Open Thread- Mon 24 Jan 2022

The Pioneer, Frederick McCubbin, 1904

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January 26, 2022 10:36 am

Listening to a podcast & they’re talking about if you drive to Newark airport it’s free parking.
I just can’t believe that.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 10:36 am
January 26, 2022 10:39 am

Thousands of lives destroyed by medical failures and unemployable scum political cowards.

A massive and destructive upheaval. My parents, my wife, my kids, my sister are all worried about my job prospects. My dad in particular is calling me every day to see how it’s going.

I’m trying to make the most of having a “break”, but it’s difficult to relax. Fortunately a mate is building a shed so I’ve been going and working on that for him to keep gainfully occupied. For some reason I can’t bring myself to go into the shed and tinker on my own stuff.

January 26, 2022 10:40 am
January 26, 2022 10:41 am

The PVO article about Grace Tame in the Oz is getting close to 3,000 comments with a couple having around 1500 likes.

She certainly knows how to get attention but not in a good way.

As regards her bestie Brittney that court case is going to be fascinating.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 26, 2022 10:42 am

Sacked over the vax, not offered the opportunity to return to the UK outfit. (Apparently the local boss was a covid nutter of the masks in the pool genre of lunacy). He got work in Malaysia. Family returning to UK.

Geez, maybe they’ll come back if Morro offers to refund their visa fees? Then all will be forgiven, surely.

I don’t think the Covid nutters here realise what they have done to the global Australian brand.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 10:44 am

Oh and not a single shred of evidence for Hallward’s claim that insurance companies wouldn’t try to avoid losses.

Someone’s insuring these scooters cluttering up the streets and gutters.

January 26, 2022 10:44 am

TV Doctor.

What if we could use this pandemic to undo the cultural homogenization that white supremacy & colonialism have forced upon the world?

I wonder if white saviour Ellie is aware undoing cultural homogenization is something garage nasties are pretty keen on too.

January 26, 2022 10:50 am

Indolent says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:08 am
There is no end to the tyranny. There’ll be just as much of it as we’re prepared to tolerate.


Unvaccinated to be Accompanied by Staff in Walmart to Make Sure They Don’t Buy Anything Other Than Food & Pharma

Gee, I wonder if warm clothes and footwear would be considered essential purchases in a Canadian winter, especially for growing children….

The boy wonder needs a dose of reality, and damned fast. How the hell he was re-elected last year baffles me. Surely there cannot be so many fools and fooled in Canada as to keep the little tyrant in power.

Mind you, we saw the same thing here in Qld in 2020, and in WA last year too. The level of ignorance and blind compliance is concerning. Otherwise sensible and thinking friends of some 40 years saying “Anna kept us safe” was a real eye-opener.

January 26, 2022 10:51 am

medical failures


And, like all failures, they won’t want to be exposed as such, nor will they willingly relinquish the levers of power.

Covid has given them affirmation in their tiny, one dimensional world.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 10:52 am

If you get the Vaccine you won’t die from Covid/19.

Truer words were never spoken.
However, since I don’t know anyone who has had Covid, and they don’t know anyone who has had Covid, and those people don’t know anyone who has had Covid, and …
…I’ll pass, thanks.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 10:53 am

Happy Australia Day to the ‘Young and Free’ land that I grew up in.
How times change. But have a great day anyway.
We intend to walk to the foreshores of Arthur Phillip’s initial arrival place: at Camp Cove.

John H back thread:

Too many panic monkeys. If you find the world that glum try some Xanax.

Yep. Take a chill pill today. My fave is a nice Italian Prosecco rather than anything pharma.

I am an optimist and have never been a panic merchant regarding John’s scathing Catallaxy-worry-warts list of catastrophic things that might happen. I’d even agree with John that EV’s might take off for some uses as batteries improve and if scarce rare-earth resources prove up to it, but they won’t have much utility or appeal if we don’t have massive back-up electric power to run them. Plus, the three-phase in our garage blows up regularly if I run a spare fridge in there. Thus, much infrastructure is yet to come to domestic premises for EV’s to take off! By that time too, much of the climate scare will have been seen for what it is: 90% beat up, just like the extreme Covid modelling exaggerations.

January 26, 2022 10:54 am

Dr Ellie –

Choose what your future looks like.

Huh? While the likes of you have both prevented that for others and/or have chosen for them?

Back in your box, dumbcluck.

January 26, 2022 10:58 am

For some reason I can’t bring myself to go into the shed and tinker on my own stuff.

Rickw, I’ve been there too. I think it might be grief.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 10:58 am

…I’ll pass, thanks.

I won’t. I know lots of people in New South Wales now who have had Omicron already. And some in the UK who had the original Alpha nasty.

I am double vaxxed but with no booster so far (waiting to go o/s before submitting to that).
Wouldn’t mind a small dose of Omricon myself right now, provided it stayed fairly harmless.
Get it over and done with.

January 26, 2022 11:00 am

Lol. That’s a triggerin’ banner, that is!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 11:01 am

More news on how badly EVs suck.

EV Recharge Hell for Climate Activist Heidi Harmon (25 Jan)

Share the pain of a deep green activist politician who desperately wants to attend a climate change rally, but misses out because of her useless electric vehicle.

January 24, 2022


Former San Luis Obispo mayor and climate change activist Heidi Harmon attempted to “do the right thing,” and travel to a rally in San Francisco in an electric car. After multiple attempts to find a working charging station in San Jose, Harmon realized charging the car would take up to seven hours and there was no way she could make the rally.

The only thing funnier than the useless Gaia chariot is the cluelessness of the Green mayor lady. How can you go through life in such a state of abject ignorance?

January 26, 2022 11:02 am

Rickw, I’ve been there too. I think it might be grief.

To borrow the jargon, it takes a while to process big life events.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 11:03 am

A really nice header banner there today, Dover.

The beginning of Australia as we know it. The flag raised in hope and ambition.
There is really no other choice for any Australia Day.

January 26, 2022 11:03 am

Does anyone know anything about property in Dubai?

Around cnr El-Ain and Emirates Rd or Expo and Emirates Rd seems to be ok and in price range, although the latter is near the Jebel Ali sewage plant so equivalent to Werribee!

Near metro station would be useful possibly down Gardens Boulevard (Discovery Gardens / Al Furjan stations) but a lot more pricey.

January 26, 2022 11:06 am

I don’t think the Covid nutters here realise what they have done to the global Australian brand.

Or domestically – I no longer feel part of my country. The credulous compliance and craven collaboration of my colleagues 😉 mean I no longer have a job, have lost respect for my profession and most in it, and even the majority of my family.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 11:06 am

Rickw, I’ve been there too. I think it might be grief.

To borrow the jargon, it takes a while to process big life events.

Doing something for yourself when the world is collapsing around you takes time, Rick.
Acknowledge that and decide to be kind to yourself. There is no hurry, and no schedule.

January 26, 2022 11:08 am

There really needs to be an inquiry as to why ivermectin was band from use against COVID.

We know why they banned it – because it worked – you cant get ’emergency approval’ for all your COVID vaxxes if there is a ‘safe and effective’ treatment option already available.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 26, 2022 11:09 am

Is Armoured Car. Has wheels. Has Armour. Or Armoured Peronnel Carrier *.
Tanks have tracks. Like bulldozers. And a BFO gun.
As stated above.

Meaning the carrier is armoured, not necessarily the peronnel

Apart from being shown where the phone is on the back I had nothing to do with tanks.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 11:12 am

She certainly knows how to get attention but not in a good way.

Blair has a marvelous photo on his blog.

