Open Thread – Weekend 24 Feb 2024

A Walk in the Forest, Ivan Shishkin, 1869

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February 25, 2024 4:05 pm

Beau could be brazening it out.
Did he go hire the white van after killing them or was it part of the plan?
Does he think no bodies, no conviction?
Or that his celebrity will allow him to skate?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 25, 2024 4:06 pm

Awaiting instructions.

Post sensibly JC. Forget the abuse.

We know you can do it.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 25, 2024 4:09 pm

There’s a column in to be had in Albanese’s intervention to get one of your rugby players into the US, after failing a club-based “has a problem with women” finding.

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 4:11 pm

Knuckle Dragger

Feb 25, 2024 4:00 PM
we squares are not ‘hip’ and ‘with it’ like Albo, man

Albo digs it, yo.

It sounds like a two year old trying to say Potato. And failing.
Does it have something to do with adult nappies as well?

I haven’t kept up with the music scene, it’s obvious.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 25, 2024 4:16 pm

Mother Lode
Feb 25, 2024 3:17 PM
Mutleys here a lot at the moment.

He pops up when the MSM thinks someone has finally brought down the cruel ogre, Trump.

When that happens Monty gets a vicarious thrill – it is almost as if he achieved something, an illusion that never suffers from fading next to a real achievement thanks to Monty’s not having any real ones.

An erection? An orgasm? Curious minds.

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 4:20 pm

Mother Load:

When the great gotcha unravels and fritters away Monty also unravels and fritters away – until the next time.

Damn you.
You mentioned ‘fritters’ and I just had to make some.
30 minutes later and the entire batch gone, and I feel sick.
Next time I have to put some chutney or PMU sauce in the batter.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 25, 2024 4:20 pm

Hyphen-Soybean thinks he has an ace up his sleeve.

Probably thinks he can bargain down his sentence by revealing where the bodies are at a suitable point.

Or he thinks he can be a man of mystery by keeping the location to himself for future years. Bradley Murdoch who murdered Peter Falconio in the NT has the same attitude.

February 25, 2024 4:25 pm

Falco’s dead. Tried a 911 trick, but didn’t work out.

I never saw him, but wifey and the kid have, perched on the side of buildings.

Flaco the owl, who charted his own path through the skies of Manhattan and captured the public imagination since gaining freedom last year, has died, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society.

“We are saddened to report that Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl discovered missing from the Central Park Zoo after his exhibit was vandalized just over a year ago, is dead after an apparent collision with a building on West 89th Street in Manhattan,” the organization said in a statement late Friday.

Alan Drogin, a resident of the Upper West Side building where Flaco was found — and a birder for the past 30 years — said he discovered the owl after the superintendent alerted him around 5:30 p.m. on Friday.

February 25, 2024 4:25 pm

Greetings, Winston.

Still getting off on animals in distress?

You haven’t got mate in the NT who likes crocodiles and raping pups have you?

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
February 25, 2024 4:29 pm

Not that Albo’s claim that he attended Raheen to discuss cost of living pressures is remotely true, but imagine being an industry titan glorying in your success and power and having that little beta male pulling your elbow while you are trying to perve on Katy Perry.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 25, 2024 4:32 pm

Andrew Bolt:

Know how close we are to mob rule? Victoria’s police have been telling us lies – sorry, untruths – to keep sweet with pro-Palestine protesters who assaulted Jews.

We’ve already seen police in NSW do nothing as a mob at the Sydney Opera House chanted threats to Jews, but this worse. More shameless.

Last Tuesday, about 200 pro-Palestine protesters crowded outside the Melbourne Town Hall’s entrance to apparently intimidate the Melbourne City Council into backing a ceasefire in Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorist group. A ceasefire would be a Hamas win.

As the angry protesters watched a screen showing the debate inside, two men and a woman quietly crossed in front of them to get to the hall entrance.

A protester rushed up to block them with his big Palestinian flag. I’m guessing he’d noticed one of the men, a 59-year-old identified only as “Mark”, had a Jewish kippah on his head. Other protesters swarmed in to stop the Jews, and pushed Mark to the ground.

Four police rushed in and … arrested the Jew. They frogmarched Mark away, with his wife and friend trailing behind, astonished. In a tape I’ve seen, posted by Rebel News, you hear protesters abusing the Jews: “f … ing dog”, “Zionist pig” and what sounds to me to be “I’m going to f … ing kill you”.

This is not the first time I’ve been astonished to see police arresting the peaceful and not the violent to, ha, “keep the peace”.

But this is the first time I’ve seen filmed proof of the falsehoods they tell to hide this disgrace – their betrayal of their motto to actually “uphold the right”.

Victoria Police Acting Inspector Leigh Howse said these following things on 3AW that made the three Jews – not the ugly mob – seem the trouble makers.

He accused them of “interrupting proceedings”, saying they’d “disrupted” a speech and gone “face-to-face” with the protesters.

They’d also “not taken the required steps to gain entry” – buying a ticket to the council meeting – which was why police banned them from the city for the day.

Police media also issued a statement, claiming police didn’t investigate the protesters who’d pushed Mark over because “no one reported any assault to us at the time”.

On the Rebel News tape, one officer also tells the Jews, who protested the abuse, “it is not an offence to swear in public”. Another accuses them of breaching the peace: “The way you went through the crowd caused a semi riot.”

But each thing I’ve quoted police saying to explain why they arrested a Jew instead of the mob that assaulted and abused him is false or misleading.

Crossing quickly and silently in front of people on a footpath watching a big TV is not “interrupting proceedings” or “: disrupting” a speech, let alone going “face-to-face” with them. If that ended with a “semi riot”, the fault lies with bullying protesters and not the Jews they attacked.

What’s more, Mark did have a ticket to the event. On the tape an officer concedes: “I’ve seen your ticket, OK.”

It’s also false that there’s no law against swearing at people, including Jews. The Summary Offences Act says using “obscene, indecent, threatening language” is a crime.

And police at the scene were told many times by Mark and his wife that, yes, he was assaulted – as he said, “attacked for walking while Jewish”.

I’ve heard Mark on video tell them: “I was physically assaulted and you did nothing about it … I was physically attacked and pushed on the ground … What about the bloke that pushed me over and attacked me, have you arrested him?”

An officer replies: “You were breaching the peace.” The victim was their villain.

Such “policing” is now too common.

Rukshan Fernando, a freelance conservative journalist, was filming this same pro-Palestinian protest, and was abused, mobbed, pushed and even kicked in the leg after he was identified as linked to the Australian Jewish Association.

Again, police marched him off, with one telling him on film: “Mate, you’re causing the incident.”

Seriously? The pro-Palestinian protesters have no control over their fists or feet, so of course they kick a journalist linked to Jews! Of course they push over a Jew! a Jew has no right to share their footpath!

Really? The Jews must always lose under mob rules. They are too few.

But none of us are safe when police decide their job is not to uphold the law but to keep a “peace” dictated by savages.

A disgraceful effort by Plod.

February 25, 2024 4:35 pm

During the trial, Artemisia was given a gynecological examination and was tortured using thumbscrews. Both procedures were used to corroborate the truth of her allegation, the torture device used due to the belief that if a person can tell the same story under torture as without it, the story must be true. Tassi was ultimately convicted on the charge of raping Gentileschi; he served under a year in prison and was later invited again into the Gentileschi household by Orazio.

In a he said she said. Must have been the standard method, not special treatment for the artist.
I saw these some of her works at a special exhibition in Naples last year.
I doubt she’d have appreciated being thrown in with modern feminists.
in perspective

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 25, 2024 4:36 pm

A good question Winston.

Did the Sleaze or his squeeze need to wear Pop’s Pads to the concert?

February 25, 2024 4:36 pm

Albo’s claim that he attended Raheen to discuss cost of living pressures

did the little creep really say that?

February 25, 2024 4:38 pm

You haven’t got mate in the NT who likes crocodiles and raping pups have you?

Good lord.

What do know is I shan’t be going to that crazy place any time soon, unless hunting and very well armed.

I wanna see some crazy #%*€ try to go to chest to chest with a croc.

Just before a bloody death:

“Not many people know this, but crocodile skin is incredibly smooth, and hard, like me…”

I’d be worried, whomever they are if they have a little red car.

At the end of the day, you are not responsible for other people, not even by association.

It’s not your job to fix things you did not break.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 25, 2024 4:39 pm

You mentioned ‘fritters’ and I just had to make some.

Be grateful I didn’t work ‘whole roasted ox’ into the comment.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 25, 2024 4:40 pm

Hyphen-Soybean thinks he has an ace up his sleeve.

Whatever he does, he’s in Long Bay for a fair while.

Short life expectancy, poove &plod credentials will ensure that.

