Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
There’s Finally a List of Kamala’s Policy Positions (Made by Trump)
Who Funds HOPE not Hate?
Farmers, rural Victorians protest Premier Jacinta Allan at Reset Victoria Rally in BendigoHundreds of frustrated farmers and regional Victorians are protesting Jacinta Allan in Bendigo, taking aim at green-energy transmission lines and a Big Build program focused on Melbourne.
Fuming farmers and regional Victorians say the Allan government is treating them like “second class citizens” as they push back against plans to build renewable energy infrastructure across country communities.
Hundreds of frustrated regional Victorians, both young and old, gathered in Premier Jacinta Allan’s seat of Bendigo East on Friday, demanding the government halt plans to run transmission lines and renewable energy projects on private farmland.
Ms Allan was speaking at a Rural Press Club of Victoria event in Bendigo.
Protesters held up signs reading “The Allan ideology is destroying Victoria”, “No lines, no turbines” and “Labor stop the spend”, with some branding the premier “Joan Kirner 2.0”.
Waubra residents Loretta Greco and Paul Greco said country Victorians were being treated as “second class citizens”.
Mr Greco said while the government was forging ahead with its $34.5 billion Suburban Rail Loop, country residents were “getting nothing”.
“Country people are carrying the burden for all of this renewable stuff, I don’t see any wind turbines going through Melbourne,” he said.
“City people get all the fancy roads and the massive infrastructure projects.”
Cattle and grain farmer Jason Barratt said the Ms Allan was ignoring country Victoria and “pushing an ideology” on the regions.
“We are farmers and we farm food and fibre — we don’t farm electricity and we won’t farm electricity,” he said.
“We’re sick of being pushed over by the government and we’re pushing back.
“It’s beyond belief the contempt that Jacinta Allan shows for us.”
Farage: Labour will REGRET snubbing ‘BURNING’ FURY over immigration as NEW EU migrant deal looms
Labour’s plan to make millions ‘tax prisoners in their own homes’
This is very worthwhile. It covers the full situation.
Farage is being targeted
Return to the mean means big problems for the liars in the West. Even before Albo and the sheep.
For sure Munted is using chatgpt since he hasn’t had an original thought in his entire life; not even by accident!
Speaking of which, I just ask chatgpt how many people did Mohammed kill?
It told me Mo killed nobody.
So, I pressed on and reminded it of Mecca.
“Oh no” it said, “that was a political struggle” and then told me Mo lost 14 men in that fight.
So I said “but isn’t killing someone murder”
Chatgpt says “nup because it was a political struggle and existential threat to Mo to save himself”
I meant to say Medina but, still, same imaginary place at the time…
I like how the RoP names the centre square of town (Marrakech) Djemma al Fnar.
Place of Death.
The uncompromising egotism that tore the Yes campaign apartShireen Morris’s account of the failed Indigenous referendum is a melange of self-justification, ‘We was robbed’ rhetoric, conspiracy theories and just downright hate. I happen to be one of the ‘villains’ she particularly – and at great length – reviles.
Greg Craven
5 hours ago.
Updated 3 minutes ago
Every conflict spawns self-serving accounts by protagonists. Caesar’s Commentaries were a job application to be emperor. Napoleon penned a nauseatingly hagiographic autobiography. Winston Churchill wrote an entire library congratulating himself.
Broken Heart by voice referendum bit-player Shireen Morris falls into the same wearisome category. Its account of the failed referendum is a melange of self-justification, “We was robbed” rhetoric, conspiracy theories and just downright hate.
Hate is central. Morris reviles anyone who did not support the voice formulation word by word and without question. Peter Dutton presents as a deceptive troglodyte. Nationals leader David Littleproud is a backsliding reactionary.
But the people she really detests are the so-called Con Cons – constitutional conservatives – who devised the modest original version of the voice alongside Indigenous leader Noel Pearson.
The sin of the Con Cons was subsequently to critique the official referendum draft. Morris accuses them of betrayal, dishonesty, political tribalism, conspiracy, deception and stupidity.
She particularly and at great length reviles Jesuit constitutional lawyer Frank Brennan and me. Apparently we are a two-man team who cynically dynamited the voice from within and continue to control a negative public debate.
Frank Brennan gets a genuinely bigoted descriptor as “Black Robe”, a derisive reference to his status as a Jesuit priest.
