Macquarie Uni was established in 1964 at great expense no doubt- what net benefit has to brought to Australia? I…
Macquarie Uni was established in 1964 at great expense no doubt- what net benefit has to brought to Australia? I…
Following NZ’s lead and cutting all government grants to university arts faculties would be a good place to begin, Peter…
Roger February 1, 2025 11:54 am Anti-Israel scholar’s $870k grant probedThe Australian Research Council has flagged ‘significant concerns’ about the…
Meta (FB) is moving its incorporation from Delaware to Texas. Considering Zuck’s golden share(s) and considering how Delaware judges don’t…
There a lot of nether-region difference between a trannies and a real live woman. Also, sex differences exist in the…
Student, 19, freezes his nipples off after emptying two cans of Lynx on them
One day in his school changing rooms, the student, who asked not to be named, was challenged to empty two full cans of Lynx onto his nipples before a friend flicked them off
A student lost his nipples after freezing them with two cans of Lynx for a dare before his mate flicked them off.
The teenager, who attends the University of Liverpool and asked not to be named, was challenged to empty two full cans of deodorant onto his nipples.
Despite saying that he’d do it again, the teen concedes that “it was stupid,” adding: “Now I’ve got no nipples.”
This level of dumbness is achievable through private or state schools. 😉
What a ridiculous pompous twat he is.
He is a talking head on a morning TV chat show – timed for an audience still shaking off sleep and caffeine is languidly making its way along their blood vessels to take up position for another day of uninspired hard slog.
His job is to serve as a limp foil to the various women on the show. But he mistakes himself for some colossus of sorts.
When his job is scrunched up in a ball and tossed into a bin he will discover all his conceits of financial wizardry and dialectical supremacy actually come to nothing.
It is the worst prognosis you can make of the hollow shells that rattle like children’s toys on commercial TV, but I think he will not even be offered a gig for his autumn years on the ABC.
Father dies after explosive vest detonates in Melbourne
Tragically died?
What, as in ‘tragically died’ trying to save a drowning kitten?
Perhaps it’s just me, but it’s never tragic when some fucker wearing an explosive vest ‘own goals’.
People who got the jab solely to feed their family feel like they’ve been raped (because they have). With a couple of exceptions, the Libs either did the raping or patted the rapists on the back.
Right of centre voters aren’t going to forget this. Ever. We’re not leftists who love being abused and violated. The Lib party will get more votes this election than UAP etc but in the long term they’re doomed.
Nothing like my brother, still funny though.
You could put ‘conservative’ and find similarities.
Debris. The new word for body parts.
I wonder where he was going. And who his victims (other than himself) were. It will become a little clearer once the name is released, but I have my suspicions.
Perhaps he was simply low on carbs.
Excellent point re the non-role here of the ABC and SBS, Crossie.
A dedicated half hour for relaying of essential communications in Chinese should be instituted.
And not paid for. We taxpayers pay for it already.
Some governmental communication in Chinese on other social media sites could also help.
Ideally, people should speak English, but we don’t live in ‘ideal’. Many immigrant communities don’t change language until the second or even third generation.
Given what we-chat has done to our PM, we should perhaps block it in Australia as simply a Chinese attempt at infiltrating for control? I don’t personally like to block things and many Chinese rely on it for communicating with rellies in China, but it does seem to be a fifth column here at the moment.
Anyone driving his car while wearing an explosive vest is a terrorist looking for a target.
Better than ‘the products of conception’
Anyone driving his car while wearing an explosive vest is a terrorist looking for a target.
again I ask, why are such people even in Australia? Why do the canbra pubes allow them in? Duty of care sort of thing.
lol, Calli. I don’t do the carb-free diet though my eldest son swears by it. But Hairy and I did decide to cut out some of the more cuttable-out carbs recently, as part of a Covid-kilos campaign.
Then last nite we finished off the yummy white chocolate cake, frozen leftovers from a dinner on Friday nite, and covered it with some of the left-over half litre of cream. Totally sinful. Will power=0
You just cannot have this stuff in the house or in the freezer.
The rooftop satellite dish made SBS redundant at least two decades ago.
It doesn’t even rate with me.
Elite private schools are the greater purveyors of woke Marxist filth.
Home. School.
And digital media has done the same for the ABC.
He’s just a sovereign citizen tax resister.
greater –> greatest
Car detailers in Hampton are not answering their phones today.
I saw one of the teachers’ photo at the DM. Wearing a T-shirt with a big rainbow flag and with other gender activism paraphernalia, and immediately thought “What would happen if she wore a crucifix at the school?”
In fact there is no knowing if the photo was of what she wears at school – I just assumed that. But you know I really have no doubt that she would be allowed to dress as a flag, and that she would be told she had to remove the cross.
I would also venture that neither she nor the other ambulant cetacean trying to scramble the brains of the 11-yo girl have any business or experience from which to talk about anything feminine. They look like the results of some archaic mode of art, where a core of wax is used to form a shape from metal and then the wax melted away to leave just the metal shape. So they may have decades ago been filled with female hormones and youth but they have long since been flushed away and the shape left allowed to fade, tarnished, warp, and likely sat on a few times.
Brilliant white mansions on boulevardes lined by soaring palm trees used to the image California conjured up.
Now it is those bloated behemoths steamrolling over childhoods because they can conceive of no calling nobler than stroking themselves.
Reminds me of the killer line in ‘Succession’, delivered by Roman to his sister Shiv’s crawlingly ambitious husband Tom: Nice puffer jacket you’re wearing. “Stuffed with your hopes and dreams?”
Says he was a former soldier. Didn’t say which side.
I really cannot see how you could call it tragic considering his vest killed only him. Why else would you wear one other than to take out a bunch of other people.
