoid ruining the spirit of the day.
A merry Christmas to all the Cats, wherever you are today.
Wishing all commenters and lurkers here at NewCat the very best for this Christmas season. May there be magic. May there be music. May there be many new and lovely memories made no matter how you celebrate the day.
I’m going into my first Christmas Day in 40 years where someone else is decorating, prepping, cooking, serving and cleaning up. It’s going to be epic, and apart from the bill, painless.
Joy to the World, and thanks Dover for your efforts over the year culminating in your truly magnificent choice of artwork for today.
Merry Christmas Cats & Kittehs.
And special thanks to Dover for providing this platform for us all to communicate, discuss things and argue different opinions.
And thanks to Tom for the 04:00AM cartoons.
Drink copiously.
Merry Christmas one and all!
The annual Carols by Candlelight in Melbourne has been briefly interrupted after pro-Palestine protesters stormed the stage during the live broadcast.
Children performing were rushed from the Sidney Myer Music Bowl stage to safety after several protesters carrying Palestine flags descended out of nowhere to interrupt the show.
The Channel 9 cameras during the live broadcast were filming hosts David Campbell and Sarah Abo when the incident unfolded on Sunday.
One protester even tried to grab the microphone from Mr Campbell, managing to say “while you’re carolling, kids are dying in Gaza” before the audio was cut.
Mr Campbell interrupted his scripted dialogue when he realised the commotion on stage wasn’t part of the show.
“Hang on one second,” he said.
“Nice and easy.”
The singer tried to keep the crowd calm and informed as security guards removed the protesters from the stage.
“It’s all good, thank you everybody, everyone’s allowed to have their moment,” Mr Campbell said.
“The kids are safe, and they’re going to come back out.
“It’s important to come together on a night like this too when there’s a lot of pain out there and a lot of people are experiencing it.”
His co-host thanked the crew for their quick action in removing the protesters safely.
“It is the climate, we are in Melbourne,” Ms Abo said.
“Incredible work here by the team as well.”
The crowd was heard applauding as the kids returned to the stage and the show continued.
Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin condemned the disruption on Sunday.
“You can always count on anti-Israel extremists to make everything about them and to appall decent, ordinary people,” Mr Ryvchin said.
“The chorus of boos tells them loud and clear they’re not wanted.”
“The chorus of boos tells them loud and clear they’re not wanted.”
But how were they even allowed to get near the stage? Compromised security hamas supporters?
Merry CHRISTmas to all Cats.
Merry Christmas and Bah Humbug to those that knock it.
Whisky in my early morning coffee time now.
No papers today, so here’s a classic from Johannes Leak.
A 2023 classic by Mark Knight.
David Pope.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Chip Bok.
Thanks Tom. And a very merry Christmas to you, in gratitude for your early morning labours.
Thanks Tom. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks Tom. Lovely Christmas Cartoons there.
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel to all my fellow littermates. It is indeed a cheerful day in Outer Goulburnia. The Grandies sent pix last night of them having fun on the beach and, miracle of miracles! the pups slept through the night and I was able to usher them out before they dropped their loads on the floor. Yay!
Have a blessed day everyone. 😀 😀 😀
Merry Christmas everyone.
Hope Santa brings you ‘quality loot.’
Two no-bake cheese cakes made yesterday.
Mint sauce made last night.
Cauliflower and broccoli in cheese sauce (cheese sauce made from scratch) to be made today.
Dieting to start on 2 Jan 2024. 😉
None of that packet muck cheese sauce.
glad to hear it. It doesn’t take much to make an excellent cheese sauce from scratch. Enjoy your day. 😀
ooops from the old thread
Merry Christmas to all gatti e gattine and thank you to dover_beach for this haven of discussion and sanity for the most part — the sun is making a valiant attempt to come out behind the clouds, however, whatever the weather I am celebrating the birthday of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I believe in his goodness and that of
His faithful followers. May his message of truth continue to survive and thrive and to bring light unto a darkening world.
Well done Beertruck, great satisfaction in making a good cheese sauce from scratch. I am fortunate to have a Thermomix that makes the best white sauce, no hands, all in together and 12 minutes later ecco! i litre of smooth and velvety goodness – I am a lucky girl. Buone Natale to all.
Happy Christmas, Cats and Kittehs.
Meanwhile in Milan…
Thank you Pogria.
It will be ‘cholesterol heaven.’
FULL cream milk, butter, NOT margarine (margarine is one molecule away from plastic-Chef Jean-Pierre), tasty cheese and flour.
Salt and pepper.
Maybe a teaspoon or two of Dijon Mustard.
Enjoy your day as well Matey. 🙂
Well done Beertruck, great satisfaction in making a good cheese sauce from scratch.
