We’re all stuck in South Park

I wish this was actually in any way funny. It is a madness that just will not go away. I came upon and watched these one after another with the parallels so striking it is beyond idiocy. We should be ashamed but this is where we now are at. 

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Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
December 3, 2021 10:00 pm

Listening to that poor lady’s story made me quite angry. These people are sick and should be completely ashamed for locking up people in solitary confinement.
I can only pray we have a Nuremberg 2.0

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 3, 2021 10:24 pm

Loved the “I am just following orders” “excuse” from the cop.

December 3, 2021 11:17 pm

*Rabbi Cartman*


I’m dead.

December 3, 2021 11:17 pm

It will get very interesting if they try to lock up an angry person who refuses to go.
Just how far are these “enforcers” willing to go?
I find it indefensible that politicians and the media puppets are supporting or acquiescing to this.
BTW I am surprised that Danistan Andrews hasn’t “fallen” down some more stairs yet.
I think it is only a matter of time.

John A
John A
December 3, 2021 11:35 pm

Old School Conservative says: December 3, 2021 at 10:24 pm

Loved the “I am just following orders” “excuse” from the cop.

Yes, it reminded me of some ancient history I learned… a long time ago.

December 3, 2021 11:49 pm

I think such people should simply refuse to obey regulations, and refuse to pay fines. What are the authorities going to do? Move them all to jail? Bankrupt them for refusing to be treated like cattle? These dictates are imposed without notice, in many cases on people who have had no opportunity to make provision for them (in my case, when I was in the air between New York and Brisbane). For a virus that does not even make the top twenty for deadliness. The whole thing is simply ridiculous.

December 4, 2021 12:00 am
Chris M
Chris M
December 4, 2021 12:11 am

The whole Oz relaxed fun easy-going mateship thing, time to be honest it’s been shown to be a veneer. And it’s all but gone now.

And consolation for Steve – the whole ‘nice guy’ Canadian thing? Also a fake veneer.

Another reality bite – the somewhat odd leader of NK appears to be smarter than the current leaders of USA, China and Canada combined. Could probably throw in AU and NZ and still the balance scale wouldn’t budge. All more evil than smart.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 4, 2021 1:33 am

If the credulous and craven had not bent over so quickly we wouldn’t be in this mess
Not blaming them. Just saying.

December 4, 2021 6:17 am

FlyingPigs says:

The Voices in Their Heads

After a night of almost no sleep (again), that was very funny. Cheers, F.P.

December 4, 2021 7:04 am

The Voices in Their Heads

I loooove that film.

I wonder who the Armourer was on that set? Being a short film, the budget would be tight. No one was “accidently”, shot. The guns were blazing fast and furious!

Angus Black
Angus Black
December 4, 2021 7:26 am

The problem, of course, is that all governments throughout the world are complicit in the totalitarian COVID response.

Worse, almost all credible (by which I only mean capable of winning a future election and taking government) “opposition” parties are egging on their respective governments to “go sooner, go harder”.

The question, then, is who do you see in the future who might conceivably instigate prosecution of the Totalitarians responsible for these years of repression and forced medication?

December 4, 2021 7:31 am

*Rabbi Cartman*

An hilarious concept.

But he always did get the best lines. His constant abuse of hippies was a nice touch as well.

December 4, 2021 8:21 am

Worse, almost all credible (by which I only mean capable of winning a future election and taking government) “opposition” parties are egging on their respective governments to “go sooner, go harder”.

It only would have taken the Victorian LNP to stand up and say they supported the latest (legal) protests, and they would’ve gain an immediate constituency…or at least a preference vote after the UAP and LDP.

But, noooooooo. Too dumb for that.
“Our research shows that we should be targeting the 70+, obese demographic, those who think Dan saved us through tyranny and those who believe that 200k+ Nazis just marched in the street.”

A sure fire winner.

December 4, 2021 9:56 am

Will any tourists want to come to Australia if/when! things get back to normal?

Well done, ScoMo & state premiers.

