So they should bend over? Retaliatory tariffs from several nations will do the USA more harm than the tariffs it…
So they should bend over? Retaliatory tariffs from several nations will do the USA more harm than the tariffs it…
The tariff war is mostly at a political level at this stage, not economic. Trump bluffed, his bluff has been…
Apart from vacuous 20 something girls, does anyone else watch this manure?
Sky News has made an effort to render Friday night’s viewing bearable: Steve Price standing in for Peta Credlin at…
1 Samuel 17:46This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This…
Peter Bundy.
Banana hunter.
Got outed.
Joan Baez The Night They Drove old Dixie Down with lyrics
The Lights, they be a flashing …
Where are ye, Yeezy? 😕
Oh righto.
NOW JC’s ‘Ted’ nickname makes more sense.
A manly flounce, or a –
Wait. Forget that last bit. Not necessary.
I wanna get into it man … 😕
Hey, Beryl Gladyschlocklian – the PayBack! 🙂
Trump actually protested the removal of The Robert E Lee statue.
Isn’t it time that the racist criminal Democrat Party of America were shut down?
In case you’ve all forgotten … 🙁
The asshole’s at the TGS have now banned GP’s from prescribing Ivermectin for Covid! This is insane and criminal. They are tightening the noose!
Meanwhile, there is a doctor in India being charged with mass murder for covering up the information about ivermectin. And over there the government is giving residents free ivermectin – a cheap alternative to save lives. How evil that we can’t get it here.
Decades ago would have sufficed.
But yeah, no the Jacobins among us continue to run rampant.
The assholes at the TGA …
followed by
‘A consistent point of nurture’; the state of this country.
and refused all contact with Australia?
Peeples, Mario van Peeples.
I’m on Their Sheeple’s Secret Service.
The Leather Laydee and the Graveyard of the Kalashnikovs.
Hello, lurverly laydees!
No Mr van Peeples, I expect you to star in a cheap exploitation thriller and be shunned at Hollywood parties.
No Ree Row. The fortune cookie is going to crack for you (green knockout gas shoots Ree Row in the face).
Indeed… 😉
Ah, no.
The other one.
The three whimpering threats followed by an unconvincing door slam.
Yes. 90 year olds with terminal cancer, already dying in hospices.
What a tragedy. Cut down in their prime.
Australia actually had no cases for a few months in 2020 IIRC.
That one made me snort.
Now I’m anxiously awaiting a reboot of Agents of WD40…
Jee-zus Dot.
Are you at egg’s place?
Excellent news. I did about 8 kilos this year. Haven’t tried the Portuguese style yet … let me know how you go, please. I’ve been busy with limoncello, pickled onions and tomato chilli jam. Well, stops me throwing bricks through the TV …
The destructive forces in Australia are not Australians.
They are Globalists.
My beloved City of Noo Yoik … 🙁
If you are a supposed Australian and have not been exposed to Covid-19 since 2019 then you live in a wombat burrow.
It is just bullshit to think you have not been exposed.
Pigs – I copped a full dose of it February last year. Enuff.
same time as you… February 2020.
Strawman …
Yes and the cases began to rise in direct proportion to rising jab rates. Funny about that.
Good Evening, Colonel Waldheim … 🙂
Let’s talk about some “common ground“, I tells ya!
I can’t wait until PCR tests are compulsorily taken by shoving a stick up the arse of the supposed vaccinated.
After all. How will you know if the vaccine is still effective?
PM and Premiers should surely lead the way on ABC.
Merewether West. My mum came from there.
She was the eldest of five and the day she turned 14yrs her mother told her that she must not go to school anymore but stay at home and help with the household. My mum objected and after seeing an ad for a shop assistant in the paper, applied to Krempins’ seed shop for the job by walking, not having the tram fare, many miles in the early hours of the morning and finding herself third in the queue. But, she got the job. Her mother agreed that so long as she could do all her household duties before going to work then it could be so.
My mum went to night school during her years at Krempins to obtain admission as a trainee nurse at a hospital. During the depression years this was difficult. Admission to training as a RN was mainly for those who could only work if they pursued a profession. Nursing and Teaching were such professions.
My mum fortunately was asked by a good customer what she wished to do in life and she replied that she was going to night school in order to gain admittance to a hospital to train as a nurse. The customer told her to leave it to him as he was on the board of Wallsend hospital. And so it happened.
She commenced her training as nurse in May 1932, with one other Joan Truscott who remained her friend till Joan’s death a couple of years before my mum who died at 89yrs.
Romeo had Juliette …
Marquee Moon … 🙂
Nah Rabz
the best musical composition from Lou Reed is what scum Australian politicians are imposing on us
Lou Reed – Walk on the Wild Side (audio)
New OT, peeps.
