Not quite. It was purely a training flight so, much as it would spice up the narrative if they were…
Not quite. It was purely a training flight so, much as it would spice up the narrative if they were…
Thanks for posting. More evidence that taxation is outright theft from productive citizens.
And then some numpty decides to see what a couple of .243 rounds will do to the battery …
dcceew-organisation-chart.pdf why do canbra wimmin have that certain appearance?
Without pre-empting an investigation, this has all the hallmarks of a control surface problem. Like the idiot who ploughed into…
I think a lot of these sorts of stories are anti-natal propaganda, Oh Come on.
Deliberate and designed to culturally make having children into a gross, horrible thing. Like an illness you have to endure, so think twice, young australian reading this, don’t have children, go to the movies, get a furbaby and collect Lego aged 33 instead.
It is interesting to compare Asian and Western children behaviour in a cafe or restaurant. Also UK v Euro children when on the Continent.
Canada got Trudeau, and Australia got Morrison.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 3, 2022 at 2:59 pm
I wouldn’t believe them even if they tried the “small step to the right”….
Can’t imagine you would and it won’t fool many. But the low-info MSM viewer plus assorted café club patrons might fall for it. Every first preference vote will be vital this election.
European children are at least taught respect for other people’s property, something U.K. children are not…
But it’s not really on the off-chance. A ‘single pregnant women’ applying for a passport so she can travel to a country with legal abortion is sort of nailing her intentions to the mast, especially if the trip is for a short stay.
Oh, for heavens’ sake dover. Lots of countries have legal abortion. And lots of people go to a place for a relatively short time, especially in an area where many jurisdictions exist within a comparatively small distance, like Europe.
Should they have banned 17 year olds from getting a passport to travel to Germany in October because the legal drinking age there is only 16?
Ah, but you don’t work for the ABC. That’s why your children and your perspectives on parenting are so unusual. I expect you don’t even feel that threatened by the prospect of catching Covid.
Actually, I think you probably have internalised trauma from having to parent toddlers and you’re in denial about what they did to you. You should try to be more afraid of, well, everything.
And ask your wife if she’s heard of pegging and would she like to try it out on you. Then you can be just like the ABC guy.
From OCO, just now:
No. No, I cannot imagine living like that.
Again, no. That writing is soaked in oestrogen.
May I present the 2023 AOTY.
I remember myself as a model child.
Even as a toddler.
Must be awesome going through life so frightened as that Beta.
Even brushing your teeth would be a scrotum tightening adventure.
The UK v Euro comparison is very interesting when it comes to their treatment of public spaces. No wonder the Poms gave us the tragedy of the commons.
Any child who did this in our house would be given very short shrift.
Toddlers can learn. It is what they are all about.
Having raised four kids and now with six grandkids I am quite familiar with taming toddlers. 🙂
The next election will be fun. But consider how the ABCess will explain the result.
xxxx lost because of insufficient commitment to climate change.
yyyyy won because of his commitment to climate change.
Toddlers are the world’s most special people. I wrote of this recently on Quadrant, about our daughter’s running after birdies and balming two souls fractured by leftism.
Saw a problem there:
This toddler’s behaviour is erratic and unreasonable. He has some serious growing up to do.
Here you go:
This adult’s behaviour is erratic and unreasonable. He has some serious growing up to do.
The hapless dad/author probably didn’t see it that way, but his childless, female, recently arrived migrant from south Asia editor whose usual thing is going on about how latently racist Australians are might have.
The ebb and flow of demographics. There is a new bunch of voters that have come of age that have no recollection of previous villainy and a bunch more that have died. Plus, no-one really cares except for the political tragics and they tend to put normal people off with their intensity.
Oh sweet Jesus. Another repeat episode of a repeat episode of Days Of Our Lives. Grow up. Start your own blog. Bugger off with your inane crap. I have kept out of this until today but am not keeping out of it any longer. Fuck off Hyacinth.
I had a tantrum-er.
Amazing stuff. Meltdowns as hot as the sun’s core. Often after waking from sleep, but usually because over-tired.
Grew out of them, thank goodness, and into an exceptionally talented and creative adult. Just thinking about those tantrums has me smiling…now.
