Chinese Morality Tale

Saw an interesting graph in the Daily Telegraph (UK) the other day which purported to breakdown cumulative CO2 emissions since 1750 by country. How accurate this is, I don’t know? Assume it’s in the ballpark. Anyway liked the graph thought I’d share.

The UK had all the emissions in the early years having kicked off the Industrial Revolution. As she was fetching water from her local well, Greta Thunberg was perceptive in recently noting that the UK bore responsibility for starting the whole dirty industrial process off. Original sin, as it were.

By my eye, the US took over the mantle of leading cumulative emitter in about 1910. To date, the US accounts for about 26% of cumulative emissions according to the graph. Glory days behind it, the UK has slipped to between 4 and 5%.

China has burst forth, accounting now for about 16%. But – and this is important to China I warrant – China has 18% of the world’s population as against a miserly 4% or so living in the US. Clearly China has an awful lot of catching up to do and is working hard on building coal power stations to make up the gap.

Moral of the tale: China can use fossil fuels for a long time yet without suffering the pangs of guilt felt most acutely, on behalf of gas-guzzling US citizens, by John Kerry and by Boris on behalf of Hargreaves, Arkwright, Watt, Stephenson, et al. Oh, the guilt!

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 12, 2021 9:10 am

Looks like propaganda to make them look like relatively minor emitters.

In reality China already burns more coal than all of the rest of the world put together. You can pretty much assume their use of oil and gas is similarly large.

November 12, 2021 9:26 am

That graph is clearly wrong. It does not show the world’s largest emitter, per capita, which is the climate change denier called Australia.

November 12, 2021 9:43 am

Climate change is crap and the $US2 trillion p.a-plus industry it has spawned is a confidence trickster’s wet dream.

The idea that CO2 controls the earth’s temperature is infantile junk science dreamed up by bottom-feeding parasites who saw an opportunity for a neverending pay cheque from government slush funds established after a campaign of climate doomsday hysteria, for which the current Kung Flu hysteria was a template.

November 12, 2021 10:38 am

As she was fetching water from her local well, Greta Thunberg was perceptive in recently noting that the UK bore responsibility for starting the whole dirty industrial process off.

It would be salutary to have villages where young admirers of Thunberg could spend a week or so enjoying life as a child in the pre-industrial world. I dare say it would liberate them from their delusions. But it would probably be classed as abuse.

Roger W
Roger W
November 12, 2021 10:56 am

And China is now, in fact, emitting some 28% of total emissions, with the USA on about 11%, so not sure how up to date the chart is!

November 12, 2021 10:57 am

I didn’t know that shifting the world’s industrial base to a single, totalitarian and murderous regime opposed to western democracy could be framed as the moral thing to do.
Apparently it can.
By suicidal morons.

November 12, 2021 11:02 am

The relationship between atmospheric CO2 and temperature is logarithmic. In other words, who (in their right mind) cares? They’re coming after your steak now, with the focus shifting onto methane. You will own nothing and eat bugs.

November 12, 2021 11:43 am

It would be salutary to have villages where young admirers of Thunberg could spend a week or so enjoying life as a child in the pre-industrial world.

It wouldn’t even need to be pre-industrial.
A Leicestershire Lad is a reminiscence of growing up in rural England in the mid-fifties and sixties.

Without electricity, evenings were spent around the cast iron range in the kitchen reading, playing card games or most often listening to a radio powered by lead-acid accumulators.

Perhaps idyllic as a kid, but a relentless grind for parents.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 12, 2021 11:46 am

young admirers of Thunberg

Well he’s 61 and not an admirer, but there you go.

Jeremy Clarkson sparks outcry after saying Greta Thunberg deserves ‘smacked bottom’ (11 Nov)

She does. And a brain transplant.

November 12, 2021 12:16 pm

Does that graph of proportion of an unstated moving total mean anything useful?
Retain the x-axis and change the y-axis to mega (giga?) tonnes.
Lets then r?draw the graph using r?cords (guesses?) of actual emissions.
Now all lines will start at (1750,0) and produce a stacked cumulative emissions,
By well before 2000 the value will be (2000,infinity).

How to lie with simple mathematics.

November 12, 2021 2:32 pm

“You will own nothing and eat bugs.”

Live in your pod.
Eat the bugs.
Take your shots.
There’s a good citizen.

It’s odd, isn’t it? I mean, without fossil fuels, we would have already denuded the joint of pretty much all the trees, and have no idea of what damage we are capable of – no sat images, no TV or radio, let alone internet, to spread the word, no carbon fibre composite yacht for Greta to sail across the Atlantic in, no imports of fluffy toys and socks ‘n’ jocks from Chy-na, or whatever “3rd world shit-hole” makes them now. No washing machines, clothes driers, dishwashers. No contraceptives, no anti-biotics, no mRNA “vaccines”, no glasses or contact lenses, no hearing aids, no wheel chairs. No cars, no buses, no trains, no bicycles. Your day would be spent in hard labour, with barely enough food to keep you alive, at least half your kids would die before reaching adulthood. If your crops failed, you’d starve, or eat the horse and then starve.
Paradise, what? Why don’t you see that going back to that lifestyle is the only way to save you?

November 12, 2021 3:19 pm

Why don’t you see that going back to that lifestyle is the only way to save you?

Those supporting the Green Revolution have no understanding of what life was like before the industrial revolution. Those pushing for it want a return to the days of feudal lords and peasants. Sadly, history is no longer taught.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 12, 2021 4:02 pm

Roger Wsays:
November 12, 2021 at 10:56 am
And China is now, in fact, emitting some 28% of total emissions, with the USA on about 11%, so not sure how up to date the chart is!

It depicts cumulative, not current annual, emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
November 12, 2021 4:25 pm

Tom says:
November 12, 2021 at 9:43 am
“The idea that CO2 controls the earth’s temperature is infantile junk science”
This crap they call “climate science” was not long ago known as “Astrology”.

November 12, 2021 4:25 pm

Those supporting the Green Revolution have no understanding of what life was like before the industrial revolution.

The green revolution happened in the sixties and is why food production is so much greater, and malnutrition so much reduced in the world.
The crony capitalist/socialist Revolution clad in environmental cloth is not the green revolution.

November 12, 2021 4:33 pm

The green revolution happened in the sixties

I’m talking about today’s Green Revolution where free energy comes from Joe’s farts and Greta’s pixie dust.

November 12, 2021 5:35 pm

Cumulative ’emissions’ as a metric is junk science at its worst.

The unspoken assumption is that CO2, once produced, just hangs around forever, which is nonsense. It goes away via various routes, including being absorbed by plants as a necessary part of their survival.

I find it hard to believe that any scientist worthy of the title would endorse this crap. It is meaningless.

November 13, 2021 1:35 am

When will the collective finally realize that China, by and large, doesn’t give a f*ck? And as it pertains to the hoax of climate change or the accommodation of Muslims, rightfully so?

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