John Spooner is my favourite.
‘Perhaps he was just low on carbs.’
Anthony Albanese to use first election-year stump speech to pledge $440 million for school upgrades
Springtime for psychologists.
In Educational Deficit news, Their ABC rounds $440 million up to “almost half a billion dollars”.
Loyally climbing into the tank.
I think this guy means 1991.
Even the pre game entertainment?
*Especially the pre game entertainment*
Hardly ‘tragic’. I would have used the word ‘fortunate’ myself.
Basically two million cases in a month for Australia.
Hard to follow the logic of some people.
Spoke to a youngish family man yesterday who’s just back at work from a week of Covid. Sick in bed for four days after his young teen daughter caught a sniffle. His wife never tested positive nor his older teen son.
The bloke is a top sportsman and yet had the worst bout. He reckons he’s lucky he was double vaccinated or it would have been worse. The propaganda works.
Lol. Just caught the tail end of a Koch pontification before The Beloved hastily switched it off.
“Covid has peaked. It’s ending.” was the pronouncement.
Could have been true 6 months into 2020.
Except we have full retard totalitarian government.
I hear similar sentiments. Regarding the other side though, I know a few who I’d put as 50/50 that they’ll just clock anyone trying to hand out Labor how to vote cards to them.
The last two years have pulled the mask off, and even if they get it back on people noticed.
touching. That’s how you do a real tribute.. spray something on a wall.
Elite private schools are the greater purveyors of woke Marxist filth.
yes that has surprised me too but when you see that so many leftists were ejucaded at snotty nosed skools it’s hard to ignore. It suggests leftism is actually a hatred of the productive, artisan class.
20 or 30 years ago you could make an argument that the ALPBC had a legitimate role making TV of universal cultural appeal that would not have been made otherwise – Rush, Countdown and even Four Corners. I doubt anybody would even bother today.
The bloke is a top sportsman and yet had the worst bout. He reckons he’s lucky he was double vaccinated or it would have been worse. The propaganda works.
I despair at how fucking stupid people are. A fucking experimental medicine of dubious performance and manifold side effects saved your life?!
I hope she keeps on reminding the base that there are alternatives.
Where did they leave the car?
It has been hot since Saturday morning.
btw – it sounds just as likely that the dead soldier was what we may consider a ‘true blue aussie’ and not a m*slim terrorist. Could have been a depressive domestic dispute for all we know.
That part of it would be tragic.. that a bloke reached those depths.
What is fortunate is that he only took himself and not the ex / kids / public with him.
So calli, when does our reign of low carb terror begin?
I know a recent, reluctant jabee who used those exact words after he rolled up his sleeve when the SA govt nuked the Petrovski trial. He is even angrier now that the similar Novavax has got the tick.
Elite private schools are the greater purveyors of woke Marxist filth.
Eldest daughter went to MLC. Completely agree.
The Lying Slapper’s Building the Education Revolution didn’t last to long.
Was he headed for Parliament?
How ’bout dem radishes?
We have eschewed resilience for glorifying weakness.
There is nothing wrong with supporting people who need therapy.
Now unfortunately it has cache and we use it as a crutch.
I have seen people who have, out of carelessness, done things like put on mismatching socks. They just grab the wrong ones.
Perhaps this guy got dressed in the dark and grabbed the wrong jacket.
“Damn lights. Lemme see. This feels like my camouflage jacket with the balaclava, this feels like black dress and turban and scimitar, this is the ISIS flag, this is my dress for Friday prayers so I have covered the backdoor when I am headbutting the floor, this one…not sure. I think…must be my football jersey for daily shopping. Yeah. Must be. I will just put it on and grab the keys…”
With regard to ScoMo’s WeChat account, how is that the only way for him to communicate with Chinese-Australians?
It’s the only way to reach out to the embedded CCP operatives.
Here’s a clue, Amanda dear. Craig Kelly is sitting in a deck chair at the high tide mark of what the LNP in this country once stood for. It’s much, much too late to be ‘appealing’ to those who voted for you in the past. I have judged you and your appalling colleagues on your miserable performance since the creation of that political abortion, The National Cabinet, and found you not just lacking but infested with the very ideas and policy more suited to a party of left wing ideology.
The Prince and I are gone as LNP voters. We won’t be back.
The last two years have pulled the mask off, and even if they get it back on people noticed.
they sure did and I hope many people have noticed
Written on the front:
My brother went on Jihad, and Allah got was this damn vest.
Good at sport, thinking about other things not so good. Just like the highly educated, knows more and more about less and less. They seem to think that coz they know lots about one thing they know everything else.
I see some Thai bloke has discovered that Great Great Great Grandfathers haul of Chinese artefacts is actually a legit Ching Dynasty, hauled out of the country during one of the many upsets.
He’s returning them to the CCP. I’d be saying FU! Their presence in Thailand is a historical fact and a testament to the shitness of China!
Yes, it’s just this same overweening arrogance which has resulted in a worldwide, forcibly applied, medical experiment. Unfortunately, they are in a position to cause a great deal of damage before they meet their maker.
I had a haircut yesterday. Didn’t QR code and was asked if I had a mask.
No. How are you going to cut my hair with elastic around my ears and head?!
Haircut proceeded.
When I walked in dad was attempting to book his daughter in for a jab.
Hair dresser conversation was centred on the Little Blokes easy survival of COVID and the highly experimental nature of the COVID “vaccines”.
I hope they don’t do it to the poor kid.
rickw: just down Bakers Road, Xavier the same: welcomes to country, refos are the new Jesus, trans student in HSC, climate doom, social justice up the wazoo ……
Jesuits, of course so to be expected.
Look at how far things have come before the LNP finally realised, “Hey, maybe that ballot fodder that have been voting for us do matter.”
