And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…
It’s all about unifying the community
At the beginning of November, and after former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian had announced previously that on 1 December unvaccinated residents of NSW would be able to re-join the social fabric of the State, the new Premier, Dominic Perrottet, reneged, saying that the date would be changed to 15 December. In doing so, Perrottet explained that the delay was designed to ‘Unify the Community.’ The Government’s reasoning was that in certain LGAs/geographical areas vaccination rates were not as high as it wanted them to be.
I remember thinking at the time that if some people had decided against being vaccinated – and had held out until then – what difference would another 15 days of F…ing them over make to get them to change their minds, apart from reducing to ten days their Christmas celebrations’ organising. Basically, the decision seemed both petty and desperate to me.
And, I thought, if a reasonable minority of residents of one LGA had made the decision not to be vaccinated, why would their vaccinated neighbours or perhaps another LGA’s residents see their decision as being anything like a disunifying choice? For ordinarily people understand (once understood?) that decision-making is mostly personal.
Expressing a goal for everyone in NSW to be unified ignores basic human attitudes and behaviour; witness tastes, habits and interests, and to force people to change their personal health decisions is alarming. No, in retrospect much more was going on in the colossal minds of NSW government officials than the worry about whether LGAs would remain internally civil; (although the government had done all in its power, short of calling out the dogs, to stir up resentment of the unvaccinated).
When, last week, the TGA announced that Novavax had been approved for use as a two-dose Covid-19 vaccination from February, the head of the TGA, Professor John Skerritt, acknowledged that a significant number of Australians – those who were possibly vaccine-hesitant – perhaps would be a happier group now that a more conventional, ‘old technology,’ vaccine was on offer in Australia.
Yet when the NSW Premier announced the change to the date for the unvaccinated to re-enter society last November, in NSW almost 93.6% of the State’s eligible population had received a single dose and 88.3% had received their second dose. Why, therefore, was the NSW Government interested in absolutely everyone being vaccinated, particularly when the Doherty Institute had modelled vaccination rates at 70% and 80% only? And now because of Omicron, with a largely immune population materialising, why is a higher percentage of vaccination still considered necessary?
Yesterday, as I watched the Flyingduk on “South Australia in Focus”, his reference to the use of the Spike Protein as a basis for all of the Covid-19 vaccines, including Novavax, Dominic Perrottet’s words of ‘Unifying the Community’ came back to me; as did the revelation of early last year that both Pfizer and Moderna had vaccinated most of the participants in their vaccine control groups. With almost everyone (possibly all) being vaccinated, that kind of unity creates a real dilemma for our ability to examine and review the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines.
It totally invalidates an experiment if there is no control group. Maybe that’s the plan?
A lot of those left unvaxed will be people with severe medical conditions contraindicating vaccination.
Will skew the numbers nicely.
It was just a stupid lie, BBS. They tell them all the time.
Morro said that Novavax would be used as a booster only, destroying hope for hold outs last year. Another lie.
Go to the OT and you will find a link to the WSJ from Twostix with a piece lamenting the overuse of vaxxes, right on the back of their two years of propagandising.
I believe NOTHING I see on TV or read in the press. Nothing. When I see a politician, any politician even the “okay” ones, I assume they are lying and go from there. Once an excessively high trust person – no longer.
Calli, yes, agreed, all lies.
(And, like you, I’ve gone from high trust to, as my grandma used to say:
‘Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.’)
But these lies have big consequences, especially for a standard review of the actual data.
Got it in one.
This drive to vaccinate everyone just means that they are trying to remove a control group who can demonstrate how ineffective these vaccines are and cover up their lies when eventually they will try to claim credit for saving out lives.
Pretty much everything they do is motivated by that traditional public service mind-set of hiding all their blunders, they have no other purpose in life.
The Government can kiss my arse.
Hunt’s family are in big pharma up to their eyebrows.
The rest? Maybe just megalomaniac fascist scum.
Resistance is the only way.
