Monty said: The court did not find that she is not a Nazi. It found that Pesutto defamed her because…
Monty said: The court did not find that she is not a Nazi. It found that Pesutto defamed her because…
@WCdispatch_ BREAKING: Newly Confirmed Secretary of Education, Linda McMahon, within minutes of being confirmed launches “Final Mission” of the Department…
The price you pay for making people think. It’s hurties.
Bern In reality, Europe has always been a hotbed of instability. About the only time it was stable was for…
QE II rightly engendered respect, and for Brits, love. But her blind spot was her first born. She cossetted him,…
Feel poorer – at least relatively so.
The aussie just broke/ fell through 70 cents like a knife through butter.
You’re confused MT.
It is ussr who is seeing pedos under every Dominos.
Two things can be true at once:
1) a disproportionate amount of the world’s richest and most powerful people have an interest in using children for various malignant purposes
2) a disproportionate amount of the world’s most delusional people claim to see paedophilia everywhere and compete with each other to hate on kiddyfiddling the hardest
Me too. There are not too many products that I can make a personal stand against. Gillette made it easy for me.
A Somali bride and groom, even.
Yes, it is. And most people think that it is, which is why dedicated police men and women chase up these awful people to bring them to justice and the children they abuse to some sort of peace. There is no need to obsess endlessly about this like ssr with insane conspiracy theories, just recognise it happens as an evil part of human nature and deal with it as a civilised society must.
True, but it would be interesting how USSR would negotiate this curve. Pell epitomizes someone holding a very influential and elite position in society. Under the USSR pedo theory, Pell is part of this cabal and therefore guilty.
How could it not be otherwise?
Wesfarmers is probably Perth’s sole remaining major corporate (excluding miners and oil & gas). Great work Sneakers. Reckon they’ll be back?
you dig that tunnel with your own mouth did you?
Wolf Alice chickie is a Corbynista.
Shut her down?
Fire her?
I went ex-Giillette well before. I was fucking sick of buying a smallish pack of their razors for around 40 bucks around 15 years ago. The scumbags’ gouging was the single reason why Schick razors made a come back. Dudes were sick and tired of getting ripped off by these aresholes.
I’ll bet good money they won’t – does that mean they’ll change the name to Easfarmers?
State of play at Pedro’s pub.
1. Mask on to go to the bar.
2. Wave phone at QR thing.
3. Wait for satisfying “ding”.
4. Order beer, mumbling through face nappy.
5. Carry beer into beer garden, remove face nappy, drink beer.
6. Mask on, order dinner.
7. Mask off, eat dinner.
8. Half way through dinner, two plod in full battle armour walk in.
9. Plod lecture group that its OK not to wear face nappy if eating, warn against drink driving.
10. Plod depart.
11. Pedro and dinner companions launch into tirade about CHOs and power drunk pollies.
12. Depart pub.
13. Perth Scorchers win BBL, good cheer returns.
‘very influential and elite’
Depending on who’s taking, engineers are also influential and elite.
One of the hundreds of Chermans pinched for fiddling was an engineer. Therefore, all engineers are fiddlers and use their influence for this purpose.
rrsrss logic in a nutshell.
Can a learned person inform me if they had Hawkens rifles in 1810?
Something about this movie seems anachronistic.
I am loath to call it but I see we might have hit peak Groogs.
*who’s talking*
Hairy uses an electric shaver because he’s on blood thinners, so we made our stand on Colgates toothpaste. He has religiously kept to the ban, using mostly Sensodine. That’s for sensitive teeth, I tell him, and yours are impervious to pain, you never even have a needle at the dentists; but once he gets a brand he sticks to it. I gave way when Colgate Total Extra White seduced me with its promises.
*confession* I hide it away like JC’s fags whenever Cassie comes to visit.
If they start having coffees with Sydney merchant bankers – short them.
If they float they are a pedo.
If they sink they are not.
Why do you complicate things?
First developed and fielded in 1823, Sir.
Yez Knuckle.
USSR is exhibit A about how negative the internet can be for some people. She needs to go back to the kitchen and start some new recipes.
Yes, it is. And most people think that it is, which is why dedicated police men and women chase up these awful people to bring them to justice and the children they abuse to some sort of peace
Except in the UK and the “grooming” gangs.
I switched to Aldi razors when I don’t use the cutthroats.
Haven’t looked back.
Yea, because WA I-bankers are so good they’re advisors the world over.