(-_-) anonymous upticklers, I wonder who they might be.
Probably using a selfie stick for their nefarious purposes.
I reckon you’re onto something there. What might be the impact of normalising such an emasculated, pathetic, helpless father figure? Well, would females choose such a male to father their children? Nope! But this is the new man for a new age. He’ll be fine – all he’ll need is a pod, a sufficient supply of insect-based protein, a Nintendo Switch and a Pornhub account.
Agree jmh- I come here for politics, economics and history not someone’s personal diary
(-_-) (0_0)
I’m into ascii art today.
Is it butter time yet?
Oi, Milt! My toddler tale was history. Mine. 🙂
I have absolutely no idea.
Fair enough Calli
Some don’t.
They used to put me out on the back veranda when I had a tantrum
Gosh those tantrums were horrible. Psychological warfare. I have been permanently damaged. She’ll have to look after me in my old age as recompense.
Sure, but we are typically talking about a trip from Ireland to the UK. What should be done to enforce such a law is a matter of prudence once you think its entirely legitimate.
Leaving aside the gravity of abortion compared with underage drinking, the answer is a matter of prudence.
Oh, fuck off, Lizzie.
Enough already.
One of the biggest arseholes on this site was Arky, editing and deleting comments he didn’t particularly like, and, among other things, white-knighting ussr’s disgusting defamatory bullshit.
What you are really saying is that he wasn’t an arsehole to you, and that is all that matters, isn’t it.
Remember, during a fifteen year run, only two people can claim the dubious honour of closing the old Cat down through their shitty behaviour … Arky and Egg_ster.
And enough with the “mental elf” thing. The only thing which toppled Arky over was his frustration at not being able to control everything and everyone on this site.
Once and for all, give it a spell.
Crazy ratings for Tucker.
More young Democrats are watching his show than the corresponding CNN or MSNBC shows.
February 3, 2022 at 3:01 pm
Ain’t life wonderful when you get to spend other peoples money without accountability .. FFS!
The incompetence of the Australian Bureaucracy is incredible. $700 million worth of dumped PPE is just the tip of the iceberg.
Now let me think carefully. Who might have had Ministerial responsibility for this shambles? Oh, yes! None other than Health Hazzard (not very ably advised by his bureaucrats).
Still astonishes me that abortionists can live with themselves. Bayliss in Brisbane may have topped himself it is said.
Gentlepeople please.
Can I ask you not to uptick the above comment.
It tends to upset some people.
Arky was editing comments?
I knew the deleting comments, but editing?
That might be actionable.
I have to check to see I have standing.
Dickless uptick for Sancho
Time out works with tantrums.
Margarine – I once went into a factory in Footscray that makes (made?) margarine. It was a reasonable size continuous operation, looked just like a small oil refinery, which it was. I got nothing against margarine however I haven’t eaten for at least 30 years, it’s butter for us. Western Star is excellent and funny enough it’s cheaper than the Foodworks home brand at our local supermarket.
Food is one industry where local production generally dominates, the Chinese and others are trying but so far much of their success is in biscuits and other stuff that has a long shelf life. I do try to buy Aussie food products, even if they’re a little dearer. The quality is always good and the more manufacturing skills we have as a nation the better.
I haven’t eaten margarine for 30 years.
And says he’s sorry and loves you and it won’t happen again.
Cassie: Re your comment earlier about the defunding of Quadrant…
I’ve sat in many a Ministers office where a gulag of Bureaucrats arrive to talk about recommendations for funding this and that. There’s usually two competing views (one is the Minister’s the other is the pointy heads):
1) Where will I get best political wins (i.e. “my electorate” or “my colleagues”); and
2) What has the process resulted in regardless of political wins.
Notwithstanding most bureaucrats bat for the Left, “the process” for funding or de-funding usually trumps the political wins argument. This is because the process (that they built) is “just” as well as “transparent” and “accountable.”
If Minister overrides (2) and selects option (1) it will invariably come out that the Minister overrode policy and procedure for political win. There will be a public outcry and reform will be called for (“reform” being = get rid of political win and install process). I’ve seen this outcry undo several Ministers’ jobs.
If (2) wins, the Crats are happy and the Minister still gets to announce some funding, despite the loss of (1).
