About 100 percent?
About 100 percent?
Refurbish coal plants, don’t close them. Of course, only where the governments retained ownership of the power stations is this…
Too many bad actors in too many places. “Never in the 236-year political history of the United States has there…
Hopefully a grid wide blackout before the election. It’s the only thing that’ll smack reality into people.
Embedded in this piece on possible election manipulation in Wisconsin you’ll find a disturbing bit about the left never sleeping…
I suspect Trumble thinks of Democracy the same way as the American Democrats when they say “Our Democracy is threatened”. They are not referring to the freedoms and inputs from the citizen body – they mean the government and more particular the government that they dominate through their own members, the RINO’s, and the deep state.
For them, the demos is a threat to democracy.
Lord Waffleworth is Australia’s Obama.
They really are tying themselves in knots trying to make this a bad-cop-not-a-love-tryst-or-domestic incident.
Apparently being “Friends with benefits” doesn’t constitute a relationship.
The Australian empire is crumbling, brick by brick, piece by piece. Only Centrelink will survive.
Kind of dumb.
Turnbull injecting himself into the news with two stories.
I suspect he’s trying to rain on Morrison’s parade (such as it is).
Lord Bebo
Malcolm Turnbull says Donald Trump is not committed to democracy
The fact that this POS is still in the liberal party tells you all you need to know about those pencil necked wimps. All at the same time they have disendorsed one of their few worth while candidates, Rennick in QLD. And what that turd Pesutto is doing in victoristan is beyond belief.
Imagine getting that phone call. We’ve found your mum after 38 years of being missing.
Emotional stuff.
SOLVED 38-Year-Old Missing Person Case in 6 Hours… (Maureen Sherman)
Lord Waffleworth is Australia’s Obama.
Turdball is a poofta and Lucy a bloke?
I suggest a full hazmat suit before diving into the Daily Mail on the Sydney gay murders. Or at least shower afterwards.
Via BB
I suppose that it is too much to expect j’ismists to be fluent in the English language, but the ongoing inability to distinguish between someone earning money by doing an actual job, and parasites like Weimar being paid for hanging around the office doing bugger all.
The only good thing is that while in idle paid unemployment Weimar’s ability to cause damage by actually doing something was limited.
Elon is having a fine time trolling Google…
Unlike Geriatric Joe who’s so committed to democracy he’s in the White House thanks to massive unrepentant electoral fraud.
As for the Commonwealth Games debacle and the ridiculous inexcusable bludgeaucrat payments (for services not rendered), for how much longer can this country tolerate such blatant staggering stupidity and corruption?
Weimar, you are shameless crook.
I hope it’s not trolling.
TeslaTV – kills off FTA, Pay TV & You Tube.
Elon365, MOS (Musk OS) & Gooey (a GUI, named after a former lover).
Dewit! Dewit!
One of the most consequential roles in human history.
Not allowed to look at seeing-eye dogs.
Syracuse microaggressions workshop: Looking at a service animal could be ‘micro-assault’ (25 Feb, via Instapundit)
This raises the philosophical question of how a blind person could actually see that someone was causing a micro-assault against them by looking at their seeing-eye dog. Maybe some nearby helpful lefty could tell them.
Examples of exercise of absolute rule, oppression, and wanton cruelty, please; or it’s a statesmanlike ‘Trump’s a farty poo bum’.
Bear disclosing specialist enthusiasms.
In the early 1950s a British Commercial Airline pilot made a bit of a hash landing at Frankfurt Airport and mucked up pulling up at the wrong demarcation spot. The German Airport Air Traffic Controller radios the pilot to ask him whether this was his first time in Frankfurt.
The pilot messaged back “No. Not my first time but the last time was in 1945 and it was night time and dark and I didn’t land.”
Just spent the best $2. Out shopping, heading back to the car when I saw an older lady getting a trolley only to discover no change to unlock it. I handed her $2 for it. The smile on her face you’d think it was a hundred. I walked away with a bigger smile, not coz I did something for someone but without even thinking about it. Went into woolies to stock up on coffee but not on special so left. What I noticed was their prices have increased out of sight like others here have been noting. Some things are 100% higher than Aldi.
Somebody may have posted already but from Courier Mail. Can somebody post whole article?
Supreme Court bombshell: Qld’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’
Dozens of police and health workers have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory Covid vaccination orders after the Supreme Court declared they were unlawful.
Have to admit it but quite emotional about this although it did not affect me personally.
Duncunm at 11.27 am
One of the deceased friends said that Jesse did not have a relationship with the Copper, but only an encounter. Lol. Well, the last encounter did not go very well………
Makka, about Cook. When I was in NZ my mate has a map of the country on his workshop office wall of the country dating 1951. He says,”look at this”. On the map the Fjordland coastline has a note to say it was taken from Cook’s charts as no newer survey had been done.