Wednesday Noticeboard (Blair blog, paywalled)

Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by Surly Girly Performing Arts Academy graduate Grace Tame, who yesterday demonstrated how to compress a decade’s worth of sub-soap opera petulance and pouting into just 30 seconds.

The photo.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 11:13 am

Oops, forgot to blockquote Tim’s fine verbiage.

January 26, 2022 11:14 am

Or domestically – I no longer feel part of my country. The credulous compliance and craven collaboration of my colleagues ? mean I no longer have a job, have lost respect for my profession and most in it, and even the majority of my family.

I know how you feel there…
I’m in construction, only still have my job as I lied and ‘submitted the appropriate paperwork’
No respect for the Unions and so called ‘Safety’ people in the industry they didn’t even attempt to push against this when they had an excellent opportunity to finally do something “for the worker”

January 26, 2022 11:15 am

Near metro station would be useful possibly down Gardens Boulevard (Discovery Gardens / Al Furjan stations) but a lot more pricey.

You need to get a car rickw.
Unless you’re a tourist, everyone drives.
Even half the Pali or Philippino slaves drive Camry’s.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 11:16 am

have lost respect for my profession and most in it,

Let’s take the worst case scenario and try too look at it from the GPs point of view:
The Vaccine is a Bioweapon, it will kill or maim most people getting it, and like it or not, most people are getting it.
Given that a GP has a Duty Of Care to his patients, is it more responsible to blow the whistle and cause massive upheaval and huge loss of life, or
to accept the inevitable and allow those marked for destruction to have a relatively peaceful death?

January 26, 2022 11:16 am

You know what? That skinny bovine is actually giving Jenny Morrison the side eye, not the PM.

It’s envy aimed at a happy, normal female.

Speaks volumes.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 26, 2022 11:16 am

If Qld Police have tanks they must have infantry.

Tanks are not much good if they don’t have infantry to work with them.

And mortars.


January 26, 2022 11:16 am

How can you go through life in such a state of abject ignorance?

If you believe in Skittles shitting Unicorns, there will be Skittles shitting Unicorns.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 11:17 am

Or domestically – I no longer feel part of my country. The credulous compliance and craven collaboration of my colleagues ? mean I no longer have a job, have lost respect for my profession and most in it, and even the majority of my family.

But you are still strong in yourself and a beacon to others here, some of whom are personally known and dear to me, who have also made your personal choice and suffer as you do for it. That there are like-minded people here and elsewhere will help, as should the fact that no-one here that I know of supports a vaxx mandate or social pressure to accept vaccination.

January 26, 2022 11:17 am

Mind you, we saw the same thing here in Qld in 2020, and in WA last year too. The level of ignorance and blind compliance is concerning.

Driven by fear, blind compliance is a new feature of the Australian political landscape, not a bug.

It was enabled by the unelected public service deep state, but politicians like McClown and Pony Girl have worked out how to use it to win elections. Just add news media hysteria.

Morrison is currently trying to use it to win a federal election, which is why he kicked out that foreign tennis champ. Bonus points in Australian politics for xenophobia.

As an incumbent, Morrison should be a shoe-in in the era of Kung Flu hysteria, but as Trumble’s nominee, he believes in all the same rubbish, like killing the economy with Net Zero.

He’s even more on the nose than last time, but can’t rely on another Labor own goal and, unless he pulls a rabbit out of a hat, the electorate will change brands in 2022.

Why vote LNP when the ALP will give you the same policies? The Liars will wreck Australia, but, as demonstrated by the lemmings who send their QR codes to the government as they enter the supermarket every day, Australians have blind faith in Big Government.

January 26, 2022 11:19 am

You know what? That skinny bovine is actually giving Jenny Morrison the side eye, not the PM.

Breast envy?

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 26, 2022 11:21 am

Found them!

1st Queensland Regiment of LGBTI Dancers
2nd Queensland Battalion of Prancing Mincing Nancyboys
1st (Loyal) Queensland Battalion of Surly Girly Lesbians.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 26, 2022 11:22 am

Dick Ed

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Knuckle Dragger to address any genuine concerns regarding Police Forces possessing Paramilitary Weaponry.

Probably a bit too subtle for your mind, but there is a big difference between tanks and “paramilitary weaponry” (which doesn’t need rAndom capiTals).

January 26, 2022 11:22 am

The level of ignorance and blind compliance is concerning.

Epitomised by people QR coding when general contact tracing has ceased.

January 26, 2022 11:22 am

You haven’t got over Sophia and Jayne! Knew it! 😀

January 26, 2022 11:25 am

Given that a GP has a Duty Of Care to his patients, is it more responsible to blow the whistle and cause massive upheaval and huge loss of life, or to accept the inevitable and allow those marked for destruction to have a relatively peaceful death?

So, ‘Primum non nocere’, or ‘follow orders’ ?

January 26, 2022 11:27 am

If Qld Police have tanks they must have infantry. Tanks are not much good if they don’t have infantry to work with them. And mortars.

They have armour, airpower (manned and unmanned), sigint, cavalry and SOF – they HAVE been militarised.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 11:27 am

If you believe in Skittles shitting Unicorns …

From the quadrant link that I posted above:
… “falsification” was central to the intellectual integrity of the scientific method.
People used to have much better BS detectors.
What happened?

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 26, 2022 11:28 am

Bruce of Newcastle says:
January 26, 2022 at 7:01 am

He should rename it Dodo.

Fed-up Turkey chooses to change its name to end anglicised confusion (25 Jan)

He should rename it Greece. Ancestry DNA published some DNA studies recently which found that half the country’s population were ethnically Greeks. That caused a major kerfuffle which resulted in Ancestry taking down their report.

January 26, 2022 11:29 am

Should’ve had more pricks.
(Sorry, couldn’t help it.)

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 26, 2022 11:29 am

January 26, 2022 at 10:17 am
Oh and not a single shred of evidence for Hallward’s claim that insurance companies wouldn’t try to avoid losses. Just delusional nonsense mixed in with cognitive impairment .

Did he say that? I thought he said that they would spread the losses over all policyholders, not just those with EVs?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 11:29 am

No respect for the Unions and so called ‘Safety’ people in the industry they didn’t even attempt to push against this when they had an excellent opportunity to finally do something “for the worker”

“Safety” is now a standover racket.
It took a while to get the settings right though.
Basically, the PC for the last 3 years or so [in Qld] employs a Safety Rep, who signs off on the days activities. This guy is likely to have spent time locked up as well.

He doesn’t do any work, and he’s not responsible if he signs off on something that later causes Serious Injury or worse, but he’s the Insurance Policy covering Industrial Manslaughter Charges and wildcat visits from The Unions and the Government Safety Inspectors.

January 26, 2022 11:29 am

You haven’t got over Sophia and Jayne! Knew it!

Jayne? Meh. A platinum blonde.

But the young Sophia was gorgeous. My wife has a similar facial structure. ?

January 26, 2022 11:31 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
January 26, 2022 at 9:06 am

I thought so. Great, another year of nasty and angry lecturing and hectoring.

Only if you listen to it, Cassie.

We have the choice to not pay any attention, and the best way to deal with the scolding classes is to utterly ignore them. They hate that.

January 26, 2022 11:31 am

Dang…I still can’t get emotis to work here.

January 26, 2022 11:32 am

So there’s Elton, Mr Elite if ever there was one, triple vaxxed and still gets Covid, thus altering his work and travel plans by force.

How, exactly, will getting a “booster” allow me to travel? How will it ensure my travel plans aren’t turned upside down en route?

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 26, 2022 11:34 am

As regards her bestie Brittney that court case is going to be fascinating

Car crash courts.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 26, 2022 11:34 am


I don’t think the Covid nutters here realise what they have done to the global Australian brand.