Brennan gets a genuinely bigoted descriptor as “Black Robe”, a derisive reference to his status as a Jesuit priest. I alternate between an evil genius and a slobbering idiot. Apparently, at 66 I am “well into old age”. Oh well. My children would agree.
This is where the most eccentric of Morris’s many conspiracy theories emerges. Brennan and Craven led a Catholic conspiracy to nobble church support for the referendum. Ordinary Catholics were browbeaten by Brennan’s status as a priest. There are thousands of Catholic priests in Australia. On the odd occasion Brennan and I actually agree with each other, we would be lucky to shift our bishops with dynamite.
But for every set of villains, there has to be a hero. It is not surprising that the hero of the referendum for Morris, a failed Labor political candidate, is the Albanese government. Its conduct was white as laundered snow.
Her central claim is that Anthony Albanese always was winsomely open to compromise. It was the evil Coalition that refused to play ball. This is as much against the evidence as extraterrestrial construction of the pyramids.
Albanese unswervingly committed to his referendum on election night. Then, he unilaterally announced words he said were open to change but never were. When the Opposition Leader and opposition Indigenous Australians spokesman Julian Leeser were summoned to Albanese’s office, there were lectures, not discussion.
Somehow, I don’t think I’ll bother with Shireen Morris’s book.
Interesting piece.
A substack article compares the Demonrat party to the CCP and makes a good case.
Are the Democrats a Communist Party?Roger Simon
Freedom, Democracy take on new meaning.
Wrong comment. Was in reply to Democrats racking up debt.
1 hour ago
I’ve assumed Morris’s book is just a very long job application for a crack at a safe labor seat.
45 minutes ago
Or perhaps even a spot on the High Court, heaven help us.
A Fresh Start
30 minutes ago
@Finlay. Shudder at the thought.
Hmmm why is WA Premier Roger Cook having a public spat with Albo?
Couldn’t be anything to do with the fact that WA heads to the polls in 6 months and he doesn’t want to be associating with a leader who is in free-fall?
Post Sneakers WA is another country. The Big Sneakers codpiece is not glowing so brightly anymore. We are not basking in its warm glow any longer.
Bashing Canberra (irrespective of who’s in the Lodge) always plays well in WA. Gillard didn’t even bother to make the flight.
Yep. The rubber is hitting the road in Perth and Canberra as Labor governments are finally held to account by voters.
Elbow is fast becoming a lame duck prime minister.
I have a theory; it can’t be tested, as it’s just a theory. The Demonrats not only don’t care about the debt and more deficit spending, they are actively doing all they can to increase both. They realize that at some point in time, the markets will go into repudiation mode, and then the American public will be given no choice but to raise taxes to punitive levels that will sustain both the debt and much, much larger outlays.
The Demons will welcome a debt crisis with open arms.
25 minutes ago
Who is shireen Morris and why is her opinion of any importance?
Countries that rack up debts that they are unable to repay invite revolutions.
The revolutionaries then cancel the debt after taking power.
Craven’s piece is sublime, a blistering and ruthless takedown of Morris.
My issue is this, I suspect Craven, Brennan, Leeser and other Voice moderates all knew prior to the referendum that the Voice had been captured by far-left activists such as Morris. Yet they said nothing until after the campaign failed. It took the ordinary men and women of this country to see through Morris, Langton, Mayo and others.
I just saw the Voice as the first step in the agenda that’s been there since the 1980’s.
Not sure about Craven. There certainly wasn’t much leading from the front anywhere, certainly at the get go.
Catholics are usually pretty squishy on this stuff. You would hope he had more problems with it as a constitutional lawyer.
Thanks to the(absent for some time) Armadillo recommendation my bet on Cackles running for President came in at 15:1.
The odds for actually being elected are sort of even between her and Trump so I’ll sit that one out.
I recall Arma making a brief guest appearance a while back. Or perhaps it was his evil twin?
It’s always pleasing to see the oldies return. I note that Rossini – whom I hadn’t seen in quite a while – made a brief comment a few days ago.
I suspect you are correct.
I reckon Ford HQ would be all smiles.
Whistlin Diesel:
Cybertruck Frames are Snapping in Half
Each way Albo fumbles it yet again.
