Open Thread – Wed 21 Feb 2024

Calliope Mourning Homer, Jacques-Louis David, 1812

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Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 22, 2024 11:17 pm

Had a little excursion into the local ED yesterday.
What an eye-opener on the passing parade of humanity.
The old hands seem to know the trigger phrases that might push them up the queue.
And the most common phrase uttered seemed to be, “Yeah, nah, can I just have something for the pain”.
The prioritisation is all wrong. It needs three streams, in order of preference:-
1. Completely random health misfortunes;
2. Lifestyle illnesses*
3. Accidents caused by gross stupidity, especially involving men over 40 and scooters.
* I was parked inside ED on a trolley within earshot of the ambulance bay …
Ambo :- “OK. Male. D.O.B 5th May 2003. Says he has drunk 17 beers since midday. Got heart palpitations but these seemed to have cleared up. No chest pain. He has a history of depression and ADHD”.
Triage Guy (to his credit) :- “To be fair, without chest pains I don’t see any reason to urgently admit him. Just put him in the waiting room”.
(In the background I can hear Mr 17 Beers on the phone “Yeah can ya bring mw f-ckin meds up to the hostibal”).
I’ll bet he lasted five minutes in the waiting room after no success with “Yeah, nah, can I just have something for the pain”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 22, 2024 11:22 pm

In the meantime there may have been a shift in exchange rate, and/or the cost to land it at the export dock in country of origin.

Thanks, Sal Looks like I might have to start distilling my own!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 22, 2024 11:24 pm

Three things struck me about Mr 17 Beers:-
1. The precision in estimating the number of beers he had – precisely 17.
2. His claim that he “smoked the occasional joint at Christmas, but no other illicit drug use.” Pull the other one.
3. Why he thought a history of depression and ADHD were “emergency conditions”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 22, 2024 11:28 pm

The old hands seem to know the trigger phrases that might push them up the queue

The NT fullbloods just wander up to the ED triage counter and point to their kidney. Straight in they go, and they get a sleep (in between tick-the-box tests) and a sandwich before they get a taxi voucher.

The son and heir spent 18 hours in the ED in Darwin about five weeks back for abdominal pain. No sandwich for whitey.

February 22, 2024 11:30 pm

Sneakers apprentice village idiot deliberately, and with malice removed the ability to lock people up to ” cut out” fines with a few days in the lockup.
Because.. much stollen generators were overrepresented.

But it’s been noted by local scallywags and pisswrecks that racking up 5 figures worth of fines isn’t any worse than racking up the first $100.
So there have literally been cases where they have been fined, released and gone straight to the bottle shop to abscond with more grog.

So the mong is passing a law to sentence people doing this to up to 2 years jail.
I confidently predict this law is dead on arrival once a few generators are before the beak.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
February 22, 2024 11:32 pm

Trying to bum smokes off Trickler, eh Sancho?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 22, 2024 11:34 pm

A bloke tried to bum a smoke off me in the Gravelly Hotel carpark at 8.30 p.m. one Friday night.

Hoooo boy. It was on.

On, like Donkey Kong.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 22, 2024 11:34 pm

The NT fullbloods just wander up to the ED triage counter and point to their kidney.

Bwah ha ha ha.
I had one of those who was a Cat 3 (broke something while doing something really stupid – “I tripped over walking backwards”.)
He had been referred to by one of the 35 Aboriginal medical centres in town. I immediately thought this would be a queue jump.
But no.
Well he didn’t bump me at least.

February 22, 2024 11:35 pm

Looks like protectionism and tariffs are back on the menu boys!

