The Adverse Reaction of Chantal Uren

From Chantal Uren
This is my story…
My name is Chantal, I’m a 37 year old Police Officer from Western Australia and I had a severe reaction after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.
To the people who threatened me with defamation charges and disciplinary action for telling my story, I am disappointed. I’m disappointed that your priority is to silence me for your own ego and agenda rather than ask if I’m ok and offer me any help! At no time have you asked if I’m ok or cared for a second about my health or welfare. You decided that putting me under more stress, when that stress can cause further risk to my life is your priority. It makes me question humanity and how any person can have such a lack of empathy towards another.
If defamation and disciplinary action is what you deem suitable than I’m not afraid. I’ve done nothing wrong, I did what you wanted and look what happened. No one has the right to take away anyone else’s experiences or tell them how they should feel. Please believe me when I say, there is nothing that you can do to me that will even compare to what I am currently experiencing. Treating someone in this way is never ok and if people can take any lesson away from this then please stand up for yourself. Set standards as to how you should be treated and don’t ever be silent if someone is treating you poorly regardless of their relationship to you.
To all the people who have told me that my experience isn’t real and that this could never be true. Before you tell anyone that they are a liar or voice your opinion, ask yourself two things. Firstly. Do I have all the information to voice my opinion and challenge the experience of another and secondly, am I qualified in voicing this opinion.
In August, my employer announced that anyone who was not vaccinated against COVID would be treated differently by having to wear masks at all times in the workplace; excluded from buildings and moved out of their positions that they have worked hard for into office type roles if they are not vaccinated. (confirmed by an industrial relations staff member). This announcement is no secret to the community as it was published on the front page of the West Australian newspaper.
Prior to this announcement, I had decided I was not getting the vaccine. I am entitled to my choice. Please note that I am not an anti-vaxer as some may call it, but I make decisions based around having sufficient information available to me which I believed and still believe I do not have. My reasons for not getting the vaccine should not be anyone else’s business but for the purposes of this post I am including it. For me, there are insufficient studies on long term health issues and the vaccine didn’t meet the usual safety checks which makes me uncomfortable. I had never had a flu vaccine in my life and I had not had a flu since 2009. I believe in good nutrition and always use nutrition to cure ailments wherever possible. I created a company based on this premise and I am very successful. I had also had a reaction to an unknown allergy and wanted to wait to speak to an immunologist prior to making a definite decision. However, this appointment was two months off. I felt as though I didn’t really have a choice. I was worried that I would be moved out of my position which is seen as a privileged role.
The morning of my appointment, I was really scared about getting the vaccine as I knew it wasn’t right for me. I spoke to the doctor about my concerns and she was willing to write me a letter to delay it but asked me what would that mean for my job. I didn’t know and it worried me. That day she had spoken to a lot of people from my job and she said that a lot of them felt threatened and put into a position to make a choice that they didn’t want to and whilst in the waiting room, my colleagues told me the same thing. The doctor told me that she was concerned about giving the vaccine to people who weren’t doing it freely by their own choice. Sadly, I joked with the doctor saying “I’ll be the one the vaccine kills.” Sadly, it could have.
Within 10 minutes of getting the Pfizer vaccine, I got vertigo and nausea and within 15 minutes I had hives all over me. The doctor and ambulance officer got the rash under control but as soon as I got home I had a fever, chills and felt very unwell. For the following 3.5 weeks I suffered rashes every day, fevers as high as 39.7, aching muscles, flu like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pressure in my sinuses and a cough so bad that it felt like my blood vessels were going to explode in my face. Some days I cried because I thought I was going to die. I was so sick. When I thought I was starting to get better, I still had extreme fatigue and was constantly light headed. I went back to work but spent a lot of time laying on my office floor and struggling to get through the day.