They know, they just don’t care.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 11:35 am

Tom opines:

…the lemmings who send their QR codes to the government as they enter the supermarket every day,

At Woles yesterday, didn’t see anyone QR as they entered.
Masks still universal though.

January 26, 2022 11:35 am

It wasn’t her face I was referring to.

You guys are priceless. Never change.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 26, 2022 11:37 am

Trouble at Pony Club.

January 26, 2022 11:37 am

err, Rog – colon then a question mark will give you this 😕
colon then a left bracket will give you this 🙁
colon then a right bracket will give you this 🙂
colon then a cross will give you this 😡

They’re the only ones I’ve figured out at this point.

January 26, 2022 11:39 am

Colon and capital D will give you my special grin. 😀

January 26, 2022 11:39 am
January 26, 2022 11:40 am

And a colon and a capital P is strictly for the narks 😛

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 11:40 am

Did he say that? I thought he said that they would spread the losses over all policyholders, not just those with EVs?

No, he didn’t say that.
Are Insurance Companies barred from pumping up the Tesla share price?
I doubt it, so there’s your motivation.
The chumps can wear the losses.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 11:40 am

Testing cut and paste

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 26, 2022 11:41 am

I take it back….the Queensland Government does have a tank.

Here it is.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 11:43 am

again ?

January 26, 2022 11:43 am


That’s exactly what he’s saying because it’s simply unbelievable that insurance companies would be playing this game. They can’t and they won’t. BJohn, RACV, IAG etc almost always don’t incubate the risk. They essentially act as pass through agents packaging the risk and then on-selling to the large global re-insurers. There’s zero possibility – let me repeat- zero possibility these fuckers would be making cost /risk assessment through woke political ideology. Consider this: an EV catches fire in a basement and either kills or makes homeless hundreds of people. Now rinse and repeat that several times as some idiots here are suggesting and you have an enormous payout risk. It’s just not happening and the reason is that although an EV is serious, it’s also very very rare and in fact rarer than petrol car fires when examined carefully.

Let’s not be like the left and measure everything through bias and hatred. If EVs cars work and people want to buy them, well that’s good enough. But we shouldn’t believe the bullshit either from the left nor the Right.

January 26, 2022 11:44 am

He! Boomers are so cute when displaying coding skills.

Well done good for you.

January 26, 2022 11:45 am EV fire…

January 26, 2022 11:45 am

I take it back….the Queensland Government does have a tank.

Thanks TE, very interesting! I didn’t know that there was a surviving example, yet there’s one in Queensland.

Queensland is becoming something of a tank Mecca!

January 26, 2022 11:45 am

Ta for the emoti tips!

Ancestry DNA published some DNA studies recently which found that half the country’s population were ethnically Greeks. That caused a major kerfuffle which resulted in Ancestry taking down their report.

Nevere tell a northern Indian they share most of their DNA with the Pakis.

Or vice versa.

Trust me on this.

January 26, 2022 11:45 am

I take it back….the Queensland Government does have a tank.

Antiquated and obselete, just like the rest of the Queensland Government….

January 26, 2022 11:48 am

I take it back….the Queensland Government does have a tank.


Quite an impressive beast. Not in running order, alas.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 26, 2022 11:49 am

Mephisto is pretty interesting to look at, both inside and outside. Was able to have a good squiz back when we filmed it for The Borella Ride. A lot bigger in concept than Allied WWI tanks.

January 26, 2022 11:50 am


January 26, 2022 11:52 am

A lot bigger in concept than Allied WWI tanks.

And therefore not as agile; hence it got stuck in a ditch and was captured.

January 26, 2022 11:53 am

Emoji testing – please ignore.


January 26, 2022 11:53 am

while on the subject of Graceless Grace and her envy of Jenny Morrison’s ample front, I will, henceforth call her Vinegar Tits. I linked to a pic of the original Vinegar Tits up thread.

It really is the only option. Grace is such a pretty name and she does it absolutely no justice.

January 26, 2022 11:53 am

LOL two out of three ain’t bad because I have never been able to get them to work before.

January 26, 2022 11:55 am

Very poor effort from Grace. A Senate rebuke can’t be far off.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 11:57 am

Global Climate Warming Change Means We’ll Never See Snow Again.

Jerusalem is expecting up to 8 inches of snow tomorrow.

Jerusalem schools to end early due to snow (25 Jan)

Jerusalem’s snow may be enough for snowmen (25 Jan)

January 26, 2022 11:57 am

I take it back….the Queensland Government does have a tank.

Mephisto was a lot more fun when you could clamber over it, outside the wonderfully gothic Old Museum.
It was chaotically filled with interesting stuff, like aquaria full of bitey things such as small crocodiles, which kids weren’t explicitly forbidden to try and pet.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 12:00 pm

Lemme just TL;DR this for everyone: Cervical screening for women.

Good Lord. Cervical screening for ‘transmen’.

If you have or have ever had a cervix then you are a woman.
No matter how much you say you are anything else or try to make your body change.
You are female. Count your blessings, for it is a privilege to be female.
You are the half of the species that makes and nurtures babies. Something wonderful.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 12:02 pm

Yeah, I wonder where they put the Blue Whale skeleton that used to be the Centrepiece?
Probably sent to the tip.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 12:02 pm

Emoji testing – please ignore.


Can’t ignore. I just love numnber three. Suits you, sir.

January 26, 2022 12:03 pm

Mephisto was a lot more fun when you could clamber over it, outside the wonderfully gothic Old Museum. It was chaotically filled with interesting stuff, like aquaria full of bitey things such as small crocodiles, which kids weren’t explicitly forbidden to try and pet.

Loto, that place was incredible.

The new museum felt so sterile by comparison.

January 26, 2022 12:03 pm

Mercedes is not a bullshit company. Anything they say should be taken seriously. If the 1000 K announcement is real, then this spells the end of petrol engines.

Last week, Mercedes-Benz made a bold announcement: it plans to go fully electric by 2030 (more or less). Nestled within that announcement was something that could have a massive effect on the electric vehicle sphere — namely, more details on what the automaker’s Vision EQXX concept car is expected to be capable of.

At Jalopnik, Bradley Brownell offered a prescient analysis of what the EQXX represents. Mercedes’s announcement of the EQXX notes that it will have “a real world range of more than 1,000 kilometers” — or a little over 621 miles. Brownell notes that this is the distance between New York City and Detroit; being able to travel that distance without stopping to refuel is impressive in any context. That this could be done on an electric charge makes it even more impressive.

Can I also make another observation. Every single combustion engine is a stand alone energy converter. Every single one has to suck in the fuel then burn it which then makes the energy to move the pistons and this eventually gets transmitted to the front & or rear wheels.

At face value this sounds redundant to me and it is when you consider that every engine has to create the energy and displace it. From a scaling perspective it sounds to me that in an ideal world the energy is made en-masse (scaled up), then placed in storage (batteries), which affords displacement. We’re not there just yet, but I think we will get there, especially when an electric motor has 27 parts vs 2600 in a petrol engine.

If Mercedes can get an EV to travel 1000k without a charge, then EVs will eventually be the thing.

EVs will eventually be dirt cheap.

January 26, 2022 12:04 pm

Tropical Gothic old Brisbane at its best!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 26, 2022 12:04 pm

No sign of terra nullius so far. Might be taking a break this year.

It is implicit in the claims that colonising was in breach of international law.

It is the myth that the right of colonisation relied upon Terra Nullius.

The misleading simplification then bandied about (safely quarantined from context and actuality) becomes “the justification for colonisation was that there were no people here, terra nullius. But there were people so it was illegal.”

