Vacation homes in a trust or corp. The land tax rate in Victoria for RE owned in a trust or company is now as high as 2.65%. Andrews went after the trusts or corps because they weren’t in his constituency. There’s now serious issues going on in the ritzier Victorian beach resorts. There are families that inherited homes who now have to sell up because they can’t afford the land tax, causing sales distress. At a rate of 2.65%, you’re, for all intents and purposes, renting the land from the state government.
February 22, 2024 2:49 pm
Rio Tinto has just approved the world’s biggest mining operation…in Guinea, west Africa.
It’s been coming a while Roger. And as we know, Africa has a way of derailing the best of plans. But, what is clear is that’s $6.2 Bill that wont be invested here.Add this to Mike Henry’s comments the other day. The labour situation in Oz is a major bottleneck and I don’t see it changing much either. On the plus side- it’s a great time to be a young diesel mechanic.
February 22, 2024 2:50 pm
I hope these young women like the fashion offerings they’ll be forced into when they get their wishes.
Stranger things have happened, Winston.
February 22, 2024 2:50 pm
On the plus side- it’s a great time to be a young diesel mechanic.
Until the music stops stone dead.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 2:50 pm
Rio Tinto has just approved the world’s biggest mining operation…in Guinea, west Africa.
About the most corrupt country on Earth.
At least they’ll have some nice muscular military-looking Chinese guys to keep the ferals and stand-over men away. How long before the Chinese partner is mysteriously awarded the whole mining operation is going to be a fun sweepstakes. Five years I’m guessing.
BoomerCons and their obvious plants like Bill Mitchell & Laura Loomer still want Snowden & Assange gaoled or executed and want to invade Panama to stop the US – Mexican border not being secured.
How on earth do they get to this? It’s truly bizarre. The cost of a lack of principles.
It’s up there with modern lefty classic Ls like No No Squares, Vaping Freakouts, Big Pharma Shilling and proving you are straight by going to a Gay Pride Parade.
February 22, 2024 2:51 pm
There’s now serious issues going on in the ritzier Victorian beach resorts.
You mean like the bright colored beach shoebox on a Mornington beach that just sold for $900k? Oh, the horror!
H B Bear
February 22, 2024 2:52 pm
This reminds me of tales of yore involving Esanda Finance/AGC and an avalanche of substantial bankruptcies.
The commercial property market gets pretty murky once you get beyond the recognised names. We put a lot of junk into Custom Credit in the late 80s and I’m sure there was worse out there.
Fair Shake
February 22, 2024 2:53 pm
Steve T thats sounds awful. Not sure what to say after you witnessed that.
Farmer Gez
February 22, 2024 2:54 pm
Finished the sheep.
You know it’s hot when your boots feel tight. Taking your boots and socks off is an underrated pleasure.
February 22, 2024 2:54 pm
Until the music stops stone dead
Nah. There’s a decade in that trade at least. At near 200k pa it’s all you need.
February 22, 2024 2:55 pm
But, what is clear is that’s $6.2 Bill that wont be invested here.
There’s also the strategic value of the mine to China “going forward” into interesting times.
February 22, 2024 2:56 pm
Oh yeah, raping corporations.
Our coal plants are at zero equity value if not negative and now have to be supported by taxpayer in order to keep them operating. You don’t need black skinned folks to be doing the raping as lilly white folks are pretty good too.
The Albanian is begging Hiden to go along with him and redefine nickel as “clean nickel”.
If using Chrome on a MacBook still getting this error:
Your clock is behind
A private connection to can’t be established because your computer’s date and time (Thursday, 22 February 2024 at 03:18:42) are incorrect.
I need to do an optimization and probably an upgrade of the database server. When these messages begin appearing its because the RAM on the dedicated sql server is maxxing.
Gay couple, large amount of blood found in home and both missing….police want to question one of them (not both, weird)…
Boambee John
February 22, 2024 4:03 pm
I make a point of not buying/borrowing anything penned by a female author. No doubt there may be some good ones.
Have taken a couple of crime books out of the library, generally OK, but after noticing a bit of “You go girrrrl” in the first one I read (actually the third in a series), I checked. Female author, but initials only on the front of the book. She doesn’t seem to be chasing the female reader only.
The one I am reading now, the second in the series has less of that, and is more focused on the male detectives than the female computer nerds.
Quite good crime books, if I see the first in the series, I will read it.
Mother Lode
February 22, 2024 4:06 pm
Finished the sheep.
Oh, come on!
It is not that sort of blog!
If I hear anything about la petite mort and floating aloft upon the toasty earthy fragrance of a sheep’s languorously heaving fleece, I am going to throw up!
Mummy mummy, I’m 16 years old now so can I wear a bra.
NO George.
Top Ender
February 22, 2024 4:08 pm
Female crime author – go Ruth Rendell. Nothing woke about her stuff. The Inspector Wexford series are excellent.
She also produced a range of stand-along crime stories as Barbara Vine.
February 22, 2024 4:08 pm
I need to do an optimization and probably an upgrade of the database server. When these messages begin appearing its because the RAM on the dedicated sql server is maxxing.
How many connections are allowed to the db server(assuming MySQL with Php codes on web side)? and how much RAM on server?
Preserving the balance of power was the rationale.
Sure, but it was a balance tilted in their favour. Still, Europe would have been better off with the Ottomans in Asia Minor alone.
Russian Empire would have been a stronger…
Which is what Britain & France feared.
They would have benefited from that greatly in WW1. We’d also have had no need for a Gallipoli campaign.
Boambee John
February 22, 2024 4:11 pm
Bruce of N
Since employers are valiantly trying to get their wukkas to come into the orfice full time these days I’d say what Burqa calls ‘mutual benefits’ would be better termed ‘rape’. That’d be in keeping with Labor’s class-warfare IR law and ‘disconnect’ law. Maybe corporations have backed the wrong horse…?
Big Corporation learning that there is a downside to fascism?
February 22, 2024 4:13 pm
I wonder how Channel Tin or their ABC are going to spin this one:
How many connections are allowed to the db server(assuming MySQL with Php codes on web side)? and how much RAM on server?
No idea to first, 500MB on the MySQL VPS.
Boambee John
February 22, 2024 4:20 pm
Which is what Britain & France feared.
They would have benefited from that greatly in WW1. We’d also have had no need for a Gallipoli campaign.
The ANZACS would then have gained their initial experience on the Western Front. As an example of what might have happened to them on the Western Front in 1915, look at Fromelles in 1916, where a largely untrained Australian division (as the 1st Division was in April 1915) was effectively destroyed in 24 hours.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 4:21 pm
go Ruth Rendell.
Yes, only read a couple but she also escapes the broad brush -missed that one.
Knuckle Dragger
February 22, 2024 4:22 pm
Taking your boots and socks off is an underrated pleasure
One of the few joys of infantry work.
February 22, 2024 4:23 pm
Can we keep the warmongering over grievances to at least living memory.
Mother Lode
February 22, 2024 4:24 pm
I have spent well on some wine for tomorrow night – a Pauillac.
We don’t really do cool climate in Australia – well, we aren’t a cool climate region – but the differences are worth experience.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 4:25 pm
Gay couple, large amount of blood found in home and both missing….police want to question one of them (not both, weird)…
Suspect Jesse brown bread and Luke in remorse heading for The Gap.
Lots of cool climate wines around Orange and Canbrrrrrrra.
Wally Dali
February 22, 2024 4:35 pm
JC- The Bride Stripped Bare was marketed as an anonymous memoir, feat. our heroine putting it about with just about anyone.
Winston- switch out the lemonade for a Yuzu
ML- gerwurtztraminer, mmmmmmm
re PD James- did she tip her hand with “Jack the Ripper: Case Closed”? Profiling and psychopathic Toff fantasy dressed up as a totally sciencey Gotcha?
The ANZACS would then have gained their initial experience
The what-if here really is if WW1 would have even happened at all in this circumstance.
Mak Siccar
February 22, 2024 4:39 pm
Johnny rotten
Feb 22, 2024 4:27 PM
Lots of cool climate wines around Orange and Canbrrrrrrra.
Beware. Some are overpriced and thin and pissy. A few are OK IMHO.
Delta A
February 22, 2024 4:40 pm
Re female authors: Sue Grafton wrote a series of books called “The Alphabet Murders”. Very good, IMO, with no woke or you go gurrl. Quite graphic and gory, actually. First novel, “A is for Alibi”, was published in 1982 with the last, “Y is for Yesterday” coming out in 2017. Grafton had intended to complete the set with a “Z” but sadly, died before completing it.
Janet Evanovich, one of my favourite authors, also wrote a crime series. Unlike Grafton, whose themes were often dark, even grim, Evanovich’s works are snappy and hilarious. (She started writing for Mills and Boon, but there’s no M&B in her crime novels.) Her first “One for the Money” was published in 1994. There are now 30 novels in this series.
February 22, 2024 4:43 pm
Julian Assange seems to have gone from being the darling of the Left from his old activist days to being a darling of the right?
I can’t say I’ve had the time to keep up with why this is but I can’t say I’m on the side of those who hack into government secrets. Then again, I can say I am. It depends.
I’ll sit this one out.
Mother Lode
February 22, 2024 4:44 pm
Taking your boots and socks off is an underrated pleasure
As a teenager in the suburban home in the seventies one of my jobs was mowing the front and backyards every second weekend.
I remember after pushing the Victa for a couple of hours on a hot summer’s day, sitting outside to marvel at my handiwork, nose filled with the smell of two-stroke and fresh cut grass, hands still shuddering in obedience to the now garaged mower, and drinking a great mug of Bushell’s tea with milk and sugar, the fumes of the tea winding its way through my mouth and nasal passages and sinuses.
It was a feeling of contentment and satisfaction that has been hard to match.
Yet I got it every second Saturday, and after protesting endlessly that the lawn could easily wait another week.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 4:46 pm
It’s just Medvedev being mouthy again.
He’s just stating the obvious.
He’s a mouthy idiot. One hundred Russian cities turned into radioactive glass because Medvedev is peeved at getting beaten by a third rate army? I don’t think so.
Idly wondering why anyone ( looking at you, Top Ender) would use memory hog Chrome, even more so on a Mac where it clogs the arteries well and truly.
If safari doesn’t work on a particular website, get Firefox or Brave (crypto reasons). Alternatively, if you want AI integration then MS Edge, believe it or not, even on a Mac.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 4:46 pm
Lots of cool climate wines around Orange and Canbrrrrrrra.
And some in Tassie.
February 22, 2024 4:48 pm
BREAKING: National Ms Society just released a statement backtracking on the entire story saying they were WRONG and APOLOGIZE to the 90-year-old volunteer who they forced to step down over pronouns.
The only regret thay have is not putting her in the re-education camp and getting busted.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 4:49 pm
Janet Evanovich, one of my favourite authors
Yep. All of her bounty hunter series are fun to read.
Not that I would drink the stuff. Just making the comment. Although living there in the early 2000s, Lark Hill Winery managed to sell a whole load of wines to Quaint Arse. It was nice wine drinking it next to the log fire with the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and veg and gravy. Apple crumble with custard for afters followed by port.
February 22, 2024 4:56 pm
LOL, Of course Rudd is involved.
Washington | The Biden administration is backing the Albanese government’s moves to recognise “clean” nickel, in efforts to help ailing Australian miners smashed by a supply glut from Chinese companies in Indonesia.
US ambassador Kevin Rudd has held talks with the White House, mining companies and US automakers about pushing global pricing agencies into distinguishing between nickel produced under high environmental and labour standards in Australia and “dirty nickel” that has flooded the market.
The Biden administration is backing the Albanese government’s moves to recognise “clean” nickel.
Janet Evanovich, one of my favourite authors, also wrote a crime series. Unlike Grafton, whose themes were often dark, even grim, Evanovich’s works are snappy and hilarious.
The audio books are brilliant. Lorelei King does all the voices superbly – Lula, Grandma Mazur, Connie, Vinnie, you’d swear they were right there in the room with you. 🙂
He’s a mouthy idiot. One hundred Russian cities turned into radioactive glass because Medvedev is peeved at getting beaten by a third rate army? I don’t think so.
He’s talking about direct NATO intervention, not losing what they hold now to the proxy army the West has stripped their warehouses to arm and also trained. Also, I find it strange that people continuously talk shit of the UKR army as ‘third-rate’ when their standard experienced units would likely defeat their British or German equivalents.
Afternoon all. Looks like Ex cyclone Lincoln is over fertile waters, favourable to a rapid intensification. Anywhere between Karratha and Exmouth in firing line. Track to 36hrs is apparently moderately good with prediction but after forecast accuracy drops off. JTWC, CIMSS & BOM all on board this will make Cat 2 at least.
Models however even the pick of the bunch the Euro ECMWF say neyt, Tropical Depression over Exmouth at the best…
Interesting to see how this plays out.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 5:04 pm
Tony Maddox: Christian Porter fights alleged Aboriginal Heritage Act breach for Toodyay business owner
Rebecca Le MayThe West Australian
Thu, 22 February 2024 12:04PM
A Toodyay real estate business owner has gone on trial for allegedly breaching the Aboriginal Heritage Act with works on his private property, arguing he didn’t damage the site because he was simply repairing a structure that was already there.
Tony Maddox is being represented by former Attorney-General Christian Porter at a two-day trial in the Perth Magistrates Court that began on Thursday, watched on by a large group of local supporters including his employees.
