The socialist takeover of the American economy


What we are getting is an economy that will be increasingly shaped and driven by government decisions rather than by business decisions. The size of the public sector will increase relative to the private sector, but that is the very aim of what is being done. Taxes replace business revenue as the means to finance these decisions, along with the money-creation process. Just expect real personal incomes to fall, but economic statistics to show a continual improvement in the pseudo-outcomes GDP and employment data provide. The rise in prices will be about the only stat that will remain available to show something is wrong, because there will be no disguising the fall in living standards that is to come.

And where America leads, others in “the free world” are sure to follow.

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Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 6:29 pm

All the dead and the algorithms that voted in Biden have a lot to answer for…..

October 15, 2021 6:54 pm

The Democrats want to destroy America, not just economically, but especially socially and as a nation. Is America beyond saving?

October 15, 2021 7:10 pm

What we are getting is an economy that will be increasingly shaped and driven by government decisions rather than by business decisions.

This has been going on for some decades now, in my view. It’s getting worse before it gets better, judging by the news bulletins.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 7:26 pm

bemused says:
October 15, 2021 at 6:54 pm
The Democrats want to destroy America, not just economically, but especially socially and as a nation. Is America beyond saving?

Isn’t that why Xi put Biden in the White House?

World domination without firing a shot (except mopping up in future “peace-keeping” operations)

October 15, 2021 8:28 pm

Also explains why the cost of petrol here has basically doubled in the last twelve months.

October 15, 2021 9:16 pm

Some of the democrat supporters that wanted Trump out may be having buyers regret. They certainly didn’t expect such a bad act as Biden to follow. The botched Afghanistan withdrawal was hugely embarrassing to many. Now comes inflation, supply chain issues and retail shortages. In the US shortages at Thanksgiving and Christmas are unforgivable. Don’t underestimate how important this might be. The tide may turn.

October 15, 2021 11:41 pm

Yeah, lots of Biden voters are turning in their graves at this point.

October 16, 2021 12:00 am


I think you will find that ‘socialism’ was injected into America and “the free world” some years ago.

One only has to observe the sameness of totalitarian responses.

It is ‘we’ the people who have been gulled in the prior years.

October 16, 2021 12:11 am

And Steve,

If I may drop a link from ‘the furniture store’ I found this article that appeared at American Greatness, interesting.

October 16, 2021 7:56 am

When your favourite tool is regulation, and you have dehumanised everyone who disagrees with you, then centralised control of “those people” by the superior class appears the obvious solution.

Let’s ignore the fact that every time centralised control has been applied on a large scale, it has resulted in disaster. THIS TIME IT WILL WORK.

Applied to agriculture, it starved tens of millions.
Applied to industry, it kept a billion in deep poverty.
Now it is applied to medicine.

October 16, 2021 2:10 pm

Also explains why the cost of petrol here has basically doubled in the last twelve months.

and BTC to 83K AUD

October 17, 2021 5:45 am

October 16, 2021 at 7:56 am

When your favourite tool is regulation, and you have dehumanised everyone who disagrees with you, then centralised control of “those people” by the superior class appears the obvious solution.

Let’s ignore the fact that every time centralised control has been applied on a large scale, it has resulted in disaster. THIS TIME IT WILL WORK.

Applied to agriculture, it starved tens of millions.
Applied to industry, it kept a billion in deep poverty.
Now it is applied to medicine.

Sadly, the corruption in Medicine is as old as The Old Testament.

It’s no accident that oldest continuous industry controlling guilds are that of surgery & medicine.

The whole, Coordinated Global handling of Wu Flu has started some on the path to seeing the filthy fingers of medicine not far behind most great corruptions.

Unfortunately that great, ancient human error of ‘killing’ God to worship doctors as gods instead, keeps calling most back to believing the, ‘few bad apples’ lie about the Medical Industries.

The Overlords of which having brought the celebrated ‘normalisation’ of Full Term ‘abortion’, ‘Trans’ Kids, ‘euthanasia’ for the sad & unwanted elderly & children, the harvest & trade of human parts on demand, et-bloody-cetra, all while now openly criminalising effective life saving care.

Yet still the world refuses to see them as the active enemies of The Creator of Life, as is their father, the first murderer & liar.

God bless The Few Good Apples.

October 17, 2021 3:08 pm

“God bless The Few Good Apples.”

Rand Paul is, like his father, one of the few worthy of any trust. As is, IMO, Ron DeSantis – DeSantis would be a much better choice for president than Trump, as he is much less an outsider and yet still supports freedom, deregulation et al.

One thing that the Americans have that we do not though is primaries – voters registered as “Republicans” get to vote on which candidate will stand under the Republican banner. After the disaster that is the Biden Administration, it would not surprise me to see many republican candidates are those endorsed by Trump, and therefore not of the establishment. Like Marjory Taylor-Green.
If so, the republicans may not only gain the house and senate in 2022, but also actually start undoing some of the destruction the hard left has created over many decades. And with enough of them, they may even impeach the Bidet and perhaps even the Kamel. The pair would be delicious if the republicans nominated Trump as Speaker of the House (the speaker does NOT need to be an elected member of the House), and so two impeachments (pres and vice pres) would see… Trump as pres!
Not likely I know, but the moaning and hand-wringing from the left would be worth it. 🙂

  1. Deeming a proposed, but unratified amendment into existence as part of the Constitution isn’t just lawless If I’m not mistaken…

  2. For many years, I’ve regarded the settlement and development of Australia as being rather wonderful and incredible. Just last October…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x