Mater’s Musings #38: Is the Ethical High Ground now just a Sand Castle at high tide?

Speaking recently to a number of medical professionals involved in the Vaccination program down here in Victoria, the anecdotes about how difficult it had become to administer the vaccines in recent months came thick and fast. The reason is; those now being vaccinated are almost exclusively the unwilling, those under significant duress, those at the end of their ability to resist.

The stories ranging from attempted bribery (to squirt it against the wall) to standoffs with ‘patients’ who insisted that they were being coerced, were many and varied. What I was left in no doubt about was that these professionals were unquestionably aware that a great many of the recipients were baring their arms unwillingly.

Regardless, as long as the ‘patient’ eventually mouthed the words, “I consent”, they were (and are) happy to administer a provisionally approved pharmaceutical, which COULD have a negative health impact or even lethal consequences.

Many of these professionals rationalised this by citing the fact that they often administer treatment that could (and sometimes does) have a similar, or even greater risk. What a great many of them seem to be able to ignore is the fact that this is very likely the first time they are doing so with full knowledge that the patient is fronting for treatment under very significant coercion. Insisting they mouth that they consent doesn’t nullify this fact, and really only provides the smallest figleaf of legal coverage and self-delusion for those overseeing this procedure.

When confronted with this undeniable fact, and asked how they reconcile it with ‘ethics’, they cite “the greater good” and the fact that they “are not being forced”. Like a Democrat stalwart who knows that their system was perverted in 2020, but blindly and mechanically justifies it with ‘the lesser of two evils’ routine.

Let’s summarise this here and conclude that a great many health professionals (including Doctors) are comfortable injecting potentially harmful products into coerced patients who are at minimal risk from the original disease, including children. This is a revelation for me, though I do note some are vehemently opposed to it and have even left the profession as a response. That’s both heartening, and horrifying, at the same time. Natural selection seems to be favouring the former, whilst the latter is effectively ‘dying out’.

I have always held health professionals (especially Doctors) in great esteem, precisely because of their supposed ethics. We are brought up through childhood being indoctrinated that Doctors are the pinnacle of ethical purity. Consequently, society treats them as the next best thing to a deity.

Doctors sign statutory declarations every day. They hold people’s lives in their hands (sometimes literally) every day. They have been entrusted with the power to force employers to pay wages to absent workers, based solely on their say so. Their decisions and actions are rarely questioned by we plebes who entrust so much to them, so often. Perhaps such unquestioning faith has been misplaced. Even the most cursory reading of the great ‘tragedies’ of the 20th-century, should at least give us pause when extending such unquestioning belief.

Earlier this year, Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics held the top three positions in a survey of the most trusted professions, in that order. Politicians came in last, at number 30. Now that Doctors and Nurses (certainly their professional associations) have tied themselves at the hip with Politicians, where does that leave them, I wonder? Perhaps we should meet in the middle, and say…#15?

This little blip in the medical ethics argument will have long-lasting impacts throughout certain sections of society. The Covid experience has tainted the medical profession in much the same way as it has law enforcement. Should the medical profession retain its previous status and levels of trust? Has it demonstrated sufficient commitment to the ethics which give rise to this trust? Have they demonstrated the strength to resist co-opting by those who effectively hold their purse strings? For mine, I don’t think so. Their ability to overlook coercing influences does give me concern, especially here in Victoria.

Medical practitioners are currently the key safeguard within the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2017. Ironically, a key element of their job is to ensure that the patient is “acting voluntarily and without coercion”. Are they still up to the job? Have they proven themselves still worthy to act as the arbiter of death?

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2017

What about living organ and tissue donation? Let’s look at the Australian Government’s guidelines on that:


Well there you go, coercion is a no-no there too. As has long been understood, coercion breaches good medical ethics. Health professionals are the gatekeepers to many such sensitive topics. God help us!

As some are so prone to espouse, we are entering a new world of Covid Normal. For me, that includes a brand new perspective on both my fellow countrymen and some of the previously hallowed professions, especially medicine and law. I now understand what they are capable of, the fickle nature of the controls that keep them in check, and I am now wary of all. Like any sufferer of PTSD, hypervigilance is our future.

