Get vaxxed Fido or keep out

I am getting used being part of the underclass in Sydney. I supposed that’s what happens to the Untouchables in India. You get used to it. Before you know it, being barred from your club for which you are still paying dues, walking past the crowded local pub, buying takeaway coffees sipped outside on whatever public bench is available, not being able to see the latest Bond movie at the Orpheum cinema, becomes a way of life.

I suppose sitting at the back of the bus was simply how it was for black people in the Jim Crow South. You can’t stew over these things otherwise life would become even more difficult. I’m not sure how long it would be before I became inured to being obliged to wear a sign of my uncleanliness.

A fellow at my local church – we are all allowed back into worship in NSW – asked whether pews would be set aside for those who felt at risk from those unvaccinated. I am not sure how to respond to such inane remarks, at least civilly. The minister was good, pointing out that the vaccinated might equally catch the disease from the vaccinated. But you never feel as though logic, evidence, facts can ever break through to those who’ve swallowed Covid propaganda.

I might in future point out that those vaccinated might catch Covid from their dog or cat if they have one. Admittedly there is no compelling evidence yet that dogs and cats can pass the virus onto humans, but they can catch it. Here is recent commentary from the UK on some research. Certainly, the possibility remains open of domestic pets to human transmission. Now wouldn’t that be fun.

Mandatory vaccinations for pets. No commercial grooming for unvaccinated pets. People with unvaccinated pets not welcome. Have Pfizer run any clinical trials? On monkeys and mice, probably yes, but on collies or tabbies?

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October 27, 2021 7:20 pm

Peter – at least I know I am in good company!

However, it really isn’t a laughing matter. I have not had rude or objectionable remarks from the vaccinated – but friends have. One of them was horribly embarrassed in public by a loud and obnoxious “friend” who chastised her for not having the jab.

It is some comfort if you have a reputation of being aggressive in argument – they tend not to “take you on”. When communicating by email or messaging (which both my rural location & regional restrictions enforce) I have a list of about 20 eminent international virologists/immunologists/epidemiologists who are COVID vaccination dissenters which I forward to those who express surprise or contempt re my position. I have also been mentioning both the Great Barrington declaration & the recent Rome Declaration from the Rome Summit. Most have absolutely no knowledge of this opposition to the gene vaccines. …………but……..nor do they care much, as it turns out.

John of Mel
John of Mel
October 27, 2021 7:40 pm

Have Pfizer run any clinical trials? On monkeys and mice, probably yes, but on collies or tabbies?

They can always ask for some help from Dr.Fauchi.

October 27, 2021 7:44 pm

punishing those that do not enthusiastically contribute to big pharma profits.

this is just plain old fascism.

Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.

October 27, 2021 8:09 pm

A fellow at my local church – we are all allowed back into worship in NSW…

So you can go to church but not the cinema or the coffee shop.

And on a certain date all restrictions are lifted.

The science sure is complicated.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2021 8:38 pm

They can keep right away from my tabbie.

He doesn’t tolerate strangers.
Try to pick him up when he’s in a mood and he’s 7kg of very tough angry claws.

October 27, 2021 8:52 pm

I’m enjoying not talking to anyone .. other than family, who are all double jabbed I haven’t spoken to anyone else in, other than, “Thank you” in the fruit shop for, maybe, 3 months so no idea who is or isn’t jabbed .. One thing I am noticing tho is the amount of money I’m saving by not being allowed into, vaxxed only, shops .. other than the, maybe, $80/100 spent on food stuff & animal food plus rent, internet & utilities I’ve saved around $500 a fortnight for most of the year so will be splurging on my 8 grandees this Xmas .. nothing else to do with it ..
what an irony .. 73 and richer (cash-wise) than I’ve ever been in my entire life all thanx to stupid gummint panic .. LOL!

October 27, 2021 11:05 pm

I was rejected from my local hairdresser today after turning up for my appointment . I am not vaxed you see (nor was I when I last had a haircut and colour in early July before the latest lockdown) but the rules have changed and when I couldn’t produce my papers I was told to leave. Not sure how to proceed now but thinking I will get a young lady down the street to give me a number 2 short cut. She grooms my Maltese and does it with care, so I have confidence she could do a good job. After that I won’t need to go to a hairdresser anymore which in truth I’m happy about. And I’ll save approx. $1200 to $1500 over 12 months .

October 28, 2021 6:15 am

Those businesses will go under as desired by those at war with us.
The unvaccinated will not be freed by December.
At best it will be a stunt to prove it will bring on the next wave.
It will be used by Qld gov to close their state down etc etc.
Complying be it the individual or the business is to support the enemies of freedom and to commit your fellow man to a life of misery and deprivation.

October 28, 2021 6:41 am

Not sure how to proceed now but thinking I will get a young lady down the street to give me a number 2 short cut.

Well, I guess you’d then cut a roughly appropriate figure.

October 28, 2021 8:14 am

You can’t stew over these things otherwise life would become even more difficult.

Indeed, I’ve seen it many time’s people acting out frustrations becoming a lifestyle and everything else is just the excuse.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 28, 2021 10:17 am

People have just lost the faculty of accepting that disease is a part of life, that it a risk in life but one you live with.

Same with driving on the road (regardless of rules because we also know there are people who break rules), mowing the lawn, going on a boat, playing sport, playing in the pool (esp with kids), opening a packet of food that you did not see packed, etc.