On a Tuesday night, I noticed that my eyes felt weird. They had a heavy feeling and felt like they needed rubbing all the time. The next morning I woke up to go to work and one eye wouldn’t open and the other wouldn’t close. The one that wouldn’t close also wouldn’t blink. I thought that I had allergies so I took an antihistamine and drove one hour to work. By 9:00am, I felt my top lip go a bit funny and my work colleague told me that my face was drooping sideways and she was taking me to emergency. I will be forever grateful for her making me go as she saved my life.
Within 1 minute of being at emergency, everyone was rushing around me and I started to panic. Next second I’m getting wired up to machines and a stroke specialist and multiple other doctors and nurses were in my cubicle. I was admitted to hospital.
The next morning, I got up and had a shower but instead I ended up having a stroke. I was in the shower by myself and my body started waving uncontrollably and the right side of my body got a weird sensation. I could no longer stand and I was on the floor scared. My right side got really heavy and felt numb with a weird pins and needles type of sensation. At this stage the left side of my face was fully paralysed and I had extreme muscle weakness in my left arm and leg.
I was taken for more tests which showed that the main artery to my brain had a rupture and I had suffered a mini stroke (TIA). I was transferred to the stroke ward at a different hospital that day and from that moment on, I was monitored hourly.
I can’t tell you how scary it was being in a stroke ward with all elderly patients thinking what the hell am I doing here. I was tested for every illness and nutrient deficiency that could cause a stroke and the doctor said I was perfectly healthy and had no possible cause to what had happened to me.
While in hospital, I was monitored hourly. It was crazy. No sleep, and I was constantly scared that it would happen again. I couldn’t eat or drink properly and dribbled everything down the side of my face. It was humiliating. This was a minor issue for the doctors but for a 37 year old girl, it was a big deal. I was told that there was a 25% chance it wouldn’t heal and if it did, it would take months. This by itself was highly distressing.
I cried multiple times a day. It was mentally hard to get through every moment. I was not allowed to move at first but the nurses let me have bathroom privileges because going to the bathroom in a tray was too upsetting for me. If I moved too much or too fast I could have another stroke.
I was unable to have any treatment as the doctors deemed it too unsafe so the only thing that the doctors and I could do was wait and hope that my artery will heal itself. This will take a long time and in the mean time, my usual activities are on hold.
When I was discharged from the hospital, I was really happy as I couldn’t stand being locked up in the hospital. Don’t get me wrong, my nurses and doctors were amazing and I can’t say one thing wrong about their efforts and caring nature. However, it was so scary being home without the constant care. I wasn’t allowed to be left alone and the risk of having another stroke was and still is very high. I was in constant fear and even though my confidence is increasing, I still worry every second. I am further away from instant care and the risk of permanent brain damage is very real. I now also suffer constant nose bleeds and painful joints.
I was booked in for an appointment at the vaccine safety clinic. Sadly, there were about twenty other women the same age as me sitting around waiting. I didn’t really understand what the appointment was about until I was taken into a private room with a doctor who tried to tell me that the vaccine had nothing to do with what had happened to me but then also couldn’t tell me that it didn’t. He sat in his chair stating that it was worth the risk of having another stroke to get my second Pfizer shot. How can a doctor sit there and tell someone those things. He was willing to risk my life to meet what I believe his goal to be of getting as many people vaccinated as possible. He didn’t care about my safety and even asked after I refused the vaccine if I wanted him to call me back in three months time to see if I changed my mind. There was no respect for my decision.
The mental side of this is very hard and has required a lot of strength. I am a very active and busy person and to go from that to only being aloud to walk around the house is highly distressing. I have to be very aware of my mental health and I can’t thank my partner and friends enough for dropping everything to help and support me. I am very lucky.
I don’t want anything from telling my story accept the acknowledgement that no vaccine or medical procedure is safe for everyone. This is not my opinion, this is fact and the COVID vaccine is no exception. No one has the right to tell someone else that they have to put something in their body as they don’t know the risks to that person. It is causing a sad division in our society and not making anyone happy. If you choose to have the vaccine then great and if you don’t then that is ok too. Please be kind to each other and treat each other fairly and equally, we all deserve it.
* Photo was me in hospital showing left side facial paralysis.
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N.B. I will update this story if new info comes to hand.