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November 14, 2021 7:30 am

The trust that I have for politicians was never great but it has certainly regressed. When it comes to the police and doctors, I have a bias for emergency services because my father is a Mica paramedic. Sadly I have lost that trust for those services now that the government has forced their hands to play this covid game.

November 14, 2021 7:39 am

We may think that doctors chose their profession because they want to save lives, and many may have, but most chose it because it pays well and confers instant social status. I imagine to many if not most it’s just a job. I can also imagine that there may be many among them who feel as pressured to go along with covid lunacy as their patients just to keep their jobs.

November 14, 2021 7:46 am

I, too, have lost trust. I’ve been with my GP for over 30 years and felt lucky I’d found someone who listened carefully to my concerns and developed treatment plans that were minimal interventions for the desired outcome.
She also was wonderful with my late mother, the rabid anti-vaxxer, who thought all of medecine was in the pay of Big Pharma. Turns out mum was close to reality than I was and figured it out much sooner.
She has held off on insisting I get vaxxed but that was when I explained I was waiting for Novovax and things have moved on drastically since that conversation. I’m dreading, and putting off an appointment I actually need, our next conversation.
Worse still is my anxiety for the coming week, where a face to face meeting with my cardiologist is waiting followed the next day by lens replacement surgery.
I’m now dreading both appointments and setting up on the questions I can ask for maximum discomfort once they apply the vaccination pressure. Which they will, noting surer.

November 14, 2021 7:48 am

When you mix politics and medicine you get politics.

November 14, 2021 7:53 am

Like most contentious issues, you’ll find a split. There will be a vast number of doctors who have a solid conviction that they are doing the right thing by their patients. They are following health advice that they have trusted all their professional lives and see no reason to change that.

Then, there will be a small number who are in the profession because prestige or family pressure or because it seemed like a good idea at the time. They are your Medicare employees, minimum care, maximum advantage.

The mavericks, the ones who are often cited on the internet, have done their own research and are unhappy about the nature of the treatment and also have an inbuilt bullshitometer that rejects pressure and received wisdom. Some of them might also be snake oil salesmen opportunists – not all are pure of heart either.

I trust my doctor, but I know he isn’t perfect. How could he be? I trust the doctors who are family members – they are all people of high professional standards and good faith. I don’t trust the great machine that’s driving the madness.

November 14, 2021 7:57 am

We are brought up through childhood being indoctrinated that Doctors are the pinnacle of ethical purity.

Indeed. My how the scales have fallen from my eyes.

I regard them nowadays as a lower form of life, akin to lawyers, real estate agents, used car salespeople and j’ismists.

November 14, 2021 8:04 am

If Medical professionals don’t have the strength of character to resist such pressures, fine. We just need to start winding back their autonomy and status.

Mater, their actions in this matter seem to indicate that they never had any autonomy. If you take away even the illusion of autonomy you end up with the kind of decisions made by artificial intelligence.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 14, 2021 8:05 am

but blindly and mechanically justifies it with ‘the lesser of two evils’ routine.

No it isn’t done blindly and mechanically, it’s an evil tactic that they use. What they say is the treatment is better than the disease, which is a lie. They do exactly this with climate scam, by claiming that climate change is worse than Armageddon and your loss of freedom and pauperization to “combat” it is therefore necessary. Then they rely on the lack of scientific ability in the general population, who aren’t able to work out for themselves that nothing much is actually happening climatewise in the real world data.

This is exactly what they are doing also with Covid. It is a disease, and is a bit worse than influenza, but not at all enough to justify killing and maiming people with mRNA “vaccines”. Nor to justify destroying livelihoods, businesses and arresting people. So they lie about the seriousness of the disease. Polls (eg. this Gallup poll) commonly say that the ordinary population think their chance of being hospitalized due to Covid is about 50% if unvaccinated vs 1% if vaccinated, even though the real data is less than one percent for both. The authorities do not disabuse them of this massive illogical fear.