Like the first few rats on a ship looking out the porthole upon whom it dawns “You know, if the tide was rising we would be rising with it. I think there might be a problem…”
See: Stupid Australian Open. Players in the junior championship matches are now not getting another serve if the ball hits the net. That is, there are no ‘let’ balls, the receiver must play the let. Theoretically, but unlikely, it is possible for a player to serve four lets and win the game without any further play. It also incentivises young players to learn how to consistently serve a let.
See also: mercy rule in AFL junior footy.
The ancient Greeks knew a thing about virtue and stoicism. Life will always bring hardship and challenge. Better you learn how to live through, change or manage it than weaken the rules to protect your fragile little spirit.
And it’s the stupid adults making these decisions for their precious offspring.
Wait, what?
TenCent owns WeChat?
Good god. This is more embarrassing than the Canberra Raiders/fmr head of intel endorsing Huawei.
“Hi, yes, China here, do you have a based department?”
“Okay, we will attempt to control your government with “human factors”, have a nice day, comrade.”
The tree of the glorious people’s revolution must be refreshed all the time with the lifeblood of patriots and scapegoats.
Just totally and irredemiably misses the point.
Sad, really.
I’ve already gone down the anchor rope.
Here’s a link to the Splodey Man story.
The footage of the explosion is pretty good.
As loath as I am to continue the Dr Who thread this morning, I will say that Weeping Angels was the best small-screen offering in the globe since the 1990 Grand Final.
DR Who is a desiccated husk who exists to play foil to a series of ‘super magical girls‘.
Having an average of 2 decent episodes a year is not exactly covering themselves in glory.
Digging up the canon storyline and practicing necromancy on its lady bits so you can pretend you are inserting new life into it instead of practicing necrophilia was the last straw.
Drinker didnt like it
Elizabeth on WeChat:
WeChat isn’t some sort of news app for locked-in Chinese wrinklies. It’s a combo Facechook, Twatter, Instagram, Messenger, and e-payment platform.
Not instantly clear how effective it is for spreading Australian party political messages.
More likely to be used to exchange selfies and Hello Kitty memes, organise dinner, and for low-level flirting – with occasional unsolicited blasts of Chinese exceptionalism and Xi Thought. Or so I’m told.
By the time I was 16, I found Dr Poo (as some of the other kids used to call him) stupid and boring. I loved the Daleks movie Dad took me to see when I was very little.
I wonder what this big red button does?
Look at how far things have come before the LNP finally realised, “Hey, maybe that ballot fodder that have been voting for us do matter.”
If ever there was a case of a party telling its base to go and screw themselves, that was. In 2015 after the Trumble putsch iirc.
If he was a soldier and the above is true it doesn’t speak highly of the sort of training the Australian army provides. Pretty crap if your vest goes off when you drive over a speed hump.
Also from the Territory:
AFTER 35 years in the Territory legal system a Darwin barrister is prepared to go to prison over Don Dale.
Senior Counsel John Lawrence said he had watched generations of families wracked by the trauma of being shuttled off to prison – with the children and grandchildren of former clients now coming through the courts.
“The people that have suffered under being a member of the stolen generation have invariably been fractured and injured by the experience,” he said. “They themselves have taken to alcohol, substance abuse and dependency, (and) their children have witnessed all of this and been brought up in a far from ideal environment as a consequence. So they incur more trauma and then it goes on and on.”
Mr Lawrence said the person who galvanised him into action was an 11-year-old boy, who he watched as he was marched back to his cell.
“He was taken up the slope towards B Block – which I knew only too well from having visited paedophiles and killers in there – and here’s an 11-year-old boy being led up there with a guard.”
“It’s derelict, it’s condemned, its dystopian, its rusting, its crumbling concrete. (And) here’s a boy going into that horror show.”
“And in looking at that room for a little black kids … for the first time ever since I’ve been working in this zone, the word ‘apartheid’ just came right across me.”
Mr Lawrence said the “deliberate and wilful’ neglect of children was almost designed to break a new generation of Territorians.
“It couldn’t be worse illustrated than by putting an 11-year-old traumatised kid in a cell,” he said.
“We’re doing the worst thing possible for that kid, and if you’re worried about his behaviour and breaking the law then were just making his behaviour worse. It’s clear to me that this could only be done to Aboriginal children. It’s racism writ large.”
Mr Lawrence said following the failure of the Royal Commission to truly reform the system, the only option left was civil disobedience.
NT News with no comments allowed of course, as they’d be violently against him, NT residents sick of rampant crime unchecked by the courts and what passes for government there….
Hallam, first stop after Dandenong
Indeed, Trumble’s lacklustre performance in opposition was the stuff of macabre fascination.
Remember Godwin Grech? After floundering about on the sand gasping it seemed Trumble finally had something on KRudd and Swan. I daresay that even they were astonished at how badly Trumble handled it. In policy he was thoroughly in accord with Labor, so much so that his kowtowing to Labor’s CO2 policy saw him booted from the leadership.
Fast forward a few years and Abbott wins the election in a landslide. Nothing could have made it plainer what the electorate thought of Trumble. But, thinks Trumble, “Sod them.”
Just like a true socialist, Trumble was convinced that this time he would get it right.
And just like a true socialist, he was wrong.
Good column in Daily Mail UK by Dan Wooton of GB News (dual citizen UK/NZ) about St Jacinda’s handling of Covid in NZ. Scathing.
One interesting comment was that there are 6 million Kiwis but 1 million are overseas. Apparently after 3 years away not able to vote and this may be a consideration for Jacinda as would not want them voting in next election.
A friend sent me article from NZ Herald that linked to DM article. Ex NZ Rugby player Zinzan Brooke who is also in UK came out strongly against Jacinda also.