“Ministers come and go but the public service abideth eternal” and they know every trick in the book.
Agree sfw, Aussie food is generally very good. Cheeses are as good or better than euro ones.
Sure does. If only you could run away and hide.
Tantrums vs beatings. A bit like putting a bar heater in the freezer to watch the struggle.
Lizzie at 3:11.
What were you paying for exactly?
For the site to continue as a free-wheeling libertarian site with Dover’s light touch on the tiller?
Or did you think you were buying editorial rights?
This is not Spotify and you are not Neil Young.
Last time I checked most of the dairy producers in Australia were Chinese owned…although they have been divesting assets to curry favour with Xi Hu must be obeyed.
Cheese war looming: Ozzie v. Import.
Further to my comment at all. “Sports Rorts” is an example.
But personally, a Minister should be able to do whatever the fuck they want regardless of the Crats. Who cares if they send it all to their electorate? Its a sweet way of ensuring re-election cos the Crats are never gonna vote for you anyway! 😛
Butter has a way to play out before moving on to the cheeses.
Deserving of many, many dickless uptickings.
Time for another flounce perhaps
Butter is not something to flounce over.
I trust you’re dressed appropriately, milt.
A crinoline or hoop petticoat at the least. Makes a better swish on departure.
Goat, ram or Glaswegian ?
Hard to know for sure, but he added comments under other posters comments, which read like they had been truncated.
Without copying the original and comparing, who knows?
In any case, deleting comments just because you disagree with the sentiment expressed is not on.
Sinc would rarely edit comments and he would always leave a brief explanation, like … [Snip. Please do not post defamatory comments here. If you have evidence of criminal activity report it to the Police.]
Plus never getting distressed or giving in.
Exploiting emotional guilt should never be encouraged.
The ultimate ironing.
When I was growing up, I knew dairy farmers who were told by their doctors to give up butter and eat margarine.
I don’t know of anyone being told that these days.
The pressure on Spotify is increasing. The Cathedral wants action!
How many times will you threaten it before you finally leave?
Standard practice is four.
Spaced at 30 minute intervals.
Noted thanks sp
(-_-) anonymous upticklers, I wonder who they might be.
Probably using a selfie stick for their nefarious purposes.
So using a selfie Tick?
Kiwis make better cheese than us.
On a somewhat related topic – I won’t buy what used to be called Coon because I can’t stand the rationale for the change of name. Also, the new name is dumb.
I have spotify but don’t pay for it.
If you listen to 3 hours of Rogan you’ll get ads every half hour or so for 30 secs then that’s it.
I don’t listen to music via Spotify.
I was directed to buy margarine with plant sterols a few years ago by a doctor for the cholesterol lowering properties. She was quite adamant about it, evangelical even. Probably had shares in Nabisco.
If JC can be Head Coach (i.e. Coach of Head)
Shirley I can be Head Butter!
Wonder what margarine made with clarified butter would be like.
Sancho Panzer says:
February 3, 2022 at 4:17 pm
Lizzie at 3:11.
I am not personally resubscribing my own funds to be abused here. As with other media, if I get abused and told to be silent, then why pay for it?
As with other media, if I get abused and told to be silent, then why pay for it?:
Does this indicate that this has happened on other blogs?
Can’t we get back to the butter wars?
A self-described scientfic doofus earlier today suggested beta caratene “is Okay” to help make butter go yellower. What nonsense. If an additive is given to a cow on the feeding end to make butter go yellow then it’s less natural then lighter colored butter.
If the shelves at my local are anything to go by, Cheer is about as popular as plant based burger patties.
Mind you, I live in one of the most socially conservative electorates in the country, confirmed – not that it needed to be – by the results of the ssm plebiscite.
Nah. You can never be sure about Kiwi dairy. Look what happens to the sheep.
Breaking news: Abuse survivor Grace Tame injured after falling from bike.
She looks like Gwyneth Paltrow without the make-up. Scented candles to come.
If I remember rightly (and I do), this was one of the very things discussed as a potential pitfall at the end of the exCat, and after the announcement of its imminent closure.
