And some will want answers as to where their children are. This should be part of any deal made. I…
And some will want answers as to where their children are. This should be part of any deal made. I…
One for the lefty vegetarians .
It’s an interesting memory, Arky, and thanks for sharing it. The world is full of things unknown and the human…
The Spectator Index@spectatorindex3hBREAKING: US and Ukraine set to sign minerals dealAll over the shop.
Hey, how about the UN headquarters in New York?WINNING! Trump Administration Proposes Selling 443 Federal Properties Across 47 States, D.C.,…
[Pretty much every politician in the developed world]: “Hold my beer!”
Unfortunately correct.
As for mandates, eventually some political party says” we’ll give you back your cheap cars and stop the power blackouts”. It will get bad before then. Really, really bad.
Your terrorist, my freedom fighter
That seems fairly significant Custard.
Death of the “there was no fraud’ narrative at the least.
It’s common practice in Pakistan to invent Arabian genealogies to pretend that your ancestors weren’t of Indian heritage. They prefer to pretend that their ancestors were the invaders rather than cowards who deserted their old gods for a new one, usually at the point of a scimitar.
It’s the same situation in Turkey, people don’t want to acknowledge that they are the descendants of the defeated Greeks, hence the outcry which forced Ancestry DNA to remove their report.
Interestingly, it’s the reverse situation here in Australia, we have plenty of Bruce Pascoe types inventing indigenous ancestries. I suppose that’s because we reward victims, and there’s some financial benefits available too.
All good, shatterzz. No harm done, and a little negative feedback or correction never hurt anyone anyway. 🙂
Today I’m continuing the resurrection of a 40yo 13HP ex CFS trailer pump. I just spent 125 dollars on a battery, which means I now have $135 invested in it …
Things can change quite rapidly, as the cake recommender found. Those big blades were sharp, and the basket was quite large enough even for her swelled-head.
One vibe that has been appearing recently in the US is the Dems screeching about the danger of revolution. Outrageous! It’s fun since they’ve finally worked out that the right has all the firearms and the training. So now they’re saying look! look! the dastardly righties are planning a revolting revolt! Which is only half right since what righties are doing is acquiring a shedload of legal armaments in case the political situation allows them to legally take the Dems to the cleaners in fine Civil War-style. Being based on Christian ethos the Right can’t initiate it, as the Right upholds both the Constitution and rule of law (which the Left doesn’t). It might actually happen because the Dems have been playing Chicken with raw ballot fraud and etc. Eventually if you play Chicken long enough you will lose to a more determined opponent.
(Apparently the Dems have all the nukes and the F15s. Which would be an interesting matchup against a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
The likes of Bruce Pascoe, inventing indigenous ancestries, used to be utterly despised by those who were genuinely of indigenous ancestry. When did all this change?
Yeah, what?
As has always been the way.
1) History tells us irregulars win every time.
2) Whats the bet someone in Texas has their own F15 under a tarp in a shed 😉
Good comment at 2:02 pm
This actually looks interesting but I doubt they’d sell some except to a company planning to commercialise their tech. Safety profile promising too.
I don’t disagree. But let’s not equate a starving desperate population with a slomo generational move to our clean green future that has been embedded and promised in and to every child’s head at school for the last 2-3 decades. Those kids now vote and increasingly hold the levers of Govt. It’s purely a numbers game. And nothing like the civil war analogy you have offered. Although I suspect that turmoil of some kind is ahead for the US but perhaps not like the Civil War.
Trudeau calls Canadian Truckers Terrorists
Bing bong.
What’s he said about train drivers ?
Bing bong.
Whats the bet someone in Texas has their own F15 under a tarp in a shed
Many years ago now an A-10 went missing on a practice mission in Arizona IIRC. I loved the idea that it would be eventually found in some Colorado hill billy’s shed next to his dirt airstrip. “Yep, young fella landed it here one day and sold it to me for $1000.”
Unfortunately they did eventually find the wreckage.
Poor old Andwew Pwobyn couldn’t even use any of it on the 7pm News. Kinda defeated the whole purpose.
Watching their Green Net-Zero New Deal dreams slowly die like a fish on the beach, gills collapsing under the weight of economic and social reality, will likely be catastrophic for the more ardently indoctrinated. Where and at whom they direct their anger, grief and disillusionment afterwards, nobody knows…
I would like to hear cat’s opinions on the next big war.
Methinks the next will be different to anything else before because of automated sentries and automated command and control.
Also airborne attack/surveillance drones.
Why, thank you Sir!
There I go, assuming gender again, aarrrggghhh! Correct me if I’m wrong of course.
And Happy Australia Day to one and all. We do live in a fantastic country, if only the idiots who don’t know how to do anything but stuff it up would get out of the way.
Extra terrorists…
Once all the autonomous stuff has been expended on each other’s autonomous stuff and the few high-value manned assets caught out in the open early on, then it’s back to business as usual…
indeed — but the Jap’s seem to be in the prototype stage of sorting the bulk transport.
Of course 1250 cubic metres of H2 is a fair way off the even a small panamax tanker, which can carry about 100x the energy in petroleum products.
Makka says:
January 26, 2022 at 12:44 pm
I recall a major stoush here months ago with rednecks and other associated head up their arse braindeads all “stating the obvious” that EV or battery powered vehicles and equipment are a passing phase and that the mighty ICE was here to stay forevah. Obviously these clowns have never heard of Govt mandates (going global).
Yeah – none of us are engineers or related real world types…we just all braindead.
So Makka – go shove your ignorant insults up your quite probably very loose arse & then go fuck yourself.
Well worth listening to, not only the topical info re vaccines, etc., but the stuff about the different immunological responses the body provides in the mucus and blood is fascinating. Another interesting historical tidbit was that in ’57 and ’68 pandemics, traditional vaccines were developed in 5 months on each occasion!
Hear, hear!
After all, warfare is a uniquely human thing.
Despite all the efforts to scientise it, mechanise it, distance it, sanitise it and dehumanise it, it all comes down to 2 (or more) groups of humans facing off against each other to decide who is getting their way today.
Rex Anger
Rex, as always, it will make no difference.
Even rocket engineers avoid hydrogen unless absolutely necessary. Bastard stuff to handle in liquid form at around 20 degK. Needs very good insulation on the tanks otherwise the air in contact with the outside tank walls gets liquified. Also has specific gravity around a tenth that of petrol/kerosene.
Haha, Makka. Who do you think I worked for these last three decades? And in what field? A very well renumerated field I might add. Yum. I’ve had successes and f-ups but I think the companies would be happy with my contribution.