Only 200 ICU beds in NZ !
Oh my, Lisa Wilkinson and the gang are going to be very very upset that anybody dare criticise Jacinda.
Just watched Freedom of the Seas and Carnival Ecstasy departing Port Miami in real time.
This is a great little channel for people who like to look at things maritime around the world.
Pretty certain rigging up suicide vests is not on the curriculum at Kapooka, Frank.
Dr Poo
this is code for – teach the kids on the school oval and upgrade the Teachers’ lounge.
Suspension of disbelief while watching Dr Who as a kid became difficult to maintain when it was realised the Daleks couldn’t do stairs.
Cassie of Sydney
January 25, 2022 at 7:45 am
Amanda Stoker on Sky’s Rita Panahi last night trying to appeal to right of centre voters not to desert the LNP and vote for UAP, LIb Dems and PHON.
Grass roots support within the Party has plummeted. The polices of Scomo and those in leadership positions do not reflect the values of the party. This is a critical problem when the election is nigh.
No, probably not but explosives handling may well be.
I always thought the ranga companion of Dr Who quite a comely lass, although I must admit I did not watch Dr Who much after the Tom Baker seasons.
Didn’t hate it. Just didn’t watch it.
But I believe the last incarnation (Jodie Whittaker?) has been disastrous – and not just for Jodie, but for the politicisation of the franchise.
Dr Who was unmitigated crap. I lasted about half way through the first ever episode, when ever that was.
Caught the odd few minutes of other episodes when channel changing but still crap.
Those would be COLA’s, wouldn’t they?
Those and tuckshops was where a lot of the BER went, as I recall. Especially as they were tearing down existing ones to build new ones.
this is my favourite comment from the video you linked to,
I think I just learned more euphemisms for the act of shitting in four and a half minutes than I have in the 20+ years since the school playground.
Although, for myself, it has been more than 20 years since school! 😉
That was a hoot! Many thanks.
Up until Fraser, the Liberal Party delivered some great policy outcomes for Australia. Menzies-Holt-Gorton, Sir Charles Court, Thomas Playford, Sir Henry Bolte, Sir Robert Askin. Not always good policy (eg the draft, the Murray Report) but overall the country was moving forward in a very good way- jobs n growth, mining, manufacturing, agriculture. Affordable housing too.
I used to kid myself that Kennet was the new Bolte and Howard was the new Menzies. Not so. The Liberal Party’s great days are well behind it and its use by date has passed.
Unless things have changed in the last couple of years, no. Not until later in your training, if at all.
Another Yellowbeard rape..
Well, it’s been awhile since we had a little cuddle.
I raped ya, if that’s what you mean.
Okay. It was half-cuddle, half-rape.
Now Manson is a massive thobbing pus filled bell end, but he doesnt deserve to be accused of this through the press.
The actor Evan Rachel Wood has accused the rock musician Marilyn Manson of raping her on the set of the music video for his 2007 single Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand).
In Phoenix Rising, a new documentary about her life and career which premiered at the 2022 Sundance film festival, Wood said that during a previously discussed “simulated sex scene”, Manson “started penetrating me for real” once the cameras were rolling.
“I had never agreed to that,” she said.
She said she was fed absinthe on the set of the video, in which she plays a character styled as Lolita, and was barely conscious to object to Manson’s alleged actions.
Wood said that she had “never been on a set that unprofessional in my life up until this day. It was complete chaos and I did not feel safe. No one was looking after me.”
She said she didn’t know how to advocate for herself or say no “because I had been conditioned and trained to never talk back – to just soldier through” and claimed that the crew “was very uncomfortable and nobody knew what to do”.
She said the alleged incident made her feel “disgusting and like I had done something shameful”.
“I was coerced into a commercial sex act under false pretences. That’s when the first crime was committed against me and I was essentially raped on camera.”
She said that Manson gave her “really clear” instructions on how she should describe the video to journalists. “I was supposed to tell people we had this great, romantic time and none of that was the truth,” she says.
“But I was scared to do anything that would upset Brian in any way. The video was just the beginning of the violence that would keep escalating over the course of the relationship.”
No way I want to excuse Splodey Man’s actions but in domestics there’s usually plenty of friends and family thinking they are being kind by taking sides only based on kinship and ramping up the emotion. When this happens it’s reduces the ability for some to fight temptations.
Earlier on, there was some discussion on Short Skirt, Long Jacket.
There can only be one.
What an odd phrase.
Around April 2 for about a month. Someone at Old Cat used to keep tabs (Zippy?).
My children must have missed Marxism class. The New Broom was fascinated by Russian history though and became quite the little “expert”. His sympathies did not lie with the Bolshies or other assorted reds. He did, however, follow the usual line of the tipping point of feudalism in a 20th century setting. We used to have interesting discussions on what the czarist regime could have done differently to avoid the catastrophe.
More leftist bullying</ by academia, this time from that cesspool of mediocrity, Macquarie University:
Note to employers – bin any job applications from ‘graduates’ of Macquarie.
Yikes, format fail to the max. Oh, well.
The best Dr Who was a send up called “Curse of the Fatal Death”. It starred Rowan Atkinson as Dr Who, Julia Sawahla as his side kick and Jonathon Pryce as The Master.
When Atkinson’s Who died, he turned into Richard E Grant, otherwise known as “lick the mirror handsome”, Dr Who. I can’t remember the sequence, but the Dr also morphed into Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant and Joanna Lumley.
It was screamingly funny. Julia Sawahla’s best line, for those who may have seen this show, “what can you do with those, you don’t know, do you? The context for that line is a crack up.
I have a video, which shows how far back it was. I will see if it is available on DVD.
