Open Thread – Wed 14 Feb 2024

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559

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February 14, 2024 12:24 am

Happy Valentines Day to all you lovers.

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 12:24 am

A Monk In His Simple Room

From Rubisa Patrol. Wonderful album.

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 12:27 am
Mark Bolton
February 14, 2024 12:31 am

@Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 14, 2024 12:02 AM

“Yeah, can your truck swim?”

She has been known to make some headway …

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 14, 2024 12:33 am

Happy Valentines Day to all you lovers.

Thank you Helen. 😍

February 14, 2024 12:48 am

Had to LOL

Anyone catch that during the DEI National Anthem?

Black national anthem, more accurately.

Commenter below.

Based Chef
I thought the black national anthem was police sirens?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 14, 2024 12:50 am

Who is worse.

The hosts of the VIEW, or the d*ckheads in the studio audience?

Mark Dice:

“The View” Cohost Gets Some Bad News

February 14, 2024 12:52 am

Ugly as, CPI comes in hotter than expected.

3.1. CPI, expecting 2.9%

February 14, 2024 1:13 am

Perfect picture Dover.
Carnevale here, which is but a pale imitation of the Venetian one, runs to the 18th.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 14, 2024 1:58 am

Linko no worko, John H.
Emily Barker-
Despite The Snow

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 14, 2024 2:03 am

Ah no sorry, fault my end. YouTube ghosting me…
That song building on Robert Graves poem, She Tells Her Love.
There’s something in deep race memory about snow… though I’ve never lived in it

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 3:17 am

Well, in the top twenty at least.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 3:18 am

Hurry up 04:00am so I can see Tom’s ‘toons!

February 14, 2024 3:39 am

In love with both of them.

February 14, 2024 4:10 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 14, 2024 4:10 am

Barking Toad
Feb 14, 2024 3:18 AM
Hurry up 04:00am so I can see Tom’s ‘toons!

Maybe Tom’s place has a power cut.

February 14, 2024 4:11 am
February 14, 2024 4:12 am
February 14, 2024 4:13 am
February 14, 2024 4:15 am
February 14, 2024 4:16 am
February 14, 2024 4:17 am
February 14, 2024 4:18 am
February 14, 2024 4:19 am
February 14, 2024 4:20 am
February 14, 2024 4:22 am
February 14, 2024 4:23 am
February 14, 2024 4:35 am

Get in your Time Machine, go back 5 years & tell the ATO would be investigating 150 of their staff related to TikTok promoted schemes.
They’d lock you up as some form of crazy person.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 14, 2024 5:07 am

Happy Valentines Day gatti et gattine, may all those who love you let you know today how loved you are and vice versa. Word of the day is joy, spread the word. Ciao

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 14, 2024 5:08 am

I wonder how much love for the climate change boondoggle the 500,000 Victorians have this morning?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 14, 2024 5:20 am

Well it goes like this Tinta.
Labor goes whole hog on building a completely seperate new transmission system for renewables and lets the current grid degrade and ultimately fail on a moderately bad weather day.
They then blame the very people that have been tasked to solely concentrate on the task, supplied with lashings of cash for the job.
All roads lead to Spring Street.
I’m up early because I have a kidney stone that’s been giving me buggery for nearly a week. Hopefully a plan of attack with the local GP today.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 14, 2024 5:20 am

ABC Indigenous Affairs editor Bridget Brennan is under investigation after controversial comments on Australia Day

. in the Oz — the name of the Indigenous affairs editor is Bridget Brennan, not sure which indigenous dialect has that name in it.

the item:

The ABC ombudsman is investigating controversial comments made by Indigenous Affairs editor Bridget Brennan in an Australia Day news report where she declared to viewers the country “always was and always will be Aboriginal land.”

Managing director David Anderson said on Tuesday the taxpayer-funded broadcaster had received numerous complaints about Brennan’s comments but he stood by her on-air remarks that she made to ABC News Breakfast host Michael Rowland in a news segment.

“Bridget is a journalist …‘always was always will be’ is a common term that’s been used by companies and been used by many people to reflect that we have the oldest living continuous culture in this country,” Mr Anderson told Senate Estimates.

“It is not a statement of intent, rather it is a statement that is commonly used.

“I think that when that cross happened to Bridget, that Bridget was reflecting the perspective that she was encountering while she was there (at the Wugulora Ceremony at Barangaroo in Sydney).”

Senator Hollie Hughes quizzed Mr Anderson about the comments made by Brennan, a Dja Dja Wurrung and Yorta Yorta woman, and said they did not reflect the views of all Aboriginal people.

“It’s her view, so I’m trying to understand at what point does the editorial standard of journalistic behaviour kick in,” Senator Hughes said.

“If they want to be commentators, great, let’s just say commentators, they are not journalists, they are not reporting the news … they are reflecting their own opinions.”

In another cross later in the day Brennan said to Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council spokesman Nathan Moran: “It’s been a pretty rough year for our mob hasn’t it.”

Under the ABC’s editorial guidelines it states that independence must apply in the gathering and presentation of news and information to ensure it is impartial.

Brennan was contacted for comment.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 14, 2024 5:37 am

Grampians fires has smoke drifting over the farm. A good distance away from us but thinking of my nephew who left yesterday afternoon as crew on our local tanker. It’s his first run at a forest fire in closed country.

February 14, 2024 5:44 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 14, 2024 5:45 am

Indoctrination works.

Millennials more likely than any other age group to switch to electric vehicles (13 Feb)

Environmentally-friendly millennials are more likely to switch to an electric vehicle than any other generation, research has found. A study, of 2,000 drivers, found half of 25-34 year olds will wave goodbye to petrol and diesel motors in the next five years – compared to just 21 percent of 55-64 year olds.

Meanwhile, only 16 percent of those aged 65 and above would consider making the switch.

The youngsters are also most environmentally conscious, with 36 percent of those who are likely to switch, motivated to do so because of eco factors – while 53 percent of 55-64 year olds want to save money.

And 78 percent of young drivers are concerned about the environmental impact of petrol and diesel vehicles, compared to just 52 percent of over-65s.

I wonder what is going to happen when all those kids realize they’ve been had?

February 14, 2024 5:46 am
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 5:57 am

Thanks Tom.

February 14, 2024 6:10 am

I’m loving how woke slavery has gone viral in the US.
During black history month too.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 6:19 am

I’m up early because I have a kidney stone that’s been giving me buggery for nearly a week. Hopefully a plan of attack with the local GP today.

Would it be insensitive of me to say … harden up.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 14, 2024 6:31 am

Can there be anything better than Clementine Ford doing shows singing Taylor Swift songs?

Cranky Clementine’s Taylor Tribute (Tim Blair, 13 Feb, no paywall)

Taylor Swift is a bubblegum pop goddess. Clementine Ford is a garbage-gobbed woken wasteland who’s lately published accusatory lists of Jews. What happens if the two are combined, as if in a ghastly science experiment?

Some science experiments just should not be carried out, ever, for the safety of the human race.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
February 14, 2024 6:33 am

The binding in the marsh trickle of inside info about that 2020 election continues, and will become a flood from now on. Today’s release of who attended a meeting on election day 2020 is the first of a number of documents obtained via Freedom of Information by a journalist doing his job instead of shilling for the Dems and assorted leftists.
Gateway Pundit

February 14, 2024 6:45 am

Farmer Gez
Feb 14, 2024 5:37 AM

Grampians fires has smoke drifting over the farm. A good distance away from us but thinking of my nephew who left yesterday afternoon as crew on our local tanker. It’s his first run at a forest fire in closed country.

Just been talking with a mate down there. His local brigade hasn’t been called yet even though they are literally next door.
A case of holding some local tankers in reserve as a quick response in case other fires get going, which is on the cards given the number of lightning strikes.

February 14, 2024 7:08 am

Paywallion (apologies if this has already been posted)
Oh dear…’trouble at the mill’ :

Jacinta Price calls for NT Attorney-General to resign following alcohol conflict of interest

5:01PM 13 FEB 2024

On Tuesday, federal Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price called on Deputy chief minister Chansey Paech to resign, calling his actions “sickening.”

There are calls for the Northern Territory Attorney-General to resign after it was revealed he purchased shares in a wholesale company that supplies alcohol to bottle shops in the NT, just months before his Labor government failed to renew Intervention-era grog bans on remote communities in 2022.

The end of the bans has seen a huge increase in domestic violence and alcohol fuelled assaults in the Territory.

Deputy chief minister Chansey Paech purchased an unknown number of shares in the ASX-listed company Metcash in May 2022, according to parliamentary disclosure records obtained by the NT Independent, before divesting them in December 2023 – just two days after then chief minister Natasha Fyles was forced to resign over undisclosed shares in a mining company.