She never did recommend cake though, that was 19th century Fake News.
Yeah – none of us are engineers or related real world types…we just all braindead.
Everything is easy unless you’re the poor slob who has to sit down and engineer it.
The unvaxxed of course!
Also Texas has Chuck Norris.
Fat Tony Johnson is right.
How is it that countries (people) that have the brains to build and operate a nuclear reactor, do not see that human generated CO2 is a nothingburger?
RINOS still a problem
Unchecked oppositionism can make people say and do foolish things.
I believe that is my ggggggg grandpa on the right in the red jacket
Don’t fsck with Texas Rangers unless you want to die of natural causes*.
* Naturally, 150 holes in your torso means that will die.
Yes, Tony, you were one of the brain dead who refuse to see what’s happening in front of your fkg nose. And of course technology remains stagnant, voting demographics never change and engineers (btw God, please save me from fkg desk bound ninnies claiming to be engineers) know all things on this earth. Get rooted Tony. I like the clean green future in store probably less than you but if you think your pissing and moaning (and that of your brain dead colleaugues) that it can’t won’t work because you’re a fkg engineer will halt it then you must live in cave. There will be hordes of Govt paid “engineers” to smother any common sense , when they need to be called apon.
Clearly the last 2-3 years have made no impression whatsoever on your thick head as to what determined Govts and Corps can pull off, while you piss in the wind here.
There is that.
They’ll just try to ‘properly’ implement socialism again. But the extra bitterness and cynicism will make each subsequent attempt that much crueller.
Happy Australia Day sadly these days our Australia Day is very low key – we used to have fantadtic Australia Day parties with a cast of lovely Aussies – such wonderful memories -we used to have a band singing and dancing galore a friend would recite Banko Patterson’s The Geebung Polo Club or The Man From Snowy River or Clancy of yhr Overglow just to add to the authenticity -I think the haters have tried without success to sour this day but not for us we love this country and it’s first rate Aussies it’s the second-raters who are in charge that give me a sour taste Cheers ? ?
It didn’t in Alexandria, BoN. We are seeing the end of Science as a significant force. It has lost to bureaucracy.
Sorry for bad spelling I blame chronic fatfingeritis ?
Ubiquitous, real time surveillance and precision weapons have already ‘downsized’ fighting units considerably – gone are the days where you could march a 15,000 man division across the battlefield. Manoeuvre elements are now much, much smaller. On top of that, most wars in recent times have been asymmetric conflicts where the state power fails because their high end weaponry is too expensive or too destructive to use against dispersed targets (think Tomahawks vs Donkey carts), and doing so created even more ‘irregulars’ due to the collateral damage.
I am wondering if we are now seeing a preview of the next major war – biowar, possibly with cyberwar to be thrown in (there are a lot of parallels between respiratory viruses and computer viruses). We are already seeing many of the traditional elements of war in the war on COVID – censorship, propaganda, command economies, movement restrictions etc etc
California has Clint Eastwood, but it hasn’t helped them much.
Was talking with old dad yesterday and such things came up. I said it was fun that actors could do well in politics – Clint Eastwood was mayor of Beverley Hills or some such. And Arnie was Governor of California. Which allowed me to mention that Arnie in his mine-truck sized SUV managed to run over a Prius last Friday. There’s irony and then there’s green druid holy to Gaia electric Hummer-level irony.
Stirred up a bit of a hornets nest last night. Thought it would be over by now, but apparently not.
Some seem to think battery fires and insurance will kill off EV take-up. Others rolled out the argument about the lack of re-charging opportunities and/or if everyone plugs in to re-charge at the same time, the mains electricity system will fail. The re-charging issue is valid but it applies ‘today’. Look beyond Australia and see what is happening. Look who is investing in these new industries. As an example, Shell have announced plans to roll out 500,000 charging stations across the globe with even more planned (whilst cutting oil production by 2%). At a cost of $US6bn, this will all happen by 2025. Maybe they see something you don’t?
The EU is incentivising manufacturers, other industries and the public to increase the number of EVs on EU roads from 1.4 m vehicles today to 30 m vehicles by 2025. And they’re doing that with a ?750bn (you read that correctly) program across many industries that also includes over 1 million public charging stations (electric and hydrogen) installed in the same period. Just four years from now.
Ok, the spending is obscene but again, and let me be clear: The decision to move to alternative power vehicles was made 20 years ago. There will be no retreat.
Vehicle manufacturers are being penalised if they sell too many traditional ICE cars and incentives are offered to the public to buy an EV (or hydrogen car in some circumstances). ICE cars are facing increasingly harsh emission requirements – the new Euro 7 standards will be very difficult to achieve. Most car manufacturers will cease ICE vehicles with fewer models available after 2030/2 and those still wanting ICE cars after 2035/6 will have very little choice. Just 10-14 years from now.
Plasmamortar says:
January 26, 2022 at 12:32 pm
Nitrogen is the ‘sleeper’ in all this. Lots of people are pre-occupied with batteries, and that’s fair enough, but the research into hydrogen power (especially ‘green’ hydrogen) is vast. I wonder whether the EV car is merely the first step and hydrogen cars will become much more widespread in the med/long term. Battery recycle will also eventually become a huge issue and for the car owner, there is the matter of resale value of a car with high recharge numbers. The Japanese, in particular, but also the Koreans and Chinese are actively designing/trialling car hydrogen power systems. Lots of serious work going on at Honda, Hyundai (inc Kia) and significantly, Toyota. Beyond those, aviation are investigating hydrogen as are heavy equipment/trucks and shipping. Early days, but…….
So, you think Resistance is Futile, rather than Current divided by Voltage?
Shame that Narratives collapse so quickly, then. Yes, the consequences take a while longer to resolve. But demoralising yourself and abusing us won’t work out for you. Nor us for that matter. 🙂
So you should but I forgive you, Tinta.
Just throwing this out there:
This is clever.
Rather misleading headline though.
I think this is correct , but perhaps cyberwar will dominate. Taking out defenses with cyber weaponry will be a clear first strike combined with damaging bio- weapons. Financial weapons will also come into play – heavily. The next “major” war is increasingly looking like Taiwan IMO. It’s no coincidence that both China and Russia are shaping up as they are while this compromised old senile goofball is in the WH.
Thanks, actually very interesting.
As I recall, the interior was pretty full of metal work – couldn’t imagine 18 guys being squeezed in amongst it all doing anything useful. It certainly wouldn’t be the OHS-compliant workplace shown in the cutaway.