Rowan Atkinson would have made an excellent Dr Who in the real series.
Yes, but that requires specific training. Commandos and combat sappers would be trained in using explosive devices and ordnance corps specialists in disarming the same.
Weasel words.
Police report or shut up.
Too damn right Johanna- I loathe Macquarie Uni with a passion. A tenth rate intellectual cesspool.
Did someone mention a little red button?
Oldman at his most villainous.
Atkinson did his own time travel in Blackadder.
BTW, is anyone watching the tennis?
I get the impression that interest is pretty low. When the criquet was on, motel guests of the male tradie persuasion were either inside or at the pub watching it on the teev, or outside watching it on their tablets. And they were talking about it.
Haven’t seen a single scrap of evidence that anyone is remotely interested in the tennis.
There’s one final Australian-centric / TGA chapter the in the Tamiflu saga, and it’s extremely instructive for what’s happening now.
Rudd’s Labor setup a deal with Roche where once the all the doses of Tamiflu in the “national stockpile” “expired” after five years, Roche would take them back, package them up, then sell them to the public:
“The TGA’s principal medical adviser, Dr Ruth Lopert, says Roche has shown that Tamiflu is still safe and effective for another two years after its expiry date.
The move means some drugs formerly part of the Government’s stockpile can now be resold.”
Isn’t nice that the TGA always takes the advice of the pharma companies when making “rulings” that make the pharma companies hundreds of millions of dollars – including letting them take expired drugs from the government’s stockpile and resell them back into the market.
A drug that didn’t even work, no less.
Yet there were the TGA, every step of the way on the Tamiflu “debacle” taking Roches “advice”.
Guess if I go back to school at Macq. U, I will be known as Lord High Admiral Dot.
I identify as Lord High Admiral gendered.
Here ya go Pogria.
Don’t do that twostix.
It is very embarrassing for our beloved government.
Earlier on, there was some discussion on Short Skirt, Long Jacket.
There can only be one.
I agree
A bush jacket.
because when she leans down you can….
Ill see myself out.
How about just not or their name.
Power trip.
Appointees (and their family members) to the TGA should be subjected to financial audits at the commencement and end of their terms.
Sorry for the shouting, but this show is so great. I used to show it at Christmas time for all my guests. I hope a lot of you Cats out there watch it for the great laughs.
Menzies extended the reach of the Commonwealth into areas that were previously the reserve of the states, which necessitated a large expansion of the public service in Canberra. His economic policies were largely liberal, but he also favoured a strong centralised state in the interest of nation building. Labor’s arrogation of income tax powers in 1942 provided him with the financial platform to do this. Hawke & Howard built on this vision but it’s frayed over the last two years. That may not be a bad thing.
I may be a little unfair here, but in the current climate ‘Indigenous Studies’ would seem to be anything so rigorous as to be called a discipline.
Modern History, Ancient History etc have a long history of study, dispute, and analysis. Indigenous Australia will have had some but I suspect it has been allowed to whither on the vine to be replaced by new theories that are little more than activist talking points: A garden of Eden destroyed by wicked white men.
Now, usually you would expect to find someone’s interests and career to, in some degree, dovetail.
Indigenous Australian culture would not have entertained the present faddish sexual confusion. In fact being male or female would have been core to your role in society. That is what a true look at Aboriginal history would reveal.
Where it would make sense is if this creature is simply a progressive activist. Gender activism and Aboriginal activism are compatible. (Not reconcilable, mind you. But if you don’t challenge your own thoughts and they do not interact they can sit side-by-side in your brain screaming abuse at every one that passes by.)
So really my only question is what kind of student signed up for a course like the creature’s would be and have a problem with writing vini, vidi, vici next to their name.
For anyone interested in the discussion about forklifts a few days ago, here’s a NFSA 1946 video of vital post war work done with forklifts and cranes.
Australia’s wharves, warehouses, civil engineering and mining greatly benefited from new material handling methods.
24 minutes.
Your rulers, Ruth Lopert,, queen bee of the public health class.
No vested interest there!
From last night:
John Nicoletti: Prominent WA farmer’s Bacopak company cops steep fine for illegal clearing
Mon, 24 January 2022 12:43PM
Adam Poulsen
A fine imposed on prominent WA farmer John Nicoletti for illegally clearing native vegetation has been increased tenfold to $25,000 after the State’s environmental regulator won a Supreme Court appeal.
Mr Nicoletti was busted in 2018 for flattening 8ha of eucalyptus woodland on his farm at Corinthia, 390km east of Perth, to make way for a wheat crop two years earlier.
He told Department of Water and Environmental Regulation officers the vegetation had “poisoned his sheep and interfered with cropping” on the 1006ha farm, which operates under the name Bacopak Pty Ltd.
Bakopak pleaded guilty in Perth Magistrate’s Court in December 2020 and was fined $2500.
Magistrate Donna Webb also ordered the company to pay the department’s legal costs and place a notice in The West Australian, at its own expense, acknowledging the conviction.
But the Supreme Court last week overruled that sentence, with Justice Jeremy Curthoys finding it was “manifestly inadequate” and “so low as to be negligible”.
“The sensitivity of the environment in which the vegetation was cleared and the commercial nature of the clearing demand a significant penalty that functions as a general deterrent to other corporate entities,” Justice Curthoys said.
“The area cleared by Bacopak was not insignificant although it represented a small proportion of the entire property.
“The location and nature of the clearing aggravated the seriousness of the offending.”
Try this:
Fuck Joe Biden.
Just a casual reminder.
And Fuck Dan Andrews.