He’ll top himself – hope it’s before any trial to save the expense.

February 25, 2024 4:41 pm

Does it have something to do with adult nappies as well?

Taylor Swifties?

My word yes.

February 25, 2024 4:43 pm

You are correct about Monty Roger.
And there is zero chance Aaron is a JC sock puppet.
He’s just a very sincere animal lover.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 25, 2024 4:44 pm

“We are saddened to report that Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl discovered missing from the Central Park Zoo after his exhibit was vandalized just over a year ago, is dead after an apparent collision with a building on West 89th Street in Manhattan,” the organization said in a statement late Friday.

NY AG Letitia James has sworn to “Investigate this tragedy wheresoever it leads, and to bring Trump to justice. Again.”

February 25, 2024 4:46 pm

Scott Morris took his family to the Swift concert.
Third time as they all went in 2015 and 2018.
Albanese carousing to Shake It Off though.

February 25, 2024 4:50 pm

And there is zero chance Aaron is a JC sock puppet.

The very first time I’ve seen the name Aaron was when the turtlehead was spraying insults toward me earlier today for some unknown reason.

If the turtlehead doesn’t like him, he must have some attributes.

Has turtlehead eaten the Cat?

February 25, 2024 5:04 pm

Does he think no bodies, no conviction?

He’s thinkin weekend at Bernie’s.

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 25, 2024 5:05 pm


There’s a column to be had in Albanese’s intervention to get one of your rugby players into the US

in a 24 hour turnaround, thanks to Caroline Kennedy’s intervention after failing a club-based “has a problem with women” finding and the same amount of time to do security checks on those Hamas cheerleaders coming to a suburb near you.

February 25, 2024 5:12 pm


February 25, 2024 5:14 pm

Cats – can the gliberals win Dunkley, I asks ya?

From what I can gather, they’re running a candidate who may just be a chance (for a change).

Although why any allegedly normal person would place “Mayor of Frankston” on their CV is beyond me. 😕

February 25, 2024 5:18 pm

Dot Shillington sez:

VOTE FOR CHRYSTEN ( – sorry I can’t bribe you like insufferable, anti democratic soy enjoyer, John Oliver).

February 25, 2024 5:19 pm

This is not the first time I’ve been astonished to see police arresting the peaceful and not the violent to, ha, “keep the peace”.
But this is the first time I’ve seen filmed proof of the falsehoods they tell to hide this disgrace – their betrayal of their motto to actually “uphold the right”.

State police (both NSW & Vic) are not the sole source of this “selective” process of determining the lawbreakers. I suspect that the advice of our senior advisers in relation to Terrorism have advised the state plods against “interference” in the hostile attacks on the Jewish community. Indeed, my recollection is that this has been confirmed at least in NSW.

I think(in my humble opinion) that our Terrorism units are quite wrong re this advice on many fronts. Retreat has never been successful against the followers of militant Islam. I am frankly surprised that advisers have (if they have) pursued this line of thinking.

Now this is an observation re tactical effectiveness. In relation to the principles of our democracy and the recognition of human rights – there is NO justification for refusing to uphold the rights of Jews and other supporters of Israel to defend their beliefs.

I hope there is a recognition in the wider community of the danger of this choice of reaction to the campaigns in support of Hamas.

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 25, 2024 5:21 pm

Hello, Bespoke!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 25, 2024 5:23 pm

Cats – can the gliberals win Dunkley, I asks ya?

Who cares? It’s like watching two drunks having a fight in the gutter in Kings Cross. Mildly interesting but completely irrelevant to anything.

February 25, 2024 5:23 pm

I came across the word ‘furative’ in a detective book and tried to look it up on the interwebzy thingo via Google. It gave me any number of definitions of ‘furtive’ which I don’t need, and not one definition of furative. Is there a decent dictionary on the interwebzy thingo?

February 25, 2024 5:26 pm

It’s back to the 1930s Cats – grab a pair of Jackboots while you can, before they’re sold out. 😕

The trustee boots I’ll be using to cave in the thick empty skulls of many, many moozleys … 🙂

February 25, 2024 5:29 pm
February 25, 2024 5:30 pm

Err, stolen, plundered: –> theif like?

February 25, 2024 5:30 pm

is there a decent dictionary on the interwebzy thingo?

“Furative”, Doc?

Occam’s Razor may apply here.

February 25, 2024 5:31 pm


I swear to God that was autocorrect.

This was Grammarly on a PC. The AAPL one has been wild lately.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 5:31 pm

What do know is I shan’t be going to that crazy place any time soon, unless hunting and very well armed.

Hey, hey, hey ,hey hey hey.


On the way to and from Bunnings earlier, I only saw one boogie-boarder being towed by a jacked-up Hilux in an 800m-long culvert next to a main road.

February 25, 2024 5:33 pm

Mildly interesting but completely irrelevant to anything.


February 25, 2024 5:38 pm

I swear to Dog that was autocerroct

Of course it was, Pol.

Just don’t go stealin’ anyone’s sunshine, m’kay?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 25, 2024 5:42 pm

Ockham’s Razor… it’s a typo
Tho my shorter OED gives “Furacious”, given to thievery, from the L furax, thief.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 25, 2024 5:46 pm

I came across the word ‘furative’ in a detective book and tried to look it up on the interwebzy thingo via Google.

Got to force it. In context with that topic it appears to mean a sudden movement towards a weapon in a confrontational situation. But it also looks to be a preservation reagent for biological samples, although ‘fixative’ seems to also be used in that context.

Getting anything useful out of Goolag requires a bit of art these days. The AI turning George Washington into a black guy was fun.

February 25, 2024 5:47 pm

We might need to summon the Deadman.

Prepare the scrying mirror and obsidian knife.

Furtive may mean thievery or theft-like and furative may mean thief-like or the actions like that of a thief.

The tens of declensions a word can have in Latin are mind-boggling to dabblers.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 25, 2024 5:49 pm

Getting ahead of myself, in rush to claim nerd points
L furax is verb, to steal
So a common root with “furtive”, done stealthily yer gumshoe Brother Cadfael, Dr BG?

February 25, 2024 5:52 pm

claim nerd points

Hold my Sol Ring and Hypnotic Spectre.

I tap three swamps for three black mana to cast Dark Ritual to summon The Deadman!

Delta A
Delta A
February 25, 2024 5:52 pm

Cats – can the gliberals win Dunkley, I asks ya?

Who cares?

Don’t be defeatist, BoN. I think we should all care very much who wins the bye election. The outcome will send a strong message to both parties.

For the first time in ages, I hope LNP win. Dutton has already shown backbone – raising the nuclear debate and pushing the No vote – and providing that he’s not stymied by his own party, I have confidence that he has what it takes to lead LNP to a win at the next election.

February 25, 2024 5:53 pm

Let’s remind ourselves of what a germ Winston is.

Winston Smith.
Feb 23, 2024 6:51 PM

“Good Lord.
The mob across the street have just pulled up. They’ve gone into house and left the new dog in the vehicle – windows are down a bit and the engine still running so assumption is that the aircon is on.
The vehicle is rocking as the dog jumps around the inside of the car. So far I haven’t seen it but it’s started barking. I thought it was yelping. But it’s not. It’s barking.
No. It’s squeaking.
Just stuck its head through the gap of the window, and now it’s squeaking as it dangles from it’s neck.
Perhaps I should go and help?
No, I shouldn’t be a busy body.
Ten minutes later and the rat is still squeaking. Just not as loudly.
I should film this for Utube.

The Dangling Rat Story Continues:
It’s now 32 minutes and the rat is suspiciously quiet. The ‘parents’ have finally left the ‘ouse, giggling over something.
Giggles turn to shouts of dismay, as mum sees the rat dangling from the passenger window.
Car drives off.
Well that’s the entertainment for Friday over. I wish I could have slipped a camera into the car but that would have meant winding the window down, and incidentally allowing the rat to breathe.
Also breaking and entering”.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 25, 2024 5:54 pm

Cats, can youse answer a question that AI can’t?
Looking to remember a children’s book, beginner’s series I think, about a kid throwing a party and imagining the life that an unknown/unliked kid down the street has, as a mental excuse not to invite him. Refrain is “but I won’t invite Xxxx Xxxxxx”, final line is the reticent “I think that I will invite Xxxx Xxxxxx”.
Ringing any bell? Bing AI put me onto.. I kid ye not “Guess How Much I Love You”.

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 25, 2024 5:54 pm

Furtive may mean thievery or theft-like and furative may mean thief-like or the actions like that of a thief.

An example: Luigi the tax gatherer.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 25, 2024 5:55 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 5:55 pm

Also breaking and entering

Actually not ‘breaking and entering.’