Trading has taught me one thing. Bias of the headstrong sort kills. Headstrong bias is a serial killer. ?
Welcome to the world of rabid Green-slime and opportunistic pollie-slime. One group rabidly believes that we are all dooooomed, the other group looks for opportunities to look good.
The EU incentivising and subsidies is 750bn Euros.
I was hoping for a flyover by the Hornets on their way to Sydney today but so far nothing. They usually go Williamtown – circle back over us – Newcastle – Sydney and then back home. They were busy over us yesterday.
On flags – the Saturday comp has almost everyone with a flag taped to their carts, some quite large. It’s a beautiful day up here and they’re having a big
boozeupbarbeque over at the clubhouse.Sent Mum and Dad home with some delicious lamb roast for dinner. Mum said, “oh no! We couldn’t” and poor Dad looked like my old pooch waiting for bits of the Sunday roast! She was overruled, much to his delight. Her roast dinner cooking days are long over, which is sad.
Not Saturday comp…seriously.
Australia Day comp. But you knew that.
Nukes freeze conflict to a fairly low level. There’s a lot of poking and prodding from the Russians and the Chinese to determine where the real threshold level is for big stuff. Quite psychological. Lately for example the Chinks have been quiet on the Indian border ever since Modi’s guys got their biff on in response to Chinese incursions. And the Taiwan fun is kabuki because Xi knows very well they have nukes. A small island isn’t worth having your top ten cities turned into radioactive glass.
It’s not just a Holden problem, it applies to all GM cars. I used to have a Chevy Impala and my neighbour had a Statesman, our keys could start both cars.
It certainly wouldn’t be the OHS-compliant workplace shown in the cutaway.
How would you like to do the OH&S assessment on this beast then?
The Boxhead WW1 anti tank rifle..
Mass 15.9 kg (35 lb), 18.5 kg (41 lb) loaded with the bipod
Length 169.1 cm (5 ft 7 in)
The rifle was a single-shot bolt-action rifle using a modified Mauser action, with rounds manually loaded into the chamber. The weapon had a pistol grip and bipod, but no method of reducing recoil, such as a soft buttpad or muzzle brake.
Amazing what social and practical good that much money would have done in the hands of the nations it was taken off, eh?
Bugmen dream, and people scream…
Save the pompous lectures Rex. Nothing wrong with my morals. As I recall I was heavily abused by the rednecks and braindeaderatti for even suggesting battery powered vehicles have a future. I guess Benz, Toyota , Cat, Renault, VW , Tesla, Sandvick, Epiroc et al are clueless in this space. So probably best stfu on that score.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
Don’t entirely disagree Rex. It is a breathtaking amount. It’s something north of a trillion Aussie dollars to be spent over just a few years.
Buy a lot of cake for plebs with a trillion US.
Tumbrils are cheap and easy to make though.
No, I think the website is wrong on that, perhaps as a result of misreading something in the German.
Must have been two teams of nine.
And Mephisto was surely an apt name for the infernal machine!
Since Reagan there was only one president that was concerned with cutting living costs and that was Trump.
The “West Australian” is running several articles of this nature – unmitigated bilge. Curious, they aren’t allowing comment on any of them…
And the resignation letter from the American Physical Society details exactly how it has been done.
Stuff you learn:
Good Lord.
There would be a BDSM market for that thing.
My fil delivered and retrieved tanks with the 8th Army in WW2. He wouldn’t ever really mention the retrieval bit.
Russia is doing nothing to escalate the Ukraine situation.
Ex the US, neither is NATO.
Neither is most of the Ukraine.
This is a small gang in Kiev using a declining window of Biden/DNC having Whitehouse & Congressional control.
That gang in Kiev has Biden over a barrel & the Washington War Machine is loving it.
Yep. Madness of crowds. Or “mass formation psychosis” if you like. Chinese manufacturers aren’t Gaia believers, so will eat their lunch.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.” – St Antony. He knew people well, since he wrote this in about 300 AD.
I think I learned about the Holden universal key thing from watching an episode of ‘Matlock Police’ back in the day. Dad had a ’63 Chev Bel Air so I borrowed his keys one Saturday morning to put theory into practice at the shopping centre carpark at Caringbah.
The universe of Battletech predicted such a scenario in the 80s, albeit transposed to about 800 years in the future.
Except there, the rules of warfare as agreed between the major powers, permitted endless brushfire and medium-level conventional skirmishes between each other. And even promoted the development of weapons that only might work in such a situation.
However, it was inevitable that some big stoushes would inevitably occur. And they did. Bombing each other back to the Stone Age was described as an outcome when the Great Houses finally had enough of little things and played for it all.
Reality and Fiction may never truly mimic each other. But they do often resonate…
Quite so.
I used to wonder how the Australian public -softened up by two + decades of unprecedented prosperity – would cope with the privations of an actual war. It seems that apart from battles in the aisles over toilet paper we’ll be quite submissive.
A< woman who stopped to help after a truck carrying 100 lab monkeys crashed in Pennsylvania fears she's caught an illness after one of the macaques hissed in her face, leaving her with pink eye symptoms.
Michelle Fallon, from Danville near Scranton, was driving directly behind the vehicle when it crashed, throwing animal crates all over the highway and smashing some to pieces. Three of the macaques escaped and went on the run, but all have since been captured and humanely euthanized. All of the other monkeys – who’d arrived in the US from Mauritius that morning, and were en route to a lab, have been accounted for.
Not really Bruce. They are actually responding to Govt mandates, regulation and “incentives”. ESG being a BIG one which is also being driven from buyers. Which is what I have been saying for months. It’s pretty simple really.
Mr Putin has been sending troops to Belarus to protect nice Mr I Steal Elections.
It would be a fine coup de main if the Russian troops there staged a putsch.
The Belorussians might be quite happy with such a thing, actually.
Why bleed for a few villages in Ukraine when you can have a whole nation fall into your lap?
It would be quite a historical event. If I was Vlad I’d try it.
I’d say a cyber war is the next thing. There is too much information coming out and the deep state is losing the narrative.
The Ukrainian-Russia scenario may well be linked to Biden and Burisma.
Seems to be the go to place if you are wanting a look over there distraction. Remember the first impeachment… The Steele dossier?
Brucie, you trying to sell tickets on yourself. You were a lab rat and after that watched computer screens to ensure smelting purity. There was nothing you did that was even close startling. You didn’t run a company and you didn’t run a team even when monitoring and pushing dials at the smelter. You just weren’t as good as you try to make out here. You got battery technology wrong, and you’re also fucking up about gerbil warming. You’re not a scientist arsehole. Just STFU.
