Kids in the jabbing line

Where is the outrage? There’s a bit here and bit here from me. But I mean thundering denunciations in the popular press.

Vaccinating children aged 5 years and older is an infamy.  But why will they stop there, when there are infants to jab. And, how long will it be before they start separating the vaxxed from the unvaxxed in classrooms? Doubt it? Think of Daniel Andrew’s Victoria, Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Queensland and Mark McGowan’s WA. I wouldn’t dismiss the possibility.

To realise the benefits of injecting kids, ATAGI (the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) claims that “a large proportion of the 5-11 year age group would need to be vaccinated.”  So, you see, it’s a public duty for parents to have their young healthy children, who face no material risk from the virus, injected with an experimental substance. Otherwise, they’re putting others at risk.

Of course, the powers that be insist the vaccine is proven. But consider this from ATAGI (8 December 2021):

  • “This approval is based on the results of a recent clinical trial…” You got it! One recent trial.
  • On the risk of myocarditis, we are told that, “the clinical trial was insufficiently powered to assess.”
  • “The risk of myocarditis or pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5-11 years is not yet known…”
  • “Vaccine effectiveness data from real world experience are not yet available for children 5-11 years but are expected in coming months.”
  • “Clinical trials were conducted prior to the emergence of the Omicron variant and the results reflect efficacy against older strains of SARS-COV-2.”

Thankfully for me, it’s parents rather than grandparents who need make the decision. But notice who doesn’t decide. It’s not a decision any child can make. They’re voiceless.  They can’t give consent, informed or uninformed. They are as capable of deciding to forego the jab as are guinea pigs.

Evil is afoot. To wit, “reduced transmission of SARS CoV-2 among children may lead to lower SARS-CoV-2 incidence in all age groups…reducing COVID-19 hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths in the overall population.” When did it become morally right in Australia for children to be put at risk to protect the lives of the old and sickly?

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Boambee John
Boambee John
December 13, 2021 3:54 pm

When did it become morally right in Australia for children to be put at risk to protect the lives of the old and sickly?


WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
December 13, 2021 4:04 pm

Boambee John says:
December 13, 2021 at 3:54 pm
When did it become morally right in Australia for children to be put at risk to protect the lives of the old and sickly?


Seconded ! ! !

It’s an abomination.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
December 13, 2021 4:07 pm

I walked past the office of a charity today called “Save the Children”. I felt like going back with a spray can and adding “from experimental drugs”.
Despite the name, I expect those in charge of such establishment will be cheering on the mass injection of the defenceless. They certainly won’t be “saving the children”.

December 13, 2021 4:33 pm

When did it become morally right in Australia for children to be put at risk to protect the lives of the old and sickly?

The hepatitis b vaccine is given to babies because junkies didn’t want it.

The pertussis and diphtheria vaccines aren’t even capable (assuming you believe the medical dogma) of preventing transmission.

Chickenpox vaccine is given to babies because old people don’t want to get shingles.

Vaccine “science” has been incoherent since the beginning. It’s been *mostly* compartmentalized to babies for decades and nobody cares about the observations of new parents.

I desperately tried to get libertarians on side since 20 years ago, knowing that civilization depended on it, but because the fight would have been hard libertarians found feeble ways to rationalize why bodily autonomy was less important than slightly lower taxes – “because polio!!!”

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 13, 2021 4:51 pm

Peter, a thousand thank yous for your unrelenting campaign against this madness. Unfortunately, the majority of pollies on this country (no longer a nation) don’t give a rats about rational thinking, as they have a different agenda. Scum is a complimentary term for these POS.

December 13, 2021 5:06 pm

Just a question:
Can any political party win election (anywhere in the world) while being against
(or simply being not in not “love” with) *ig Pharma?

December 13, 2021 5:12 pm

It’s NEVER been morally right to even contemplate doing this. The people doing this,condoning it are insane. They must be held accountable. I find it inconceivable that it’s happening.

