Mater’s Musings #45: The first casualty of war is…

The Narrative:

The Australian (Front Page): Friday, 3rd December 2021

The Truth:

NCIRS Website

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December 11, 2021 7:04 am

So the lies just continue, no ABC fact checkers here.

December 11, 2021 7:10 am

The truth was always there – & not hard to find. Try telling all the “true believers” – they just don’t want to hear it. BTW that includes medicos that I know.

December 11, 2021 7:16 am

Great news for the class action industry (otherwise known as the Labor lawyers benevolent fund): the Australian government lying about the status of the experimental vaccines it is trying to force on the public is a made-to-order multi-billion-dollar legal payout just waiting to happen – financed by the mugs who are silly enough to pay taxes.

Angus Black
Angus Black
December 11, 2021 7:19 am

Do not go gentle in that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light

We’re living in Dylan Thomas times…

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity

Yeats would also have understood.

December 11, 2021 7:22 am

On the first day of Christmas, my first vaccine booster and a partridge in a pear tree…

December 11, 2021 7:38 am

To pick a nit, they’re not incorrect. They’re just leaving out the fact that the list of tests to a high safety standard have not quite yet been completed.

December 11, 2021 7:42 am

I am really loving (long time) existing through this period of global mass insanity.

December 11, 2021 7:44 am

I thought that Australia simply relied on what the US claimed and did no testing of their own and, yes, it will take years to discover the real impact of these ‘vaccines’.

Meanwhile, the human trials will continue, with the impact on children the next stage.

December 11, 2021 7:47 am

Below is what the Head of the TGA, John Skerritt said about children. Notably he didn’t mention “Safe and Effective” and quoted not a single fact. This man is a walking war criminal.
Professor Skerritt noted children were a major transmitter of the virus to older people at risk of dying from Covid-19. “Even though (kids) don’t get as sick as adults, they have a pretty strong role in spreading it back to family members,” he said. “Of course that can include parents and also of greater concern the grandparents.
“The older you are, the impacts of getting seriously ill or worse with Covid is greater.”
Professor Skerritt said the mental health effects of the pandemic on children was another issue that made vaccinating the under 12s age group so important.
“The other reason is just so kids can do what kids are meant to do – go to the school, play with their friends, do sport, do exercise, do social things,” he said.
“We are worried about the mental health impacts on all the lockdowns that children have had over the last couple of years.”
Although children usually only experience a mild infection when they catch Covid-19, Professor Skerritt said kids would still be better off from physical health standpoint with the vaccine than without.
“There’s about one in 3000 children who even though they mightn’t get all that ill with Covid, have this long-term multi-system inflammatory syndrome,” he said.
Even when they recover from Covid, they can be quite ill for some months with fever, rash, intestinal, heart, neurological issues.
Even though it’s one in 3000 of those kids, it’s a very serious condition.”
Once under 12s start receiving the jab from January 10 2022, parents can expect kids to experience similar side effects to adults who received the Pfizer jab.
Subject to final consideration from expert immunisation panel ATAGI, and other related approvals, the government will start rolling out the Pfizer vaccine to under 12s from January 10 2022.
The decision followed an “extensive” clinical trial of the jab involving almost 2500 children aged five to 11.
Professor Skerritt said the adverse effects after the jab “appear to be the same as in older children, adolescents and adults.”
Early tests also indicate that children under 12 are likely to experience less severe versions of the common side effects seen in adults.
“There will be in the kids maybe sore arms, and maybe a quarter of kids might be feverish for a day or so, have a headache and be not feeling well,” Professor Skerritt said.
“But they recover quickly.”

December 11, 2021 7:50 am

the mental health effects of the pandemic on children was another issue that made vaccinating the under 12s age group so important.

That’s all government you arsehole.

Can we start a thread: Nuremberg 2.0 List?

This prick needs to be on it.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 11, 2021 7:59 am

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

December 11, 2021 8:02 am

Great news for the class action industry (otherwise known as the Labor lawyers benevolent fund): the Australian government lying about the status of the experimental vaccines it is trying to force on the public is a made-to-order multi-billion-dollar legal payout just waiting to happen – financed by the mugs who are silly enough to pay taxes.

At this point, it would be well worth it if it discredits the “vaccines” and thereby causes the whole narrative to collapse. Hard to imagine, but we might even get our lives back.

December 11, 2021 8:14 am

“Professor Skerritt noted children were a major transmitter of the virus to older people…”

They are? So in that case, Florida school teachers should be in real trouble, right? No school closures, no mask mandates in schools, and during during summer the state had high levels of cases.
So clearly, when Florida school teachers have the same case rate as the entire state of Florida, that means school kids are definitely super-spreaders, right?

Must be a new variant with no symptoms, but it’s highly contagious – clearly time for a hard lockdown and other panicky measures. Clearly, everyone needs 67 boosters or they’ll definitely maybe feel a bit off for a day or two.