The Latin makes it sound an erudite and legal fact to impress people, and those saying it have an investment in it – inflating their flaccid egos. And those who listen and absorb it are similarly impressed with themselves.

They will not be told otherwise, and we respond not rationally but passionately – fuelled by the feeling their own importance and own insecurity.

January 26, 2022 12:06 pm


Alcott has started his AOTY sojourn well.

Tin ears to match the tin in his chair.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 12:07 pm

Saw a display of Rock ‘n Roll George’s FX sedan at the southbank museum a few years back.
Fancy celebrating Rock ‘n Roll George?
Talk to blokes who knocked around the City in the late 1950s, they’ll tell you all you need to know about that character.

January 26, 2022 12:09 pm

Alcott has started his AOTY sojourn well.

Shit! Just drop the AOT it’s done.

January 26, 2022 12:12 pm


Re gerbil warming

Again I ask.

Richard Lindzen
Judith Curry
Michael Shellenberger
Bjorn Lomborg
Dan Wilder

All believe man has contributed to some warming. These people are well known around the world as influential sceptics of Greta -like alarmism. You on the other hand live in Newcastle, drive a 40 year old car and have zero noteworthiness about you. In fact, the one prediction you made about batteries a few years has been proven laughably wrong. You claim there is no man-made warming, yet these eminent people say there is. Why the fuck should anyone believe your bullshit?

This isn’t to suggest alarmism carries the day as it doesn’t. These people aren’t alarmists.

January 26, 2022 12:12 pm

Any eastern suburb Cats hearing this RAAF racket?

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 26, 2022 12:15 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
January 26, 2022 at 10:53 am
Happy Australia Day to the ‘Young and Free’ land that I grew up in.
How times change. But have a great day anyway.
We intend to walk to the foreshores of Arthur Phillip’s initial arrival place: at Camp Cove.

John H back thread:

Too many panic monkeys. If you find the world that glum try some Xanax.

Yep. Take a chill pill today. My fave is a nice Italian Prosecco rather than anything pharma.

I am an optimist and have never been a panic merchant regarding John’s scathing Catallaxy-worry-warts list of catastrophic things that might happen.

Something you and your hero John H don’t understand is that there are a considerable number of engineers & similar technical people on the Cat whose real job is to analyse various scenarios and work out what can go wrong and stop that happening. A “she’ll be right” attitude leads to catastrophic failures.

A rose-coloured glasses approach to what is going on in the world lately is cretinous.

Stick to your Arthurian legends please. And John H to his knitting – medical stuff.

January 26, 2022 12:16 pm

A lot bigger in concept than Allied WWI tanks.

I think they were experimenting with the land battleship thing, which was sensibly abandoned.
Except in the Soviet Union and France.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 12:16 pm
Cassie of Sydney
January 26, 2022 12:17 pm

January 26, 2022 at 12:12 pm
Any eastern suburb Cats hearing this RAAF racket?”


January 26, 2022 12:17 pm

Roger says:
January 26, 2022 at 12:03 pm
Mephisto was a lot more fun when you could clamber over it, outside the wonderfully gothic Old Museum. It was chaotically filled with interesting stuff, like aquaria full of bitey things such as small crocodiles, which kids weren’t explicitly forbidden to try and pet.
Loto, that place was incredible.

The new museum felt so sterile by comparison.

And empty. The current Qld museum just feels empty. The old one, which all 24 students and one teacher from our bush primary school visited on a memorable bus excursion, was like an Aladdins’s cave of the most interesting “stuff” a kid could imagine. Cluttered, dusty, amazing and interesting.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 12:20 pm

All believe man has contributed to some warming

You started on the juice early today JC?
Why should I make jokes when you write stuff like that?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 26, 2022 12:20 pm

Any eastern suburb Cats hearing this RAAF racket?

Getting it on the North Shore.


January 26, 2022 12:21 pm

Concerning the push for ‘zero emissions’ vehicles, we need to consider the supporting infrastructure required to run them on a mass scale.

Whether we transition to majority battery or hydrogen powered vehicles, we first need to transition our energy network to nuclear.
This would provide us with massive amounts of cheap and reliable energy, which is absolutely essential if you choose to go the hydrogen route or the battery route.
You also have the added benefit of cheap energy allowing manufacturing industries to be competitive with overseas markets agan.

Consider that EV car batteries will most likely be charged every night as one would charge their phone. This is going to create a massive power draw during the evenings.

If you are to go the hydrogen route, you would end up using massive amounts of energy during the electrolysis process to separate and extract the hydrogen from water in the first place.

Either way, we need supporting infrastructure at the generation level to be reliable, otherwise the petrol engine is going nowhere anytime soon.

January 26, 2022 12:22 pm

Unintended consequences: “People are terrified to go to the hospital”…

It would be helpful if the poster gave us the name of this doctor but obviously she’s quite well known there. I’m pretty sure what she’s describing would apply here too, to some extent.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 12:22 pm

Big flyover on the harbour has just finished. Single bat-wing fighter with a tremendous back-roar which did twirling aerobatics into and around Watson’s Bay and scared the birds around here witless. The cocktoos took off in a forceful hurry over the closest noise which really reverberated, and all the rest of the aviary around here started up a twitter and a disconcerting. Attapuss freaked out in the sunroom, looking at us leaning over the open verandah, thinking we were watching the end of his world.

Only one plane, and not a few in formation as in previous years.

I love this part of Australia Day but the tone-down element seems obvious.
Can’t be blamed on Covid either, in spite of that ridiculous Qld woman denying a flyover during the earlier part of the ‘pandemic’.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 12:26 pm

Never stand between a bunch of hypocrites and a bucket of money.

Crowd capacity at tennis lifted to 65 per cent (26 Jan)

The Victorian government has increased the crowd capacity at Rod Laver Arena to 65 per cent ahead of the Australian Open finals.

And pls don’t piss off the Chinese too much, but we really really want you to come and buy lots of stuff from us.

Australian Open backflips on Peng Shuai t-shirts (25 Jan)

Lychees and cream at the tennis anyone?

January 26, 2022 12:26 pm

Here’s an article on the Merc EQXX with some actual useful information:

Looks like the efficiency gains are through aerodynamics and rolling friction reduction. Interior made of “woke” materials, LOL!
Battery pack is 100KW-h and mass 495 Kg. Don’t know if this includes things like pumps and temperature control fluids and battery management/control circuitry which might actually be counted as part of the car. Battery pack energy density is just over 200Wh/Kg which is good but not spectacular. Battery efficiency gains sure aren’t driving the design.
I wonder what you’d get if you put a good IC engine in it in fuel economy like the upcoming Mazda SkyActiv-X ? Likely to be very good and a fair bit lighter even with a full tank of fuel. Then lighten further for the lower structural/suspension/brake loads.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 12:26 pm

I see you’ve got your flag up, called out a neighbour, almost as a complaint.
There’s no other day for Australia Day but Jan 26 and the flag is a vital part of it, I call back.
Not going to be silenced on my own home patch.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 26, 2022 12:26 pm


EVs will eventually be dirt cheap.

And eventually, we will all be dead.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 12:27 pm

JC start at this link. Do not pass go, do not collect $200

Hal Lewis – one of the great physicists of our time.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 26, 2022 12:28 pm

JC says:
January 26, 2022 at 12:03 pm
Mercedes is not a bullshit company. Anything they say should be taken seriously. If the 1000 K announcement is real, then this spells the end of petrol engines.