I feel a South Seas bubble coming on. I need to scratch it.
That’s one of the reasons why. And Shermans particularly were known by the nickname Ronsons (“Lights First Time, Every Time”) because their petrol-engined variants would readily brew up when hit.
About the most mechanically robust and reliable Allied armoured fighting vehicles of the era, but with a high profile, multiple shot traps, increasingly less effective armour in the latter years of the war and a tendency to burn. But they had lots of them.
Sounds like the madness of crowds and activist agendas combined into a perfect shitstorm to me…
Speedbox says:
January 26, 2022 at 3:11 pm
Don’t entirely disagree Rex. It is a breathtaking amount. It’s something north of a trillion Aussie dollars to be spent over just a few years.
Thing is, it is not EU money – it is taxpayer money that is going into the pockets of the rich and/or devious instead of being spent by those who earned it in the first place.
As a public service, if you are involved in such an incident, do not under any circumstances report it to the authorities.
I’ve seen the movie, and they always strap you to a table and inject you with antidotes until you die.
Bit like what they do for Covid really.
Because they could deliver them to the battlefield faster than the germans could blow them up.
I saw their production rate and the figure was awesome.
The dreadful white Australia policy — racist legislation designed to bar non-European immigration into Australia and forcefully assimilate Aboriginals into white society — was only abolish in 1972 by the Whitlam Government.
Apart from being of dubious accuracy as a statement, it’s logically incoherent.
Does this statement mean that if we were able to establish that everyone in the First Fleet had some non-white DNA, the Aboriginals would withdraw their complaints about its arrival?
Assumes there is only one indigenous viewpoint and it happens to agree with his.
Nice monsoon day here today. Was hoping on firing the barbie up where we are but not happening. Too wet. Mate up here reckons I bought the rain with me, know the humidity I hit coming off the Mingela Range on the Flinders Hwy was quite oppressive. Happy Australia day everyone, I used to be low key about Aus Day and would love to get back to that but I think everyone should fly multiple flags to rub the lefts collective nose in it. Media seem to be beating up the black armband types.
Secondly WTF is Daily Mail doing hiring a pathetic far left hack like Candice Sutton. Her piece today is shoddy journalism at best but I even remember her having a soap box at Sun Herald, she was pretty poor then. Wow amazing how these people prosper…
Mad mandates.
Mad regulations.
Mad incentives.
The house of cards will fall, like in Venezuela and Zimbabwe (again, last week, sheesh).
Gravity exerts itself over Wile E. Coyote, and physics and chemistry likewise does over pollies who attempt to defy such things. It’s fun to watch. Canute tried to tell his deep state guys that defying nature doesn’t work, but they misunderstood him.
Yeah, nuh.
Govts (think trough dwellers, voting demographics,regulation, taxes, “incentives”) combined and coordinated with corporates (ESG investing brownie points and share prices) are driving this.
It’s a form of fascism – softish.
Eyrie opines:
In 2022?
Sure, but the Airship era finished in flames in New Jersey in 1937.
At that time passenger planes had cramped room for 15 no frills passengers, at most.
Airships carried hundreds of passengers in First Class luxury that remains unequalled.
Speaking of Tanks.
Bunnings trip with the Little Bloke:
These are cheap in boxes of 20:
Can be joined with 3/16 bolts.
These fit perfectly between the protruding bolts:
All that lovely baksheesh?
Shape or materials, which is better for stealth
Radar returns aren’t always by simple reflection, the EMF energy can move around the airframe and emerge at surprising locations. That’s why if you look closely at stealth aircraft you can see zig zags on the surface, the intention is to prevent the signature escape. I’ve seen this issue in a doco and still find it surprising.
The F 35 has such a small radar cross section that it can confront aircraft, release AMRAAMS which will almost immediately go “pitbull”(the missile radar seeker takes over), so the target aircraft is in the “no escape zone” even before it has detected the F35 let alone targeted it. That’s the story, we will never know the true capabilities of modern military equipment until there is a full scale war.
Exactly the follow-up point I was going to make.
If there was an actual advantage to be had in any industry the automakers build for, they’d long have been at it. Or at least attempting to make it workable.
Instead, we hear how income is being redistributed in order to force it to happen. Mandates and “buyer-driven” demands or not, if somethinf is artificially imposed and paid for out of third-party funding, it will collapse or render itself impotent the instant the money-spigot goes. Look at the latter days of our own automakers, surviving almost solely on government fleet orders and government subsidies.
Q. What do you call a trader* when a bubble bursts?
A. Waiter!
* investor, stockbroker, whatever
Hm. I’m not so concerned. If it were enthusiastic compliance, I would be. But I don’t think it is. I think majority compliance came first and willingly from fear, but the fear has abated and so has the willingness to comply. Most do so begrudgingly, increasingly so, and at some point begrudging compliance will become meek non-compliance that grows increasingly bolder. I know quite a few double-vaxxed people who are a hard no on boosters, for instance. They were told the Covid emergency measures and restrictions were temporary, and they expect these to be lifted at some point in the not-too-distant future.
There remains a good 20% of the population that enthusiastically and obnoxiously comply – the Covid zealots – and these people are concentrated amongst the professional classes. Most of us come from these same professional classes, so we must be careful not to oversample from the people in our circles (or who are no longer in our circles) when we’re taking the temperature of the population.
I think public opinion is turning against Covid mandates and restrictions. Certainly, the 20% of the population that are Covid zealots hold disproportionate sway over governments to continue to maintain their mandates and restrictions, but the longer these remain in place, the harder and broader the opposition to them becomes – especially as the perceived threat from Covid diminishes. There will be a tipping point, and I don’t think it’s too far away.
I could be wrong about the above, but I don’t think I am. I reckon the average person is becoming heartily sick of this nonsense.
Possibly. Probably. Who knows? But until it does, it hasn’t.
So until you can time it, this is just waffle and an opinion. Meanwhile, the train rolls on and opinions are like arseholes…..
My wife’s niece, a lawyer as it happens, was rabbiting on like this at a family gathering a few years back.
Finally I could hold my tongue no more and educated her on the subject, from Barton to Whitlam’s struggle over more than a decade to get the ALP to remove it from their platform.
She was dumbfounded. Everyone else was relieved.
Utter tripe.
Aborigines weren’t mentioned at all in the Alien Races Exclusion Act [1904].
As a matter of fact, Aborigines prospered and did well from the effects of the Act, which was to exclude Cheap Labour.