Thats it Tinta. 🙂
Morning all and Merry Christmas, spend it with those you love. Thanks to Dover we have somewhere to congregate and share our thoughts.
Wishing you all the blessings and joy of Christmas.
Merry (?) Christmas
Eat the mosquito meat roll, peasants.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Well, look what Santa brought!
What did y’all receive?
Dot fyi Stake organizes W8 BEN form for US dividends.
Withholding tax
There is a 30% withholding tax on dividend payments in the U.S. This is reduced to 15% after the completion of a W-8BEN form, which Stake arranges on your behalf when you make your first deposit on Stake Wall St.
Merry Christmas one and all.
Not off to the best of starts here, absolutely pissing down with strong winds. Which has cut the power off. Good Lord
Black Ball,
bad luck about the power. Do you have enough ice to keep the booze cold?
Priorities. 😀
Dijon’s great, but try a half teaspoon or so of Hot English as well. It really makes the cheese sing.
Merry Christmas to all Cats! Sadly the news hasn’t been merry, with report of another attempted attack on a cathedral overnight.
Several Suspected Islamists Arrested over Christmas Terror Attack Plot on Cologne Cathedral (24 Dec)
Attacks on churches and cathedrals by lefties and muslims seem very likely to continue, so be vigilant and careful.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you all have a day this good
Merry Christmas Cats and Kittehs!
Hope your power comes back on soon, BB. Bummer, on this of all days.
Looks like a wet Christmas coming up here as well.
Merry Christmas
With “climate action” our right to self-governance will be ripped away.
Al Gore: Without Climate Action, ‘We Could Lose Our Capacity for Self-Governance’
IDF Sets Trap, Kills Dozens Hamas Terrorists in North Gaza
IDF finds suicide belts sized for children in northern Gaza
Bad Jacketing: Accusations of “Controlled Opposition”
That’s a good find milt. I won’t be looking at US stocks for a bit though.
No, Donald Trump Will Never Consider Nikki Haley as VP Possibility, Here’s Why
Merry Christmas everyone.
For tradition.
Please Explain .. Xmas special .. LOL!
It’s Christmas, the BEST time of the Year. Merry Christmas to all Cats and their families and especially dover- many thanks to for giving us this place.
Well, look what Clubber Lang brought!
What did y’all receive?
AIDS, Apartheid, WHO and Gates. The FactBid Deep Dive That Must Be Heard!
And for my Jewish friends although Hanukkah is now over, here is a story worth reading in regard to that commemoration.
Do you know who the oldest active IDF reservist is? You should (24 Dec)
I’ve tried to summarize, so left out quite a lot so do RTWT. Fight well Mr Yachin, in whatever post the IDF assigns you during this war.
“What did y’all receive?”
Woke up to the usual tedious ‘acknowledgement of country’. No-one wants it, but the ABC just can’t let it go.
Real Mac Report
Sen. Ron Johnson on Biden Border crisis: “This administration is they caused the problem, they are the root cause. They want an open border.”
Maria: “They want a NWO. They want fundamentally change America.”
Sen. Ron Johnson: “They want global governance. They want no borders. They certainly want people coming to this country to destroy it.”
Lindsey Graham now openly admitting he certified a rigged and stolen election
And he wonders why he’s booed in his home state everywhere he goes
Backstabbing RINO fraud
Laura Loomer
BREAKING: @TMobile has quietly updated their TOS to include fines for content they don’t agree with.
Beginning on January 1, 2024, they will be fining users who commit perceived violations on their bandwidth.
Who knew in America that the phone providers would now be policing the content of your text messages to fine you.
S.H.A.F.T. is an acronym that stands for Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco. It outlines the categories of text messages specifically regulated due to moral and legal issues and is monitored and enforced by the Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CTIA) and the mobile carriers.
Who gets to determine what is and isn’t “hateful”?
Will political text messages be censored now as well going into 2024?
This is what @comcast did to me in 2019/2020 when I ran for Congress. I warned people that it would happen to others when nobody did anything to stop this when it happened to me as a congressional candidate!
Nice TOS date change! Just in time for the GOP primary and 2024 presidential election!
Nothing to see here!
Aye Pogria can’t have enough ice on hand.
Merry Christmas posters and lurkers all.
May 2024 bring just better.
My prayers each night for the Israelis and for my own family.
Good luck to everyone.
Merry Christmas to all on the Cat, may the New Year bring you good tidings and prosperity.
Merry Christmas to all btw! Raining cats and dogs on the western edge of Melb
Ding Dong every one. In case you forgot, ya gotta love those frocks.
In other words, exactly on target.
Experts Warn – WEF’s Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4+ Billion People.