Paech, a firm critic of the 2007 Intervention policy which included the banning of alcohol, pornography and limited welfare payments, was a supporter of legislation passed by the NT government in 2022 which gave communities the option to introduce alcohol for the first time in 15 years.

According to the NT Independent, Metcash is registered as a liquor wholesaler with the NT Government and supplies takeaway alcohol, as well as groceries to IGA stores in Alice Springs, Darwin and remote communities. A subsidiary also supplies alcohol to takeaway alcohol stores Thirsty Camel, Cellarbrations and Bottle-O stores in the NT and across the country.

At the time of purchase, Paech – who holds no legal qualifications – was the Minister of Indigenous Essential Services and Minister for Remote Housing and Town Camps. The? NT Cabinet code of conduct forbids ministers from holding shares in any company “that may create a conflict of interest as a result of their portfolio responsibilities”.

In January 2023 prime minister Anthony Albanese ­announced alcohol restrictions would be implemented in Alice Springs after The Australian revealed the extent of the crime wave gripping the town following the expiration of federal “Stronger Futures” restrictions in July 2022.

“Mr Paech does not deserve the privilege of representing Northern Territorians,” said Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price.

The restrictions introduced takeaway alcohol bans on Mondays and Tuesdays, limiting the purchase of alcohol during the rest of the week, and town camps and communities reverted back to being complete dry zones in February.

In January last year, Paech said Stronger Futures legislation was a “blanket prohibition on Aboriginal communities”.

On Tuesday, federal Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price called on Paech to resign, calling his actions “sickening”.

“It is sickening to hear that an NT Minister may have deliberately allowed alcohol to flow where it is killing our people because it would deliver a profit to companies that he was invested in.

“Based on these allegations, Mr Paech does not deserve the privilege of representing Northern Territorians, and he certainly does not deserve the Honour of being Deputy Chief Minister,” Senator Price said.

“Chansey Paech needs to apologise and resign from the parliament.”

Paech, who has been a minister in the Territory since 2016, said that since becoming deputy chief minister, he had “divested all shares”.

“All rules have been followed,” he said. “The Chief Minister has made it clear that a comprehensive review of the conflict of interests process in the NTG is warranted and that the review is progressing.

However, according to the ministerial code of conduct, all ministers must divest shares that may be seen as a conflict of interest.

“Ministers must divest themselves completely of all shareholdings and other forms of equitable interest held in their private capacity in companies (both public and private) that may create a conflict of interest as a result of their portfolio responsibilities,” the code of conduct reads.


February 14, 2024 7:21 am

John H.-

Thanks for the music

ECM released some fabulous stuff over the years.

Intriguing mixes of big-name and “obscure” artists, mostly of the “jazz” persuasion; often “doing their own thing”, in between “gigs” or between conventional contracts with the “majors. Quite a bit of their early vinyl graces my shelves Actual “listening music for when the mood strikes or a musical “cleansing” is required.

“Retirement-19” has somewhat curtailed m purchasing the “real” recordings, but the inter-tubes pop up some nice surprises.

Thanks again.

February 14, 2024 7:28 am

The Babylon Bee must’ve hacked their account.

February 14, 2024 7:44 am

Another one of those How It Started How It’s Going things.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 7:46 am

Anyone able to cut/paste the piece by Janet A in the Oz? Would be appreciated.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 14, 2024 7:46 am

Literally we now have to wear hair shirts for Gaia…

A murkin?

February 14, 2024 7:48 am

garbage-gobbed woken wasteland

Tim Blair does have a way with words..

February 14, 2024 7:59 am
February 14, 2024 8:04 am

janet albrechtsen
From Covid to women, Scott Morrison’s legacy is an absolute shocker

At one stage during the three-part ABC television documentary Nemesis, George Brandis describes the battle between Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull as Shakespearean. Give me a break.

If we are to mention Shakespeare in the same breath as this period of Liberal government, I’d use this quote to describe most of the people who took part in Nemesis: “I am sick when I do look on thee.”

As for listening to two of the former PMs who fronted cameras full of smiles and smirks for this series, I will steal this from the northern hemisphere-born Bard: “You have a February face, so full of frost, of storm and cloudiness.”

None of these former prime ministers deserves elevation to the level of a Shakespearean tragedy. It’s even more demented to include their supporters as players in some magnificently tragic battle – as Horatio was to Hamlet so was Wyatt Roy to Turnbull. Excuse me while I gag.

This was a grubby tale about ambitious men, and their hangers-on, and the top job.

Whatever one says about Abbott and Turnbull, and there is a lot to say for better or worse, depending on your politics, each had convictions. What’s most devastating about Scott Morrison is that his convictions are still unascertainable. He was in parliament for 17 years, including as a cabinet minister, and was PM for four years.

It’s a shame Morrison didn’t use his time in front of ABC cameras to reveal, finally, what values make him tick. It means we must accept, finally, that Morrison is a political animal. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Morrison must be applauded for winning the 2019 election after Abbott and Turnbull ripped the Liberal Party’s credibility to shreds. During his time, Australia signed up to a new security partnership with Britain and the US under AUKUS. What comes of it remains to be seen.

But there it more or less ends – depending on your view about his management of the pandemic. If you think it was political genius for a leader to shut the borders to an island nation, lock Australian citizens inside, prevent Australian citizens overseas from returning home, then Morrison is your man.

There is another view. Morrison set the template for Australia’s cruel, illiberal response. He didn’t have the nous to sensibly balance risk. Instead, he chose a sledgehammer to try to eliminate risk.

By closing the national border, and shutting out citizens, Morrison treated citizenship as disposable. Morrison emboldened state and territory leaders to lock up their people, close state and territory borders, and impose ever-constricting boundaries on our movements.

When Morrison backed West Australian premier Mark McGowan’s decision to shut down the state border again, in February 2022, it was cynical politics from Morrison in an election year. When Morrison demanded that the Queensland premier grant an exemption so a NSW woman could attend a funeral in Queensland, it reeked of hypocrisy given the Australians stranded overseas who couldn’t come home to bury their loved ones.

If you think Morrison and his treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, should be credited with the resilience of Australia’s $2.1 trillion economy – as it stood at the end of 2021 – it pays to remember that our economy rebounded after the pandemic for three simple reasons: soaring commodity prices, pent-up consumer demand and record government spending.

There was no Liberal genius to this outcome. Labor could so easily have done the same. Frydenberg can laud it all he likes, and draw John Howard in as supporter, but the fact remains that when voters took a second look at the Morrison government at the ballot box in 2022, they said no thanks to the government and to Frydenberg.

Nemesis went some way to explaining why. One was Morrison’s problem with women. Normally I’d give a wide berth to ABC types claiming that Liberal men have women problems. It’s usually biased bunkum.

But Morrison was dreadful on this front. He needed to speak to his wife to understand the gravity of an alleged rape in a minister’s office. Then came the cynical and superficial reshuffles, promoting a few more chicks to improve his electoral appeal, throwing the word women into a few more ministerial titles, promising a “fresh filter” in all matters to do with women, and announcing that Marise Payne was the prime minister for women.

Holy moly, I recall writing, it was about as meaningful to women as a degree in gender studies. All it did was highlight his cynical approach to politics, reinforce his lack of authenticity and remind us to ask what on earth Payne had done as minister for women in the Morrison government.

By the time the election rolled around, Morrison was so desperate that he started talking about the gender pay gap to appease inner-city seats women who presumably talk about this issue.

Simultaneously, he lobbed Katherine Deves into Warringah to address some kind of moral panic he imagined in outer suburban seats about the trans issue and protecting women’s sport from trans athletes.

Morrison’s commitment to both issues was non-existent. He didn’t actually do anything.

Perhaps the most cringe-worthy election moment was Morrison proving his close connection to female voters by shampooing a woman’s hair in a hairdressing salon.

If Morrison genuinely cared about women, he would not have allowed the men in his office to treat two Liberal women – Linda Reynolds and Fiona Brown – in the way they did. These two very decent women were attacked day in day out in parliament and in the media over the Higgins affair.

They were the only two women who encouraged Brittany Higgins to go to the police. They did everything they were told to do by parliament’s HR department. And they were hung out to dry by the prime minister and his office.

If the makers of Nemesis asked Morrison about his failure here, they didn’t air his response. Though one can guess from many of his responses across this series what his answer might have been: it wasn’t me, I didn’t know, I’m not to blame.

It’s a shame that Mark Willacy and the producers were not interested in exploring this dark chapter of Morrison’s leadership.

