As of October, the CDC started providing weekly data on COVID-19 cases and deaths by vaccination status. Let me start this thread by saying that I’ll treat this data as though it is a true reflection of reality, and not perverted by some of the chicanery that we’ve so often heard about.
Regardless, the accuracy of the data is largely irrelevant to my main point. Don’t glaze over just because I present some graphs. It’s what’s not presented that is more important. A detailed understanding of the data is not necessary
First Graph showing the number of Cases by Vaccination Status and Age Group:

Just look at the big picture here. The CDC is out and proud that the unvaccinated 12-17 year olds represent the largest proportion of cases, especially when compared to the vaccinated in the same age group.
Let’s change the selection to Deaths, and let’s see what we get:

That’s right, “Deaths for ages 12-17 are not shown due to low numbers”
Let me put that in quotes for prosperity:
“Deaths for ages 12-17 are not shown due to low numbers”
The unvaxxed kids represent the greatest number of Covid cases in society, yet the associated deaths are too low to represent? Tell me again why our kids are being subjected to this experiment when they have the longest time remaining to suffer any potential consequences?
Ok, I hear the vaccine boosters say:
“But, but, but…maybe it WAS too small to represent on the graph. Maybe the scale on the axis didn’t allow it?”
Quite apart from the fact that this statement validates my point, watch what happens to the ‘Incidence’ scale when you select specific age groups:


That’s right, it adjusts and can go as small as it likes. It takes an AWFULLY low incidence to be unrepresentable in a Microsoft Power BI graph.
No, it’s quite clear, even from their own figures, that our kids DO NOT NEED this vaccine. Whoever is claiming the Risk Assessment favours giving it to them, has clearly confused the risk from the virus, with the risk from incredibly stupid government intervention.
Our kids deserve better protection than that being provided by the cowardly Curs currently in power. Disgraceful and contemptible barely begins to describe it.
I think that a mandate for child vaccinations will be the final straw for many Aussies.
All anyone can hope for is that the young do not become the ‘thalidomide’ children of today’s era.
Thanks again Mater,
They will make the “greater good” argument about preventing infection in others. By now they should have enough data to know that this is not the case. Even if it was the case, they should have enough data to know they are are transferring death and disease from the old to the young/next generation.
They have been doing this with financial debt for some time now, I suppose no reason not to do it for health as well. Maybe those conspiracy theories about drinking babies blood are really a metaphor for what is happing with finance and health in the west.
This is what happens when you insert politics into science. It’s pure evil.
Our politicians think they can ride public fear of Kung Flu all the way to re-election whatever the cost — especially to the most vulnerable, our children.
“The unvaxxed kids represent the greatest number of Covid cases in society, yet the associated deaths are too low to represent? Tell me again why our kids are being subjected to this experiment when they have the longest time remaining to suffer any potential consequences”?
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Vax the kids, basically to protect the weak and frail, while at the same time more and more push for legalised euthanasia.
This hysterical type reaction was honed during climate change v.1.0 and is now biting us on the arse.
Climate change, religion of peace, gender as whatever you want, butchering bodies instead of mending minds for trannies,CTR, BLM, LBGTI.
The sins of the Father etc.
“Protect the teachers!” will be the rallying cry.
Hard on a tablet.
Especially when you are angry.
The last time and place the young were sacrificed for the alleged benefit of the old was at the altar atop an Aztec pyramid.
Um, … our kids didn’t need any of the other 48 mandarory Childhood Vaccines, but they got most of them anyway.
Allergic Rhinitis, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Hearing Loss diagnosed as Learning Difficulties, all treated with some Big Pharma potion [which also had Side Effects] followed shortly after.
The time to nip this in the bud was 25 years ago when the Vaccine Register came out.
We are ruled by psychopaths .
Ed is right.
Just as covid vaccine boosters every 3 months are justified because we’ve already acquiesced to yearly flu shots so too will mandatory 5 year old covid vaccines be justified because they are already compelled to get hepatitis B vaccines.