The operative bits:
Nothing in the article about redress for harms caused by the unlawful directions.
Welp, nice knowing you all:
Macron won’t rule out putting ground troops in Ukraine
Stupid comments all around. The Gender Pay gap is high level BS:
Australia politics live: Katy Gallagher calls on Peter Dutton to distance himself from Matt Canavan comments on gender pay gap reporting
Katy Gallagher has called on Peter Dutton to distance himself from comments made by Matt Canavan, after the opposition senator called the release of a national gender pay gap report today “useless data” that “breeds resentment and division” and might push people toward following Andrew Tate – an influencer currently facing human trafficking and rape charges.
The government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency released individual gender pay gaps at nearly 5,000 businesses across Australia – every private company with 100 employees or more – on Tuesday for the first time.
Canavan posted on social media platform X on Tuesday morning, after the release of the data, saying it could push people toward Tate:
An absolute banger. Senator Lleyonhjelm pulls apart this idiocy and the high-level APS is left mumbling and arse-covering with sheer farting rhino turds.
What about the gender workplace hours gap?
Libertarian Party (Australia)
1,344,268 views Feb 20, 2019
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has a lot of work to do on its statistics following Senator David Leyonhjelm’s questions in Estimates. The agency publish a gender pay gap based on ABS data, but they don’t account for the fact, revealed in the same ABS data, that male full-time workers tend to work longer hours than female full-time workers.
There possibly was some adult supervision too.
Let’s continue please with the floggery on display in Victoriastan. Herald Sun:
So whilst old mate on Struggle St busts his arse to keep the lights on and his family fed, these shameless bastards want more pay for less work. FMD
Indeed he is..
Should be R-rated since none of the characters are black, gay or muslim. And Dick van Dyke was in blackface! That’s horrible. Children would be in terrible danger of being red-pilled.
So whilst old mate on Struggle St busts his arse to keep the lights on and his family fed, these shameless bastards want more pay for less work. FMD
If the pundits are right, a global economic collapse sometime this year will “turn the lights on” in the heads of these unionist scammers.
This is the full judgement in Justice Glenn Martin’s decision that the Covid vax mandate violated Human Rights Law provisions.
Never Vicki. Especially when Unionists run the Vic Govt. In effect they are negotiating with themselves- all this “The union had been fighting for blah blah blah” is just window dressing for the plebs.
The lights need to go on in the heads of brain dead fktards that vote Labor into power in this state.
Via BB
Does anyone seriously believe that all the WFH public serpents are actually taking their full “working day” to do whatever it is they do to occupy their time? This is just a double dip at a pay rise, then many will take on casual employment for there fifth working day.
I have a number of arguments over the past year or so about this. Most people cannot believe it and think it means 4 x 10 hour days. It is nothing if the sort. It is same pay for 80% of the work.
So unless you have been. Sitting around wasting 1/5 of your time at work, there is no way you are going to be as productive in 4 days as you were un 5 days. So next things the govt will need to hire new workers to make up the difference.
So next things the govt will need to hire new unionists to make up the difference.
The following comment appearing on Redditt concerning the landmark decision today in Qld:
Dozens of police and health workers including paramedics have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory vaccination orders after the Supreme Court declared they were unlawful.
In a 115-page decision handed down by Justice Glenn Martin on Tuesday he declared police commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination issued in December 2021 was unlawful under the Human Rights Act and banned her from taking any steps to enforce the direction.
He also ruled that a similar order by John Wakefield, the director general of Queensland Health’s equivalent vaccination policy “is of no effect” and Mr Wakefield be blocked from forcing paramedics to have the injection. Seventy four people opposing vaccinations took the state government to the Supreme Court to challenge vaccination directives, they were included in three separate applications before the court. Two related to police officers or civilian staff, and the third case related to Queensland Ambulance Service workers. The workers did not have to be vaccinated while their legal fight was underway.
Hey Indolent – I reckon the decision today on illegality of Vax mandates deserves a celebration.
Too little, too late. Where’s the sanctioning of the hitlerist dunderheads who thought they could decree these ridiculous, utterly obscene “mandates”?
BoN’s take …
Philosophically that doesn’t make any sense.
You don’t think woke inner city cafes and bars support woke wineries?
A lot of people buy organic and preservative free wines.
The issue is that there are plenty of good wines around and “Riverland” is more noted for table grapes and bulk wines.
I know you are looking for a local Bud Lite to kick, but this is more likely a regional brand problem than anything else.
Have to say, Taliban Supreme Court, at least as report above, appears very based.
Three cheers for QLD’s Bill of Rights!