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October 18, 2021 9:17 pm

The part where the vaccine quack tried to talk her into getting the second shot is beyond belief.

Chris M
Chris M
October 18, 2021 9:37 pm

Poor lady, rough time indeed. Hope she recovers, at least she didn’t die like ten of thousands of others have from this toxin. If only Australian Police had formed their own union that would stand for their rights.

He sat in his chair stating that it was worth the risk of having another stroke to get my second Pfizer shot. How can a doctor sit there and tell someone those things. He was willing to risk my life to meet what I believe his goal to be of getting as many people vaccinated as possible.

Let’s also understand some doctors are trained to kill babies so clearly a minor issue to this type. Also being in the police she would know about quotas.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 18, 2021 9:47 pm

Can anyone in Perth enlighten us as to what the “Vaccine safety clinic” is that she refers to?

October 18, 2021 10:10 pm

This is a terrible story. Poor Chantal.

October 18, 2021 10:32 pm

How can a doctor sit there and tell someone those things.

It helps if you’re sociopathic fuckwit.

October 18, 2021 10:35 pm

The part where the vaccine quack tried to talk her into getting the second shot is beyond belief.
Similar thing happened to siss-in-law. Very bad reaction to AZ, went to hospital. Specialist said she should go for seconds. He heard some chioce words! She is still unwell 3 months later.

October 18, 2021 10:45 pm

When I had bad reactions to first dose of AX, my medico said no to the second one until I had a CT on the ole brain.
They found one, so it looks like I am ok.

FMD though, if this poor copper is telling the truth we are mostly fuk edd.


Bar Beach Swimmer
October 18, 2021 11:56 pm

I’m a bit suss on that report. I don’t mean the info contained but the WA locale. I’m sure that that lady’s face is from another story which I think was on the old cat. The woman was from somewhere in the USA and did have the jab. I tried to search for it but couldn’t find it.

(btw, does anyone have any experience of very bad migraines at the top of the head combined with noises inside the head, when the head is moved, which sound like thick tissue paper being scrunched up? This is what my relo has been experiencing daily since her first jab in late March).

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 19, 2021 12:10 am

Re my previous comment; that story is on Reignite Democracy Aust, so presume they’d have checked it out, maybe she just resembles that American woman.

JLC of Perth
JLC of Perth
October 19, 2021 12:49 am

There are some details that suggest this story is not from WA.
I live in Perth, follow the news about COVID and have never heard of a vaccine safety clinic.
The image shows a woman wearing a top or sweater that says Arizona. Of course Arizona sweaters can exist in Australia but they are more likely to be found in the US.
She used the phrase “go to the bathroom”, which is a normal American phrase that is not generally used in Australia.
The tone of the story is emotional, with mentions of crying and humiliation. It seems out of character for a police officer, who has been trained to give evidence objectively.
The story might be genuine but I doubt it. I’d want to see more evidence before I believe it.

October 19, 2021 12:58 am

I had an appointment last weekend to get the J&J jab, but I canceled it. It recently landed a local police chief in the ICU.

October 19, 2021 4:28 am

Thank you Chantal for your story.

I recently had surgery to remove a large adenoma as well as radiation therapy. I was told that in all probability my likely cause of death will be an aneurysm or stroke.

I have resisted vaccination against COVID on the basis that the vaccines are largely untested. But when I started hearing of sudden deaths, blood clots and myocarditis I became concerned that taking a COVID vaccine might magnify and accelerate the prospect of a Cerebrovascular accident.

I have quizzed both my GP and my primary medical specialist but they have both advised me to take the vaccine and dismissed my concerns as 2+2=22 territory. While they are otherwise excellent doctors, I will not be taking their advice at this time.

I see Chantal’s story as a vindication of my position.

For the record I am a health care worker (now medically retired) who has been vaccinated against virtually everything, including occasional flu shots.

I am both saddened and utterly appalled by the stance of the medical authorities in Australia and AHPRA. One day there will be a reckoning

October 19, 2021 6:51 am

I can’t believe people are surprised at the doctor trying to persuade her to get the second shot.