December 11, 2021 8:16 am

Mater, apologies because I know the discussion has moved on but isn’t ‘have been’ used here past imperfect and therefore implying that the action is incomplete? Reading it, that’s how I understand it when I read it and I think Fowler would agree.

December 11, 2021 8:16 am

I linked this in the open thread but it’s relevant here too, particularly in terms of Nuremburg 2. With a result like this from injecting young people, they are now going after the even younger. Worse than criminal.

97.8 percent of vaxxed young patients suffering myocarditis received mRNA shot within 30 days, American Heart Association study finds

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 11, 2021 8:35 am

This from American Thinker, with some totally credible appeals to authority and to statistical probability:
If we, then, adjust our VEARS number for this variable, we will obtain the result of 140,616 (3,906 x 36). This would represent the number of Americans killed by the Covid vaccines in a period of fewer than 12 months starting in mid-December 2020 through November 26, 2021.

Please keep in mind that the above is a very conservative estimate, which we have arrived at by assuming a 20 percent causality link in reported death entries in the VAERS database and the underreporting factor of 36. This, however, is likely a gross understatement of the actual situation.

Using less conservative assumptions, many researchers have come up with a higher death toll. Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, and Mathew Crawford, for example, estimated in their paper that the vaccines have likely claimed 150,000 lives as of August 28, 2021.

If we use the underreporting factor of 100 (one hundred) advocated by David A. Kessler, Ronald Kostoff, and the Department of Health and Human Services we would arrive at the figure of 390,600 deaths attributable to the vaccines.

It is quite probable that these figures are closer to the actual vaccine death toll than the one we obtained based on our cautious assumptions.

Be that as it may, we can say with a considerable degree of confidence that based on the VAERS figures, it is very likely that the Covid vaccines have killed or directly contributed to the deaths of at least 140,000 Americans.

By claiming the lives of so many people in such a short time, the Covid vaccines are the deadliest pharmaceuticals ever released into wide circulation.

Read it all.

December 11, 2021 8:36 am


That’s more than a nit.

“However as there are limited safety data”

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2021 8:56 am

December 11, 2021 at 8:02 am
Great news for the class action industry (otherwise known as the Labor lawyers benevolent fund): the Australian government lying about the status of the experimental vaccines it is trying to force on the public is a made-to-order multi-billion-dollar legal payout just waiting to happen – financed by the mugs who are silly enough to pay taxes.

At this point, it would be well worth it if it discredits the “vaccines” and thereby causes the whole narrative to collapse. Hard to imagine, but we might even get our lives back.

If all of the decisions had been taken at Commonwealth (Coalition administration) level, the cases would already be before the courts. The involvement of TaliDan, PalaceChook, McClown and Gunner have complicated the process.

Angus Black
Angus Black
December 11, 2021 8:58 am

@bemused said:

I thought that Australia simply relied on what the US claimed and did no testing of their own

That’s true, but not acknowledged, so Australia defers, delays, runs in circles screams and shouts, then does what the USA said.

Mark M
Mark M
December 11, 2021 9:00 am

1986 and Frank Zappa could be talking about the China virus …

December 11, 2021 9:03 am

Nuremberg 2.0 List?

Mine’s several pages long and counting.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 11, 2021 9:10 am

Update, need a photo of the little vials with “Emergency Use Authorization” in small type.

December 11, 2021 9:14 am

And ‘the list’ is singular so it should of course have been ‘has not yet been completed’. Ah, grammar, not something much studied these days.
Not what the thread is about, I know. Back in my box.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 11, 2021 9:15 am

Now they are coming for our kids with a yet-to-be fully approved vaccine.
A jab that is currently said to be optional, yet will become mandatory quicker than Morro can hold a photo op with kids.
Given the recent success of the nudge units in all governments, they will use incremental behavioural change strategies again. The mandatory nature will not be an official edict, but rather a series of increasingly offical-sounding statements from education departments and school principals that infer the jab is a must-have.
Widespread government advertising in the MSM will spread the same message.
Guilt will be leveraged. Grandma and Grandpa will be highly at risk from the kids.

No need for an Act of Parliament. The Goebbelsisation of our society is sufficient.

December 11, 2021 9:15 am

More nit picking.
‘has been’ tested is present tense . Present perfect.
The testing has finished – but only to date.
All rat-cunning and no wisdom, for the schemers can say that the vaccine – which has been tested and approved – will continue to be tested because that’s the kind of scientists they are, cautious, rigorously methodical.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 11, 2021 9:22 am

Ah, grammar, not something much studied these days.

Which brings me to the fascinating debate about data. Singular or plural?
Whatever the correct answer is, just thinking it through takes my mind momentarily off the heinous crimes being perpetrated on us by our “betters”.
So rather than getting back in your box, keep up the good work of giving us a temporary respite from wall to wall black thoughts.