There’s actually a linear logic to the decision.
I know a lawyer who worked on the police case. She was always confident of a win.
Sancho – Loudly targeting your product only at a nutty 10% of the population is a great way to go broke.
Instead you should say nuffink on the label or in your advertising material (ahem Bud Light) to annoy the 90% of people who are fed up with woke, but also make your product organic, vegan and Gaia-worshipping, then rely on the frootloops to read the fine print. Which they will, whilst carefully searching on the internet for the most virtuous tipple they can get blotto on.
That way you are selling to 100% of the prospective market.
The art of selling woke products is to dog whistle to the woke. That way the rest of us don’t hear or see the stupid religious signaling.
However, this sounds a little arbitrary,.
Presumably, the second party were also into sexual hanky panky but received only 30 lashes, whereas the first mentioned couple copped 35. Something appears out of whack. (no pun).
How can a deceased person say anything?
Unbloody believable, saw a few minutes of Scummo valedictory speech, the things he’s listing as achievements are all failures. No wonder we are in the deep merde. Now we have Luigi the Unbelievable spittleing all over the economy in the race to be the worst PM ever. In an another hold my beer moment he managed it without trying. Can you imagine the damage if they were trying. Why couldn’t the ghay plod taken out Luigi instead?
Of course if you are going to make something organic, vegan and Gaia-worshipping it’s going to be very expensive to produce. So it better taste damn good or you’ll get undercut by your unwoke competitors. Free markets are great sifters of stupid.
The Liberal Party in Western Australia has fallen a long way since the days of Charles Court…
Adultery and immoral acts are not the same thing.
JC, the 30 lash ones were into goats.
Organic wines consistently underperform in blind tasting.
Organic fruit, vegies, meat and dairy consistently underperform in blind tasting- thanks to the likes of A Current Affair taking on the brand.
Look, I know capital-o Organicness has its fans- many who are otherwise sensible people- looking at you, Top Ender- but let’s face it, it’s Halal for White People.
Finally, we’re getting somewhere, at least in QLD.
I’m not getting into another splitting hairs discussion with you. Leave that for the Phd. 🙂
Fair point, but what if they were married?
I see the National Sheepdog trials are on nearby. Dumbgold has already pronounced them guilty.
The goats or the other two?
Sheepdogs are lovable, but they are the SS of the dog world. They follow orders to the exact letter.
Other two? How do you know the other “two” aren’t goats.
Presumably, the second party were also into sexual hanky panky but received only 30 lashes, whereas the first mentioned couple copped 35. Something appears out of whack.
Maybe the first couple were actually doing the wild thing (35 lashes) whereas the second couple were engaged in oral (30 lashes).
One of life’s mysteries. Let’s all take a moment to consider.
Bestiality is zina in Islamic law – prohibited sexual intercourse punishable by death.
But turning up to see a human chicken drumstick still seemingly able to make audible nosies…PTSD in the making.
Indeed FTB, know of an ex cop I worked alongside who watched a man burn in a car wreck he was first responder to. Tried to get to the guy but he was too trapped in the wreck and fire had taken hold risking even them if they came too close.
He admitted the screams at the end haunt him, then silence.
Took our grandson to the Melbourne Museum today. Some great spaces for kids to play and displays. Passed through the dinosaur gallery and was warned by an entrance sign that there were displays of stuffed animals. No warning about the dead flora though. Vegans must be more sensitive than treehuggers.
Jeanette Young, current Qld Gov General and previously Chief Health Officer should stand herself down right now. This Supreme Court ruling is excellent, and as others have said, too late.
Or the back payment of roughly $95,000 for lost wages, super, etc. Or the punishment of senior health officers (including CEOs of the health service) for fabricating an allegation of fraud as a justification for removing remuneration while being stood down. Apparently, that’s not corruption, or so I was told by the health service which refused to investigate its own CEO.
I’m under the impression that the HRC cannot order compensation?
This would explain why I’ve been ordered (yes, ordered) back to work after 20 months of anxiety about my living arrangements (this time last year, I was preparing to live in my car, but thankfully that hasn’t been necessary yet), physical and mental health. F£ck them and the rusty star pickets they rode in on.
Should, but won’t.
The leeway given to subordinates to threaten and harrass Qld Health staff was extraordinary. I’ve used the phrase ‘organisational psychopathy’ previously, and Qld Health very much fits the bill.
Michael Smith has posted Warren Brown’s interpretation of the Karen Webb debacle.
I reckon he has nailed it.
Feb 27, 2024 2:00 PM
Sheepdogs are lovable, but they are the SS of the dog world.
hahaha, that’s funny.
I have two Border Collies and both have been highly trained. The older one (10 y/o) is the Gruppenfuhrer of dogs and when the younger one (4 y/o) is lagging behind for some reason, the older one barks at him.