The LinkedIn resume’s of our “public health” rulers are always incredible, some might say unbelievably diverse. Often holding two – three “positions” at once, swanning all over the world each year, changing “positions” nearly every year for the last 20 years, one minute running the TGA for a few months, the next being a “consultant to the world bank”, the next being ”
Director and Principal Consultant LWC Health – Global Health and Pharmaceutical Policy Consulting”
One wonders how they have time to actually settle in and get any work done anywhere.
A powerful arm of the new global aristocratic class.
Paid 30 bucks, the other day, to watch the latest Bond and what a freaking disappointment. It was boring, it was woke and it was actually a dreadful movie.
He was too old to be Bond. And Moneypenny black? Give me a fucking break.
Same old b/s in new clothes.
The regurgitating of over-fermented intestinal effluent has become a de-rigeur activity of the MSM, both left and right.
Who can forget the latest on Madeleine McCann, or William Tyrrell, or the latest JFK shooting, Area 51, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, new UFO sighting etc… etc… “breakthrough”?
The “news” have so thoroughly destroyed themselves, that such periodic recyclings of rotting corpse-stories remain the only (temporary) salvation for their putrid business model.
Plays his part so well in movies its sometimes hard to recognise him.
That high table was for boarders. The crawling ones.
Stop trying to trigger people.
It’s not nice.
local oaf, are you a forklift ‘instructor’?
No more upticks for you!
Gilas says:
January 25, 2022 at 8:49 am
Mark Dice
The Tech Revolution No One Is Talking About
……The old psychopaths peddling this crap will putresce in their graves, just like everyone else… a deeply comforting thought.
“Living ” forever would be a just punishment for these evil people. Trapped forever and completely insane – it would be like Hell on Earth
rickw says:
January 25, 2022 at 9:43 am
I despair at how fucking stupid people are.
Evidence of this is everywhere, everyday.
It’s now beyond dispute that we live in the stupidest country on the planet.
Off you go then
My mate who lives there says NZ is. He’s moving back here next year after he sorts all his stuff out.
Sometimes I think it would be boffo if PLA Inc took over and the likes of Prof Sandy O received their just reward
at the edge of a pit.
In the arsehole stakes, Bin lyin‘ has moved a couple of ticks ahead of Danny Dumbo.
Tautology alert.
That old NZ show ‘Shortland Street’ out PCed anything I had seen before.
Not an instructor, but eventually forced to get a license when they pushed all trades to perform virtually all tasks.
The only fun aspect of my job was occasionally driving a forklift. I always feel a bit nostalgic about those days.
You could drive anywhere in the works, in and out of any building, no-one would ever ask who you were, where you were going or whether you were allowed to be there.
Forklift drivers were just invisible.
Only drawback was if you got roped into doing some work just because you were handy!
Striiiiiiiiike two
Dan the Despicable is closing the gap.
Same with a bloke with a clipboard pretending to look at stuff.
Apologies Perth Cats.
Bloke in Perth listed two myford lathes on gumtree for $400. Lasted a nano second and didn’t get to post it in time!
One was ancient but the other was a 1950’s ML7 with original vertical milling slide.
Watching the NZ episodes of Motorway Patrol (possibly not representative) with some Maori family driving along with 3 wheels on the rims you would have to agree.
A question Cats can answer.
Do conservatives believe that rights come with responsibilities?
Asking for a…well, not a friend, but Crazy Claire Lehman who reckons being against this is something only whackjob libertarians believe.
I haven’t watched it yet but yesterday’s discussion of immunology with Professor Robert Clancy was incredibly good. I think I will put a brief post up about it.
miltonf says:
January 25, 2022 at 11:25 am
Off you go then
As predictable as clockwork.
And so.. so witty!
The whole “right responsibilities” thing sounds like godless “human rights” communism wrapped in as conservacorp conservatism.
My rights come from my god. There is no “debt” I have to pay to have them. I have the right to think, the right to act and the right to say no when the insane Jonestown mob, having all obediently drunk their concoction as ordered to, turn in my direction with a menacing look in their eye and start in on the “responsibility to society” schtick.
We have Idiocracy and Scumo’s moronocracy.
Welcome to Dan of the Dead’s Drongo-ocracy.
Russia doesn’t want NATO controlling Ukraine.
What am I missing here because, prima facie, they’re in the right.
I wouldn’t want that communist bloc anywhere near my homeland either.
yes I thought so
Perth Cats can now add bagging Basil Zempilas to things that can be done in polite company. You could always do it in private.
Cassie, you know I love you, but had to note this one:
they eschewed yearly overseas trips etc.
I’ve been eschewing them for about 50 years, since I left school and started to earn money.
Taking the missus to Tassie some time ago doesn’t count, does it?
Dr Faustussays:
January 25, 2022 at 9:37 am
Anthony Albanese to use first election-year stump speech to pledge $440 million for school upgrades
Half of the money would be spent on upgrades to school buildings, improving ventilation and outdoor teaching facilities, Mr Albanese will say,
Silly me, I thought that Juliar’s Building the Education Revolution had already done this.
I’m all for it …. my pronoun is ‘Obergruppenfuhrer’
Russia doesn’t want NATO controlling Ukraine.
What am I missing here because, prima facie, they’re in the right.
I wouldn’t want that communist bloc anywhere near my homeland either.
It’s extraordinary but that’s what has happened. And now dissenters rot in jail without trial in Washington. Formerly the beacon of freedom.
PandaCons have segued from two years of approving every police state excess imaginable to now pretending to be the based ones who want to move on. Invariably, they start by saying, ‘look, for heaven’s sake, we’re 90 percent vaccinated now…’
But if we were 40 percent vaccinated, they’d still be yawning through the police cracking heads in the street.
January 25, 2022 at 9:46 am
Elite private schools are the greater purveyors of woke Marxist filth.
