No, it is not all of the above, stupid!     

When it comes to energy generation, ‘all of the above’, gets my prize for the dumbest comment by centre righters / putative conservatives during the past year. Sky presenter Steve Price and National’s senator Matt Canavan come to mind, but there are numbers more. The difficulty for me is that these guys are on the right side of things yet still don’t get it.

Let us be clear. There is no place in a country’s national power system for wind and solar farms. They despoil the landscape. Moreover, this despoilation is  exacerbated by their requirement for thousands of miles of wires and poles. They deliver poor quality variable power which complicates and increases the costs of  grid management. They have a relatively short operational life which means they must be disposed of somehow and replaced at frequent intervals. And, the killer, they go to sleep when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

To be even clearer.  Wind and solar need to be backed up 100%. Batteries are so noneffective as to be risible. Pumped hydro is infeasible. Green hydrogen is a sick joke. Wind and solar can only operate if backed up by all or some of coal, oil, gas and nuclear. But here’s the rub. While renewables need fossil fuels and/or nuclear, fossil fuels and nuclear don’t need renewables. And, in fact, renewables, inadequate in themselves, ruin the economics of fossil fuels and nuclear. You can’t stop fossil-fuel or nuclear plants each time the sun shines brightly or the wind comes up. It’s nonsensical.

Oh, just remove the legal prohibition on nuclear and let the market decide say some pathetic conservatives. Really, this market is so rigged that no company is going to sink money into building a nuclear power plant or into any power plant (nuclear or fossil fuel) designed to operate efficiently 24×7.

In case a Trump like figure emerges in Australia. Ok, fat chance, but we can live in hope. Here’s the energy policy to make Australia great again.

  • Stop all construction of wind and solar farms tout de suite.
  • Develop and implement a strategy for closing down and removing existing wind and solar farms – yes, it will be expensive to pay compensation and the like, but cheaper in the long run than allowing these things to degrade national energy generation.
  • Stop accepting feed-ins from roof top solar and stop all subsidies. If people want to instal rooftop solar at their own expense to reduce their own electricity bills, fine. But let’s not mess up the grid and, as well, have the poorer half of society bearing the cost of subsidising the richer half.
  • Stop Snowy 2.0 in its tracks and save any more dollars billions from being squandered.
  • Develop and implement a (real) nation-building strategy of constructing HELE coal, gas and nuclear power plants. These will all need to be publicly owned or in partnership with the private sector initially. The energy system is now too corrupted to rely on the private sector alone. At a later point, total privatisation can occur to pay down public sector debt.

It’s choice. Get poorer or start getting richer. Not hard unless you’re a climate cultist or stupid.

Oh, and by the way, didn’t I mention, get rid of the quixotic ‘net zero’ target – yet still impress the CO2-fixated international community by trumpeting how much emissions will fall, compared with, say, India or China or with the rest of the world taken as a whole.

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Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 21, 2024 5:23 pm

Hear, hear, hear ad infinitum.

Will this exceedingly sensible policy ever come about in our slowly degrading country? No, not while there are politicians in charge of federal and state parliaments.

December 21, 2024 5:32 pm

Agree completely. The ignorant idiots in charge will never see it, alas. And if they did see it, they could never admit to having got it so wrong. That would take intelligence and courage, and they are bereft of both.

Last edited 2 months ago by DrBeauGan
December 23, 2024 12:59 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

As usual, we will have to wait until the US and the rest of the world realise their mistakes and change direction. We really are the arse end of the world and mostly due to Paul Keating’s side of politics.

Pat K
Pat K
January 3, 2025 3:42 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Describing one’s opponents as idiots is a common, understandable if often fatal failing. These people are not idiots and they are not eligible for compassion according to the biblical exhortation, “forgive them for they know not what they do”. Unfortunately, these people are not idiots and they know only to well what they are doing..