At least the power’s still on here- been thinking about a backup lead-acid battery + inverter
Merry Christmas, Cats.
FULL cream milk, butter, NOT margarine (margarine is one molecule away from plastic-Chef Jean-Pierre), tasty cheese and flour.
Salt and pepper.
Maybe a teaspoon or two of Dijon Mustard.
Sounds perfect, but don’t forget the nutmeg.
Turn Out the Lights, the Country’s Over: TSA Accepting Arrest Warrants as ID for Illegal Immigrants
Those attacks on gas stoves aren’t really about health
The revenge of the Blob
In 2023, the technocratic elite made big strides towards taking back control.Not a happy read but a good one
The weather was predicted by the Top Men so that’s something.
I also predict our political caste to say this is why we need to move away from da naughty hydrocarbons. So we can have perfect 25 degree Christmas Days.
Mmmyes BOM all over the weather today:
Probably get enough rain to cover January’s median rain amount by the end of the day.
Hun also informing me that some idiot ran onto the stage at Carols By Candlelight with a Palestinian flag. What a way to bring people together dickhead.
Probably covered by readers here on olde fred but first I saw.
Merry Christmas all.
Matrix condolences, any time of the year isn’t good to lose a family member let alone Christmas.
Woken just before 5am to electrical storms again. Coalfields round Coppabella got absolutely flogged up last night around midnight. Cooking lunch on the patio will be interesting after Mass this morning. Already building over our neck of the woods.
Time to stack the esky and have a good day all.
‘If we forget Christmas, we forget what it means to be human’ | Neil Oliver: Christmas and Religion
Morning all.
BOM prediction for Canberra today:
Max 23
Showers increasing. Storm.
Possible rainfall: 15 to 50 mm
Chance of any rain: 100%
Where is Tim Flannering these days?
Off to the family lunch in the Victorian bush town of Winchelsea where a clever nephew bought cheaply before creating his young family.
Winch used to be a quiet little town on Victoria’s western plains; it’s now effectively a bustling outer suburb of Melbourne 70 minutes from the big smoke via the Geelong ring road freeway.
Seafood on the menu today (Winch is only 40 minutes from Lorne – now full of Melbourne property millionaires, but still one the regional fresh seafood capitals).
Have a great day with the ones you love, Cats and Kittehs.
Eternal thanks to Dover Beach for not only creating the new Catallaxy, but for his care in ensuring it is the best little freedom oasis in Australia.
Before I away, Bob Katter is shitty:
Extraordinary tirade.
Where Woke REALLY Comes From – Richard Hanania
To all Catallaxians,
As a long time lurker and rare commenter, I wanted to express my thanks to you all for generally high quality commentary, opinions and information. It is great to have this site for vibrant exchange of views mostly from a conservative viewpoint. My sincere thanks to Dover for the work of keeping this site alive.
I know at times the views get expressed in strong terms and good manners can get lost and some personal slights and bickering get frustrating, but in the end some excellent commentary and a diversity of views coming from a generally conservative lens results.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and happy and healthy New Year. I suspect it will be filled with a mix of madness, difficulties, frustrations and crazy politics, but that good will and sense can come through and prevail in the end – perhaps a nostalgic and niaive hope, but one needs hope.
Best wishes to all who frequent, comment and lurk here. Enjoy the day!
Merry Christmas!!
This weather -grey and wet always reminds me of the first movement of Brahms’ violin concerto. It saddens me greatly that Germany is trying to destroy itself.
More interesting developments in renewables (spit).
Stop wind farm ‘free-for-all’: Brown (Paywallian, 22 Dec)
Federal Judge Sides with Osage Nation, Orders Removal Of 84 Wind Turbines (23 Dec)
Bob Brown has also been concerned about eagle deaths from the Robbins Island project, which he has been opposing. All in all it’s nice to see this issue starting to be taken seriously, since the hypocrisy of the windmill proponents has been gob smacking. If they got fined for bird deaths the way oil companies do the entire wind industry would be ended overnight. Whereas oil companies have been cleaning up their acts there’s no way to stop the carnage either, the problem is inherent in wind turbine technology.
Speaking of Germans, it really surprised me to find out how Deutsch western Vicco is!
Dr. John Campbell
Dr Clare Craig, Part 3
Douglas Murray: “They don’t care about Palestinians. They hate Jews.”
Merry Christmas from the Diogenes Family. We got our Christmas over and done with last night , the German tradition, and the kids are spending the day with the DiL’s family today.
Our Christmas lunch will be spent with other “strays” in the village by the pool as it will be a balmy 31 here today.
Speaking of which, whatever happened to the great Dijon mustard shortage of 2023?