To be clear – donating for Doverlord’s time is very cool indeed, and I’ve certainly done that. But I do not have the expectation that whatever cash I put in goes towards any preferential treatment for me, nor any topic I bring into the discussion, nor that anyone else do my bidding – regardless of the amount.
The insane war on butter and eggs in the 80’s and 90’s was a precursor of what was to come from our then toddler-sized Public Health classes.
Then it was their war on smoking.
Then everything else.
Now this – their final form.
Should have sent them to their room back when we still could.
So using a selfie Tick?
As I’m unemployed, I’ve started RickTick.
Ask Dover for my details and I’ll send you the program information and fee structure.
The business model is something like arms dealing. Ideally you want to be selling to both sides of the conflict!
I’m not concerned about that. They know cows are out of their league.
Roger, how would just looking at the stock inform you of the turnover?
Them who are triggered by reading Lizzie: They don’t have to read her comments.
Many scroll past Ed Case – who posts nothing but stupid rubbish.
Ed Case posts non-stop like a meth addict – occasionally even the best intentioned scroller will accidentally read something of his.
They survive this experience.
Lizzie posts far less often.
You’ll cope – without having to go to a safe space.
The timing here has to be seen to be believed.
When stock of all cheese was low a few weeks back Cheer still wasn’t selling.
The insane war on butter and eggs in the 80’s and 90’s was a precursor of what was to come from our then toddler-sized Public Health classes.
You want to know why there are so many fat chicks around? In the 1970’s Government started to take control of peoples diets. I remember the food pyramid from when I was at school, it was a recipe for ending up being a fat fuck. Carbs were at the bottom of the pyramid.
Their ABCcess has decided on the “issue” for the election…
Today has been wall to wall wailing about “the publicly funded place I chucked my parents into is a shithole, and Ill have to go there soon once Ive finished squandering the kids inheritance”*
Not sure why its become such a burning burning issue for the ABCcess except it lets the bat eared Mong off the hook for sending wrinklies with covid back to their nursing homes.
*Im not saying its boomers, but its boomers.
I’m sensing a new psychosis forming.
Tick Envy.
You think you’re immune…but you can never be sure…
Roger, how would just looking at the stock inform you of the turnover?
Normally it wouldn’t, but I think at the moment, any product that is always fully stocked is not popular.
Apparently Grace Tame had nothing to smile about…. until she fell off her bike and broke some bones.
Bike riding is practically alt-right. Especially with drop bars.
Butter is good for you.
Eggs are good for you.
Meat is good for you.
Sugar is the devil in all its forms.
The less processed the better.
The human brain needs animal fats.
I explained to my quack once, that if it was a choice between trusting my taste buds which had evolved over billions of years to keep me alive, or some superstitious quack advising me what to eat, my taste buds won by a lightyear.
DrBeauGan at 4:52 – a very Taleb way of coming at the problem.
There is that.
The ladies, excluding the “12 downs”*, often compliment me on my enlarged, italicized tick.
‘Evil old woman, considered frightful or ugly’, Twelve down.”
JC says:
February 3, 2022 at 4:42 pm
If the shelves at my local are anything to go by, Cheer is about as popular as plant based burger patties.
Roger, how would just looking at the stock inform you of the turnover?
Around the end of March 2020 when the supermarkets were being cleaned out of just about everything edible, SPAM was still plentiful, sitting forlornly on the shelf with all other tinned meat products gone.
One thing I haven’t been able to get this year is the beef & heart mince I was getting periodically last year.
Lol, so says the most appalling,
1. grudge,
2. stoush and,
3. pile -on troll
in Australian blogdom.
He’s lecturing on blog etiquette now. FMD.
Fuck off Driller, go dust the bar you narcissistic psychopath.
That was my reasoning, particularly as cheese supply has been sporadic to these parts. Bega comes in and goes just as quickly but Cheer is always there.
Somewhat ironically, if you go back two generations there was a dairy in every valley here; now we’re at the mercy of interstate supply chains.
Spam isn’t cheese though. Roger mentioned Coon .
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
February 3, 2022 at 4:43 pm
…They survive this experience.
Lizzie posts far less often.
You’ll cope – without having to go to a safe space.