Thus this whole terrible situation is not an accident, it is truly evil. Just as evil as any totalitarian government, which is what our Federal and State governments now are. They should be subjected to Nuremberg-style trials.

Forest Stylist
Forest Stylist
November 14, 2021 8:07 am

The severity and numbers of adverse vaccination events could be the what determines faith in the medical establishment, as it will for politicians and the media.
A small number and society continues.

A larger number of adverse events and I see 3 scenarios:
1, censorship and denial by the establishment and hope the whole story goes away
2, The mob ie the angry vaccinated ,take to the establishment and
3, The establishment realise the mob are coming for them and react first

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 14, 2021 8:11 am

As governments increasingly wander further and further from the “legitimate” role of government and encroach on civil society, parents and for some, the church, this will happen more and more often.

Covid has meant the doctors are just first cab off the rank.

November 14, 2021 8:11 am

I trust my doctor, but I know he isn’t perfect. How could he be?

Calli, same for me. He is only human but I find that he will level with me no matter what though still let’s me make my own decisions and I appreciate that. I did not have the jabs because he advised but because of other pressures.

November 14, 2021 8:13 am

Doctors are officers of the state.
They are ‘just following orders’.
They have become mercenaries, anything for a paycheck, moral and ethical obligations be damned.

November 14, 2021 8:20 am

This medical whistleblower video, which was posted in the Open Thread, is highly relevant here. It shows the tremendous pressure medical staff are under and, yes, some are leaving the profession not just for personal safety but for ethical reasons. We are losing the best ones. As for medical/hospital admin, Mengele would be proud of them.

I couldn’t watch it to the end. It was simply too disturbing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 14, 2021 8:31 am

Doctors are officers of the state.

Precisely. They are terrified of losing their Medicare numbers and their licenses to practice. Thus the authorities have been able to ban the prescription of ivermectin and HCQ, which are certainly safer than the “vaccines” and likely to be as effective as them, going on the data I’ve seen.

In a free society you could go and obtain such things from an alternative source, for example a full fee-for-service medical practice without Medicare reimbursement. Then get the medicine from an alternative source not under the prescription system of the Pharmacy Guild.

Since neither are legally allowed in Australia it is clear we are no longer a free country. In a lot of ways we’re now worse off than people were in the Soviet Union and East Germany. There you could get stuff if you had hard currency. We can’t. We can’t even flee anymore, without risking actual disablement or death in order to get the “vaccination certificate”.

November 14, 2021 8:32 am

Allopathic doctors were f***wits when they practiced bloodletting and they’re f***wits today for practicing vaccination. There are genuinely good parts of medicine (most emergency, orthopedics, plastic) but those who deal with disease (prevention or cure) have only ever caused harm.

The lack of consent for covid vaccines is no different (except in degree of duress) to No Jab No Pay/Play and doctors have never earned an exalted position.

They have it because power to allopathic doctors directly corresponds with power to the state. Chiropractors, homeopaths etc. are never one size fits all medicine so their success does not equate to government control – that’s why governments hate them even though the people want to use them.

Allopathic medicine is all about one size fits all (especially vaccination) so its success is also the success of the state.

Governments were just as desperate to rig the data to show the “success” of polio, smallpox, diphtheria etc vaccines as they currently are for covid shots.

November 14, 2021 8:54 am

I knew my comment would be as popular as a pork chop in a synagogue because “all doctors are Mengele”.

It just isn’t true.

I believe that, just like us, they have been sold a pup. And this particular derg has the potential to be an extremely dangerous one. Sure, there will be some that are going along to get along, but for the vast majority they just don’t know. And they are subject to exactly the same pressures that presume to control us.

And we don’t know either, despite the cacophony of directions from fors and againsts that surround us every day.