Nor did Nemesis explore Morrison’s dismal treatment of the rule of law. It’s one thing to forget to defend this foundational principle. It’s another thing to actively undermine it. It was a dark day for democracy when Morrison stood in the national parliament in February 2022 and apologised directly to Higgins for as yet untested claims and without knowing anything about the quality of evidence to support those claims. The prime minister effectively sided with forces gunning for Reynolds and Brown and worked against a fair trial for a defendant who is presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law.

For lower-case liberals like me – meaning people who don’t join political parties but believe a healthy democracy depends on defending liberal values – Morrison was a shocker. It’s hard to imagine a single prime minister during my lifetime who would think that taking control of multiple ministries – and not telling your cabinet colleagues – was a good idea. Why the secrecy? The answer seems to be because he could.

I became a critic of Morrison because keeping Labor out of power made sense only when the Liberal Party was liberal and competent. Under Morrison, it was neither. Nemesis simply confirmed this and how hard it is to locate Morrison’s convictions, let alone authenticity.

Even Turnbull was preferable; when interviewed for Nemesis he didn’t try to hide his dreadful side. His self-delusional punchlines made me laugh at loud. “I owed it to Australia,” Turnbull explained when asked why he wanted to be prime minister.

While Abbott at least had the grace, decency and wisdom to not appear on Nemesis, these three Liberal leaders owe us. The least they can do for us is to go find a purpose to the rest of their lives rather than keep revealing their hatreds, their narcissism and their insecurities. Take a leaf from Julia Gillard’s book, gents.

What made me shiver on a very hot Sydney day was the sight of Morrison, along with a bunch of men – and it was mostly men – who obfuscated, laughed, smirked, lied and lobbed nasty insults when talking about this period of Australian politics.

In what other workplace would people take such clear delight in fronting a camera to lie and call their colleagues fat, shitheads, liars, turds, thugs, terrorists and traitors? Yet we wave it off as just politics.

Maybe that’s why we end up with the politicians we deserve, with obfuscators, liars, tricksters, schemers and some very nasty people as our elected representatives.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 8:08 am

Thanks WolfmanOz. Appreciated.

February 14, 2024 8:10 am

‘Why Doesn’t Hamas Go to Hell and Hide There?’: Other Voices from Gaza

by Bassam Tawil

One can understand why Al-Jazeera and Arab media journalists are so anti-Israel that they do not want to provide a platform to any Palestinian to criticize Hamas.

Yet, one cannot understand why the foreign media is turning a blind eye to the critical voices coming out from the Gaza Strip and Palestinians and Arabs living outside the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave.

Why? These journalists are busy searching for stories that reflect badly only on Israel.

. “Anyone who questioned Hamas’s motives or objectives has been painted as a cowardly collaborator. To demand better living conditions or more political liberties was akin to treason…. Others are reluctant to speak out against Hamas for fear of seeming disloyal or pro-Israel.

If people outside of Gaza find it difficult to question the forced conformity, imagine how much more challenging it is for many inside the coastal enclave.” — Ahmed Fouad Al-Khatib, X (Twitter), January 6, 2024.

“You’re either going to govern and develop the place, or you’re going to be a resistance group, but you can’t do both at the same time…. Hamas could have made different choices that would have opened new political pathways for Palestinian unity and the development of Gaza.

Instead, they chose to hold their people hostage and divert materials and resources into a futile armed resistance project that has set Palestinians back by decades.” — Ahmed Fouad Al-Khatib, X, February 4, 2024.

. “Those who don’t have to live with the consequences of Hamas’s “resistance” are understandably the group’s most fervent supporters and excusers (weirdly especially in London).

Leave it to lousy beneficiaries of Western privilege to defend a terror group that oppresses its own people and uses them as cannon fodder in its suicidal adventures… Never forget that over 30,000 Gazans would still be alive today if Hamas kept its fighters at home on October 7.

The pro-Palestine movement deserves better ‘allies’ and ‘supporters’ than overt & covert Hamas enthusiasts.” — Ahmed Fouad Al-Khatib, X, February 2, 2024.

. [Palestinian writer Majdi Abd Al-Wahhab] called on the international community and the Arab world to act to eliminate all the Palestinian organizations and stop their military and civilian activity, “so that the Palestinians will be rid of them and their harm and can start blazing a new, straight path for themselves, far from destruction, killing and devastation.”

. “The destruction caused by Hamas to Gaza will not end even if Israel’s war on Gaza does stop.

The destruction will continue, as is evident from the ‘glorious’ history of our [Palestinian] organizations.” — Majdi Abd Al-Wahhab, Elaph, January 9, 20

February 14, 2024 8:14 am

As was said yesterday:

Victorian Premier today:

“This climate change blackout proves we have to GO HARDER at renewables….”

F$&@ them, they are retarded, they deserve it, and F$&@ them.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 8:16 am

Janet doesn’t pull any punches. Excoriates Morrison beautifully.

February 14, 2024 8:17 am

If Gon$alo Lira was a journalist then I’m a Senator and Armchair Warlord is a military analyst.

February 14, 2024 8:18 am

Taylor Swift is a bubblegum pop goddess. Clementine Ford is a garbage-gobbed woken wasteland who’s lately published accusatory lists of Jews. What happens if the two are combined, as if in a ghastly science experiment?

I suggest we nuke it from orbit.

February 14, 2024 8:19 am
February 14, 2024 8:26 am

F$&@ them, they are retarded, they deserve it, and F$&@ them.

Wise words.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 14, 2024 8:28 am

Commander Kingsley Scarce was relieved of his command of HMAS Brisbane in mid-September when the $3 billion guided missile destroyer was docked at Cairns.

That name rang a bell.

Back in the 1990s, I had peripheral dealings with a Commodore Kevin Scarce, later a Rear Admiral.

What are the chances of a familial link? Forget Rum, sodomy and the lash, how about nepotism?

Ha, ha, just read down and Kevin S gets a mention., but not his naval connection.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 14, 2024 8:28 am

“Bridget is a journalist …‘always was always will be’ is a common term that’s been used by companies and been used by many people to reflect that we have the oldest living continuous culture in this country,” Mr Anderson told Senate Estimates.


I am not sure it ever really was Aboriginal land, inasmuch as they could not defend it, did not improve any of it, did not build on it, they just…lived on it. At its mercy. They named parts of it and made up stories about it but none of this is imprinted on the land – whitey turned up and gave the same places names and the rocks and mountains and trees carried on as before. It is why Pascoe had to concoct his silly new mythos – to make it look like they owned the land the way we do now, then by claiming Aborigines did it first then they should have precedence. He knows nomads huddled under rock overhangs at the mercy of the elements, doing their best but never finding a way of doing better, is not compelling.

And longest continuous culture. A dubious claim to be sure. And a specious one – is a long lived culture of desperation more deserving or preservation than a younger one that provides a better life? The special charm of continuous cultures is the way they progress – Japanese, Chinese (now dead), Celtic, etc.

The Greeks progressed in mere centuries from their Bronze Age society, through varying fortunes, through innovation, through battle, into a culture so sophisticated we still muse over it now. The Romans in less than a thousand years went from a few shepherd villages on the hills in Latium to one which built aqueducts that carried water from far rivers to the centre of towns, so well built that despite being neglected some are still working today. The people who lived in the ruins after the fall of the empire thought they were built by giants. Their architecture and laws providing a starting point for countless traditions afterwards.

These last two whose influence is still felt today and is built into the fabric of so much create, did so in a fraction of the time of ‘the worlds oldest continuing culture’ (which was not so much continuous as perpetual, being relived year on year, century on century, millennium on millennium, without discernible variation save perhaps the first century or so), a grinding eternity of privation.

As for corporations repeating the mantra – only in discrete corners such as HR departments, marketing, legally or contractually mandated ‘heritage’ departments etc – nothing to do with how a corporation actually produces things. It is pantomime to salve the feelings of a great victim class.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 14, 2024 8:29 am

I suggest we nuke it from orbit.

Only way to be sure.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 14, 2024 8:30 am

That name rang a bell.

Do they still use bells on Navy ships?

February 14, 2024 8:31 am
February 14, 2024 8:33 am

It’s like COVID. They love being told what to do.

It’s like this meme about educated morons and authoritarianism.

February 14, 2024 8:44 am
February 14, 2024 8:52 am

Far better than a down tick, I am now handing out black marks.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 8:52 am

Tom at 4:11 – Pope provides a glimpse of what is to come, Spud derangement syndrome. Albanese (or his replacement) and the Liars will be utterly incapable of running on any record of achievement so get set for another SloMo v Peanut Head personality contest.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 8:56 am

Far better than a down tick, I am now handing out black marks.

I’ve had to hand out a few yellow cards over the years. Typically for egregious breaches of good taste and civilised behaviour. I have taken no pleasure in having to do so.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 9:00 am

Barking Toad at 8:16

Janet doesn’t pull any punches. Excoriates Morrison beautifully.

