Transphobania, Here I Come

Read an article earlier in the week about Queensland health executives dismissing a call for a review of its children’s hospital gender services. A paediatrician was reported as calling for an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Reportedly, a senior staff psychologist at the hospital has been stood down for exhibiting “transphobia.”

I’ve become transphobic. Didn’t use to be.

When I was last in England in early 2019 or 1 B.C. (Before Covid), I picked up an April 3, 1954 issue of the long-defunct weekly magazine Picture Post at a second-hand bookshop in Southport. My interest was piqued when I saw on the front page that it featured my old home town of Liverpool. I only later discovered that it also had Part 4 of Roberta (formerly Robert) Cowell’s “own story.” If I’d known, I would have searched around for the immediately preceding three issues.

Racing car driver, fighter pilot and prisoner of war, Cowell (1918-2011) was one of the first men, and the first Briton, to have sex-reassignment surgery (in 1951). Incidentally, female pronouns, as applicable, from here on. She’s definitely entitled to them having had her male private parts removed; and, assuredly, she would have had too much class to compete against women in sports.

Cowell tells her story  in a charming 1950s kind of way; when men were still men and women were women. To wit:

I used to stroke my face occasionally, a gesture which a man often uses but a woman never.

Standing back to the fire and going up stairs two at a time had to be avoided sedulously.

When my nature became softer and less aggressive, I made the discovery that I could actually shed tears!

Now of course I must learn to wash, iron, clean and cook.

I discovered that cooking was surprisingly difficult and complicated, but very rewarding.

I realised that there was such a thing as being too feminine.

Love it, and there’s lots more to like. Instructively, Cowell claimed to have “XX male syndrome,” which she believed justified her transition. To quote from a medical source, this syndrome is “characterized by the presence of an XX [female] sex chromosome complement in an individual with male genitalia including both testes but no sperm production.”

As Cowell claims to have fathered children, her story does not seem to stack up. Who knows, the Jewish line passes through women for good reason, if you get my meaning. Never mind, she wrote with distain of those men with XY chromosomes who underwent sex reassignment. In other words, ironically, she was most definitely transphobic before her time.

My point is that we all have sympathy for people like Cowell. ‘He’ made his choice as a mature adult. ‘He’ demonstrated complete conviction. Quite unlike some of today’s wannabe women, who ponce around in lippy and frocks with swinging dicks intact; including, wretchedly, those creatures who have the shameful hide to compete against real women in sports. But that, as bad as it is, is by no means close to the worst of it.

Evil incarnate comes readily to mind when young children are subjected to degenerate drag posturing; and please dear God intervene, to prevent troubled young teenagers from being chemically or surgically maimed.

Nowadays, my sympathy for transgenderism has almost entirely disappeared. Of course, my sympathy remains for individuals who struggle with their sexual identity. But as a movement or a cause, it has gone completely off the rails.

Finally, it is worth highlighting this nonsense about multiple genders. People who believe that they have been wrongly typecast at birth are not faced with an à la carte menu of choice. It’s table d’hôte. When offered hormones and/or being wheeled into surgery, there is only one alternative “sex” on the menu. Stick or twist. There are just two choices; not one hundred and thirty-two. Not even the LGBTQ+ crowd can pretend otherwise. Hence resort to the nebulous word “gender.” Instead of to the well-defined word “sex.”

Shaping the agenda by subverting the language, is the “Orwellian” objective. Centre-right commentators, even the remaining few conservative commentators, e.g., Tucker Carlson, Rowan Dean, fall into the trap time after time. Resist it. Always refer to sex when you mean sex.

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June 18, 2023 7:14 am

communists always seek to destroy.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
June 18, 2023 8:07 am

Using the word gender in lieu of sex is not falling into a trap – it’s a deliberate strategy to avoid criticism.
When Rowan and Tucker have to keep their heads below the parapet in the gender wars, the conflict is almost over.
Reality has lost.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2023 8:20 am

Demanding Trannies have their bits removed before you’ll recognise them as nominal Women is a bit vicious.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 18, 2023 8:29 am

Turd Case

Why? Real women don’t have penises (penii?) or testes, why should nominal women?

June 18, 2023 9:40 am

A tiny bit of pushback – crossing out ‘Birth Gender’ on a medical-practice form; the box used to be Sex M or F. What else can you do? Argue with doctor over chromosomes?
I admit feeling disdain for him.
‘Islamophobic’ was the favoured fake fear; now it’s the t….phobia, another fake.

June 18, 2023 9:43 am

Posted elsewhere, it may be worth a repost.


Maybe I’ve been too critical of Kirralee Smith in the past.