The credulous and craven have made this mess.
When I was in the hospital foyer while I was banged up there
Every wanker that came in looking for the third shot reminded
Me of those I saw one time attending an outdoor rally for the
Drug dealer’s wife.
Exteachers and Pubbo Dubbo s.
A change in government would have to be radical.
This obsession with insisting EVERYONE be vaccinated is disturbing. I still don’t know what to make of it. I know that many commentators on this blog, and countless other blogs, believe that “something evil this way comes”…….but I still can’t commit to this idea, even though this is an incredible amount of evidence ( “The Great Reset”, Event 201, actual pronouncements forecasting etc etc).
But there it is. I am impossibly aghast at the concept of evil… that I will come to this perception kicking, I suppose.
Having said that, husband and I are making preparations for some forthcoming (but still unknown) global upheaval. I guess us baby-boomers have had it good for so long that, although we know our history well enough, it with a heavy heart that we acknowledge the worst.
It’s not just the push to have absolutely everyone vaxxed, including little kids for whom NO case can be made to do so, and who can only be harmed.
It’s also the total denial of just how dangerous, while also utterly useless, these ‘vaccines’ are across the board – despite the evidence being virtually everywhere now.
And, at the same time, how unnecessary they are even if they actually ‘worked’, given the relative low fatality rate of CV, and the availability of much safer, actually effective treatments for those who are at risk due to age and/or comorbidities.
And, this, not just in a few places, but literally over the entire world.
As Mike Yeadon says, no matter how you look at the past 2 years, the only thing that makes sense is to accept that someone very powerful is pulling all these politicians’ strings.
Yet we could still end this descent to techno-fascist tyranny, if only a meaningful minority said ‘NO MORE’ and stopped complying.
Alas, fat chance of that.
Prepare accordingly.
And they bumped the mask theatre end from today to the end of February FFS.
I vote Miss Anthropist for supreme leader (only condition is the first order shall be for the construction and swift public use of gallows for the incumbents.)
I can’t understand why places like here, NZ, Canada etc are still insane while even Bojo has thrown in the towel and Florida smelled a rat very early on. There’s an abundance of evidence for anyone who cares to look outside the lying media.
I suppose conceding reality (it was exactly in the envelope of a bad flu, and now omicron is the common cold with a take home test available) highlights the folly of the last two years. Dunno why they’re worried about that though, it’ll simply go down the memory hole as they pivot to the next thing (spoiler alert; it’s digital id (social credit score) tied to a personal carbon budget, just wait for the central bank digital currency first.)
Interesting to note that the still mental countries all have leadership tied to the WEF young leaders program.
You are starting down the path to the truth, don’t turn your back on it, keep doing the research and you will eventually find that this is a spiritual battle as much as it is a battle on this physical realm.
We invalidate their fears.
We demonstrate that their ritual submission was worthless.
We set a standard of hardihood, self-reliance and fortitude that they fail to meet.
Vicki says:
January 27, 2022 at 2:53 pm
This obsession with insisting EVERYONE be vaccinated is disturbing. I still don’t know what to make of it. I know that many commentators on this blog, and countless other blogs, believe that “something evil this way comes”…….but I still can’t commit to this idea, even though this is an incredible amount of evidence ( “The Great Reset”, Event 201, actual pronouncements forecasting etc etc).
Nazis, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot – they wre not Extra-Terrestials, they were Earth-born humans.
The human capacity for evil knows no bounds, none whatsoever, which is why humans will never get to advance beyond the current level.
Many millions, maybe billions, will die from these “vaccines” and those who don’t die, will be too busy looking after their sick and dying families and friends to bother the Elite.
That’s the intention – however, I don’t think it will work out as planned. It never does.
The most likely outcome we will see, based on my analysis is a massive drop in birth rate/fertility….
The data is already beginning to surface on adverse events regarding vaccinations.