Mark M
Mark M
December 11, 2021 9:34 am

Mel Brooks, 95 yo, interview highlights: On being a happy kid …

“When I’m asked what was the happiest time of your life?

Was it marrying Anne Bancroft?
Was it winning the Academy award?

I cut them off and say I was the happiest – and to this day, probably the happiest in my life – from 5 years old to 9.

Those four years were blessed with running, Johnny-on-the-pony, kick the can … playing with my gang in the streets and just being free and careless and reckless and just a happy, happy child.”

>> Not a happy time for any more for 5 year olds to remember in later years.

Even more so when they realise the insanity of the tripled jabbed injecting the failed medicine into 5 yo to protect the triple jabbed after their jabs failed.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 11, 2021 9:40 am

Yeats really nailed it.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 11, 2021 9:46 am

I thought that Australia simply relied on what the US claimed and did no testing of their own

The CSIRO has been involved in testing. They assessed potential vaccines in the early stages and also looked at the differences between intra-muscular injection and innovative approaches like a nasal spray.
I assume their results form part of the TGA decision making process.

December 11, 2021 9:59 am

A useful lie is better than a harmful truth.

(With apologies to Thomas Mann.)

That seems to be the ethical position our government has adopted.

December 11, 2021 10:06 am

interestingly.. a search on the TGA website for provisionally approved drugs only reveals results back to 2018, and they seem to be cancer treatments (ie: you’re dying – why don’t we try this new shit), Covid vaccines, or Covid treatments.

December 11, 2021 10:07 am

.. and I will note some were withdrawn during or after their provisional period..

Angus Black
Angus Black
December 11, 2021 11:39 am

but isn’t ‘have been’ used here past imperfect and therefore implying that the action is incomplete?

Not one part of that advert gives me the impression that testing is still underway.
It certainly wouldn’t for the average Joe.

You were right, Mater. In fact, “have been” indicates past perfect passive, implying a completed action. Not wanting to be a grammar-nazi…but an opportunity is an opportunity and must be grasped…

Angus Black
Angus Black
December 11, 2021 11:42 am

“Was being” is the equivalent imperfect passive.

Just saying.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 11, 2021 11:56 am

Nobody the Grammar war wins.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 11, 2021 11:58 am

Apart from that.
We seem to live in bizzaro world now.
Lies are truth. Death is health. Chains are freedom.
On I could go but the picture you get.

December 11, 2021 12:20 pm

We seem to live in bizzaro world now.

Risk the future lives of children to protect octogenarians.

December 11, 2021 12:32 pm

Investigative msm journalism is dead. Anybody can go to tga vaccine approval and see what is printed there is total bollocks.
Pointed this out on another thread.
It’s called propaganda.

Old bloke
Old bloke
December 11, 2021 12:42 pm

Anchor What says:
December 11, 2021 at 8:35 am

The VAERS system is jointly managed by the CDC and the FDA. The Americans have the same reporting problem we have in Australia with our TGA.

That problem is the organisations which are actively spruiking these pharmaceuticals are the same organisations which are responsible to register adverse reactions. I don’t think that it’s coincidental that these organisations make it very difficult and time consuming to report adverse events.

December 11, 2021 1:16 pm

injecting the failed medicine into 5 yo to protect the triple jabbed after their jabs failed.

The only question is this:
Are they irredeemably evil or abysmally stupid?
In other words, did they always intend to inject this shit into children, or were they taken by surprise when their colossally stupid plan to vaccinate out of a pandemic failed?

December 11, 2021 1:20 pm

Oh and by the way: fantastic thread on the tiny intricacies of grammar Mater.
Of course, if you had intended to host a thread on vaccine approval, you should have followed my advice to you and DB and started out by harshly culling comments weeks ago.

December 11, 2021 1:22 pm

It astounds me how I’m almost always proved right. Like a prophet or a minor deity or something.
I’m definitely plugged into the cosmos. Geese, I’m good.

December 11, 2021 1:27 pm

Because grammar is fun.
‘Have been approved’ indicates that the action
1. Takes place in present time ;
2. Has reached a completed state.
‘Have been approved’ is Present Perfect Tense, Indicative Mood of the Passive Voice.
The vaccines have been approved but more approval is on the way, just in case.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
December 11, 2021 2:00 pm

Grammar. A rose is still a rose by any other name, so too a round fired at you, and so too this bloody vaccine that isn’t.