Whitlam and Holt got together in 1967 to scuttle the 1904 Act and with it went Aboriginal opportunity in employment.
Have a look at China …
Persians aren’t fond of being confused with Arabs either.
Maybe one day we can scale down nuclear technology to the point where we can put a thorium reactor in a car and never need fuel again 😉
This brings in all sorts of other problems of course…
We can dream though…
Twitter continues to tell me that Australia Day is when Captain Cook discovered Australia.
I blame teachers.
Wrong. In 1936, the Douglas DC-3 was carrying between 26 and 32 passengers, economically a worldbeater.
The large flying boats of the era (Shorts S.23 Empire, Martin M130, Boeing 314 and Sikorsky S-42) ranged from 24 to 70 pax. The Dornier Do X of 1924 could carry 66-100 pax all by itself, and outrun a Zeppelin comfortably.
Approximately 200 things banned in Australia in 10 minutes!
Funny how no stock stations in the far North or rural Queensland (or elsewhere for that matter) were suddenly inundated with furriners, Grigory.
And plenty of Aboriginal Australians had lived among whitefellas without apparent issue (and a great deal of Parliamentary favour and support) since the first white settlements. I mean, a would-be parliamentarian in southern NSW once wrote bitterly to Sir Henry Parkes innthe late 1800s, complaining he could not get a look-in, as the fully franchised and vociferously politically involved Aboriginal population in his district consistently gave his main opponent the electoral majority!
You might want to lay off the gypsum for a bit today…
Anyone remember “The Little Paddy Wagon Who Could”?
The tendency of Shermans to brew up was incorrect ammunition storage.
It was fixed.
It was for Adrianna la Cerva’s fine ass.
Were also very luxuriously appointed. This was the standard of the time, after all. The rest of us plebs went by steamship for a month to get somewhere. The upper crust could do it within 2 weeks.
Talking with an ex Army mate last night over a few beers. Russia will invade Ukraine, juries out on when. He also sees nothing but a Vietnam for EU countries if the get involved but he thinks they won’t either. The one to watch is China while all this plays out apparently and unencumbered after the Winter Olympics.
As for the future of kinetic warfare, his opinion drones. Reckons Recon elements are heavily into it already. He points to the Battle of Marawi and Azerbaijan – Armenia conflict to where warfare is heading when they work out how to arm these things at the smaller scale. He also reckons Australia is well behind the bell curve with mobile Infantry and when he discharged there were still voices trying to cling to the old ways.
Have you ever read the anti Cook stuff taught to Aboriginal kids?
I will find it later.
True. I don’t remember which variants had wet-jacketing of the ammo storage, but I do know it was a late-war thing.
The Easy Eight (M4A3E8) was the best and final US variant in terms of weaponry, mobility and protection, and later went on to fight IS-2s and T34-85s in Korea.
Mollie Hemmingway talks about her book Rigged.
Long Term Parking.
One of the great Soprano’s episodes.
Playboy bunnies blast ‘predator’ Hugh Hefner’s b3stiality, ‘cult’ sex and worse
And speed, which is important too. I liked the compromise of sloped armour on the front allowing enough room for stuff due to the unsloped sides. Lets the tank guys use the advantage of the forward armour tactically whilst finessing the difficulty of fitting everything in.
I read about this amazing tank this morning. Joseph Vollmer built the German Army’s first tanks in WW1 including Mephisto. Which was a huge beast, and very slow. He then designed the LK 1 light tank, and the LK 2. Forerunners of the PzKpfw I. Then the Swedes stole the design for the LK 2 and built their own tank in 1932: the Stridsvagn m/31.
Didn’t build more than 3 prototypes, but the design specs are better than a Pzkpfw II and anything the Allies had until about 1942. Swedes are amazing.
Agree on the drones thing.
Pair small drones with .556 machine guns, minigun, HE missiles.
Combine them with a search and destroy AI…
Modern high tech warfare will be very fast and very deadly…
Forget the long past U.S. Election, focus on the upcoming one right here.
The ETU are running billboard Ads questioning Covid security at Polling Booths.
Expect the Mother Of All Steals to happen here in a coupla months, if that.
“I was underage”
Please fuck right off with your confected bullshit.
If you’re referring to the destruction of the Alexandria Library, then Bruce’s explanation is more correct.
When the Arabs invaded Egypt, the new boss in Alexandria took the ancient scrolls from the library to use as firewood. Someone asked him if what he was doing was right, think of the many years of history and scientific knowledge that would be destroyed. He answered that anything worth knowing was already in the Qur’an, and if it wasn’t in the Qur’an, then it wasn’t worth knowing.
Put the crack pipe down, McGowan. Huge numbers, eh? Thousands a day? Hundreds? Nope, 29 in NSW – 22 of whom were 80+ years old, which is kind of the age people tend to die.
And of course the question of whether these people died of Covid or with Covid must be asked (yet is never answered). And how much longer these people would have lived but for their Covid infection. I get the impression that the answer would be not so long for most.
Hef was the Epstein of his day, Dot.
Claiming to be “underage” when you are 19 is very precarious.
Really, ma’am?
Okay, here is your burqa, you are not allowed outside after dark or unaccompanied.
That or you are retarded. “No, no,bI am fully retarded, but I want my freedoms, everyone else can have my responsibilities…”
What an entitled bitch.
Someone mentions “crack pipe” and Googlery turns up.
Like clockwork.
A few thousand hostages would be fun. I wouldn’t go there even if I was Eddie the Eagle.
Bill Cosby was a regular at the Playboy Mansion, eh?
Qaaludes, eh?
Bow wow?
(It’s in the news today, I won’t elaborate.)
If you get accused of stuff 10 years after you die and it is mixed in with literal nonsense, I bet on it bring A grade BS.
The fuel may have been much less an issue than their ammo storage.
Check the pic.
Dont fail to note the turret is ringed with ammo in an upright position as well as the ammo basket.
If 19 year old women can be groomed, fanatical Sunni Islam is the only way.
Well argued, cucks. You are arguing for an Islamic theocracy Like the Taliban.
Rex A
The large flying boats of the era (Shorts S.23 Empire, Martin M130, Boeing 314 and Sikorsky S-42) ranged from 24 to 70 pax.
IIRC, some of them had sleeper compartments, and quality meals were served. They didn’t go non-stop, but staged through places with good accommodation.
Hef only died in 2017, Dot.
That ain’t 10 years ago.
Hef was also known for being extremely litigious during his lifetime.
Jimmy Savile was another one who was extremely litigious and also resorted to Extra Judicfial threats.
