Energy Poverty versus Moral Cowardice
What’s worse? Chris Bowen plunging Australia into energy poverty in order to reach an unattainable goal which, even if it were reached, would make no difference to the climate. Or Australia voting at the UN to condemn Israel to a continuation of horrific attacks on its people. I argue in a Quadrant Online piece that…
Building Hamas
On the 8th of October, an angry article appeared in The Times of Israel. For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces, or so ran the headline. One has to read some way into the article to discover that it was not only Netanyahu-led governments that followed the policy of…
WolfmanOz at the Movies #90
Strength and honour. Ridley Scott’s Gladiator (released in 2000) is not a perfect film, I would think that the hardiest of fans, of which I’m firmly one, know this deep down. Yet just like Commodus in the film is keen to point out that he himself has other virtues that are worthy, so does Gladiator…
Politicians vote unanimously to screw NSW electricity users
A Bill passed the NSW parliament on 30 November. Reportedly, it was unanimously supported by Labor, the Greens, the Liberals and National Party. Was it about helping widows and orphans? Come on. What these days makes bedfellows of the main political parties? So-called climate change of course. The Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Bill 2023…
Tina Norton.