Absolutely. The Germans manufacturers are all going electric or other renewable energies. No more diesel/ petrol vehicles. Only the timeframes differ between each. Das governmentum has big fines approx 2000 euros for every vehicle sold over a defined % of their total sales which are not REs. This % climbs over time. So instead of fighting city hall, the manufacturers have embraced green policies and are pushing these out around the globe. Australia is regularly sneered at for how far behind we are in RE and government support. Having driven several EVs myself that are astounding technology. But as with all technology there are many software bugs to fix.
Personally I’m happy for us to be on the cutting edge of technology, not so much the bleeding edge. Plus I cannot understand why we are being pushed into coal powered electric cars. But the crazies are in charge and who are we to question their wisdom.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 12:29 pm

Juice overdose confirmed.

January 26, 2022 12:30 pm

Consider that EV car batteries will most likely be charged every night

Why make that assumption? They can also be charged during the day.

I own some office space which has been rented to the same firm for around 15 years. The dude came back asking for a rent review which aligns with the lease. Nice CEO type and we both want to keep the least going. He hasn’t requested a rent reduction but asked that ~10 of the carparks are “lit up” as charge stations- if I pay the cost. It’s about 12 to 15 K and happy to in today’s rental climate. The point is that EV can also be charged during the day.

January 26, 2022 12:32 pm

I’d also like to add that I personally think hydrogen will be the route we eventually go with.
Also, Mazda made hydrogen concept cars with rotary engine year ago and were able to prove that the rotary adapts extremely well to running on hydrogen. 🙂


also here

January 26, 2022 12:33 pm

The current Qld museum just feels empty.

A dull multi media space salted with tat some educationalist
thinks should be interesting.

January 26, 2022 12:33 pm

My daughter informs me that aboriginal activists are now protesting that “white people” own their flag.


January 26, 2022 12:34 pm

My daughter informs me that aboriginal activists are now protesting that “white people” own their flag.

And why not? We paid for it!

January 26, 2022 12:34 pm

Dang…that was meant to be a face with rolling eyes.

January 26, 2022 12:36 pm

It’s interesting looking at the comments section of GBNews articles and commentaries.
Almost universally sneering lefty kiddie tantrums. There must be regiments of the demented bedwetters on a roster.
GBN doesn’t appear to moderate, they just let it flow.
Given the amazing success of GBN you wonder why the loons bother. Hanging out hoping to goad a response leading to a hate speech prosecution I guess.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
January 26, 2022 12:36 pm

Happy West Australia Day ya bunch of unclean heathens…I’ll be spending my time washing all my face masks , fileing my QR codes , getting a ‘boosted booster ‘ shot, painting my face blue and crying out ‘freedom’ and to top it all off bowing to a full size pic of ‘Saint Mark of the Swan’ . It dont’ get better than that.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 26, 2022 12:37 pm

McClown beclowns himself:

Mark McGowan will be forced to travel to Sydney to continue his legal battle against billionaire Clive Palmer, after a judge ruled the West Australian Premier’s evidence must be given in person.

The Premier and mining magnate are suing each other for defamation in the Federal Court, with the trial originally set to get underway next week in NSW.

Mr McGowan last week backflipped on reopening his state’s borders on February 5, announcing they would stay closed indefinitely because of the Omicron spread in other parts of Australia.

If the border closure is still in place, Mr McGowan will self-quarantine for 14 days upon his return from the defamation trial at the end of February and will not apply for an exemption.

January 26, 2022 12:38 pm

Why make that assumption?

Because the average persons drives to work during the day and comes home at night.

Your workplace may have charging stations, though is is unlikely at this stage and in the foreseeable future.

Transport NSW screwed up and purchased 100 EV buses.
You know what they didn’t do? Build charging stations before they bought the buses…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 12:38 pm

I’d also like to add that I personally think hydrogen will be the route we eventually go with.

Certainly. I’m looking forward to buying a Zeppelin. Nice name.

January 26, 2022 12:38 pm

Now, who would have thought that America would actively destabilise another country.

Ukraine Says ‘Destabilization’ Fueled by Biden Admin Hysteria, Not Russia

January 26, 2022 12:38 pm

Fair Shake

Thanks, appreciate the comment.

I know governments – particularly the Euroweenies – are pushing this like crazy and forcing the car makers into going the EV direction. Having said that, if the Mercedes claim is reasonable and there is some evidence to say that it is ( 1000 K under regular driving conditions) then this is a game changer by a huge order of magnitude.

January 26, 2022 12:40 pm

Your workplace may have charging stations, though is is unlikely at this stage and in the foreseeable future.

Okay, but I’m about to install 10 at a workplace 🙂

January 26, 2022 12:42 pm

Jerusalem is expecting up to 8 inches of snow tomorrow.

Time for a 5th jab then!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 26, 2022 12:42 pm

aboriginal activists are now protesting that “white people” own their flag.


I am staggered by the cultural appropriation!

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 26, 2022 12:43 pm

For want of anything else to do by way of avoiding the trashed Australia Day I’m watching “The Golden Compass”.
Youse can stick your tanks.
I want an armoured bear.

January 26, 2022 12:44 pm

Mercedes is not a bullshit company. Anything they say should be taken seriously. If the 1000 K announcement is real, then this spells the end of petrol engines.

I recall a major stoush here months ago with rednecks and other associated head up their arse braindeads all “stating the obvious” that EV or battery powered vehicles and equipment are a passing phase and that the mighty ICE was here to stay forevah. Obviously these clowns have never heard of Govt mandates (going global).

The mountains of money being poured into EV’s , battery tech and even battery mining equipment is obscene. Including taxpayers dough. The result being, we are now in a headlong transition to EV/battery powered domination. It will certainly be ugly and chaotic, full of clusterfucks and ludicrously expensive just like everything else Govts stick their beak into. But make no mistake, it’s here.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 12:44 pm

I’d also like to add that I personally think hydrogen will be the route we eventually go with.

H2 presents some bulk storage, transport and vehicle storage issues due to leakage.
Whilst these issues may eventually overcome, a Hindenburg type event is always a possibility.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 12:45 pm

Concerning the push for ‘zero emissions’ vehicles

ICE owners should be paid for the valuable fertilizer they provide to farmers.

Will We Purposely Add CO2 to the Atmosphere Soon? (24 Jan, via Climate Depot)

In geologic thinking, we are perilously close to the lowest levels of atmospheric CO2 that can sustain life as we know it, and we do not know of another natural mechanism that releases more carbon into the atmosphere. To intentionally reduce it further is to put an even greater strain on the growth of the plants that make up the foundation of all life on Earth. Perhaps this is even the natural way life as we know it is supposed to end—except for that pesky, climate-denying neighbor and his big SUV.

Yup, Greenies want to kill humanity to save the planet, especially EV drivers.

(Oops those last three words just slipped out, I don’t know how that could’ve possibly happened.)

January 26, 2022 12:49 pm

Now, who would have thought that America would actively destabilise another country.

I’m having some difficulty with the notion that Joe Biden can “actively” do anything.

But seriously, Ukrainians should be just as worried about Joe sticking his beak into their affairs as Putin.

Maybe more so.

January 26, 2022 12:49 pm

H2 presents some bulk storage, transport and vehicle storage issues due to leakage.
Whilst these issues may eventually overcome, a Hindenburg type event is always a possibility.

I agree, though I believe they are easier to implement on a mass scale than EVs are.
Batteries are effectively toxic waste once they reach their 5-10 year lifespan. No recycling.

Hydrogen vehicles on the other hand are much like ICEs. fill them up and they will keep going.

Either technology presents greater fire risks, hydrogen due to being so flammable and lithium being in the list of combustible metals that are extremely difficult to extinguish.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 12:50 pm

Obviously these clowns have never heard of Govt mandates

Is that anything like “let them eat cake”?
We should ask the Ceau?escus.