Savile, Dot?
Baddie, or misunderstood?
Could someone point to a good source to read on the subject?
All I know is that “White Australia” was a creation of the labour movement, designed to keep out foreigners who might take Labour voters’ union protected jobs.
I’d be interested to know the full story of exactly who, when and how.
Russia isn’t going to invade Ukraine, unless Ukraine starts some shit in the Donbas. Hell, even the Ukrainians have hosed down the increasingly bizarre US/UK warnings of an imminent Russian invasion.
Same issue with latter-day Russian armour. You only have a few rounds in the ready rack, and the rest is all round the turret ring. T-72s got famous in 1991 and again in 2003 for ‘doffing their hats’ whenever an Abrams or Challenger got a good hit in.
If any Cat ever find themselves with a pressing need to destroy a T-72 or one of its variants, aim your shaped-charge rocket or sabot round at the space around the 3rd and 4th road wheels- The autoloader’s carousel and spare rounds are located there.
Even better is to be behind, or above and behind the thing with 15 or so of your mates (As the Chechens quickly found out in Grozny when faced with ERA-equipped Russian tanks) but if you have a side shot and can get something through thin side skirts, go for the 3rd and 4th roadwheels.
Dr B – yes.
There’s a stoush between the relativists and the absolutists. The relativists maintain that if they believe something it is true. The absolutists say if something doesn’t fit with the laws of physics it ain’t true. (Christians are also absolutists re God’s word in the Bible, which works empirically pretty well also as we’ve discussed.)
Unfortunately now for some inexplicable reason the elites and the bureaucracy have latched onto a bunch of stuff which isn’t scientifically defendable. Covid stuff (masks, “vaccines”, lockdowns), climate stuff (renewables which don’t work 24/7). There’s a strange narcissistic wishful thinking syndrome which has affected the elites. And they can’t extricate themselves from it because any of them who dissent get cast out.
local oaf, getting harder to find credible info. I just went looking for counters to Candice Suttons terrible article on some howlers I have in the past seen a counterpoint to. Goolag has now erased those references and all you get is the accepted contrived narrative. I wish I had done some bookmarking earlier…
How does this work with preferential voting, more robust voter ID rules and more clearly identified and tightly enforced absentee ballot rules in Australia, Grigory?
Are you trying to say your fellow bugmen are more entrenched and controlling than we know them to be, and all will bow before your twitching, scuttling masses come May?
Rex Angersays:
January 26, 2022 at 4:29 pm
The fuel may have been much less an issue than their ammo storage.
Same issue with latter-day Russian armour.
The Soviets also installed auto-loaders in some of their later tanks. Regrettably, if the gunner was careless where he put his arm, the auto-loader would load the arm. IIRC, one of their earlier tanks required a left handed loader!
Keith Windschuttle’s book on the subject bursts an awful lot of the myths …
I don’t have a reference, but, yes you are quite correct.
Q. What do you call a trader* when a bubble bursts?
Q: When the bubble bursts, what’s the difference between a trader and a pigeon?
A: The pigeon can still put something down on a Porsche.
Rex Anger says:
January 26, 2022 at 4:38 pm
Expect the Mother Of All Steals to happen here in a coupla months, if that.
The one thing I would be worried about is if they push the COVID panic to enable on-line voting – cos emergency.
All party support for the immigration policies that are lumped together as the “white australian policy”, upon which this country was literally founded, was born out of the the open borders, open slather parasitical mass immigration, high crime, high violence, low trust, utter chaos of the gold rush era. Locals weren’t all that happy with the prospect of that situation continuing for one more minute once the gold began to run out and the good times ended and the legion of mercenary foreign locusts that had descended on rural Australia to strip the creeks and flats bare, now broke and bored, began to hang around the cities and cause a real nuisance. The Commonwealth and strict immigration controls, was a solution sold to the everyman from laborers to urban sophisticates, that would end all of it.
Something akin to the situation we’re in today.
Ed moves on too ” Dot says a lady of 19 is an adult, why is he defending a pedo” as its new gambit in the “it was real,,,, in my head” stakes.
Hefner was a grub, much like Safron etc he used his access to young ladies as a honeytrap.
Id be betting 90% of the girls got the rover treatment with footage taken, which would be why bugger all came out while he was alive.
“Listen, how could you envision a convention being in town the size of the Democratic National Convention without thinking what role the Playboy Mansion is going to play?” says Cindy Rakowitz, vice president of promotions for Playboy Enterprises. Indeed, lately rediscovered by Young Hollywood, the mansion has been pronounced L.A.’s hottest spot by no less an oracle than Vanity Fair.
And anyone really believe the FBI ignored such a huge honeypot organization since the middle 1960’s?
Thats when it claims its only file on Hefner was closed.
“White Australia Policy”-
Fake name invented later to describe the entirely legitimate Aliens Exclusion Act of 1904.
The situation was that by the 1890s Australia had a significant population of Chinese, Kanakas, Japanese, Filipinos, New Guineans and others.
They didn’t appear to be contributing a whole helluva lot to Australia despite being here for 40 years in the case of the Chinese.
At the time, Politics was divided between the Protectionists, who favoured Tariffs, High Wages, and Immigration Restriction, and the Free Traders, who favoured open slather immigration and the Industrial Law of the Jungle.
At the time, the Australian Labor Party was just kicking off, they were in Office 6 days in Qld in 1898, and they needed an issue to hang their hats on.
Enter the Aliens Exclusion Act.
Labor got a Mandate for it at the 1904 Election and the rest is history.
They’re all Free Traders since Whitlam and Holt stitched up a deal in 1967 to scuttle the 1904 Act.
Here’s a list of Executions carried out in Australia in the 19th Century.
The Queensland List may be instructive.
Bottom Line:
For 62 years, a White Australia was Federal ALP Policy and they ran on it at every election between 1904 and 1966.
Watching the tennis, there’s a pretend Italian dude who’s name is “Sinner”. I say pretend because he’s most likely from one of the Germanic provinces, which ought to be handed back to Germany or Austria.
The CCP’s rice problem:
I’m not. I’m referring to Hypatia, who was murdered by a mob of ignorant savages. Christians, officially. And which went on from there to bring down the whole of the neo-Platonist supremacy.
Given the utter failure on the online census the last few times it was attempted, I think we are pretty safe on this one…
Grigs seems to be trying to provoke something nasty here.
Can we ban him for trying to get the Cat noticed and shut down with such an egregious glow posting?
Hahaha. Kangaroos own the picturesque Hanging Rock racecourse which stages an annual Australia Day race meeting.