I kept a close eye on stocks at my local grocer and they never dipped.
Did the French honour export contracts over domestic suppliers perhaps?
“The Israeli army is preparing to move to the third phase of the fighting in Gaza in the coming weeks,” the Israeli broadcaster said. This is to involve “ending the ground operation in the Strip, reducing forces, and demobilizing reserve forces.”
If this is true, then as predicted, Hamas will have won by outlasting the will of Israel. It will still exist in Gaza, which is the definition of victory for insurgents, and Israel will have ‘gone home’ which is the definition of failure for governments.
And what will have been achieved? – Massive destruction and death in gaza, which will have birthed many more insurgents, and a concomitant drawdown of Israeli good will around the world.
So this current deluge is the last one and it’s never going to rain again.
Not surprising really since Qantas is fully woke. There’s less and less tolerance of Christianity by progressives.
Carry On Carolling! Why Bizarre Warnings About Christmas Customs Should Be Ignored (25 Dec)
Well if you don’t like Christmas, woke peoples, all I can say that I detest Lenin’s Birthday oops Earth Day likewise. And that wretched stuff is being shoved down our throats every single day of the year, not just one day of it.
CNN ADMITS Jack Smith’s Trump Prosecution Is Political!
A lot of Sorbs and Wends settled there – Germanised West Slavs.
Made in China.
Dull, cold and wet here in the wilderness of outer Melbistan – who cares. Perfect for mulled wine.
Merry Christmas to all.
Thanks Roger- fascinating
Not on my shelf, it isn’t.
A short moment between basting the ham we are taking to daughter’s Christmas lunch to wish everyone a happy day.
We are graced to have been invited (after the tempestuous family year) to a family gathering. At the last moment grandson, who had bizarre reasons for not coming, IS coming, and we are thrilled.
I feel, in my bones, that this is a very significant Christmas for the world. I am strangely emotional – probably the echoes of 7 October & Gaza. It is indeed a time to look within and reaffirm the values the birth of that Jewish baby brought to the world.
God bless.
Here you go Dr Duk:
IDF General: ‘The war will take several more months’ (24 Dec)
I think he’s also understating for political reasons, since the IDF and the war cabinet have said several times they expect the war to continue for a year. It sounds like the second phase will be over when effective resistance ceases. Then the third phase will entail destroying every bit of Hamas infrastructure. They’ve been having fun lately filling the bigger tunnels with explosives then detonating them.
Watch: How the IDF destroyed the tunnel network in Hamas’ ‘Elite Quarter’ (21 Dec)
Merry Christmas to all the cats, kittehs and lurkers. Hope Santa brought you everything you wanted.
Special thanks to Dover for maintaining the blog, and to Tom for the cartoons.
Merry Christmas everyone.
If you ever drive around the district to the south and east of Hamilton – and beautiful country it is – you might notice that many of the road names have a Slavic rather than German origin, presumably named for the farmer who originally settled there.
Merry Christmas all!
Here in the salt mines its odd to hear the radios being used for Merry Xmas-ing the workmates on haul trucks and diggers. And most of the voices are female.
That’s right, will. They were going to be birthed, anyway. It’s the Pallie way.
East of Hamilton earmarked by our overlords as a zone for wind and solar.
Keep the beauty in your memory.
Not looking good for the Boxing Day Test. 35oC and sunny in Perf today. Time for a conversation about moving it. Sydney too.
Bibi has uploaded this Christmas message to Christians..
Here’s my message to the doomsdayers, to the naysayers, and to the Jew haters, Israel and the Jewish people will prevail.
Environmental vandalism of the highest order.
Regional Vicco is lovely- many fine towns and gorgeous countryside. Love driving on the Glenelg Hwy to Hamilton and Casterton. Kelpie muster at Casterton is highly recommended. Glenelg Hwy is in poor condition due no doubt to the malicious incompetence of the degenerate government in Melbourne. Reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the Melb CBD is a lost cause.
Vicco , what’s left after the windzones are built out?
Yes I’ve seen that shitty solar ‘farm’ at Glenrowan. Waste of good land. We need to be rid of our garbage political class.
To me, it isn’t Christmas until I have played The Twelve Days of Christmas at least twelve times!
Antoinette Lattouf
Get it right, it’s “Latosh”. And what a skank she is.
MH370 location suggested in what looks to be a well-researched report:
The 229-page report suggested the missing wreckage could be located about 1560km west of Perth, and was based off “groundbreaking” radio technology.
Researchers Richard Godfrey, Dr Hannes Coetzee, and Professor Simon Maskell used weak signal propagation reporter or WSPR, to track the plane.