“But, but I wore a hat. Therefore I’m a bushie and know what I’m talking about
Someone who knew Britnee told me that really funny joke.”
I wonder if others are plagued with the awful feeling of foreboding I get as the world descends further into contradictions and social upheaval?
After I finish my chores at the farm or my morning walk in the city I catch up with the news of the world – almost always through “social media” as this often provides the deepest analysis and useful leads on further research. I do, of course, access the MSM both the print and tele media. But my “go to” sources are through the wonderful internet.
These days the analysis of the likes of Victor Davis Hanson, Jordan Peterson, Musk, Robert Malone, Douglas Murray, Zero Hedge, Matt Goodwin, Jim Rickards, James Kunstler and others all recoil from the abyss we seem to be approaching. Yet the West seems too cemented into the belief that our civilisation cannot fall to take any required action to avert the current and approaching upheavals.
It is the sort of situation where you simply can’t avert your gaze. Even the joys of my country environment can’t dispel the foreboding…..
And it’s a feeling I’ve been getting for a decade.
August 23, 2024 4:50 pm
I share it too.
as the world descends further into contradictions and social upheaval?
And something will take advantage of those contradictions and upheavals, in fact is is feeding off it as I write, that ‘something’ begins with ‘I’ and ends with ‘m’.
Looks as though north QLD’s push for statehood may have been rekindled by Labor’s neglect under Palaszczuk.
With twice the population of Tasmania and producing 25% more wealth per capita than SE QLD but with essential infrastructure well below the standard southerners take for granted, they may have a point this time.
The less States the better.
On the contrary, all things being as they should be, the more decentralised government is the better it is at delivering for citizens.
The Catholic principle of subsidiarity & the American founding fathers both agree.
The responsibilities of the federal Government to be reduced to Defence, foreign policy, trade and Immigration. All else, including the power to levy taxes, to the States. The mendicant States can go broke, as they please.
Give them 12 Senators and take all of those from the ACT and Victoria.
It is the sort of situation where you simply can’t avert your gaze. Even the joys of my country environment can’t dispel the foreboding…..
I don’t do boding of any sort, fore or aft. It’s a waste of time and energy. One should, of course, stand up for what’s right, but there’s no way one man or woman can stop the herd of lemmings rushing to destruction.
Yes, but you can try to get out of their way in order to not get trampled.
I’m an ‘after you’ kind of guy when it comes to leaping off a precipice.
You can’t stop them, Doc BG. But you can get out of their way.
Failing that, make sure that when you go over the cliff, you’re right behind a fat one to cushion your fall.
We are what we read. Selection effect. As a wise friend told me decades ago: read those who disagree with each other.
John, you only have to tune into the ABC to do that! However, THAT would really do my head in!
then it is implied that those who write, are what they write
in your case Bong John … gibberish
The Hon Robert James Bromwich | ALRC
Soft faced bitch.
Now, now. He believes he can change his sex. Perhaps the softness is moisturiser.
I wonder what brand he uses.
Doggie anal gland residue.
Canbra and Macquarie Uni- say no more
By coincidence the Media Watchdog makes reference to Keating’s two pooftas and a cocker spaniel quote. Unsurprisingly Dave Andersen cops a mention too.
Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream
Perhaps she can live the dream, with a (long past) birth abortion?
Soft faced bitch.
Amazes me that someone with all those “qualifications” can’t understand the XX v XY chromosone. That is, there are two sexes, male and female. Man and woman.
Unless he was one of the Sydney legal fraternity that trawled the Wall.
Perhaps the High Court might have more luck. But after they went all metaphysical on deportating aboriginals I wouldn’t be in a rush to put it in your weekend multi.
That was one of my first reactions, Barking Turd.
His skin cleaning regime must be awesome. I wonder if the ‘Dove’ manufacturers would buy it from him?
I didn’t watch Jacinda Ardern’s full speech to the Democratic National Convention (there is only so much one can bear). I take it she didn’t mention the empathetic way she dealt with anti-lockdown protesters in Wellington?
Good to see there is still a place in the world for Jacindamania.
Re the possibility of Nth Queensland breaking away as a new state, it is also time for NE NSW to revive its breakaway movement, but leaving Newcastle as part of the residual NSW (aka Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong).
Then Gippsland to join with SE NSW, and both sides of the Murray to become the new state of Riverina.