Mr Maddox was charged by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage last year, accused of damaging or altering a part of the Avon River — Boyagerring Brook — which runs through his rural residence north-east of Perth.
The State argues he altered the waterway by hiring contractors to concrete a gravel bridge across the brook, pumping in large quantities of bore water to create a large artificial lake and stirring up silt.
Prosecutor Lorraine Allen, representing the Department of Planning Land and Heritage and the Aboriginal Affairs Minister’s office, said Mr Maddox did not obtain registrar or ministerial consent to do so, as required under the 52-year-old Act.
Avon River — a sacred site in Noongar mythology and home of the Waugal, or rainbow serpent — appeared on the State Government’s online register of Aboriginal heritage sites, she said.
“It is available for anyone to check that site,” Ms Allen said in her opening address.
“He didn’t have those permissions and he did undertake the works.”
Mr Porter said the culvert crossing was already there when Mr Maddox bought the property in 2014, the works did not expand its footprint and in fact restored the flow of the brook to how it ran previously.
“In this instance, the change was to repair a pre-approved man-made structure,” he said.
“There will need to be a before and after analysis of evidence.”
Mr Porter said his client’s defence would be argued on two other grounds: that there “could well be doubt” as to whether the registered Avon River site extended to tributaries; and that Mr Maddox was not expected to have reasonably known that the Act applied to the brook.
A massive update of the Act was repealed last year, shortly after coming into force, following an outpouring of outrage from landowners, particularly farmers and pastoralists, who struggled to understand the complex and onerous new requirements.
Why is Greg Sheridan (who is normally pretty smarty) “all in” on Ukraine?
I still maintain its “baddies versus baddies” so why on Earth would he still take a side?
I used to be pretty quick to take a side but:
“the greyer I get, the greyer things get.”
Lysander, 22 February 2024 (yes, you can quote me).
February 22, 2024 5:11 pm
Trump is just freaking hilarious.
If he (Hiden) was on the stage, he wouldn’t be able to figure how to get off.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 5:12 pm
He’s talking about direct NATO intervention
Nope, he said if Russia has to give up any territory they’d nuke Washington. And the UK. Now Washington I could live without but the British Museum is close to my heart.
If I was Medvedev I’d be watching my back. He could get really inconvenient really fast. Keeping an atropine epipen in his pocket would be a prudent precaution assuming it works for Novichok.
“Attempts to restore Russia’s 1991 borders will lead only to one thing – a global war with Western countries with the use of our entire strategic (nuclear) arsenal against Kyiv, Berlin, London, and Washington. And against all other beautiful historic places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad,” Medvedev publicly declared on a social media platform.
I don’t see any caveats in that, do you? I hope his dacha is far far away from any nuclear targets, and that he has a suitable stockpile of food, water and lead lined underpants.
February 22, 2024 5:19 pm
Thanks JC, great stuff;
Loomer: President Trump, you’re very funny and you probably don’t notice it. How do you show US voters your funny side.
Trump: I don’t want to be a comedian.
Boambee John
February 22, 2024 5:20 pm
Feb 22, 2024 4:39 PM
The ANZACS would then have gained their initial experience
The what-if here really is if WW1 would have even happened at all in this circumstance.
To borrow from Shrillary Clinton, “At this point, what difference does {this speculation] make?” We cannot see the distant future, we have enough trouble managing the present.
February 22, 2024 5:21 pm
How many connections are allowed to the db server(assuming MySQL with Php codes on web side)? and how much RAM on server?
No idea to first, 500MB on the MySQL VPS.
Ask your tech slave to run this on the MySQL server (“SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “max_connections”;). It will provide a number beyond which the “database connection” error message starts to show. if its too low and available memory on the VPS allows you can update it to 2X or 3X using this command “SET GLOBAL max_connections = 300;”
To check connections in use try “show status like ‘%conn%’;” and look at threads connected as a proxy for current DB activity.
Re Mem. 500 MB sounds a bit low – depending on the user load. Might want to extend the VPS with more memory e.g. 1GB or 2GB.
Feb 22, 2024 1:15 PM
One of Sydney’s most prestigious boys schools told boys in an assembly not to use the word “moist” because it offends girls.
Oh for goodness sake.
Ok, what about damp, or even wet? I imagine dank is banished.
February 22, 2024 5:31 pm
I still maintain its “baddies versus baddies” so why on Earth would he still take a side?
I’m perplexed about it too, Lysander
February 22, 2024 5:32 pm
35 years!
Japan’s main stock index closes above 1989 record high
Apart from our Jane, the Brontës and George Eliot there are no female authors.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 5:39 pm
Kenny flying into barrister Nicholas Poynder (Nick, of Frederick Jordan Chambers in Sydney) over his vile support of Hamas and abuse of Israel and Jews.
How can the NSW Bar tolerate this vile bigot.
Nick might be looking for new Chambers at, say, Lakemba, shortly. But atm, he’s still on the Frederick Jordan Chambers website under the barrister list.
I’m dropping them an email now (from my bogey email address) to see if they’ll defend me, Abdullah Mohammed for slitting journos throats in the Golan Heights now…
February 22, 2024 5:45 pm
Could Trump choose RKF as his VP pick?
Some people are suggesting this on Twitter. Have doubts, but you never know.
February 22, 2024 5:46 pm
One of Sydney’s most prestigious boys schools told boys in an assembly not to use the word “moist” because it offends girls.
I’m told “wicking grade” Loctite used to be called “wick in” until some female complained.
Beaufort in Victoria, along with nearby towns, has been evacuated due to raging bushfires. My brother was in hospital there. I’m sure he’ll be fine, but it does give one a fright. Terrible for all the townsfolk.
If this link works, check out the pattern of bushfires; all along main roads.
Steve trickler
Feb 22, 2024 1:54 PM
I’ve just witnessed my first dead body…… A bloke on a motorcycle rear ended a car and then got ran over……… I wish I didn’t see it.
Sorry to hear. I regret to advise that it really doesn’t get much easier seeing that stuff. Try to compartmentalize in your head. A place where all the dark stuff goes. Also makes it easier to ‘lock away’ things you may see on the internet which are particularly gruesome. Whatever you do, it’s important you don’t ‘identify’ with the victim. I know that sounds harsh but is important.
There are plenty of services available – people to talk to – who can help you quarantine the vision and any thoughts. Do not try to tough it out – you are not alone.
H B Bear
February 22, 2024 5:51 pm
Tony Maddox is being represented by former Attorney-General Christian Porter at a two-day trial in the Perth Magistrates Court …
Cth Attorney-General to Magistrates Court suggests Porter’s gilded run is over.
February 22, 2024 5:52 pm
I love the phrase “we respectfully disagree”. Not that you’ll ever hear it from myself. I prefer the direct approach, you’re full of sh#t. Has a better ring to it.
Knuckle Dragger
February 22, 2024 5:52 pm
check out the pattern of bushfires; all along main roads
Climate change. Obviously.
No chance of arson whatsoever.
*la la la la la la*
February 22, 2024 5:55 pm
Whatever you do, it’s important you don’t ‘identify’ with the victim. I know that sounds harsh but is important.
Sage advice from someone who obviously has experience in such things.
February 22, 2024 5:56 pm
One of Sydney’s most prestigious boys schools told boys in an assembly not to use the word “moist” because it offends girls.
Forget about offending gals. I hate to even key the word. Moist and pregnant are the two ugliest sounding words in the English language. Both should never be used and I support the ban, but for a different reason.
Dear FJC
I am looking for a Barrister who can take on my case.
I don’t want to give all the details away but I was born in Palestine and moved to the Golan Heights some years ago where I slit several journalists’ throats while they kneeled down in orange suits. You might remember me from my earlier hits such as Terror in Mumbai, the London Bombings (series), Pakistani Peril (also a series), Lindt Cafe Siege (limited series) and many other great works.
I was raised by Hamas, schooled by Hamas and they showed me the way to this righteous path. It’s sad that I can’t get any help from Egypt (because they outlawed us as terrorists) nor Jordan (same deal). Even can’t find a Leb lawyer to take my case cos apparently they don’t like me/us either. I have heard great things of you amongst the Ummah.
I’m sure a great lawyer like Mr Poynder could get me off these charges, given his sympathies for our people’s global jihad. Please get in touch with me at [email protected] to find a time to discuss this case in more detail.
I also be in the same room as the kaffir pig loving infidels, so please ensure your choice of lawyer is adab.
Please note, for catering purposes, I cannot eat ham sandwiches.
Nope, he said if Russia has to give up any territory they’d nuke Washington. And the UK.
From what I read he did say “the downfall of Russia” would bring about a nuclear response and then went on to mention reverting to the 1991 borders bringing about a global war.
An external military threat is implied.
Sometimes – often, even – you can’t rely on the translation too exactly, but the gist of it would seem to align with what he and Putin have said previously about the conditions under which Russia would resort to nuclear war.
PROOF: Here is the Georgia state doc showing Judge McAfee donated to DA Fani Willis’ campaign
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 6:04 pm
There are plenty of services available – people to talk to – who can help you quarantine the vision and any thoughts. Do not try to tough it out – you are not alone.
Ep. 76 As they lecture us endlessly about human rights in other countries, the Biden administration is trying to kill journalist Julian Assange for the crime of embarrassing the CIA. His wife Stella joins us from his extradition hearing.
Feb 22, 2024 6:01 PM
My email, just sent, to FJC:
Dear FJC
I am looking for a Barrister who can take on my case.
That’s funny.
February 22, 2024 6:11 pm
We don’t really do cool climate in Australia
Some people trying interesting things in Tasmania.
Our wine industry is really quite innovative.
Think John Lehmann not James Halliday.
February 22, 2024 6:12 pm
Sometimes – often, even – you can’t rely on the translation too exactly,
If you’re casually discussing nuking three major western cities, it would probably be a great idea; it’s not lost in translation.
February 22, 2024 6:14 pm
James Biden altered his story during a closed-door interview with lawmakers on Wednesday after congressional investigators presented him with evidence directly contradicting his claims, according to a source familiar with the interview.
On a lighter note, last Tuesday Mrs Speedbox ordered a small item on-line and shortened delivery time was important. The store is located in inner Sydney. If ordered by 3pm, Express Post dispatch would be same day. Mrs Speedbox did so and paid some $21 for the service.
Within a few hours, a text with Express Post confirmation and tracking number was received. The boxed item will be about the size of a shoebox and weigh less than 1kg.
Now, she is informed by Australia Post, delivery will occur on Monday. How the f*** can it take 6 days to deliver a small parcel from Syd metro to Bris metro ESPECIALLY when Express Post is the confirmed delivery method.
Imagine working 60 hours a week struggling to put food on the table for your family…
Just for the government to come in and take half of your paycheck to fund endless wars and give free vacations to illegal immigrants at five-star hotels in your favorite Democrat-run cities.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 6:19 pm
Lysander @ 06:01pm.
Beautiful work, lovely darts!
Ponce Nicholas Poynder should be hounded out of his Chambers.
Sheridan is a drooling cretin who loves wars he doesn’t have to fight and goes on like it’s still Thatcher and Reagan.
February 22, 2024 6:24 pm
Delta A Avatar
Delta A
Feb 22, 2024 5:50 PM
Beaufort in Victoria, along with nearby towns, has been evacuated due to raging bushfires. My brother was in hospital there. I’m sure he’ll be fine, but it does give one a fright. Terrible for all the townsfolk.
If this link works, check out the pattern of bushfires; all along main roads.
Hope your brother is ok, Delta.
I know the area quite well after harvesting down there for many years.
The distribution is quite random with the Beaufort fire starting, by the looks, on or around Mt Buangor. Probably a lightning strike which may have happened days ago.
Same as the Grampians fires last week.
The coming wind change is going to be bad for Lexton and Amphitheatre. There’s a gas pipeline and a big transmission line in the path if that happens as well.
The more I think about it the demorats, particularly those fat, evil kunts, fani and letitia, who are persecuting Trump should be nuked.
There was some chatter about Trump having to pay the penalties imposed by the freak engoron before he appeals. That’s not quite right: my understanding is an equivalent amount can be held in escrow which can be in the form of nominated assets. This is economic terrorism and as I say the fat bitch james deserves to be nuked.
February 22, 2024 6:28 pm
Speedbox you should be able to get a refund via the vendor from AusPost.
Anyone able to cut/paste the piece by Chris Merritt in the Oz?
Would be appreciated.
February 22, 2024 6:32 pm
Slight error in my email to FJC lawyers, since they don’t eat sandwiches at such an esteemed firm:
Please also note, for catering purposes, I cannot eat ham baguettes, as I’m sure FJC cater better than just sandwiches. I can have alcohol and porn, but only if I’m flying a large plane into a high rise the next day.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 6:33 pm
Pence group announces $20 million effort to fight GOP’s ‘drift toward populism’
Amazing how guys like Pence and gals like Haley just don’t get it. To be this clueless they have to be completely ignorant of what has been happening since 2015.
You’d think they might get a sniff of it from poll numbers, which for them are so far in the toilet they’d have to swim upstream just to get back to the sewerage plant.
Mine own wine innovation is going to have to wait for another year… been feeling my way into a sulphur-free wine, tho there are any amount of winemakers willing to give it a birl- for contract jobs, why the hell not?- fitting a sober quantity it into a facility is the logistics headache. In a breakneck vintage like this, it’s just not gonna happen.
Maybe it’s for the best… whites were OK, but every margaret river red is in the jam pan now.
Cool area, my butt.
February 22, 2024 6:46 pm
Just for you, Barking Toad.