Good point JC
I’m pretty sure, some time in the past, there was promotion of sites claiming Pope Benedict and Saint Pope John Paul II were part of these cabals.
You know, USSR and Faulty would get on like a house of fire. Faulty’s very influential newsletter in the 80s was also on about a global pedo cabal. Faulty was suggesting George Bush snr was a ringleader of this global group of pedos in very high places.
Three days ago I locked in the fert for this year.
Still have canola to sell, so bit of a win/win. Relatively speaking.
If they hadn’t been brought to justice, belatedly though it may have been, you still wouldn’t know about them.
I wasn’t talking about the heel draggers.
With the cutthroats don’t look down either.
You might never look back up.
On a serious note , do you recall the old R&I bank? We used to trade with them.
Good luck with that in at least the short to medium.
It’s demonstrable that many people are all too keen to get the vax and show the tick in order to “get back to normal”.
Huh, Bush, is Fertilizer also quoted to users in US Dolls?
New thread.
You guys are invited to check it out.
No abuse on their or talk of women in jism.
Funny how the rooftop signage on just about every prominent Perth skyscraper that isn’t a mining company, is a Chinese bank.
Five people in the Cathedral having only have half a face. True?
If true, that would be most encouraging, as I say, for then the renegades, including yourself making up the fifth , might then be of the same substance as would decline the booster shot. But do tell.
And a shoutout to Rex.
Better book that 2023 cruise under sail on current price I yell down the hallway to Hairy.
Ozzie’s just fallen below seventy. But don’t go the $35k pp stateroom. As if.
He calls back it can wait for another day. Tonight he’s busy with the Doomsday Book online.
Enthused by natural son of King Henry 1. Checking up on him.
Yep, he definitely did own the old family manor in the eleventh century.
Dear Franx.
I said none were wearing masks except during the distribution of holy Communion, not that it makes any difference to me, I’m not going to allow a triviality like a mask distract.
I suspect the reason might be social distancing is not possible at that point.
What that had to do with boosters I don’t know.
Though I’m kind of guessing that people who identify as vulnerable to covid are going to get boosters because it’s the sensible thing to do.
I know it’s the next big line in the sand for those who think this is merely a political issue.
I can’t believe that people can go through this ridiculous charade and still believe masks can stop the ‘rona. It does my head in.
Or do you think there were more than five people in the cathedral?
No, that was all of us plus the celebrant and two other priests.
Not finance whizz but that sounds somehow wrong?
Anyone seeing a funny ad for Married at First Sight on 9?
There’s a scene where a dude , with a serious look on his face says
Yeah got swallowed by the Commonwealth a while back. There were a few ructions as the new owners did a bit of housekeeping and suggested a few customers needed to look elsewhere. Probably old news now.
About immigrants.
I had an Ethiopian man in the cbd on site trying to fix a leak in a complex – long story.
But the fellow is an orthodox Christian , something if a political person, who was tortured in Ethiopia for having had alternative political opinions. He is now in Australia a long distance runner. He was fasting yesterday on a stinking hot day on the steaming hot terrace mending the water ingress, etc. Today he tried his best also to work things out about the source of the leak.
Things are very complicated. He likes Australia very much. Yet his 70 year old mother is not interested in Australia as there is no social network. She goes to church daily in Ethiopia, and has a friendship network despite the political oppressions. Not possible in Australia. People do not always want to come here. The man himself lives in Tarneit yet does not know his next door neighbour. He is here in the hope that his children will be educated without being shot dead for their political beliefs. I find it difficult to balance the realities of cultural wealth with that of economic and political and personal security. I seriously wonder.
And rosie,
was I mistaken in understanding that you had said that, really, all five of the congregants in the cathedral did not have half a face, that is, were NOT wearing masks , during Mass?
Do tell if otherwise.
(Just in case you think it that ‘ during’ Mass is distinct form lining up to receive holy communion when half a face will not permit receiving the body and the blood of the one crucified – no, having a face is having what Levinas calls the face which says ‘ thou shalt not kill’. )
Doing away with the face is doing away with the commandment. That commandment is in the face of teh other.
Donald Trump Stops World War III: Did His Message to Putin Make Him More Re-electable?
Bill Whittle
3 minutes ago
Oh come on says: January 28, 2022 at 11:28 pm
10-15% ? It is one helluva lot more than that.
In mighty Qld, a state that [supposedly] has the living daylights vaccinated out of it, the number is more like anything from 25-75%