Reduce the number of Senators to six per state, the original number, and reduce the number in the Reps to 128, twice the new number of Senators.
Never happen, of course.
Whichever way it’s sliced, regional Australia really needs a better deal.
Most of the wealth in QLD is created in the regions and spent in the metropolitan area, leaving regional residents as de facto 2nd class citizens.
Reduce the number to two.
That will guarantee a hung Senate.
Thus nothing will ever get done.
And we the voters will benefit by that, since everything politicians do turns to shit.
Check out these Tiger sharks having a feast on the whale carcass.
Great vision captured from these two in West Oz.
B2B Castways ( Strick and Fran )
WE JUMPED IN! (Day 10 Exploring Remote Australia)
* All ships are, of course, female.
As it is a submarine, it’s a boat.
As I said, a vessel which carries nukes can identify as whatever gender it wants to be. I’m not arguing.
Nice to see him/her/zhe in Perth.
More than 70% of astronauts experience a phenomenon known as Spaceflight Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome, or SANS, according to NASA. The syndrome can have “a constellation of symptoms, including these changes in vision,” said Matt Lyon, MD, director of the MCG Center for Telehealth. …
“We are not entirely sure what causes these issues with vision, but we suspect it has to do with a shift in cerebrospinal fluid in the optic nerve sheath. On Earth, gravity pushes that fluid down and it drains out, but in space, it floats up and presses against the optic nerve and retina.”
It’s a zero G problem. Solution is spin gravity. Zero G is harmless for hours to a few days.
Tim Walz yanking his special needs son around in front of millions watching is really disturbing. All that good dad nonsense is a HOAX
Poor boy.
I wonder if he receives tampons and maxi pads for birthdays and Christmas?
New York Times latest cover
New York Post.
Big difference.
Yes, came to change it but it was too late.
Slater and Gordon launch class action lawsuit against WA over housing conditionsDuncan EvansNewsWire
Fri, 23 August 2024 5:38AM
Indigenous Australians living in remote Western Australia have launched a massive new class action lawsuit against the WA state government, alleging they have been subjected to substandard housing conditions.
Shocking photos attached to the lawsuit show rundown houses with mould and cracks on the walls.
Law firm Slater and Gordon, representing thousands of Indigenous tenants living in public housing across remote WA, has filed the action in the Federal Court, accusing the Housing Authority and the state, as lessors of public housing in remote Aboriginal communities, of breaching multiple residential tenancy, contract and consumer protection laws.
“Every person, regardless of where they live, deserves safe and reasonable housing,” Slater and Gordon class actions principal lawyer Gemma Leigh-Dodds said.
“For too long Aboriginal people living in remote communities have been expected to ‘put up and shut up’ in relation to their housing rights.
Vivienne Gordon, who lives in the small town of Bayulu, is part of the class action. 9News Credit: Channel 9
“By filing this class action on their behalf, we are demanding better housing justice for Aboriginal Western Australians.”
The suit alleged the WA authorities failed to adequately maintain, repair and carry out structural and other improvements to public housing rental properties and to do so within a reasonable time, provide public housing that was reasonably secure, provide public housing that was reasonably comfortable and to ensure that public housing rental properties complied with basic health and safety laws.
The firm’s statement of claim suggests there are thousands of public housing premises leased by Aboriginal tenants across remote communities in the East Kimberley, West Kimberley, Pilbara, Wheatbelt, Mid West, Gascoyne and Goldfields-Esperance regions of WA.
The alleged failures occurred between July 1, 2010 and August 19, 2024.
The law firm alleges tenants were forced to install their own air conditioners.
“Those who leased the properties between the relevant 14-year time frame are automatically included in the class,” the firm states.
The lead applicant and group members are seeking financial compensation for the losses and damages they have suffered and repayment of expenses they have incurred to rectify housing defects and issues, such as buying and installing air conditioners and door locks.
Ms Leigh-Dodds said almost 200 public housing properties in several remote communities were surveyed earlier this year as part of the firm’s investigation into the case.
The firm says many houses had been without working toilets, showers, cooking facilities, lights, safe drinking water, doors, functioning locks and reliable electricity.
Aha! A nice new little earner for Slugs and Grubs. The blackfellahs are a grievance tree that never stops fruiting for the ambulance-chasing parasites of the legal profession.
