Well thanks be to Allah that he handed himself in at the station.
Well thanks be to Allah that he handed himself in at the station.
Ex 6PR dude. Got the arse there after a couple of decades. Just another j’ismist.
The last time prices spiked to this level was following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which led to bills…
The spanking continues. https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1897087980566884597?t=KWFZ1T5CKKDnmqgRWJVRGg&s=19
With the whole Aussie MSM polishing his boots with their tongues I suspect his chances are better than you believe.…
The big mac index isn’t an inflation indicator – that’s if it’s the Economist Big Mac Index thingi and not something else. The Big Mac index measures the *PPP of a big mac in various countries and then compares the cost to determine under or overvaluation of currencies against the Dollar etc.
* Purchasing Power Parity.
Makka doesn’t like it (Makka doesn’t like the Big Mac Index, get it) but I do. Most of the inputs are domestically based so for a rough and ready PPP it’s not bad.
John Howard and Peter Costello worked for whom???
The truth about Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein
Boomers can sit back and have a breathe a sigh of relief, it appears the title of the worst generation in the history of the world, is only going to last for a moment.
Gen-x you godless fat man-titted lazy low-t soy poisoned cucks! What the hell is wrong with you??
Let’s go with this, _roomba. You never fail to go chomp. It’s funny stuff.
Tell me what you think you know, derived with the assistance of TV shows and Google Maps, and I will tell you how wrong you are.
How’s Colleen Gwynne’s committal hearing shaping up?
Very interesting:
As Infection Rates for Vaccinated Aged 40-79 Hit Double the Rates in the Unvaccinated, the U.K. Health Security Agency Suggests that Vaccines May Hobble the Immune Response on Infection.
I don’t know, _roomba. I haven’t taken an interest since she obviously covered for the real Falconio killer 20 years ago*.
Right? Right?
Have you found me on the DCDD database yet?
*According to a jailhouse lawyer with a vested interest in Murdoch Bradley Johnson being released.
Knuckle Draggersays:
October 24, 2021 at 10:30 pm
Sounds like a (repetitive) script from an Alec Baldwin sitcom.
Ha ha ha ha.
Aaaaaaaha ha ha.
This is gold.
Reminded me of the triple roll mill at the paint factory, used for grinding pigments for ink…
But, but… you were most upset over my “Free Colleen Gwynne” quip, remember?
Alzheimer’s setting in?
Malice doesn’t stop.
Michael Malice
all your coworkers
Quote Tweet
· Dec 6, 2014
I’m going to make bright, banana yellow t-shirts that read “My hands are up. Please don’t shoot me.”
Who wants one?
4:13 PM · Oct 22, 2021·Twitter Web App
Sweatshop labour, students (there is something of a functional ‘Brain Drain’ amongst putative professionals with the money to get out), remittances from same, and the occasional Jihadi…
Bluddee hell, JC. How could anyone existing on this planet who might refer to themselves as a personage with an appendage not know who the mighty Steve Jones is?
The guitarist on this anthem. Stole all his equipment from fat comfy ol’ hippie dinobores while the latter were havin’ a snooze … 🙂
The moment the boomers left politics the people on our supposed ‘side’ who took over from them, simply immediately rode across the battlefield and joined the bolsheviks and gave us all the finger.
That’s the last five years of politics in a nutshell.
It’s your script. You keep bringing this up.
I don’t need to do anything else but say the same things.
Ahahahaaaa ha ha.
Now. The Viet chick. Seriously. How’d you go? You don’t mind me asking, right, after your very publicly announced quest to catch a rice burner?
This is my plan, minus the labore pardee bit. I need to be at least on the same side of the planet as many English Roses. 🙂
I wasn’t upset, you dope. I merely mentioned that it was pointless saying ‘free Colleen’ when she was not and has never been in jail.
Is that was all this was about? Seriously?
Oh God, this is brilliant.
I’m two & half episodes into The North Water.