December 13, 2021 5:23 pm

For the WW2 buffs! a very good 1959 German made version of STALINGRAD .. for its age a great mixing of real footage into the acting sequence(s) makes a very good, no nonsense, movie except for a 5 minute section towards the end where the writer couldn’t help himself and throws in a totally, improbable scenario!
The full title doesn’t do itself any favours either but still an excellent telling of the Battle ot Stalingrad
Probably, not on any of the streamers, given its age, tho .. I downloaded it (with sub-titles)

December 13, 2021 5:24 pm

Sorry stuck a movie review on the wrong thread .. duuuuuuuh!

December 13, 2021 5:38 pm

They’ve had 19 months to get the hospital system up to scratch to handle a real outbreak of covid.

December 13, 2021 6:12 pm

I received a Scott, Greg and Paul ego/vaxx booster letter in the mail today. Total self serving, delusional BS.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 13, 2021 6:59 pm

Peter, thanks for link to ATAGAI.
Lots of information there to pass on to my son who will vaxx his 2 boys (6 and 9) in January.
I’m against it, he and his wife are all for it.
Difficult times.

December 13, 2021 7:14 pm

By getting to the kids, they can control the less compliant adults.

Chris M
Chris M
December 13, 2021 8:16 pm

When did it become morally right in Australia for children to be put at risk to protect the lives of the old and sickly?

Maybe back when it became acceptable to abort them to assist the lifestyle of the parents?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 13, 2021 8:40 pm

I desperately tried to get libertarians on side since 20 years ago, knowing that civilization depended on it,

And you failed, Chad Thunderbrain, because most people do not appreciate being told that disease is merely personal weakness by an arrogant and ignorant squit who then resorts to calling them imbeciles when they start to challenge said ignorant, arrogant squit’s unfounded and fact-free assertions. Much like the bullshit you spouted above about babies being victims of those debbil-debbil vaccinistas you so mindlessly hate.

Go sit in a crowded train. It will be less traumatic to you than your preening about how wrong everyone else is.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 13, 2021 8:41 pm

Oops, missed a bit:

Go sit in a crowded train. It will be less traumatic to you than your preening about how wrong everyone else is,

…Only to get called out on your bullshit again.

December 13, 2021 9:09 pm

Dr Tenpenny?
Look I’m completely unkeen on vaccines for children but parents like Monty were quite keen, and being a respecter of parental rights they should be allowed to make that decision.

December 13, 2021 10:25 pm

parents like Monty were quite keen, and being a respecter of parental rights they should be allowed to make that decision.

The vaccines are not appropriate for children at this stage.

December 13, 2021 10:27 pm

I’m still blown away that they allowed these vaxxes for anyone under twenty.

December 13, 2021 10:27 pm

From eugyppius-
The most dangerous thing to do, at this point, would be to vaccinate children. The virus is not a threat to them, and if they are infected by the new forms of SARS-2 that are sure to emerge every winter, we will begin to establish – through them and the as yet unvaccinated – the layered immunity that is the only way of coming to terms with SARS-2 in the longer term.
As long as the vaccinators are permitted to continue their radical and increasingly insane campaign, though, nothing will improve. Indeed, their policies threaten to bring about a semi-permanent pandemic state for generations to come.

December 13, 2021 10:31 pm

I’m livid, I have three girls with the eldest starting high school next year.

I’m not in a position to put them through private school but no matter, I’m fully expecting our governments state and federal to make it a condition of entry. What shits me is the biggest promoters of “boosters” is fucking Scomo and Hunt. I live in SA and Marshall is no better.

I had to get the vaccine for work and I hate myself for it, ended up with AZ as I couldn’t give a fuck, just wanted it done. Now they are after the kids and making no secret of it. Where will it end?

December 13, 2021 11:23 pm

A 12 year old girl in America participated in trials for the Pfizer Vaccine.
This is Maddie de Garay’s story. Duration is 12 minutes.
It should make everyones blood boil.

John A
John A
December 13, 2021 11:44 pm

But I mean thundering denunciations in the popular press.

You ARE joking, are you not?

How would this (in)correct kind of commentary ever appear in our propaganda rags?

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 14, 2021 2:20 am

Poor kids.