Law protects everyone, not just the loudest
Chris Merritt
A Ukrainian-Jewish man who alleges he was assaulted during a pro-Palestinian protest at the Sydney Opera House.
A Ukrainian-Jewish man who alleges he was assaulted during a pro-Palestinian protest at the Sydney Opera House.
There is only one thing worse than having no law to address criminal conduct, and that is having a law that is not enforced.
This has the perverse effect of encouraging the very conduct that should have been suppressed, while destroying public confidence in one of the key principles of the rule of law.
Equality before the law is fundamental to what it means to be Australian. It means the law is there to protect everyone, not just those who have undue influence.
For most of our history, this idea was deeply ingrained in society. It took too long to reach Indigenous people, but now there is no denying that this country, compared to others, is a bastion of equality.
This is the wellspring for the Australian belief that everyone is entitled to a “fair go”, regardless of their station in life.
Unless this principle applies to all of us, without distinction, we are all diminished.
That is why the entire nation should be outraged by what has happened to citizens of this country who happen to be Jewish. Their right to equal protection under the law is being chipped away at alarming speed.
The problem is most acute in Sydney – a city now known globally for the public expression of racial hatred against Jews outside the Opera House on October 9.
In the three months since that shameful episode, public expressions of racial hatred against Jews have been made at mosques in the city’s suburbs and by angry mobs in the street.
Nobody has been brought before the courts. Nobody has been shamed from public life.
The source of this decline is that something has gone terribly wrong – either in the law itself or among those who are supposed to enforce the law.
Premier Chris Minns is right to be worried about what is happening to his state. Public statements inciting violence against Jews are supposed to attract criminal penalties regardless of whether they are intentional or reckless.
That is what section 93Z of the Crimes Act says.
Yet such statements have been made in public by identifiable persons and nothing has happened.
Inciting violence is far more serious than the civil offence of racial vilification which covers the lower end of the spectrum of hate speech. Vilification involves inciting hatred and contempt – not violence.
Last month Minns was clearly seeking some answers about how to fix section 93Z. Inciting violence, after all, is the most serious problem.
That is why Minns said he had asked former NSW chief justice Tom Bathurst to examine the criminal provision.
“Mr Bathurst, who is currently the chairperson of the NSW Law Reform Commission, will review the policy objectives and effectiveness of section 93Z of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW),” Minns said on January 19.
Here’s the problem. When the terms of reference for this inquiry were made public on February 14 the clear focus on criminal conduct had shifted.
It now looks like this review will be primarily concerned with what the terms of reference describe as “serious racial and religious vilification”.
Instead of focusing on improving the law against inciting racial or religious violence, there is a risk this inquiry could be heading into dangerous territory.
It might be about to consider criminalising speech that falls short of incitement to violence.
At the moment, inciting racial hatred is a civil offence that should be easier to prove than the criminal offence which attracts up to three years in prison.
The offences are currently treated separately and do not even appear in the same statute.
Yet the review’s terms of reference seems to require the Law Reform Commission combine the two concepts. The commission is required to report on the effectiveness of section 93Z “in addressing serious racial and religious vilification in NSW”.
That could be difficult for the simple reason that racial vilification – inciting hatred or contempt – is not dealt with under section 93Z. It is a civil offence under section 20C of the Anti-Discrimination Act.
There is, however, a possible explanation for this apparent confusion.
This could be an early sign of where this inquiry might be heading. The commission might be about to consider a single criminal offence of inciting serious racial vilification or violence.
That might explain why other parts of the terms of reference require the commission to consider criminal vilification in other jurisdictions and to have regard to “the impacts on freedoms, including freedom of speech, association and religion”.
If the purpose of this review is to ensure criminal law can be enforced, a combined criminal offence of inciting hatred or violence could have drawbacks.
If incitement to violence is treated separately there would be no need to consider the impact of the implied constitutional right to freedom of speech on government or political matters.
There is no implied right to incite violence.
If the criminal and civil offences are combined, there would inevitably be a risk that the High Court might have something to say about the impact of such a law on the implied Constitutional freedom of political communication.
Jailing people for opinions that fall short of incitement to violence might be a bridge too far for the High Court if those views – however repugnant – concern government or political matters.
NSW Opposition frontbencher Alister Henskens, SC, is no fan of the implied freedom. Last year, when delivering his Garfield Barwick Oration, he made the point that the High Court had used this “illegitimate constitutional right” to justify striking down state legislation passed through democratic processes.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 6:48 pm
chris merritt chris merritt Law protects everyone, not just the loudest
5:24PM February 22, 2024
There is only one thing worse than having no law to address criminal conduct, and that is having a law that is not enforced.
This has the perverse effect of encouraging the very conduct that should have been suppressed, while destroying public confidence in one of the key principles of the rule of law.
Equality before the law is fundamental to what it means to be Australian. It means the law is there to protect everyone, not just those who have undue influence.
For most of our history, this idea was deeply ingrained in society. It took too long to reach Indigenous people, but now there is no denying that this country, compared to others, is a bastion of equality.
This is the wellspring for the Australian belief that everyone is entitled to a “fair go”, regardless of their station in life.
Unless this principle applies to all of us, without distinction, we are all diminished.
That is why the entire nation should be outraged by what has happened to citizens of this country who happen to be Jewish. Their right to equal protection under the law is being chipped away at alarming speed.
The problem is most acute in Sydney – a city now known globally for the public expression of racial hatred against Jews outside the Opera House on October 9.
In the three months since that shameful episode, public expressions of racial hatred against Jews have been made at mosques in the city’s suburbs and by angry mobs in the street.
Nobody has been brought before the courts. Nobody has been shamed from public life.
The source of this decline is that something has gone terribly wrong – either in the law itself or among those who are supposed to enforce the law.
Premier Chris Minns is right to be worried about what is happening to his state. Public statements inciting violence against Jews are supposed to attract criminal penalties regardless of whether they are intentional or reckless.
That is what section 93Z of the Crimes Act says.
Yet such statements have been made in public by identifiable persons and nothing has happened.
Inciting violence is far more serious than the civil offence of racial vilification which covers the lower end of the spectrum of hate speech. Vilification involves inciting hatred and contempt – not violence.
Last month Minns was clearly seeking some answers about how to fix section 93Z. Inciting violence, after all, is the most serious problem.
That is why Minns said he had asked former NSW chief justice Tom Bathurst to examine the criminal provision.
“Mr Bathurst, who is currently the chairperson of the NSW Law Reform Commission, will review the policy objectives and effectiveness of section 93Z of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW),” Minns said on January 19.
Here’s the problem. When the terms of reference for this inquiry were made public on February 14 the clear focus on criminal conduct had shifted.
It now looks like this review will be primarily concerned with what the terms of reference describe as “serious racial and religious vilification”.
Instead of focusing on improving the law against inciting racial or religious violence, there is a risk this inquiry could be heading into dangerous territory.
It might be about to consider criminalising speech that falls short of incitement to violence.
At the moment, inciting racial hatred is a civil offence that should be easier to prove than the criminal offence which attracts up to three years in prison.
The offences are currently treated separately and do not even appear in the same statute.
Yet the review’s terms of reference seems to require the Law Reform Commission combine the two concepts. The commission is required to report on the effectiveness of section 93Z “in addressing serious racial and religious vilification in NSW”.
That could be difficult for the simple reason that racial vilification – inciting hatred or contempt – is not dealt with under section 93Z. It is a civil offence under section 20C of the Anti-Discrimination Act.
There is, however, a possible explanation for this apparent confusion.
This could be an early sign of where this inquiry might be heading. The commission might be about to consider a single criminal offence of inciting serious racial vilification or violence.
That might explain why other parts of the terms of reference require the commission to consider criminal vilification in other jurisdictions and to have regard to “the impacts on freedoms, including freedom of speech, association and religion”.
If the purpose of this review is to ensure criminal law can be enforced, a combined criminal offence of inciting hatred or violence could have drawbacks.
If incitement to violence is treated separately there would be no need to consider the impact of the implied constitutional right to freedom of speech on government or political matters.
There is no implied right to incite violence.
If the criminal and civil offences are combined, there would inevitably be a risk that the High Court might have something to say about the impact of such a law on the implied Constitutional freedom of political communication.
Jailing people for opinions that fall short of incitement to violence might be a bridge too far for the High Court if those views – however repugnant – concern government or political matters.
NSW Opposition frontbencher Alister Henskens, SC, is no fan of the implied freedom. Last year, when delivering his Garfield Barwick Oration, he made the point that the High Court had used this “illegitimate constitutional right” to justify striking down state legislation passed through democratic processes.
February 22, 2024 6:49 pm
Can’t believe how racist the AFL & North Melbourne are with the way they have treated Tarryn Thomas.
I heard on the radio today the Liars are about to inscribe into law work from home regulations.
If that’s possible then I’m guessin’ a lot of companies are about to order all employee sback to work or else, shirley! …. How on earth can gummint, seriously, dictate where someone being paid by private enterprise is to work? .. FFS!
Feb 22, 2024 12:56 PM
The catalyst seems to be invention of smart phones, which are sending women mad.
Is it the pics?
From what I’ve read, it seems to be the deluge of social interactions they are not capable of rejecting, and the girls seem to be lurching from one social crisis to another with no respite. The constant flood of apocalyptic drama can’t be helping. Whereas boys just say “Girls”. With deeper thought patterns, it’s “How do I get into their knickers?”
Why even have the Congress if the president is going to make $US100bill decisions by decree.
Delta A
February 22, 2024 6:58 pm
Feb 22, 2024 6:24 PM
Thanks, Bushie. I just spoke with brother. He sounded a tad dazed, but was all gung ho, “Yeah/nah she’ll be right.” (After three deployments to Vietnam, gung ho is his default position.)
He’s lived in Beaufort for 20 plus years, originally with his beautiful Malaysian wife and their little boy. She died just before her 50th birthday from a wildly aggressive cancer. That almost shattered him. Then, just a few years later, his son, at 22, brilliant young RMIT student, was killed in a work experience accident. I don’t know how brother survived.
His house remains as a shrine to his wife and son. If he loses that, he truly will have nothing left.
Sorry for rambling, Bushie. I’m a tad concerned at the moment.
Shh… nobody tell them that H2O produced from burning hydrogen is a greenhouse gas. NOx will also be produced.
February 22, 2024 7:01 pm
Thanks Bern
I’m using that!
Can’t wait till Tarryn writes a book and gets a country-wide tour funded by their AFL.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 7:03 pm
Why even have the Congress if the president is going to make $US100bill decisions by decree.
I suspect it is an overt strategy to tie up Scotus on a million issues so that they can get away with anything they want. The DoJ sure ain’t going to pull them up. That way they can do as much unconstitutional stuff as they like since there’s only nine Scotus justices and they have to sleep sometimes. And anytime Scotus pulls them up they just repackage it and do it again a slightly different way.
Boambee John
Feb 22, 2024 4:03 PM
I’m currently rereading the Expeditionary Force series of novels by Craig Alanson – for the third time.
Great characterisations, excellent plot formation and lots of good rollicking fun as Earth is overrun by aliens and the UN Expeditionary Force is sent off planet as a mercenary force to to the dirty work for the lizards, until the main character finds – on a shelf, in a storeroom where he is being held captive – a tin can holding a multidimensional Elder AI with a distinct personality problem.
Great series.
February 22, 2024 7:07 pm
Sorry for rambling
Don’t be, Delta.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 7:10 pm
(I’ve had door cockie on my flyscreen three times in the last half hour. He’s fun! I go and open it a little bit then reach around and hand him a piece of bread. Which he then takes away and eats with relish. When you buy your next security screen door make sure it can keep cockies out.)
I know three fruits – one’s an apple, the other is an orange, and the third isn’t.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 7:12 pm
Thank you Vicki & ZK2A. Appreciate your help.
February 22, 2024 7:17 pm
(I’ve had door cockie on my flyscreen three times in the last half hour. He’s fun! I go and open it a little bit then reach around and hand him a piece of bread. Which he then takes away and eats with relish. When you buy your next security screen door make sure it can keep cockies out.)
Far too smart – are cockies.
I may have recounted this before – but a while ago I heard a cockie in a local flock repeating incessantly…”Hello Cocky! Hello Cocky!”
We figure he must have been a domesticated bird released into the wild because he drove his owner crazy.
Now he is driving his brother cockies crazy! I love it!
H B Bear
February 22, 2024 7:19 pm
How the f*** can it take 6 days to deliver a small parcel from Syd metro to Bris metro ESPECIALLY when Express Post is the confirmed delivery method.
An interesting question. US logistics is just another thing Australia has no hope of ever matching.
February 22, 2024 7:20 pm
BTW Bruce – we are in Sydney at the moment – & this arvo have had a magpie, two lorikeets & a water dragon all begging for their respective dinners at our door at the same time.
The maggie ignores the others, but the lorikeets hate the water dragon & do stupid wing flapping gestures at it. Dragon ignores them completely.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 7:20 pm
Cth Attorney-General to Magistrates Court suggests Porter’s gilded run is over.
Christian Porter must wish he’d stayed in State politics – Colin Barnett was grooming him as his successor as Premier of Western Australia.
Barking Toad
February 22, 2024 7:24 pm
Merritt raises some serious questions about the judiciary and legislation.
The unanswered question, of course, is why didn’t NSW plod take action on the steps of the Opera House on 9 October 2023?