Jeebers, not for the delicate ones.
Course not, Cate.
A mere quip re “Free Bradley Manning” elicits demands of “walk it back!”.
Still defending VicPlod vs the Lockdown protesters, or in denial?
Ha ha ha.
You’re all over it, _roomba. Don’t miss a trick. One hundred per cent. Not confused at all.
Check your email.
Julia and George are here because of John Howard.
Single handedly he has resurrected the Australian film industry.
Eat shit Phatty.
Lol.. Really? Eggles joins Animal House Fraternity? Wow.
The corrupt dyke plod?
NT knuckle dragger, ‘course.
Aha ha ha. Gets better. Nooooooo _roomba, you’re not prone to mixing up concepts and ideas and places and names and times whaaaaatsoever.
Find a post where I defended the jacks during the protests. You can’t. Nobody can because I haven’t. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Like your thought processes on pixels. The opposite effect to that intended.
The Viet chick and the quest you advertised. Results, please. In your own time.
The Great Reset | Dr. Gene Kim
Exhibit A.
That was your own quote, you dill.
I’m sure many were enthralled by your chest thumping at the time, Cate?
Trying to publicly walk back your “walk it back” remark?
The ironing.
Yes, Exhibit A.
Now it’s just poor li’l ol’ “Colleen” individual.
Not ‘free Bradley”, ‘course.
I swear, I’m not a tiddle taddle, but if you look upthread the Driller and Winston partnered up to defend and deny (I’m not sure which) Marcus Adonis’ plagiarism. I really don’t like to snitch.. but I thought you’d like to know. According to these two sleuths, MarK L Canberra is in the clear. It may have been a complete accident, according to Drillsie and we all got confused. Also, last night Drills said Marcus Adonis is a genius military strategist. He actually called him a genius. Just filling you in and I hope I’m not snitching or anything, but you should know.
Crikey, egg & grigs infesting the place.
Who is prepared to chip in to get Monty to open up again?
As stated before, everything written by the Italian Stallion (lookit this gals!) is perfectly true.
He would not lie, misrepresent, or twist.
Honestly he wouldn’t.
Keiser Report | Are You Prepared? | E1765
In this episode of #KeiserReport, Max and Stacy ask, “are you prepared?” For the sudden repricing of everything, including risk and money.
What a fucking world:
Alec Baldwin Shooting Victim Was Wife Of Latham & Watkins Lawyer Which Represent The Clinton Connected Attorney Just Indicted By Bob Durham
No, it’s not. Once again, you said this, not me.
As I said, you’re all over it. Like at 105kg fatboi on a 45kg Viet chick.
Or maybe not. Because having advertised it, you won’t tell the same audience how you went.
Liberals (deservedly) circling the drain.
Megahalfwit denies its own actions.
I detailed your halfwittery over at Adam’s blog and Twostix cleaned you up here, halfwit.
– Indignant “walk it back” re Colleen Gwynne, corrupt plod
– Defends Vicplod over lockdown protesters
Defender of Authoriteh!
A leftard hanging out with righties for chat?
I felt I had a duty to inform eggles of this passionate defence of yours as he deserves to know. He’s highly invested.
You can’t blame me as I felt guilty if no one informed him.
How’s Uncle Ned?
Curse you, Rabz. The North of England, the Borders and the Highlands of Scotland are where a gentleman can live…..
The guitarist on this anthem. Stole all his equipment from fat comfy ol’ hippie dinobores while the latter were havin’ a snooze … ?
Malcolm McLaren said that the only reason he agreed to manage the Sex Pistols was because he thought that would help him stop Jones thieving gear from McLaren’s shop.
No one said literally ‘free Bradley’ sans surname, retard.
Deny, deny, deny… as you approach a corner, shiny @rse.
Is there any tax thief lower than a military shiny @rse?
I’m only at Adam’s blog, with its readership of three, to tease you and Neil. I don’t even bother with you over there any more.