My brother, now retired, was a copper. Among other things he was, for a while, a pursuit driver. He had to attend numerous burning car wrecks.
Now suffering PTSD, the smell of meat cooking on a barbecue still makes him sick to the stomach.
If they were relying on parliament for redress they’d have been fortunate to get an apology.
After the last complainant had died.
It won’t happen, but boy, what if it did? Dream a little.
California senate seat election to replace the dead demon.
Speaking of Victoria, according to Sky the other night, the Libs now have a policy of 95% renewables by 2035.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that they do not want to be in government , that a few of them are happy in their safe seats and high income and emitting the occasional bleat .
Seriously Victoria is now a one party state.There is no monstrous act or cock up that Labor can make that will lead to it losing as the opposition is running dead.
If they continue in this vain, any chance of a Federal win by Dutton and his Libs will vanish. No way will they campaign on nuclear.
Mrs Stencho Pantyhose at 1.38 pm
Too many paras. Report to the Chief Blog Milk Monitor for a speeding ticket and another pair of breeches.
This world is a mess… and Nietzsche saw it coming.
When the story about the police issue gun murders were first reported, hyphenated was said to have collected his gun for a user-pays additional shift.
Could that be the reason why we’ve not seen any arrests at certain gatherings, despite the vocal incitement to violence and unambiguous anti-semitism, because the organisers have paid for a police presence?
I have two Border Collies and both have been highly trained. The older one (10 y/o) is the Gruppenfuhrer of dogs and when the younger one (4 y/o) is lagging behind for some reason, the older one barks at him.
I love that! Can absolutely picture it.
Interesting Cook fact 1:
The chronometer taken to sea in Voyage 3 was still in use in the Bounty in Bligh’s famous voyage.
Daily Tele is saying “body parts located” in the Hyphen-Soybean case.
Tim Blair in form:
Uh-oh. Leftists are currently telling people not to use that phrase, because “rest in power” is apparently only for black people – and Aaron Bushnell was white.
Well, until the final few minutes.
On Sky last night? John Ruddick (Libertarian Party, NSW Upper House) explained that a group of NSW coppers (& others) were sacked for not complying with the mandates.
Even now they have not yet been reinstated despite the mandates no longer being in place. Others have, he said, but not them, because if they were there would be claims & compensation for wrongful dismissal.
The QLD judgment would seem to set up the first part of their potential cases – illegal mandates – (crossed fingers).
The difference between a specific act and a class of acts is not hair-splitting.
Gee whiz. Ms Webb is a dickhead. Daily Telegraph:
Well get on with it sweetheart.
Tiny Doses of LSD Boost Unique Signals in The Human Brain
I searched the paper, only one reference to TrkB in the footnotes. I searched pubmed, many references to TrkB, including this one:
Ps…. promotes plasticity by binding to trkb.
TrkB is widely regarded as the most important growth driver in the adult brain. It is not about serotonin, it is about that. The potential is to forget about the high and focus on developing a drug that targets Trkb. No need for expensive therapy sessions with patients going mystical and woo woo stuff.
I’ve got the feeling Karen Webb is pretty clueless about violence in prisons or in remote NSW communities.
Whistleblower – Embalmer Type Clots Occurring in the Living?
Nietzsche was more muddled and incoherent than this video claims.
The world has always been a mess, simple rules of conduct are demanded by simple people. Then their ability to predict what others will do is adequate.
They do follow orders to the letter until they reach that age when they believe themselves to be in charge.
Then it is time for the retirement couch on the back porch before they lead the young guys astray.
My daughter’s currently retired senior dog found herself out of the paddock when it was discovered that she was leading the young blokes off at night ro herd the neighbours’ stock.
Sadly, I can’t have dogs on my place. I really miss the idiots.
Thanks for posting full judgement. It is going to make great reading.
Hopefully skewers CHO Qld and Commissioner big time.
Interesting Cook fact 2:
Had six children, but none of them survived long enough to produce children of their own.
Feb 27, 2024 2:44 PM
I love that! Can absolutely picture it.
You know that all dogs are descended from wolves – this dog, although a Border Collie, is a grey/white and seems to have carried the distinct look from his wolf ancestors. Border Collie but damn…. he looks like a wolf.
Smarter than some people I’ve met as well.
I’ve always been somewhat perturbed that Shakespeare really called his kid Hamnet.
Nietzsche was wrong for the same reason Petersen is wrong. They think behavior is primarily regulated by our worldview. In a discussion with Dillahunty Petersen argued that there are no true atheists, implying that genuine atheists would be psychopaths. Dillahunty demolished him. If you want to understand human behavior don’t rely on philosophers and religionists because in the last 50 years we have learnt more about behavior than the entire previous history. Start with Sapolsky’s Stanford lectures on Youtube. Slow because it is introductory but he provides the critical concepts.