I wonder if the practice of chopping up doors and verandahs for firewood, or the children throwing star pickets at air conditioning units, will get an airing?
I wonder if the pixies came in and caused the damage?
Reposted for excellence – Roger, earlier:
What mUnter is really saying is this:
‘We must bring the inferior closer to us so that they may benefit, because we are better people than them.’
Absolutely stunning divisive racism, cloaked in faux virtue.
Most of what passes for woke ideology as it relates to dusky people is just the modern version of the white man’s burden.
For Cats with Foxtel: coming up next on Sky News via Steve Price, former Cat doomlord professor Sinclair Davidson weighs in on the federal government’s nanny state mania to regulate or ban gambling advertising.
He had a goodly dig at Zoe Daniel. Shame he didn’t enquire about whether she had consulted her children on the proposed policy.
Yes – just caught it.
We had a 5 earthquake here today, just after midday.
Didn’t notice it – was too busy here having a conversation with Cassie about fighting the world’s idiocy! 😀
Thanks! I did actually notice a bit of shaking, and wondered if it might be a tremor.
I arrived in Newcastle a couple weeks before the big one, been here ever since.
M 4.8 – 14 km E of Denman, Australia (USGS, 23 Aug)
Thanks Bruce. Over near Bayswater.
Nice shirt, Sinc!
You are so astonishingly ignorant that you didn’t discern the reference I was alluding to with the first sentence.
you gibbering moron
Not my point. I made no reference to politics. I was stating a sad fact about our cognition, that we must be wary of getting sucked into rabbit holes and hence fail to see the field of possible analyses.
Have a nice day Vicki.
It’s a good point, John.
Thanks Roger.
Did you seriously just thank Roger for agreeing with you, then blow me off after writing some bollocks about seeking out opposing views?
Jeeze. Where to start?
Roger and I have our differences that will never change. I respect his character and intellect and strive to treat him with respect; at which I do not always excel. The difference between him and you is that Roger is an honest and helpful individual, you are responding to me to make trouble. Go away.
So you did seek out to thank those who agree with you and run away like a little girl from someone who might challlenge your assumptions.
So much for, what did you call it?
“Read those who disagree with each other”.
Not so much today huh?
Today we’ll thank those for agreeing, shy away from discussion, insult those who seek to engage your ideas and then write some pathetic self pitying crap.
I’ll be here if you decide to sack up and answer the question posed.
“Have a nice day Vicki” – what’s that all about? The putdown? Nah…..I will assume you want me to feel better since I indicated depression re the state of the world…..Why, thank you John H!
Exactly. It’s difficult for all of us to appreciate that sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the troubling trends and that we must remember that our life today is good and we should enjoy it. I’m enjoying tonight because I just spent a week in hospital with a condition so painful that I had two dissociative events. Others may run off to a psych for advice about the same but I enjoyed the experience. This was a horror week for me and only a fortnight after burying a brother and hearing my friend with Stage IV cancer is not responding to therapy.
This short interview was probably recorded decades ago but it could have been yesterday.
It’s a Calculated Effort by the Elites to Dismantle America | Thomas Sowell
Geez Kneel, way to really lean into the stereotype.
Lefties can’t do humour, which is why the right owns the memeosphere.
And our resident fascist most certainly doesn’t do sarcasm.
And takes himself (or ChatGPT) far too seriously.
HD Film Tributes:
The Lost Boys • Cry Little Sister • Gerard McMahon
From the 1987 Joel Schumacher film ‘The Lost Boys,’ with Jason Patric, Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Haim, Jami Gertz, Corey Feldman, Edward Herrmann, Barnard Hughes & Dianne Wiest. — ‘HD Film Tributes’ is a channel with over three hundred movie homages currently posted. We make zero money from YouTube as obviously none of these edits will ever be monetized by us.
We’ve a house full of young people for dinner tonight.
One of them was trying out a shiatsu massage cushion that sits on a chair in the living room and asked where I got it. I explained I bought it four years ago for $98 from the US but they now sell for $400.
One of the others immediately quipped, “Thanks, Joe Biden.”
Laughs all ’round.
Bleed them for half a day then use a salt rub.
Chuckle. Nah…they’re all here for curry!
Now I must be away to the table.
You two probably caused it.
They wish!!
