Open Thread – Weekend 5 Feb 2022
Guest Post: Speedbox – Love by Mail
My recent post about Russia’s declining population led me off on a tangent where I found myself wondering what, if any, impact the ‘mail order’ bride phenomenon had on that decline. In fact, mail order brides are not new and date back to the 1600’s with Britain and France both using it to populate and…
Guest Post: Speedbox – Saudi Arabia, the Houthi and the UAE
The conflict between Saudi Arabia and the Houthi rebels in Yemen has been going on since 2015. It has simmered away with various clashes between 2015-2020 but 2021 saw a dramatic escalation in strikes by the Houthi and strikes/retaliation by the Saudis. For background, Saudi Arabia and Yemen sharing a land border on the Arabian…
Meme of the Day #12
Guest Post: Speedbox – Populate or Perish
Newscorp.com.au recently posted a story about the declining population of Russia. Whilst fundamentally true, I thought I would take a deeper look. Immediately prior to the fall of the USSR in 1991, Russia’s population was 148.3m people with a fertility rate of 1.77. Considering everything the Russian people had been through in the preceding years,…
Open Thread – Mon 31 Jan 2022
Open Thread – Weekend 29 Jan 2022
Guest Post: Speedbox – A Disturbing Trend
Over the past few years the trend to hold ‘candlelight vigils’ for child victims of crimes or accidents seems to have accelerated. Within hours of the admittedly terrible event, the media announce that a vigil will be held at the local school, footpath, bush setting or other nearby/relevant location to where the event occurred. At…
Meme of the Day #11
Guest Post: Speedbox – The Putin Gambit
Gambit (?æm·b?t): noun; a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk. For the past several weeks, in particular, the Ukrainians, the EU, the USA among others have been speculating and commenting on the Russian troop build-up on the eastern border of…