The Biden administration is backing the Albanese government’s moves to recognise “clean” nickel

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 22, 2024 11:39 pm

No, I reserved my ire for the Taylor Swift fan.
She twisted her ankle three weeks ago, but didn’t tell mum because she didn’t want to miss the concert.
Suddenly, three days after the concert, she is in “excruciating pain” and needs to queue jump.
It wasn’t lost on me that someone who could spend $400 on a Tay-Tay ticket could probably afford a GP gap payment.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 23, 2024 12:37 am

Had a little excursion into the local ED yesterday.
What an eye-opener on the passing parade of humanity

ED and Magistrates Court on a Monday morning both provide an insight into the human condition.

February 23, 2024 1:12 am

Feb 22, 2024 12:10 PM

Some anecdotal and factual conversation recounts from a family member.

The busses he drives the military around in are unmarked, the military passengers MUST wear civvies. So as not to become targets. Obviously, DoD is worried about right wing fanatics.

Most are kids fresh out of high school, who are only there for the money. No intention of fighting (do they have a choice?) The take home money for these kids is great – free accoms, meals, medical, dental and very low interest loans.Deployment overseas anywhere gets you tens of thousand $$ bonus on return.

Laughing and joking, they are in the box seat because recruitment number have been a disaster. Being showered with bennies.

We certainly have a problem. Especially when we see leftarded Govt and media doing the best to kill off the SASR for ungentlemanly conduct.
shatterzzz Avatar

Well, things have changed. If you read Spike Milligan’s memoirs, not to mention diaries about WWI and II, for a lot of recruits it was about adventure and seeing the world. It is easy to forget that in those days, the chances of the average bloke ever going beyond Bournemouth or Bondi were slim.

That’s not the case today.

Spike also mentioned a chap in his unit who had never had clothes that were not ill-fitting hand-me-downs until he joined the Army.

For a very long time, the military attracted people who didn’t have many options (if any.) Hundreds of years. Yes, there were the dedicated types, but there were also (in Europe and the UK) a lot of fops who were there because of family connections and the like. Commissions were bought or traded.

The grunts were people of no consequence to the officer class, as we saw in WWI. Carnage, to this day hard to grasp. As bad as it could be.

I’m not saying that potential recruits have a detailed knowledge of history.

But, they are not the bright-eyed boys who went to the front in search of adventure in 1915 in France or 1943/44 in Italy. for example.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 23, 2024 4:27 am

Who to believe? Forked-tongued Albo or the good Mr Gooda?

Yes campaign crash: Mick Gooda’s anger at Anthony Albanese’s voice strategy, and aftermath
Voice anger: Indigenous leader Mick Gooda in Brisbane on Thursday Picture:
9:17PM FEBRUARY 22, 2024

Indigenous leader Mick Gooda says Anthony Albanese and prominent Yes campaigners are responsible for the failure of the voice referendum, hitting out at their refusal to amend the proposal after it failed to win bipartisan support and began tanking in the polls.

The former human rights commissioner will use a speech on Friday to attack the “crash or crash through” approach taken by the Prime Minister and his party on the advice of campaigners such as Noel Pearson, declaring he was “angry with the Yes side” over the outcome.

Mr Gooda will accuse Labor of being “stuck in some form of paralysis” since the voice referendum and is critical of the government for its failure to outline a new plan on Indigenous affairs.

“So here we are, four months after the referendum and at the federal level things seem to have come to a complete standstill,” Mr Gooda will tell the Aboriginal National Press Club in Brisbane on Friday, according to a draft copy of the speech.

“It’s almost as if some form of paralysis has taken over. I have heard of vague rumours that some local or regional structure will be established; we have heard the Prime Minister’s Close The Gap statement last week about more jobs in remote Australia and a revamped Community Development Program; but what we are not seeing is a narrative, a vision of where we go to from here,” Mr Gooda says.

He laments why the normal rules of politics were ignored in putting the voice proposal to a referendum.

Mr Gooda says he does not understand why the Yes camp and the government pushed ahead with their model despite the ­absence of “key ingredients” such as bipartisan support and detail for voters.

He says the government should have pursued bipartisanship by proposing a legislated voice as recommended by the report to the Morrison government by Indigenous academics Marcia Langton and Tom Calma.