The best place to go for accurate data will be private health and life insurance providers. I have plans to make calls soon and ask them about policies, see if they ask about vaccination data and vary rates accordingly…
These numbers are fabrications and they know it. International media lists AU vaccinations as 15% less. But your point remains BBS there are two things this uniparty must achieve at any cost:
1) Everyone jabbed multiple times. Even children and babies and even after Omicron disappears.
2) No Covax19 – any other vaccine brand is acceptable other than this local one.
As we know none of them work for Omicron thus efficacy is not the issue so it begs the question what is in this brew? And more specifically what vital ingredient is in these imported jabs that is not in the locally designed one?
Yeah I’d like to feel this is crazy thinking only but I’m running out of alternative reasons. Graft alone doesn’t account for this rabid dogmatic government.
It’s a very astute point you have made, BBS.
More NewSpeak. Division is unity! Exclusion is inclusion! Conformity is freedom! etc, etc.
Politicians who use this technique are simply playing on our basest instincts, and history tells us that by and large it works, at least in the short to medium term. That pretty much mirrors the timeline of planning of most politicians.
I don’t subscribe to the conspiracy theories about wiping out most of the population, but I certainly do subscribe to the theories that say that this has provided a golden opportunity for other agendas to be pushed forward, none of them good for the masses. It has been a Trojan Horse for electronic surveillance to intrude into every aspect of people’s private lives, for example.
Great piece, but could I humbly suggest some paragraph breaks next time? Huge blocks of text are hard to read.
Exactly where my thinking is as well, Joh.
Whether the release of the virus was deliberate or accidental, post Diamond/Ruby Princess the beat-up by both government and media certainly was well orchestrated and strident.
Initially, my guess is that it provided a perfect opportunity to open a new anti-Trump front in an election year, along with the increasing urban unrest created by Antifa and BLM. This one would deliver on voter fraud, making it ridiculously easy, plus distract and suppress Trump’s campaign.
Then, like most genies when they are released from the bottle, it grew. And with it came other opportunities for “reset”. Not one was wasted.
The “conspiracy” if you like, has been with us a long time. People (and indeed, nations) who despise capitalism and all it represents all looking for new ways to undermine and subvert.
And I suspect this is an underestimate.
New study: 133x risk of myocarditis after COVID vaccination (27 Jan)
The banks are included in this, implying it being required to have a bank account, which is required for employment, paving the way for nasties I haven’t even thought of.
Thanks for all the input.
Plasmamortar. Your points on life assurance and private health may become a de facto way of evaluating the cost/benefit of the jabs absent a control group. At least actuaries do notice statistical anomalies.
I’ve just watched Brad Hazzard, the NSW Minister for Health, on Sky. Like Andrews, he wants three doses to be the full vaccination. Perhaps the government is detecting a push back from the community so it will have to be a mandate. And to argue in favour of that, the topic of us heading toward Winter (and getting the sniffles) will require an extra dose.
It’s a good thing that we’ve got an election soon; without the Feds signing off on a third dose it couldn’t be mandated imo. (Joh?). But will they do it? Greg Hunt, yes. Morrison, maybe not.
And maybe as regards the jabs it only will be with that election that this will all end. The other stuff that the pandemic seems to have ushered in, maybe not.
Joh, I did put in paragraphs but they disappeared?
[sarc] But if these vaccines save but one life, it’s worth it! [/sarc]
I cant help but think of humans trying to make themselves equal to god. It goes all the way back to Satan ‘s challenge and the many permutations of that in the Old Testament and later.
By injecting this mRNA solution into my body not once but multiple times I alter if only in a tiny way my genetic code.
But this is only a first step.
Later we take it further cloaking it as medical breakthrough, eliminating disease etc.
The beneficiaries will be the super rich who will have access to the results.
Somewhere I read about experimental programs going on now which aim to replace organs like the brain with computer circuits and chips which hold out the promise of living forever.
In other words we become like the gods.
Come on down, Bill Gates, Elon Musk.
