Well deserved.
Strap yourself in. It’s a banger! PAUL VAN DYK ? TRANSMISSION PRAGUE 2021: Behind The Mask [FULL 4K SET] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMPCrL95N3c
Well deserved.
Strap yourself in. It’s a banger! PAUL VAN DYK ? TRANSMISSION PRAGUE 2021: Behind The Mask [FULL 4K SET] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMPCrL95N3c
I’m getting old and incompetent.
Haha, yeah, that’s the one.
I was walking to the deli today and clapped eyes on elderly lady just staring into a empty parking lot.…
Cash: Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Ventura 4th of July Street Fair 2024 (5 of 9) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2jvwehdPoA
Ridicule and mockery are all we have left. Keep it up Tucker, shame not enough if the panic infected minds will ever see it.
Kudos to City Lawyers
esp PoliBard
Bat Eared Mong
Have followed City Lawyers on twitter for yonks.
Great value in Disasterdanistan.
This is what I have been hoping for as something to spur Australians into speaking up.
They might be content to live hunkered down in their domiciles while everyone else is doing it – but being mocked overseas will sting.
They ought to be reminded that next time they travel overseas the people they meet to whom they say they are Australians will not be thinking of rough and rugged, brash people who don’t like being pushed around.
Instead they will think of neurotic subservient incontinent panty-waisters. And when the waiter, or shopkeeper, or concierge, or random fellow tourists find out, it will be your face that they associate with that image. Forever.
Sky night people ought to start spreading that last point around. People will say Australians, but when they do they will think of you. And out there, in places you had to pay and bow and scrape to get to, they will be laughing at you.
There’s always the tractor option
I’ve listened to alternative media for years and sometimes wondered if they even knew Australia existed. Now, everyone is watching and commenting, amazed at the level of tyranny we are willing to live with. We are left to note the rare times that we read or listen to something where our stupid country isn’t mentioned.
Talk about infamy.
And yet … the general tenor of the comments from news websites such as news dot com dot au can be encapsulated by one:
“If Tucker Carlson is rubbishing you, you know you’re doing something right.”
While that mentality is evident, even prevalent, we are up Schitt Creek in a barbed wire canoe without a paddle.
the woke generation have taken over and are now the sheepstream
A Victorian policeman has spoken to a journalist – presumably on condition of anonymity – stating that the enforcement of covid rules has become “very draining”.
If they think they can keep this going for ten years – as a professor of epidemiology suggested yesterday – they’d better think again. Humanity cannot be suppressed indefinitely.