He was truly awful. A hollow man indeed. Good riddance.

February 14, 2024 9:02 am

Experts warn electric vehicle weight threatens road safety and infrastructure

Safety experts are grappling with an array of infrastructure burdens and dangers associated with electric vehicles, which can weigh up to 50% more than traditional automobiles thanks to their heavy lithium-ion batteries.

Heavy electric vehicles damage roads, bridges and parking garages. Some can plow through highway safety guardrails and pose a greater danger to gasoline-powered cars, pedestrians and bicyclists.

The problems associated with EVs are poised to grow as more consumers buy them under the Biden administration’s plan to eliminate gas-powered vehicles and the tailpipe emissions that come with them.

In January, a group of engineers writing for Structure magazine warned that construction industries must adapt the nation’s infrastructure to support an increase in heavier electric vehicles.

The authors said parking garages are an example of infrastructure threatened by an increase in EVs, such as the Ford F-150 Lightning, which at 8,240 pounds weighs nearly 1,800 pounds more than Ford’s bestselling, gas-powered F-150.

“Significantly increasing passenger vehicle weights combined with recently reduced structural design requirements will result in reduced factors of safety and increased maintenance and repair costs for parking structures,” the engineers wrote. “There are many cases of parking structure failures, and the growing demand for EVs will only increase the probability of failure.”

Another scary EV safety threat unfolded this fall at the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility in Nebraska.

Engineers pitted an electric-powered pickup truck against a standard highway guardrail.

They chose one of the heaviest EVs on the market — the 3.6-ton Rivian R1 — and sent it speeding straight toward the metal guardrail at 62 miles per hour.

In a second experiment, engineers hurtled a Rivian down the road at the same speed and steered it into the guardrail at an angle.

In both cases, the Rivians ripped through the guardrail and continued onto the other side of the road.

“Increasing weight means that there’s a lot more force required to redirect that vehicle to the roadway,” University of Nebraska professor Cody Stolle, who led the study, told The Washington Times. “We found these guardrail systems don’t have great compatibility with these [electric] vehicles yet.”

Electric vehicles also have a lower center of gravity. Although EVs are considered safe for their passengers, they may be more dangerous in crashes with lighter, gas-powered cars and more deadly on impact with bicyclists and pedestrians.

“Their extra weight will afford them greater protection in a multi-vehicle crash,” Raul Arbelaez, vice president of the Vehicle Research Center at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, wrote in March.

“Unfortunately, given the way these vehicles are currently designed, this increased protection comes at the expense of people in other vehicles.”

The average weight of an electric battery is 1,000 pounds. The standard lead-acid battery for a car weighs 25 to 60 pounds.

February 14, 2024 9:06 am

Tucker Carlson Discusses Russia and the Big Question, “Are We Being Played by Western Intel?”

February 12, 2024 – Sundance

Here’s the baseline context of my review on this discussion provided by Tucker Carlson, as he takes part in the “World Government Summit at What’s Next for Storytelling?”

Tucker is shocked, shocked to see with his own eyes that Russia is a modern, beautiful, safe, clean, well-run nation filled with generally happy people who are just like you and me – only they don’t pretend.

That’s it, that’s the major difference.

If you were to analyze all of the varying realities around the opinions of those few people from the West who have literally put boots on the ground in Russia, the major thing that everyone would have a hard time explaining is this non-pretense.

However, as soon as you say, “They don’t pretend,” anyone who has visited Russia in the last two years says, “Yes – that’s it; exactly that.”

Essentially, that’s what Tucker is trying to explain also.

Yes, we in the West are being played by Western interests in creating our opinion of Russia.

Yes, to just about everything Tucker Carlson is saying in this segment – only more.

Tucker didn’t even go to the beautiful places like St. Petersburg; he was limited by self-choice to being stuck in Moscow. WATCH (prompted):

February 14, 2024 9:07 am

What are the chances of a familial link? Forget Rum, sodomy and the lash, how about nepotism?

See also: Sinclair, Rourke.

February 14, 2024 9:07 am

Senator Hollie Hughes quizzed Mr Anderson about the comments made by [Bridget] Brennan, a Dja Dja Wurrung and Yorta Yorta woman…

I was led to believe the Brennans hailed from Kilkenny.

February 14, 2024 9:12 am

While Abbott at least had the grace, decency and wisdom to not appear on Nemesis, these three Liberal leaders owe us. The least they can do for us is to go find a purpose to the rest of their lives rather than keep revealing their hatreds, their narcissism and their insecurities.

Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome.

Incurvatus in se.

February 14, 2024 9:12 am


In a story about young people scratching money to launch new businesses because they cant borrow/save enough to buy established ones theres mealy mouthed tooth sucking over “how risky it is for them”.

Before it hits what they really care about.
Boomers not finding young people to buy their overpriced existing businesses.

A big part of the problem, we’re told, is that entrepreneurs, especially younger ones, who have for decades borrowed money to buy existing staffed businesses from those selling up and retiring, can’t afford to do that anymore.

My response is simple.

February 14, 2024 9:15 am

Mother Lode @ 8:28AM

Nailed it.

February 14, 2024 9:20 am

Hello Tinta. Happy Valrntine to you.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 9:22 am

Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome.

I wonder why psychiatrists would have difficulty working that one out.

February 14, 2024 9:27 am

Via Gateway Pundit.

It appears a bomb sniffing dog could not smell one of the J6 pipe bombs.

Perhaps it was not a real bomb.

February 14, 2024 9:30 am

Ticker Carlson is Superb in that Interview

Question: “You know your Presient Biden Well”

Answer: “Yes I do”

Question: “Comparing the Culture, the Competence between Vladimir Putin and Biden how do you see the two men now running the world?”

Answer: “I mean if this were boxing the fight would be called by the medic.

Um, I don’t have another passport, I don’t plan to ever leave my country my family’s been there hundreds of years and I love it I am a patriotic American and I so and I say that as an American and I’m I grieve when I see that the president is Non-Comp Mentis and that in my country it is considered very rude to say that, and you sort of wonder how did you get to a place where you have an incompetent president who’s driven not simply the standard of living but life expectancy downward and no one feels free to say that.

That’s not a political observation, and the most radicalizing thing I would just say for it’s a statement of fact which is provable empirically and the most radicalizing thing I would just say for me in the eight days I spent in Moscow was not simply the leader of the country who of course is impressive.

It’s the largest land mass in the world and it’s wildly diverse linguistically culturally religiously as hard to run a country like that for 24 years whether you like it or not so an incapable person couldn’t do that he is very capable and many of you know him and you know that

what was radicalizing very shocking and very disturbing for me was the city of Moscow where I’d never been, the biggest city in Europe 13 million people and it is so much nicer than any City in my country

I had no idea my father spent a lot of time there in the 80s when he worked for the US government and barely had electricity, and now it is so much cleaner and safer and prettier aesthetically it’s architecture food its service than any country city in the United States that you have and this is non ideological.

How did that happen, how did that happen and at a certain point I don’t think the average person cares as much about abstractions as about the concrete reality of his life

and if you can’t use your Subway for example as many people are afraid to in New York City because it’s too dangerous you have to sort of Wonder like isn’t that the ultimate measure of leadership and that’s true by the way it’s radicalizing for an American to go to Moscow I didn’t know that I’ve learned it this week to Singapore to Tokyo to Dubai and Abu Dhabi because these cities no matter how we’re told their run and on what principles they run are wonderful places to live that don’t have rampant inflation where you’re not going to get raped.

Question: excuse me what is that excuse me are you anti-American model

Answer: no I am the most pro-american so I’m 54 I was born in 1969 I grew up in a country that had cities like Moscow and ab Abu Dhabi and Dubai and Singapore and Tokyo and we no longer have them and what I have discovered is that’s a voluntary Choice

February 14, 2024 9:30 am

The globalist elites will stop at nothing to gain more control over your life.

The premise is simple.

The more you are forced to rely on government approval or support, the easier you are to control.

That’s why we see the slow creep toward totalitarianism under the climate change cult.

Those seeking that outcome have now convinced the populace that saving the planet from people is a virtuous and essential cause.

It also allows every aspect of your life to be examined to see if it is a threat to the planet.

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a key part of that examination and control. It will allow everything you purchase and consume to be assessed and if you don’t meet their arbitrary standards, then you can be ‘managed’ via your finances.

That’s why a CBDC should be resisted at all costs. It’s also why a decentralised digital store of wealth (like Bitcoin) offers freedom.

But the overlords aren’t content with controlling your money. They want to take away other alternatives too.

That’s the message from the latest WEF funded research that suggests growing your own fruit and vegetables is a threat to the planet.