Daily Tele
Or the Penelope Keith version https://youtu.be/DD34J0uO5QU?feature=shared
Or me losing it at least once when I hear “Im dreaming of a white Christmas” (long story, short version, every third song on Muzak at work for all of December)
These Marxist reporterettes can’t be normal- so briming with hate, contempt and spite. BPD maybe?
A greater Melbourne bursting to the seams with migrants and third world infrastructure to make them feel at home.
to me, the only Israeli to be in charge at this time is Benjamin Netanyahu. I sincerely believe that, if he hadn’t been Prime Minister at this time, the offensive would have fizzled by now.
I don’t mean to bring down the tone today, but I hope we can say a prayer for Ariel and Kfir Bibas and their mum. And all the those still to come home.
Grandson has an eye for a bargain. After Christmas last year, he picked up packets of 8 Christmas crackers for the vast cost of $0.05 each!
That’s per packet, not the individual items.
Yes indeed Roger.
I’m retiring in a couple of years and intend to resettle somewhere in the Vic countryside so finding a pretty, peaceful yet well situated (to decent facilities) locale is my mission. That map helps narrow it down somewhat.
Then the third phase will entail destroying every bit of Hamas infrastructure. They’ve been having fun lately filling the bigger tunnels with explosives then detonating them.
1) Insurgents don’t need ‘infrastructure’ in the same was as they dont need logistics or victories on the battlefield – you cant destroy them by taking their capitals or their cities – their centre of gravity is the people, not the buildings.
2) Blowing up tunnels or even whole cities does not eliminate the defensive assets of Hamas – it simply creates more rubble which is itself excellent defensive terrain. Refer Stalingrad, Monte Cassino, Faluja etc etc etc
to me, the only Israeli to be in charge at this time is Benjamin Netanyahu. I sincerely believe that, if he hadn’t been Prime Minister at this time, the offensive would have fizzled by now.
Yes, although this has aged him.
I don’t mean to bring down the tone today, but I hope we can say a prayer for Ariel and Kfir Bibas and their mum. And all the those still to come home.
Pogs, you’re not lowering any tone. Please all pray, and let’s pray for the Christians across the globe who are also being raped, slaughtered and kidnapped by Muslim scum. This war against the Jews is also a war against Christians. As for the hostages in Gaza, I think they’re dead. Israel knows this, otherwise they’d still be negotiating. Only this morning I saw a report on the Oz website that the IDF have found four dead hostages in a Gazan tunnel.
I cry. May their memories be a blessing.
Milton at 9:33.
You tryin’ to dox me?
How dare you!
To all those budding pali insurgents, form an orderly queue to the left, the IDF will get to you shortly as they’ve run out of raisins. The 72 raisin packaging factory was closed for Hanukkah and someone forgot to order more. Do not worry needlessly as we have some coming from Iran, they didn’t want you to miss out failing life once again. These will be provided free of charge instead of rockets.
The Pallies will be occupied getting water, sewage and utilities as well as places to live for their families.Knowing exactly what will happen to them and theirs if they keep allowing Hamas to terrorise Israel.
You are seriously over egging it. Hamas is not the Red Army or the Wehrmacht.
Written in 1949 by Vermont Royster this is posted to WSJ’s opinion pages every year.
In Hoc Anno Domini
Santa brought 100mm from yesterday arvo until just now. Still raining but the radar looks more hopeful to the west.
Poor old Mum is expecting us at the hostel for lunch but the roads are closing fast. We’re checking out another route now as our usual road is too far under.
Cassie, I saw a leftist protester in Israel calling for peace and blaming Bibi for all this mess. No doubt she has lost no one to the scum hamas. I really couldn’t believe it. I’ve refused to look at any of the videos of the atrocities for my own sanity. Did this woman refuse to believe all the evidence? How can people like this exist. Do they not realise how close they are to islam ideology. These people are as dangerous as they are amongst us. Have they not heard of “Never Again”? Israel will prevail.
Yes. Unlike Bibi.
Merry Christmas to all here with special thanks to Dover and Tom.
A great place for different views and updates on the latest news from many sources.
Merry Christmas FlashCatters.
Tartaria sends its blessings.
That’s just the ticket, Makka.
All the best in that endeavour!
Oops. Don’t want to be persona non greta Sanchez
Cheers Roger.
Merry Christmas!
But it’s a different Christmas this year.
I’m adding my name to the many who’ll heed Cassie’s request for prayers
for the Jewish people. I hope it will be of some consolation to her.
You are seriously over egging it. Hamas is not the Red Army or the Wehrmacht.