Hep B vax (even aside from the fact that it’s useless (liver cancer/disease rates have skyrocketed since the vax)) was initially designed for junkies. But the junkies didn’t want it and so it was decided that stressed out new mothers would be much more easily pressured into getting it. It serves no purpose for the vast majority of babies (even if it worked) but it’s given to them universally anyway (starting on the very first day of their existence).
If you can justify coercing mothers to get their newborn babies to get the Hep B shot -and it seems that half of the people on this board think that you can – you can justify coercing 5 year olds to get the covid shot.
This doesn’t end until people on the right side of this decide to actually take something back.
Go on the offense. Say “I refuse all vaccines now because I can see the covid vaccine situation is such a farce that it’s made me realise that the anti-vaxers are probably onto something”.
So far, all we’ve done is play defence. “Oh yes I really and truly believe that covid is very very real and very very scary (only silly conspiracy theorists say otherwise) and I really and truly believe that all other vaccines are super-duper wonderful (again, only silly conspiracy theorists say otherwise) and everybody should get them, but I just think that this covid vaccine isn’t tested quite as much as all the other super-duper wonderful vaccines are and so maybe we should only stab it in people every six months rather than every three months”.
And people are shocked that we are losing.
But why ???
“If you are vaccinated, you have a much lower risk of disease and death, but you are still at risk of being infected, and of infecting others.”
– W.H.O. Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Nov 25 … “ said during his opening remarks to a media briefing on the pandemic in Geneva on Wednesday that vaccines work but they do not fully prevent the transmission of the virus.”
WHO warns vaccinated feel ‘false sense of security’
Jabbing healthy 5 year olds?
These people are evil and crazy.
These are indeed crimes against humanity.
At the moment in Victoria all 12+ are effectively mandated to get the shot otherwise they cannot lead free lives.
Next will be the 5-11 year olds. It is coming.
As we can see from data overseas, these shots are deadly, with 44% more dead 12-18yo than the previous 5-year average. 44% more deaths in 2021 in that age group (where those excess deaths are almost all cardiovascular related). People may say that this might not be the vaccines, but you’d have to be retarded to think it isn’t the vaccines killing these children.
All the politicians know it, the media know it, the medical authorities know it. Yet they knowingly inject the children.
God have mercy on us.
Just imagine if everyone in Australia had to give me a Dollar a Day.
That would be $26 Million every day forever.
But how to do it?
Big Pharma worked this out in the 19th C. in Germany.
Mandate Vaccinations.
The kids get chronically sick from the Vax, they’re clients for life.
Hospital Junkies.
It’s happened here too.
Because, make no mistake about it, there’s no antidote for a vaccine.
Once it’s inside you, it keeps rotting you away until the day you die.
And that’s any vaccine.
How convenient, a new omicon varietal that targets children, just in time for the authorisation to jab them. The virus is a mind reader.
Maybe this Figures/Chad T’cock wants to explain how microbes aren’t real and how Ebola actually works?
Leave the bloody kids alone
Always remember if it wasn’t for the credulous and craven rushing to get the boot on their neck, sorry Freudian slip, the frankenvax, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Thanks borg members.
Outstanding analysis Mater.
Probably a bit too cerebral for our political filth . . . although 5yo preps might understand the graphs which would be a bit too difficult for the pollies as well.
What’s the effect of a Vaccine on a Microbe, Dot?
Take your time, i’ll await your reply.
Just moved on AAP wire (emphasis added):
A coronavirus vaccine for children as young as five has taken a step closer and could be available early in the new year.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved a Pfizer vaccine for five to 11 year olds.
Health Minister Greg Hunt says subject to final checks from the vaccination experts on the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, the federal government will start rolling out the Pfizer vaccine to 5- to 11-year-olds from January 10.
“It is about keeping our kids safe, keeping our families safe, keeping all Australians safe,” Mr Hunt told reporters in Melbourne on Sunday.
This is obscene, and its ministerial chief spruiker even more so.
The infantile responses of the medico/political establishment to a handful of ‘cases’, none of which, as far as I can determine, are in any danger of death, or even hospitalisation, is simply astounding. And they have the effrontery to stand up in front of TV cameras every day and brag about how they are keeping us ‘safe’.