December 11, 2021 2:44 pm

fact checking .. hmmm

meta/fb has defended itself in a defamation case by claiming their fact checking is “opinion” and not factual, after making some very harsh statements about what an individual said about climate change and thus is not defamatory

So, in a court of law, in a legal filing, Facebook admits that its ‘fact checks’ are not really ‘fact’ checks at all, but merely ‘opinion assertions.’

all the fact checking by their ABC and all the other media organisations is the same

what can you believe these days?

not much .. what concerns me is how many people are not skeptical at all of the msm or government

December 11, 2021 2:56 pm

Re the role of the CSIRO in testing of vaccines, nasal sprays et al for the TGA:

Sharri Markson’s revelation that various Chinese scientists involved in bat virus research were squired around our labs has forever poisoned my view of our “august” CSIRO. Ditto re warped view of CSIRO on global warming.

Why would we be excited about their “testing” of vaccines?

December 11, 2021 3:00 pm

Are they irredeemably evil or abysmally stupid?

I plumb for irredeemably evil. They were well aware before the original wide rollout that these vaccines had the highest death/injury rate of any vaccine in history. Then they rolled it out, with the expected adverse events, and kept pushing it and mandating it and now it’s the turn of 5 year olds.

“Irredeemably evil” hardly covers it.

December 11, 2021 3:21 pm

Ditto re warped view of CSIRO on global warming.

Over 10 years ago now, I worked on some projects that were being conducted on our behalf by CSIRO and met some of the rabid climate worriers. These people are true believers and no evidence to the contrary would sway them. I had debates with some of them about climate change and their feelings were quite clear. They also had difficulties with the denier who was paying for their employment.

The CSIRO of today is a mere shadow of what it was in its heyday. What is worse about CSIRO is that none of the departments speak to each other or transfer knowledge amongst each other. There is this almighty drive for grants and with knowledge comes power and more grants. So everything is kept close to the chest by each department for fear of weakening their grant seeking power.

I’m very glad that I didn’t work at CSIRO.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2021 3:35 pm


There is this almighty drive for grants and with knowledge comes power and more grants. So everything is kept close to the chest by each department for fear of weakening their grant seeking power.

Ike’s comment about the government/science complex is looking at least as prescient as his comment about the military industrial complex, which is also a plague on society today.

December 11, 2021 3:44 pm

Ike’s comment about the government/science complex is looking at least as prescient as his comment about the military industrial complex, which is also a plague on society today.

The comment is quite on point.

December 11, 2021 6:08 pm

I sometimes feel I am in a ground hog day with a twist.

Every day I think the world has reached peak stupid, only to wake up the next day and find the world has really reached peak stupid only to wake up the next day and find the world has really really reached peak stupid …

Peak stupid is an unattainable goal that can only be strived at, like trying to catch the wave of who is the wokest, most awareist – every day it is some new thing, that I really do think we are at the stage of having land rights for gay whales – a joke all those years ago but now frighteningly possibly real.

We must be in a twilight South Park Episode.

December 11, 2021 6:08 pm

What exactly is the problem? Kids spend months of their lives sick.

December 11, 2021 7:41 pm

Name names. It might be useful to have named those vaccines which have in fact been tested (!) just in case there have been vaccines which were tested (!) but not approved.

December 11, 2021 10:59 pm


What are the new risks of vaccination?

Anyone reading the new Pfizer adverse event report compilation will be staggered. The sheer density of the technical medical terms and disease names are nevertheless broken down into recognisable and serious categories of illness—kidney failure, stroke, cardiac events, pregnancy complications, inflammation, neurological disease, autoimmune failure, paralysis, liver failure, blood disorders, skin disease, musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, respiratory disease, DVT, blood clots, vascular disease, haemorrhage, loss of sight, Bell’s palsy, and epilepsy.

How has this affected New Zealand?


The NZ government agreed commercial terms with a single company for vaccine supply. It is possible that vital information was withheld. The public was kept in ignorance of known risks. This has divided our society and undermined our fundamental Kiwi tolerance on the basis of not only incomplete but misleading safety data. The government is asleep at the wheel. Knowing full well that safety trials were incomplete, the government apparently accepted information supplied by multinational commercial interests at face value. This should be a ‘never again’ moment. There are huge lessons to be learned and an apology owed to the whole population. The provisions of the NZ BIll of Rights should be given constitutional status. The vaccine mandates should be withdrawn and those affected by them compensated. The proposed vaccination of 5 -11 year olds should be stopped.

December 12, 2021 12:03 am

To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi, “we have to take the vaccine to find out what’s in the vaccine”.

December 12, 2021 7:56 am

COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,189 studies

Analysis of 30 COVID-19 early treatments, and database of 248 other potential treatments. 68 countries have approved early treatments. Treatments do not replace vaccines and other measures. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Elimination is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all variants. Denying efficacy increases the risk of COVID-19 becoming endemic; and increases mortality, morbidity, and collateral damage.

All studies combined (pooled effects, all stages) – Dec 11, 2021

  1. Raising immunity? You have been exposing yourself to low doses of radiation and fallout by eating servo sausage rolls?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x