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 25, 2024 5:58 pm

More details about Hyphen-Soyboy:

It is alleged he then stored the pistol in a suburban police station, though detectives did not specify which one, before taking sick leave on Tuesday and failing to return to work on Wednesday.


Lamarre-Condon worked at the NSW Police Force Youth Command as a ‘youth engagement officer’ with schoolchildren in Sydney’s south.

The role saw him travel around the suburbs of Rockdale, Kingsgrove and Bexley acting as a point of contact between schools, community groups and NSW Police.

He would run programs with kids to help keep them on the right path.

Daily Mail

February 25, 2024 5:59 pm


Turtlehead reckons I’m Aaron, but I never saw the dog story until now. I just assumed he’d devoured the cat.

This is the person who claims he had a heart transplant, meaning a person was good enough to donate the organ to a prick who thought a pooch dangling through a car window was funny and wanted to film it for a youtube video. He left the dog to die and referred to it as a rat. Total feral.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 25, 2024 6:01 pm

I suspect that the advice of our senior advisers in relation to Terrorism have advised the state plods against “interference” in the hostile attacks on the Jewish community.

One would certainly think so.

Risk Management 101 tells us that the perceived probability of an outraged Mohammedan ‘doing something’ multiplied by the public consequences of an explody/stabby session = High Risk.

From a public administration perspective it’s a no-brainer. On balance, over the side they go…

Australian society has ended up under a glass.

February 25, 2024 6:03 pm

For the first time in ages, I hope LNP win. Dutton has already shown backbone – raising the nuclear debate and pushing the No vote – and providing that he’s not stymied by his own party, I have confidence that he has what it takes to lead LNP to a win at the next election.

Agree 100%- I can’t ever see myself rejoining the LP but I support Advance Australia and have been very impressed by their efforts. I know they are working very hard in Dunkley.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 25, 2024 6:04 pm

Don’t be defeatist, BoN. I think we should all care very much who wins the bye election.

I’m not defeatist, I just don’t want either bunch to win. Until Dutton dumps net zero they are the enemy as much as Labor is.

So on that basis I think I’d prefer Labor to win. That way someone in the Liberal Party might then actually ask themselves what is it that they’re doing wrong.

(Hint: why would anyone vote for Labor lite when you could have the real thing?)

Sacrificial lambs on the altar of climate change (Paywallian, today)

Virtue-signalling is killing our country. It’s time Peter Dutton rescinded his party’s net-zero commitment.

Yep. Dump it or die politically forever Libs.

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 25, 2024 6:04 pm

Dutton has already shown backbone – raising the nuclear debate and pushing the No vote – and providing that he’s not stymied by his own party, I have confidence that he has what it takes to lead LNP to a win at the next election.

Delta, +1.

On being “stymied”, really, it’s the first time in 12 odd years that there’s no-one remotely in the SFLs who’s capable malicious enough to be a rival to the actual leader.

The Voice decision was proved correct

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 25, 2024 6:05 pm

More details about Hyphen-Soyboy:

Bloody hell. Police sanctioned grooming.

Recruits for the Mardi Gras?

February 25, 2024 6:05 pm

He left the dog to die and referred to it as a rat. Total feral.

Nurse ratchet material

February 25, 2024 6:06 pm

is yer gumshoe Brother Cadfael, Dr BG?

Gervase Fen .

It’s not a typo, thieving from Latin furate is just barely possible. I insisted to Google search that I meant what I wrote, but it didn’t believe me. I got a few references which themselves may well have been typos, then page after page of furtive.

I am not favourably impressed by Google.

February 25, 2024 6:07 pm
February 25, 2024 6:09 pm

Until Dutton dumps net zero they are the enemy as much as Labor is.

Actually no. The anal administration has proved it’s possible to be worse than scummo.

February 25, 2024 6:12 pm

Oh, grate, just when you thought that Santa Sabina uniforms could not get any more unsexy – collectivist crones breach the barrier

Thank goodness my cousin’s two beautiful young dottirs are out of there.

Every female in my direct family was educated there Cats, so the achievement of subterranean new lows in non aesthetic pleasingness will be noted.

In the meantime, there are schoolgoils getting around in the Sydney CBD in tartan micro-minis. If I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t have believed it. 😕

February 25, 2024 6:14 pm

She has the maddest eyes I’ve seen on a woman; and I’ve seen some mad eyes.

That’s about the same time you wipe your todger on the curtains and told the chick her mother was better?

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 25, 2024 6:15 pm

Cohenite, it’s her “I need your vote but I despise all of you” deplorables moment. Advance would be making the entire seat cognisant of her misplaced moral superiority of them.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 25, 2024 6:17 pm

FMD what has been seen cannot be unseen. Albo dancing to Taylor Swift. Wowee.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 25, 2024 6:18 pm

This farting about over starting a conversation about nuclear power is so limp it makes month old lettuce look positively priapic.

Decisive it ain’t. Looks sad and apologetic.

Pull your finger out Dutton and promise if elected that you will build five nuclear power stations urgently, one each in each major state. Then do the usual this will create a thousand billion jerbs press releases. Back it up with Autocad graphics and expert talking heads and real audited costings. For extra credit buy Chinese, since they can actually build the things before everyone on the project team dies of old age.

Better still commit to ditching net zero and the climate scam, and legislate to keep all existing coal fired power stations open until such time as they are replaced by another power station of equal spinning reserve capacity.

I am disgusted by how weak the Libs are on this. They need some Trumpian balls.

Of course most of the Liberal Party has been subverted by the Kean Greens, so I suspect the only answer is for the party to die horribly and be replaced with a real right wing party. The Nats look in nearly as terminal shape.

February 25, 2024 6:19 pm

That’s about the same time you wipe your todger on the curtains and told the chick her mother was better?

Could be. What else did you see through the window. My memory is a bit hazy.

February 25, 2024 6:20 pm

So this ALP candidate is a ‘community leader’ and something called ‘wimmin’s spirit’. It’s hard to find a full bio.

February 25, 2024 6:20 pm

I care not for rats.

February 25, 2024 6:25 pm

Here’s a commentator who believes that Biden will win the next USA election (through cheating or otherwise) & then will resign in favour of Kamala Harris. Dems know that Harris is otherwise unelectable.

Interesting article on Sasha Stone’s substack:

Any other president at any other time in American history would be sweating. But Joe Biden isn’t.

It reminds me of this scene from the movie Quiz Show where the investigator, played by Rob Morrow, corners the President of NBC, played by Allan Rich, in an elevator. We have finally got you, Morrow says. Oh yeah? Rich says. Then why are you the one that’s sweating?

And so it goes with the Biden administration.

But there is no hiding it. Nate Silver is worried. The New York Times is worried. Politico is worried. Rolling Stone is worried. It’s so bad that they’ve given up towing the party line and are actually speaking out for the first time since Biden took office. They’re desperate for Biden to step aside and give the job to someone, anyone who will stop Trump.

But of course, he must realize that no white man could leapfrog over Kamala Harris. And that is the tell. If they genuinely believed Trump was the Greatest Threat to Democracy America has ever faced, they would sacrifice their woke bona fides and usher in Gavin Newsom.

Why are they doing nothing? Because Joe Biden has bigger plans for his legacy. He will win in 2024 and then step down, elevating the first Woman of Color to President of the United States.

No, Joe Biden isn’t leaving. They’re going to have to rip the presidency from his cold, dead hands. There is no way he is passing up the chance to make history. Years from now, when the dust settles, all that will remain is the face of Kamala Harris right alongside George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR. The person who will get the credit for that is not Harris, who did nothing to earn her place, but Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris, they tell us, can’t win an election in the United States, but Biden will ensure the public must accept her as their leader anyway. And that tells you everything you need to know about what Biden thinks about all of us. His legacy matters more than we do, more than our country does.

His enormous ego means he would never step aside because of public pressure, like LBJ.

Even with a Kennedy looming on the horizon like a harbinger, Biden would never see himself as another Jimmy Carter. Trump isn’t Reagan, he no doubt assured himself, even as he trails Trump in the polls.

Biden Isn’t Sweating the Polls.

As long as Team Blue hasn’t changed their minds much, Biden knows he’s covered. He’s not worried about the independents and the undecideds. They will be taken care of with deep pockets and ballot harvesting. They’ll easily bank enough votes in the swing states to win; at least, that is what Biden thinks, and why shouldn’t he? So far, so good.

Polls don’t tell you who will turn out and who will stay home on Election Day. In 2016, polls favored Clinton so much that voters in the swing states stayed home. The polls gave them a good reason not to bother.

