We’re all in this together
Over the last two years, despite being assured by our Prime Minister Scott Morrison that “we’re all in this together”, the plain truth is that we are not and have never been “all in this together”. The facts are that all those tyrannical Covid rules and regulations have been applied selectively and specifically, the application…
Scott Morrison’s fig leaf
On Friday in the Federal Court of Australia, and after CoB, the Minister for Immigration, the Hon. Alex Hawke, cancelled Novak Djokovic’s Visa for a second time after the defending Australian Open Champion had earlier in the week won his case against the Government cancellation of his Visa for denial of procedural fairness.
Keep it real
A friend just went through a rough trot with the virus and she posted this up Facebook. Years ago, she came here as a 20yo from Bosnia without a word of English and I’ll wager she was on my father’s bus out of Portsea when she did. The size of her intellect and wit is…
We are governed by totalitarians with the battleground worldwide and not just in Melbourne
This is the background which I was sent a few days ago. The video was released yesterday – one hour and forty-one minutes in length. This is what you are being prevented from seeing. As you may be aware, Battleground Melbourne, a feature-length documentary is out in a few days and is free to watch!…
Outside the People’s Republic
We recently crossed into NSW for a family thing and what struck me most about life outside the walls was that despite the broad adoption of masking and QR kabuki, there was no wide-eyed fervour like there is in Vic. Sure, some places were stricter than others on QR and green tick-ish-ness but nonetheless we…
“It says ‘Energy Security: Where did we go in 10 years?’ Basically, nowhere. Of course we did. We went backwards.