Last edited 2 months ago by Pat K
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 21, 2024 6:16 pm

Covid was the test case. If you’re waiting for a mea culpa it ain’t going to happen. A government owned nuclear plant might be the best the NEM can do. There is so much regulatory risk around generation assets the chances of getting private debt funding must be close to zero.

December 21, 2024 7:17 pm

No, not while there are politicians in charge of federal and state parliaments.

Not to mention the electricity grid.

That being said, someone like Canavan – who is pretty sensible, especially in the Canberra context – is constrained by the policy decisions of prior federal and present state governments and the contractual arrangements put in place based on the resulting legislation.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
December 21, 2024 8:11 pm

You’re simply not getting it – the collectivist year zero agenda ultimately means there is no reliable affordable or logical electrickery generation.

It ain’t about going greenfilth, it’s about going without.

Roonables and nooks are completely unnecessary. But anyone with a functioning brain already knew this.

December 22, 2024 11:05 am
Reply to  Rabz

Rabz getz it.
Few do.
They aren’t after a solution that will sustain a modern, industrial state.
The climate “emergency” will disappear when either:
The communist international gets its China- dominated one world government.
Everyone wakes up to the wreckers in our midst.

Last edited 2 months ago by Arky
December 21, 2024 9:16 pm

I agree. Canavan is of the belief they are already here but they should be competitive. I agree again, but with the subsidies, loans, regulatory uplift ( forcing retailers to buy their power). And of course providing them with transmission at no cost to their investors. This would kill them anywsy. Although as a final point, do they set aside funds for recycling the wind towers and solar panels? Do they have a financial plan for removing the plant and restoring the trees and scrub?

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 21, 2024 9:33 pm
Reply to  Jock

Of course not. The mug taxpayers will pick up the tab for removal and rehabilitation.

December 21, 2024 10:10 pm

Garnishee all ruinable carpetbaggers to claw back the costs of clean-up

December 21, 2024 10:35 pm

Given where we are at this time:
Use the stupid renewables wind and solar Infrastructure we have, but cut the subsidies. Investment will drop out. Keep proportion down to under 30%.
Get approval for nuclear and set plans in place.
Upgrade coal generated plants for transition period and increase gas.
Forget Snowy 2 as it is already a white elephant as prices would have to almost treble for any return on investment. Develop a tourist plan for using the lake or dam that might be the only benefit.
Net Zero and the climate change mantra will likely hit the dust within 2 years. If I’m wrong, then full throttle on nuclear using coal and gas as back-up baseload in interim.
As for the wasted metal and concrete despoiling our landscapes perhaps those that pursued this nonsense or their progeny could be assigned the role of fixing it at no cost to the taxpayer. This being done in honour of generations past present and future.

December 21, 2024 11:44 pm

Forget nuclear
We have all the coal and gas we need
Governed by idiots
Thank God for Trump!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 22, 2024 11:23 am
Reply to  Rossini

I want a nuclear cycle.
To develop nuclear weapons for defence.
At the moment we are in a crowd of armed people – some of whom are certifiable. And we are unarmed.
This is a dangerous place to be.

December 22, 2024 7:38 am

How to be a good Climate Activist:
1. Own a private jet.
2. Own a yacht.
3. Own 5 mansions. 
4. Lecture poor people on how
selfish they are.
5. Give yourself an award.

December 22, 2024 7:46 am

Wind and Solar work BEST in “local” / “private” / local systems. For example “outback” primary producers who cannot afford the obscene cost of getting the “grid” connected. And I am not talking exclusively about the “never-never, either. There are LOTS of smaller-scale “specialist” cattle-fasteners, fancy fruit and veg growers less than 30 Km from “civilization” who seem oddly reluctant to cough up the 100 to 200 THOUSAND dollars demanded for the running in of poles (big towers), and wires.

I have seen several very nifty “farm-sized” photo-voltaic rigs that feed into a small shed containing battery banks and an industrial-grade inverter, 24/365 proper mains supply? No worries. And for a LOT less then the “big boys” are demanding for a link to an already unstable grid..

