Were they that bad? #2 – Australian Law as Applied to Aborigines
Reference: Australian Law as Applied to Aborigines – Australian Law Reform Commission (Australian Government) With the settlement of Australia came the insurmountable problem of integrating two very different ‘legal’ systems (English Common Law and Native Custom), among a mixed group who had very different expectations and outlooks about right, wrong and barbarity. Can you imagine…
Were they that bad? #1 – The Beginning
Over the many years of listening to the ever-worsening tales of our forefathers and their supposed behaviours on this continent towards the Aboriginal people, I’ve often wondered about how they could have been soooooo much different to me in terms of compassion. After all, wasn’t it the British Parliament that enacted the Slave Trade Act…
Open Thread – Weekend 16 July 2022
Mater’s Musing #53: Gee, this looks bad?
Had a quick look at the latest Australian Mortality Statistics. Hell, that looks bad. A spike in Covid infections, followed closely by a spike in deaths, well above the baseline average (let’s forget that it was clearly elevated when the new infections were flatlining). Concerned, as you can imagine I was, I immediately went to…
Open Thread – Wed 13 July 2022
The demise of journalism has not been greatly exaggerated. Covid has finally and irrevocably done it in
I know, I shouldn’t be writing about Covid again. They (the political knaves in charge) would like to replay 2020 and 2021. Couldn’t help it. Last week it was Henry Ergas, today it was Covid-hysteric Greg Sheridan who riled me. Apparently, a Sharon Lewis, head of the Doherty Institute, told him that “75 percent of…
Mater’s Musing #52: Says it all really!
Guest Post: thefrollickingmole – Mining sexism, etc., a problem so big it takes a whole government effort to create
Not so long ago there were articles about how horrid life was for ladies on mining operations fly in/fly out. There’s an enormous number of strands here, not limited to ladies being the ‘koalas’ of minesites. Long swings away from family, a 90+% male workforce and increasing levels of surveillance and control over the workers…
Conservatives for Rampant Vaxxing
I seldom read Henry Ergas these days. Used to, even though his obscure “learned” references were annoying. Just a little while ago he explained that Putin really didn’t attack Ukraine because of the likelihood of Ukraine joining NATO, and cherry-picked an historical reference to ‘prove’ his point. It was to my thinking intellectually dishonest. A…
Mater’s Musing #51: NAIDOC Lies, I’ve had enough
After another week of listening to lies, stacked upon lies, dressed up as reconciliation speeches, I’ve simply had enough. It rates as one of the most frustrating experiences of my life to standby and watch the absolute perversion of our history as it is force-fed to well-meaning, but largely historically ignorant audiences, including many new…