Eventually you’re going to conclude, like me, that most people are too stupid to comment.
This, sadly, now applies to the cat readership too.
I think those vaccines are eating people’s brains. The deterioration in the quality of commentary since the vaxx rollout is marked.
It’s like being the only person staying sober at a party and watching as the night goes on as the rest of the company starts slurring their words, and then finally decide to skinny dip in the dam opposite the ammonia plant.
We could be experiencing the moment the vaccines make people too damn stupid to read the graphs showing that the vaccines are making people too damn stupid to read the graphs.
Mandatory vaxxing of kids will be the hard line that results in community kinetic responses.
Vaccine Registers do come in handy for Doctors.
Diphtheria is a childhood disease that occasionally killed toddlers 120 years ago.
It may have been responsible for 1% of infant mortality then.
Well, guess what?
Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever are the Same Disease.
So when Mom turns up at the Quack with Junior suffering from Diphtheria even tho the Kid’s fully Vaxxed against it according to the Vaccine Register, Doctor Nick can exclaim
“Aha, Scarlet Fever!”
“Let me put that in quotes for prosperity.” Good luck.
God have mercy on us.
No, God have mercy on THEM. The people won’t.
Two articles worth a look that sum up what is happening to Western Society.
One is about the destruction of The Enlightenment and the other is about an attack on science in New Zealand. attack on science in New Zealand – hope this link works!
Health Minister Greg Hunt says subject to final checks from the vaccination experts on the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, the federal government will start rolling out the Pfizer vaccine to 5- to 11-year-olds from January 10.
This is why the protests must continue and escalate. There is a war to be fought and, hopefully, won.
These arseholes are not going to relax, or stop for a Christmas break, or to go fishing on the weekend. They want us all dead.
Hunt can retire. His family have done quite well from Pfizer, thank you very much.
Just another of our traitorous politicians.
All Vaccines are Childhood Vaccines.
The things are introduced as Adult Vaccines, then once accepted and everyone’ gone back to sleep, hey presto, babies are being injected.
See: Hepatitis B vaccine.
Health Departments /Government also have a big vested interest, since a Vaccinated Person will always test positive for Hepatitis B [for example] , Hepatitius B Outbreaks become an impossibility to measure, since more or less everyone has had the Vax.
No Arky, I have (un) clinically decided you have depression and you’ve gone from “cute smart aleck misanthropism” to “smug, complete arseholery”.
Grigory, I’d love for you being doxxed, some weirdo arsehole in the Health Department spreading anti vaxxer shit to discredit those questioning the government and their lack of scientific rigour.
Look out, he’s Concern Trolling again.
Yes I am concern trolling.
I am concern trolling for:
Bodily autonomy
Scientific rigour
Equal rights under the law
Rule of law
Liberty, personal sovereignty
Freedom of choice
Parental choice
That “disruption and diversion” merchants are treated like lepers
You haven’t called for a halt to Covid Vaccinations though, have you?
A Moratorium on Vaccinations if you like.
Do you think you’ll ever do that?
Because I reckon there’s more chance of me winning Powerball.
Vaccines were not designed to save other people. You take them to protect yourself.
Figure it out. If you are going to Africa, why get vaccinated against Yellow Fever? It sure ain’t to protect the starving millions. It’s to give you a better chance of coming home alive.
The History of Vaccines is murky.
The spin varies.
If the disease isn’t a concern, then you’re taking it to protect others.
That’s how vaccines were made Mandatory for admission to ChildCare/Kindy.
Arguing is futile, it’s do as I say, or else.
They already are striking over stuff like that in NSW…
Grigory, you dribbling incompetent.
None of these conditions in children are vaccinated for.
Furthermore, diptheria is a known bacterial wrecker of juvenile lungs. The vaccine, in this instance is a very small dose of the bacterial toxin that causes the inflammatory response in the patient. Since the immune system knows what to look for, it can fight a larger bacterial insult in the future. Same with pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus.
And as far as Chad Thunderbrain upthread is concerned, when he can bravely walk into a doctor’s office without fear of instantly dying because he thinks the immune system and pathogenic insults aren’t real (While arrogantly assuming that all disease is merely mental weakness in lesser beings than him), then maybe he can one day properly involve himself in discussions.