We will cope, but I’m not sure Lizzie will. I think she needs to go to some safe space for a while because she not handling this very well. And it’s not all everyone else’s fault.
Oh Okay Rog.
Western Star butter thickly spread on warm fresh bread is heaven.
Along with tinned corned beef!
Spam is not bad fried and I’ve a couple of good recipes for the beef.
Butter you say?
Cant beat polish stuff.
(skip to about 1:00 in)
JC says:
February 3, 2022 at 4:58 pm
Spam isn’t cheese though. Roger mentioned Coon .
I was referring to the use of quantities of goods on supermarket shelves to determine the popularity (or otherwise) of the said items.
And SPAM has cheese in it…
Great Canadian Trucker video you won’t see on the MSM.
Not exactly fair weather patriots.
Gag. The thought makes me feel ill. 🙂
Two things I can’t stand.
I cannot abide seeing people eating in cafes in the morning as the sight makes me feel ill. I can’t stand seeing them chew on food. Disgusting.
And I hate the word “breakfast”.
Imagine all those Irish walking around today because the government banned the abortion trips to Liverpool.
Yet they still voted for abortion.
Fine words butter no parsnips.
A trip to Colesworths is a bit of a lucky dip at the moment. Flexibility is required. Not sure about Spam though. It is very popular on Hawaii apparently. Maybe SloMo can tell us.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here.
You can’t beat homemade butter. And yes, Jersey butter is different.
Corned beef hash is very tasty, as is the south sea island dish called palusami, in which I substitute English spinach leaves for the traditional taro leaves.
Unless you are child or have a physically demanding job, you don’t need breakfast.
That Spam junk is basically salt, no?
Don’t use that word, please Bern.
Bear, tinned ham, corned beef and Australian and NZ mutton are staples all over the Pacific islands.
3 meals a day is such a 20th century thing.
Breakfast is a great exercise for studying marketing. Ask Mr. Kelloggs. The worship of breakfast demonstrates the paucity of nutrition science.
Lizzie has feelings. Always a mistake. Not giving a fying fluck works much better.
Yeah, but there’s a low sodium version out now.
I discovered this during the great fresh meat shortage of 2020 that Tony mentioned.
Seeing people, getting stuck into a meal in the morning and watching their jaws chew is one of the most disgusting things humans do.
Bern. Just stop.
Especially with drop bars.
You’re not going to fool me that old one. Drop bars indeed. Everyone knows they’re just an invention to trick gullible furriners.
.Ok JC
I gave up shopping at the local green Colesworths because their stock control/restocking was so bad (pre Covid). Presently I am stuck having to use a red Colesworths. The range of products at both is woeful.
That’s pure evil, Dover.
You know I’m on keto.
And…I gave it an uptick before my tummy reminded me. Opportunistic thumbs.
Just for JC
Warning, may contain breakfast and breakfast related materials.
Also if youve never read it this pean to a childhood bad breakfast memory is a classic.
No Matter How Hard We Run, We Can Never Escape Our Childhood Breakfast Cereals
I don’t want to admit this, really, but — and what you’re about to read is pretty much actually true — since I was a child, I’ve had a strong revulsion to Kaboom cereal, due to what may be called a early-childhood type of social dysmorphia.
And, ultimately, self-hatred.
You say you’ve never heard of Kaboom? You think I’m making Kaboom up?
Well let me explain this. You’ve heard of Apple Jacks, right? Sure you have. Everyone has.
I wanted to be an Apple Jacks kid.
Apple Jacks kids had so much fun in the commercials. Fresh-faced, healthy, and free, and hopeful for the future. Singing and dancing and just loving on their Apple Jacks.
And the cereal was awesome too. I had it once in a Snack-Pack that fell off a truck.
But there were no commercials for Kaboom.
It was just a dirty little secret, like massage parlors and the back room at a pawnbroker’s.
That’s why you never heard of it.
But Kaboom kids know. Kaboom kids understand.
a lot more at the link.
South Melbourne market dimmies are now sold frozen IGA and maybe Coles in packs of six.
Not sure if they export to McGowanland.
.Bern .Just stop
Tinned bear. Haven’t seen that on the shelves.
I will keep an eye out.
Along with tinned corned beef!