January 26, 2022 12:51 pm
January 26, 2022 12:54 pm


Are you even self aware? You’re one of the imbeciles he’s likely referring to. Remain silent!

January 26, 2022 12:55 pm

I don’t have a problem with EVs if they are cheap, reliable and not too reliant on taxpayer subsidies.
I see the French government offers up to €7000 assistance to buy a new or second hand ev or even a hybrid?
Best I could work out reading the sign on the hotel de ville 😉

January 26, 2022 12:56 pm
January 26, 2022 12:56 pm

Plasmamortar that suspension package looks good. When I did mine took it to two places to get it set up. Neither could make drive anything like safe even at low speed. Both gave me my money back, thats when I did it myself using string lines, tape measure and a felt tip pen.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 12:56 pm

Malcom Trumble was right!
Widespread adoption of EVs will be proof that Government rules/mandates/laws/taxes override the laws of mathematics (physics and chemistry).

January 26, 2022 12:57 pm

Is that anything like “let them eat cake”?
We should ask the Ceau?escus.

Bruce, I would have thought that you would accept that we are dealing with entirely different generations and eras here.

As long as Govts keep handing out free stuff , populations will oblige and capitulate. Yes there will be dissenters, as I said the transition will be at times ugly. But no denying it’s underway. The questions really are ; How can I not get hurt and How can I profit?

Most of the biggest generation living – millennials- want this to be so. As well as a big chunk of boomers. It’s all a done deal.

January 26, 2022 12:58 pm
January 26, 2022 12:59 pm


Don’t think that car-making of the non-EV kind is clean skinned as far as government assistance goes. There’s is and has been huge amounts of pork barrelling throughout the sector’s post war history.

Just think that Detroit only survived the GFC through massive government assistance. Euroweenie governments all offer assistance to this sector in some form or another.

January 26, 2022 12:59 pm

As regards her bestie Brittney that court case is going to be fascinating.

yep, no witnesses, no evidence but she sez, even tho too drunk to remember how, why or where, really think this only got into court cos BRADBURY believes her not because there is any, actual, evidence ..

January 26, 2022 12:59 pm

Batteries are effectively toxic waste once they reach their 5-10 year lifespan. No recycling.

There’ll be be plenty of incentives on offer to solve that problem, not least from government. They can be repurposed or recycled, it’s the scale of operations required to do so once EVs are ubiquitous will be the challenge. But if EVs are to be the future, it will be done.

January 26, 2022 1:01 pm

incoherent rambler says:
January 26, 2022 at 12:56 pm

Malcom Trumble was right!
Widespread adoption of EVs will be proof that Government rules/mandates/laws/taxes override the laws of mathematics (physics and chemistry).

Gee Rambles, the dickhead was wrong on almost everything and now you giving him a pass – not only a pass, but telling us he was right. Don’t tell us, you’ve knee padded him too.

January 26, 2022 1:03 pm

France covid cases remain around the eleven and a half million mark.
Rats tests are extremely cheap and you can get them at the supermarket.
I guess travelling is a matter of how much risk you are prepared to assume.
I had an encounter with a couple of rats yesterday afternoon, took a bit of convincing that I was going to walk up the footpath without them impeding my progress.
I’m starting to have fond memories of cat village Cardo.

January 26, 2022 1:03 pm

Eyrie says:
January 26, 2022 at 12:26 pm
Here’s an article on the Merc EQXX with some actual useful information:

Looks like the efficiency gains are through aerodynamics and rolling friction reduction.

So not due to doubling the energy density/efficiency of the battery? A 100% increase in range seems a big ask from aerodynamics, lightweight materials and rolling resistance. Modern cars are already so impractically aerodynamic to the point where people decide on a boxy SUV instead.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 1:05 pm

Either technology presents greater fire risks, hydrogen due to being so flammable and lithium being in the list of combustible metals that are extremely difficult to extinguish.

I agree with you about H2 being a superior alternative to EVs.
Note that Li fires are not only hard to extinguish they are very HOT.
H2 issues- Reaction rate and a molecule that is small enough to pass through many many materials.

January 26, 2022 1:05 pm

If you have or have ever had a cervix then you are a woman.

Then my Mum was a woman twice over. She had a washing machine that she chronically mispronounced as her “Wilkens Cervix”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 26, 2022 1:06 pm

Quite an impressive beast. Not in running order, alas.

I have zero military knowledge, but it must have been awful fighting in the thing.

You used to be able to peer inside and get a fairly good view. As I recall there were two large engines, with dog clutches and chain drives, plus mountings for 6 guns – so it would have been super crowded, deafening, and choking.

The armour was pretty thin, and you could see spall marks inside where it had been hit by some sort of ammunition that bounced off. The effect on the crew of little bits of high speed steel flying around must have been more than just a nuisance.

Brave guys.

January 26, 2022 1:06 pm

a dirty looking rag

a compliance rag.

January 26, 2022 1:07 pm

January 26, 2022 at 12:34 pm
Dang…that was meant to be a face with rolling eyes.

Don’t give up keep trying.

January 26, 2022 1:08 pm

Regarding EV’s- how can I not get hurt? Hold off purchase as long possible to take advantage of latest battery tech that allows very long km’s between charges and short charge times.

How to profit: Resource , battery tech , EV infrastructure stocks.

The trend is your friend ?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 1:09 pm

Hydrogen vehicles on the other hand are much like ICEs. fill them up and they will keep going.

Haha. Compressing hydrogen is insanely energy intensive, which is why no one does CNG for vehicles despite the fracking and CSG booms. H2 is even worse than CNG. (LPG is propane/butane with a sane bp, and which can be stored as liquid under mild pressure, unlike methane.)

I have said time after time that if you are going to be really serious about this bugcrap insane stuff you should synthesize methanol centrally then transport it to servos using the same logistics we presently have in place. Does not take too much to convert ICEs to methanol, and methanol is net zero since the CO2 needed to make it can be recovered from the atmosphere. It also isn’t too expensive to make with nuke, unlike unspeakable insanely expensive renewbull hydrogen. (I’ve worked at two sites with hydrogen plants; one electrolytic, one naphtha/reforming, and I’ve process modeled the latter.)

That these people aren’t throwing money at nuke plant/methanol synthesis means they are completely unserious. It’s all religion, not physics and chemistry. And in the end physics and chemistry will prevail over stupid pagan druid stuff.

January 26, 2022 1:09 pm

B John

Earlier, you queried if EVs will be cheaper. I believe they will. The most complex part of a petrol car is the engine. The cost of a electric motor will essentially fall by 99% is my estimate. Once mass production begins in earnest the price for the rest will fall.
If tesla has done one thing, it’s shown that a “car-maker” is essentially an assembler.

Once mass manufacturing begins then Google, Apple, Amazon and even and even Ralph Lauren (seriously) cars become likely.

January 26, 2022 1:09 pm

I don’t doubt it JC.
It just used to be more subtle.
In any case as I get the impression quite a few people here have taken advantage of solar subsidies, and why shouldn’t they, if the economic advantage is there they’ll buy the EV too #metoo.
And that reminds me, though I’ve seen a couple of solar farms, and there must be a subsidy for building large open sheds with solar panels on top, I haven’t seen a single wind farm on Corsica, just as well as it’s not been windy once since I’ve been here.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 1:09 pm

If you have or have ever had a cervix then you are a woman.

Fact check: false

I have “had” several since my enlargement.

January 26, 2022 1:11 pm

Note that Li fires are not only hard to extinguish they are very HOT.

Using solid Li instead of the liquid/fluid variety significantly reduces this risk.

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 26, 2022 1:13 pm

You need to get a car rickw.
Unless you’re a tourist, everyone drives.
Even half the Pali or Philippino slaves drive Camry’s.