According to the alarmists, on average, a serving of food made from traditional farms creates 0.07 kilogram (kg) of CO2.

Meanwhile, the impact on the environment is almost five times higher at 0.34kg per portion for individual city gardens.
Headline from The Telegraph 22/1/2024

The researchers grouped urban agriculture sites into three categories: individual or family gardens, including allotments; collective gardens, such as community gardens; and larger, commercial-orientated urban farms.

They said:

“The most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban agriculture sites we studied was the infrastructure used to grow the food, from raised beds to garden sheds to pathways, these constructions had a lot of carbon invested in their construction.”

Apparently fruit was 8.6 times more eco-friendly when grown conventionally rather than in a backyard garden, whereas vegetables were 5.8 times better for the environment when left to the ‘experts’.

It’s not hard to see what’s coming next.

There’ll be demands for new regulations on growing your own produce, making you even more dependent on the big government, big business nexus.

But there’s no need to panic. According to one of the commenters ‘individuals should still be allowed to grow potted plants’ and ‘tomatoes and asparagus’.

We’ve already seen climate zealots follow the WEF alarmism with their plans to close family farms and cull cattle. They want us to stop eating meat and consume insect protein instead.

They want to confine us in 15 minute cities and own nothing. It appears that now extends to not having your own alternative source of home grown food.

The WEF is an organisation hell bent on imposing tyranny.

Any government that goes along with any of their diktats , needs to be thrown out.

Have a great day.


February 14, 2024 9:31 am

“So in our industry there’s a high number of single operators at the moment and that’s certainly contributed to the fact that it’s very difficult to sell a business.”

Most service businesses have negative goodwill. I know that will ruffle some feathers, but it’s the truth. If it wasn’t the truth, the boomergeddon wouldn’t be happening.

I’ve seen people sell a consulting business. Most of us analysts couldn’t see the value to a potential buyer.

Even if you buy it and retire their branding an experienced person there could start up as a rival.

February 14, 2024 9:32 am

That’s why a CBDC should be resisted at all costs. It’s also why a decentralised digital store of wealth (like Bitcoin) offers freedom.

He’s been doing his homework.

A redemption arc perhaps?

February 14, 2024 9:39 am


Goodwill can’t be negative.

That’s like saying there are good and bad debts.

Ask Socrates.

February 14, 2024 9:40 am

Yes, we in the West are being played by Western interests in creating our opinion of Russia.

No, not me.

Are Russians, Poles, Latvians, Ukrainians “western interests”?

Russians are fine. Putin is stuck in the 17th century.

Here’s a map for you:

comment image

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 14, 2024 9:42 am

And longest continuous culture. A dubious claim to be sure.

Which it isn’t – that honor belongs to the San Bushmen of Southern Africa, over 100,000 years.

February 14, 2024 9:43 am


Sniffers aren’t 100% reliable. They certainly increase the odds but it’s not 100%. You should know that by your own chair sniffing in shopping malls.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 14, 2024 9:45 am

Millions of dollars found inside tunnel where Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar hid after massacre

By anne barrowclough
Senior Digital Journalist
9:31AM February 14, 2024
No Comments

In the days after the October 7 massacre, Hamas’ leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, hid in a tunnel under the southern city of Khan Younis with his wife, children – and millions of dollars in cash.

The terror leader was captured on Hamas’ own surveillance cameras fleeing through a network of tunnels on October 10, just three days after militants slaughtered 1200 people in southern Israel and captured hundreds more.

The video, obtained by the Israeli Defence Forces, shows Sinwar’s brother Ibrahim leading the family through the tunnel passage.

Sinwar brings up the rear of the group, carrying a bag and wearing Adidas shoes.

The IDF said that although he was filmed from behind, they were able to identify the Hamas leader by his ears.

In a press conference called to air the footage, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari confirmed the footage showed “the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the chief murderer Yahya Sinwar fleeing with his children and one of his wives through the network of tunnels.

“In the footage, which was taken on October 10, at the beginning of the war, he escaped with his family underground to one of the safe accommodation complexes he had built in advance,” Rear Adm. Hagari added.

“We are determined to capture him – and we will capture him.”

A separate video of the tunnel where Sinwar and other Hamas leaders hid in the wake of the massacre shows a series of rooms including two bathrooms, a well-equipped kitchen, and a sleeping area with uniforms spread out on a bed. It also shows a room which the IDF said was Sinwar’s private room, and which holds a safe in which they said they found millions of shekels and dollars.

“Following searches, we arrived at the compound where (Sinwar) was staying with other senior officials, hiding underground, while the war was going on above him,” Rear Adm. Hagari told reporters.

“Senior Hamas officials resided in the compound in good conditions. They have food and bathrooms, along with safes with personal funds of millions of shekels and dollars in cash.”

Sinwar 60, became Hamas’ political leader in Gaza in 2017 and works closely with Hamas’s military wing. Known as the “butcher of Khan Younis” for his ruthless pursuit of Palestinian collaborators, in the days after October 7 he warned Israel the massacre was “just a rehearsal.”

“The leaders of the occupation [Israel] should know, Oct. 7 was just a rehearsal,” he said.

The tunnel in which he was hiding is part of a major network of passages raided by the IDF under a cemetery in the Bani Suheila area of Khan Younis, the Times of Israel reports.

Rear Adm. Hagari said the tunnels contained “bedrooms of senior Hamas officials and the office of the commander of the Khan Younis Brigade’s Eastern Battalion, from where he directed the attack on October 7.”

He said the network also connects to tunnels where hostages were held.

“One video or another is not what really matters. What is important is the intelligence that will allow us to reach senior Hamas officials and the hostages. The hunt for Sinwar will not stop, until we catch him, dead or alive,” he said.

The IDF spokesman said troops had also detained family members of senior Hamas commanders and of Sinwar.

“In the Shin Bet interrogations, they are providing us with a lot of intelligence,” he said.

The IDF released the videos as Israel plans a ground invasion inside the southern city of Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians have fled to escape fighting.

Israel claims it is developing a plan to evacuate civilians but is unable to say where they could go.

February 14, 2024 9:53 am

Grampians fires has smoke drifting over the farm. A good distance away from us but thinking of my nephew who left yesterday afternoon as crew on our local tanker. It’s his first run at a forest fire in closed country.

Just back from an all nighter at Pomonal – dozens of houses lost, but much cooler and less windy today, so pretty much under control.

Just been talking with a mate down there. His local brigade hasn’t been called yet even though they are literally next door. A case of holding some local tankers in reserve as a quick response in case other fires get going, which is on the cards given the number of lightning strikes.

Which brigade? every man and his dog was out yesterday, including mine which is 20km away. I missed the day truck so did town cover with my fire trailer.

February 14, 2024 9:55 am
February 14, 2024 9:58 am

Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome.

I wonder why psychiatrists would have difficulty working that one out.

Limited real life experience.

February 14, 2024 10:01 am

Unfortunately I am out & about today so can not view how Michael Lee wraps things up.
I wish the federal court left the videos up.

February 14, 2024 10:09 am

A separate video of the tunnel where Sinwar and other Hamas leaders hid in the wake of the massacre shows a series of rooms including two bathrooms, a well-equipped kitchen, and a sleeping area with uniforms spread out on a bed. It also shows a room which the IDF said was Sinwar’s private room, and which holds a safe in which they said they found millions of shekels and dollars.

The only claim I would doubt in this report is the suggestion that Sinwar & his compatriots left a sizeable cash stash in the safe.

My guess is that this was reported in order to “put the cat among the pigeons” amongst Hamas leaders. : “Where is the money???”

February 14, 2024 10:09 am

Thanks to all who post excerpts from the various ‘news’ outlets. The Janet A piece on ‘Nemesis’ (which I did not watch) was superb.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 10:17 am

Federal court in session on-line

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 14, 2024 10:18 am

My guess is that this was reported in order to “put the cat among the pigeons” amongst Hamas leaders. : “Where is the money???

Donated to the Israeli Army welfare fund?

February 14, 2024 10:18 am

Thanks for reminding me about the court today..Heres the link

February 14, 2024 10:22 am

Just an observation.
The lawyerette on the left side is a little hottie.

February 14, 2024 10:24 am

Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome.
I wonder why psychiatrists would have difficulty working that one out.
Limited real life experience.

Oh, I wondered when a discussion of personality disorders would arise here! I have not been on the internet since yesterday & may have missed any discussion.

Just a brief background:

I have considerable first hand experience since my dear departed parents sadly suffered a common double: he was a classic narcissist, and she – which is not uncommon in a marriage with a narcissist – suffered from a “Borderline Personality Disorder”. It took me most of my adult life, and a close friendship with a couple who were similarly affected, to understand these disorders. It was very very important in me coming to terms with the disruptions and sadnesses of my childhood. In retrospect, it has only increased my love and sympathy for them and their troubled personal lives, even though it brought me considerable personal grief.