Fuck off Grigory
Practically the entire Cat has. As are increasing numbers of stabbed and unstabned Australiams alike.
Find something else to grief people about, Gypsum-snorter.
They are not.
Streptococcus pyogenes is the bacterium that causes Scarlet Fever.
Corynebacterium diptheriae causes Diptheria.
Their toxins are completely different, and the inflammation presents differently in both cases.
You fool.
That’s what I was aiming for, xunt.
Talk to a friend or see a doctor. You’re broken.
‘Rex Angersays:
December 5, 2021 at 1:16 pm
“Protect the teachers!” will be the rallying cry.
They already are striking over stuff like that in NSW…’
* Not teaching kids anything worthwhile anyway (in fact, doing great damage);
* So “well-educated”, they’re afraid of a cold they most likely won’t get and will most likely easily survive if they do; and
* Severely allergic to hard work (but not the protected perks, benefits, and remuneration of their coddled existence).
Oh, and we don’t have to pay them if they “strike”.
Given the parlous state of the budget, and their immense contribution to the task, it sounds like a deal too good to refuse.
Now you lot (including the administration and bureaucrats). Go stand over there, with your placards if you like, on permanent “leave without pay” while we spend a year or so recruiting some fit and proper replacements with an actual aptitude for the required task.
And by all means bleat away. At least do something you’re good at for a change.
Deaths by age group is available here:
Total deaths in the US, (and age group % of population) are
0-4: 305 (6%)
5-11: 204 (8.7%)
12-15: 233 (5.1%)
16-17: 226 (2.5%)
so 12-17 total is 459 deaths in 7.6% of the US population – 25.2M children.
Or a cumulative death rate of 1.8/100k.
For the 26 week period on that graph (10 Apr to 2 Oct), its an average of 0.07/100k/week
.. assuming totals are over the same period. which they’re not. So the numbers are probably half that.
Because it gives us a reason to (finally) righteously end this seemingly interminable bizarre hitlerist insanity.
Abuse under the guise of concern.
You’re now an old, socialist woman in attitude.
Why do you care what I do or say?
Go annoy someone else. You’re at risk of turning into Bespoke.
You’re ruining this blog.
If only we had the emoji buttons left.
According to this data, the kids are either “fully vaccinated” or “unvaccinated”, so presumably, if a kid dies (supposedly) of Covid but has had only one jab, they are counted as unvaxxed, and presumably, if they died less than two weeks after getting the second jab, they are also counted as unvaxxed.
What’s the bet that those dying from the jab, in many cases, are considered a Covid death (and thus included in this data)? And if that death is less than two weeks after the 2nd jab, is considered a Covid death to an unvaxxed?
If you look at the NSW data the under 40s account for about 75% of cases. The most cases were in the 20-29, next I think was 10-19, and the remaining two about the same. And in those age groups hospitalization or death were extremely low and being vaxxed or unvaxxed made no difference because the absolute risk was tiny. Whatever we say then about 12-17 re the cost-benefit analysis is effectively the same for everyone under 40; principally, the costs outweigh the benefits.
Tom A, you can count on that fudge occurring.
Yes thanks a lot.
I’m currently in Zagreb. People here are very relaxed about the ‘rona. We are supposed to wear masks indoors, however most places don’t enforce it. While I can’t understand the language, I notice the front page of newspapers and don’t see the words Covid or Omricon. Nor, when I walk past a tele is there a serious looking person talking with a’signer’ doing an interpretive spaz attack next to them.
There is no contract tracing or stupid rules like not standing to drink. If you catch the virus here, you are expected to self-isolate for 10 days, however you can go out if you need to, as there is zero enforcement of quarantine. Zero.
60-odd people per day are dying of Covid in Croatia and there is only about a 50% vaccination rate, however the lack of a government fear campaign and the government stating – truthfully so far – that there will not be a vaccine mandate, means people just get on with their lives as they should.
Australia really is a basket-case compared to here. Just fucking awful.