Gaslighting on vaccine injuries is the number one skill for all medical personnel.

October 19, 2021 6:55 am

Gaslighting on vaccine injuries is the number one skill for all medical personnel

close, but not 100% correct, there are a few of us speaking out, but we are getting carpet bombed by the government, media and professional bodies like everyone else.

Today is my 2nd last week as a Dr, as I will be thrown on the scrap heap after 32 years for the crime of doing what I have always done – assessing health risks and acting accordingly to manage them – in my case this means NOT rolling up the sleeve and instead focussing on personal immunity whilst I await the completion of the vaccine trials in 2023.

October 19, 2021 7:02 am

Chantal is a casualty of the CCPs biological war on the west and it’s attempt to defend itself through mass vaccination.

October 19, 2021 7:03 am

I’m a bit suss on that report. I don’t mean the info contained but the WA locale. I’m sure that that lady’s face is from another story which I think was on the old cat. The woman was from somewhere in the USA and did have the jab. I tried to search for it but couldn’t find it.

Australian power points in the background.

October 19, 2021 7:38 am

You can be sus.
However the ONLY exemption reason WA health give is anaphylaxis.

So unless it compromises your breathing they consider you fine for a second shot.
Which flies in the face of administering 99% of medications.

Chris M
Chris M
October 19, 2021 8:34 am

my 2nd last week as a Dr, as I will be thrown on the scrap heap after 32 years

Wow, sorry to hear that duk!

The whole country is being run like a teenage social media experiment, if you don’t get sufficient likes you get canned. Our government is equivalent to tiktok.

October 19, 2021 9:16 am

If the vaccine does not protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, and all the unvaccinated get vaccinated, who will protect the vaccinated from the vaccinated?

October 19, 2021 9:29 am

Covid 19, Ireland
Two counties in trouble as Taoiseach gives warning about opening decision date

Covid19 case numbers are on the rise in Ireland , leading to doubts over the lifting of restrictions on October 22

Having seemed to have done so well in supressing the coronavirus for months, Ireland is now staring down the barrel of a fifth wave of the deadly disease

Case numbers have been increasing greatly (up 43% in the last week) while the number of people in hospital with the virus is also starting to rise at a worrying rate.415 people are being cared for in hospital, 70 of which are in the ICU.And it is these facts and figures that have led the Government to ring the alarm bells about a potential reopening of the country next weekend.

Here’s the latest information we have on the whole situation.

Kerry and Waterford in deep trouble as Delta surges

Minister Stephen Donnelly has said counties Kerry and Waterford are experiencing increasing rates despite having low cases consistently in the past.

And Waterford has one of the highest rates of vaccine uptake.

He said: “We’ve seen testing increase, we’ve seen the positivity rates increase and we’ve seen the total number of tests increase. It’s right across the country. We’re seeing it in some places that have had consistently very low levels like Kerry for example.

“It’s now dealing with a serious level. Waterford I think the highest vaccine rate in Ireland is dealing with a very serious case incidence at the moment.

“There is a concern.”

Roger W
Roger W
October 19, 2021 9:30 am

Assume her case was also not recorded as an adverse reaction by the medical authorities.
Because of deliberate non-reporting, we will never be able to look back at the consequences of this mass vaccination drive statistically.
At least the USA has VAERS and the UK has the Yellow Card scheme.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 19, 2021 9:44 am

I am pretty sure she is really from Perth.
She may have also had a health episode in early September which, whilst scary for her, was both mild and short-lived.
Whether there has been ample amounts of mayo applied to the rest of the story, who knows?
The total lack of detail as to dates, names and locations started to ring alarm bells with me.

October 19, 2021 9:54 am


Seems suss to me too. She’s wearing an Arizona shirt, ….hmmm.

October 19, 2021 9:56 am

Similarly in Singapore, vaccination rates are high, at around 80 percent of the total population, and the pace of the vaccine rollout is very similar to Denmark.

