Do the clowns at The Age even know what freedom is?

Here is this story about the totalitarian takeover of Victoria by its utterly mad premier: Victorian Bar slams ‘appalling’ new pandemic laws and there in the middle of the story we find this as an insert in the midst of the story:

Victoria edges closer to freedom

The Victorian government has announced changes to the road map from Friday, October 29, as the state will reach its 80 per cent double dose vaccination target almost a week ahead of schedule. Here’s how some of the restrictions will ease when the 90 per cent double dose vaccination target is reached for people 12 years and over – now predicted to occur around Wednesday, November 24.

Victoria is in no sense whatsoever edging towards anything other than a fascist state. The actual situation is that we are moving very far away from freedom and into government by decree. This is actually where we now find ourselves.

The president of the Victorian Bar has slammed the state’s new pandemic legislation as “appalling” and claims the government “grossly misrepresented” its consultation with the barristers’ peak body.

Christopher Blanden, QC, said the new laws, designed to replace sweeping state of emergency powers, would give the Premier unprecedented power with little to no checks and balances.

“Stasi police would have been more than happy with the range of powers if they were given it,” Mr Blanden told The Age. “It’s extraordinary.”

Meanwhile, the Victorian Opposition has come to life: Victorian parliament descends into chaos ahead of public health laws debate.

Victorian politicians have screamed at each other and yelled insults across the table during a heated discussion over proposed pandemic laws that are set to bring unprecedented powers to the Victorian Premier and Health Minister if passed this week.

Premier Daniel Andrews was labelled a “dictator” during the chaotic screaming match between Labor and Liberal politicians amid a push to delay debate of the new pandemic powers the government is hoping to rush through parliament over three days this week.

The proposed laws, introduced to state parliament on Tuesday, would give the Premier power to declare a pandemic for three months at a time and allow Health Minister Martin Foley to sign off on public health orders without the approval of the chief health officer.

The insanity of it all is that I know far too many on the Labor side of things who do not see any problem whatsoever in anything Andrews has done or is doing. These may be the most politically ignorant people I have ever met and there are plenty of them out there.

And since you won’t find this anywhere else, these are some of the details of the proposed legislation via Opposition Leader  Matthew Guy.

Victorians are today witnessing the most extreme, dangerous and excessive laws ever brought before our state.

In one Bill, Daniel Andrews is attempting to sideline the Victorian Chief Health Officer and grant himself unchecked power to declare a State of Emergency and decree health orders based on an individual’s age, gender, sexual orientation and political belief or activity.

This legislation would remove any consideration of the impact of lockdowns, restrictions or penalties on equal opportunity or human rights laws, bypass Cabinet and Parliamentary approvals and place enormous power in the hands of one person.

Under these laws Victorians face a $21,909 fine for failing to wear a face mask and business a $109,044 fine if a customer fails to check-in properly.

These new laws aren’t about streamlining State of Emergency powers but about making it easier for the State Government to control people’s lives.

Daniel Andrews wouldn’t be passing these laws unless he planned on using them. The thought of handing even more power to the person who got us into this mess is simply unacceptable.

This extreme legislation is a threat to every Victorian family, small business and local community. It must be stopped.  

The Victorian Liberal Nationals will stand up for Victorians and oppose this dangerous legislation.

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October 27, 2021 9:54 pm

Dan Andrews is a plain fascist

October 27, 2021 10:00 pm

Daniel Andrews is as mad as a meat ant. He’s flipped his lid. He has gone full berko! How many different ways can one say it?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 27, 2021 10:05 pm

Worse- He may inspire Comrade Sneakers over here in WA. If he has not done so already…

local oaf
October 27, 2021 10:25 pm

What a loon Andrews is.

Victoria = Madman Dan’s Pressure Cooker, the state will meet the same fate as Moe’s.

October 27, 2021 11:02 pm

The sheep think that freedom is a bigger pen.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 27, 2021 11:30 pm

His CCP paymasters have directed him to destroy the Victorian economy and showing the other arseholes how easy it is for them to also get there Christmas bonuses. Victoria, then NSW, WA, Qld & SA.

Pity the Vic Opposition & others didn’t start opposing Andrews around March last year.

Bruce in WA
October 28, 2021 1:17 am

Worse- He may inspire Comrade Sneakers over here in WA. If he has not done so already…

My big fear — but then I must admit Sneakers needs NO inspiration from anyone else to be a total dictatorial arsehole.

October 28, 2021 3:05 am

Meanwhile, the Victorian Opposition has come to life:

About time too. Let’s hope they can sustain it for more than a day.