The infamous Bully Beef of military legend. During WW I, the French equivalent was known to the poilus as “Singe”, ie, monkey.
Fat Tony says: February 3, 2022 at 4:59 pm
So it would seem.
DrBeauGan says: February 3, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Yep. Alas.
Especially as her tiffs with others are barely noticed by most. They’re barely on radar of most Cats, if at all.
incoherent rambler says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:07 pm
I’m gonna go out on a limb here.
You can’t beat homemade butter. And yes, Jersey butter is different.
A couple of years ago, a lady at work gave me a 2 litre bottle of fresh unprocessed milk from a Jersey who had recently had a calf.
Nothing at all like the stuff we buy – very creamy.
Correction. You have not kept out of it, ever, and I am not Hyacinth.
Unlucky for you I still had a tab open. Now continue on with more of your lies.
I won’t be seeing them.
Probably have some of Goering’s Nazi bison DNA in them.
Coffee is all I need for breakfast.
Huh, I had three the other week. My God they’re both disgusting and really good at the same time. Not far away in Albert Park is Andrews Hamburgers – a greek joint with the best burger with the lot and chips in the world.
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I’ve been waiting for the upticks for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I’ve been waiting for those upticks for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord
Slightly bastardised but suck it up, Phil
Yes because plants cannot manufacture long chain omega 3’s. Some animals can convert short 3’s to long 3’s EPA and DHA but humans do so at very low rates. DHA is very important for retinal, brain function(generates neuroprotective factors), and immunology function(by limiting inflammation because it is a substrate for endocannabinoids). EPA is important to maintain the omega 3\6 balance in relation to another inflammation pathway. That’s why canola oil is bad, far too much omega 6.
That is why I think the vegan thing is bad, and very bad for children, so bad I’d almost consider it a child negligence or whatever the legal term is.
That’s from all the cow-towing going on.
Well well well.
If it isn’t my broken battered, having a sook.
I broke you last night you dickhead.
You haven’t the balls to back your mouth.
No more until you pony up for the bet. You won’t have the balls to follow through.
Game, Set, Match, Tournament. To Salvatore. 6-0, 6-0, 6-0.
What species is spam?
bespoke says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Coffee is all I need for breakfast.
Same here – breakfast of champions.
February 3, 2022 at 5:18 pm
South Melbourne market dimmies are now sold frozen
Huh, I had three the other week. My God they’re both disgusting and really good at the same time. Not far away in Albert Park is Andrews Hamburgers – a greek joint with the best burger with the lot and chips in the world.
Breakfast of champions?
What species would you like it to be?
In news from the freedom/vaxx/covid front:
All my senior female staff have stated to me that they will not be getting a booster shot.
Even if this means losing their job.
Even if this means cancellation of their visa & residency in Australia.
I can skip breakfast without a problem but one of things I occasionally love to do is go to breakfast to a cafe. Pounced [pouched! what was thinking] eggs with hollandaise and bacon on muffins, or french toast with bacon and maple syrup, or the like is one of life’s pleasures. Usually needs two coffees. And watch the world go by.
John H
That is why I think the vegan thing is bad, and very bad for children, so bad I’d almost consider it a child negligence or whatever the legal term is.
Isn’t the infamous Greta vegan? A living example of what you say?
Not sure about NZ. Recall reading somewhere they can import stuff from China then export it, to Australia at least, as NZ product.
Aw, shucks. That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said about me. Can’t express in words how good that makes me feel. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Always wanted to stand in infamy, preferably while wearing waders, though. 😉
You haven’t the balls to back your mouth.
Good lord I read that completely wrong for a start!
“Balls back in WHOs! mouth”.
Oh and got in trouble today for posting a funny vid before the toolbox to break the ice.
With hindsight this was not the best one to put on after we had just had the spiel for white ribbon…
6 legged roaches. cold pressed !
One of my staff once said to me that we know not to talk to you until you’ve had your cup of coffee(which was my second because I had one at home).
A smoke and a look out the window.
Indeed they do.
Mornings involve that crotchety trek to the Rancilio to turn the boiler on for coffee. Beyond that who cares. The idea of going to a cafe to get coffee is insane, you need coffee to get out the front door first. The opening scene of Withnail and I with the old lady eating a fried egg sandwich pretty much sums up the cafe breakfast scene.