Singapore has seen a recent spike in cases since the relaxation of restrictions, with case numbers at their highest. However, 98 percent of these cases are mild or asymptomatic. This suggests vaccines are having a major impact on lessening the severity of COVID, but a less pronounced ability to completely interrupt disease transmission.

a reader
a reader
October 19, 2021 10:49 am

I can’t imagine the Senator would have posted it without crosschecking the information first. I’ve heard him interviewed and he doesn’t seem the rash type

October 19, 2021 11:00 am

BBS: She refers to a nutrition business she started, and this appears to be the one:

The slider graphics (click the horizontal arrows) feature a woman with a St Bernard or Newfie (don’t know which) that might well be her. I’m inclined to think her post is genuine.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 19, 2021 11:49 am

Remember the health professionals HAVE TO follow the narrative determined by the fascists at APHRA and if they don’t it’s bye bye. Of course she’s genuine. The reactions of her superiors is exactly how it happens. Behind the scenes they’re shottong themselves.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 19, 2021 12:09 pm

October 19, 2021 at 6:55 am

Appalling news duk.
Hope you’re not badly affected by it.

October 19, 2021 12:14 pm

I didn’t really understand what the appointment was about until I was taken into a private room with a doctor who tried to tell me that the vaccine had nothing to do with what had happened to me but then also couldn’t tell me that it didn’t. He sat in his chair stating that it was worth the risk of having another stroke to get my second Pfizer shot. How can a doctor sit there and tell someone those things. He was willing to risk my life to meet what I believe his goal to be of getting as many people vaccinated as possible.

I would have given the arsehole a piece of my mind and stormed out.

October 19, 2021 12:14 pm

Sorry to hear that you are retiring flyingduk. I doubt that you are alone. Well done for standing up to the bullying.

October 19, 2021 12:31 pm

Appalling news duk.
Hope you’re not badly affected by it.

Im good …. been expecting to become an enemy of the state for a decade (since working for the machine in the MEAO and realising just how dangerous govt is, to its own citizens and foreigners alike) I prepared well.

October 19, 2021 12:32 pm

“Ireland is now staring down the barrel of a fifth wave of the deadly disease”
This is the big lie that sustains the bogus vaccine drive. ‘Get vaccinated or you’ll die’.
In fact, more than 99% of patients recover. Sure the vaccine reduces the severity of disease in patients with co-morbidities, but the simple fact is that normal healthy individuals are rarely if ever seriously affected.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 19, 2021 12:42 pm

My partner is scheduled in for the frankenjab on Monday.
Her body her choice, thinks I.
Showing her this story is the only thing I have done to influence her against it. Hope she cancels.
She is also my carer.Heavens forbid anything happen to her. I’d have to get up and get my own beer from the fridge.

October 19, 2021 1:02 pm

“The whole country is being run like a teenage social media experiment, if you don’t get sufficient likes you get canned. Our government is equivalent to tiktok.”

And they will follow the US lead and say “Look! Success! 95% of the workforce is vaccinated!”.
Yes indeed – the 95% of the 70% who took it or had an excuse the authorities were prepared to accept.
The other 30% are now “un-personed”. Grubs. Will we follow the US example and treat refusal to take the vax and being fired for not doing so as a “resignation”, therefore denied immediate access to unemployment benefits? I think that will follow here too.

That a previous infection – even a severe one – is not acceptable as a reason to not be vaxxed is appalling.

That you cannot refuse on religious or moral grounds (vax developed and/or tested using aborted fetal tissue), or even because you don’t think it appropriate for your circumstances is also wrong, wrong wrong. This should always be a personal choice, with advise from your trusted medical practitioner.
My own doctor only offered medical advise and never mentioned “social responsibility” or similar, even though I didn’t ask him not to beforehand. But plenty do stick their beak into what is “best for society”, which is NOT what I want, nor should it be in any way something that is appropriate to discuss with a patient from a professional medical perspective – unless they ask, of course. If they don’t ask, it should never come up.