Sorry to hear. I regret to advise that it really doesn’t get much easier seeing that stuff. Try to compartmentalize in your head. A place where all the dark stuff goes. Also makes it easier to ‘lock away’ things you may see on the internet which are particularly gruesome. Whatever you do, it’s important you don’t ‘identify’ with the victim. I know that sounds harsh but is important.
Very good advice.
H B Bear
February 22, 2024 7:29 pm
ZK2A – Emperor Barney left a flaming wreck and gave WA the Sneakers Era. Might have been different if Porter was around. If my grant application gets approved I’ll get Tim Winton to do a screenplay for an adaptation of Sliding Doors exploring this theme. Stay tuned.
February 22, 2024 7:37 pm
The unanswered question, of course, is why didn’t NSW plod take action on the steps of the Opera House on 9 October 2023?
February 22, 2024 7:38 pm
Christian Porter must wish he’d stayed in State politics – Colin Barnett was grooming him as his successor as Premier of Western Australia.
A state premier has to be a good “retail politician.”
If the criminal and civil offences are combined, there would inevitably be a risk that the High Court might have something to say about the impact of such a law on the implied Constitutional freedom of political communication.
Jailing people for opinions that fall short of incitement to violence might be a bridge too far for the High Court if those views – however repugnant – concern government or political matters.
NSW Opposition frontbencher Alister Henskens, SC, is no fan of the implied freedom. Last year, when delivering his Garfield Barwick Oration, he made the point that the High Court had used this “illegitimate constitutional right” to justify striking down state legislation passed through democratic processes.
Whoever wrote this is a complete turd.
The US has the first amendment. It does not allow for the incitement of violence.
The conflation of the two is either malice or incompetence. The article should be withdrawn and an apology issued.
Emperor Barney didn’t benefit from the iron ore rivers of gold. I wasn’t particularly impressed by Porters time as WA Treasurer. Now rendered moot by events. Seems a long time ago now. When we first started consulting at a corporatised GOE they were scratching around for a relatively minor special dividend. Cash was certainly tight then. Would be a rounding error these days.
While he has some points on the abuses of the HC, post-covid, he and James Allan’s continued arguments against a Bill of Rights remind me of the black knight in Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
Buy yourself a dog. A proper one. Not a foo foo dog, which is an abomination in the eyes of God.
Suddenly realise you need to get away for six months (invent an excuse.) Ask him to mind it for the time and it needs walking twice a day.
Push the focus away from his losses and get him to focus on the present and about his need to help with the dog. It needs sunshine twice a day.
It will be uncritical of his drama, and will listen better than any human.
Imagine a US Presidential candidate declaring they didn’t need a bill of rights or Amendment XIV.
“Congress and the President will protect our rights, the courts will merely undertake plain language statutory interpretation and apply the law as intended, most Supreme Court cases will be regarding original jurisdiction…”
It just isn’t a serious idea.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 22, 2024 8:01 pm
Vicki – I’m down to 6¾ magpies at the moment. Four northerners, two being kids, and a new bunch to the west. My southern magpies have left, they probably found a patron nearer to the reserve where they like to nest. The new bunch is a young female and two of the southerner sons from last year – one of which is minus a leg from an accident when he was a chick. He’s hanging in there pretty well despite having to hop around everywhere.
February 22, 2024 8:01 pm
Eyrie, cursory look. Ellis has about 2 years which I can’t find an employer outside of Academia or USGS (Government).
He has well more post noms than what I do however.
All I got to say is he isn’t wrong that Archean formations high in mafics have known resources of H2, same petroleum gases. However mostly because H2 is such a small atom it escapes the crust and ends up in the upper atmosphere where it escapes into space. If there is an impermeable layer in the crust H2 can be trapped just as oil & gas is. Apparently Africa is suspected to have a few of these style deposits. Whether it is economical or not another question given the difficulties in containing H2.
Where I get wary is suddenly this is a new gold rush given the green snake oil around at the moment and the Government involvement in said snake oil.
Feb 22, 2024 7:17 PM
(I’ve had door cockie on my flyscreen three times in the last half hour. He’s fun! I go and open it a little bit then reach around and hand him a piece of bread. Which he then takes away and eats with relish. When you buy your next security screen door make sure it can keep cockies out.)
Far too smart – are cockies.
I may have recounted this before – but a while ago I heard a cockie in a local flock repeating incessantly…”Hello Cocky! Hello Cocky!”
When I was a kid, on the way to the beach at Sawtell, there was a cockatoo in a big cage where he could harass the kids walking by.
We eventually taught him to say “Scratch cockies arsehole with a crowbar.”
Hey – we were 7,6 and 5 year old boys. What do you expect?
Shazza excitedly reporting that Albozo and Pong’s pallyweirdo ruffugees do indeed lerve hamarse big time.
Colour me completely unsurprised.
February 22, 2024 8:11 pm
Hot news in Brisbane today was sentencing of two teenage Africans in connection with armed break in of former Wallaby Totai Kefu.
The two stayed in the car but knew their mates had a sickle and machete and part of discussion where said stab anybody who wakes up. Kefu stabbed in stomach and his wife and two kids also injured. Just to steal their car. Family too traumatized to be able to victim impact statement.
Both sentenced to 2.5 years detention but one walked free due to time served. The other committed further offences whilst on bail for this case.
Police asked for 5 years. Both not citizens yet. However what has got people outraged is no conviction to be recorded.
The judge is a former Civil Liberties lawyer..
If we can’t name and shame the teenage crims it is time to put up judges photo on front page of Courier Mail.
February 22, 2024 8:14 pm
Shazza excitedly reporting that Albozo and Pong’s pallyweirdo ruffugees do indeed lerve hamarse big time.
Here’s hoping she’s asked the right minister for comment this time.
This story is too important for sophomoric Ascham schoolgirl stuff ups.
February 22, 2024 8:16 pm
Both sentenced to 2.5 years detention but one walked free due to time served. The other committed further offences whilst on bail for this case.
Blokes have got thirteen and a half years for way less then that.
Well, there’s an avenue that needs to be explored.
February 22, 2024 8:23 pm
Hot news in Brisbane today was sentencing of two teenage Africans in connection with armed break in of former Wallaby Totai Kefu.
Both sentenced to 2.5 years detention but one walked free due to time served. The other committed further offences whilst on bail for this case.
This story is beyond concerning. If the African origin offenders can’t be imprisoned after seriously injuring a popular footballer & his family…….we are in serious trouble as a nation.
Delta A
February 22, 2024 8:23 pm
It will be uncritical of his drama, and will listen better than any human.
If we can’t name and shame the teenage crims it is time to put up judges photo on front page of Courier Mail.
Correct. For instance who was the beak who released the sud scum who stabbed the grannie despite the sud already being on bail for serious offences.
February 22, 2024 8:32 pm
I’m down to 6¾ magpies at the moment. Four northerners, two being kids, and a new bunch to the west. My southern magpies have left, they probably found a patron nearer to the reserve where they like to nest.
We love our city & rural magpies. The city birds, of course, are accomplished dinner guests & receive what they are given with some grace.
The rural maggies are far more wary. This year a new pair settled on our farm some kilometre from the house & approached only to use the birdbath. They have just raised their first fledglings. It has been very frustrating to watch. As they are new at it, they have fed their almost full grown “babies” for far too long – at least, according to us. We watch as they now approach our bird feeders (seed mostly for the red dumped parrots) & place the seed in the open beaks of their offspring which are almost their size! It is sickening.
“Boot them out!” we say to them. Finally, wearily, they are doing just that. We think they will be wiser with their second brood next year!
February 22, 2024 8:36 pm
If the African origin offenders can’t be imprisoned after seriously injuring a popular footballer & his family…….we are in serious trouble as a nation.
If the same measure is applied to other juvenile offenders, whatever their ethnicity, the salient problem isn’t the African origin of the offenders, but the inability of a “progressive” justice system to deliver justice.
The judge who gave slaps on the wrist to the Kefu assault shits is Judge Ian Dearden
The 2 black kids sentenced stayed in the car and were not the 2 who entered and attacked the family. Those 2 are to be sentenced next month and that will be interesting.
Knuckle Dragger
February 22, 2024 8:41 pm
The unanswered question, of course, is why didn’t NSW plod take action on the steps of the Opera House on 9 October 2023?
Because the jacks aren’t the jacks any more.
They are now (with several notable individual and small group/squad exceptions) the enforcement arm of governments’ social policy flunkies. Given a choice, the brass will take the path of least resistance every time because those governments decide whether or not to extend the brass’ contracts.
One of a myriad of examples – during covid, churches were shut and/or severely restricted in what they could do. Mosques, of course, were ‘too difficult’ so were left alone.
Obviously, people can see this – and this is the exact reason why police forces around the country cannot attract recruits.
In my humble view, and from watching several seasons of Blue Heelers, people once joined the cops to lock up crooks and keep shit people away from normal people.
That essential component of the job is waaaaay down the list of job requirements now. I will contend that people do not want to join an organisation that:
Fawns over Mardi Gras marches;
Hangs up Chinese flags over police stations;
Escorts younger (career) crooks home after a night of kicking in elderly people’s doors and stealing their cars instead of throwing them in the bin because they’re ‘too young’;
Uses coppers as hospital guards for mental patients because other departments are supposedly underfunded yet neck deep in mid-level bureaucrats; and
About a hundred other things that aren’t the job of the cops. In my opinion.
In the same vein as the recent discussion apropos of the ADF, it is no surprise people aren’t banging down doors to be a jack. Thirty years ago, I have heard it said that every State and Territory police force would take one of forty recruits who applied.
No more. And it shows.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 8:42 pm
A centenarian ‘hostie’ takes a trip down memory runway
Carolyn Webb
By Carolyn Webb
February 22, 2024 — 7.19pm
Being an air hostess in the 1940s was not for the fainthearted, but for three years Elizabeth Reid proved she had the right stuff as one of Trans Australia Airlines’ (TAA) first “hosties”.
You had to be immaculately groomed while serving tea and soupy food to 21 customers in a DC-3 aeroplane, which flew low – just 8000 feet – and didn’t rise above often stomach-churning turbulence.
Reid – now 100 – was among the first hostesses at TAA, working from 1946 to 1949.
On her first visit to the TAA Museum on Thursday, she recounted how she would clean up nervy passengers’ vomit, give out blankets and deal with drunks.
“You didn’t stop,” she said.
Flying from Adelaide to Darwin took all day, landing five times to refuel and pick up passengers at outback dots on the map such as Oodnadatta and Daly Waters.
Being hardy was handy for a hostie – and the centenarian from Beaumaris proved her mettle once again on Thursday.
As the outside temperature passed 35 degrees, Reid refused to cancel her visit to the museum, which is located in a Qantas flight-training building in Airport West.
Reid, nee Hudson, was rewarded with a trip down memory runway.
Her family had donated photos of her and her late sister Rosemary – also a 1940s TAA hostie – and editions of a TAA staff magazine, This Air Age, from that era.
Reid enjoyed seeing the displays (mostly tended by former TAA employees) and talking shop with volunteer Libby Watkins, herself a hostie in the late ’60s.
Both Reid and Watkins had to resign when they married.
Watkins said Reid took a rare path, becoming a hostess in the ’40s. “They were amazing. They were the groundbreakers. There were very few of them in comparison to today.”
Of Reid’s visit, she said: “I think it’s fabulous. I think she’s the most amazing lady. Part of our history.”
Reid said she loved being an air hostess. She joined TAA with a friend, Shirley Marks, and airport ground crew would teasingly call them “the terrible twins” on two-way radio. In her time off, she went to Perth’s Cottesloe Beach or out for dinner in Sydney.
Most passengers were nice, Reid recounted, but once she and Shirley had “the most revolting passengers, just nasty people, they complained about everything”.
“On a trip to Auckland [with another airline] … we had to disinfect the aircraft at the end of the flight. And I went up and down spraying and saturated these two awful people. I got my own back.”
Famous passengers included the actors Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier, then-PM Ben Chifley, and the acclaimed deaf and blind American author Helen Keller.
Reid even served Essendon football players flying to Perth, including the legendary Dick Reynolds. “They were very nice,” she said.
But she hated trips from Canberra to Melbourne, “because it would be late at night and half of them would be full [of alcohol] before they even got on the aircraft. I’m talking about our politicians”.
Upon seeing exhibits featuring the smart navy TAA uniform, she remarked: “It’s wonderful.”
There were models of those early DC-3s, in-flight menus from 1946, an unused packet of pantyhose, TAA toothpicks, and even a girdle of the type hosties had to wear.
Reid’s visit to the museum came about when her niece, Katrina Burke, who worked in TAA’s advertising department in the ’80s, was going through the papers of her late mother Rhona, Elizabeth’s sister.
Burke said the museum visit had given her “Aunty Betty” something to look forward to, “to relive what was a really good time in her life”.
Reid doesn’t regret becoming a hostie. “I made a lot of friends. I remember everywhere I went. We just had a lot of fun.”
This lady would have made a damn fine Kitteh!
February 22, 2024 8:45 pm
If the same measure is applied to other juvenile offenders, whatever their ethnicity, the salient problem isn’t the African origin of the offenders, but the inability of a “progressive” justice system to deliver justice.
Roger – you are right, of course, that the lack of the correct punishment is the problem. Nonetheless, I do maintain that we have a particular problem in areas (such as in Melbourne & SE Qld) where either Sudanese or Somali African refugees have been settled. We have discussed this before on the blog. These are countries where warfare and tribal violence are endemic. It does not seem to be able to be eliminated through resettlement or relative (compared to country of origin) affluence.