From Media watch dog ( woof)
Life imitating art
. Mr Anderson told an accepting ABC TV News Breakfast team on 23 August that ABC Radio was doing well except for what he called, er, “audience decline”
Come on down Jim Hacker ( the empty hospital scene)
I used to admire Candace Owens, but through her juvenile backsliding into anti-semitic racism, she has become a backward hick taking us back to the 1960s when blacks like her were considered an inferior race (Paywallian):
Of course Owens is now copping the ire of the media, but she should have that before she decided to become a professional racist.
Polls show that 80% of Americans support Israel. I suspect that means 95% of righties support Israel given the proclivities of Democrats.
So I have no idea what Ms Owens is sniffing. But as we’ve seen with Bird, it isn’t something amenable to logic nor argument.
Odd really, I thought they were coming here legally by the thousand anyway:
A trio of accused people smugglers who allegedly planned to pick up asylum seekers from a remote airbase in the Kimberley and drive them to Sydney have been arrested.
Zhongfang Zhang, 26, Shuyan Hong, 54, and Shuai Sun, 32, were due to face court in Sydney on Friday each charged with one count of conspiracy to conceal non-citizens.
They face up to 10 years’ in jail if convicted but it was expected they would apply for bail.
The trio were arrested in Sydney on Thursday and had been living in New South Wales.
They were accused of being the transport and logistics crew for an unlawful boat arrival in the Kimberley region in far north Western Australia on April 5.
A boatload of 15 Chinese nationals was found near the Mungalalu Truscott Airbase, about 20 hours drive from Darwin along outback roads.
Daily Tele
Reverse Chinese takeaway
Kazakhstan announces mass chemical castration of 11 paedophiles amid campaign for worst offenders to have their genitals surgically removed
Daily Mail.
Free trannie ops!
What’s not to like?
A trickle.
It only takes one muslim to turn the world upside for Australians.
How many terror attacks would we have had in the absence of muslims?
Both actual and thwarted?
I can only think of one, which was probably muslim inspired anyhow.
And they don’t integrate/assimilate.
I suggest you take a trip to France and stay in a banleiue of your choosing to prove otherwise.
He wouldn’t go to Malmo, no way would he even walk through a banlieu, even in daylight
Candece should not be banned from entering the country. Let her in so people can chastise the stupid bitch.
The epicentre was 10km under somewhere near Muswellbrook. Roughly around Peter Dutton’s proposed nuclear power station at Mt Piper.
No nuclear power station would ever be licensed for this location.
This is why the Coalition’s nuclear policy is political film-flam, based on technical shite. They are taking the piss out of Labor, who are themselves taking the piss out of Australia.
BoN had it 14km east of Denman. Which is fairly close to Bayswater and Lake Liddell.
Somebody’s upset the rainbow serpent again…
Aunty Nyree not happy.
A Richter 9 is 10,000 times bigger than a Richter 5.
And it wasn’t the shaking that was the problem, it was the 14 m high tsunami.
I doubt we’ll ever see a 14m high tsunami in Muswellbrook.
I hope not for my own sake, anyway, as I don’t have a snorkel.
Major fault in that area has a habit of rumbling. Newcastle ’89 was an example.
I looked at all the sites chosen for Dutton’s nucs. The Hunter & Gippsland were the 2 I had some reservations about after finding some structural geology maps online and some studies. Most the others weren’t an issue with what I could research.
The Instapundit lead-in to this is “I DON’T LIKE HOW THE REST OF THE ANGLOSPHERE IS TRENDING:”
“Canadian funeral home offers euthanasia parties, for fee”
Time to pee on any such ideas here IMO
And a shirt to consider –
” a man walked past and said, “I absolutely love your shirt!”
It reads, “Proud member of a small fringe minority with unacceptable views”.
Via a comment at Small Dead Animals
If I lived in Canada this would be worth checking out.
John H.
Not so open minded when their premises are challenged.
Who is? So what? Roger and I dig our heels in. Who doesn’t? What’s your point? Do you have one?
Calm down.
No one is attacking you personally.
I wanted you to defend the point you were making.
Roger defended it. It is obvious to anyone who has read widely. I come here to debate people who think very differently than me about many issues. That’s exactly my point: seek out differing opinions.
You did attack me personally.
Is your short term memory that poor you can’t recall what you wrote minutes ago?