Here is some good work:

Their Stories Matter

These courageous former-trans people are speaking out against the “Gender Affirming” treatments and the ideology that harmed them. Listen to their powerful stories here.

(For example)

Chloe Cole

Chloe Cole was an awkward child growing up, struggling to fit in when she began identifying as transgender. She started puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones (testosterone) at 13 years old. She had her breasts removed at age 15, and detransitioned at 16. Now 18, she advocates for the protection of vulnerable young people from the harms of transgender ideology in medicine.

June 18, 2023 9:43 am

This whole rock show has all the hallmarks of being a carefully-contrived mass psychosos operation.

Who and why?

Look at the show-boating usual suspects “me-tooing” as they do with every other “approved” cause.

Eggs, omelettes? You know the drill.

Misdirection, provocation, creative punishments, inversion of reality. ALL of the aforementioned are in play, here, along with the full panoply of “educational” techniques: Aural, Visual and Kinaesthetic.

Chose your “Grail” wisely.

June 18, 2023 9:59 am

She’s definitely entitled to them having had her male private parts removed;

He is not a woman. Fact.

Installing a porsche engine in a VW kombi does not change the fact that it is a kombi.
Get off the fence. You’re part of the problem.

Roger W
Roger W
June 18, 2023 10:06 am

Correct, this is nothing to do with the specifics of transgenderism.
In fact, most people who are genuinely trans don’t go within a million miles of the protests etc, which is why so much focuses on intact men in drag.
It is all part of destroying Western Society.
Quite why so many people want to do this is another thing, and utterly mystifying to most of us but seems to dominate currently with those who reach positions of influence and power.

June 18, 2023 10:26 am

Roger W says:
June 18, 2023 at 10:06 am
Correct, this is nothing to do with the specifics of transgenderism.
In fact, most people who are genuinely trans don’t go within a million miles of the protests etc, which is why so much focuses on intact men in drag.

Spot on Roger W.

My brother-in-law is transitioning (he’s in his early 50s). He/she says he/she has been feeling this way ever since he was a child.

He/she has had extensive counselling and has now come out (he had been suicidal for a number of years). But at the same time he/she doesn’t want to make a fuss abut it he just wants to live his live away from the confected dramas the whole trans movement is generating.

I loather the trans movement but I do recognise (given personal experience) there actually are some genuine people who need help to deal with their inner conflicts.

June 18, 2023 10:57 am

Centre-right commentators, even the remaining few conservative commentators, e.g., Tucker Carlson, Rowan Dean, fall into the trap time after time. Resist it. Always refer to sex when you mean sex.


Memo to the same people: STOP referring to “biological men.”

There is no other kind.

June 18, 2023 11:00 am

Biological men is a tautology.

Cassie of Sydney
June 18, 2023 11:31 am

I am a proud transphobe. Hear this….

Transwomen are NOT women and never can be and never will be.

I’ll quote two of my heroines…..

Sall Grover…..“If someone tells me a woman can have a penis, I’ll never believe another word that person says.”

Professor Sheila Jeffreys….“a man who puts on women face is as offensive as a person who puts on blackface”.

Almost all “transwomen” are male autogynephiles who should be kept well away from women and children. They are sexually aroused by putting on women’s clothing and attire. They are predatory, dangerous perverts.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2023 11:56 am

Professor Sheila Jeffreys….“a man who puts on women face is as offensive as a person who puts on blackface”.

Not very offensive at all, then?

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 18, 2023 12:26 pm

Ed Casesays:
June 18, 2023 at 11:56 am
Professor Sheila Jeffreys….“a man who puts on women face is as offensive as a person who puts on blackface”.

Not very offensive at all, then?

Turd Case

Try it. Blacken up then attend a major art gallery. Don’t forget to sing a rousing chorus of Mammy.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2023 1:44 pm

Killed another thread, eh, Skidmark?

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 18, 2023 2:59 pm

They’re all waiting for the video of you in blackface, singing Mammy. Once that is posted, it will be back to normal.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 18, 2023 4:26 pm

I loathe the trans movement but I do recognise (given personal experience) there actually are some genuine people who need help to deal with their inner conflicts.

Help that is best given by sorting out why a man would have these feelings rather than trying to emulate being a woman?