The New York Times gave Clinton a chance of winning by over 80%. In addition to blaming Bernie Sanders, Jim Comey, Putin, Facebook and the media, the Clinton campaign would blame lazy voters who didn’t turn out because they assumed she would win.

That was one of the things the Democrats would take care of heading into 2020. Eliminate the need to motivate voters to turn out. Pick up their ballots instead.

This is what the 538 polling looked like heading into 2020:

Had the Democrats not implemented their ballot harvesting scheme funded heavily by $400 million from Mark Zuckerberg, there is a chance the Trump side could have surged on Election Day. From Politico:

Most of the error came from underestimating Trump’s support, as opposed to overestimating Biden’s. Comparing the final election results to the poll numbers for each candidate, Trump’s support was understated by a whopping 3.3 points on average, while Biden’s was overstated by a point — turning what looked like a solid Biden lead into a closer, if still decisive, race.

Trump had them on their heels, winning not just the bellwether counties, but the all-important trifecta of Florida, Iowa, and Ohio. But there was no way they could catch up to the ballots the Democrats had collected long before Election Day.

Now, as we head into 2024, Trump is leading Biden by almost 2 points. He never led Hillary Clinton in 2016 or Joe Biden in 2020.

So why isn’t Biden sweating? If Trump is so dangerous, as they all insist he is, why are they playing with fire? Because it’s been a long con from the beginning. They never believed Trump was dangerous. They didn’t want someone in power they could not buy off or control. It was an unreality foisted on the American people as their actual reality.

They didn’t like that he gave a voice to the working class they had abandoned long ago. It was never about Trump; it was about the people he brought into the room, people whose needs they did not want to address – people they routinely throw away like human garbage. As Batya Ungar-Sargon explains:

Ever since 2020, America feels like a ghost town, with all of us numbly going through the motions and pretending that this is what our country is supposed to be like. It’s not.

When the Democrats took control of the media narrative, for fear of the now-defunct blue-check army on Twitter, none of us could have a shared reality. Each side is told a completely different version of the day’s events.

A new counterculture might be building outside the system on sites like Rumble and Substack, but for now, the Big Tech overlords have almost complete control of our perceptions of reality. They don’t care about the older generations; they are targeting the young people coming of age online. They believe if they can condition them not to be RACISTS, they can change the world.

Sounds good, right? But the price we all pay is a disconnect from reality, like having a president who is too old but can be carefully edited and delivered to Gen-Z in meme form. Who would ever be the wiser?

Unreality is what defines the Left now.

It’s like Google Gemini. They don’t tell you the truth about the past, present, or future. And they shame you for even knowing there was once such a thing as a white family, a white scientist, a white leader, as though the word “white” is somehow evil.

Here is a search I did before they apologized and tweaked the algorithm.

But if you think Gemini is the only Big Tech AI out there that is “woke,” think again. This is the entire worldview of the Left. This is our new normal if we don’t find a way to stop it.

Corruption Unbound

Any one story about what’s happened to the Biden presidency since the disastrous exit from Afghanistan would have brought down any other president. But Joe Biden is either too powerful or his former boss is too powerful for anyone to notice or to care.

While the corruption scandal involving Joe Biden and son Hunter is heating up, an overt cover-up is going down at CBS News. This is worse than the Watergate break-in if it turns out either Joe Biden or his former boss, Barack Obama, are involved.

CBS is refuting the story, as reported in AdWeek. Only Conservative outlets have been reporting on it, at least for now.

It’s hard to believe CBS would fire such a good reporter as Herridge, but perhaps she was saying things the administration didn’t like. A viewer captured this story just before Herridge was fired.

It’s hard not to think of Michael Mann’s The Insider, a film made by an industry that still believed in holding the powerful to account and was not too afraid to tell this story.

The GOP in the House is hot on the trail, doing the job investigative journalists used to do.

Joe Biden isn’t sweating. Be he should be.

The Trump side doesn’t have to do much to close the gap in the swing states. They do have to compete with money, ballot harvesting, and mail-in ballots. But if they can do that, Trump can win.

The true story of the rise of Donald Trump has never been told in the mainstream. Instead, they’ve sold a dangerous lie. They keep selling the lie because they know there is no chance the people they think matter will ever want to know the truth.

Even if you don’t like Trump, or you think he’d be a terrible president, or you think he lies, whatever Trump is, he’s not what they’ve said he was.

They have lied about him, which means we’ve all been living with this lie, which has destroyed us, divided us, and made it impossible to see what is real and what isn’t. To the Left, to get rid of Trump will mean they get their utopia back.

And that is how a society gets to gulags, concentration camps, and segregation. We’re almost there now. That so many of the country’s richest and most powerful people have gone along with this grand delusion means there are no safeguards against the worst inclinations of our species.

Once the deception unravels and the truth becomes unavoidable, the people will be angry at Joe Biden. Nobody likes being duped. He said he was a moderate, but it turned out to be anything but. He cared more about his legacy than the safety and protection of the American people. He said he would unite us, but we’re more polarized than ever.

The only thing propping Biden up is the shared delusion on the Left that guarantees fear, because fear is the only reason anyone would vote for Joe Biden.

February 25, 2024 6:25 pm
Bar Beach Swimmer
February 25, 2024 6:26 pm

Bespoke, now I have to go; it’s BBQ time. Red meat for the *red-blooded!

Yes, I know it’s usually associated with males, but goils can be energetic & lively, too.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 25, 2024 6:26 pm

Justin Castro in Kiev looking all solemn with Zelensky

February 25, 2024 6:27 pm

Sasha Stone – Free Thinking through the Fourth Turning

February 25, 2024 6:27 pm

Furative has no English definition. It may be misspelled

February 25, 2024 6:31 pm

Justin Castro in Kiev looking all solemn with Zelensky

Were they doing the staged handshake? Grotesque

February 25, 2024 6:34 pm

Until Dutton dumps net zero they are the enemy as much as Labor is

No, net zero is forced on us by the US etc.
You think if Trump became president a Prime Minister Dutton wouldn’t dump it in a heartbeat?

February 25, 2024 6:36 pm

True Rosie, remember when O’bumma was over here around ten years ago dissing Abbott.

Delta A
Delta A
February 25, 2024 6:37 pm

Greetings, Winston.

Still getting off on animals in distress?

That’s a bit rough, Aaron.

Winnie was the only Cat who put his hand up to care for arref’s Elsie. An animal hater would not do that. Don’t take seriously flippant remarks dropped at The Cat. My brother, a besotted cat/dog/duckies owner at various stages, takes delight in stirring up the family by calling the prissie poodle a ‘kick dog’.

He would lay out anyone who actually tried to do that.


February 25, 2024 6:37 pm

The US is not our friend. Maybe that will change. Maybe not.

John Brumble
John Brumble
February 25, 2024 6:37 pm

Hooper Humperdink by Dr Suess

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 25, 2024 6:40 pm

Furative has no English definition.

Rosie – That’s only them not knowing what the definition is. If it is a technical term like this one you may need specialist sources. For example the word “crud” has a highly technical and exact meaning in my business. It means a material which accumulates at the interface between the organic and aqueous phases in a solvent extraction mixer-settler. Everyone in my business knows that’s the meaning of the word. But a simple search of ‘crud def’ won’t get you that definition unless you know something sufficiently specific to force the search.

February 25, 2024 6:44 pm

Albo dancing to Taylor Swift

Err, erratically gyrating to the blonde airhead’s (BIRM) hideously awful “songs” – if they could be gifted with such a term.

A real, proper blonde showing how it’s done, Cats.

The licks purveyed in the carpark at the beginning being part of the business. 🙂

Just ignore The Thurston. He’s been traduced.

February 25, 2024 6:45 pm

Furative has no English definition

The jury is in, Cats. There is no English definition, although I’m happy to fabricate one, if you’d like 🙂

February 25, 2024 6:49 pm

Bruce is right, Dutton needs to get more assertive on abandoning net zero and embrace nuke power, stopping the green ruinable disaster and getting behind coal.

He also needs to get serious on reducing Govt size, cut immigration to less than 100k pa, cut foreign aid, cut taxes and excise, auditing the indig industry and a RC on child abuse in the communities.

There are no vote losses in any of those issues and plenty to be gained.

February 25, 2024 6:50 pm

Have a good time, BBS.

Delta A
Delta A
February 25, 2024 6:50 pm

Feb 25, 2024 5:53 PM

Yeah, that’s pretty bad.

But give Winnie a chance to defend himself. Sometimes emotion, or booze or breathed in thingies distort rationality. Let him explain.

February 25, 2024 6:52 pm

There are no vote losses in any of those issues and plenty to be gained.

agree- his own party and the meja are a big part of the problem

February 25, 2024 6:52 pm

Hooper Humperdink by Dr Suess

Ruperdink Mudrock by (insert the name of various hyperbowle prone j’ismist imbeciles here).