Today, for the first time in months, I was questioned about my facial nakedness by a shop worker, who pointed to their ‘masks must be worn’ sign.
I replied that their sign was illegal as it needed to acknowledge that exemptions were allowed.
He then asked if I had an exemption – to which I replied ‘none of your f-ing business. The next bottle shop (5m away) got my money instead.
“Somewhere I read about experimental programs going on now which aim to replace organs like the brain with computer circuits and chips which hold out the promise of living forever.”
Kerzweil makes a compelling case for this being inevitable – the merger of humans with technology, that is. And the difficulties involved.
Such as: you have a pair of eye-glasses – are you still human? Of course.
Now you have artificial eyes. Are you still human? Of course.
You have the brain chip implanted that allows you to “talk” and “listen” directly to the internet. Are you still human? Of course.
Then you get the memory enhancement upgrade. Are you still human? Of course – it’s still “me”, I’m just better at remembering birthdays etc.
Now you get the cognitive upgrade. Are you still human? Of course – it’s still “me” with all my memories and experiences, I still love and I still hate etc etc, I can just think quicker.
Then the cognition starts mainly happening in “artificial” hardware. Still you, still human?
Then you drop the “wetware” (ie, the brain) completely and exist purely in the “artificial” hardware. Still you, still human?
It’s hard to find the line, right? What about if it all happens in one go instead of step by step? Is that different, and if so, why?
If we have the tech to replace your eyes, that would be good for people who were accidentally damaged. But will there be people who get the artificial ones when there is nothing wrong with the original ones? Seems inevitable, especially if they are “better” – plastic surgery was initially to help people scared by accident or life saving surgery, but it ended up being applied to people who just wanted it a la Michael Jackson. Would “memory enhancement” or “enhanced thinking” be any different? Hard to believe it would be any different at all!
Regardless, I think those that think they can become immortal in this way will find that they are more likely to be “copies” of you, rather than the “consciousness transfer” so often used in Sci-Fi – “you” will go to sleep, have your consciousness copied, and then awake. Someone else – a copy of you – will wake up in the machine. And you will be a different person because everything after the copy can’t and won’t be “common”. Unless, of course, the “copy” process is destructive, in which case, who can say? It’s the same dilemma as the Star Trek transporter – is it really “you” if all your atoms are disintegrated in one place and then other, identical, atoms are assembled somewhere else in the exact same pattern, or did you commit suicide and that “other” is someone else who has all your memories and experiences? And if that “copy” is indistinguishable from the “original” you, even to “you”, does it matter?
Certainly we cannot say that I am me because of what I am made of – that changes all the time. Cells grow and cells die. Energy comes in, waste goes out. I am unlikely to be more than a few percent of the same atoms that I had when I was born. So it is the “pattern” – the construction of the brain, it’s “pattern” that matters, not the individual parts, which are often replaced. If that “pattern” can be simulated or “run on” different “hardware”, am I still me? It seems I might be, maybe even should be. But it is a hard question.
Nor is any of this so very far in the future. Any time from about 2025 onwards, and we will have the ability to create things atom-by-atom – “a place for every atom, and every atom in its place” as it were. This is the technological singularity – all bets are off on what we might be able to do once that is available. The current contents of the entire internet can, theoretically, be stored in something not much bigger than one of your teeth, perhaps even smaller. What can we do with such tech? Will we survive it? And even should we not “merge” with tech, as above, such tech might allow us to “regenerate” ourselves – “molecular surgery” to make you at your physical prime again, and thus be essentially immortal (barring the inevitable accidents etc).
Interesting times indeed – whether it is for good or ill, we will all likely see it, or at least the start of it. Barring WWIII, of course.
ATAGI statement on the use of Novavax COVID-19 vaccine (Nuvaxovid)
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, also known as Nuvaxovid (Biocelect Pty Ltd/Novavax Inc) has been provisionally approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for use in a primary course of vaccination in people aged 18 years and older.