I ended up getting it (only first one so far) with no issues, not even a “sore arm”. (ignoring my “pre-vaccine” injury – I tripped down some stairs and twisted my knee and ankle) It was not my preferred choice, but I could see the writing on the wall. And, as above, talked to my doctor first.
My reluctance was several fold, and included the lack of long term effects data, but for the most part it was because I don’t get ‘flu shots and I am one of those people who never seem to get a bad flu anyway – while those around me are sick for a week, I’m over it in a day, two at the most. It was ever thus for me, for as long as I can remember, and even now at 57 y.o.

Perhaps most galling is that I am, like many others, considered an “essential worker” – I was allowed to continue coming in to work until the vax was widely available, then it changed to “must be vaxed or can’t go in”. I thought you said I was “essential”? That this happens to me is, perhaps, marginally acceptable – I am not a “front line” medical worker. But for nurses, doctors etc to be called “heroes” for risking themselves in the pre-vaccine days, to being thrown on the scrap heap for refusing to comply with a vax mandate is so… so… sorry, but the only thing that comes close is “fucked up”. Taking a line from Greta “How DARE you!”

Note to politicians and beaurocrats: I will never forget this and never forgive you for it. It is wrong on multiple levels and you know it. It is, indeed, against Australian law and international treaty. Yet somehow, you believe you are getting away with it anyway. You are not and will not. And if I find myself permanently injured from this forced procedure, you WILL pay a price, even if it is the last thing I do in this world – I will take my chances with God’s view of my actions rather than see you survive for such an atrocity. I guess I need to wait for the Feds to show up now and arrest me for threatening violence. No, not a threat – a promise. And I always keep my promises – by hook or by crook. Because I am an honourable man, and my word means everything to me.

October 19, 2021 1:23 pm

Kneel – the last paragraph in your comment is spot on and reflects my views exactly.

October 19, 2021 1:27 pm

@flyingduk. 37 years registered. Met with HoD who advised me not to act yet. But the pfizer jab is mandated for all medicos. Have to have first jab by 29th of this month… says the minister for COVID, who then does not publish the regulations.

Do not want to walk away. But will.

October 19, 2021 1:33 pm

Sorry to hear that you are retiring flyingduk. I doubt that you are alone. Well done for standing up to the bullying.

Im good …. i saw this coming (tyranny, not covid) 10y ago after 2 trips to the MEAO working for govt. That showed me just how violent and coercive ALL govts are, including to the citizens they ‘serve’.

Ive been telling kids since then I would become an enemy of the state in my lifetime, and prepared accordingly. Now, here we are.

October 19, 2021 2:55 pm

How have people not cottoned on to the reason vaccines *appear* to prevent hospitalizations yet?

In the outside world anybody (vaxed or unvaxed) can go and get tested. And because the vaxed are scared and compliant, many do.

In hospitals, it’s up to doctors to decide if people get a covid test. And they will typically choose to test the unvaxed.

So there’s your “vaccines prevent hospitalizations” explanation.

They prevent nothing. Well they often prevent good health and judging by the actions of many of those who get them they seem to also prevent compassion and logic as well.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 19, 2021 3:24 pm

Chad Thunderbrain, given how traumatised your posts display you are about the whole matter, have you thought yourself into developing syphilis yet?

If not, stop wasting everybody’s time with mean-spirited m twaddle like

Gaslighting on vaccine injuries is the number one skill for all medical personnel.

And think yourself sick harder.

Then, you might have an excuse for what you come out with…

October 19, 2021 3:46 pm

There are some details that suggest this story is not from WA.

She is the real deal. I have had it confirmed by a serving officer I know in the WA police.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 19, 2021 5:06 pm


That last paragraph. What Rabz said.

Liberty para.

John of Mel
John of Mel
October 19, 2021 5:35 pm

She is the real deal.

I think so too.
As Mater noticed, the power points are Australian. And if you open Healthy Living section on her web-site ( you’ll see the blog posts under her name.

October 19, 2021 6:43 pm

“Chad Thunderbrain, given how traumatised your posts display you are about the whole matter, have you thought yourself into developing syphilis yet?”

Yeah mate. You’ve got it all worked out.

*I’m* the problem.

