• WolfmanOz at the Movies #43

    Epics from Ancient History With the advent of televisions in the lounge rooms of everyday families in the 1950s, the response from the studios and film-makers was to try and provide their audiences with something TV couldn’t provide i.e. spectacle and widescreen (cinemascope). The first theatrical film released cinemascope was 1953s The Robe a biblical…

  • Preview and Predictions – 2022 US Mid-term election

    This time next week we should have a decent idea of the results for the 2022 US mid-terms. The discussion with Baris and Barnes , above, is excellent preview of the upcoming mid-terms as the go over the polls, individual races, and the like. You can also find the latest from RCP Election Maps here.…

  • Guest Post: Speedbox – Politics, Russian style

    There has been some commentary recently about the various factions and their influence on President Putin so I thought I would set out some details of the main factions, their sub-groups and specific individuals.  The web of factions and influencers is like a tangled bowl of spaghetti and whilst I have done my best to…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 29 Oct 2022

    Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835

  • Weekend Reading #10

    It appears the reports of Conservatism’s death were premature. Sebastian Morello at The European Conservative responds to John Daniel Davidson’s We Need to Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives, included in last week’s Weekend Reading. Gladden Pappin and Chad Pecknold over at The Postliberal Order consider the relation between the Church’s spiritual power and the temporal power…

  • Guest Post: Gyro – Fisking An Ignorant Activist

    Please note: this is in traditional fisking format. Stan Grant in normal font, Gyro’s responses in italics. Grant: To understand China you need to understand whiteness, yet it’s missing from the conversation In some ways, Xi’s China may represent the end of whiteness. Except that the Chinese Communist Party itself mirrors whiteness. It is not…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #42

    Fast Eddie The seedy atmosphere of the pool hall was never better portrayed than in Robert Rossen’s 1961 drama The Hustler. Starring Paul Newman as “Fast Eddie” Felson, a small-time pool hustler who wishes to break into the big-time of professional high-stakes pool wagering by challenging the best player in the country, the legendary Minnesota…

  • The Energy Crisis is upon us: Energy Disaster is coming.

    A guest post by Bill Stinson, one of my colleagues in The Energy Realists of Australia and author of an important survey of damage inflicted on the planet through the life-cycle of wind and solar projects. The Dark Side of Renewable Energy. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap” – Galatians 6:7. Australia is without…

  • Conservatism Doomed?

    In a recent piece on another site, I suggested that conservatism would have wide appeal among regular folk in Western countries if only it had a centre-right parties to carry the torch. My list of conservative positions went like this: Promoting unashamed patriotism Rejecting lies about the nation’s history (like the non-existent Stolen Generations in…

  1. Having friends with different interests and tastes in life can introduce you to people and events you never heard of.…