Date published:
24 January 2022
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, also known as Nuvaxovid (Biocelect Pty Ltd/Novavax Inc) has been provisionally approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for use in a primary course of vaccination in people aged 18 years and older. Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is a spike protein-based vaccine. Each 0.5mL dose contains 5 micrograms of the of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and 50 micrograms of Matrix-M as an adjuvant. Novavax COVID-19 vaccine has been demonstrated to be highly effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 in adults in a primary schedule, based on phase II-III clinical trials involving over 45,000 participants.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is not currently registered by the TGA for use as a COVID-19 booster vaccine.
I was going to go with Novavax as the best of a bad lot – as it was supposed to be similar to pneumococcal vaccine, of which I have had 3 shots, but if as the news says
Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced the Novavax vaccine will finally become available in Australia on February 21.
I have a major op before then and if I come out alive, I will be happy – as Novavax has not been approved as a booster, then bluntly useless for getting vaccination certificate to travel overseas. Why bother, just will be happy to be OK
Most presuure has come from Family and resisting has been difficult – however I have been on antivirals for over 2 years now and am the healthiest person in the Cancer Clinic
Novavax: the good vaccine
According to the University of Sydney, the Novavax vaccine is a protein subunit vaccine (subunitbeing our traditional vaccines which contain a purified part of a pathogen which triggers an immune response).
Alongside all other vaccines on the Australian market, Novavax does not contain any live components of Covid-19. This particular vaccine works, using synthetic nanoparticle technology which is coated with the infamous spike protein.
Different from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the ‘spike protein’ in this case is created through advanced technology, where spike proteins are constructed in a form which aims to imitate the makeup and structure of the virus.
As a self-confessed health nut, my personal favourite aspect of the Novavax vaccine is the incredibly fascinating use of an extract from a Chilean tree to boost immune response.
The Chilean soapbark tree is native to Chile and, interestingly, has been used in past vaccines such as shingles and malaria.
According to Novavax, the saponin molecules found in the tree’s bark are being used to make “adjuvant, a substance that boosts the immune system”.
Novavax also uses Matrix-M adjuvant technology which, according to Novavax, can “lower the dose of antigen required to achieve the desired immune response, which can result in fewer vaccine doses needed”.
This suggests you might not to have to line up for your 27th Covid-19 booster shot 6 months down the track.
And for people who don’t want a continuous stream of vaccines being injected into their bodies, it seems like a safer and more effective option.
Novavax is clearly standing out from the crowd. With the absence of the contentious mRNA technology from Pfizer and Moderna (which has been linked to myocarditis, pericarditis, potential pregnancy and neonatal adverse events, menstrual changes and in some very rare but serious cases, death) and Astra Zeneca’s reputation crushing blood clotting saga, Novavax’s safety is demonstrating a higher success rate.
In relation side effects, the decreased rate of adverse reactions is promising. In fact, this table from the New England Journal of Medicine looks at Novavax’s adverse reactions records in relation to a study. When looking at the toxicity grade (mild, moderate, severe or potentially life threatening) there is no data to suggest a potentially life threatening reaction in their study. This is incredible news in optimising the safety and confidence for Australians to get vaccinated.
Novavax also has an incredible 96% efficacy which has been seen in their first trial.
Always wondered what the next Singularity would be. Guess a Second Coming too much to ask……..
Old Ozzie – you have no doubt read what Flying Duk has said about Novavax & listened to the recent discussion posted.
At least it’s got better specifications than the gene creations. Good luck with all your treatments. I know you have everybody here wishing you well.
Best regards for your operation.
“…infamous spike protein.”
I wonder why we are focused on this one protein – especially when we know that not only is “natural” immunity (ie, as conveyed by infection) 20+ times more effective, but also that it (natural immunity) targets 3 proteins. The spike protein, an envelope protein (the “shell” that the “spike” is attached to) and an internal protein. The spike protein is in the area where we see the most genetic difference between “variants”, which is why variants like omni-con “bypass” vaccines, and that the envelope and internal ones are much less likely to vary in an immunologically significant way.