When the Rupe finally departs this earthly existence Cats, the triumphal screeching of collectivist crackpots will audible throughout the universe.

So feel free to stock up on ear corks any time soon. 🙂

February 25, 2024 6:53 pm

Furative has no English definition. It may be misspelled.

Some people have larger vocabularies than those who compile dictionaries.

February 25, 2024 6:57 pm

Uncle Warren’s letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders.

Thanks feelthebern, that was a good read !

February 25, 2024 7:00 pm

The writer of the Gervase Fen mysteries has an affection for recondite words. His hero is a professor of English and so he has a point to make.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 25, 2024 7:01 pm

Coalition takes primary vote lead in RPM poll for first time since election
David Crowe
By David Crowe
Updated February 25, 2024 — 3.48pmfirst published at 3.00pm

Key points

The Coalition’s federal primary vote is now 37 per cent to Labor’s 34 per cent.
Anthony Albanese is ahead 39 to 32 per cent as preferred prime minister, but the gap has narrowed.
The findings also show 52 per cent support for the government’s overhaul of the stage 3 tax cuts.

Voters have lifted the Coalition to its strongest position since the last federal election by boosting its primary vote from 34 to 37 per cent despite backing Labor on its overhaul of personal income tax cuts for millions of workers.

The shift has weakened Labor’s core support from 35 per cent in December to 34 per cent and given the Coalition its first lead on the primary vote in the Resolve Political Monitor in this term of parliament.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has maintained his personal lead over Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, ahead by 39 to 32 per cent as preferred prime minister, but the gap has narrowed to its smallest margin since the election.

With the two leaders scrambling for an edge in the federal seat of Dunkley at a key byelection this Saturday, the exclusive findings show Dutton has improved on the Coalition’s core support at the last election, when it gained a primary vote of 35.7 per cent.

The results in the Resolve Political Monitor, conducted for this masthead by research firm Resolve Strategic, find that support for the Greens fell a single percentage point to 11 per cent, independent candidates were steady at 9 per cent and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation rose from 5 to 6 per cent.

“Although the movement in vote over the last couple of months isn’t huge, it continues a trend that takes us to Labor’s worst position this term. The Coalition holds a primary vote lead for the first time,” Resolve director Jim Reed said.

Who’ll wield the big knife? Plibersek or Shorten?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 25, 2024 7:01 pm

A real, proper blonde showing how it’s done, Cats.

Ooh, nice. I haven’t heard that one for a long time..

February 25, 2024 7:08 pm


we have a family member in Sydney studying medicine who lives 2 doors up from where the acts were allegedly perpetrated.

he’s been texting the missus this arvo with pics of the cops who are apparently there right now

even walked to uni past their house on the day of deed !!

creepy stuff

February 25, 2024 7:09 pm

Zadok ?

?? The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic, Not a “democracy”.

The [D] party is attempting to subvert Our Republic.

One should learn the true history of the Democratic Party (democratic-societies) and what its purpose really is, if one did so they would want said party abolished.

Interesting vid.

February 25, 2024 7:10 pm

IIRC Winston has been beset by feral neighbours with feral, incessantly barking, dogs. Unfortunately you aren’t allowed to read rule .22LR to such creatures.

Delta A
Delta A
February 25, 2024 7:12 pm

Roger, I gave you what I thought was an accurate report on the evacuated hospital residents after the Beaufort fires. Brother informed me today that those residents are still in Ballarat, their travel plans changed by the heat, wind and dry lightning expected from Wednesday.

He has, as always, a pragmatic view of it all: if the house burns down, damn! So much paper work for the insurance company. OTOH, he doesn’t have to clean it.

February 25, 2024 7:13 pm

The writer of the Gervase Fen mysteries has an affection for recondite words.

For example, one of his characters by way of invective calls someone a ‘scybalum’. I am saving it up for any particularly egregious behaviour of one of the fatuous class.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 7:22 pm

From TE’s link, earlier:

Lamarre-Condon worked at the NSW Police Force Youth Command as a ‘youth engagement officer’ with schoolchildren in Sydney’s south

Ah yes. ‘Youth engagement officer’.

It is said by some, and in certain circles that ‘youth engagement officers’ are selected for their inability to perform basic general duties in divisional vans, and also attract volunteers who are keen for day jobs and don’t want to do shift work.

‘Specialist unit’ indeed. Pfft.

February 25, 2024 7:25 pm

Fearful of being hounded by investigators, prosecuted or stripped of their livelihoods, some are planning to leave the country if Trump is sworn in.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 7:30 pm

Feb 25, 2024 4:05 PM

Beau could be brazening it out.
Did he go hire the white van after killing them or was it part of the plan?

Please don’t use the word “plan” in relation to this bozo.
I assumed he had torched the van.
But, no.
I saw on the news tonight the van being loaded on to a tow-truck.
Outwardly in pristine condition.
Ho, boy! The interior of that van will be an El Dorado of forensic evidence, potentially linking the Three Amigos to each other.
What a maroon.

Does he think no bodies, no conviction?

He is so dumb that he thinks that the Mount Everest of circumstantial evidence won’t be worth anything without the bodies.
All the absence of bodies will do is keep him in the clink for life.

Or that his celebrity will allow him to skate?

Possibly. No doubt he is an uber-narcissist. I think he totally over-estimates his status as a celebrity hanger-on. I will bet that at some point he has squeaked, “I cannot believe this is happening to me!”
If you want evidence of the narcissism, there are 2-3 separate photos of him in uniform on the job. These are not merely happy snaps on the i-phone. They are carefully staged and framed “publicity shot” type photos.

February 25, 2024 7:35 pm

Dafuq is that rabz? Bike shorts and a security guard blazer?

February 25, 2024 7:42 pm

I’m having the same problem with ‘fissidity’. I get from Google a link for ‘fissibility’ which demands I pay money to find out from the OED. It tells me for free that the word has been used only once since the seventeenth century . And has a frequency of one in a hundred million words.

In the same book of course.

February 25, 2024 7:46 pm

As long as he’s holding together, Delta.

Thank you!

February 25, 2024 7:49 pm

Pol – the latest statement from Santa on those wonderous new uniforms:

Santa Spokesthang: “We are not willing to run the risk of the carbon based lifeforms attending this presdidigitous learning centre being sexually objectified evah, I tells ya!”

And then everyone with a functioning brain went off and desperately searched for a bucket. 😕

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 7:49 pm

Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. Please count your paragraphs as you are on thin ice. In fact you will run out of breeches the way that you are not going.

You hypocrite

February 25, 2024 7:50 pm

The best I can do is furtive means concealed from the old meaning of stolen or from thieves, and furative means related to furtive activities or the furtherance of furtive actions or the actions of thievery or the furtherance of being a thief or clandestine operator.

Furtively, Agent 007 dispatched the three NPC guards with a single round between the eyes each, using his furative silenced Walther PPK chambered in 0.32 ACP with seven in the clip and one in the hole, using heavy, smokeless powder-propelled subsonic rounds. Each stroke of the angel Azrael’s poisoned sword sounded like a mere dry firing. A cap gun would have brought more attention to any boys playing Marshal Will Kane vs the Nazis.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 7:50 pm

KD at 7:22.

It is said by some, and in certain circles that ‘youth engagement officers’ are selected for their inability to perform basic general duties in divisional vans, and also attract volunteers who are keen for day jobs and don’t want to do shift work.

‘Specialist unit’ indeed. Pfft.

I am getting the distinct impression that this job was firstly a source of cash to finance Constable Hyphen-Soyboy’s hobbies with minimum effort, and knowing any complaints of slacking can be fended off with a counter-claim of homophobia.
Secondly, the job would provide him with a level of access to advance his hobby. That is, inventing the job of VIP Protection for himself, and making contact with celebrities. The other access question which would be interesting to follow up would be how many unauthorised searches he has made on the Plod Database … both celebrities and random hot guys he might see driving around.

February 25, 2024 7:51 pm

The other access question which would be interesting to follow up would be how many unauthorised searches he has made on the Plod Database … both celebrities and random hot guys he might see driving around.

Unlikely, he never harrassed me.

February 25, 2024 7:52 pm

The US is not our friend. Maybe that will change. Maybe not.

To paraphrase Kissinger, the US government doesn’t have friends, it has interests.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 7:54 pm

Johnny rotten Avatar
Johnny rotten
Feb 25, 2024 7:49 PM

Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. Please count your paragraphs as you are on thin ice. In fact you will run out of breeches the way that you are not going.

You hypocrite

Steady on, champ.
Dover was talking about slabs of cut ‘n paste shit from easily linked websites, like the one run by Marty Armstrong the Fraudster.
He wasn’t talking about original material written by posters and put up here.