While I think most people have a woking knowledge of narcissism, few understand the borderline personality. In brief, it is the personality which blames the partner for their emotional subservience, yet (most often) refuses to leave the relationship. This is a gross over simplification, but it is a working description. The two disorders work in perfect “harmony” – though this is the opposite description of the “actual” harmony!

I once attended a most interesting talk at the Sydney Museum (of all places!) on the narcissistic personality by – wait for it – David Williamson! It was quite fascinating & I asked him if he thought that the narcissist in these relationships actually created the “borderline” response. He was not averse to accepting that possibility.

So……eventually, when you associate with a narcissist for any length of time, you come to recognise the characteristics. Mind you, they can disguise them for a long while under the guise of their self-importance. When you eventually recognise it ….RUN A MILE!

February 14, 2024 10:27 am

Support peeling away from Dutch centre-right political parties as they refuse to form a coalition with Wilders as PM.

At the present rate, if they have to hold another election, he’ll win even more seats.

February 14, 2024 10:28 am

Which brigade? every man and his dog was out yesterday, including mine which is 20km away. I missed the day truck so did town cover with my fire trailer.

Thinking of you and all in the area – be careful!

We have been slashing grassa metre high in our valley & are s–t scared about the danger when it dries off on other farms which don’t – or can’t – slash.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 14, 2024 10:35 am

Sometimes corgis are a lot heavier than they seem.

Corgi-sized meteor as heavy as 4 baby elephants hit Texas – NASA

The meteor in question struck the Earth near McAllen, Texas with the energy equivalent of 8 tons of TNT, but there were no reported casualties or damages.

Eight tons of TNT? Dropping exploding corgis from B-52 bombers would be a devastating weapon. I can see why Queen Elizabeth was so feared.

February 14, 2024 10:36 am

There’ll be demands for new regulations on growing your own produce,

no – they’ll come up with some lame health risk excuse like they did with rainwater off your roof.

It’ll be ‘for your own good’, and people will lap it up.

February 14, 2024 10:36 am

Feb 14, 2024 10:24 AM

Your comment is very, VERY relatable, though with slight differences in the diagnoses. I’ve also crossed paths with an individual in an employment setting who I very strongly suspect had a BPD. (The public service is where these types go to live out their lives and fantasies with little or no fear of repercussions).

February 14, 2024 10:38 am

I once attended a most interesting talk at the Sydney Museum (of all places!) on the narcissistic personality by – wait for it – David Williamson!

That doesn’t surprise me…a dramatist needs a good understanding of the human psyche, warts and all.

February 14, 2024 10:40 am


Only 10,000 years. That’s quite recent for a northern hemisphere Aboriginal fish trap.

February 14, 2024 10:40 am

“The most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban agriculture sites we studied was the infrastructure used to grow the food, from raised beds to garden sheds to pathways, these constructions had a lot of carbon invested in their construction.”

As with most of their “science” this is utter and complete rubbish. As the link I posted yesterday show, it is based on a single study which should take the Nobel Prize for dishonesty

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 10:41 am

Just an observation.
The lawyerette on the left side is a little hottie.

I’d be prepared to hold hands.

February 14, 2024 10:43 am

Can I just say I approve of the new metric measurement for explosive force : corgis

” the Tsar bomba exploded with the force of 1000 corgis’

February 14, 2024 10:45 am

Israel claims it is developing a plan to evacuate civilians but is unable to say where they could go.

They could be moved to Israel to clean up and rebuild the towns wrecked on October 7th.

February 14, 2024 10:45 am

The poor channel 10 lawyerette is back for another day of being flogged from pillar to post.

February 14, 2024 10:45 am

There’ll be demands for new regulations on growing your own produce…

In any battle between bureaucrats and home gardeners, I’d back the gardeners.

Pitchforks ready?

local oaf
February 14, 2024 10:46 am

There’ll be demands for new regulations on growing your own produce,

no – they’ll come up with some lame health risk excuse like they did with rainwater off your roof.

They did that in my area. We’re not supposed to eat anything grown as the soil might have been contaminated by industry a hundred years ago.

I’ve eaten heaps of fruit and veg grown in my backyard, hasn’t affected me or my monkey!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 10:48 am

Ten bimbette back in the box.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 10:49 am

Aaaand two minutes in Lee asks bimbette “Would you like to reconsider that answer?”

February 14, 2024 10:50 am

The words “gross professional misconduct” have been uttered.

lawyerette “not accepting that”.

10 is toast, cane toad might skate, as it looks like the channel 10 lawyers, acting on behalf of the cane toad werent acting in her best interests but looking after themselves/channel 10

February 14, 2024 10:50 am

Random thought on the Israel-Gaza conflict:

Being tech-challenged, I’m unsure if this is practical yet, but I have wondered if it were possible to create a ‘video’ of Yahya Sinwar, and broadcast it to the Gazan citizens now holed up in the south. The aim would be to ‘separate the head from the body,’ that is, to induce the citizens and low-to-mid level operatives to believe they had been used and abandoned. The AI Sinwar might announce that he had successfully escaped, thanks to the courage and bravery of Gazans, and suggest that now they had served their purpose, they were to help themselves. He might also suggest that an imposter among them claiming to be himself, would attempt to sabotage their chances of reaching safety.

Of course, inducing panic might work counter to any undercover Israelis present in or near the areas concerned, but the intention would be, again, to attempt to influence the morale of civilians and combatants. Such a broadcast would require a follow-up plan.

(Even if it were technically possible to artificially create an image of Sinwar talking, how it would be broadcast to as broad an internal Gazan audience as possible given the infrastructure damage, is another problem entirely).

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 10:54 am

I think Mr Quill is in a spot of bovver too.

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 10:54 am

Feb 14, 2024 7:21 AM
John H.-

Thanks for the music

ECM released some fabulous stuff over the years.

Intriguing mixes of big-name and “obscure” artists, mostly of the “jazz” persuasion; often “doing their own thing”, in between “gigs” or between conventional contracts with the “majors. Quite a bit of their early vinyl graces my shelves Actual “listening music for when the mood strikes or a musical “cleansing” is required.

“Retirement-19” has somewhat curtailed m purchasing the “real” recordings, but the inter-tubes pop up some nice surprises.

Thanks again.


Long time fan of ECM. Premium quality pressings. Jazz was prominent and also what I call experimental music. You might be interested in a British label, Gondwana Records. Similiar releases to ECM but not of the same calibre. Matthew Halsall is worth a listen. The Polish composer\singer Hania Rani has some interesting material. For wonderful ambient music of the soft and comforting kind I love this album:

Svaneborg Kardyb – Over Tage (Deluxe Edition) (Official Album Video)

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 14, 2024 11:01 am


Bruce Pascoe, come on down. Show us your wall!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 11:01 am

Feb 14, 2024 10:50 AM

The words “gross professional misconduct” have been uttered.

lawyerette “not accepting that”.

10 is toast, cane toad might skate, as it looks like the channel 10 lawyers, acting on behalf of the cane toad werent acting in her best interests but looking after themselves/channel 10

And for the purposes of settling scores based on petty jealousies within the profession as well.
A lot of mud is sticking.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 11:03 am

Lawyer Bimbette
“Lisa had already dug a hole, so had to keep giving.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 11:05 am

Had to keep giving?
Had to keep digging.

February 14, 2024 11:07 am

Considering Drumgold contradicted the Chief Justice of the ACT I can’t imagine there being much of a way back for him in any jurisdiction.
She ranks far higher in those who have to be protected at all costs.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 14, 2024 11:07 am

This one is for Cats who follow US politics. It’s quite entertaining…

Summit described as ‘an alternative to CPAC’ to feature speakers, including Adam Kinzinger, Asa Hutchinson, and others (12 Feb)

Former U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele, and various other individuals are listed as speakers for the upcoming Principles First Summit slated to take place later this month.

“The theme of this year’s Summit is ‘Conserving America’s Liberal Tradition,’” according to a press release that describes the event as “an alternative to CPAC.”

Some of the other individuals slated to speak at the summit include Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, “The View” co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin, George Conway, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, and Steve Hayes.

Rinos as far as the eye can see! The Great Plains in Africa could do with a herd this large. I wonder how many actual voters they’ll get to turn up?

February 14, 2024 11:08 am

On iPad pool side at a resort.
A resort for land whales from what I’m witnessing.
Japs en route with harpoons.

February 14, 2024 11:10 am

New lawyerette for defenestration being sworn in.