“Hamnet Sadler Shakespeare”
You wouldn’t believe it if William Shakespeare was an unexceptional man.
…and…the old classic one-liner for Dr Petersen: …” Your point, being?”
Death of science and covid
Interesting Cook fact 3.
His widow, Elizabeth Cook, outlived him, and all her children by fifty years – she died at 93.
Muse to the musos, Pattie Boyd said to be releasing love letters etc from back in the day when she was involved at times with George Harrison and Eric Clapton.
Does she need the money? Is it too close to the boner?
Bombshell NYT Report Confirms –’CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade.’
My Sweet Lord.
Nietzsche was right about many things, and way ahead of his time on a number of topics.
Up there, was his assertion that God is dead. For way too many these days this is true.
But it was not a proclamation of fact, more an observation that humans had drifted away from God.
As it was with Mark Twain (Samuel Clements), rumours of his death have been exaggerated.
Nietzsche also had a severance from Wagner due to the latter’s anti-semitism.
Well worth at least skimming through his aphorisms.
The Great Taking: How Deep State Will Ensure You Own Nothing
The Police Commissioner is behaving as an utter fool during the press briefing about locating of the two slain gay men. First she’s giving her condolences to families of the victims and in the next breath jokingly referring to investigators who were present. She has no sense of the occasion or how to behave. Just as well she handed over the briefing to her deputy. Everyone is doing a better job than she did, she has to go.
Looks like they’ve found the missing young men.
Our fearless Police Chief after her interview this morning;
“The NSW Police Commissioner refused to leave Channel Seven’s Sunrise studio on Tuesday because she feared she was about to be ambushed outside by one of the network’s news crews.
Webb – who had just finished a brutal interview with Natalie Barr where she brushed off concerns about her leadership by quoting Taylor Swift’s line ‘haters gonna hate’ – then reportedly refused to walk outside.
‘If you want any indication of a police commissioner under siege, Karen Webb stayed in the Sunrise studio for up to 10 minutes today, refusing to leave, saying she would not be ambushed by our crew,’ reporter Robert Ovadia claimed. “
Interesting Cook fact 4:
He wrote over a million words about his three major voyages and other observations, but almost nothing about himself.
Now we know that policing in NSW is in a bad shape when they need someone from Victoria Police to teach them a thing or two.
Always been a sucker for a steel guitar played well.
This bloke’s not bad.
Looks like the accused in the double murder case relented and gave assistance to find where he’d put the bodies.
Police saying about 16 k’s away from where they were originally searching near Goulburn.
Police Commissioner gave her condolences to the QWERTY community for the deaths of the two gay men yet insisted these were not hate crimes but more along domestic violence. This woman should not be allowed anywhere near reporters.
I watched a bit of the video. Slow and boring.
Nobody doubts that there are social benefits associated with the western Christian mythos. Also some serious problems.
Nietzsche is said to have claimed that Christianity contains the seeds of its own destruction in that it elevates truth as essential, and the pursuit of truth entails doubt. So a really good Christian will doubt the foundational beliefs.
You do what God wants when you don’t believe in Him.
Let me re-pohrease your question.
Could that be the reason why we’ve seen only arrests of peaceful non-Mooslimes at certain gatherings, because the organisers have paid for a police presence to stop any counter-protests?
… re-phrase …, not sure what happened there.
The 2 murdered pooftas found. This Beau Lamarre-Condon is a piece of work.
Any Western Australian Cats know these names….
Interesting, Top Ender, I didn’t know that.
I’m yet to “meet” a (secular) mainstream philosopher who lived according to the rules they set for others. “Nitchyky” was heavily opposed to drug use, but used opium in vast quantities. Roussea wrote Emile about how to bring up a boy but discarded his own children.
(Even the lovey dovey ones who don’t believe in God but preach a love and tolerance they have never practiced, and have no respect for where these values came from also)
Aristotle artistole …. was a bugger for the bottle….
c’mon… sing along!….
Bourne @ 12.24:
Avi Yemini has a report…
My younger brother got his promotion to Senior Sergeant when he was seconded to the Wood Royal Commission. He and a superintendent sat through all the evidence and tried to crystal ball the recommendations and come up with a plan to implement said recommendations. That pommie dickead commish had the political nouse to plan ahead.
I’d say she was right on the second point. If it had been a hetero triangle and a bloke had killed his girlfriend and her new lover, nobody would call it a hate crime.
Oh, OK.
I did wonder how he got the bodies out un-noticed in busy Paddo.
I can buy that.
But I can’t buy that.