Eldest daughter went to MLC. Completely agree.
Only the rich can afford to be leftists, the rest have to work to survive.
I’ll go for Ubersuperschnitzelgreppenfuhrer.
On Dr Rudd’s Magical Elixir:
I contracted Swine Flu during the Great Panic. From feeling a bit shit to visiting the quack took two days.
Pretty normal turnaround, I would have thought.
By which time it was too late to use Tamiflu.
Yes. Think of the right to raise one own’s children. That is grounded in your proximity to them and their good; because you are closest to them, you are the best custodian of their good. However, this right as custodian of their good establishes a duty to in fact promote their good as a parent. If you do not, in extremis, their good trumps your right because it is ultimately ground in their good.
I saw the tweet you maybe referring to last night and I replied to it although in that reply I simply said there is no general moral duty to take an ineffective vaccine, however, there may in fact be a special moral duty applicable only to those that regularly come into contact with the vulnerable to take an effective vaccine.
My problem with Lehmann here is that she’s only raising this argument to try and ‘own’ someone in a twitter exchange; she’s using the argument too broadly and disingenuously.
Amanda Stoker on Sky’s Rita Panahi last night trying to appeal to right of centre voters not to desert the LNP and vote for UAP, LIb Dems and PHON.
So remind me again, how did Stoker vote on the revocation of Bettina Arndt’s OAM?
Chickens coming home to roost indeed.
A logical corollary of inalienable individual rights is personal responsibility.
I suspect Claire Lehmann is too dumb to understand the difference between this an a Rosseauean social contract (spit spit).
A further corollary of the abrogation of personal responsibility is that we lose some if not all of our rights.
Mr Nicoletti was busted in 2018 for flattening 8ha of eucalyptus woodland on his (1006ha) farm at Corinthia, 390km east of Perth, to make way for a wheat crop two years earlier.
Labor & Greens deserve the same treatment for this sort of idiocy as those of all parties who have wrecked the country with their ruinable energy policies and futile, stupidly expensive COVID tyranny.
What do you call wilfully ignorant moderation for its own sake being slowly put to sleep with totalitarianism like an old sick pooch?
This is the Sky mission.
Paul Murray’s nightly massaging of Scott Morrison should come with an M rating.
Mr Nicoletti was busted in 2018 for flattening 8ha of eucalyptus woodland on his (1006ha) farm at Corinthia, 390km east of Perth, to make way for a wheat crop two years earlier.
So it’s essentially an attack on productive people. Is this a result of Kemp’s actions?
‘busted’- I thought that was a schoolyard word.
Dr John Campbell highly recommends Professor Robert Clancy’s video
Very good Dover/Dot
January 25, 2022 at 10:46 am
More leftist bullying</ by academia, this time from that cesspool of mediocrity, Macquarie University:
A transgender professor at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, says he purposely refers to his students as sexless if they don’t go along with a bizarre new tactic that involves including “pronouns” next to their names for online classes.
Isn’t Homer Paxton “associated” with Macquarie Uni? I wonder what his/her/xir pronouns are?
Paul Murray’s nightly massaging…
He does more than massage. He swallows
Today in Liberalism:
Lehman and her ilk are clearly astroturfed and fakely elevated as part of the embarrasing TPUSA style conservacorp attempt to get in front of the Trump / reactionary break away groups. Did people really think these “rags to riches” stories actually happen in real life?
Two seconds of looking finds that her father in law was a corporate tax layer for PWC and is a “literary reviewer” for The Australian. Yeah, she’s a real outsider that just came up with a successful deplatform-proof “intellectual dark web” website through grit and determination base on her long known anti-establishment credentials and a decade of careful effort building….lol.
Can I be Führer der Unterseeboote, please?
“So remind me again, how did Stoker vote on the revocation of Bettina Arndt’s OAM?
Chickens coming home to roost indeed.”
It was worse than a revocation of Bettina Arndt’s OA, it was a senate motion censoring an Australian citizen (Bettina) for her free speech…..totalitarian.
Stoker, like every other Liberal and National senator, voted WITH the Greens and Labor to censor a private citizen by the name of Bettina Arndt.
Later Stoker tried to say she couldn’t get out of it. LIE. She, along with any other half decent Liberal or National (and none exist) should have just walked out of the party room when the censor was raised…or she and others should have stood with One Nation’s Hanson and Roberts who resolutely and courageously refused to support the motion.
And now Stoker complains about conservative voters choosing minor parties. I call that chutzpah.
I will never ever forgive the Liberals and Nationals for what they did to Bettina Arndt. Every single one of them needs to be driven from office.
BTW….Arndt also received zero help from the IPA. She did receive help from the UK’s Free Speech Union headed by Toby Young. I don’t think people understand what Bettina when through at that time….every day she was smeared, libelled, defamed and silenced.
In fairness, EnZed, which has a population less than Sydney, has produced some excellent TV shows. My favourite soapie is Westside, and then there was the brilliant Flight of the Conchords. There is one about a group of people who only meet for pub quizzes which is pretty good.
Looking at the output of our TV luvvies, I don’t think they should be embarrassed.
Speaking of Dr Who, it looks like we are saved!
GALLIFREY—Reports indicate that just as the fallen Doctor was regenerating into a strong, powerful, diverse female, the 14th Doctor has instead taken the form of Doctor Jordan Peterson. What was certain to be the most stunning and brave—and not to mention the lowest-rated—season yet, has now been subverted entirely by the emergence of Doctor Peterson as the newest Time Lord.
“It’s like no—if you betray yourself, if you say untrue things, you weaken your character,” said Dr. Peterson when asked why he returned as a man. “For God sakes, you just can’t bloody well live with that kind of paradox in life, lying to yourself.”