February 25, 2024 7:55 pm


Beavis – How come she’s counting? Counting sucks!
Butthead – Maybe she’s counting how many times she’s done it. A huh huh huh.
Beavis – Oh yeah, counting rules! Heh heh heh

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 7:56 pm

Vicki at 6.25 pm

Two violations

Bold type and

Too many paragraphs

Please report to Mrs Stencho Pantyhose for your breeches as well as the Blog Owner for said violation

As Mrs Stencho says – You are on thin ice and the Stencho is monitoring you. LOL

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 7:57 pm

how many unauthorised searches he has made on the Plod Database

Guaranteed those enquiries have been made. From reading the noos, they are red hot on that.

Sooooo hot right now.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 7:59 pm

for your breeches

Report for a pair of tight pants? What?

Oh, you meant ‘breaches’.

Once again – another (fake) Pom inconversant with his own language.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 8:01 pm

He wasn’t talking about original material

Upset fake Pom is upset.

Primarily with the inability to converse in his own (apparent) language.

I am beginning to get the impression the fake Pom is in fact a Fillo, like his ladyboy friend.

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 8:03 pm

Sorry Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. You were the one going about me doing just 2 paras. Thin ice? Lol. You have a short memor.

And it was another poster who complained first.

Dover has made the rule so just talk to Vicki the two of you. If you want to be a Blog Milk Monitor that is along with the Stoush Nurse. Junior Cretin.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 8:03 pm

Iodine Betty killed a dog?
Are you kidding me?

February 25, 2024 8:04 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 25, 2024 6:18 PM

I am disgusted by how weak the Libs are on this. They need some Trumpian balls.
… I suspect the only answer is for the party to die horribly and be replaced with a real right wing party. The Nats look in nearly as terminal shape.

There’s a reason why I’ve labelled the Libs (Never heard of ‘The Nats.’ Are they an actual party?) as the Festering Zombies: It’s because politically, they’ve been stone-cold dead for a long time, but few of their voters want to acknowledge that status. I get it; you become attached not to something or someone, but to the IDEA of that something or someone. You might realise at some point that your perception is not the same as the perception of others, but acknowledging that is a whole other Taylor Swift album.

Plus, in the Right Light, these zombies appear as though they are moving, and talking, and … maybe, possibly, could they be … thinking? So we stick with what we know and what is comfortable. It’s a very normal human trait. Change is rarely something we choose, but is often thrust upon us. It is especially difficult when the change involves walking away from part of our identity. A Conservative voter. A sugar addict. A T-Swizzle uber-fan.

Just like the TaySwiff, the dripping zombies are not our friends. They see us only as prey. Again, just like Taylor Swift. Without a carpet of zombie corpses (No, that’s not a euphemism for Anti-Swizzles to break the lore (sic), there will be no opportunity for a fresh party (lesbian vampires maybe?) to rise and roam.

Forget the Festering Zombie Party – They don’t even realise you exist.

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 8:05 pm

Seems like this is a Blog where rules can be broken.

February 25, 2024 8:09 pm

Just heard Sam Crosby say that Dominic Perrottet is his best friend. Sam ran as a Labor candidate in elections and his wife, Rose Jackson, is a minister in the Minns government. No wonder Perrottet was such a dreadful Liberal premier, his heart was not in it and he probably would have been an average Labor premier. Is there anybody in the Liberals who is not compromised*.

*I don’t want politicians who want my vote to fraternise with the enemy.

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 8:09 pm

BTW Where is the Stoush Nurse? The one who wanted to be a Male Nurse. Maybe went to Thailand to be a Nurse Ladyboy.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 8:11 pm

Seems like this is a Blog where rules can be broken

Because you don’t understand them.

Because you don’t understand English.

Or Engrish.

February 25, 2024 8:11 pm

Cats – FFS, enough debatage about the non existent term “furative”.

The Doc should just accept that it was typo, not some mysterious word used (widely or otherwise) in the muddle ages.

“Furtive”. Attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.

“They spent a furative day together avoiding the telescreens and the cleverly hidden microphones”, said no one, evah.

Sacré bleu.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 25, 2024 8:12 pm

Big questions on how he manipulated the system to get the Glock out and even more over how it could ever be considered as a suitable recruit for NSW Plod. Apart from gay hiring targets to fill the Mardi Gras float.

Constable Lamarre-Condon was charged on Friday with two counts of murder, and remains behind bars on remand where he is allegedly refusing to speak to homicide detectives.

Police sources said a review was underway of Constable Lamarre-Condon’s claim he was doing a user pays shift, and also of his psychological profiling which allowed him entry to the force in 2018.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 25, 2024 8:13 pm

And NSW plod ignored this!

The Daily Telegraph can reveal Constable Lamarre-Condon often posted photos of himself wearing his gun on social media, which is understood to be a breach of the police media policy

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 8:17 pm

Johnny rotten
Feb 25, 2024 8:05 PM

Seems like this is a Blog where rules can be broken.

Two things.
1. I have explained it to you in Engrish. The 2 para rule applies to slabs of shit lifted from the Fraudster Marty Armstrong’s website (which he, in turn, has usually lifted from somewhere else). It isn’t about original writings put up by posters.
2. This is a private blog run by D’Over O’Beach. He can apply the rules with any level of discretion he chooses. Take it to the Blog High Court. Oh, wait … there isn’t one.
Now go run a bath for the Lady Boy.

February 25, 2024 8:18 pm

And NSW plod ignored this!

They seem to be capable of ignoring quite a bit of late.

February 25, 2024 8:18 pm

Iodine Betty allegedly brought a poor li’l dogue’s existence to a long overdue end?

Cats, this is not good. Could we please stop attacking each other about the most imaginary pre-fabricated rubbish?

There are many, many other thaings we can whip* ourselves into a self righteous frenzy about.

labore and greenfilth politicians, for starters. 🙂

*Term used advisedly

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 8:18 pm

Barking Toad

Feb 25, 2024 4:36 PM
A good question Winston.

Did the Sleaze or his squeeze need to wear Pop’s Pads to the concert?

It wouldn’t surprise me.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 8:18 pm

Lamarre-Condon often posted photos of himself wearing his gun on social media


I have heard that is straight-out sackable, regardless of who you are, where you work, length of service or homo counter-claims of nastiness.

Someone, somewhere high up in NSW Plod has a sphincter going five-cent fifty-cent right now. Sweating bullets, as they say.

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 8:18 pm

And what was said late the other night as the Angel Gabriel visited the Plonker –

Words along the lines of – “I am bored and drunk and depressed”

How true of the FW1

Come on down Junior Cretin

February 25, 2024 8:20 pm

The Doc should just accept that it was typo, not some mysterious word used (widely or otherwise) in the muddle ages.

Nope. Fissidity means something like divisiveness, from the Latin. Were my Latin less faded, I could work out furative.

The summoning of deadman didn’t work. He’d have been able to tell me what was furative about a cow lifting up a gate with its head, I have little doubt.

February 25, 2024 8:23 pm

Feb 25, 2024 7:52 PM
The US is not our friend. Maybe that will change. Maybe not.

To paraphrase Kissinger, the US government doesn’t have friends, it has interests.

I don’t see a problem with that.

February 25, 2024 8:24 pm

KD – you don’t exist in the same state as I do, Squire.

No one in NSW plod is giving a rodent’s backside about whatever lurid allegations might be dredged up about the “gay, celebrity chasing, manslaughtering, homosexual, police officer alleged to have killed a braindead FTA TV presenter and the subsequent meeja imbroglio”.

If you can ride out an inexcusable obscenity like October Nine, you can ride out anything.

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 8:25 pm

Feb 25, 2024 4:38 PM

You haven’t got mate in the NT who likes crocodiles and raping pups have you?

At the end of the day, you are not responsible for other people, not even by association.
It’s not your job to fix things you did not break.

What Aaaaron doesn’t realise is that no one has the right to break into another persons car to do anything, and that when the people who ARE responsible for their dogs entrapment are inside a house that is guarded by 3 pigdogs, it’s not my duty to put myself in danger over THEIR failure to keep their pets safe.

Johnny rotten
February 25, 2024 8:25 pm

No Mrs Stencho Pantyhose

You tried to be cute with your post to me about being on thin ice and that you are watching me. Lol

Well you being the A Licker for the Stoush Nurse. You look after your breeches. Maybe you are one of those Horsey people.

Or, most probably a horses arse.