They have the humans in thrall with the result that the last race has been delayed while the roos hold a meeting to decide whether they should let it proceed.
Thankfully, the wildlife union will let it happen and the roos have agreed to stay off the course until the twilight feeding hour.
Drove into the ancestral seat just in time for a cracking storm.
Plenty, and I mean plenty of the white really quick stuff and the loud stuff.
Aside from the lack of humidity, very Darwinish. Poor old Mum’s petrified of the stuff. I told her to wait at the bowls club until it’s over.
I agree with most of that Bruce.
Keep an eye on this dude. He’s pretty decent and I’ve been reading him since the GFC. He makes decent calls. Also, he sells an Algo system that appears to work really well with calling tops and bottoms. His algo scored this bottom of the market pretty well. The system costs about 500 bucks a year, but it’s worth it for picking tops and bottoms in the S&P broad market at the very least – although I don’t use it for individual stocks.
I know, it’s hard to believe, but he made about 300% last year and it seems credible because he posts his trades on the Algo webite as soon as he enters the trade. He’s a born trader.
No kidding, if I had an inclination, I’d just be trading off the algo, but I really can’t be bothered nor am I humble enough to accept that a system is better than me. 🙂
Again, I don’t have a reference, but a veteran of Sherman tanks pointed out that some of the ammunition storage was pretty slapdash, and they were the most likely to “Brew up” when hit.
Just had a quick glance at the Australia Day Awards. It would seem the top award is reserved for ‘scientists’, such is the level of esteem these fuckwits are now held in society. 50% or more of the top two awards were given to women. This includes the military awards. Nothing token about this at all of course. Well deserved girls.
Also, can the Australia Day committee explain how Dylan Alcott can be the Australian of the Year while ‘only’ being awarded the second top gong in the Order of Australia?
I fail to understand the Alcott thing. People in this country have been advocating for ‘people with disabilities’ for decades.
He’s not overly photogenic (ladeeees, I will be happy to stand corrected). He plays sport – but so do a pile of other crips, which is why they have their own entire Olympics.
Why is he special? He might be Adam Goodes special, but not Fred Hollows special.
A Sunderland once took on six Ju-88s and won.
It’s recounted in Ivan Southall’s autobiography “Fly West“. One of the most amazing stories I’ve ever read. I’ve been trying to find my copy in my bookcases but can’t. Sadly not available as an ebook.
I won’t say who it is but you can work it out. We have friends whose daughter was steadily seeing a dude in wheelchair. She is really quite decent looking and perfectly normal – as in has the use of her limbs.
Anyways, she was hit with a close out of the relationship because the dude in the wheelchair said he was too busy with his life and couldn’t hold a steady relationship. Again, I can’t mention names obviously, but he’s in a wheelchair and she’s really decent looking. Funny old world.
Stephen Hawking?
The cad.
Nothing beats attitude. Nothing. If you have a deep well of self confidence and serious attitude, you can achieve a lot in this world as a man. Read the above comment and put it all together.
Rex Anger says:
January 26, 2022 at 4:56 pm
The one thing I would be worried about is if they push the COVID panic to enable on-line voting – cos emergency.
Given the utter failure on the online census the last few times it was attempted, I think we are pretty safe on this one…
Rex – they’re socialists – it wasn’t done properly before. They’ll do it right this time…
BoN, didn’t Ivan Southall write a series of books for kids in the 1950’s?
Can you show us crime and economic welfare data from both times? As in 1840 – 190X then 190X to 197X?
Dragger, figure it out who it is 🙂
Cheers JC.
Should be easy to grade the results then…
I was going to say Davros, chief of the Daleks. That dude had drive.
Probably not him though. I will give this some thought.
He seems to be a little down on the market at the moment.
The USA will have a nice little war with Russia and the market will bounce again surely?
Biden needs to drop some bombs for the mid terms.
Dr. Fly Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:01am EST 10 Comments views 1686
From an hour after the close last night futures sold off. There was no bids the entire night, barely any periods of lift in spite of a milquetoast Asian session and strong European open.
At the open we head faked with a bid and now we are diving straight the fuck lower, in a bidless tragedy of monumental proportions. I’m off by 3%, almost giving up all of yesterdays gains, even with 42% cash. For bulls, this is a worst case scenario and it’s likely due to the fact that too many people are hopeful, expecting a rally. I did a sentiment poll yesterday and it was almost even bull v bear. The only way we bottom is via cataclysm and by the looks of it we might get it today.
News.com.au is a disgusting organisation.
Alcott. No.
Davros. No (probably).
Hawking. No.
Dun dun dunnnnnnnn……
Kurt Fearnley.
How did the Holocaust happen? Like this:
Ah found it. The story is “The Great Combat”. My reading tonight it will be.
Pilot Officer Ivan Southall DFC, an author and Aussie Sunderland pilot from 461 Sqn. He sank a U boat. Respect.
(The combat with the Ju-88s in Southall’s account is in the Bay of Biscay, eight of them not six, so it may not be the same encounter. But the Germans didn’t call that birdie Der Fliegendes Stachelschwein for no reason.)
This still looks unnatural.
Like some none aggression packed with BoN playing the part of Poland.
Insane. Ukraine’s borders matter, but America’s don’t. Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Some of what he says is tongue in cheek, but you only get to see that after reading the dude for a while.
This is a very spooky market. I went to bed at 4.00 am, sore and bloody with one stock down 4% on the session after being down 14% for the year to date. I wake up and the stock had taken back nearly all its losses. The Dow was down about 600 and ended up about 100. This was a couple of nights ago.Crazy shit. NYSE closes at 8.00 our time during the summer.
Wrong Wrong Wrong. It is not known when it was destroyed, Caesar was first credited when he burnt the Egyptian Fleet in the harbour AD48. Then Theodosius AD391. The muzzies also claim to have done AD641. They also claim the big nose mo bro to be perfect so the majority of their claims are tarqiyya. Another claim of the revolt of Queen Zenobia in AD269. No first hand records exist.
Eyrie – Yes, per the wiki I linked.
As an aviator I think you would like “Fly West”. It has a cut-away diagram of a Sunderland inside the front cover and one of a U Boat inside the back cover. Only available dead tree 2nd hand as far as I can see. (I have the one in the pic.)
Read the above comment and put it all together.
I thought he was gay?
Wow, will this be a shock to his boyfriend.
Me identifies with John Sobieski. Dunno if he liked birds, but he certainly didn’t like Turks.
Whoever recommended the Mr Gormsby show, thanks.
Very enjoyable.