Read the story of Ollie Davies above on the Binary link, and weep for those like him. Ollie was an adult when he decided to ‘transition’. In the interview with a sensitive psychologist that is online there he details the truly toxic set of Marxist-influenced loonies and gender-benders that he was mixing with where ‘transitioning’ became something that made this man with clear as day (in the psychologist’s interview) ADD and other spectrum issues feel ‘special’. One can only be glad he has found sanity and sense in a normal relationship now with a woman, and wants to start a family. But he has been made infertile by the hormones he has taken to ‘transition’. The mentally warped weird and horrible sub-cultures that have emerged around anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist and gender-bending post-modernism are ruining the lives of many young people who have lost a sense of local community and spiritual purpose, replaced only with the climate cult of a lost future. The mish-mash of toxicity that emerges is something that I know well, having lived within a similar neo-Marxist toxic anti-marriage drug culture at an elite university during my first marriage, an exemplar of the sort of intellectual environment where all this nonsense started in the late 60’s and then the 70’s.

Luckily I escaped. So many lives were ruined then so early too. Many are dead now, from drug overdoses or suicide. Now it repeats in the next generation and the one after that too.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 18, 2023 4:34 pm

The end result of the Summer of Love in the 1960s can be seen in the streets of San Francisco today.
That is where the loss of reason, the loss of faith and the loss of a sense of normality leads to – a drug-wracked society of people who have no place in the world of stable work and family formation.

Donald Trump returned some normality to the rust bucket States of the US, bringing back jobs.
That is at least a start.

Young Ollie in the video linked above managed to keep himself employed, and hence still in the middle classes and in touch with his family. Otherwise I suspect he’d be on Sydney’s homeless streets. Or dead.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 18, 2023 4:50 pm

On sex vs gender. It is quite clear. There are only two sexes. Intersex is when things go wrong embryologically in early cell division or later during pregnancy. It is rare. There is no ‘cis’ sex.

Gender is purely make-believe, a psychological mind-set. It is pretense. It is dress ups. Role playing based loosely on male and female sexual characteristics. Medical tinkering at its extreme, like badly done cosmetic surgery. Gender is fake sex. Meaningless.

Real sex is binary and biological. It makes babies in a binary fashion, using males and females, and those babies are born either male, or female. Way it is.

June 18, 2023 5:43 pm

They can make me care.
They can’t make me care the way they want too.

Its deliberate balkanisation of the public “mind” bring up 100 different irritants while the uni party state divides the spoils with its mates.

I’m not saying if the ghost of Stalin/ Hitler was to run Caberrraaaah as an open air gulag I’d vote for them.
But I’d give then 5 years to make their case.

June 18, 2023 7:26 pm

Centre-right commentators, even the remaining few conservative commentators, e.g., Tucker Carlson, Rowan Dean, fall into the trap time after time.

Well, can’t say I’ve noticed Tucker using the word ‘gender’, however even if he does, at least he doesn’t refer to male trannies as “she”. If it is a “dude” (Tucker’s words) pretending to be female, he calls him that. I believe ‘misgendering’ (in the real sense) a person is much worse than using the term ‘gender’.

June 18, 2023 8:57 pm

“Real sex is binary and biological. ”
Don’t worry Lizzie. The trans phenomenon is an evolutionary dead end. Like homosexuals, they’ll turn up now and then, but at the moment, it’s. a cultural, not a biological issue.

June 19, 2023 9:06 am

If it is a “dude” (Tucker’s words) pretending to be female, he calls him that.

Just like Aerosmith.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 19, 2023 9:08 am

Damon, it won’t be a dead end if they keep poaching our children from schools to swell their numbers and try to remove our children from our care if we object. Yes, it is a cultural problem, but one holding the reins of power at present.

Object now, hard, before it becomes even more culturally embedded. The rise of Hitler took only 15 years from start to finish. By that end time the whole of Germany required de-Nazification.

June 19, 2023 9:17 am

Almost all “transwomen” are male autogynephiles who should be kept well away from women and children. They are sexually aroused by putting on women’s clothing and attire. They are predatory, dangerous perverts.

The only part I don’t agree with is “Almost all”.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 19, 2023 9:19 am

12 years from 1933 to 1945. So, like 2011 for us, going back. Some terrible ideas get turned into beliefs and accepted behaviours very quickly. My view is that the worst of beliefs permeating all our companies and institutions today is the vile ideology of transgenderism and the resultant destruction of familial normality. When ordinary uni students at interview in the US agree that a family resisting surgically transitioning a five year old should have the child removed from their care then we see we really are living in a Mengelian world. Such a travesty and tragedy.

June 19, 2023 9:20 am

Demanding Trannies have their bits removed before you’ll recognise them as nominal Women is a bit vicious.

I don’t care if they have their heads cut off and stuck up their arses, if you are born a male you are male.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 19, 2023 5:05 pm


Turd Case always has his head stuck up his arse.

  1. Dan Andrews to head youth mental health service Former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has been appointed to chair youth mental…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x