December 14, 2021 4:15 am

I wonder though how many parents really rationalise child jabbing. I’ll bet if their kids end up with something like asthma, the fools will breathe a figurative sigh of relief. Little do they realise what an impairment even milder forms thereof can be. Drugs twice a day, every day, the rest of your life. What that budesonide stuff at full price used to cost when released onto the market a number of decades ago. What a money spinner it has been for the AZ trade name and previous licencee(s) in particular taking advantage of public health systems.

It is not hard to see why sociopaths skilled only in business/ economics, born into relative privilege or having gone to great effort to escape the antithesis thereof, are keen to maim for life the nameless mass of children that they’ll never meet . Reducing those lives to mere numbers in a compounding and later constant, long term component of a profit margin. Who gives a shit right? Can always get or import some more children.

December 14, 2021 6:44 am

“reduced transmission of SARS CoV-2 among children


lead to lower SARS-CoV-2 incidence in all age groups…reducing COVID-19 hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths in the overall population.”

Yep, that’s good enough evidence to injure and kill children.

The whole perceived problem of ‘hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths in the overall population’ would have been easily avoided with treatments such as ivermectin. That is, using the cheap, highly effective, drugs with virtually no side effects, which were banned.

All the TGA bureaucrats, the supporting medical bodies, the responsible federal and state level ministers need to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

December 14, 2021 8:02 am

All the TGA bureaucrats, the supporting medical bodies, the responsible federal and state level ministers need to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
Trial, found guilty and then executed.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
December 14, 2021 8:07 am

“America’s sweetheart, Dr. Fauci, would like to divide families this holiday season by urging people to ensure their relatives and friends are vaccinated. Fauci said only vaccinated groups should gather so that “vaccinated people can feel comfortable.” So tell your grandfather with the pacemaker to stay home alone this Christmas. Perhaps tell your cousin not to bring her unvaccinated baby too. “That’s the reason why people should, if they invite people over their home, essentially ask and maybe require that people show evidence that they are vaccinated,” Dr. Fauci actually said out loud.

This is exactly what the Stasi did in former East Germany until the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) was abolished in March 1990. The Stasi encouraged people to spy on neighbors, friends, and relatives. Children were expected to turn their parents into the state. Under their premise, your loyalty should stand with the state first and foremost.

Snowden’s leak stated that today’s NSA can compile 5 billion mobile records per day, and 42 billion internet records per month. The FBI recently released a document stating they can hack into iMessage and WhatsApp within 15 minutes. The advancement in technology has paved the way for a police state to control the public far beyond anything the Stasi pulled. The government is not your family.”

(Whatever this is about, it is NOT about health.)

December 14, 2021 8:10 am

Hempen Collars or Piano Wire ..? decisions ..decisions ..!!

December 14, 2021 11:51 am

“a large proportion of the 5-11 year age group would need to be vaccinated.”

BEFORE this happens, the following MUST be implemented:
1) ALL representatives (federal, state and local) and ALL the Departments employees MUST be vaxxed;
2) ALL their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren MUST be vaxxed;
3) If this is an insufficient number for a trial, recruit ONLY relatives (direct and in-law) of that group;
4) after a 2 year trial of these individuals has completed and been assessed, THEN and ONLY THEN can you talk about implementing ANY vax mandate – adults or kids.

If it’s “safe” and “effective”, put your money where your mouth is, and test it on your own family first. If such a mandate is “intolerable” for these people, it is most certainly intolerable for the rest of us!

Old bloke
Old bloke
December 14, 2021 1:15 pm

Fourth trimester abortion policy.

December 14, 2021 3:02 pm

I still think this will be the hill they die on. A lot have been coerced into vaccines and many more have reservations about forcing them on kids.

On a side note a lot of fertile ground if PUP & minor parties like PHON start really agitating. Children invoke strong emotions. Also mate in Cairns was telling me PUP is already buying up billboards in Kennedy and there was a protest outside Sheridan Plazza that was attracting a lot of honks…

December 15, 2021 3:48 pm

“On a side note a lot of fertile ground if PUP & minor parties like PHON start really agitating.”

I watch a fair bit of ewwwtube, and am seeing a lot of UAP ads. Might be a very smart move.

December 18, 2021 6:12 am

Our arrogant and stupid politicians and bureaucrats have lost their fucking minds.

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  2. We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…

  3. True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x