Getting two bodies out of a house in a surfbag in a busy suburb and into a van on your own is stretching it.
Note the cute choice of words.
“Placing the bodies in their current location”.
Not saying “moving them from Paddington to Bungonia on his own”.
The Tele:
The bodies were allegedly discovered inside two surfboard bags
That disposal method didn’t work for Roger Rogerson either.
Closely related to Mark Bolton, I assume.
My suspicion is that he maybe didn’t do the shift anyway (even though NSW Plod told the press he was “on shift”).
In any case, he picked the gun up Friday supposedly for a Sunday shift and returned it on, I think, Tuesday.
That screams slackness.
Looks NQR straight off the bat. Have you seen the vid of him tasering (or trying to taser) a bloke from a few years back? It was on a A Current Affair air last night.
And Petersen seems to think that psilocybin has some connection with the transcendental. A simpler explanation is that it can make you permanently potty.
Well, not ideal for disposal at sea, due to the buoyancy factor.
And for land disposal?
Well, most are silver or white in colour, so stick out like…
Quite so.
Andrew Clennell on Daytime Sky:
Scot Morrison stuffed up on bushfires …
No. Paul Murray dealt with this syndrome the other night.
Conservative PMs get treated quite differently to Labor ones.
We see no such “go for the jugular” by the majority of the media when Labor are in power .
Makings of a fairly good football team.
Not a hoax after all. The alleged perpetrator IS as thick as a bucket full of rocks.
I hope he is not representative of the calibre recruits to the NSW police force.
What’s this with the Commish giving her condolences to the QERTY community?
I’ve never seen this done when heterosexuals are murdered. Our condolences to the “straight” community?
Identity politics is infecting every nook and cranny.
BJ, I’m sure that the report of his shift included a reference to a demonstration in regard to the user-pays description.
If it was a pali demo, every user-pays shift should be reported on the cop website so we will all know in real time how the cops go about what is loosely described as “policing” in this state.
Quoted for truth..
Me neither.
he picked the gun up Friday supposedly for a Sunday shift and returned it on, I think, Tuesday.
And he had a gun safe to store it in, when he wasn’t “playing with it”?
H B Bear
Pass, HBB.
Pass on this whole tawdry affair.
Plenty of Kicketts were AFL champions.
That’s not to say all of those at war in the street that night in Narrogin were blackfellahs — just most of them.
Yes. Yes, it is. And if he invaded the Falklands, there’d be nobody in the UK who would put up a fight. They wouldn’t be able to.
Thank you KD, for expanding it to “surfboard bag”
Presumably would work as an impromptu body bag. (this nugget of info filed, you never know when it may come in handy)
I was wondering what the heck a “surf bag” may be. (From context it isn’t the surfing equivalent of “town bike”)
What’s this with the Commish giving her condolences to the QERTY community?
I’ve never seen this done when heterosexuals are murdered. Our condolences to the “straight” community?
There is nothing about this woman that commands confidence. But that is just my personal opinion.
Sorry, abbreviated comment at 4.14pm. I had a call to open some paddock gates.
Bourne @ 12.24 was looking for details on the outcome of the case in Qld. Avi Yemini has details so worth checking there.
The lights need to go on in the heads of brain dead fktards that vote Labor into power in this state.
They love labor here in Victoria and I don’t understand it, then again, the other mob gets no air time at all and might as well not exist in the media here.
That plays a fair way into it, and during an election the bad news is nearly all one way and our ABC do all they can to aggressively attack anyone but Labor and the Greens.
How do you defeat that?
Currently the other mob is trying the technique of the last Liberal Government, sucking up to the media .. it will never work and is astonishing they keep rolling it out.
They seem convinced they need to be nice to their critics and copy the woke/green climatey BS .. makes me sick to hear it.
Scot Morrison stuffed up on bushfires …
No. Paul Murray dealt with this syndrome the other night.
I don’t care what Murray said. My impression of Morrison is that he had virtually no understanding of rural Australia.
I can’t recall any understanding shown of the horrors of the 2018 drought or the subsequent terror generated by the Gosper Mt firestorm.
Of all recent Liberal PMs he was the most urban centred. His support for Net Zero confirmed it.
What’s Andrew Clennell on about with using police weapons in user pays work?
In such work eg presence at AFL games the police are present in police uniform. Individual police are not paid by the event organisers they are paid by the police service. The event organiser pays the police service their fee.
Where do these journalists come from? Clennell is supposed to be an experienced journalist yet he gobs off on an issue like this with no idea how it works.
It’s been about 5 days since we learned that the accused signed out the weapon for a user pays gig. He’s had all that time to familiarise himself about the workings of user pays events and he still disgraces himself.
What a goose!!