Sources say the new Doctor wasted no time in setting his space and time traveling T.A.R.D.I.S in order, and visiting some of the worst parts and greatest villains from history. He first visited the Cybermen telling them if they actually wanted to call themselves men, then they could start by cleaning their own room.
“It isn’t obvious to me how Daleks are any different from lobsters,” said Doctor Peterson, landing on the Dalek homeworld Skaro. “Both can be vicious, territorial creatures operating within their dominance hierarchies, and yet soft and vulnerable beneath their impenetrable armor.” The Doctor proceeded to swiftly reprimand the Daleks to set their own life in order before they tried to EXTERMINATE the world.
Interest in the show has grown considerably following the introduction of this new Doctor. What was once a fanbase known for being a bunch of whiny nerds who smell is now being redefined as a fanbase of bold intellectuals who stand up straight with their shoulders back, taking life head-on.
At publishing time, Doctor Peterson had embarked in the T.A.R.D.I.S into his most bizarre timeline yet, an Earth where actual science was ignored and citizens allowed themselves to be oppressed by overreaching government mandates.
Time-space link
Grace Tame meets Prime Minister Spineless. Check out the AOTY’s face throughout.
“Grace Tame meets Prime Minister Spineless. Check out the AOTY’s face throughout.”
Grace Tame…a truly nasty, ghastly, divisive young woman.
Good riddance.
Absolutely, Twostix. It’s the application of obligations onto the unwilling that reveals their true agenda. FFS, they don’t even apply those “obligations” onto themselves.
Unsurprisingly, that pompous oaf Gray Connolly agrees with her while obviously drooling over her bikini pics on Twitter.
Its official – the ‘Pandemic’ is over – Ukraine NOT Covid was the lead story on the ABC at midday today.
You dont suppose they are moving on to the next crisis do you?
This is pretty much the mission of Conservatism Inc.; it is basically a border force operation that polices all excursions beyond the bounds of right-liberalism. There were two excellent posts on this over at The Postliberal Order that I linked to in two separate Weekday Reading posts. The first was Therapists of Decline and the latter was Conservative Hospice Care. I can’t recommend these two essays enough.
Why limit your anger – I will never forgive them, fullstop …. for EVERYTHING.
Agree, Cassie, those who voted to censure Bettina Arndt should never be allowed to forget it. And good on you for reminding us about it before it slips down the Memory Hole.
I was chatting to the woman in the room next door this morning – she is here to get new teeth. She mentioned that she owns an acre block in a nearby country town, and had just spent a substantial sum on getting a bunch of old eucalypts felled. Mindful of my own experience in trying to get rid of a potentially dangerous tree (unsuccessful) I asked her if she had much trouble with the council.
She looked at me if I was mad.
“Why would you ask them?”
If only I had known then …
Aaaaand, Inflation the second story ….. so ‘multiple sources’..
Taking a stand would be turning down the AOTY not pulling faces ( maximum virtue for minimum effort). How cosy was she to the PM inside?
If she was trying to pretend to be bipartisan, she utterly failed. I suspect her agenda was known before given the award, or even given instructions. It’s unfathomable that someone who despises rape would give one side a free pass despite their sordid history.
Whether one wills an obligation is beside the point.
I know there’s a lot going on, but there was a failed suicide bombing in Melbourne yesterday.
Why isn’t this bigger news?
Has anyone asked all the alphabet agencies why they didn’t see the suicide bomber coming?
Were they too pre-occupied hunting down garage nazis?
On second thoughts
And 3rd story COVID – but cut away halfway through to hear Minister Payne talking about the wymmins…
Yep … its over.
Dr Flyingduk,
I just watched your excellent presentation and now the link to it appears to have vanished!
She’s a sour one, that.
Real estate Pron, WA style.
Just in case the direct pic link doesnt work you are looking for pics 4 & 5 for some shagadellic mind blowing happening.
But this obligation must be predicated upon the vaccine having zero risk.
Otherwise you get into the same murky waters we are today where the benefit accrues to those not taking the risk.
This is where we are now with children being put at risk from vaccine injury to provide the nursing union members with an easy life.
The risk to Grandma is now long gone with 99% Vaxx of the vulnerable. Vaxxing children and boosters for all are merely to “save the health system”.
I think Dover will post it shortly…
Easly 1.5mil in Sydney, mole.
To hell with it, I’m all in:
Pogria says:
January 25, 2022 at 10:49 am
The best Dr Who was a send up called “Curse of the Fatal Death”. It starred Rowan Atkinson as Dr Who, Julia Sawahla as his side kick and Jonathon Pryce as The Master.
Blasphemy !!! Burn her !!
Take that!
One has to be multi-skilled for World Domination
Kindly refer to me as ienbierswiewurst.
Adam Creighton’s column in the Oz today is anti Ukraine war & anti the media cheering it on.
Recently Creighton has been socialising with Max Blumenthal who Jimmy Dore followers would recognise as one of the most anti Washington War Machine journo’s out there.
This is a good thing.
James Webb space telescope is now in orbit at L2. Another month or so before it is cool enough to use the IR telescope.
What pathetic creature will be AOTY this time? Some brave oddity coming out as a yet another mentally disturbed qwerty who has scaled the heights of mediocrity doing what they were paid to do.
What do you mean. Dover? That the obligation itself is invalid? Considering the sheeple blindly following, I would tend to agree.
In fairness, EnZed, which has a population less than Sydney, has produced some excellent TV shows. My favourite soapie is Westside, and then there was the brilliant Flight of the Conchords. There is one about a group of people who only meet for pub quizzes which is pretty good.
Seven Periods with Mr Gormsby ought to be compulsory viewing at every Faculty of Education in Australia.
This is easy. Unless you want to do it right.