October 28, 2021 3:14 am

Bruce in WA says:
October 28, 2021 at 1:17 am
Worse- He may inspire Comrade Sneakers over here in WA. If he has not done so already…
My big fear — but then I must admit Sneakers needs NO inspiration from anyone else to be a total dictatorial arsehole.

Every last one of them is a megalomaniac, that’s why they went into politics. The difficult question is how to get rid of them.

Mark M
Mark M
October 28, 2021 6:55 am

Excellent two minute video highlighting and explaining the evil Dan bill:

October 28, 2021 8:03 am

The insanity of it all is that I know far too many on the Labor side of things who do not see any problem whatsoever in anything Andrews has done or is doing. These may be the most politically ignorant people I have ever met and there are plenty of them out there.

They are Socialists.
Centralised, authoritarian control is a foundational part of their doctrine.
They are not “ignorant” of the damage that it does. They are utopianists who believe that the pain (felt by others) is the necessary price (paid by others) of making the world “better”.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 28, 2021 9:11 am
October 28, 2021 9:34 am

Referendum on a bill of rights in the federal constitution, binding on states – now, please.
HRC able to invalidate state laws that breach federal laws and international treaties – now, please.

Calling Kelly and Co at UAP – you need to campaign on this, ASAP.

October 28, 2021 9:39 am

Would sending this to politicians with the caption “this is what fascists get” annoy any alphabet agencies?
After all its just an observation.

comment image

October 28, 2021 11:15 am


A Bill of Rights?

When the colonies became States, they adopted “British law” and its precedents and precepts en masse.

At Federation. This simply became rolled into the “Federal” sphere.

Now, when the States formalized their Constitutions they INCLUDED the English Bill of Rights, 1688. Assent to this document by the ascending William and Mary of Orange to the throne was one of the conditions of this exercise.

Therefore, it is (or was) part of the fundamental precepts of Australian legal systems.

It is a slim and slightly obscure document, however, the nascent American colonies took it VERY seriously, to the point of going to war with the British Government over persistent breaches of it and sundry other laws.

The US Ffounding Fathers took the Brit pattern and stripped away some of the waffle. As per their British predecessors, they also held to the view that “rights” were innate, NOT the beneficent tossing of scraps from the big table. Much of the US Bill of Rights is about what “Government” could NOT do.

If all that sounds a bit alien, that is because well over a century of statist legalism has force-fed that attitude to the inmates here in the Penal Colonies.

The US Bill of rights was intended to be the “check-list” against which ALL statute laws and regulations were to be gauged.

This fact, of course, is brutally suppressed by would-be (and actual) tyrants and has been pretty much since the Poms gave the game away.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 28, 2021 11:27 am

October 28, 2021 at 11:15 am

Good analysis.

The 1688/89 Convention Parliamentarians assumed that an elected House of Commons would in most cases be a sufficient guarantor of freedom.
About a century later the American colonists knew better.
Unfortunately in the mid-19th century our colonial politicians stuck with the late 17th century English model. And, surprise surprise, all our politicians since have regarded that decision with equanimity.
That’s why, for example, our pissweak “second amendment” equivalent in the Victorian Constitution allows a legislated gun confiscation.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
October 28, 2021 12:36 pm

The majority of people will know in their gut that this is terrible. Though many will ignore their consciences, or refuse to listen to what this bill is, as they refuse to believe they are supporting evil. They cannot face themselves in the mirror lest they despair at the choices they have made.

They’ve taken the shot, they’ve put on the mask, they are firing people from their jobs and are refusing entry to the purebloods. Many will continue to support the regime of evil unto death as the love of the things in this world is too much for them to turn to the Truth.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 28, 2021 1:57 pm

I was removed from Victoria at the age of three.
One of the things I’m thankful to my parents for.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
October 28, 2021 8:04 pm

Not a fascist but a Stalinist, I suggest.

Meanwhile, Yarragrad’s ‘independent’ anti-corruption bureau is running a hatchet job against the ALP Right (ugly and corrupt as it undoubtedly is) on behalf of the Andrews Socialist Left who, as we all know (tongue planted firmly in cheek) never indulge in branch stacking and other corrupt behaviour.

October 29, 2021 7:35 am

Tyrantula Andrews, lurking in his lair and sallying forth occasionally to bite the unvaccinated. His bullying is such that having come this far the unvaccinated are less rather than more likely to ‘take the jab’. Fancy being so petty as to forbid people who have been locked down for months a haircut.

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