OK, I get that the spike protein in the “alpha” variant was particularly nasty, as it allowed the virus to “cross enter” adjacent cells without first entering the bloodstream. But why the focus on this particular protein? Surely we should be looking to mimic the immune response in it’s entirety, not some small fraction of it? Especially given that we know that being infected with a common cold virus also provides “cross immunity” to COVID for a large percentage of the population.
The only explanation that seems to make any sense is that the Chinese have told various people “on the quiet” that they have a bioweapon based on that particular spike protein, and are prepared to use it. Other than that, it’s a mystery why we would focus on the one protein that is most variable!
Yet we could still end this descent to techno-fascist tyranny, if only a meaningful minority said ‘NO MORE’ and stopped complying
I’m a significant minority of 1, no vaccine for me unless it is properly tested over time and receives full approval from regulators. These emergency approvals with full indemnity to the manufacturers mean nothing.
” These emergency approvals with full indemnity to the manufacturers mean nothing.”
Bravo, Sir (or of course madam, as appropriate)! I must admit to being somewhat jealous that you have sufficient resources to do what you have done. I, along with several of my friends, while we feel the same way, do not have such resources. It must be concerning to you that, since you are clearly not completely “off grid” (as evidenced by you posting here!), that your resources may be stripped by the authoritarians. If such should eventuate, please advise – I am prepared to stand by your side if, as and when they come for you in such an unconscionable manner.
You are wrong though, at least in the quote above. It means the authoritarian “smart” people, our fearless leaders as it were, can bamboozle and cajole the majority into accepting the “jab(s)”. Together with the remorseless fear-porn of the MSM, this is the most concerning and despicable aspect of the entire kerfuffle. A pox on them all!
This was always about getting the world on a cycle of vaccinations that is unending.
Why? Who knows but it certainly isn’t for our “safety and well-being”.
Kneel, First I do not believe the numbers the Government are quoting, I have a small number of friends, acquaintances and neighbors, it is surprising how many are unvaxxed. They would certainly lead me to believe the number of unvaxxed is being hidden or under reported.
Second, just what exactly do you think “they” can or will do to me??
Third, If I ever need a Vaccine Certificate I have good skills with Photoshop.
Biggy, I doubt all such numbers and “safety” data – as per the recent BMJ editorial, it is unacceptable that such data is not publicly available under any circumstances, let alone when there are mandates (in effect, if not in law) and the product has no long term safety data AT ALL. Of course, they are claiming that they need to “anonymise” the data, but the lie to that is obvious when they state that they are already sending anonymised data to Oracle. (FYI, and in case you are unaware, Oracle is a well respected “big data” organisation that can likely – and probably has already started to – cross reference and index the data to allow many researchers to “pull” appropriately sorted data for research. Oracle has offered its “big data” services to all the vax makers CV19 data free of charge).
What I fear they can or will do is any or all of:
Lock you permanently inside your house, requiring that you only order groceries etc on-line and for delivery;
Strip you of the ability to use any form of banking or other monetary services;
Confiscate your assets, including your bank accounts, gold and other precious metals etc, crypto currencies and real estate.
Photoshop skills are all fine and dandy, however digital certificates are considerably harder to forge – trust me, I am “in the trade” and know exactly how hard it can be. If done properly, even the US NSA would find it impossible inside of spending a decade or so and perhaps millions if not billions to do it. Creating such certificates is much, much easier than “cracking” them – perhaps as much as 6 orders of magnitude or more easier. Of course, being GovCo, they will likely screw that up as well, but it is hardly a plan to depend on Government incompetence to save you from their over-reach.
That said, I think I would not be the only one that, while vaxed myself, would defend your right to refuse it as well as defend your right to participate in society while still refusing to take the vax.