November 14, 2021 8:54 am

I like many others in Vic was forced to get jabbed or lose my business, I got it at the local pharmacy on the last possible day. The pharmacist who did it is a good looking, personable young woman. I told her that I do not want this and that I was being forced to get it and that is not free consent, she agreed and said a lot have said that to me lately, then she went ahead and injected me. Now one of my biggest customers has told me that if I don’t get a second jab by the 26th I will not be permitted on site so there goes 30% of my income. I’m trying to sell the business and have a couple of seriously interested parties and can’t afford to lose that much business and still get a good price for the sale. How that prick Morrison can say that vaxxes aren’t mandatory is beyond me. He must know he’s lying.

November 14, 2021 9:03 am

Re doctors, I used to think that they were smart, and they are in a very limited way. You have to be intelligent to become qualified and that’s where the problem is. The long, tough training followed by more years of training if you want to specialise means that once they enter uni they’re essentially cut off from the real world. My BIL is a specialist, good bloke and smart as but he’s a goose, because he’s so smart and he knows he is he thinks he knows everything, in reality outside his profession he knows almost nothing, aside from golf. I wouldn’t listen to anything a doctor says except perhaps his specialty and even then I’d be cautious as they really believe that scientists don’t lie or deceive, or publish dodgy papers etc, they really believe that unethical behavior is rare and anyone with a degree is unlikely to lie.

November 14, 2021 9:13 am

a great many health professionals (including Doctors) are comfortable injecting potentially harmful products into coerced patients who are at minimal risk from the original disease, including children. This is a revelation for me, though I do note some are vehemently opposed to it and have even left the profession as a response

Yep, as I commented on another thread – I left medicine for good on the 1st of November rather than submit and have not looked back. I do not miss it and I do not miss my colleagues – they are gullible left wing drones who have been well paid to read a script for their entire working lives (just like all actors). They have failed themselves, their patients and their profession.

November 14, 2021 9:17 am

How that prick Morrison can say that vaxxes aren’t mandatory is beyond me. He must know he’s lying.

I now find that smirk of his downright sinister.

John Michelmore
John Michelmore
November 14, 2021 9:18 am

An excellent piece Mater. I’m sorry but my faith in those left practicing in the medical system has taken a massive hit. There is no doubt this is the result of a centralised government run medical system, whereby the bureaucrats with the cheque books and registration certificates take control without medical qualifications or concern for the patients.
I cannot believe that our Chief Health Officers , AMA doctors, etc can “advertise” repeatedly on the media saying that these “vaccines” have been approved under exactly the same method as previous vaccines. It’s a blatant lie because they are provisionally approved and eventually reviewed (we hope)
Yesterday it came to my attention that the NIH in the US listed Ivermectin as a Covid treatment. Here it’s basically banned. What a disgrace we have here in Australia.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 14, 2021 9:34 am

those now being vaccinated are almost exclusively the unwilling, those under significant duress, those at the end of their ability to resist.

A perfect description of 15 NRL players who are tenuously holding out against compulsory vaccination. Contract termination looms large: the “best” they can expect is a 20% salary cut.
That’s just the financial ramifications. Ostracism from polite society (and many away games) will occur.
Just reading the relevant article in The Australian which was full of snide innuendos, criticism, and mockery tells you what attitudes they will be dealing with if they hold firm.

Mark M
Mark M
November 14, 2021 9:37 am

Relevant opine from quadrant:

Constitutionally Inoculated to Resist Coercion

“ … the Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination.
In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccines.”

Dr Augusta Zimmerman is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus.
Dr Zimmerman was chair and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017.

November 14, 2021 9:48 am

Zimmermans article was excellent, trouble is neither he or anyone else with the knowledge and ability wants to take it to court. You can write all the articles you want, but without action you may as well not bother. If Zimmerman wants to take it court I’d be more than happy to chip in, I reckon you would get massive crown funding. But he and his like minded collogues seem to have little or no interest in actually doing anything.

November 14, 2021 9:50 am

Sorry that should’ve been colleagues, no idea why I used collogues, whatever that means.

November 14, 2021 10:03 am

None of this would be happening without socialised medicine that makes doctors essentially employees of the state, obliged to carry out the state’s policies in the area of health care if they wish to remain employed.