Correct, Hamas is better compared to the Taliban, or Viet Cong, both of which defeated modern mechanised armies by outlasting them, irrespective of the amount of destruction wrought by their (largely) US opponents……
World public opinion will not allow the Gazans to be starved for much longer – the advent of ‘real time’ TV coverage with the Vietnam war brought the ugly images of war into the living rooms of the West, and they lack the stomach for it.
Cassie, I saw a leftist protester in Israel calling for peace and blaming Bibi for all this mess.
I think this says it it all, a protester in Israel is free to protest and blame Bibi and not be arrested or killed. Why? Because Israel allows free speech.
Now, who reckons if a Palestinian protester stood in Gaza C, and exercised his/her free speech to rightly blame Hamas for what is happening, and then not face immediate execution?
Merry Christmas all.
Sorry to be talking about money on a day like this, but..
Milton, are you saying foreign dividends are taxed at 15% if one fills in a W8? I never much bothered with that because, if you make the claim through a W8, you will be slugged here, in Australia, for the difference as the corporate tax rate is the same rate. It adds to accounting cost complexity, and money wise, it’s the same slug. I just let them hit me with the 30% slug at the source – the US. Cry a little and be done with it.
Am I missing something though, because under IRS rules, at least as far as I know, you can go back several years to apply for an adjustment?
Au contraire, I think most ordinary people in the West have the stomach for it. Because they know the truth.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hope you all have a lovely day.
FFS, fired up BBQ and down she comes. Red and yellow blob over the whole of the district. Memories of cyclone Tash on Christmas day coming back.
Mass held in the old church this morning, no AC and ceiling cyclones at full blast.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time News (the Courier-Mail):
And (from the aforementioned ex):
These are the people who demand to be listened to on matters of geopolitics and climate.
Rufus – 17/6
Thank you for your educational comment re solar and wind. I looked up SF6 and from what I read it seems to be a useful and harmless compound.
There was one article which stated it traps more carbon in the atmosphere than fossil fuels.
From what I can remember 3200 parts per million as opposed to a few hundred parts per million for fossil fuels.
Please educate me further.
Milton, are you saying foreign dividends are taxed at 15% if one fills in a W8?
That’s correct JC- the W8 gives you more money in your hand and right away. I deal with the ATO later on.
Am I missing something though, because under IRS rules, at least as far as I know, you can go back several years to apply for an adjustment? Not too sure JC- I’m a bit of a neophyte. Some of those US corps pay good dividends- I know that much. I’ve thought about just letting the IRS take 30% but I reckon having more cash to hand is better and worry about the ATO later on.
Not really. Hamas has enraged an Israel that is fighting for it’s existence on home ground with almost total citizenry support. Entirely different from the US involved conflicts in Afghanistan or Vietnam.
Dover – beautiful family portrait.
Next time you are speaking to the artist could you also him to clothe the infant in a crows gurnsey – thanks
Barking Toad
Look at the first names of the security contractors in Australia, and you’ll work out who they work for, then look at the weapons registry and you’ll find out we’re all outnumbered in the arms department.
It almost looks deliberate.
BTW Katter is treated like that old uncle who doesn’t care what he says and sometimes is bang on. Has quite a lot of support north of Mackay and west to the NT border.
Be interesting who he is having a shot at, Townsville or Brisbane Qantas club. Bet my best it’s not up here, our club is quite small, one of the better lounges IMO and any of us frequent flyers are known to staff.
Nowadays the road to Damascus is filled with ex politicians. Unless they can find a spot at the UN.
As you are a soccer fan _ Leeds 4 Ipswich 0
I penned an original ditty – let me know if it’s got legs –
Jingle bells jingle bells zip switch blown away oh what fun it is to watch Leeds United play – ole
From what I remember during my apprenticeship, we were given classes on it where they told us that it was an inert gas that is heavier than air.
We use it in gas insulated switchgear (GIS)
It was also amusing when they tried to tell us that an inert gas that is heavier than air is somehow destroying the ozone layer…
The gas itself is no issue.
The breakdown of the gas due to circuit breaker operation is what releases all manner of nasty gases that are damaging to the environment.
Not really. Hamas has enraged an Israel that is fighting for it’s existence on home ground with almost total citizenry support. Entirely different from the US involved conflicts in Afghanistan or Vietnam.
Gaza hasn’t been ‘home ground’ for Israel for nearly 20 years. The current operations against Hamas are taking place *in* Gaza. The IDF is starting to make noises about transitioning to a ‘new phase’ of the war which will involve the end of ground operations in Gaza – aka they will leave Gaza – and Hamas will still exist. This is the very definition of success for Hamas and failure for Israel.
My first Christmas message is from an online drinks provider. Make of that what you will.
BTW Katter is treated like that old uncle who doesn’t care what he says and sometimes is bang on.