New York – Lou Reed (Full Album) (Live)
we’ll need to wash of the old bullshit before we enjoy a hot tub of the new bullshit
The TGA has banned Ivermectin for dying Covid patients so that people with Scabies can stop the itch. If a doctor in India can be charged with m urder for hiding information into a life saving drug we should be doing it here as well.
TGA bureaucrat Prof John Skerritt and yes folks worked for Victorian government.
No doctor in India has been charged with murder over ivermectin.
‘The Indian bar association’ which is a a private entity served a legal notice in May claiming she made misleading statements on social media.
Winston Churchill’s Namesake Charity Changes Name and Disassociates from the Wartime PM
A charity formerly known as “The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust” has changed its name to the “Churchill Fellowship” and removed all images of the former Prime Minister from its website. It later restored one of the images after both media and public backlash.
By Josh Ferme
9th Sep at 08:00 pm
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #217
Carl and Josh discuss Google’s leaked anti-racism training, the “decolonisation” of Britain, and how the EU’s lead Brexit negotiator has admitted that Britain was right about Brexit.
Boris’s Diversity Hires
Sep 10, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
Cristian T
8 hours ago (edited)
Why the Conservatives funding leftists?
Answer: Conservatives in Name Only. They’re not Conservatives !!
6 hours ago (edited)
Conservatism is progressivism, but driving the speed limit- Michael Malice
Stop voting for conservatives, they don’t care about shrinking the government
My dad sometimes had a dig at mum about here family. Dad was in the police and thought of his side as being in a better class than mums battler parents. Mums dad had done three months for sheep stealing around 1930. I started researching our families when ancestry.com came along, found out that all dads side, men and women were all transported here in the 1830’s, got their tickets and like many then changed their names and moved to Melbourne. Turns out our family name is really Metcalf, told mum and dad, mum was delighted, however dad seemed remarkably uninterested, if I ever bring it up he just changes the subject.
Turns out on one of mums branches there’s an ancestor who was with Bill in 1066, took over English estates and the family was quite wealthy and influential till the late 1700’s, then our branch wandered off to relative poverty and eventually Australia with the Hentys at Portland. Dad wasn’t interested in that either.
September 10, 2021 at 11:51 pm
Australia actually had no cases for a few months in 2020 IIRC.
Yes and the cases began to rise in direct proportion to rising jab rates. Funny about that.
As also happened in India.
lol, Roger. Hairy and I went back to the manor house near Colchester where my ancient family lived on arrival in England in the early 1600’s, with names of deceased family members, including sad ones of children, on the walls of the family Church (eleventh century) next door. It now belongs to the National Trust. We found records at the Church and later on a website that my uncle, my father’s younger brother whom I never knew, was married there (his second marriage, late in life and that he claimed ‘the ancient title and Arms’ of Count, which the website said he owns but ‘does not use’ in England.
This was when my father was still well and truly alive! Conveniently for his family, he had disappeared into the wilds of Australia in the last months of the Second World War (there’s a story there too). It was clear that his brother in the meantime had done very well in India and then Britain, and obviously sought to rise above his current less-than-middle-class origins for a new and very ‘social’ wedding. He’s dead now and so is his new wife of that marriage. Funnily enough, he was the spitting image of my father. Poor old dad, the ‘real’ Count it seems, was thoroughly dispensible by that time; he’d lost touch and they didn’t really want to know him. He died as a hermit living in a caravan only at the last moved by Big Sis into a nursing home. I only saw my paternal grandparents once, as a four year old child.
Both apparently lived to a ripe old age so I am hoping they at least gifted me that. 🙂
My brother, who would have had a claim to the title, died last year. His son I suppose could still stake a claim to it, but he shows no interest whatsoever in family history. A lad from the Shire, he is happily married, has two sons of his own plus a daughter, and lives a thoroughly Aussie life in a project home, with two cars, a boat and a caravan. What need has he of title, indeed. He is king in his own castle.
lol, sfw. Sheep stealing has a long heritage in the annals of time. During the Victorian period in my lineage there were two brothers. Both were noted sheep stealers, for they were butchers. Both came before the Assizes in the 1830’s and the younger brother got transported to Tasmania, where records advised he ‘be kept away from sheep’ as he stole them there too. My direct ancestor, the older brother, got off. He was stealing on an industrial scale and would thus have implicated too many important fingers in that pie had he been convicted. Such is life and how far do great families also fall.
I bet there are a lot of people wondering just what the Hell has cheated its way into the White House. I can’t at the moment think of one Leader in Christendom who isn’t drunk on the power they have seized.
I just read JC’s post of 5:26p.m. yesterday from the WSJ, and have to admit that I started to tear up a little. In such selfless acts does nobility shine.
The motto of one line of my Scottish ancestors is sola vitus nobilitat.
This lawyer doesn’t seem very good. Highly paid I bet.