Stix, as much as I like the cogent arguments he puts up couldn’t find any posts of that type either.
If he can’t, you’ve got no chance.
No Viet chick stories?
Colleen Gwynne is a butch crew cutted sports lezzo, of exactly the same type as the Matilda Muffia I’ve been critical of for a few weeks now. I very much doubt that I would come to her defence under any circumstances.
But, with your crystal clear record of absolutely not mixing up people and times and places and things and people with other people, you clearly know best.
Anyway, that’s what you said. ‘Free Colleen Gwynne’ when she wasn’t locked up in the first place. Alllllll over it.
Find a post where I defended the jacks during the protests. You can’t. Nobody can because I haven’t.
Liberty quote right there, Bart Simpson.
Da ironing!
everybody was kung fu fighting
love the way emperor xi fucks on everyone not like him.
Global Elites Plan To Create A “Socialist Utopia” (Revealed)
Ask Mater or Kev or jupes or Digger or any of the other posters here who’ve been in hot wars.
Ask this question of them, _roomba. See how you go.
I’ll just repeat this quote of yours, that you made at 11.05 p.m. on 24 October 2021:
Wait for it………
‘but but but but’
Ah ha ha ha ha ha.
and xi claims the french trained mao picked on his father…
Emperor Xi is a bullshitter.
Apparently, Gray Connolly thinks use of the word ‘segregation’ in respect of unvaccinated in the midst of a pandemic is appalling. I suppose there had to be an issue we’d disagree but he’s showing a considerable and worrying lack of judgement here.
Chinese & Russian Warships Still Circling Japan As ‘Counterweight’ To US “Destabilization” In Region
don’t you just love msm bullshit
are you with your Mum yet????
With all the discussion about movie firearms, there is an exhaustive movie firearms database available to all (if you can put up with the ads).
It lists entries by movie, or firearm, or actor.
For example, here is the entry for American Sniper.
Nope. Early December, it will have to be. Will spend a bit of time there, and most likely do some jail time on the way back.
Rang her on Thursday just gone, on the occasion of the old man’s birthday and Mum’s first without him in 55 years, 52 of them as her husband. She said she’s doing okay. Dunno about that.
I will never, ever forgive these animals, nor forget what they have done to this country.
saddest and totally agree.
Farter time.
I was going to wait for the _roomba’s stirring defence of his statement that blokes in the military were the lowest of low tax thieves, but it would appear he’s returned to the less precise (and more Birdish) environment of DashCat.
Oh well. Was looking forward to the Vietnamese chick story too.
I had a thought about the Baldwin incident, too (I know, I don’t often have them.)
If a SA action revolver is drawn and the hammer cocked while the trigger is held back, as a non-experienced person may well do, it will fire when the hammer is released.
Of course, even if this were the case, it avoids the question of what live ammo was doing in the cylinder in the first place.
I’ve got songs of distant earth from pdfdrive. Thanks for the suggestion.
Which is it?
Ha ha ha. As opposed to starring in blockbusters to pay the bills.
Shall we roll the tape on your lie, JC?
I suppose there’s a new thread…
October 24, 2021 at 10:04 pm
Ftb mentioned this earlier:
Michael P Senger
“Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on…$375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so the insects could eat them alive…some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed.”
That is diabolical. What the hell is going on at the NIH?
It would be somewhat – ironical – if Fauci is destroyed, not by his lies about HIV/AIDS or by the whole Kung Flu/Gain of Function debacle, but by cruelty to dogs.
First they came for the always clear eyed, and I said nothing, being a dozy chap.
Then they came for the gradually awakening, and I realized I’d failed at my job for over half a century …
” If your armourer is a moron, who isn’t going to check any weapon handed to them?”
The armourer is a sanity check, nothing more.
While ever YOU have the firearm, it is YOUR responsibility – period.
You should NEVER point a firearm at anything you are not prepared to destroy right now.