The next time a gay kills another gay I demand all gays be banned from Mardi Gras as clearly anti gay.
I don’t think they have thought it through.
Given the idiocy of their policies (and their leader) that’s probably not a bad thing.
Giuseppe Prosciutto: “We’ll be going 95% Year Zero by 2035 when that uppity nayzee chick Deeming won’t be any where to be seen”
By taking a leaf of the playbook of politicians who do get into the media. Eg Jacquie Lambie, Pauline Hanson, Bob Katter, George Christensen, et al.
Say something sensible that the left consider to be outrageous, & say it like you mean it. Eg, The army shouldn’t pay income tax, or car rego should be half the price, or somesuch.
The horrified left-leaning media will get your name & message out there, believing they’re showing the genpop what a dickhead you are, meanwhile the normies are hearing something that sounds sensible.
Puzzled as to why your polling is heading north, the media will double down on amplifying your message.
Feb 27, 2024 4:32 PM
What’s this with the Commish giving her condolences to the QERTY community? I’ve never seen this done when heterosexuals are murdered. Our condolences to the “straight” community? Identity politics is infecting every nook and cranny.
Yeah, I thought the same. Why was she apologising to a specific distinct group? Perhaps an apology to the people of NSW generally, that police procedures appear to have let them down by allowing a person to use their service weapon to commit a crime. Or, how about an apology that the person was deemed suitable to be a police officer and wasn’t weeded out when he applied. Whilst on the subject, how about an apology for the appalling ignoring of hate-speech by police over the past 3 months by the Pali supporters.
What is it about the homosexual lobby that it commands such fawning from our politicians and assorted other leaders (ie. police).
Total mystery why they lose elections.
Can’t wait for the day his go-fund-me flops (trying to raise the money the court says he must pay to Ms. Deeming)
Body boards!
Who’ll be leading the fawning political obituaries for Goose Morristeen this evening on Sky?
Joe Hildebeast?
Ding Dong! We have a winner, folks, Paul Murray, come on down!
The Qld Human Rights Commission’s judgement is not kind to the court performance of QPS Commissioner Carroll, however my reading of the summary and (an admittedly cursory) skim through the full product leaves me confused. I’m happy to be corrected, but my interpretation is that, while both directives (QPS and QAS) are ruled unlawful, the limitations to the human rights of the applicants was declared reasonable.
So that’s a ‘no-but-yes?’
What am I missing?
Feb 27, 2024 12:24 PM
Full judgement (115 pages).
Page 114:
Nothing changes?
Man in a white van?
20 years on Burke remains political Kryptonite. With good reason.
Sorry. On the final page (if I understand it correctly, bearing in mind my redneck yokel status), orders are given that restrain the heads of the QPS and QAS from taking disciplinary action against the non-vaccinated applicants.
It’s difficult to know what to make of all of this. Certainly there were no attempts to seek financial redress by the applicants.
Where does the Qld Human Rights Commission fits into this vaccine mandate judgement?
Off topic, but the Lieboral Party don’t seem to have any problems with oral ejaculation. (Likely due to the escaping gasses of internal decomposition passing through the vocal chords).
The QHRC has declared that the QPS and QAS directions for mandatory jabbing were unlawful because they breached the applicants’ human rights. However, the limits placed on the applicants’ human rights were ‘reasonable.’
I think. I don’t know. I’m not a beagle eagle. Or summink.
(The efficacy of the vaccines seems to have been assumed?).
I had a look at a brief interview he gave on free will and was not particularly impressed with his philosophical excursion. He seems to be rehashing a position better put by Rosenberg but lacking the philosophical background of the latter.
It was Supreme Court not HRC.
So far neither The Oz, Herald Sun or Daily Telegraph have mentioned the case.
4BC did have a clip on the news with Pauline Hanson saying she feels vindicated over the result.
Not listened to 4BC all day but don’t appear to be giving the story much attention.
The mainstream media will be trying to keep this low key.
So tell everybody you know!
I was speaking to an ex-copper (Victoria) mate today in regards to procedure regarding service weapons. He was stationed in his time at a few different cop shops in Surf Coast and Bellarine towns.
He used to like doing overtime/off-roster gigs at the footy at Kardinia Park. In those instances the cops doing the footy that day would report to Geelong cop shop, suit up/briefing etc, and then be issued with what he called a “spare” from the armoury. Any of the coppers that were based at Geelong station doing the footy would sign out their own service weapon etc.
After the footy. Return the spare, get in your civvies and go home.
For some LOLs Mavis has a column on SloMo in today’s Paywallian.
Very interesting presentation by Arab League at the ICJ today.
Worthwhile addition for the Israeli hostage negotiations ..
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Her final years must have been heartbreaking for her. Did she have any other family?