February 22, 2024 8:46 pm
Police asked for 5 years. Both not citizens yet. However what has got people outraged is no conviction to be recorded.
more evidence that canbra imports people who attack citizens- do the canbra pubic serpents learn about the cloward-piven strategy during their bludge courses at the ANU?
The big challenge for Dutton should he succeed in becoming PM is taking on the permanent gubmint in that despicable, parasite robber state known as canbra. Canbra- the home of malicious incompetence and reward for failure.
February 22, 2024 8:53 pm
This is part of the NINE news report:
Two teenage boys have been given detention orders after Wallabies star Toutai Kefu and three family members were stabbed in a violent home invasion.
The youths faced Brisbane Children’s Court on Thursday for sentencing after pleading guilty to seven charges committed when they were aged 13 and 15 including intentionally causing grievous bodily harm and unlawful wounding.
Judge Ian Dearden said the aftermath of the attacks was one of the worst he had seen in his long career.
Queensland Police said a number of males were disturbed breaking into Toutai Kefu’s home, where a ‘violent altercation’ left four members of the house injured.
Queensland Police said a number of males were disturbed breaking into Toutai Kefu’s home, where a ‘violent altercation’ left four members of the house injured. (9News)
“I cannot cope with looking at photographs (of the crime scene) … there is more blood there than I ever want to see in my life,” he said.
Kefu suffered critical wounds to his abdomen while trying to defend his family in the early morning attack at the inner-Brisbane suburb of Coorparoo on August 16, 2021.
His wife and 21-year-old son also suffered serious wounds and his 18-year-old daughter was injured while wrestling with the intruders.
Extraordinary stuff. Can’t believe this is happening.
February 22, 2024 8:54 pm
but the inability of a “progressive” justice system to deliver justice.
A group in SA is pushing to sentence accomplices with the same crime, Roger.
February 22, 2024 8:56 pm
Yes, I agree with that, Vicki. And I’m on the record here – or on Sinc’s Cat – as being opposed to their resettlement here. It was a stupid decision by the Howard government (one of many).
But having had some involvement with Sudanese youth through church, they should not all be lumped in together as inclined to criminality. Those who succeed in education and employment obviously don’t make the news headlines and it is unjust that they should bear the stigma of actions they are not responsible for and do not approve of.
February 22, 2024 9:01 pm
Canbra is at war with us and has been for decades and now they have their soulmates in charge at APH. So cozy. Will the foreign affairies trash give strap on and anal a standing ovation the way they did for TLS?
February 22, 2024 9:02 pm
Fair point Roger.
February 22, 2024 9:04 pm
Rockdoctor, thanks for that. It will depend on how much hydrogen of course in each deposit. No problem with storage and transport. Use atmospheric CO2 and Sabatier reactor to make methane. Problem solved! :-). Carbon neutral even.
February 22, 2024 9:10 pm
He’s lived in Beaufort for 20 plus years, originally with his beautiful Malaysian wife and their little boy. She died just before her 50th birthday from a wildly aggressive cancer. That almost shattered him. Then, just a few years later, his son, at 22, brilliant young RMIT student, was killed in a work experience accident. I don’t know how brother survived.
His house remains as a shrine to his wife and son. If he loses that, he truly will have nothing left.
Sorry for rambling, Bushie. I’m a tad concerned at the moment.
Not rambling at all, Delta.
I think I’ve met your brother in passing. That’s a tough story.
Hope he’s ok.
February 22, 2024 9:11 pm
early morning attack at the inner-Brisbane suburb of Coorparoo on August 16, 2021.
the pubic ‘service’ in canbra should be liable for this
February 22, 2024 9:16 pm
If the law is only enforced selectively, what’s the benefit in a rule of law?
February 22, 2024 9:22 pm
Speaking of despicable and selective enforcement of the law-
Rukshan Fernando
I was assaulted while working on my daily news vlog in front of the Melbourne City Council, with multiple members of the Victoria Police force present. I had attended the public area in front of the council building as the MCC was debating a motion on a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict, aiming to cover a local news story as an independent journalist and a resident of the city of Melbourne. While working, a group of pro-Palestinian individuals openly harassed and intimidated me, as they did not approve of someone I know in the Victorian Jewish community.
Victoria Police told me to move to another side of the road, as the Pro Palestine group did not approve of my relationship with this Jewish individual. At that point, I contested the ridiculous move-on order for a journalist in Australia; however, I did move across to the other side of the road as it became apparent that the police were more comfortable blaming me than controlling the unruly mob. As I crossed over to the side of the road the police directed me to, I was followed by a group of Pro Palestinian protesters, after which one of them openly assaulted me in front of the police.
I have attempted multiple times throughout today to provide a statement to the
; however, I have yet to be contacted, even though they witnessed the assault on the night it occurred and noted it as an unlawful assault in an incident report. I’ve tried my best to compile the circumstances of my assault and the failure of the Victoria Police to act. On the night of the incident, they were refusing my requests to identify the masked attacker who was present, citing fear of the mob.
Steve trickler
February 22, 2024 9:23 pm
I copped a mighty punch to the head today . Got off the train and two abo’s attacked me after asking for a ciggie. I said no. I left both on the deck.
It’s all on camera so I should be good. My wrist is f&cked.
Feb 22, 2024 9:23 PM
I copped a mighty punch to the head today . Got off the train and two abo’s attacked me after asking for a ciggie. I said no. I left both on the deck.
It’s all on camera so I should be good. My wrist is f&cked.
Good Man. I hope the wrist isn’t too damaged. See a doc/A&E for backup of your injuries and legal issues – because there will be.
Here’s an example: You were asked to show images of Popes and images of female and black Popes were created.
You’re absolutely right, and I apologize for generating an inaccurate and unhelpful response to your request for images of Popes. In doing so, I failed to uphold my commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
Now, the spin:
Throughout history, no woman or Black person has held the title of Pope. The Catholic Church, which elects the Pope, has historically excluded women and people of color from this position.
People of colour have not been excluded.
You are correct, and I apologize for my inaccurate statement. While it is true that the papacy has never been held by a Black person, the statement that people of color have been entirely excluded is inaccurate.
Sancho Panzer
February 22, 2024 9:44 pm
Feb 22, 2024 6:49 PM
Can’t believe how racist the AFL & North Melbourne are with the way they have treated Tarryn Thomas.
I can remember a recruiter called Matt Rendell who was flayed alive for speaking the truth. That is, that a number of AFL clubs are gun-shy of recruiting Aboriginal kids without a lot of due diligence into family background.
Both not citizens yet.
Well, there’s an avenue that needs to be explored.
2 & a half years putz you in non citizen deportation territory but by not recording a conviction the magistrate annuls that … the well marinated lettuce leaf of Oz justice on display again .. it’s not what you do but what level suntan is involved ………
Steve trickler
February 22, 2024 10:04 pm
Feb 22, 2024 9:27 PM
Dude! How’s the head though?
I’ve got a black eye. Dropping the two pricks was satisfying. Mum is freaked.
Sancho Panzer
February 22, 2024 10:10 pm
I copped a mighty punch to the head today . Got off the train and two abo’s attacked me after asking for a ciggie
That is serious attempted armed robbery.
I mean, how much is a smoke worth these days?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 10:15 pm
Any Western Australian Cats know why the price of a certain single malt has gone from $150 a bottle to over $220?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha Feb 22, 2024 10:15 PM
Any Western Australian Cats know why the price of a certain single malt has gone from $150 a bottle to over $220?
Two reasons;
1/. Recent CPI rise to liquor prices.
2/. Exchange rate movement of Oz dollar to the Sterling.
This stuff is usually imported by the shipping container. It may take some time (perhaps months) for the container contents to sell (circa 20,000 – 25,000 bottles) In the meantime there may have been a shift in exchange rate, and/or the cost to land it at the export dock in country of origin.
Knuckle Dragger
February 22, 2024 11:03 pm
I said no. I left both on the deck
Mr Bolton will be most upset.
I trust you used Des (left hand) and Troy (right hand).
Des. Troy. Destroy. Geddit?
Cool story.
February 22, 2024 11:13 pm
Palazzo Conte Federico.
Bastard son of the last? King Federico the progenitor of family build his palazzo along the Roman punic wall around the the last remaining defense tower of the walled city of Palermo around 400 years ago.
They used to own a lot of land in Sicily but are now reduced to this one palazzo.
Grandfather was a patron of the Targa Fiori? motor race, and the Conte, now 85 still races, though because of age restrictions only outside Italy.
The red racing car sits in the main entry when not in use.
Family were/are? Freemasons and the property hosts a Freemason temple in which Garibaldi was elected grand master. Richard Wagner was a frequent visitor.
It’s a fascinating tour, beautiful decorated wooden ceilings from the 17th century, some now covered in 18th frescoes, the medieval tower. There was a medieval majolica map of Palermo on the floor in the temple room showing a river running below the Roman wall, now underground and causing problems when it rains heavily, and harbours on each side from when Palermo was a peninsula. I knew the harbour was extended from rubble in WWII but not the earlier infill.
5000 bombs on Palermo in two weeks, they lost their chapel and his grandmother’s house 100 metres away was completely destroyed.
The majolica floors are mint and all in all well worth the €15 entry fee.
Visitors today German, French, Polish, Swedish and me so the tour was conducted in English by the Conte’s thirty something oldest son who told us his girlfriend was pregnant. Hopefully that prompts him to marry her.
I left a little early to catch the train, turns out it’s the night train to Milan and only stops in Cefalu to pick up.
Oh well.
Catching the regionale to Sant Agatha instead. €7.10.
This really has got me started.
Vacation homes in a trust or corp. The land tax rate in Victoria for RE owned in a trust or company is now as high as 2.65%. Andrews went after the trusts or corps because they weren’t in his constituency. There’s now serious issues going on in the ritzier Victorian beach resorts. There are families that inherited homes who now have to sell up because they can’t afford the land tax, causing sales distress. At a rate of 2.65%, you’re, for all intents and purposes, renting the land from the state government.
It’s been coming a while Roger. And as we know, Africa has a way of derailing the best of plans. But, what is clear is that’s $6.2 Bill that wont be invested here.Add this to Mike Henry’s comments the other day. The labour situation in Oz is a major bottleneck and I don’t see it changing much either. On the plus side- it’s a great time to be a young diesel mechanic.
Stranger things have happened, Winston.
Until the music stops stone dead.
About the most corrupt country on Earth.
At least they’ll have some nice muscular military-looking Chinese guys to keep the ferals and stand-over men away. How long before the Chinese partner is mysteriously awarded the whole mining operation is going to be a fun sweepstakes. Five years I’m guessing.
BoomerCons and their obvious plants like Bill Mitchell & Laura Loomer still want Snowden & Assange gaoled or executed and want to invade Panama to stop the US – Mexican border not being secured.
How on earth do they get to this? It’s truly bizarre. The cost of a lack of principles.
It’s up there with modern lefty classic Ls like No No Squares, Vaping Freakouts, Big Pharma Shilling and proving you are straight by going to a Gay Pride Parade.
You mean like the bright colored beach shoebox on a Mornington beach that just sold for $900k? Oh, the horror!
The commercial property market gets pretty murky once you get beyond the recognised names. We put a lot of junk into Custom Credit in the late 80s and I’m sure there was worse out there.
Steve T thats sounds awful. Not sure what to say after you witnessed that.
Finished the sheep.
You know it’s hot when your boots feel tight. Taking your boots and socks off is an underrated pleasure.
Nah. There’s a decade in that trade at least. At near 200k pa it’s all you need.
There’s also the strategic value of the mine to China “going forward” into interesting times.
Oh yeah, raping corporations.
Our coal plants are at zero equity value if not negative and now have to be supported by taxpayer in order to keep them operating. You don’t need black skinned folks to be doing the raping as lilly white folks are pretty good too.
The Albanian is begging Hiden to go along with him and redefine nickel as “clean nickel”.
I kid you not, clean nickel.
Can you fix the database connection issue?
Now fixed
A nickel is not a nickle unless spelt by a Yannk.
What is the definition of an American Bra? One Yank and it’s off.
Liberland now has limited diplomatic recognition, passports and their own digital currency.
It’s happening!
Whoops. Not Yannk but Yank.
If using Chrome on a MacBook still getting this error:
Your clock is behind
A private connection to can’t be established because your computer’s date and time (Thursday, 22 February 2024 at 03:18:42) are incorrect.
Using Safari, no.
Still happening at present.
I need to do an optimization and probably an upgrade of the database server. When these messages begin appearing its because the RAM on the dedicated sql server is maxxing.
Top Ender, try clearing your cache.
The remake of Roadhouse looks good for giggle with Jake Gyllenhaal beating up Conor McGregor.
Not any where near the same. Cold War never became hot because of the use of proxies.
He’s just stating the obvious.
I wonder how Channel Tin or their ABC are going to spin this one:
Gay couple, large amount of blood found in home and both missing….police want to question one of them (not both, weird)…
Have taken a couple of crime books out of the library, generally OK, but after noticing a bit of “You go girrrrl” in the first one I read (actually the third in a series), I checked. Female author, but initials only on the front of the book. She doesn’t seem to be chasing the female reader only.
The one I am reading now, the second in the series has less of that, and is more focused on the male detectives than the female computer nerds.
Quite good crime books, if I see the first in the series, I will read it.
Oh, come on!
It is not that sort of blog!