My brother from another mother then 😉
I think those that lead Govts are getting tired of the perennial Palli problem. I see now EU leaders (who hold purse strings for Gazan support) are now openly stating Hamas can no longer govern Gaza and advocating for their exile somewhere.
The Hamas barbarity of Oct 7th is cutting through the Palli bs at the level where money for Gaza is decided.
Siemens info on SF6
They’re trying to move away from it because of regulations changing.
SF6 itself is fine, it’s by-products, not so much.
Duk – There appears to be a rising sense of apathy about the Gazans, which I’ve been feeling from the lack of coverage. Even the pro-Hamas protests feel limper than they have been.
Some aid has been getting in, and even though Hamas has been stealing a lot of it Israel is allowing it. Likewise Egypt.
The crunch is the request overnight from the IDF for the Egyptian Army to move back from the border so that the IDF can take and establish a buffer zone at the Gaza-Egypt border. We’ll see if Egypt cooperates. I suspect they will since Sisi is no friend of the Muslim Brotherhood. So long as the Gazans aren’t evicted from Gaza in his direction I think Egypt will continue to quietly support the IDF’s strategic operational plans.
So I am not seeing any real pressure against the Israelis. It’s all for show (eg. in the UN). We’ll see if the Iranians back off from their current brinkmanship in the Arabian and Red Seas. They seem peeved no one is supporting Hamas much (without their arms being twisted eg the Houthis).
Indeed Blinken yesterday was wondering why no one in the MSM is calling on Hamas to surrender. That’s quite an insight into what the WH Administration is thinking. They probably regard the feral left as unhelpful for their 2024 plans, which it is.
Thanks Milt
The stuff I have in the US is in a foreign entity with a balance date of 31 Dec. Okay, I got advice on this crap over a decade ago and tax wise, it’s been running on autopilot ever since. From memory, I was told to just get slugged at the 30% rate in the US, and not mess around with the a W8 because I would then have to pay the ATO the difference. The US needs the money more anyway. 🙂 We also receive social security, which is also slugged at 30% I think because we’re foreigners for US tax purposes.
Everywhere you turn, there’s a ATO/IRS baseball bat.
“Gaza hasn’t been ‘home ground’ for Israel for nearly 20 years.”
Where this started on 7October is “home ground”. Perhaps a declaratory policy that “no prisoners” will be taken on Israeli territory would be a start, and another of immediate bombing of rocket launch sites in Gaza Strip or West Bank?
We are in Siddy right now but just checked the gauge at our place, which is somewhat to the South.
Half an inch in the old money, which is classified as a “Nice drop”.
Katter bitching about Qantas.
Has he sent back his Chairman’s Lounge membership in protest?
I think it was on the previous thread, someone asked if Norad was still tracking Santa every year.
This is how it began.
You don’t know a) what the “new phase” looks like b) If the IDF will leave Gaza c) if the IDF will really cease ground ops. The IDF could be transitioning to anything , conceivably including setting up garrisons in Gaza and operating some kind of policing action. It’s all speculation for now.
Any Qantas Lounge that doesn’t play Kevin Bloody Wilson’s Santa Claus song should be forced to open to the public!
Dec 25, 2023 8:18 AM
At least the power’s still on here- been thinking about a backup lead-acid battery + inverter
I did the sums, a home genny and transfer switch is still the best solution – till they ban it…
Houthi naval exercises in the Red Sea as a show of force.
Lovely Christmas scenes, the only Granddaughter in tears having received her eventing saddle. Great photos.
She is not at home so she can’t disappear to the stables and will have to undertake the non-teenage approved activity of socialising with olds.
Her Dad who, unlike the rest of the family, is not at all keen on matters horsey, is exasperated. A doll would have been his ideal gift. You don’t have to drive dolls to poney club and they never go to the vet. A little/lot bubbly called for methinks.
Punish your kids by spoiling the grandkids.
Everywhere you turn, there’s a ATO/IRS baseball bat.
Too damn right- two organisations I try to have as little to do with as possible
That photo of the carrier battle group is simply breathtaking.
Not Miss Vlaardingerbroek level breathtaking, but certainly up there.
You don’t know a) what the “new phase” looks like b) If the IDF will leave Gaza c) if the IDF will really cease ground ops. The IDF could be transitioning to anything , conceivably including setting up garrisons in Gaza and operating some kind of policing action. It’s all speculation for now.
Correct, which is why I prefaced my response (to a comment attributed to an IDF source) with ‘if this is true…..’
Hamas not getting much brotherly lurve.