They have lost perspective. So focused are they on one thing everything else has melted into a blur. They see the ‘health risk’ of Covid, but not anything else. Not the needs forgone, sociological, psychological, personal and familial relationships, economic, etc. Even medical – how many other aspects of health have been allowed to deteriorate, such as the benefits of regular daily movement, protracted spells inside meaning less sunlight and fresh air, etc.

But most injuries occur in the home, and not by other people juggling chainsaws in the kitchen or preparing toast while in the shower. It is people slipping in the shower, dropping knives in kitchen, standing on a chair to reach a top shelf, broken glasses in the sink under the suds, leaning against the rail on the balcony, etc.

Are they prepared to pay to have all these safeguarded against. Buy all the different size ladders, always wear closed toed shoes in the house, raised railing on the balcony (even if it blocks the view), safety harnesses on the stair balustrades, new designs of lawn mower, no tools without a Cert IV, etc.

Is that how they are prepared to live. Are they prepared to pay for it?

Of course not. The government has not decided to make them neurotic enough yet.

October 28, 2021 10:35 am

Spare a thought for me – I’m going to have to turn down a job I am really keen on because they require me to be double vaccinated. I have told them I get a weekly check done for the bloody virus, and I don’t have any symptoms. But it’s all to no avail.

WTF has become of this country?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 28, 2021 10:59 am

But it’s all to no avail.

Even though vaccinated you can still infect people, but tested negative you cannot.

I wonder how much is due to decision-makers being so thoroughly unmanned (no misogyny here, but I am sure I read that in a translation of Homer) and and confused that they believe it, and how much is due to them knowing it is bollocks but being thoroughly unmanned and worried about what others will say and do.

October 28, 2021 11:27 am

This is pure provocation.

It is deliberately intended to push people over the edge.

The game then is to introduce even more outrageous laws and regulations, to keep everybody “safe”.

They have a “solution” and they have found (and helped amplify) a ripper “problem” and are working it as hard as they can. Straight out of the Rahm Emanuel / Alinsky playbook.

What will be the local version of “Kristalnacht”?

October 28, 2021 11:47 am

“People have just lost the faculty of accepting that disease is a part of life, that it a risk in life but one you live with.”

Yes indeed mum – no perspective at all.
More people died from seasonal flu in 2019 than from COVID in 2020.
More died in car crashes, from cancer, heart disease etc.
Likely more people seriously injured due to not seeking treatment at a hospital than from COVID.

But regardless of that: if you are vaccinated, YOU are protected – that is the job of the vax, right? So why do you care if I don’t get a vax, then die from COVID? Over-running the hospitals? Hardly – like everywhere else, they are nearly freaking empty because people don’t want to go and are told to avoid it if they can.

Fear porn – that is all it is. Pollies love it so they can “save” you. MSM love it – more click-bait/views equals more revenue for them. And both are deemed “exempt” from the rules, so they don’t notice the disaster that has ensued, how badly people have been affected by having to work from home, lose their job, lose their business after decades, not being able to get a hair cut, have a drink and a meal at the pub/club and so on. They don’t experience it, so they assume it is the same for you.
If you live on Sydney’s north shore, you can still go to the beach, surf, exercise et al.
If you are a “westie”, you can’t do those things – and yet the left, who claim to be champions of the poor, don’t give a rats arse.
If you have a disability, you can’t be discriminated against or you are the devil, yet if you can’t have “the jab” for medical reasons, you are persona non grata for everyday living – getting a haircut, buying clothes et al. And if you have a religious reason for not taking the vax (fetal cells from abortions used in testing), it doesn’t matter in the least to them – take it or suffer the consequences of losing your job, your home, your freaking entire life. And this despite federal law and international treaty prohibiting coercion for medical treatments, despite the fact that if you do not have autonomy over your own body, you have lost any and all rights you may have foolishly thought you had as a gift from God.

As before, I will not forget and never forgive – this is inexcusable, authoritarian, unAustralian, anti-freedom fear porn for the benefit only of those advocating for it. You will get nothing from me – not even the steam off my shit. FOAD.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 28, 2021 12:17 pm

I suppose I should be grateful to the fascists for the coercion in defiance of all the laws of civilised society.
Otherwise I might have had one of those frankenjabs.
And I wouldn’t have had it confirmed what filth our governments are.
And what a nation of whinging quisling cobbers we’ve become.
I feel rather smug about being a pure blood.

October 28, 2021 1:51 pm

mem – I understand your problem. I had a similar one but was able to easily get the better of that BS by selecting an out of the way barber shop that I’d been to several times, fronted up early in the morning and simply asked the barber if I could have a haircut. All done, cash sale, no papers, nothing. So choose your store. Are you in Sydney?

October 28, 2021 2:10 pm

I’ve been avoiding situations where I could be made to feel like an unperson and have been taking my chances where possible, which includes (successfully) using two non essential shops and having five people over to my house for drinks and snacks.

As noted above, subjecting yourself to this fascist idiocy is not going to work any wonders for your mood, or your blood pressure.

Don’t give the mongrel bastards the satisfaction.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 28, 2021 2:24 pm

Of course I meant dobbers not cobbers.
Bastard auto correct instrument of the devil.

October 28, 2021 4:03 pm

October 28, 2021 at 1:51 pm mem – I understand your problem. I had a similar one but was able to easily get the better of that BS by selecting an out of the way barber shop that I’d been to several times, fronted up early in the morning and simply asked the barber if I could have a haircut. All done, cash sale, no papers, nothing. So choose your store. Are you in Sydney?
Unfortunately I live in Danistan but I think I will try that once the queues drop back a bit. thanks for tip.

  1. Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x