Indeed, I find it more than a little concerning that despite the fact we know nothing of the potential long-term consequences of these products, they are mandated for all medical personnel – if anything goes even a little bit wrong, we will be in a world of hurt and there will be no-one to minister to our sicknesses. Didn’t think that one through, now didja? FFS, please ask “And then what?” – repeatedly!
Kneel, if one bothers to learn at least a little about that space, then real, decentralised crypto currencies cannot be confiscated.
And physical gold tends to sometimes get lost in an ‘unfortunate boating accident’. 🙂
Seriously though, I get your point, but I doubt it will come to outright confiscation of assets. That won’t be necessary in a system with central bank-issued, fully traceable digital dollars/euro and a Chinese style social credit system in place – something that I believe is the ultimate aim of these ‘vaxx passports’.
Hopefully, however, that plan will fall over before it gets to that point. The tens of thousands of trucks descending on Ottawa right now are just one sign of still more ordinary citizens waking up.
I continue to dream about mass trials of politicians, where they get locked away for crimes against humanity.
Meanwhile, if one absolutely MUST produce a vaxx passport to keep a job, I think just getting a fake one is the way to go. Android apps & templates for that can be easily found via Gab.
AFAIK, no employer can access your Medicare records without your permission, and most will check the certificate only because they ‘have to’ anyway. And with more and more adverse effects being noticed even by the dumbest of sheep, the scam cannot continue much longer.
Kneel, Yes I thought about that. I actually live in hope that in the long term covid or vaccine side effects kill the majority or all of the vaxxed. We will then have a small population and a new start with none of the elites. For sure it will be a right wing paradise.
I continue to dream about mass trials of politicians, where they get locked away for crimes against humanity.
That would be something to see. I think I will add that to my daydreams.
PJW has a good video about Joe Rogan and the vaccine cancel culture: Who would have guessed?
That’s actually the point of redemption.
“Kneel, if one bothers to learn at least a little about that space, then real, decentralised crypto currencies cannot be confiscated.”
Perhaps not, but they can make it illegal to trade in bitcoin and to host a blockchain ledger other than official government ones. Your bitcoin then becomes useless, which amounts to the same thing.
Remember “Barter Card”? That bypassed taxes and bank fees – didn’t last long.
“That won’t be necessary in a system with central bank-issued, fully traceable digital dollars/euro and a Chinese style social credit system in place – something that I believe is the ultimate aim of these ‘vaxx passports’.”
Like so much of this crap, they won’t give up on it, even if they fail this time – the “Australia Card” was the first attempt at track and trace and was widely rejected.
“The tens of thousands of trucks descending on Ottawa right now are just one sign of still more ordinary citizens waking up. “
I believe the convoy was 40+km long and growing – and videos show thousands of people lining the streets in support, despite the cold. The MSM continue to ignore and minimise it as it doesn’t meet the narrative. I haven’t seen figures for Aus, but citizen “trust” in MSM is lower in the US than trust in politicians (can still go negative, I guess 🙂 ), so how long they can manage to keep it “on the quiet” from the majority is, umm, debatable.
“I actually live in hope that in the long term covid or vaccine side effects kill the majority or all of the vaxxed.”
Harsh – and not good for little old me, being vaxed and all. It may come to that, but I doubt it. Seems more likely that it becomes more and more useless, and that they continue to chase the next variant, which people will tire of pretty quick. And they will run out of other peoples money to spend too.
I’m already “forgetting” to scan-in with QR codes at most places. I’m seeing plenty of people with masks not covering the nose and/or mouth, or not wearing them at all. Sure, the odd Karen arcs up, but most don’t really seem to care – I know I don’t!
Fear (of disease and of punishment both) can only work for so long. What wins in the end is freedom – not always when we’d like, but in the end that basic human desire always wins.
TPTB think they can continue with the fear-porn forever, but that too will wane as more and more seek alternative sources.
One thing that seems encouraging is the aforementioned BMJ editorial – that is one of the oldest and most respected medical research publishers and can’t be ignored.