It seems to me that Medicare is our NHS. Itwas started with good intentions and has near universal support but it’s no longer good for us.

November 14, 2021 10:08 am

Many of these professionals rationalised this by citing the fact that they often administer treatment that could (and sometimes does) have a similar, or even greater risk.

If this is what they are saying then they are either idiots or criminals. We only administer medical procedures with similar or greater risk to these experimental drugs when the patient is at greater risk of dying without the drugs.

In no rational way are about 98% of us at greater risk of dying or serious injury from the virus compared to the impacts of these experimental drugs.

The medical establish is corrupt. It is not a ‘health care’ industry it is a ‘sick care’ industry. Its whole business model is predicated on there being a constant supply of sick people to keep the practitioners and especially the drug companies awash with profits.

I stopped listening to my doctor 10 years ago, did my own research and from that point my health dramatically improved. I don’t get sick, haven’t even had a headache in 10 years, and I’m fit and healthy in my late 50s. The business cannot have independent, intelligent people making their own decisions like me, otherwise the whole facade would collapse.

But the key dramatic change over the last 3 years or so is that this business model has been taken over by globalist/elites with the purpose of permanently enslaving the population in order to:
1. Control the population and its overall numbers
2. Further streamline & maximise the profit potential for the globalist/elites

November 14, 2021 10:22 am

In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country

This might explain why they are outsourcing it to business. I keep saying it has to be illegal because it’s perfectly obvious that if they could, they would.

November 14, 2021 11:03 am

medical doctors stopped being scientists when they stopped doing any research themselves.

I sat in a doctor’s surgery yesterday arvo.
you know why.

The doc went on a marketing campaign
In his words …
We aren’t at this point making the third shot compulsory.
We haven’t decided on the kiddies yet either.

See, there it is. This medico-mong has just rewritten himself as a policy maker and a doer of all things good

I sat there thinking, “just shut the fuck up and jab me you piece of shit”

November 14, 2021 11:43 am

here will be a vast number of doctors who have a solid conviction that they are doing the right thing by their patients.

And, probably, just as many with visions of “safe’ seats and troughin’ at the back of their minds .. WHATEVER IT TAKES comes to mind ..

Bill From the Bush
Bill From the Bush
November 14, 2021 12:01 pm

In our outback town we have seen many doctors come and go. Most can’t handle the issues with living in a largely indigenous town. They start with good intentions and then slowly the burglaries, mindless violence, drug and alcohol abuse etc wear them down and they move on. Some stay longer than others but unless their family is here with them they also move on. Through all of this the doctor who owns this and other bush practices has to come back to town and keep the practice ticking over. He is a Sth African who has already seen all this shit before and is an excellent Dr. to have.
I was given the mandate speech by my employer and went to check out what I could do about it as I am still on medication post cancer radiation.
He was blunt and to the point that what he would like to do would not fly and that if I wished to continue working in the mining game I had no choice. We then discussed other matters relating to the Rona that showed me he was only going along with the bullshit as he would be de registered if he didn’t.
I believe that he is correct in his going along with it as without his input our little town would not have any hands on doctor. I think that there will be many other Doctors in a similar situation, who have, like myself and many others, done what we know is wrong and despise ourselves because of it.
By the way the granular equine de-bugger is reasonably palatable, especially when eaten with apricot yoghurt!

November 14, 2021 12:08 pm

Indolent @8:20am.

Disturbing indeed and should be widely watched.

November 14, 2021 12:19 pm

None of this would be happening without socialised medicine that makes doctors essentially employees of the state, obliged to carry out the state’s policies in the area of health care if they wish to remain employed.

Its not confined to medicine – it is totally clear now that government has enough leverage on ALL aspects of ALL industries to dictate what they can and cant do, regardless of whether the ties are formal or not.

November 14, 2021 12:21 pm


I sat there thinking, “just shut the fuck up and jab me you piece of shit”

Nearly most, though not all, GPs these days are useless and don’t amount to anything more than glorified nurses.

