Put on your lifebelts, Kids on the Bridge
Jim Chalmers had a piece in The Monthly in February 2023 “Capitalism after the crises,” in which he invented a new form of capitalism; namely, “values-based capitalism.” Before Jim’s new form of capitalism we have had inclusive capitalism, conscious capitalism, cooperative capitalism and stakeholder capitalism (courtesy of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum). Thus Jim is…
Parvini (Academic Agent) on the Duran
This is a very interesting discussion that delves into elite theory, circulation of elites, politics, power, and the upcoming UK election. Parvini is the author, if you haven’t noticed, of the book on the sidebar. He also has a channel on Youtube under the name, Academic Agent that is excellent.
Inflation on the Mend – For Now
Inflation is a terrible thing. It impacts people and businesses differently in ways difficult to control and manage. It robs people of their savings, particularly those on the wrong side of 60 years who are holding their savings in banks or in other fixed-income forms. It increases the cost of living for those who can…
The Radio Show June 2024: Hip Hop
This will be a controversial choice, given that many Cats are not into “rap”. For me, Hip Hop is something entirely different and very wonderful at that. It emerged in the early 1970s in the Bronx, courtesy of various black peoples. It was truly revolutionary in its use of musical techniques defined by four key…
So do I Kevin Imagine, just for a moment, if one of your family members was murdered during a normal…