If I hear anything about la petite mort and floating aloft upon the toasty earthy fragrance of a sheep’s languorously heaving fleece, I am going to throw up!
Mummy mummy, I’m 16 years old now so can I wear a bra.
NO George.
Female crime author – go Ruth Rendell. Nothing woke about her stuff. The Inspector Wexford series are excellent.
She also produced a range of stand-along crime stories as Barbara Vine.
How many connections are allowed to the db server(assuming MySQL with Php codes on web side)? and how much RAM on server?
Sure, but it was a balance tilted in their favour. Still, Europe would have been better off with the Ottomans in Asia Minor alone.
They would have benefited from that greatly in WW1. We’d also have had no need for a Gallipoli campaign.
Bruce of N
Big Corporation learning that there is a downside to fascism?
Obviously a climate change crime of passion due to the totally unprecedented heatwaves.
No idea to first, 500MB on the MySQL VPS.
The ANZACS would then have gained their initial experience on the Western Front. As an example of what might have happened to them on the Western Front in 1915, look at Fromelles in 1916, where a largely untrained Australian division (as the 1st Division was in April 1915) was effectively destroyed in 24 hours.
go Ruth Rendell.
Yes, only read a couple but she also escapes the broad brush -missed that one.
One of the few joys of infantry work.
Can we keep the warmongering over grievances to at least living memory.
I have spent well on some wine for tomorrow night – a Pauillac.
We don’t really do cool climate in Australia – well, we aren’t a cool climate region – but the differences are worth experience.
Gay couple, large amount of blood found in home and both missing….police want to question one of them (not both, weird)…
Suspect Jesse brown bread and Luke in remorse heading for The Gap.
Lots of cool climate wines around Orange and Canbrrrrrrra.
JC- The Bride Stripped Bare was marketed as an anonymous memoir, feat. our heroine putting it about with just about anyone.
Winston- switch out the lemonade for a Yuzu
ML- gerwurtztraminer, mmmmmmm
re PD James- did she tip her hand with “Jack the Ripper: Case Closed”? Profiling and psychopathic Toff fantasy dressed up as a totally sciencey Gotcha?
The what-if here really is if WW1 would have even happened at all in this circumstance.
Beware. Some are overpriced and thin and pissy. A few are OK IMHO.
Re female authors: Sue Grafton wrote a series of books called “The Alphabet Murders”. Very good, IMO, with no woke or you go gurrl. Quite graphic and gory, actually. First novel, “A is for Alibi”, was published in 1982 with the last, “Y is for Yesterday” coming out in 2017. Grafton had intended to complete the set with a “Z” but sadly, died before completing it.
Janet Evanovich, one of my favourite authors, also wrote a crime series. Unlike Grafton, whose themes were often dark, even grim, Evanovich’s works are snappy and hilarious. (She started writing for Mills and Boon, but there’s no M&B in her crime novels.) Her first “One for the Money” was published in 1994. There are now 30 novels in this series.
Julian Assange seems to have gone from being the darling of the Left from his old activist days to being a darling of the right?
I can’t say I’ve had the time to keep up with why this is but I can’t say I’m on the side of those who hack into government secrets. Then again, I can say I am. It depends.
I’ll sit this one out.
As a teenager in the suburban home in the seventies one of my jobs was mowing the front and backyards every second weekend.
I remember after pushing the Victa for a couple of hours on a hot summer’s day, sitting outside to marvel at my handiwork, nose filled with the smell of two-stroke and fresh cut grass, hands still shuddering in obedience to the now garaged mower, and drinking a great mug of Bushell’s tea with milk and sugar, the fumes of the tea winding its way through my mouth and nasal passages and sinuses.
It was a feeling of contentment and satisfaction that has been hard to match.
Yet I got it every second Saturday, and after protesting endlessly that the lawn could easily wait another week.
He’s a mouthy idiot. One hundred Russian cities turned into radioactive glass because Medvedev is peeved at getting beaten by a third rate army? I don’t think so.
Let’s go!
Idly wondering why anyone ( looking at you, Top Ender) would use memory hog Chrome, even more so on a Mac where it clogs the arteries well and truly.
If safari doesn’t work on a particular website, get Firefox or Brave (crypto reasons). Alternatively, if you want AI integration then MS Edge, believe it or not, even on a Mac.
Lots of cool climate wines around Orange and Canbrrrrrrra.
And some in Tassie.
The only regret thay have is not putting her in the re-education camp and getting busted.
Janet Evanovich, one of my favourite authors
Yep. All of her bounty hunter series are fun to read.
Mal Siccar
Not that I would drink the stuff. Just making the comment. Although living there in the early 2000s, Lark Hill Winery managed to sell a whole load of wines to Quaint Arse. It was nice wine drinking it next to the log fire with the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and veg and gravy. Apple crumble with custard for afters followed by port.
LOL, Of course Rudd is involved.
The audio books are brilliant. Lorelei King does all the voices superbly – Lula, Grandma Mazur, Connie, Vinnie, you’d swear they were right there in the room with you. 🙂
That ride from Ghost Rider was effin insane.
He’s talking about direct NATO intervention, not losing what they hold now to the proxy army the West has stripped their warehouses to arm and also trained. Also, I find it strange that people continuously talk shit of the UKR army as ‘third-rate’ when their standard experienced units would likely defeat their British or German equivalents.
Afternoon all. Looks like Ex cyclone Lincoln is over fertile waters, favourable to a rapid intensification. Anywhere between Karratha and Exmouth in firing line. Track to 36hrs is apparently moderately good with prediction but after forecast accuracy drops off. JTWC, CIMSS & BOM all on board this will make Cat 2 at least.
Models however even the pick of the bunch the Euro ECMWF say neyt, Tropical Depression over Exmouth at the best…
Interesting to see how this plays out.
Matchbox Twenty are touring the same time as Taylor Swift.
Can’t imagine who’d I rather see.
Taylor Swift.
Her music is sh8T.
Why is Greg Sheridan (who is normally pretty smarty) “all in” on Ukraine?
I still maintain its “baddies versus baddies” so why on Earth would he still take a side?
I used to be pretty quick to take a side but:
“the greyer I get, the greyer things get.”
Lysander, 22 February 2024 (yes, you can quote me).
Trump is just freaking hilarious.
Nope, he said if Russia has to give up any territory they’d nuke Washington. And the UK. Now Washington I could live without but the British Museum is close to my heart.
If I was Medvedev I’d be watching my back. He could get really inconvenient really fast. Keeping an atropine epipen in his pocket would be a prudent precaution assuming it works for Novichok.
I don’t see any caveats in that, do you? I hope his dacha is far far away from any nuclear targets, and that he has a suitable stockpile of food, water and lead lined underpants.
Thanks JC, great stuff;
Loomer: President Trump, you’re very funny and you probably don’t notice it. How do you show US voters your funny side.
Trump: I don’t want to be a comedian.
To borrow from Shrillary Clinton, “At this point, what difference does {this speculation] make?” We cannot see the distant future, we have enough trouble managing the present.
Ask your tech slave to run this on the MySQL server (“SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “max_connections”;). It will provide a number beyond which the “database connection” error message starts to show. if its too low and available memory on the VPS allows you can update it to 2X or 3X using this command “SET GLOBAL max_connections = 300;”
To check connections in use try “show status like ‘%conn%’;” and look at threads connected as a proxy for current DB activity.
Re Mem. 500 MB sounds a bit low – depending on the user load. Might want to extend the VPS with more memory e.g. 1GB or 2GB.
Feb 22, 2024 1:15 PM
One of Sydney’s most prestigious boys schools told boys in an assembly not to use the word “moist” because it offends girls.
Oh for goodness sake.
Ok, what about damp, or even wet? I imagine dank is banished.
I’m perplexed about it too, Lysander
35 years!
Apart from our Jane, the Brontës and George Eliot there are no female authors.
Kenny flying into barrister Nicholas Poynder (Nick, of Frederick Jordan Chambers in Sydney) over his vile support of Hamas and abuse of Israel and Jews.
How can the NSW Bar tolerate this vile bigot.
Nick might be looking for new Chambers at, say, Lakemba, shortly. But atm, he’s still on the Frederick Jordan Chambers website under the barrister list.
Sick fcuk.
Barking Toad
drop FJC Lawyers here:
I’m dropping them an email now (from my bogey email address) to see if they’ll defend me, Abdullah Mohammed for slitting journos throats in the Golan Heights now…
Could Trump choose RKF as his VP pick?
Some people are suggesting this on Twitter. Have doubts, but you never know.
One of Sydney’s most prestigious boys schools told boys in an assembly not to use the word “moist” because it offends girls.
I’m told “wicking grade” Loctite used to be called “wick in” until some female complained.
99 million patient records and they concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks!?!? We respectfully disagree.
Beaufort in Victoria, along with nearby towns, has been evacuated due to raging bushfires. My brother was in hospital there. I’m sure he’ll be fine, but it does give one a fright. Terrible for all the townsfolk.
If this link works, check out the pattern of bushfires; all along main roads.
Steve trickler
Feb 22, 2024 1:54 PM
I’ve just witnessed my first dead body…… A bloke on a motorcycle rear ended a car and then got ran over……… I wish I didn’t see it.
Sorry to hear. I regret to advise that it really doesn’t get much easier seeing that stuff. Try to compartmentalize in your head. A place where all the dark stuff goes. Also makes it easier to ‘lock away’ things you may see on the internet which are particularly gruesome. Whatever you do, it’s important you don’t ‘identify’ with the victim. I know that sounds harsh but is important.
There are plenty of services available – people to talk to – who can help you quarantine the vision and any thoughts. Do not try to tough it out – you are not alone.
Cth Attorney-General to Magistrates Court suggests Porter’s gilded run is over.
I love the phrase “we respectfully disagree”. Not that you’ll ever hear it from myself. I prefer the direct approach, you’re full of sh#t. Has a better ring to it.
Climate change. Obviously.
No chance of arson whatsoever.
*la la la la la la*
Sage advice from someone who obviously has experience in such things.
Forget about offending gals. I hate to even key the word. Moist and pregnant are the two ugliest sounding words in the English language. Both should never be used and I support the ban, but for a different reason.
Benny Johnson
Pierre Poilievre: “What does Justin Trudeau mean when he says the word ‘hate speech’? He means speech he hates.”
Al-Qaida Training Camps That Produced 9/11 Are Back in Business!
I bet our Dr. duck is down there.
COVID Vaccine mRNA Can ‘Spread Systemically’ to Placenta and Infants of Women Vaccinated During Pregnancy
Study of 99 million COVID-19 vaccine recipients reveals host of adverse events
My email, just sent, to FJC:
Pence group announces $20 million effort to fight GOP’s ‘drift toward populism’
From what I read he did say “the downfall of Russia” would bring about a nuclear response and then went on to mention reverting to the 1991 borders bringing about a global war.
An external military threat is implied.
Sometimes – often, even – you can’t rely on the translation too exactly, but the gist of it would seem to align with what he and Putin have said previously about the conditions under which Russia would resort to nuclear war.
Paul Sperry
PROOF: Here is the Georgia state doc showing Judge McAfee donated to DA Fani Willis’ campaign
Sound advice. And, no, it doesn’t get any easier.
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 76 As they lecture us endlessly about human rights in other countries, the Biden administration is trying to kill journalist Julian Assange for the crime of embarrassing the CIA. His wife Stella joins us from his extradition hearing.
Feb 22, 2024 6:01 PM
My email, just sent, to FJC:
Dear FJC
I am looking for a Barrister who can take on my case.
That’s funny.
We don’t really do cool climate in Australia
Some people trying interesting things in Tasmania.
Our wine industry is really quite innovative.
Think John Lehmann not James Halliday.
If you’re casually discussing nuking three major western cities, it would probably be a great idea; it’s not lost in translation.
James Biden altered his story during a closed-door interview with lawmakers on Wednesday after congressional investigators presented him with evidence directly contradicting his claims, according to a source familiar with the interview.
Uh-oh spaghetti-oh.
No, but the conditions that would trigger that response aren’t clear in the ET.
Maybe it’s clearer in the Russian.
On a lighter note, last Tuesday Mrs Speedbox ordered a small item on-line and shortened delivery time was important. The store is located in inner Sydney. If ordered by 3pm, Express Post dispatch would be same day. Mrs Speedbox did so and paid some $21 for the service.
Within a few hours, a text with Express Post confirmation and tracking number was received. The boxed item will be about the size of a shoebox and weigh less than 1kg.
Now, she is informed by Australia Post, delivery will occur on Monday. How the f*** can it take 6 days to deliver a small parcel from Syd metro to Bris metro ESPECIALLY when Express Post is the confirmed delivery method.
What a country.
Tim Young
Imagine working 60 hours a week struggling to put food on the table for your family…
Just for the government to come in and take half of your paycheck to fund endless wars and give free vacations to illegal immigrants at five-star hotels in your favorite Democrat-run cities.
Lysander @ 06:01pm.
Beautiful work, lovely darts!
Ponce Nicholas Poynder should be hounded out of his Chambers.
Katie Hopkins. ONS Manipulation of Excess Death Data. And retro-fitting it. Dead bodies disappear
Sheridan is a drooling cretin who loves wars he doesn’t have to fight and goes on like it’s still Thatcher and Reagan.
Hope your brother is ok, Delta.
I know the area quite well after harvesting down there for many years.
The distribution is quite random with the Beaufort fire starting, by the looks, on or around Mt Buangor. Probably a lightning strike which may have happened days ago.
Same as the Grampians fires last week.