With the reduced current demands of LED lighting, and clever choices about new / replacement appliances, it actually works.

LED lighting?

Piece of cake. Your local (or far flung) electrical retailer will sell you “alternative” fluorescent tubes. (complete with a cute “replacement “starter that is actually a resistor. As traditional tubes “demise” around here, they are replaced with LED units. Simples!

And I am in “suburban” Brisbane..

Hot water?

Australia once led the world in roof-top / (house or shed) solar water heaters. We were also at the pointy end of rooftop, passive evaporative, ducted air conditioning. It looks like an oversized Stevenson screen plonked on the roof ridge.

“Self-reliant” peasants are viewed rather dimly by the “ruling class”.

December 22, 2024 10:58 am

I have a quicker and betterer solution: cut the interconnectors between states, and let each bear the immediate consequences of their policies.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 22, 2024 11:26 am
Reply to  Arky

Like Norway and Sweden are threatening to do to Germany.

December 22, 2024 3:32 pm
Reply to  Arky

Nodding furiously in agreement.

Last edited 2 months ago by Pogria
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 22, 2024 11:18 am

Only three things need to be done to sort out the mess:

  1. Stop all subsidies for power generation.
  2. Power stations bear their own expense for connection to the grid.
  3. Remove the restrictive legislation from nuclear.

The issue will sort itself out using market forces.
And yes, the Net Zero concept is nothing more than a third world manufactured club to keep hitting us over the head with, and extort money from us.

December 22, 2024 11:36 am

There is too much common sense in this post.
Absolutely bloody beautiful!
Unfortunately I don’t see change occurring until the largely compliant public endure a couple of blackouts.
The only reason the public haven’t suffered yet is due to the badly labelled “demand management” where industry shuts down during power shortages and is paid by us to do so.
The uniparty are both on this net zero crusade.
Both parties are not worthy of consideration at the polling booth.

Pat K
Pat K
January 3, 2025 3:53 pm
Reply to  wal1857

Solution for multiple problems is the abolition of compulsory preferential voting which results in the two majors soaking up the majority of the votes. NSW can run on optional preferential voting. Why not the Commonwealth? No chance of getting it through. Lab and LIbs against. Entrenched interest.

December 22, 2024 1:03 pm

Thanks Peter.
Hear hear!

December 23, 2024 1:07 am

While renewables need fossil fuels and/or nuclear, fossil fuels and nuclear don’t need renewables. And, in fact, renewables, inadequate in themselves, ruin the economics of fossil fuels and nuclear. 

That is the situation in a nutshell but economics graduates in the Labor party are too smart to work that out.

December 23, 2024 1:13 am

If people want to instal rooftop solar at their own expense to reduce their own electricity bills, fine. But let’s not mess up the grid and, as well, have the poorer half of society bearing the cost of subsidising the richer half.

I have argued against this since the very beginning of renewables subsidies. It was always immoral to give taxpayers’ money to people who can afford to finance their own solar panels. Poorer people and renters could never afford such luxuries yet money from their taxes are given to people who already have more than they do.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
December 23, 2024 3:10 pm

The energy system is now too corrupted to rely on the private sector alone.

How so?

December 24, 2024 8:45 am

And love CO2 like you love life.

Pat K
Pat K
January 3, 2025 3:35 pm

As usual Mr Smith is a cornucopia of (not so) common sense. The only fault with this is that the week-kneed support for “Net Zero” by “conservatives” only gets a mention at the end. Should have been front and centre in the firing line: If, and it’s a big if, we don’t succeed in our headlong rush to destroy what’s left of Western Civilisation, future historians will scratch their heads at what Murray calls “The Madness of Crowds”. In mitigation, one can’t blame the crowds too much when the flow of information is so controlled and getting more so..

  1. Elon Musk Hit the Mother Lode of the Deep State. Now He Believes He’s an Assassination Target. – PJ Media…

  2. Whenever I’m feeling down, I go to my saved copy of this article. I brighten up immediately. Sometimes I don’t…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x