Yes, we need to know when the police have been rented and when they are on actual policing work. One other thing, why are they allowed to wear uniforms when not on official business and just being rent-a-cop?
“I have a job to do. It is a big job. This is just one of many. We actually had seven murders last week.
To give you the idea she does any plodding .. LOL!
If it weren’t for the media publicity over the plod pillow biter’s involvement in 2 of them her only interest in the weekly murder rates would be the stats memo in her in-tray ..
Credlin: again we are being regaled with agitprop about the gender pay gap by the same people who have trouble saying what a woman is.
Ouch! Touche!
Her will mentions nieces and nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews, as legatees.
The world is turning upside down, more and more. A middle power like UK going down the gurgler while Argentina, a former basket case, has decided not to commit political and economic suicide. I suppose it helps that they don’t have an infiltration of millions of illegal immigrants and only their own population to persuade.
How many people in NSW? As someone has said, probably on borrowed time. Shades of “I had to eat”. Other parallels could be drawn.
Shades of “I had to eat”.
very much so
Grandees gotta luv ’em .. one of my grandees, miss five, rang me today, “Grandad for my burfday I wantz a guitar, pleeze” ..
Apparently, according to Mum she has been inspired after her trip up from Danistan to see TAY TAY …. LOL!
Are you unaware of identity politics or is this a rhetorical question?
I watched two minutes of remarks about racism and forcible this and that.
As though Arabs were just innocent sitting duck victims of Jewish aggression.
100 years of suffering.
Jews have always lived in Israel.
More Jews moved to Israel in the late 19th and early 20th century by buying property from willing sellers.
Arabs started a war and lost.
More than once.
Billie, since the Libs are never going to get a break from the media they might as well play against the media. Do stunts, make outrageous statements that would enrage the media but play well with the voting public, ask uncomfortable questions of the government and the media. Make the media defend their own actions.
I know, this requires guts and imagination which the Pesutto lot run from at supersonic speed.
Oh, you mighty warriors of Hamas – dragging half naked Israeli girls off to Gaza, on your motorcycles…Just a single bullet, fair between the eyes…
Should have scrolled down to your comment to see that you already suggested this approach. Consider this a big uptick.
Ah, WA … beautiful one day; a police state the next.
I always assumed he would as they are close friends.
I think he is way off base on that issue. I couldn’t care less about arcane debates that have been going on for centuries because if the issue hasn’t been solved by now the question is the problem. That highlights a fundamental problem with philosophy and is why so many are turned off by the subject.
When it becomes to behavior though Sapolsky is leading the way.
Twiggy is a fuking POS. He is full blackout bowen against nuclear and full blackout bowen for ruinables. No wonder his missus has pissed off, along with his female CEO.
You can’t see the forest for the trees?
I certainly can’t see Twiggy Forrest’s intellect getting to grips with the brave new world we inhabit these days. His obsession with renewables is no more logically-based than all those others.
Sopranos marathon. Day 5.
Tony Soprano just killed Ralph Siporetto over Pie-Oh-My’s death in a fire.
A televisual feast indeed.
Lizzie, people who have always relied on lies will not willingly accept the truth.
Or people are making the same mistakes over and again as philosophical questions are revisited.
No surprise Trump completely bypassed the media via Twitter prior to his election. Now he is political Hydra, every time they cut off a head two grow back.
Sorry Rosie, confused you with Lizzie.
Lack of empathy.
There were many other occasions when he demonstrated that trait.
I’m not suggesting a PM should wear his heart on his sleeve but there was something awry with Morrison’s personality in that regard.
Good ICJ presentation DB, but presumably the shortcoming to the argument is that it basically assumes history and a right to self determination only began c 100 years ago?
I wouldn’t be too sure about that.
Thousands protest as hunger grows amid Argentine austerity (24 Feb)
Argentina: Activists to strike nationwide, protest in Buenos Aires on Feb. 26 (26 Feb)
Argentina has a history of putsches and coups, and we haven’t seen their deep state in action yet. After all those years with the Kirchners in the big house they must be well entrenched. They’re unlikely to be happy campers right now.
The Jews owned some 7% of the land of “Palestine” – they paid over the going rate, in gold.
Amusingly his executives have been bailing from the company like fleeing rats.
Andrew Forrest ‘riding two horses at the same time’ with green energy push (Sky News, 27 Feb)
Who’da thunk that grizzled miners might not be converts to the Gaia-religion? Ah well, they can always get a job with Gina.
‘Climate denialist’: Andrew Forrest claims Gina Rinehart ‘married to fossil fuels’ (Sky News, 27 Feb)
We’ll see which of them comes out best. I’m betting Gina.
What a turd that Forrest is. Give me Gina and Jacinta any day.