Joe Rogan, with more than 11 million podcast downloads per episode (and more for Drs like Malone) is also encouraging – he comes across as just an honest “average” guy, and talks to whom and about what he pleases. And he won’t be cowed.
As is Spotify’s response to Neil Young’s ultimatum. “You can have Joe Rogan or you can have me – but not both” he said. So Spotify said “OK – bye!” and are taking down his music. Funny as – as if Spotify would dump someone they reportedly paid $100 million for exclusive rights to for an aging and mostly irrelevant leftist “rock star”.
“…Neil Young’s ultimatum…”
Oh, quick note to that man:
If you think the popularity of your music aligns with support for the opinions expressed in your lyrics, then perhaps you should consider the popularity of “Sweet home Alabama”, which contains the lines “I hope Neil Young will remember, that we don’t need him hangin’ ’round anyhow”.
That would have to happen in every single country. With the likes of El Salvador having made BTC legal tender (along USD), it is very, very unlikely to happen.
Also, with major American institutional investors now on board in that space, there’s no way a blanket ban will happen.
Plus, there are peer-to-peer exchanges with no middle men, or one can use
Bartercard was not decentralised and there was very little innovative about it. It was a way, at the cost of a very high ‘middle man’ fee, to allow cashflow poor businesses to ‘barter’ their services to each other directly.
There is absolutely nothing decentralised crypto has in common with that.
China has tried that and so have others. It didn’t work as they’d expected.
“That would have to happen in every single country. With the likes of El Salvador having made BTC legal tender (along USD), it is very, very unlikely to happen.”
Err, no.
If you point your browser at, it resolves to an ISP generated page that states the Australian Government has determined you are not allowed to go to that site – you may think the reason is valid or not, the point is it can and has been done.
At some point, any bitcoin transaction needs to propagate to the distributed global blockchain, or that transaction “didn’t happen”.
Sure, you can currently “bypass” blocks like the pirate bay one with careful configuration, VPN tunnels etc, and undoubtedly the same is true for blockchain transactions. You could even use IIP to bypass all this stuff, as well as other Big Tech censorship. But this is difficult for non-technical people to do, so they generally look for services that do it for them – and such can easily be “blocked” – sorry, “regulated” – by Gov decree.
For example, “oh look – international drug cartels are using VPN services to hide their activities from law enforcement, so you can only use ‘approved’ providers”. Add “crypto” in place of “VPN”. Dribble out news stories about this happening before a ban, then ramp up such that when some pollie-muppet announces the ban, there are plenty of people saying “about time!” rather than “WTF?” – somewhat like lockdowns, mask mandates, vax mandates, and internment camps that we’ve seen with COVID. Or, as above, with “IP theft” and distributed file distribution (torrents).
What many fail to realise is that the internet is just that – interconnected networks. The connections are made by specialised computers called “routers”. These devices “pass on” traffic from one network to another, creating a bigger network. But they also can and do filter some of that traffic (that is, they don’t pass some types on), as well as modify some traffic (that is, they can “lie” about some traffic to specific networks). Two examples of this are:
1) your NBN router modifies traffic from your computer before passing it on so that it appears to come from the router itself and “fixes” the return traffic to make it appear that nothing happened. If it didn’t do this, we would have run out of IP addresses 2 decades or more ago.
2) all ISPs block DNS requests for “outside” devices requesting resolution of other “outside” names (it’s complicated and that’s hardly fully accurate) – to prevent “DNS amplification” DDOS attacks.
Neither of these are nefarious – rather they are good things. But such “lying” and “filtering” is not restricted to “good” things – as China’s internet filtering shows. And as above, while the savvy user can almost certainly bypass such things, the vast majority cannot do it themselves, and so are reliant on paid services to do so – and these are easily “regulated” to uselessness.
So don’t think the internet and distributed services like blockchain will somehow “save” you from government interference – you personally may be able to bypass blocks, but most have no idea how to do it, or even know the basics of how the internet even works. And if most people can’t do it, it will have been successfully blocked.