February 14, 2024 11:10 am

Bird a few pool beds down.
Applying sunscreen with a paint roller for the past 10 mins.
True story.

February 14, 2024 11:12 am

Rinos as far as the eye can see!

Not a single horn among them.

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 11:12 am

Feb 14, 2024 10:24 AM
Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome.
I wonder why psychiatrists would have difficulty working that one out.
Limited real life experience.

Oh, I wondered when a discuss

I’m currently dealing with one and preparing a strategy. Did some reading last night. The reading last night indicated:

Can’t be cured.
Contrary to popular opinion they often have good insight into behavior and know exactly what they are doing.
They don’t care about other people’s feelings or do so only to the extent of further manipulation.
Some of the advice I read was contradictory. For example, praise them in order to manipulate them. Yeah I get that because they crave attention but praise is enabling.
Set very clear boundaries and never deviate from those.
Don’t tell them they are narcissistic, that has no effect and can backfire.
Remember that they are not in control of their behavior.
They will frequently try to gaslight you.
Don’t expect apologies or expressions of guilt.
Don’t get triggered because some narcissists can be hopelessly insecure and hence is constantly seeking dominance.
Alternatively, some narcissists have delusions of grandeur and no amount of criticism will change that.
Giving them the illusion of control through subtle manipulation is one way to prevent them seeking dominance. That is very difficult.

This will be fun, at this point in my life I don’t bother with human beings but I need to do this to help my friends who live with him. I’m not sure more reading will help but I’ll keep looking.

February 14, 2024 11:15 am

Are you a shrinkydink John H?
You must see some abominations.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 14, 2024 11:17 am

Yikes. A BMW i3 is not a large car.

BMW i3 Owner Quoted Over $70,000 for New Battery (12 Feb)

Last year, the owner of a 2015 BMW i3 REx was reportedly quoted over $71,000 to have a new battery pack installed. For reference, that particular model would have retailed somewhere around $50,000 brand new. While we’ve seen some staggering high prices being entertained for EVs in need of a new battery pack this has to be one of more egregious examples on record.

According to an invoice from a Seattle-area BMW service center shared on Reddit, the owner was quoted $64,588 for parts last August. After taxes, that amounted to $71,208 and that’s before anyone bothered to factor in labor. The invoice has since been shared by CarBuzz and is making the rounds as the latest reason to feel uneasy about EV ownership.

That’s over a hundred thousand Aussie! Holy moly batman! I’ve highlighted the year model, the battery has expired after 8 years. Pretty much as could be reasonably expected. My 16 year old Mazda is going strong and not costing much – a $150 replacement thermostat is the only mechanical repair it’s needed.

February 14, 2024 11:18 am

John H., something else to consider is what type of narcissist you are dealing with.

A helpful primer here.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 11:21 am

The words “gross professional misconduct” have been uttered.

lawyerette “not accepting that”.

Hmmmm. That’s not how it works.

February 14, 2024 11:22 am

At Nuremberg: Hermann, did you commit war crimes ?
HG : I do not accept that.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 11:22 am

BMW i3 Owner Quoted Over $70,000 for New Battery

JC’s dealer?

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 11:23 am

Feb 14, 2024 11:18 AM
John H., something else to consider is what type of narcissist you are dealing with.

A helpful primer here.

Thanks Roger. Good link.

February 14, 2024 11:25 am

The camera angle on the witness for the Fed Court proceedings (Lehrmann …) is an interesting one as it allows good observation of respiration rate and jaw clenching.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 11:27 am

On iPad pool side at a resort.
A resort for land whales from what I’m witnessing.

Beat the Germans to a day bed. Well done!

February 14, 2024 11:28 am

Looking at the power poles which have shit themselves in Vic.
Similar design and I assume supplier here in WA where we had a bunch lie down as well.

This seems to indicate either

Poor design
Poor appreciation of strength needed in design. (so designed to meet criteria which weren’t high enough)
Poor materials.

Im of the opinion we have an onion of idiocy here.
The designers were given a “design this to “x” tolerance, where the cost of designing to the higher tolerance really needed collided with “holy shit thats too expensive”.
And id suspect some of the Chia steel supplied might be substandard, but again – cheaper is “good enough”.

February 14, 2024 11:28 am


They’re finally importing the 5 series wagon, but it’s an EV. Looks great. 🙂

February 14, 2024 11:28 am

Below is the level of high quality comments from his lordship JC. He likes to lead the way in creating the sewer of conflict he thrives upon.

However please remember that any posts where he received a lot of downticks must have been from people who don’t like him cheating the system. It is a total mystery why anybody here would not like him.

Just an inspiration to us all.

“You should know that by your own chair sniffing in shopping malls”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 14, 2024 11:28 am

Feb 14, 2024 10:40 AM
“The most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban agriculture sites we studied was the infrastructure used to grow the food, from raised beds to garden sheds to pathways, these constructions had a lot of carbon invested in their construction.”

As with most of their “science” this is utter and complete rubbish. As the link I posted yesterday show, it is based on a single study which should take the Nobel Prize for dishonesty

The Climate Alarmists have added Methane to CO2 as being part of their alarmists views as being a ‘greenhouse gas’ and contributing to Climate Change.

Farts contain methane. People fart. And apparently, vegetarians and vegans fart a lot more than people who eat meat. A lot more farts in fact.

And Climate Alarmists want us to eat less meat and presumably more vegetables/fruits etc in place of meat.

Citation being – Farting Monthly –

February 14, 2024 11:29 am

Just saw upthread that Pomonal copped it. Terrible. Is Halls Gap Zoo OK?

February 14, 2024 11:30 am

This will be fun, at this point in my life I don’t bother with human beings but I need to do this to help my friends who live with him. I’m not sure more reading will help but I’ll keep looking.

John H you may think it will be fun but in my experience – for what it is worth – it can be frustrating, time consuming and ultimately – pointless. These people don’t ever change – they can’t because they don’t recognise the problem!

My deep exploration of the syndrome was about 17 years ago & I read every scholarly work on the subject. It is fascinating. But, ultimately, it did not help the people I was trying to help. They are enmeshed in a psychological maze from which they will rarely escape. The friend (borderline) who eventually divorced her narcissistic husband encouraged (or at least tolerated) him to visit their two (now adult) daughters in her home. Both girls are irretrievably damaged mentally – both now in their late 30s – had rare relationships which never eventuated into stable long term ones. She could not see the pattern reemerging between father and his daughters, & its relevance for their relationships with men. Astonishing.

I actually saw one of the girls last night in the local pub. Overweight, eating on her own (as usual). This was a girl I recall when she finished her HSC – pretty, with friends & confidant. Subsequently tried to commit suicide, before a long decline. Her sister incapacitated by “back” problems & has never held a job.

So, John H, good luck – but beware.

February 14, 2024 11:32 am

Witness : I was typing the file note so I couldn’t have made mistakes.

The way SC QC let that hang before moving onto the next question was gold.

February 14, 2024 11:35 am

No reserving of beds at this place.
Cabanas yes, bed no.

February 14, 2024 11:35 am


I’m not creating conflict but merely replying to nonsense being posted. Almost every single one of my comments back has been replies to cheats and no-gooders like you angered by the plug-in removal.

And look, if you’re going to refer to an article you should link to it. After a decade, even you should be capable of linking and quoting, or is that a baby step too far.

Have the last comment because you need to.

February 14, 2024 11:41 am

Re transmission lines, AEMO says we’ll need 10 000km of new lines to integrate renewables with the existing eastern grid.

And it has to be done quickly.

A disaster waiting to happen, I fear.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 11:42 am

CH10 external lawyerette struggling already

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 11:47 am

Ten solicitor (paraphrased) …
“I wanted to keep my celebrity client. I also wanted to keep Ten as a client. So no conflict.”

February 14, 2024 11:49 am

Cheryl (I kid you not) on the checkout at the IGA who likes me wished me Happy Valentines Day. I said all I need is a girlfriend. Gave me a comely look. Not for the first time I should add. A bit long in the tooth (same age as me to be fair) but fit and tidy. Bugger it, why not.

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 11:51 am

Feb 14, 2024 11:30 AM
This will be fun, at this point in my life I don’t bother with human beings but I need to do this to help my friends who live with him. I’m not sure more reading will help but I’ll keep looking.

John H you may think it will be fun but in my experience – for what it is worth – it can be frustrating, time consuming and ultimately – pointless. These people don’t ever change – they can’t because they don’t recognize the problem! …

Thanks Vicki. In this case I have the advantage that having discerned the problem with the individual I can emotionally remove myself. Unlike yourself those around him never discovered his pathology. It was only last night when one said to me, “the reason he hates you is he cannot control you”, and remarks about his personal history, that the penny dropped and I recognized his condition. He sees me as his biggest threat.
I have no illusions about curing him. My goal is to find ways to manipulate his behavior so those around him can be protected from damage. We have one huge advantage: he is elderly, somewhat physically incapacitated, and hence dependent on the people around him – a narcissists nightmare! Good, because I am prepared to make his life a misery.