November 14, 2021 12:48 pm

About 30 years ago, after exposure to the day to day activities of a Big Pharma Medical Rep it became very obvious to me that Doctors and Big Pharma have severe conflicts of interest. The scale of “gifts” and “benefits” made available to the profession under the guise of information and education was staggering. Even now, some in my circle are still beneficiaries of these obscene practices but sternly defend it as being necessary. In any other circumstance it would be called for what it is.

November 14, 2021 12:56 pm

those at the end of their ability to resist.

-I’m in this camp. The situation is that I am retired but I saw a job that particularly interested me and was offered a position – but I had to be double vaccinated. The first Moderna went into my arm about 10 days ago.

I could survive, just, another few weeks of being barred from my favourite pubs and restaurants, but I really couldn’t give up on the job – especially as at my age I was thrilled to be offered anything.

The single person that is responsible for the fascist country we now inhabit is our worm of Prime Minister. His sickening ‘no vaccine mandate in Australia’ was a pure abrogation of his duties as both a man and a politician.

And his response to this scamdemic set Australia irrevocably on the path to where we find ourselves today -more divided than any time in our history.

Morrison claims to be a Christian, as do many of our Premiers. Let me tell them all something – not a single one of you belongs anywhere near a church. And if your pastors, priests or vicars understood Christianity even to the most elementary level, they would bar from their doorsteps.

To say I seriously detest Morrison is an understatement. And Perrottet – you can get knotted as well.

November 14, 2021 1:00 pm

in a past life I knew a woman who would teach those aspiring GPs clinical practise and ethics.
She used to call them all idiots.
She reckoned they were nothing but highly trained technicians who cannot think for themselves

November 14, 2021 1:16 pm

The single person that is responsible for the fascist country we now inhabit is our worm of Prime Minister.

This is my view too.

Winston Smith
November 14, 2021 1:37 pm

“To conclude: the Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination. In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free to choose whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccination.”

So answer me this – If the Constitution forbids the act of vaccination on an unwilling and coerced person, where and what is the mechanism to prevent this illegal act from happening?

November 14, 2021 1:41 pm

Winston, the only way is to take whoever is coercing you to court, I’m waiting for Zimmerman and his other experts to take Andrews to court, happy to chip in. But he hasn’t and he won’t, easier to talk than do.

November 14, 2021 3:25 pm

There’s a very good reason why they used to be referred to as quacks.

The quacks got respectability when we all started to believe in !Science!

They were always quacks. I never met a doctor who didn’t believe in climate change.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 14, 2021 5:26 pm

Winston Smith says:
November 14, 2021 at 1:37 pm
So answer me this – If the Constitution forbids the act of vaccination on an unwilling and coerced person, where and what is the mechanism to prevent this illegal act from happening?

The mechanism is what Mao said – political power grows out of the barrel of a gun

November 14, 2021 6:08 pm

I have a friend who is a retired GP. We have had a few discussions at barbeques about Covid vaccines, he was adamant that the vaccines were safe, that the medical authorities would never allow them to be administered without knowing that the risks were minimal. I registered my disagreement, and sent him links to various items on the Internet in which eminent medical scientists said that the vaccines were potentially lethal, his reaction was that these items were rubbish, and that I should trust the authorities. I have to say that I am dismayed at his attitude.

My wife has just had her first Astra jab, the management at her workplace informed all employees that vaccination was mandatory, with no exceptions allowed, so she had no choice. I have refused the Jab, but because I am no longer working I have that option. However, when I told a friend that I was refusing the Jab, she informed me that I might not be welcome at her house, I can’t see her logic, if I did become infected, how could I pass the infection on to those who had been “vaccinated”.

I think this whole Covid business is a scandal, and I could never trust the medical profession again.

November 14, 2021 6:49 pm

and sent him links to various items on the Internet in which eminent medical scientists said that the vaccines were potentially lethal, his reaction was that these items were rubbish, and that I should trust the authorities.