“I am angry that we knew these things but for some reason we went with a ‘crash through or crash’ approach,” Mr Gooda says.

“Some people describe politics as the skilful use of blunt objects, while others talk about politics being the art of compromise.

“Let the record show in the ­referendum, we most certainly crashed.”

In a key intervention ahead of the referendum last year, Mr Gooda said he was terrified the proposed constitutional change would fail and urged advocates to look at ways to arrest the slide in public support, such as removing “executive government” from the amendment’s wording.

His comments earned him a rebuke from Mr Pearson, who accused Mr Gooda of “wetting the bed” and described his behaviour as “extremely foolish”.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus proposed watering down the power of the voice to provide ­advice on executive government – effectively limiting the ability of the proposed body to advise cabinet – but the Prime Minister rejected this on the advice of Mr Pearson, Megan Davis and other members of the referendum working group.

Mr Gooda, who is spear­heading Queensland’s truth-­telling and treaty-making processes, says the government failed to ensure it had the three “key ingredients” needed to win the referendum.

“The first is bipartisanship between the major parties (which) is the most essential ingredient for a successful referendum,” he says.

“The second essential thing is a human reaction … and that is, if we don’t know what we are voting for, we will generally vote no.

“The third thing we know about referendums is that there is a high point of support for the question and this usually comes a fair while before the question is put to the people and once that support begins to slide downward, it never returns to that high point.”

Mr Albanese said on Thursday no member of the referendum working group – a panel of 21 Indigenous leaders advising on how to proceed with the voice referendum – had suggested to him the voice should be legislated before the referendum was held.

“In 2019 as well as 2022 both sides of politics went to the ­election saying there would be a referendum on constitutional recognition,” he said. “The form of constitutional recognition was through a voice to parliament. That was the request; we honoured and respected that request of First Nations people; we respect the outcome of the referendum.”

Sean Gordon, a member of the referendum working group, said there had not been any discussions over whether the voice should be legislated instead of enshrined in the Constitution, but this was because Mr Albanese had “locked in” the model at the election. “He locked it in; it didn’t allow for those conversations to be had,” he said.

Mr Calma confirmed no such discussions had taken place.

Rather than arguing the voice should first have been legislated – as Professor Langton has done this week – Mr Calma says his only criticism is the time between the referendum date being called and Australians casting their votes might have been too short.

In his speech, Mr Gooda urges the government to put forward “a vision of where to go from here” that goes beyond Closing The Gap statements. Mr Gooda echoes comments by other Indigenous leaders such as Professor Langton and Mr Gordon in urging for local and regional voices to be looked at as a possible path forwards in Indigenous affairs.

When asked whether the government would explore expanding the local and regional voices model, Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney said last week: “Where we’re at, at the moment, is accepting the outcome of the referendum. Issues like regional voices are something that I know that are being very much discussed in places like the Kimberley … and I’m not going to say anything definitive today – it’s not my job to do that right now.

“They are discussions to be had with the community and within the structures that we need to within this place.”

Ms Burney would not lay out a time frame for such discussions, nor would she clarify if and when truth-telling processes would begin at the federal level.

Mr Gooda will say in his speech that the truth-telling process – at state, territory and federal levels – was not about punishing people, and cautions against the renaming of streets and landmarks because of their fraught history.

On treaties, Mr Gooda says fears of compensation being demanded out of negotiations between government and Indigenous people are misplaced.

“At the most fundamental level, a treaty is an agreement that is negotiated between at least two parties,” he says. “If one of those parties does not agree with a particular matter being included in a treaty and that position cannot be mediated, then one of two things can occur. Either, the matter in contention is not included in any treaty or ultimately there may not be a treaty at all.”

SARAH ISON Political reporter

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  1. Huge Southport Killer News As SHOCK Twist Emerges! It wasn’t just 3 children that had to pay for his actions,…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x