Category: Ethics and Morality

  • A moment in time.

    When I was seven years old I was a flower girl for one of my female cousins. Twenty-five years later I attended the couple’s silver wedding anniversary. In all that time I had not seen the bridesmaid whom I had been paired with. So when Jenny and I were brought together on that special day,…

  • A surprising number of votes? Or not.

    When in 2016 the United Kingdom voted in record numbers – 17.4 million people to be exact – to leave the European Union (EU) many head explosions on the left ensured. Everything from racism and the pejorative “little englander” to the level of education, or lack thereof, were cited subsequently as reasons why the British…

  • makarrata: is it really better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick?

    Along with the proposed referendum for an aboriginal voice, the word ‘makarrata’ – a Yolngu word – has become a noticeable feature in the proposed three stage process of reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous Australia. But as with the voice, confusion surrounds the notion of makarrata. What it is and how it will work, should…

  • Adult Human Female

    This is interesting to watch, especially if you can last the distance. Very interesting in parts. On the other hand, look at these people trying to put that genie back in the bottle. Like they never conjured it in the first place. The executive and judiciary will be next.

  • Who would you fight for?

    Recently I had a casual exchange with contributor Bruce of Newcastle on the OT.  The guts of our remarks was the number of wars fought by Russia and how this had shaped their national psyche.  Further, that Western attitudes and policy towards Russia will continue to be largely ineffective, if not counterproductive, until the West…

  • Parasite: Christianity with Korean characteristics

    I was struck by a particular sequence in the movie the first time I saw it (on the TV, I’m have to confess) two or three years ago. WolfmanOz’s commentaries on movies brought that sequence to mind again. If you haven’t seen Parasite, it is probably best not to read this post, which is certainly…

  • Sliding towards polyamorous ‘marriage’

    It was clear during and following the public discussion of gay ‘marriage’ that there was no in-principle argument among the majority of its proponents that could present a stumbling block for polyamorous ‘marriage’. If people could not recognize that marriage was a union of the opposite sexes, given its ends, how could they further recognize…

  • You’re the farm

    I was stooged again by the missus and ended up at Southland Shopping Centre on Sunday. She’s got a way of making lunch not seem like shopping and I fell for it again like the pasty I am. So there’s a new Japanese that seems nice and the missus told me about the robots that…

  • Your lying eyes

    In a desperate attempt to convince their idiotic readership that the fetus in early pregnancy is just a clump of tissue, the Guardian has published an article involving a series of images, provided by a pro-abortion group, of “pregnancy tissue” in a petri dish. They do this while also dating the ’tissue’ therein from the…