Arthur, perhaps you should send him a copy of the Rome Declaration which has already been signed by over 10,000 physicians dissenting in respect to the “vaccines”. But then again, if you sent him discussions by such eminent scientists as Robert Malone, Geert Van den Bossche et al then your friend is just pig headed and an opinion that does not consider such evidence is not really worth bothering about.

November 14, 2021 6:52 pm

many health professionals (including Doctors) are comfortable injecting potentially harmful products into coerced patients who are at minimal risk from the original disease, including children.

Ethics in medicine is a facade. Each and every time a regime has given the medical profession a green light, they have been up to their armpits in human gore for “the greater good”.

November 14, 2021 8:00 pm

“Its not confined to medicine – it is totally clear now that government has enough leverage on ALL aspects of ALL industries to dictate what they can and cant do, regardless of whether the ties are formal or not.”

This was the brilliance of Trump’s “remove 2 regs for every new reg” – it is the power of “No” that gov runs on. There is no power in saying “Yes”, only in saying “No”. And the more ways they can say “No”, the more power they have. So reduce the number of regs, and you not only make life easier for those attempting to navigate the laberythine maze, you remove power from petty bureaucrats.
Just how we go about that without running into Sir Humphrey Appleby’s “we need more staff to reduce staff”, or the chaos of revolution I don’t know. But that is what we need to figure out, if we want freedom and capitalism to prosper.

November 14, 2021 8:34 pm

I am a bit of a hold out for jab, but eventually I think I am going to cave in and get it done, against my better judgment. I did find my International Certificates Of Vaccinations (Certificats Internationaux De Vaccination) in my army trunk yesterday. I didn’t realise I had been stuck with that many needles and solutions over 20 years glorious service. They can write the shots up in the book. Not going to use the phone.

November 14, 2021 8:40 pm

They have to go along.
They also have to hope the vaxxing works.
It may be blind faith or prayer but what else can they do?

The coming European winter will tell the story.

If the unclean are locked up, and the situation still degrades, what then?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 14, 2021 9:00 pm


Just how we go about that without running into Sir Humphrey Appleby’s “we need more staff to reduce staff”, or the chaos of revolution I don’t know. But that is what we need to figure out, if we want freedom and capitalism to prosper.

Regulations must be tabled in Parliament for six (???) sitting weeks, and may be disallowed by vote of either house. Limit them to a maximum of five years as active regulations, require that they be tabled again, but only after they have expired.

At the very least, it will be a while before they become active again.

November 14, 2021 9:34 pm

I did find my International Certificates Of Vaccinations (Certificats Internationaux De Vaccination) in my army trunk yesterday. I didn’t realise I had been stuck with that many needles and solutions over 20 years glorious service. They can write the shots up in the book. Not going to use the phone.

Quite …. I counted 44 stamps in my needle book since joining the RAAF in 2002 – yet its so much easier to label me an ‘anti-vaxxer’ then to ask – ‘so, why not this one?’

November 14, 2021 9:54 pm

I’m in a better position than most… there is a price to be paid to be self-employed, and there have been times when it was fairly high, but independence is one of the rewards. That is not to look down on anyone who faces a difference set of circumstances, it’s just one reason to like my lifestyle.

As for pubs, clubs and other social venues? F### ‘em.
Ask yourself whether they are worth more than your self-respect. Because that is what is at stake. Don’t be easily bought, because if you can be bribed with a few beers, what else will you knuckle under to, the next time some petty politician decides to ignore civil liberties?

Take a good hard look at the people and things you are involved in. If they don’t respect you enough to accept your values and support your self-respect, they aren’t friends and they are sucking more out of you than they put in.

Build a new circle of friends, and an alternative social network and support structure. If you have ever moved to a new community for any reason, this is no different, apart from defining you network by values, rather than location.

Above all…. do not give in to bullies. Your mental health is worth more than temporary acceptance.


  2. I know someone with severe TDS. I knew his TDS was bad but yesterday he sent an email to me…

  3. Melania looked “Elegantly Threatening”, and I hope the bastards who went through her lingerie drawers got the message. And I…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x