Hezbollah withdraws Radwan force from Israeli border in fear of attack – report (24 Dec)
Probably helped by the IDF and Netanyahu gently suggesting this week, again, that Beirut might not like to end up looking like Gaza. It was also amusing that Biden allegedly pressured Israel not to go full beast-mode on the Hezbies. I don’t think they ever planned to since a two front war isn’t want you want, but it would’ve added to the pressure on the Hezbies, since the IDF has a nice chunky force just over the border ready to go.
Lovely Christmas scenes, the only Granddaughter in tears having received her eventing saddle. Great photos.
Ha! My daughters present from Santa was a 4mx2m wooden ramp thingy I made to help her train horses to float. It will need a tractor and truck to move it.
Her Dad, like me, needs to admit he has been bested by forces of the universe stronger than he….
good news for Christmas
Cool, wettish day in Canberra. Threatening thunderstorms.
Not the best day for cold beer. But, being Christmas. there”ll be plenty of stronger stuff.
Puppy has been walked, presents opened, time to get into the drink.
Again, Merry Christmas Cats & Kittehs.
Our daughter was keen on horses. She got her fix at Riding for the Disabled, including volunteering as a leader. Her older cousin coopted the mother for ten years of 5am starts, feeding and exercising their own critters in the middle of the city. I made it clear from a very young age that her own horse was a luxury we would not indulge.
She turned out damn fine, by the way! But the older cousin has made a career in horses, many years of study and many years of her own business. She was recently out rescuing ‘orses in front of the bushfires.
Christmas mass this morning kicked off with an acknowledgment of country. No better way to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour with a dash of rank paganism. Will return to my regular church which avoids this stuff.
Wow, that’s breathtaking. And if it’s true it means Israel has won a huge strategic victory.
And if that does happen the same terms will next be demanded of Gaza, once the rubble stops bouncing.
A quite famous gazan with iirc 17 million followers on instagram has suggested that despite his hatred for israel they have to learn to live with them.
Getting called everything under the sun by everyone not eating half a meal a day for the last 77 .
Yesterday I wrote this on a Speccie comment about a possible government of Gaza
Lord save me from trendy clerics. Don’t they actually read the gospel? – whitey coming here actually allowed Aborigines to know Christ.
Motaz Azaiza
Saudi Arabia and the UAE read the comments at the Speccie!
So Anal and Barnsey on pvt mobile number terms. Doesn’t say much for either of them.
Add me to the list of Christmas well-wishers. This is a great place, even for those of us who stay mostly in the background. Makes my day.
Weather report from Merewether today: sunny, humid and the water is lovely. Early swim, a celebratory champagne or three with the spouse and family, Thai prawn salad is just about ready to go on the table.
Enjoy the rest of the day, people!
Another thing going on is some kiss-and-make-up in Yemen.
Saudi foreign ministry welcomes roadmap to peace in Yemen (24 Dec)
This smells like a stratagem to split the Houthis away from Iran by doing a deal over who has what in Yemen. Trimming Iran’s tentacles helps set up a deal over the PA Territories and Gaza. If it works it’ll be quite a diplomatic coup by the Saudis.
Next to see is what Iran does about all this.
Got a friend who sings his rugby team’s song:
Or something like that
Mere-Christmas to you MareeS!
Merry Christmas everybody.
Slow start here, rain has set in fully.
Flight cancellations yesterday saw us meeting a bus at 1.30 am, and we stayed up till 3am on the strength of that. All adults.
We have demolished the platter of smoked trout and salad pickings plus nuts and crackers and dip with copious champagne. Now for a tour of the drenched garden to pick zuchinni and tomatoes while the bloke prepares for tempura prawns and veg, which has been our Christmas speciality for many years now. The ambient music is Pentatonix and other light Christmas tunes. If anyone is hungry later there are lamb chops available to whack on the barbie. The butternut pumpkin and potato salad are also homegrown.
We wish blessings upon those in strife and conflict at this time, it’s hard enough keeping those beasts from our own doors at times.
Love and Peace to All.
Merry Christmas to everyone on the Cat and thanks Dover.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Spectacular drive home last night through two big storms on the Hay plains, lightning all round, heavy rain and gale force winds. Great stuff!
A breezy and cool day here as the low pressure system wraps around over the western half of Vic sending westerlies up over us.
Roast for lunch followed by large quantities of trifle, home made preserved plum pudding, and a gallon of custard.
Horsham client gave me a bottle of Roku Gin which will be sampled this evening, I’m looking forward to that.
It’s the third year in a row, thanks to early and large summer rains, I will be on the spray rig once I recover from the Christmas cheer. Then back south to see what state the remaining crops are in.
Thank you Dover for this place of (most of the time) sanity.
Best present so far. Two Hawaiian style shirts.
Might be a couple of kilos heavier later today.