December 4, 2021 10:16 am

They’ll look back on this period in absolute astonishment, unable to understand how it was possible to have state and federal leaders quite as stupid, or wicked in several cases, as the ones we have found ourselves saddled with.

And even today the departing Greg Hunt refers to his Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, as the fount of any and all wisdom on treatment for Covid. Apparently the man still thinks masks are necessary so masks it is. One so-called expert and we all have to wear silly face nappies everywhere we go.

These people are irredeemably stupid and there really is no hope for us while they remain in control of every facet of our lives. Starting with that nincompoop of a PM we have.

December 4, 2021 10:47 am

Good lord this country is cringe.

Pathetic wannabes destroying themselves and everyone else around them.

Lt Col Mick “Brumby” Gunner is physically starving from his relevance deprivation syndrome.

What a goddamned psychopath.

December 4, 2021 10:48 am

This “Northern Territory?


Sociopathy Central?

December 4, 2021 5:49 pm

The Territory has turned into a Marxist State.

But I do have to fact check the detention centre story. It was built as a construction camp for Inpex workers building the big Gas hub, and the government might have bought it off Foxy Robinson afterward, and yes to make good use of Indians coming home to Australia, it was decided to rent it out the the Feds as a quarantine facility. It was not purpose built to be a detention centre. The girl coming from Victoria might not have known that.

I went to lockdown town for essential supplies the other day, and the cop was really considering not letting me go in. I have people to feed, livestock vaccines to get. He was very cross with me, as he made much mention of my speed as I approached – supposed to be 40 apparently, I did not see the sign as my phone was ringing and I was trying to do the in car thing at the same time. I thought it prudent not to use this as an excuse and instead sincerely apologised.

In town, masks were on faces generally, but all over the place, chins, under the chin, under the nose, forehead, quite funny to see the range. Lined up like sardines to get into places so no crowding inside, I missed potential covid greatness by an hour one side and an hour and a half other side. I would have licked the trolley except for the risk of all the really bad things I could get from licking a trolley in Katherine.

Workers here are considering leaving the country after working in NT for 10 years and developing their own business. He was a socialist as a youth, Italian, now he is libertarian conservative. He is thinking of Argentina as his partner is Columbian – no worthwhile contacts – lols, but I said what if Bolsinaro loses, they are sending the machines there and they let that guy out of jail so he could run it would be terrible if you went there because of the politics and the politics disappeared.

The other option is one of the Eastern European states, who were communist and know the signs. These guys are desperately anti mandate but it is the control they fear.

Will Clive get enough seats to kill the passports and mandates? I dont know, I suspect not, it is so shitty I really have no idea where and how it will end. Or even if.

Some days I am hopeful and others, well, I shakes me head.

Control Group Helen

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 4, 2021 7:34 pm

“Our research shows that we should be targeting the 70+, obese demographic, those who think Dan saved us through tyranny and those who believe that 200k+ Nazis just marched in the street.”

That’s funny, but there are a lot of people out there who can’t read, can’t count and the only bit of information they received from School that has stuck with them is that Vaccines are good and they saved a lot of lives.
They also vote and Political Parties have found that calling voters names [even when it’s true] doesn’t pay off.
The Whitlam Government found that out.

December 4, 2021 9:01 pm

Lt Col Mick “Brumby” Gunner is physically starving from his relevance deprivation syndrome.

What a goddamned psychopath.

We have psychological testing for army and police recruits; it ought to be mandatory for those seeking public office as well, given the potantial; damage they can do.

With the results made public.

What’s that you say? Your medical records are private…?

December 4, 2021 11:49 pm

Thanks Helen, I was about to write the same about Howard Springs. I would also add that it is not too bad a digs to be holed up fir enforced R&R as long as you have plenty of internet access.

December 5, 2021 10:34 am

Lt Col Mick “Brumby” Gunner is physically starving from his relevance deprivation syndrome.

What a goddamned psychopath.

Oz politics seems to be a magnet for psychopaths, they’re all completely nuts.

  1. Thanks, Bruce. There are many issues taking space in headlines. Persecution of Christians is so commonplace and systemic it occupies…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x