We had still essentially had a “white australia policy” until a couple of years ago. Up until 2018 the UK was our number one immigration source despite being just a tiny wee country. Europe generally still was heavily favoured until the end of Howard via language tests and quiet “values” discrimination by visa officials.
Since 2020 the UK is now officially replaced by India as #1, and China now at #3 for our immigration intake. Serious Australians are going to have to think about what this means and how long they’re going to continue to play it safe and continue to go along with the faux-outrage about the 1970’s faculty lounge coined “white australia policy”. The simple and fundamental question is whether they want this country to remain white and european and ours or accept it becoming a factionalised Indian / Chinese dump within a century.
There are two choices: Either Australians had better start having a lot more children, or Australians had better start openly advocating for a return of last century’s immigration policies. Because without either, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren are going to end up something like the Malays.
Thanks BoN, I had not hit the wiki link. I reckon one or two Simon Black stories sparked my interest in SF while at primary school, along with an SF series by Capt W.E. Johns.
BoN, I knew a Sunderland pilot once but he didn’t talk about it. Found out later he was Captain of a 10 Sdn Sunderland in the UK at age 19. Later started the now sadly defunct Sportavia organisation at Tocumwal in 1970.
this is the next step in the childrens’ indoctrination.
The Sunderland – the Fincastle Trophy was an exercise in anti submarine warfare conducted between the RAF, the Royal Australian Air Force, the Royal New Zealand Air Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force. In 1964, the RCAF competed, using the relatively new Argus anti submarine aircraft. The Kiwi’s, flying Short Sunderland flying boats, p!ssed it in….
Caliph Omar burned the Library of Alexandria in 642 AD.
Well of course. 😀
I think I still have a couple of those somewhere, although I haven’t read them for nearly fifty years. Amazing how time flies.
Liked John Christopher from the same era.
Miranda Devine, after her time grovelling to Turdbull, seems to have found her feet again, particularly since she’s moved to NYC…..
“Miranda Devine: Grace Tame’s Scott Morrison snub backfires
While our Prime Minister remained courteous and dignified, Grace Tame produced a performance of ignorance and petulance, writes Miranda Devine.
Grace Tame is an ambassador for a specific cause and she greeted the leader of a middle-world power with such “churlishness,” says commentator Liz Storer.
What a graceless sourpuss is Grace Tame.
I’m glad I wasn’t in the country in 2021 to endure her reign as Australian of the Year.
It really was a cruel double whammy that our sunny, optimistic nation was saddled with such a killjoy at the same time as the pandemic was taking its toll.
Thank goodness Graceless Tame’s days representing Australia are finished, although apparently ole’ Fitzy wants her to be President of his toy Republic.
Of course he does, and the chances of that happening are Buckley’s and none.
Just one look at Tame’s disrespectful behaviour with the Prime Minister and his wife at an AOTY breakfast at The Lodge on Tuesday tells you everything you need to know about how foolish it was to elevate such a person to any position of honour.
She couldn’t even bear to look the Prime Minister in the eye when she grudgingly shook his hand. First, she stood aloof, looking thunderous when the time came to take a photo.
Then she extravagantly sloped across the yard like a petulant two-year-old forced to eat her greens. The PM and Jenny Morrison smiled and stretched out their hands in hospitable greeting.
Tame scowled and gave the PM a contemptuous side-eye. Then she snubbed his always gracious wife’s handshake, grimacing as if it was just too hard to smile at Mrs Morrison.
How embarrassing for a grown woman of 27 to act so petulantly.
Who the hell does she think she is?
Tame’s behaviour was so extraordinary that even her fiancé Max Heerey looked uncomfortable – and he was rude enough to keep his sunglasses on throughout the encounter.
Regardless of what she might think of the man Scott Morrison (and there’s no justification for her contempt anyway), Tame has a hide to treat the office of Prime Minister with such disrespect, and at the historic Lodge to boot.
If she loathes Morrison so much, she should have stayed at home. There’s just no excuse to be so rude.
As Senator James McGrath said afterwards: “It is a pity her behaviour and attacks on our prime minister are so partisan, political and childish.
“If she didn’t like being Australian of the Year, she should hand back the honour.”
The Prime Minster is our elected representative. So Tame’s contempt for him is really contempt for Australia, whether she and her tiny fan base realises it or not.
Having spent most of her year of exalted status playing base party politics, tweeting venom against Morrison and his cabinet, and being feted by the ABC for her trouble, she decided to crown it all off with a sullen performance for the cameras so unhinged it makes you wonder if she lives for the plaudits of Planet Twitter.
But even Twitter had harsh words for her behaviour.
Here are some of the reviews:
“Grace by name, not by nature.”
“No class”.
“Spoilt brat.”
“Pathetic showboating for her Twitter crowd.”
“Elected Prime Minister graciously farewells a divisively partisan appointee.”
“PM thanks graceless, sour individual that has no appreciation of the honour or country she was gifted.”
“Good riddance to an individual that sought only to politicise the role”.
Whoever decided that such an unsuitable person would make a good standard bearer for the nation needs their head read.
But that is always the way with the worthless Australian of the Year award.
Rather than paying attention to all the flailing campaigns to change the date of Australia Day, we should just scrap the AOTY.
It’s a pointless, made-up role that achieves nothing except to promote a divisive leftist agenda, always with the aim of stirring up trouble for any Coalition government in power, especially before an election.
The AOTY is rarely representative of the Australian people but instead caters to a tiny base of Twitter brokens obsessed with prosecuting boutique ideological issues borrowed from overseas, usually to do with identity politics, “existential” climate alarm, the evil patriarchy, “toxic masculinity” and “systemic” racism.
Even if the AOTY were to start off as a normal person, by the end of their year in the spotlight they will have been thoroughly shaped into a left-wing activist by the media.
Forget it. Most Australians have switched off and turned the page.
There’s enough to celebrate about Australia and its people on Australia Day without the need to sanctify troublemaking nobodies who think they are more important than the prime minister.
The funny thing is that Tame probably won Morrison votes because he maintained his courtesy and professionalism in the face of her embarrassing provocations.
Miranda Devine is in New York for 18 months to cover current affairs for The Daily Telegraph
Kid Rock’s anti-Biden anthem “We The People” has jumped from #5 on the iTunes charts to the number one spot, dethroning the Disney hit “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” from the soundtrack of Encanto. (PJ Media)
If politics is downstream from culture, perhaps the tide is turning.
2stix, diversity is our strength is the biggest load of bollocks along with multiculturalism ever foisted on the western world.