I thought you wanted everybody to trust your ability to diagnose the issue correctly? If so, that’s a really crappy way of going about it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 19, 2021 9:05 pm

I thought you wanted everybody to trust your ability to diagnose the issue correctly? If so, that’s a really crappy way of going about it.

Don’t know what you are on about with that, Chad Thunderbrain.

You routinely pop up here to vilify medical folk of any and all description, and you have repeatedly put yourself on record as declaring that human biology is all a crock.

Do you not remember the repeated screaming fits you have engaged in over the alleged choking horror that is a humble doctor’s surgery or a peak-hour train? And how you should immediately keel over and die if you go sit in one?

You may not have thought yourself physically ill, but you have definitely thought yourself whoopy.

So to answer your assertion:

*I’m* the problem

Not in the sense of you as a person. But your thinking has pushed you to the point where you are so cartoonishly obnoxious that youbare either legitimately Graeme Bird-level mad, or completely worn out your novelty value as a troll…

October 19, 2021 9:21 pm

Neither pro nor anti vax; but is that not a typical asymmetric US electrical pin socket on the left of pic?

October 19, 2021 9:41 pm

Duk, thank you very much for the heads up about Eraquell. I wish you the best for the future.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 19, 2021 10:19 pm

I finally got back – thanks for all the discussion regarding the veracity of Chantel’s claims.

What a terrible time she’s had to deal with and it’s not likely to be over soon. Her experience alone should be enough to cease the mandating and roll out of the vaccine. The behaviour of the doctor is a disgrace, as is all those doing the government’s bidding.

It’s sad to think that thousands of workers are being bullied with the possibility of loss of their job on the one hand and on the other hand the risk of serious illness.

Duk, good luck to you.

October 20, 2021 4:55 am

Do you not remember the repeated screaming fits you have engaged in over the alleged choking horror that is a humble doctor’s surgery or a peak-hour train?

Oh so you don’t believe being around lots of sick people is remotely dangerous?

In that case there’s been a huge misunderstanding because we are in fact in complete agreement.

Disease isn’t contagious. I’m with you 100 per cent Rex.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 20, 2021 10:12 am

In that case there’s been a huge misunderstanding because we are in fact in complete agreement.

No, Chad Thunderbrain. We are not, and never have been.

The immune system is far more complicated and capable than your ego will ever allow it to be.

Disease is not contagious

Take your moronic word games and go beclown yourself elsewhere. A disease is an illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident. Its causative agents are contagious, and any discharge or shedding may well be, too.

We’ve done this semantic merry-go-round with you many times previously, Chad Thunderbrain. In each instance, it has always resulted in you screaming like an overtired toddler about impossible runaway positive chain reactions and then running away yourself.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 20, 2021 10:19 am

October 20, 2021 at 4:55 am

Oh no, not again.

Poor old binary.

Looks like we’re going to have to try again to explain the relative risk difference between spending 15 minutes in a doctors’ surgery (where significant health precautions are taken) with maybe 10 people present at most, and spending about 180 hours in total over winter in public transport (not noted for cleanliness) crowded in with 100’s of other people at a time, along with vast numbers of other interactions.

Or maybe we could just tell him to fuck off.

October 20, 2021 11:21 am

But in normal circumstances would Chantel have followed orders to violently attack peaceful protestors?

I would say yes she would.

It’s coming to WA

October 21, 2021 7:03 am

Many thanks to MATER for pointing the following out.

Click on the FB link. Open the photo in a new tab. Click to zoom.
Only two countries in the world use these outlets. Ourselves. And New Zealand.
The switches above the sockets are indicative as well since few other countries bother to switch their sockets.

This photo would therefore appear to be Australian in origin.

October 22, 2021 4:03 pm

Duk, thank you very much for the heads up about Eraquell. I wish you the best for the future.

Baba – suggest the product you are inquiring about may be better used, I think, in an application on the skin. Suggest instead, Ausmectin or Normectin – both obtainable in Oz in Ag supplies. Just a suggestion.

Maybe flyingduk can comment.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x