There’s plenty of free cars available at the Dubai airport.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 1:14 pm

Regarding EV’s- how can I not get hurt? Hold off purchase as long possible to take advantage of latest battery tech that allows very long km’s between charges and short charge times.

Makka – Buy a second hand ICE car. The pollies are so not going to take away voters’ cheap cars. They’re not that politically suicidal. Ok maybe pollies will ban new ICE sales, but all you need to do is bring in a few illegal immigrant car mechanics from Cuba and the ICE will reign supreme far longer than the pollies will.

As for investments, tulips are worthless if you’re the last one holding them when the music stops.

January 26, 2022 1:15 pm

Brave guys.

Some interesting info here, Faustus.

A crew of 18 is mentioned, but I suspect they served in two shifts of nine.

It’s been many years since I saw Mephisto in the museum, but I’d think you’d have trouble fitting 18 blokes in there. This photo shows a crew of nine.

January 26, 2022 1:16 pm

January 26, 2022 at 12:17 pm

Sorry, pressed report in error! .. slinks orf .. duuh!

January 26, 2022 1:17 pm

For some reason I can’t bring myself to go into the shed and tinker on my own stuff.

Me too Rickw, It feels all so frivoulous, but the feeling will pass I know it in my bones, don’t beat yourself up about it.

I’ve taken to going bush with my oldest boys and climbing the most obscure mountains we can find instead. Extremely good mojo.

January 26, 2022 1:17 pm

As for investments, tulips are worthless if you’re the last one holding them when the music stops.

They weren’t useless when the price was rising, you idiot. In fact , they were very useful things to own through the boom. Seriously, just stop talking.

January 26, 2022 1:17 pm

calli says:
January 26, 2022 at 11:22 am

You haven’t got over Sophia and Jayne! Knew it! 😀

It’s whose than that, Calli. We are now confused as to which picture of Sophia and Jayne is the, err, unadulterated one. Have we always only seen one in which Jayne’s modesty was partially restored in the darkroom (leaving Sophia’s appearance as one fearing too much may be at risk of reveal, when really it was the case was that too much already was revealed), or is this latest-featured (at least on The Cat) shot altered to suggest more was already on display than actually was the case?

I’m sure many Cats are qualified to perform the research, should they turn their mind to it.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 26, 2022 1:17 pm

H2 presents some bulk storage, transport and vehicle storage issues due to leakage.
Whilst these issues may eventually overcome, a Hindenburg type event is always a possibility.

The Airship was a competitor to the then fledgling Commercial Airliner Industry.
Generally accepted now that the New Jersey Hindenburg Disaster was sabotage, not an accident.

January 26, 2022 1:19 pm

Hydrogen is a non starter. It is like a battery that you get back about one third of the energy you put in. Lithium batteries are far better. H2 is also horrible to store unless you attach it to little nano chains of carbon when it becomes liquid at room temperature and is easy to handle and store. It is called petrol or diesel.
The electric car push got started when the environmental movement got started in the 1960’s. The purpose was to eliminate pollution in cities i.e CO, NOx, O3. Lead acid or NiCad battery tech wasn’t up to really practical cars then. This has morphed into declaring CO2 a “pollutant” so electric cars are seen as desirable. Better build your nukes and enhanced power grid first otherwise they are likely coal or natural gas powered.
Getting back to that EQXX and 100km range. Is this on flat ground? No wind? What kind of road surface? What will it get when it is 5 years old.
If you want to maximise battery life you’ll want to charge to only 40% capacity if it won’t be driven for any length of time. The R/C model aircraft people here know this and your car if it has to go NOW has 400Km range.
You can safely leave an IC car with a full tank without degradation of anything.
A technological society can mandate a lot of things and all sorts of things are possible. Whether they are economical is another thing and unless we do things at close to lowest cost you have to consider opportunity cost – what else could we have done with those resources? Everybody is poorer as a result.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 1:19 pm

And in the end physics and chemistry will prevail …

I’m not so sure.
Never underestimate the power of the feeble minded.
Great civilizations have come and gone before us.

Footnote: A friend had his research lab remodelled by a (small) leaky hydrogen cylinder. 1980s

January 26, 2022 1:21 pm

Ed Case, the primary problem with airships is economic. They are SLOW and hence can’t do many trips a year.

January 26, 2022 1:23 pm

These evil old pants shitting geriatrics cannot give up power.
Is all thats animating their desiccated dead crow cadavers.

‘More needs to be done’: 81-year-old Nancy Pelosi announces she is running for reelection
By Felicia Sonmez and Donna Cassata

Washington: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Wednesday AEDT that she is running for reelection, citing the “crucial” need to defend American democracy through legislation on voting rights and other issues.

Pelosi, 81, has served in Congress since 1987.

She thanked her constituents for “giving me the privilege to represent our city and our San Francisco values in the Congress – human rights, reproductive justice*, LGBTQ equality, respect for immigrants and care for each other”.

“When people ask me what are the three most important issues facing the Congress, I always say the same thing: our children, our children, our children,” she added.

*Baby mincing, right up till birth.

January 26, 2022 1:25 pm

The pollies are so not going to take away voters’ cheap cars.

Eventually, BOTH sides will adopt this policy. Labor is already well along the road. The spineless Libs will fall into line- you know I’m right. Let’s not forget, STATES are going green. You are farting against thunder Bruce.

As for investments, tulips are worthless

BHP, RIO, Ni, Cu , Li mining stocks etc are not tulips and it’s absurd to imply that. Ditto for battery tech listings. Maybe you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

January 26, 2022 1:25 pm

There’s plenty of free cars available at the Dubai airport.

A pity there’s no HQ’s there! Take my old spare set of keys and pick one I like! Thanks to Holden’s near universal key system!

January 26, 2022 1:26 pm

Getting back to that EQXX and 100km range. Is this on flat ground? No wind? What kind of road surface? What will it get when it is 5 years old.

My link told you, you bignoting wanker. It said , in reasonable driving conditions . Not ideal, but reasonable and average driving conditions.

You absolutely ruined the incel and for that alone you’ll never be forgiven.

January 26, 2022 1:26 pm

I’ve taken to going bush with my oldest boys and climbing the most obscure mountains we can find instead. Extremely good mojo.

Yep. At the risk of being trite, nature is a great healer.

As is physical exercise. Gtes the seratonin flowing.

January 26, 2022 1:27 pm

Tank crews and spalling.

Masks worn, add that to trying to drive & fight the things.
comment image

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 1:27 pm

Weird how this works.

Tough EU car emission rules ‘necessary’, says leader of key German state (12 Jan)

Number of new German cars falls again as auto industry struggles (5 Jan)

I’ll tell you what will happen. German car manufacturers will go bankrupt because the plebs won’t buy their overpriced Gaia chariots, not even with subsidies, and especially not since Germany has the highest electricity prices in the world. Instead they will buy Haval and Saic cars via Romania or Turkey and drive them into the EU. Where the pollies will allow them to be used because kowtow and votes. Result: Germany has no German cars but lots of cheap Chinese ICE ones.

January 26, 2022 1:29 pm

Result: Germany has no German cars but lots of cheap Chinese ICE ones.

Like I said, you obviously have not heard about Govt mandates.

January 26, 2022 1:32 pm

I’ll tell you what happens.

Are you for real? Rather than demonstrating great humility by shutting the fuck up you’re now telling us what happens? You’re cred is fucking zero you egg nog.

January 26, 2022 1:33 pm

You need to get a car rickw.
Unless you’re a tourist, everyone drives.
Even half the Pali or Philippino slaves drive Camry’s.