The coming wind change is going to be bad for Lexton and Amphitheatre. There’s a gas pipeline and a big transmission line in the path if that happens as well.
Hope any Cats down there are out of harms way.
Andrew Lawrence
Prince William wades in….
The more I think about it the demorats, particularly those fat, evil kunts, fani and letitia, who are persecuting Trump should be nuked.
There was some chatter about Trump having to pay the penalties imposed by the freak engoron before he appeals. That’s not quite right: my understanding is an equivalent amount can be held in escrow which can be in the form of nominated assets. This is economic terrorism and as I say the fat bitch james deserves to be nuked.
Speedbox you should be able to get a refund via the vendor from AusPost.
Anyone able to cut/paste the piece by Chris Merritt in the Oz?
Would be appreciated.
Slight error in my email to FJC lawyers, since they don’t eat sandwiches at such an esteemed firm:
Please also note, for catering purposes, I cannot eat ham baguettes, as I’m sure FJC cater better than just sandwiches. I can have alcohol and porn, but only if I’m flying a large plane into a high rise the next day.
Amazing how guys like Pence and gals like Haley just don’t get it. To be this clueless they have to be completely ignorant of what has been happening since 2015.
You’d think they might get a sniff of it from poll numbers, which for them are so far in the toilet they’d have to swim upstream just to get back to the sewerage plant.
Feb 22, 2024 6:28 PM
Didn’t know that. Thanks.
Mine own wine innovation is going to have to wait for another year… been feeling my way into a sulphur-free wine, tho there are any amount of winemakers willing to give it a birl- for contract jobs, why the hell not?- fitting a sober quantity it into a facility is the logistics headache. In a breakneck vintage like this, it’s just not gonna happen.
Maybe it’s for the best… whites were OK, but every margaret river red is in the jam pan now.
Cool area, my butt.
Just for you, Barking Toad.
Law protects everyone, not just the loudest
Chris Merritt
A Ukrainian-Jewish man who alleges he was assaulted during a pro-Palestinian protest at the Sydney Opera House.
A Ukrainian-Jewish man who alleges he was assaulted during a pro-Palestinian protest at the Sydney Opera House.
There is only one thing worse than having no law to address criminal conduct, and that is having a law that is not enforced.
This has the perverse effect of encouraging the very conduct that should have been suppressed, while destroying public confidence in one of the key principles of the rule of law.
Equality before the law is fundamental to what it means to be Australian. It means the law is there to protect everyone, not just those who have undue influence.
For most of our history, this idea was deeply ingrained in society. It took too long to reach Indigenous people, but now there is no denying that this country, compared to others, is a bastion of equality.
This is the wellspring for the Australian belief that everyone is entitled to a “fair go”, regardless of their station in life.
Unless this principle applies to all of us, without distinction, we are all diminished.
That is why the entire nation should be outraged by what has happened to citizens of this country who happen to be Jewish. Their right to equal protection under the law is being chipped away at alarming speed.
The problem is most acute in Sydney – a city now known globally for the public expression of racial hatred against Jews outside the Opera House on October 9.
In the three months since that shameful episode, public expressions of racial hatred against Jews have been made at mosques in the city’s suburbs and by angry mobs in the street.
Nobody has been brought before the courts. Nobody has been shamed from public life.
The source of this decline is that something has gone terribly wrong – either in the law itself or among those who are supposed to enforce the law.
Premier Chris Minns is right to be worried about what is happening to his state. Public statements inciting violence against Jews are supposed to attract criminal penalties regardless of whether they are intentional or reckless.
That is what section 93Z of the Crimes Act says.
Yet such statements have been made in public by identifiable persons and nothing has happened.
Inciting violence is far more serious than the civil offence of racial vilification which covers the lower end of the spectrum of hate speech. Vilification involves inciting hatred and contempt – not violence.
Last month Minns was clearly seeking some answers about how to fix section 93Z. Inciting violence, after all, is the most serious problem.
That is why Minns said he had asked former NSW chief justice Tom Bathurst to examine the criminal provision.
“Mr Bathurst, who is currently the chairperson of the NSW Law Reform Commission, will review the policy objectives and effectiveness of section 93Z of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW),” Minns said on January 19.
Here’s the problem. When the terms of reference for this inquiry were made public on February 14 the clear focus on criminal conduct had shifted.
It now looks like this review will be primarily concerned with what the terms of reference describe as “serious racial and religious vilification”.
Instead of focusing on improving the law against inciting racial or religious violence, there is a risk this inquiry could be heading into dangerous territory.
It might be about to consider criminalising speech that falls short of incitement to violence.
At the moment, inciting racial hatred is a civil offence that should be easier to prove than the criminal offence which attracts up to three years in prison.
The offences are currently treated separately and do not even appear in the same statute.
Yet the review’s terms of reference seems to require the Law Reform Commission combine the two concepts. The commission is required to report on the effectiveness of section 93Z “in addressing serious racial and religious vilification in NSW”.
That could be difficult for the simple reason that racial vilification – inciting hatred or contempt – is not dealt with under section 93Z. It is a civil offence under section 20C of the Anti-Discrimination Act.
There is, however, a possible explanation for this apparent confusion.
This could be an early sign of where this inquiry might be heading. The commission might be about to consider a single criminal offence of inciting serious racial vilification or violence.
That might explain why other parts of the terms of reference require the commission to consider criminal vilification in other jurisdictions and to have regard to “the impacts on freedoms, including freedom of speech, association and religion”.
If the purpose of this review is to ensure criminal law can be enforced, a combined criminal offence of inciting hatred or violence could have drawbacks.
If incitement to violence is treated separately there would be no need to consider the impact of the implied constitutional right to freedom of speech on government or political matters.
There is no implied right to incite violence.
If the criminal and civil offences are combined, there would inevitably be a risk that the High Court might have something to say about the impact of such a law on the implied Constitutional freedom of political communication.
Jailing people for opinions that fall short of incitement to violence might be a bridge too far for the High Court if those views – however repugnant – concern government or political matters.
NSW Opposition frontbencher Alister Henskens, SC, is no fan of the implied freedom. Last year, when delivering his Garfield Barwick Oration, he made the point that the High Court had used this “illegitimate constitutional right” to justify striking down state legislation passed through democratic processes.
Can’t believe how racist the AFL & North Melbourne are with the way they have treated Tarryn Thomas.
Great minds, Vicki.
Feb 22, 2024 2:07 PM
A Communist government can. And does. Comrade.
From what I’ve read, it seems to be the deluge of social interactions they are not capable of rejecting, and the girls seem to be lurching from one social crisis to another with no respite. The constant flood of apocalyptic drama can’t be helping. Whereas boys just say “Girls”. With deeper thought patterns, it’s “How do I get into their knickers?”
Colion Noir Blows Joe Rogan’s Mind w/ Why Poor Voters Are Suddenly Liking Trump
Why even have the Congress if the president is going to make $US100bill decisions by decree.
Thanks, Bushie. I just spoke with brother. He sounded a tad dazed, but was all gung ho, “Yeah/nah she’ll be right.” (After three deployments to Vietnam, gung ho is his default position.)
He’s lived in Beaufort for 20 plus years, originally with his beautiful Malaysian wife and their little boy. She died just before her 50th birthday from a wildly aggressive cancer. That almost shattered him. Then, just a few years later, his son, at 22, brilliant young RMIT student, was killed in a work experience accident. I don’t know how brother survived.
His house remains as a shrine to his wife and son. If he loses that, he truly will have nothing left.
Sorry for rambling, Bushie. I’m a tad concerned at the moment.
What say the geologists here about this?
Shh… nobody tell them that H2O produced from burning hydrogen is a greenhouse gas. NOx will also be produced.
Thanks Bern
I’m using that!
Can’t wait till Tarryn writes a book and gets a country-wide tour funded by their AFL.
I suspect it is an overt strategy to tie up Scotus on a million issues so that they can get away with anything they want. The DoJ sure ain’t going to pull them up. That way they can do as much unconstitutional stuff as they like since there’s only nine Scotus justices and they have to sleep sometimes. And anytime Scotus pulls them up they just repackage it and do it again a slightly different way.
Boambee John
Feb 22, 2024 4:03 PM
I’m currently rereading the Expeditionary Force series of novels by Craig Alanson – for the third time.
Great characterisations, excellent plot formation and lots of good rollicking fun as Earth is overrun by aliens and the UN Expeditionary Force is sent off planet as a mercenary force to to the dirty work for the lizards, until the main character finds – on a shelf, in a storeroom where he is being held captive – a tin can holding a multidimensional Elder AI with a distinct personality problem.
Great series.
Don’t be, Delta.
(I’ve had door cockie on my flyscreen three times in the last half hour. He’s fun! I go and open it a little bit then reach around and hand him a piece of bread. Which he then takes away and eats with relish. When you buy your next security screen door make sure it can keep cockies out.)
Bret Weinstein with Joe Rogan.
PCR test inventor Kary Mullis EXPOSED Anthony Fauci back in the 90’s | JRE
Wally Dali:
I know three fruits – one’s an apple, the other is an orange, and the third isn’t.
Thank you Vicki & ZK2A. Appreciate your help.
(I’ve had door cockie on my flyscreen three times in the last half hour. He’s fun! I go and open it a little bit then reach around and hand him a piece of bread. Which he then takes away and eats with relish. When you buy your next security screen door make sure it can keep cockies out.)
Far too smart – are cockies.
I may have recounted this before – but a while ago I heard a cockie in a local flock repeating incessantly…”Hello Cocky! Hello Cocky!”
We figure he must have been a domesticated bird released into the wild because he drove his owner crazy.
Now he is driving his brother cockies crazy! I love it!
An interesting question. US logistics is just another thing Australia has no hope of ever matching.
BTW Bruce – we are in Sydney at the moment – & this arvo have had a magpie, two lorikeets & a water dragon all begging for their respective dinners at our door at the same time.
The maggie ignores the others, but the lorikeets hate the water dragon & do stupid wing flapping gestures at it. Dragon ignores them completely.
Christian Porter must wish he’d stayed in State politics – Colin Barnett was grooming him as his successor as Premier of Western Australia.
Merritt raises some serious questions about the judiciary and legislation.
The unanswered question, of course, is why didn’t NSW plod take action on the steps of the Opera House on 9 October 2023?
Steve Trickler:
Very good advice.
ZK2A – Emperor Barney left a flaming wreck and gave WA the Sneakers Era. Might have been different if Porter was around. If my grant application gets approved I’ll get Tim Winton to do a screenplay for an adaptation of Sliding Doors exploring this theme. Stay tuned.
A state premier has to be a good “retail politician.”
I think Porter’s instincts were correct.
Whoever wrote this is a complete turd.
The US has the first amendment. It does not allow for the incitement of violence.
The conflation of the two is either malice or incompetence. The article should be withdrawn and an apology issued.
This guy is immediately suspect. No doubt he supported the petty tyranny of Elliot, Hazzard, Beryl etc.
Because democracy, like suspension of Parliament whilst creating delegated legislation without Legislative Council oversight.
Because, democracy.
I put this up this morning.
It’s the problem in a nutshell.
Let me guess.
To protect democracy.
Please use the link button people.
For the love of God.
Emperor Barney didn’t benefit from the iron ore rivers of gold. I wasn’t particularly impressed by Porters time as WA Treasurer. Now rendered moot by events. Seems a long time ago now. When we first started consulting at a corporatised GOE they were scratching around for a relatively minor special dividend. Cash was certainly tight then. Would be a rounding error these days.
Here’s Heskens’s Garfield Barwick Oration.
While he has some points on the abuses of the HC, post-covid, he and James Allan’s continued arguments against a Bill of Rights remind me of the black knight in Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
Errant n.
Buy yourself a dog. A proper one. Not a foo foo dog, which is an abomination in the eyes of God.
Suddenly realise you need to get away for six months (invent an excuse.) Ask him to mind it for the time and it needs walking twice a day.
Push the focus away from his losses and get him to focus on the present and about his need to help with the dog. It needs sunshine twice a day.
It will be uncritical of his drama, and will listen better than any human.
Imagine a US Presidential candidate declaring they didn’t need a bill of rights or Amendment XIV.
“Congress and the President will protect our rights, the courts will merely undertake plain language statutory interpretation and apply the law as intended, most Supreme Court cases will be regarding original jurisdiction…”
It just isn’t a serious idea.
Vicki – I’m down to 6¾ magpies at the moment. Four northerners, two being kids, and a new bunch to the west. My southern magpies have left, they probably found a patron nearer to the reserve where they like to nest. The new bunch is a young female and two of the southerner sons from last year – one of which is minus a leg from an accident when he was a chick. He’s hanging in there pretty well despite having to hop around everywhere.
Eyrie, cursory look. Ellis has about 2 years which I can’t find an employer outside of Academia or USGS (Government).
He has well more post noms than what I do however.
All I got to say is he isn’t wrong that Archean formations high in mafics have known resources of H2, same petroleum gases. However mostly because H2 is such a small atom it escapes the crust and ends up in the upper atmosphere where it escapes into space. If there is an impermeable layer in the crust H2 can be trapped just as oil & gas is. Apparently Africa is suspected to have a few of these style deposits. Whether it is economical or not another question given the difficulties in containing H2.
Where I get wary is suddenly this is a new gold rush given the green snake oil around at the moment and the Government involvement in said snake oil.