No, I didn’t.
I illustrated the gap between the point you were making and your actions.
But John, if you aren’t in the mood for a discussion that’s understandable,
Probably under the circumstances come back in a week or so and give the internet a miss for a while.
But if you are up for an argument now, I’m your guy.
But you have to be able to defend the stuff you say with something other than “It’s obvious to everyone”.
Because that invites the question, why are you posting obvious shit that everyone agrees with?
I mean, posting motherhood statements is hardly a way to seek out “those who disagree with each other”, is it?
What you are doing now is a perfect example of Dr. BG’s recent criticisms about you. I have long known there are many people here who will take every opportunity to attack me. Despise me as much as you wish. Not going away.
I don’t despise you.
I’m trying to engage your arguments,
The left always, ALWAYS seek to control the very field upon which the argument is had.
They seek to define words in advance to suit their tactics, they try to put in place rules of what is or isn’t a suitable point to include and finally they exclude those they know might be able to muster arguments that put theirs in a bad light.
That’s exactly right, Arky.
The Left have very malleable minds, morals and intellects. That’s why we have trouble arguing with them.
And that’s why it’s just a whole lot safer and more logical to start an argument with them by kicking them in the nuts.
Seems to work for me, anyway.
Yes Arky, that is indeed their modus operandi. They are quite ruthless in that process and it still catches the Right – indeed all normal people – off guard. You often scramble to find solid ground from which to battle, because they have successfully chosen that ground. It is infuriating. They are very nasty opponents – but need to be respected for their audacity.
Just tell ‘em they’re mental and that you don’t care about the crap in their heads
Vicki be not afraid — I think of what Mahatma Ghandi said: When I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it: always.
Lovely Tinta. Thank you. I do believe that it is all huge, huge correction. The West has betrayed its own ideals and abandoned the faith of the past. This is the result and we just have to see it through, whatever direction it takes.
Coyote alert.
Read the fine print.
Call Me Maybe – Vintage Carly Rae Jepsen Cover [The Original Video] feat. Robyn Adele Anderson (youtube.com)
Scott Bradlee, who created postmodern jukebox and creates many of the productions, excels with the piano in this song. He does the same with the Royals cover by Puddles Pity Party but can’t be seen behind the two back-up singers.
Finally you post something worthwhile. PMJ are so good.
Pearls before swine but at least there is a hint you like Eliot.
And this is a favourite of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLnZ1NQm2uk
Who’s the smashing dolly, in the red miniskirt, with the great legs? Asking for a friend…
So is this one: Von Smith brilliant voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1BdtnLqJio
This one with the Yiddish rap is one of my favourites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvEWNlcefAw
I didn’t notice those.
BG is a good man, a bit prone to religious ideas, but otherwise sound.
The epicentre was 10km under somewhere near Muswellbrook. Roughly around Peter Dutton’s proposed nuclear power station at Mt Piper.
Absolutely not. The epicentre was at Denman, some distance from Muswellbrook. I grew up in the area.
And the proposed nuclear plant at Mt. Piper Is NOWHERE near this earthquake. Piper is near the towns of Portland and Wallererang, on the NSW Central Tablelands – whereas Denman is in the Upper Hunter Valley. Our farm is is also in the NSW Central Tablelands & we pass by Piper regularly.
Viva Frei with another optimistic analysis of the imminent slut stormy judgment by the corrupt piece of shit merchan.
I’m not as optimistic. Even though the fat black bastard bragg has conceded the immunity point merchan may insist Trump attend his dismissal with the surrounding buildings full of demorat snipers keen to make up for the previous missed assassination.
U.N. Chief Warns of ‘Annihilation’ of Pacific Islands from Climate Change (breitbart.com)
foul lying old turd
BG is a good man, a bit prone to religious ideas, but otherwise sound.
I gave you an uptick for that, and golly, someone else had too
What’s this I’m hearing about you criticising me?
That’s outrageous.
Dunno. Not important enough to recall.
My uptick was because Arky was taking the piss. Again.
cat videos!
Awwww wookata widdle faces!
Oh Bob, cheers the heart and soul to see these. Days later, it’s now the 25th but I’ve only got this far so far.
Re the farmer’s protest rally in Bendigo.