February 14, 2024 11:52 am

When I was being prepared to be a witness in a case a million years ago, I was told to not use a few words.
One of which was “obviously”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 11:52 am

The designers were given a “design this to “x” tolerance, where the cost of designing to the higher tolerance really needed collided with “holy shit thats too expensive”.

Possibly. There have been plenty of (political) accusations of “gold plating” the transmission network. Put 2 engineers in a room to answer the question and you’re unlikely to get the same answer either. No doubt the same issue with 2 economists either. The regulatory process around rates of return and WACC provides almost unlimited scope for argument.

February 14, 2024 11:55 am

Another group is prevalent at this pool club.
Old blokes in dick stickers.
Tomorrow the plan is to do the afternoon session to see if the morning crew is different to the afternoon crew.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 11:55 am

Justice Lee telling counsel that suppression isn’t consistent with proper administration of justice, except in very rare circumstances.
And embarrassment of your client isn’t one of them.
Not a view shared by his Victorian colleagues.

February 14, 2024 11:56 am

We are supposedly worried about the weather changing so we are building a power system more dependent on the weather. Genius!

February 14, 2024 11:57 am

Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome

Narcissism a.k.a “Healthy Ego”.

Like most things mental it depends on who is talking and what are the relevant incentives. Factor in drugs bizness and need for psych folks to earn on steady basis and govt $$$ flowing to disease “X” but not “Y” …


February 14, 2024 12:00 pm

Cleanup in the storeroom thanks Cheryl.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 14, 2024 12:00 pm

AEMO says we’ll need 10 000km of new lines to integrate renewables with the existing eastern grid.

And it has to be done quickly.

Get with the program Roger, renewables are too cheap to meter.

Albanese government investing in ‘cheaper, cleaner renewable energy’ to power homes (Sky News, 14 Feb)

Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek says the Albanese government is investing in “cheaper, cleaner renewable energy” to power homes and businesses.

Ms Plibersek’s comments come after concerns were raised about power outages across Victoria following “catastrophic weather conditions”.

“It’s very difficult when you have catastrophic weather conditions like we’ve seen, and polls and wires are coming down – there’s a degree to which that is unavoidable,” Ms Plibersek said.

Would 10,000 km more poles and wires increase the frequency of such events Tanya? Asking for a Slovenian economic ignoramus.

February 14, 2024 12:04 pm

Bugger it, why not.

Zafiro. Hopefully not the literal plan. Or dating in the 21st century has evolved somewhat. Nice story, but.

February 14, 2024 12:07 pm

Interesting. I am good enough to work out how to cheat the ticking system but not competant enough to post a link. Or it could be I am just not bothered with either.

Since I get to have the last word may I just say that JC is without doubt the biggest dickhead on this blog and has been for the past 10 years. Whoever is second is not even close.

“And look, if you’re going to refer to an article you should link to it. After a decade, even you should be capable of linking and quoting, or is that a baby step too far”

February 14, 2024 12:08 pm

CH10 external lawyerette struggling already

Lawyerette being thrown under a bus by a network that thought it could trust an exoerienced journalist not to publish an actionable slander live on air (which she subsequently did).

Being woke, the network is too stupid to understand the journalist in question is an activist who’ll do whatever it takes to skewer a political enemy — whatever the cost to her employer.

There is no defence for such legal recklessness.

Like many other leftwing media companies, the 10 Network faces millions in defamation awards because to refuses to discipline its employees.

February 14, 2024 12:09 pm

Good, because I am prepared to make his life a misery.

I do confess that when “our” narcissist cheated another friend in a business arrangement, husband and I helped her take him on legally. It resulted in him having to leave the state to do business elsewhere. I have to say – it was satisfying – but a really time consuming job.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 14, 2024 12:09 pm

John H. Feb 14, 2024 11:12 AM

That profile fits to a “T” someone we all know.

February 14, 2024 12:12 pm

Feb 14, 2024 11:28 AM

Anyone reading that sentence you quoted knows precisely why that creature resides in a sewage pond. I’d bet most operate their scroll wheels whenever they see a post from “JC”.

John H.
John H.
February 14, 2024 12:13 pm

Feb 14, 2024 11:57 AM
Psychiatrists generally concur that narcissism is the most difficult personality disorder to treat and/or overcome

Narcissism a.k.a “Healthy Ego”.

Like most things mental it depends on who is talking and what are the relevant incentives. Factor in drugs bizness and need for psych folks to earn on steady basis and govt $$$ flowing to disease “X” but not “Y” …


Not as cynical as me. There was an article on The Conversation about the dangers of supplements, describing it as a wild west scenario. One of the authors was a psychiatrist. Admittedly over the top, I sent this remark to my friends about that article:

Ironically one of the authors is a psychiatrist. FFS. Mirror, look, Jungian shadow, observe. The unalloyed hypocrisy!

February 14, 2024 12:14 pm

Feb 14, 2024 12:07 PM


February 14, 2024 12:20 pm

Feb 14, 2024 9:43 AM
Sniffers aren’t 100% reliable. They certainly increase the odds but it’s not 100%. You should know that by your own chair sniffing in shopping malls.

This is offensive and idiotically puerile.

I’m not creating conflict but merely replying to nonsense being posted.

Mate, this level of self delusion indicates some serious head problems.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 12:23 pm

Eeeeek! Ticks

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 14, 2024 12:25 pm

Justice Lee agrees with the Cat.
Advice or no advice, a cadet journalist should know that the Loggies speech was in contempt.
Cane Toad’s position is somewhat mitigated, but her liability won’t be fully extinguished.

February 14, 2024 12:26 pm

I think that’s Caroline Marcus in the back row of the court making a chore of whatever she’s eating.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 12:29 pm

Bugger it, why not.

Never let a chance go by Zafiro. Reminds me of a song.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 14, 2024 12:31 pm

Feb 14, 2024 12:07 PM

300 million Up Thumbs. Mind you, in reality, that would bring down the Blog unfortunately.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 12:32 pm

Cane Toad’s position is somewhat mitigated, but her liability won’t be fully extinguished.

How does that help her on the question of costs (the issue for today)? Either Ch 10 is liable to pay or it is not. Apportionment might come into play for damages in the main action.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 14, 2024 12:32 pm

Support the West. Aust. mining industry and buy only Japanese or Chinese made cars and SUV’s…

February 14, 2024 12:33 pm

Bugger it, why not.

I didn’t mean it that way LOL

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 14, 2024 12:38 pm

I think that’s Caroline Marcus in the back row of the court

Well spotted FTB. Taking copious notes.

February 14, 2024 12:39 pm

We are supposedly worried about the weather changing so we are building a power system more dependent on the weather. Genius!

Our previously simple system for delivering power is subject to “complex” weather events so we need to make a double plus “complex” solution because it sounds good.

Good thing we have the brains trust on this critical issue. I bet not a single engineer was within 3 layers of management proximity to the complex, must-have “solution”.

February 14, 2024 12:43 pm


You’ve obviously read the daily abuse from woddenhead – last Thursdays count was a record 26 mindless and abusive comments in two hours and by Friday he denied it.

You’ve obviously read those from the nasty Mallee bull dyke directed either to me or Liz

What are your thoughts?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 14, 2024 12:43 pm

Man the calibre of this whole courtroom is woeful.
Even the justice is slouching with his fingers in his gob, umming and ahhing. The legals aren’t much better, even tho their gowns and collars give them something to do with their hands, dithering and fumbling. They hardly seem to have the game in hand, at all, even with four abreast at the dinky podium thing. if I were paying them, i’d deduct from their bill each hour where they say “uhhh” more than five times.
Actual transcript-
“uhhh. I think we can
Uhhhhh. Can I umm suggest, I think we can suggest,
Urrr, I think to consider
uhhh. An adjournment.
Can I
Uhhh, suggest, that we
urrr take an adjournment to consider the
Does that
Does that
Uhhrrr. Does that seem.
We can
…and that’s the judge, which we are paying.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 14, 2024 12:50 pm

Wally – looks pretty standard to me. Everyone would have well resourced teams of lawyers and the IT and document handling systems are light years ahead of my (brief) day. LA Law it never is.

February 14, 2024 12:51 pm

Hmmm, Justice Lee wants to provide his verdict today. I think he has his mind already made up without hearing submissions from counsels.

1 2 3 6
  1. Dan Andrews to head youth mental health service Former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has been appointed to chair youth mental…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x