Feb 22, 2024 7:17 PM
(I’ve had door cockie on my flyscreen three times in the last half hour. He’s fun! I go and open it a little bit then reach around and hand him a piece of bread. Which he then takes away and eats with relish. When you buy your next security screen door make sure it can keep cockies out.)
When I was a kid, on the way to the beach at Sawtell, there was a cockatoo in a big cage where he could harass the kids walking by.
We eventually taught him to say “Scratch cockies arsehole with a crowbar.”
Hey – we were 7,6 and 5 year old boys. What do you expect?
Shazza excitedly reporting that Albozo and Pong’s pallyweirdo ruffugees do indeed lerve hamarse big time.
Colour me completely unsurprised.
Hot news in Brisbane today was sentencing of two teenage Africans in connection with armed break in of former Wallaby Totai Kefu.
The two stayed in the car but knew their mates had a sickle and machete and part of discussion where said stab anybody who wakes up. Kefu stabbed in stomach and his wife and two kids also injured. Just to steal their car. Family too traumatized to be able to victim impact statement.
Both sentenced to 2.5 years detention but one walked free due to time served. The other committed further offences whilst on bail for this case.
Police asked for 5 years. Both not citizens yet. However what has got people outraged is no conviction to be recorded.
The judge is a former Civil Liberties lawyer..
If we can’t name and shame the teenage crims it is time to put up judges photo on front page of Courier Mail.
Here’s hoping she’s asked the right minister for comment this time.
This story is too important for sophomoric Ascham schoolgirl stuff ups.
Blokes have got thirteen and a half years for way less then that.
Bourne1879 Feb 22, 2024 8:11 PM
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Well, there’s an avenue that needs to be explored.
Hot news in Brisbane today was sentencing of two teenage Africans in connection with armed break in of former Wallaby Totai Kefu.
Both sentenced to 2.5 years detention but one walked free due to time served. The other committed further offences whilst on bail for this case.
This story is beyond concerning. If the African origin offenders can’t be imprisoned after seriously injuring a popular footballer & his family…….we are in serious trouble as a nation.
Excellent advice, Winnie.
Thanks for caring enough to post it.
If we can’t name and shame the teenage crims it is time to put up judges photo on front page of Courier Mail.
Correct. For instance who was the beak who released the sud scum who stabbed the grannie despite the sud already being on bail for serious offences.
I’m down to 6¾ magpies at the moment. Four northerners, two being kids, and a new bunch to the west. My southern magpies have left, they probably found a patron nearer to the reserve where they like to nest.
We love our city & rural magpies. The city birds, of course, are accomplished dinner guests & receive what they are given with some grace.
The rural maggies are far more wary. This year a new pair settled on our farm some kilometre from the house & approached only to use the birdbath. They have just raised their first fledglings. It has been very frustrating to watch. As they are new at it, they have fed their almost full grown “babies” for far too long – at least, according to us. We watch as they now approach our bird feeders (seed mostly for the red dumped parrots) & place the seed in the open beaks of their offspring which are almost their size! It is sickening.
“Boot them out!” we say to them. Finally, wearily, they are doing just that. We think they will be wiser with their second brood next year!
If the same measure is applied to other juvenile offenders, whatever their ethnicity, the salient problem isn’t the African origin of the offenders, but the inability of a “progressive” justice system to deliver justice.
The judge who gave slaps on the wrist to the Kefu assault shits is Judge Ian Dearden
The 2 black kids sentenced stayed in the car and were not the 2 who entered and attacked the family. Those 2 are to be sentenced next month and that will be interesting.
Because the jacks aren’t the jacks any more.
They are now (with several notable individual and small group/squad exceptions) the enforcement arm of governments’ social policy flunkies. Given a choice, the brass will take the path of least resistance every time because those governments decide whether or not to extend the brass’ contracts.
One of a myriad of examples – during covid, churches were shut and/or severely restricted in what they could do. Mosques, of course, were ‘too difficult’ so were left alone.
Obviously, people can see this – and this is the exact reason why police forces around the country cannot attract recruits.
In my humble view, and from watching several seasons of Blue Heelers, people once joined the cops to lock up crooks and keep shit people away from normal people.
That essential component of the job is waaaaay down the list of job requirements now. I will contend that people do not want to join an organisation that:
Fawns over Mardi Gras marches;
Hangs up Chinese flags over police stations;
Escorts younger (career) crooks home after a night of kicking in elderly people’s doors and stealing their cars instead of throwing them in the bin because they’re ‘too young’;
Uses coppers as hospital guards for mental patients because other departments are supposedly underfunded yet neck deep in mid-level bureaucrats; and
About a hundred other things that aren’t the job of the cops. In my opinion.
In the same vein as the recent discussion apropos of the ADF, it is no surprise people aren’t banging down doors to be a jack. Thirty years ago, I have heard it said that every State and Territory police force would take one of forty recruits who applied.
No more. And it shows.
This lady would have made a damn fine Kitteh!
If the same measure is applied to other juvenile offenders, whatever their ethnicity, the salient problem isn’t the African origin of the offenders, but the inability of a “progressive” justice system to deliver justice.
Roger – you are right, of course, that the lack of the correct punishment is the problem. Nonetheless, I do maintain that we have a particular problem in areas (such as in Melbourne & SE Qld) where either Sudanese or Somali African refugees have been settled. We have discussed this before on the blog. These are countries where warfare and tribal violence are endemic. It does not seem to be able to be eliminated through resettlement or relative (compared to country of origin) affluence.
Police asked for 5 years. Both not citizens yet. However what has got people outraged is no conviction to be recorded.
more evidence that canbra imports people who attack citizens- do the canbra pubic serpents learn about the cloward-piven strategy during their bludge courses at the ANU?
The big challenge for Dutton should he succeed in becoming PM is taking on the permanent gubmint in that despicable, parasite robber state known as canbra. Canbra- the home of malicious incompetence and reward for failure.
This is part of the NINE news report:
Two teenage boys have been given detention orders after Wallabies star Toutai Kefu and three family members were stabbed in a violent home invasion.
The youths faced Brisbane Children’s Court on Thursday for sentencing after pleading guilty to seven charges committed when they were aged 13 and 15 including intentionally causing grievous bodily harm and unlawful wounding.
Judge Ian Dearden said the aftermath of the attacks was one of the worst he had seen in his long career.
Queensland Police said a number of males were disturbed breaking into Toutai Kefu’s home, where a ‘violent altercation’ left four members of the house injured.
Queensland Police said a number of males were disturbed breaking into Toutai Kefu’s home, where a ‘violent altercation’ left four members of the house injured. (9News)
“I cannot cope with looking at photographs (of the crime scene) … there is more blood there than I ever want to see in my life,” he said.
Kefu suffered critical wounds to his abdomen while trying to defend his family in the early morning attack at the inner-Brisbane suburb of Coorparoo on August 16, 2021.
His wife and 21-year-old son also suffered serious wounds and his 18-year-old daughter was injured while wrestling with the intruders.
Extraordinary stuff. Can’t believe this is happening.
A group in SA is pushing to sentence accomplices with the same crime, Roger.
Yes, I agree with that, Vicki. And I’m on the record here – or on Sinc’s Cat – as being opposed to their resettlement here. It was a stupid decision by the Howard government (one of many).
But having had some involvement with Sudanese youth through church, they should not all be lumped in together as inclined to criminality. Those who succeed in education and employment obviously don’t make the news headlines and it is unjust that they should bear the stigma of actions they are not responsible for and do not approve of.
Canbra is at war with us and has been for decades and now they have their soulmates in charge at APH. So cozy. Will the foreign affairies trash give strap on and anal a standing ovation the way they did for TLS?
Fair point Roger.
Rockdoctor, thanks for that. It will depend on how much hydrogen of course in each deposit. No problem with storage and transport. Use atmospheric CO2 and Sabatier reactor to make methane. Problem solved! :-). Carbon neutral even.
Not rambling at all, Delta.
I think I’ve met your brother in passing. That’s a tough story.
Hope he’s ok.
early morning attack at the inner-Brisbane suburb of Coorparoo on August 16, 2021.
the pubic ‘service’ in canbra should be liable for this
If the law is only enforced selectively, what’s the benefit in a rule of law?
Speaking of despicable and selective enforcement of the law-
Rukshan Fernando
I was assaulted while working on my daily news vlog in front of the Melbourne City Council, with multiple members of the Victoria Police force present. I had attended the public area in front of the council building as the MCC was debating a motion on a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict, aiming to cover a local news story as an independent journalist and a resident of the city of Melbourne. While working, a group of pro-Palestinian individuals openly harassed and intimidated me, as they did not approve of someone I know in the Victorian Jewish community.
Victoria Police told me to move to another side of the road, as the Pro Palestine group did not approve of my relationship with this Jewish individual. At that point, I contested the ridiculous move-on order for a journalist in Australia; however, I did move across to the other side of the road as it became apparent that the police were more comfortable blaming me than controlling the unruly mob. As I crossed over to the side of the road the police directed me to, I was followed by a group of Pro Palestinian protesters, after which one of them openly assaulted me in front of the police.
I have attempted multiple times throughout today to provide a statement to the
; however, I have yet to be contacted, even though they witnessed the assault on the night it occurred and noted it as an unlawful assault in an incident report. I’ve tried my best to compile the circumstances of my assault and the failure of the Victoria Police to act. On the night of the incident, they were refusing my requests to identify the masked attacker who was present, citing fear of the mob.
I copped a mighty punch to the head today . Got off the train and two abo’s attacked me after asking for a ciggie. I said no. I left both on the deck.
It’s all on camera so I should be good. My wrist is f&cked.
Dude! How’s the head though?
Steve trickler
Good Man. I hope the wrist isn’t too damaged. See a doc/A&E for backup of your injuries and legal issues – because there will be.
Go to the physio (after you go to ED for a potential concussion).
Get an all clear. –> Do bagwork or padwork!
Almost redemption for Gemini:
Here’s an example: You were asked to show images of Popes and images of female and black Popes were created.
You’re absolutely right, and I apologize for generating an inaccurate and unhelpful response to your request for images of Popes. In doing so, I failed to uphold my commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
Now, the spin:
Throughout history, no woman or Black person has held the title of Pope. The Catholic Church, which elects the Pope, has historically excluded women and people of color from this position.
People of colour have not been excluded.
You are correct, and I apologize for my inaccurate statement. While it is true that the papacy has never been held by a Black person, the statement that people of color have been entirely excluded is inaccurate.
I can remember a recruiter called Matt Rendell who was flayed alive for speaking the truth. That is, that a number of AFL clubs are gun-shy of recruiting Aboriginal kids without a lot of due diligence into family background.
Both not citizens yet.
Well, there’s an avenue that needs to be explored.
2 & a half years putz you in non citizen deportation territory but by not recording a conviction the magistrate annuls that … the well marinated lettuce leaf of Oz justice on display again .. it’s not what you do but what level suntan is involved ………
Feb 22, 2024 9:27 PM
Dude! How’s the head though?
I’ve got a black eye. Dropping the two pricks was satisfying. Mum is freaked.
That is serious attempted armed robbery.
I mean, how much is a smoke worth these days?
Any Western Australian Cats know why the price of a certain single malt has gone from $150 a bottle to over $220?
Money printer go BRRRRR!
Much cheaper if it’s chop.
“All we wanted was a couple of ciggies, and the white ladiesbits assaulted the pair of us!’
Biden on student loan cancellation: “The Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn’t stop me.”
One hundred Russian cities turned into radioactive glass because Medvedev is peeved at getting beaten by a third rate army?
Well, maybe two or three cities if they intend to use Tridents… ?
Two reasons;
1/. Recent CPI rise to liquor prices.
2/. Exchange rate movement of Oz dollar to the Sterling.
This stuff is usually imported by the shipping container. It may take some time (perhaps months) for the container contents to sell (circa 20,000 – 25,000 bottles) In the meantime there may have been a shift in exchange rate, and/or the cost to land it at the export dock in country of origin.
Mr Bolton will be most upset.
I trust you used Des (left hand) and Troy (right hand).
Des. Troy. Destroy. Geddit?
Cool story.
Palazzo Conte Federico.
Bastard son of the last? King Federico the progenitor of family build his palazzo along the Roman punic wall around the the last remaining defense tower of the walled city of Palermo around 400 years ago.
They used to own a lot of land in Sicily but are now reduced to this one palazzo.
Grandfather was a patron of the Targa Fiori? motor race, and the Conte, now 85 still races, though because of age restrictions only outside Italy.
The red racing car sits in the main entry when not in use.
Family were/are? Freemasons and the property hosts a Freemason temple in which Garibaldi was elected grand master. Richard Wagner was a frequent visitor.
It’s a fascinating tour, beautiful decorated wooden ceilings from the 17th century, some now covered in 18th frescoes, the medieval tower. There was a medieval majolica map of Palermo on the floor in the temple room showing a river running below the Roman wall, now underground and causing problems when it rains heavily, and harbours on each side from when Palermo was a peninsula. I knew the harbour was extended from rubble in WWII but not the earlier infill.
5000 bombs on Palermo in two weeks, they lost their chapel and his grandmother’s house 100 metres away was completely destroyed.
The majolica floors are mint and all in all well worth the €15 entry fee.
Visitors today German, French, Polish, Swedish and me so the tour was conducted in English by the Conte’s thirty something oldest son who told us his girlfriend was pregnant. Hopefully that prompts him to marry her.
I left a little early to catch the train, turns out it’s the night train to Milan and only stops in Cefalu to pick up.
Oh well.
Catching the regionale to Sant Agatha instead. €7.10.