Today my wife and I stood among hundreds of other men, women, boys and girls from all corners of that benighted state, 99% of whom, you could tell, literally had the dirt from the land they love under their fingernails and still on their boots.
Many excellent speakers of all ages and a bit of “curry” for comrade Jacinta at the end. (No projectiles) In fact there was a call for a chant to “summon Jacinta” from the building she was in and owing to the general politeness of the gathering there was nothing immediately forthcoming! Although I’d say everyone had a few suggestions.
Hard to put a finger on the mood of the people we spoke to, grim determination mixed with a certain amount of shock as to the scale of what is happening. Make no mistake, these people and their communities are being divided and railroaded especially wrt “renewable” projects.
We had the pleasure of meeting Farmer Gez who is doing sterling work in fighting this crap. I’ve no doubt he will add more when he can.
On a sobering note we spoke for a good while with a lovely older gentleman from Banyena who it turns out had taken a road trip up through our neck of the woods a couple of weeks previously. He made particular note of how everything seemed different as soon as they crossed into NSW, “everything seemed better”.
He was also afraid someone is going to get hurt by the time it’s all over.
Victoria has had the $hit kicked out of it but at least some are still fighting.
From those of us, who were in Forrest Place, in 1974, and gave Gough Whitlam a “welcome to country’ he should never had forgotten, I salute you!
If you’re f*cking useless, you’re f*cking useless.
Get OUT!
Hell’s Kitchen:
Chefs Who Talk Back, Will Regret | Hell’s Kitchen
In Initial Design Immaturity news:
Note to Ted O’Brien: Your brilliant political-adviser-driven strategy has just set back the use of nuclear energy in Australia by about 30 years.
Trump’s comment on Kamala’s speech
We don’t need to listen to what Kamala has to say – we’ve seen what she’s actually done for the past 3 1/2 years turning our country into a living heII.
So…I’m supposed to think Kamala will make a great president because:
Banyena. Oh my lord.
There is (or was) a smallish hall there, which was the venue for a social event years and years ago, and which I attended via 20-minute-ish bus ride down bumpy country roads from my ancestral seat.
There were clandestine beer cans hidden and then consumed, and – without wishing to sound overly romantic – a girl I’d never seen before, or since. I think she may have been from Murtoa, but I’m not sure.
There was smooching. I’ve never, ever forgotten her.
Weird how one name can bring back memories like that.
There was a young girl from Murtoa
And by chance KD came to know ‘er
At a dance in Banyena
Till this day he still sees her
Happy times, in days long now o’er
Well, she wasn’t from Nantucket.
How arrogant and thick skinned does she have to be to say something like this? She’s literally rubbing people’s faces in her lies.
KAMALA HARRIS: “I know the importance of safety and security especially at our border.”
Blatant LIES.
Kamala Pledges Pathway To Citizenship For Millions Of Illegals In DNC Speech
“Britain” has done no such thing. The despot who got into power by default with one third of the votes in the lowest turnout ever has turned into a tyrant.
Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism
Ah. I see I managed to post in the midst of an Indolent blogshart.
Oh well.
Indolent puts up some pretty good stuff, and if you don’t like his posts, KD, just scroll on by.
Mark Steyn
Asleep in the Deep (State)
Plenty here for the 4Chan crew (again).
Steyn’s assertion that the DOJ “won” (which one assumes means that was somehow culpable for the deaths) is surely a shark-jumping exercise. It is incredible to reason that the deaths are not simply events that occurred co-incudentally, and from this asserted lack of coincidence to reason that the connection between them is some action by the DOJ.
Steyn does a disservice to himself by – implicitly at least – by taking this line
You all must know the role and purpose m0nty performs here.
The reason he will never be banned.
He is your Two Minutes Hate.
This is an article by American Thinker with a link to the full interview.
Donald Trump’s first comments about Kamala’s convention speech in a live interview last night on FOX News
Has he raised the alarm as to the danger of tornados on solar farms? Or advancing ice age glaciers on the mechanics of those carbon fibre whirlygigs?
He must be a riot with the family.
”Dad, can I borrow the car to watch the footy at Tom’s place?”
”I don’t think so, son. Not while we have no contingency plan for time-portals opening and letting Tyrannosauruses through.”
Dad joke before farter time:
Q: What do you call a blind dinosaur?
A: Idontthinkitsaurus.