Totally agree. Metro would be useful if daughters came to visit, they could at least get themselves around a bit. There’s plenty of relatively cheap cars there. When I’ve been there in the past, used taxis a lot, pretty cosy effective.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 26, 2022 1:34 pm

January 26, 2022 at 1:09 pm
B John

Earlier, you queried if EVs will be cheaper. I believe they will.

You might well be correct, after all, computers are now insanely cheaper in real terms, and with massively greater processing power, than those of the 1940s and 1950s. But will we have to wait for multiple decades to reach that Nirvana?

PS, you “believe” that EVs will be cheaper. Do you trade on the basis of what you believe, or on the basis of the best evidence that you can find?

January 26, 2022 1:34 pm

JC , I think this decline is either over or will be in a session or 2. What’s your read on the S&P?

January 26, 2022 1:34 pm

For some reason I can’t bring myself to go into the shed and tinker on my own stuff.

Pin this one up .. it might help .. LOL!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 26, 2022 1:37 pm

The Airship was a competitor to the then fledgling Commercial Airliner Industry.

Wrong. Airships were initially competing with ocean liners for long-distance for the richest of folks. Post-WW1, their only advantages over conventional aircraft were in passenger capacity, range and opulence of travel. And by the late 1920s, the flying boat and terrestrial aircraft alike were edging the airship out with increasing capacity and opulence. They already had the speed advantage.

By the 1930s, the airship was an expensive gimmick that (as aircraft carriers were still maturing) was still thought to have a useful military role as a long-range naval scout and gunnery spotting aircraft. The US Navy even maintained several blimp squadrons throughout WW2 for coastal patrol work, after giving up dirigibles after the destruction of USS Akron in 1933.

Generally accepted now that the New Jersey Hindenburg Disaster was sabotage, not an accident

Proof please, Grigory.

USS Akron, R101 and Hindenburg alike all burned due to weather and handling-mediated mishaps close to the ground, which triggered catastrophic fires and explosions. The Hindenburg was just the most well-publicised and had the greatest death toll.

January 26, 2022 1:38 pm

Do you trade on the basis of what you believe, or on the basis of the best evidence that you can find?

Best description of the stock market I ever saw was “a random walk, modified by insider trading”. Was in a Charles Sheffield SF novel.

January 26, 2022 1:39 pm

If they can get the battery tech and price sorted, EV’s are potentially very competitive in metropolitan applications.

The drivetrains are ridiculously simple.

The battery tech is getting there based on what I’ve seen in power tools. I’ve been using Makita and Dewalt 18V tools and the endurance is outstanding, even on angle grinders which used to pretty much be a one one cut/one battery proposition.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 26, 2022 1:39 pm

Generally accepted now that the New Jersey Hindenburg Disaster was sabotage, not an accident.

Confirmed by munty’s replacement as the site’s replacement wrongologist, the Hindenburg disaster was an accident.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 26, 2022 1:44 pm

There seems to be some conflation of different issues.
1. Money to made.
2. Adoption
3. The best, or indeed the only viable solution.

Money can be made from a garbage technology and the worst solution.

January 26, 2022 1:44 pm


It could be, but I’m really surprised at the violence of the down move. It’s a really difficult ticker as the US is supposedly suffering 7% inflation and since the move down in stocks, bond yields have been falling. But yes, there’s some optimism as the down moves were nixed/reversed during two US trading sessions.

I think the market has more or less discounted the fed’s moves this year. I think we’ve just discounted some possibility of a Taiwan or Ukraine fuck-up, but I also think the market realized that there’s a incompetent administration handling these complex issues.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 26, 2022 1:45 pm

Tank crews and spalling.

Which is why everything has kevlar liners immediately between the armour plate/superstructure and crew and engine compartments, and all vehicle crews wear body armour in training and combat alike.

The projectile need not penetrate to get a K-kill, as white-hot spall can shred crews, ignite anything flammable in the compartment and detonate ammunition.

January 26, 2022 1:46 pm

Courier Mail and Herald Sun have an article about an Oregon study and super immunity. First paras below.

Very rare to see reference to overseas Covid research in CM and HS. Don’t recall them reporting on Israeli saying 3/4 jabs not doing much against Omicron.

So the good news is Covid plus jabs equals super immunity. Seems like more propaganda and you have to wonder how CM picked that research out of all the studies to report on. I don’t recall any Australian news outlet reporting that CEO Pfizer said first two jabs don’t work against Omicron.

Didn’t Dr John Campbell and many others just report on CDC research about immunity. Yet all we get is an obscure Oregon study.

“New research has found fully-vaccinated people who catch Covid end up with ‘super immunity’ and ten times more antibodies than those who aren’t infected.

However, Health experts from Oregon Health and Science University say the same is also true for people who get infected before getting two jabs.

The scientists took blood samples from 104 university employees who were double-jabbed with Pfizer”

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 26, 2022 1:46 pm

Whether they are economical is another thing and unless we do things at close to lowest cost you have to consider opportunity cost – what else could we have done with those resources? Everybody is poorer as a result.

[Pretty much every politician in the developed world]: “Hold my beer!”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 26, 2022 1:49 pm

BHP, RIO, Ni, Cu , Li mining stocks etc are not tulips and it’s absurd to imply that.

Makka, that’s quite funny given who has financed my very enjoyable retirement, and which particular metals contributed to it over the last several decades.

January 26, 2022 1:49 pm

PS, you “believe” that EVs will be cheaper. Do you trade on the basis of what you believe, or on the basis of the best evidence that you can find?

From the best evidence? No one can say they have the best evidence. Look, I try to be non-biased as much as I can and read things in how they’re developing. You can’t free yourself from all bias, but you can try to get rid of some when you’re aware of it.
Trading has taught me one thing. Bias of the headstrong sort kills. Headstrong bias is a serial killer. 🙂

January 26, 2022 1:51 pm

The drivetrains are ridiculously simple.
No gearbox and around town just fine. However the electric motor and battery pack will need a thermal control system with sensors, pumps and fluid so no saving over an IC car there. Extra weight of battery means beefed up structure, brakes, suspension. Nothing comes for free.
As a rough guide to battery tech: Lead acid is about 30-40 W-h/Kg, NiMH around 60 – 70, LiFePO4, in the range 100 to 130, Li-ion 150 up to around 250 for stuff you can actually freely buy now. The EQXX is not dependent on advanced battery tech at 200 W-h/Kg.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 26, 2022 1:53 pm


USS Akron, R101 and Hindenburg alike all burned due to weather and handling-mediated mishaps close to the ground,

I forgot the USS Macon’s loss in 1935. Flown into the sea.

January 26, 2022 1:53 pm

I think the market has more or less discounted the fed’s moves this year.

Yes, that’s why I like Barry Knap’s take and he’s got good form.

The US economy is strong enough to take a few hikes and that’s priced in now or should be close to. But it’s likely going to be a different market. Particular sectors are going to be in play.

January 26, 2022 1:55 pm

Airships are unwieldy, highly weather dependent beasts. Far more so than modern aircraft.

January 26, 2022 1:57 pm

Makka, that’s quite funny given who has financed my very enjoyable retirement, and which particular metals contributed to it over the last several decades.

Yeah, fkn hilarious Bruce. So those tulips are financing your retirement? The past is past and things do change. For good and bad.

January 26, 2022 1:58 pm

G way to go with electric cars .See the article on the guy in Finland with an early Feel a worth about $10k.
He was quoted $32k for a new battery.Chose to blow it up with dynamite.
Also the journo doing a trip in winter in an EV.Battery draining because of the cold.She had to put on several coats as heater wouldn’t work and she nearly froze to death.
I wonder if the reverse ap
Lies in Australia with car air con.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x