February 25, 2024 8:25 pm

Big questions on how he manipulated the system to get the Glock out and even more over how it could ever be considered as a suitable recruit for NSW Plod

According to my mates in the force, the NSW police have a massive recruiting problem. The attrition rate is big. Due the way they were used by the politicians: i.e. COVID enforcement and the BLM rubbish. The dykes rule.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 8:26 pm

Barking Toad
Feb 25, 2024 8:13 PM

And NSW plod ignored this!

The Daily Telegraph can reveal Constable Lamarre-Condon often posted photos of himself wearing his gun on social media, which is understood to be a breach of the police media policy

As I said upthread, there are a few photos floating around of him in uniform which aren’t merely photos taken in passing.
They were clearly posed Insta-moments.
So there was enough time out a busy shift chasing crooks for the odd Tik-Tok moment.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 8:27 pm

look after your breeches



Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 8:29 pm

Easy, tiger.
Get the lady-boy to give you a massage.
Maybe even happy ending.
You’re stressed out, champ.

February 25, 2024 8:30 pm

Were my Latin less faded, I could work out furative.

My Latin remains with me, Doc – so here we go:

“Furative” (N), a portmanteau of Furtive and Figurative, example of usage: “Muttley furtively sought to avoid being denounced as a figurative imbecile, but his pathetic efforts were not even remotely furative.”

I tells ya! 🙂

February 25, 2024 8:35 pm

Jack Krawczyk is the google shit head who turned the past into entirely black. His site on twatter is now protected but you can still lodge a complaint:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 8:35 pm

Questions around Constable Hyphen-Soyboy.
1. How did he pass the psych vetting at recruitment? Or did he?
2. He tasered a guy in the face a couple of years ago, and was cleared by an internal investigation. The other guy copped a few trumped up charges as cover. Why?
3. How did the social media photos with the gun get missed?
4. Ditto for the general self-promotion of personal profile and business ventures while he was on the job. Why wasn’t the chain pulled on that?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 25, 2024 8:37 pm

Coalition takes primary vote lead in RPM poll for first time since election

Dunkley should be VERY interesting. You can bet da bruvvas will be paying close attention.

February 25, 2024 8:39 pm

A global phenomenon just being a normal goil.

This is why I find her so zeexee … 😕

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 8:43 pm

Mr Panzer at 8.35;

This is a gigantic shitshow, put directly in place by a plod hierarchy terrified of being unpopular with 1% max of the population, and who have become accustomed to pandering to minorities within and without government.

Every other jack force in the country should be taking careful notes as to how this came to be – all the way from recruiting to the current ‘hold my breath until I pass out’ in respect of where the bodies are – and use it as a teaching moment to get their priorities in order.

As it is, Karen Webb – the current Commish – is done. She won’t survive this, or shouldn’t at any rate.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 25, 2024 8:45 pm

Maybe Albo’s first loss from Cabinet will be him? Dreyfus, Gallagher (and Giles?) will have to wait.

February 25, 2024 8:46 pm

Rabz Feb 25, 2024 5:14 PM

Cats – can the gliberals win Dunkley, I asks ya?

From what I can gather, they’re running a candidate who may just be a chance (for a change).

Although why any allegedly normal person would place “Mayor of Frankston” on their CV is beyond me.

It’s possible, Billy Bear, it’s possible.

The mayor role should help with recognition and he’s drawn poll (sic) position on the ballot. Of the candidates, half have preferenced him over the Labor (“leave out U”) candidate including the Democrat. Who knew the Democrats were still a thing?

There’s one independent who’s a tradie but his policies are a bit of a mix of Weet-Bix and Fruit Loops.

As usual, Antony Green’s guide is useful including links to websites and how-to-vote cards. He’s the only bit of the ABC worth it preserving, in my opinion.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 25, 2024 8:48 pm

Hasn’t the Pony Club head plod just joined the departure lounge? Need to talk to VicPlod and learn from the best.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 25, 2024 8:48 pm

Dunkley should be VERY interesting. You can bet da bruvvas will be paying close attention.

The “Advance Australia” campaign has got da bruvvas running in circles…

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 25, 2024 8:51 pm

NKP – it’s next weekend isn’t it? Better start to pay attention. Could be big.

February 25, 2024 8:52 pm

I used the interwebs to order a small doohickey from a supplier in Queenthland last Wed afternoon Perf time.

Supplier had only one delivery option. Delivery cost an extra $4.75.

Said doohickey arrived at my inner-suburban Perf address on Thurthday afternoon.

Strangely enough the Post-Master General was not involved.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 25, 2024 8:53 pm

What this killing “a dog”? I’ve killed so many I’ve not a hope of remembering how many. Dozens. Though probably fewer than one hundred.

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 8:56 pm

Delta A

Feb 25, 2024 6:37 PM
Greetings, Winston.
Still getting off on animals in distress?

It’s OK, Delta A,
Occasionally the 6 O,clock Hate needs an excuse to happen. It allows some the opportunity to boost their self esteem by acting out. Aaaaaron is just dusting off his chest and fluffing his hair, thinking “I gave that prick a good serve, didn’t I?”
Almost post orgasmic sense of relief at his bravery.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 25, 2024 8:56 pm

Lucky it’s in Franga. Will it be enough?

February 25, 2024 8:58 pm

Almost post orgasmic sense of relief at his bravery.


Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 25, 2024 9:03 pm

Strangely enough the Post-Master General was not involved.

It can be a stab in the dark either way.
In the middle of November ordered a Christmas present, dispatched from Melbourne, carried by other than Australia Post.

For various reasons, since the beginning of December someone has been to the courier shed once or twice a week, to enquire about any parcels/packages for us.

Late last week, while there on yet another search for freight, one of the staff there muttered “Are yez ever gonna pick this thing up? We’re friggin tired of it cluttering the place up”

The “arrival date” stamp on it was dated the beginning of December, three months ago. The package is the size of a small piano.

Had similar with the Post Office, a desperately needed spare part was languishing for weeks. Probably one third of articles in the post are collected only when we receive a “this item is about to timeout, collect now or it will be returned to sender” & we ruddy well insist, over the protestations of the postal staff, that there is a parcel for us.

February 25, 2024 9:05 pm

From an Indolent link above, a 10-minute YouTube bit about the U.K.’s economy (interesting for an illiterate like me, but probably won’t tell any of the sharper Cats anything):

Labour and the Conservatives [referring to the U.K.] are two sides of the same coin. They’re both statist, power-hungry, career-politicians who never could have succeeded in the real world, so instead they migrated over to a life in politics where their failures can be covered up and excused by other people’s failures.

February 25, 2024 9:07 pm

Just magnifique, Cats …

It’s tearing me apart
You know I’m such a fool for you
You’ve got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger

February 25, 2024 9:10 pm

welcome to siktoria

land tax bill today … more than tripled since previous years

and the tossers haven’t even broken the bill down

… just a demand

John H.
John H.
February 25, 2024 9:13 pm

Feb 25, 2024 9:05 PM
From an Indolent link above, a 10-minute YouTube bit about the U.K.’s economy (interesting for an illiterate like me, but probably won’t tell any of the sharper Cats anything):

Labour and the Conservatives [referring to the U.K.] are two sides of the same coin. They’re both statist, power-hungry, career-politicians who never could have succeeded in the real world, so instead they migrated over to a life in politics where their failures can be covered up and excused by other people’s failures.

I watched the vid, for the sake of brevity he didn’t mention that the NHS is a disaster, the economy is now London and the rest of Britain, that 1 in 5 of working age are on welfare yet there is a labour shortage, that there is a housing crisis. Britain is stuffed.

The quote you provided is another example of why long ago I stopped supporting the major parties. I vote independent or minor party and over the last 20 years that trend has increased, which gives me reason to hope that finally the electorate is waking up.

February 25, 2024 9:14 pm

Ah, Dolores.

February 25, 2024 9:14 pm

Who knew the Democrats were still a thing?

LOL, NKP, I noticed that when trying to conduct some preliminary research on the possible outcome.

For how many decades has John Schitt been dead? Not enough, evidently. Just get a load of that suit – bucket worthy. 😕

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 25, 2024 9:28 pm

Nicole Flint on shortly. I must say she is rather beautiful.

February 25, 2024 9:34 pm

Slightly old news now, but nonetheless of interest:

In a February 14 interview with Pavel Zarubin, a journalist in Putin’s presidential pool since 2005 and the anchor of the most prestigious annual program on Russian state owned TV, Putin pronounced the name of his preferred candidate: Joe Biden.

(Putin’s candidate in the US presidential election – Biden).

There’s also a brief article on the same site regarding torpedo production issues for the U.S. Navy. (While I find this site worth visiting now and then, the lack of detail in the articles can be frustrating).

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 9:37 pm

Feb 25, 2024 8:18 PM

Iodine Betty allegedly brought a poor li’l dogue’s existence to a long overdue end?
Cats, this is not good. Could we please stop attacking each other about the most imaginary pre-fabricated rubbish?

Rabz, sorry, I was just wanting to see how far and how fast a story could go as certain characters grabbed it firmly in their jaws and ran, baying for blood into the night.
The incident didn’t occur.
The people concerned had a rat dog, but they were wise enough not to take it into the property that housed three pig dogs who wouldn’t have noticed Li’l Rat Dog unless it barked/squeaked at them from under a pile of pig dog poo.
They spent about half an hour in the house, came out, were joyously received by Rat Dog and drove off.
But the story did bring out some expected and unexpected comments… which was its purpose and Rabz (Take a bow, Rabz.) was the only one with enough sense to work it out.

February 25, 2024 9:38 pm

I’m a bit more cynical than yourself, John H, regarding the ‘waking up’ bit, I mean. I don’t think it’s because of a lack of intelligence in the broader population, but more a case of being keep busy and distracted by both the profound and mundane challenges of life.

Since the covidiocy, I’ve vowed to never again vote for a political party which existed during that period of mass delusion (a satisfying delusion for many).

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 25, 2024 9:43 pm

Don’t tell mUnty, but Wussia, Wussia, Wussia is a thing again this year, but with the targets reversed.

Bring back Mueller!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 9:46 pm

The incident didn’t occur

No bites here.

Other things that didn’t occur:

PLA invasions via Tullamarine;
PLA invasions via dirt airstrips in the Kimberley;
Indians stealing my fuel; and
Nuclear attacks in regional Quenthland requiring iodine stockpiling.

Things that have actually occurred:

Overrepresentations of male serial killers with nursing occupations.

John H.
John H.
February 25, 2024 9:48 pm

Feb 25, 2024 9:38 PM
I’m a bit more cynical than yourself, John H, regarding the ‘waking up’ bit, I mean. I don’t think it’s because of a lack of intelligence in the broader population, but more a case of being keep busy and distracted by both the profound and mundane challenges of life.

Since the covidiocy, I’ve vowed to never again vote for a political party which existed during that period of mass delusion (a satisfying delusion for many).

I grok that. It’s taken 20 years for a significant shift to occur but the major parties remain the same. So while a small portion of the electorate has turned their back the major parties continue to behave as they always have. That defeats my hope because the dream was that with decreasing support the major parties would change their behavior.

The problem isn’t just with the electorate, it is also the intransigence of the major parties. The last major shift in their behavior was when Hawke became PM but even that shift has been eroded. The current PM and treasurer aren’t worthy of the breathing Hawke and Keating farts.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 25, 2024 9:53 pm

The current PM and treasurer aren’t worthy of the breathing Hawke and Keating farts.

I’m only too proud to say I despised both Hawke and Keating.

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 10:02 pm

The voting population keep voting for Communists and are dismayed when they get Communism.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
February 25, 2024 10:03 pm

The ABC’s House of Gods first ep.
Sounds like “House of cards” with a Muesli swap.
Actually has some good lines in it at times.
“Your time in Iraq has increased your devotion, but we live in Australia now.”
“Yet you’re going to a *tribal* council meeting!”

February 25, 2024 10:08 pm

Colonel Crispin Berka

You are willingly watching the ALPBC, Squire – really?

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 10:12 pm

Transgender Psychopath Skinned a Kitten and Put it in a Blender Before Murdering a Stranger
Perhaps it would be a good idea to get people who think they are in the wrong body, to have a proper psychiatric consult begore letting them out into society?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 25, 2024 10:13 pm

The voting population keep voting for Communists and are dismayed when they get Communism.

The voting population vote for the redistribution of wealth – someone else’s – their own is sacrosanct.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 10:15 pm

The Tele:

Police are searching a dam near Marulan for the bodies of Jesse Baird and his boyfriend Luke Davies.

NSW Police confirmed the search in a brief statement.


Poor hyphen. That last (ineffective) card has gone out the window.

February 25, 2024 10:20 pm

Winston Smith
Feb 25, 2024 10:12 PM

Perhaps it would be a good idea to get people who think they are in the wrong body, to have a proper psychiatric consult begore letting them out into society?

Isn’t this why we have the managerial level in the public service?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 10:22 pm

From the Oz.
The noose is tightening around Constable Soyboy.

Police have established a crime scene in NSW Southern Tablelands as they hunt for the bodies of former television presenter Jesse Baird and his boyfriend Luke Davies, allegedly murdered by Beau Lamarre-Condon.

As part of that search, believed to be in the Marulan area, divers from the Marine Area Command have been called in to search a local dam.

Another pro tip mate.
Hire companies keep very tight records of odometer readings.
They would know what was on the clock when he hired it.
They know what was on the clock when he dumped it (without torching it – silly soyboy).
They know where he has been – mostly.
Take the excess kms over the known travel and you start getting an idea of other picnic spots he might have visited.
Apart from that, some hire vehicles have anti-theft GPS locating devices (not all with the ability to record history, it is true).

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 10:23 pm

Snap KD.
As they say in that game … “He’s f-cked”.

February 25, 2024 10:24 pm

Whatever happened to having a fishing trip and meeting your end and erasure with a Wedderburn oven?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
February 25, 2024 10:25 pm

The viewing was from a morbid fascination, nothing more.
And it showed the script included criticism, not simply cheerleading.

February 25, 2024 10:28 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 25, 2024 10:13 PM

The voting population vote for the redistribution of wealth – someone else’s – their own is sacrosanct.

Wealth is a more abstract concept than money. Wealth is what other people have. Money is what we personally possess or desire. That may read as a semantic argument, but I suggest if you asked individuals about their approval of the (forced) redistribution of wealth, and the (equally compulsory) redistribution of money, there may be interesting responses.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 25, 2024 10:30 pm

As they say in that game … “He’s f-cked”.


Not that he wasn’t before, but yup. No amount of selfies with Tay Tay will save him from being pineapple-cored every two hours (if he hasn’t been already) for the rest of his short life.

February 25, 2024 10:30 pm

the bodies of former televisual presenter Jesse “I’m not related to Mike, I tells ya” Baird and his toyboyfriend Luke Davies, allegedly existence terminated by Beau Lamarre-Condominium

What a sh*tshow.

Winston Smith
February 25, 2024 10:33 pm


Feb 25, 2024 10:24 PM
Whatever happened to having a fishing trip and meeting your end and erasure with a Wedderburn oven?

A worldwide shortage of Wedderburn ovens.
Blame the COVID virus.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 10:36 pm

Knuckle Dragger

Feb 25, 2024 10:30 PM

As they say in that game … “He’s f-cked”.


Not that he wasn’t before, but yup.

Yes, he was going to be done in by the circumstantial evidence big-time.
I am having a quiet side-bet that he ballasted the bodies with something highly identifiable to him.
“Bespoke” as we say in interior design.

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 25, 2024 10:39 pm

Marulan is not that far from Belanglo State Forest. Constable Soyboy, though not very bright, has a sense of theatre.

February 25, 2024 10:39 pm

John H.
Feb 25, 2024 9:48 PM

That defeats my hope because the dream was that with decreasing support the major parties would change their behavior.

I don’t mean to simplistically reduce this to a ‘social media is evil’ pose (cue Ben Stiller as Zoolander), but I think part of the problem is that social media has transformed the feedback mechanisms that politicians (or their legion of ‘advisors’) take notice of.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 25, 2024 10:40 pm

What a sh*tshow.

The gay aspect is really neither here nor there (he sounds like a complete fruit cake) but it’s not a good look. The rainbow unicorn just took a dump on Mardi Gras.

February 25, 2024 10:40 pm

Things that have actually occurred:
Overrepresentations of male serial killers with nursing occupations.

oh … things that ‘actually’ occurred heh?

and also this week small-goods purveyors in Darlinghurst are apparently forcing their trades at gun-point

the constabulary, in my opinion, should refrain from idiotic gotchas in an an online forum

and get busy having a long hard look at themselves

John H.
John H.
February 25, 2024 10:42 pm

I Read 250 Studies: 10 Things I Learned about your Health

The Glynac idea is interesting. I don’t buy glynac, I buy glycine and nac in powder form from Bulk Nutrients. Studies support it for people over 60, I think it might also help those with serious injury or chronic inflammatory conditions. I might try some DHEA for my thymus but my adaptive immunity seems to be fine(don’t get bugs). The TRIM study on reversing aging is interesting but the method is expensive.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 25, 2024 10:43 pm

Possible ballast items:-
The spare wheel off grandpa’s 1948 Packard.
Mum’s old VCR with her drivers licence number engraved on the back to prevent theft.
Something that floats.
The trunk of family photos from the attic.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x