/geezer off.
French butter, unsalted, is the best. Although I’m not a big bread eater and so don’t eat much butter as a spread – use a lot of it in cooking, though.
Adonis used to use that well worn quip too. Funny, you’re plagiarizing a plagiarizer now but then you’ve always been an original. 🙂
LOl. You’re just a liar, Driller. A psychopathic blowhard with zero cred.
The only thing that’s broken is you and you don’t need any help from me. You loser.
Sure I do. My rules and my bet. You don’t demand anything and what’s more no one believes you have millions to spare anyway. The bank is certainly not going to lend you any money as you have zero credit.
You lost the bet on the conditions I offered, you blowhard.
You don’t even own the clothes on your back.
Just sad.
Driller, stop lecturing people on blog behavior as it’s about as credible as your credit rating. Go dust the bar you loser.
Toppering bullshit artist.
Tell us driller is Joyce still afraid of you and has he begged your forgiveness. You human filth.
That is why I think the vegan thing is bad, and very bad for children
Not giving a young brain animal fats is child abuse.
The vegans I know are all incredibly fit.
But that’s not because of not eating animal product.
It’s because being vegan means a level of discipline meaning minimal processed foods & normally zero added sugar.
I look forward to seeing how the zero animal fat (bad) versus zero added sugar (good) works for their brain function when they are 60+.
All this talk about butter makes me nostalgic for Peter Russell-Clarke.
I mean, how can you reason with someone as self-absorbed as this?
“sad and fixated and psychotic” 🙂
Broken, battered, hasn’t got the balls to back it’s mouth.
Got called, wimped out.
Not able to man up.
Continues sooking.
I own you.
Game Set Match Tournament; to Salvatore.
incoherent rambler says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Recall reading somewhere they can import stuff from China then export it, to Australia at least, as NZ product.
Indeed they do.
incoherent rambler johnson is right!
I no longer buy UnZud food because of that.
From the house cow.
I humbly request a seperate thread for the JC v Sal saga. Throw Lizzie in there with Jo while you are at it.
Spam trivia
There are 15 varieties of spam sold in 41 countries and trademarked in over 200.
In WWII the US military purchased over 150 million pounds of spam. It is unknown if they have run out yet.
As Spam became an integral part of the GI diet, troops gave the meat a variety of nicknames like “ham that didn’t pass its physical,” “meatloaf without basic training,” and “Special Army Meat.”
The grease from the luncheon meat was used to lubricate weapons and waterproof boots.
No don’t. He’s a fucking loser with issues. It’s fun bashing the fuckhead stupid. It’s a known sport now. It’s called Driller Bashing and anyone can participate.
Roger says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:33 pm
I’m gonna go out on a limb here.
You can’t beat homemade butter.
No, you churn it not beat it.
fart, scratch balls, drink coffee
“Vegatables are a delivery system for butter”
Anonymous Low Carb High Protein diet advocate.
Bourne1879 says: February 3, 2022 at 5:33 pm
No need Bourne.
It’s over.
I broke him last night.
He may bluster & so on. However he’s finished. He chickened out when it counted.
He’s a beta – I’ve no further interest in the weak pansy.
Only recently I learned that Spam was hugely popular in some countries and in Hawaii it is even a staple, so much so it is stolen.
There are more ways of killing a dog than choking it with butter.
Posted without comment
Bully beef without the beef.
Spam is sort of tasteless and fatty.
Reminds me of the ham&egg in rat packs.
February 3, 2022 at 4:12 pm
Time out works with tantrums.
Gorgeous #1 (20 yo) Granddaughter, although not a tantrumer, had a few stippy moments as a toddler. One afternoon she was particularly fractious so I bundled her into the bedroom and sat her on big China-doll Lucy’s wicker chair, with the cue that when she was finished whinging she could come out and join us – her mum, Granny and great Granny.
Time passed. Silence descended, so I went in and said, “Good girl. You’re quiet now. You can come out with us.”
“No no, Granny,” she solemly replied. “I’ve still got one whinge left.”
It completely cracked us up.
DrBeauGan says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:27 pm
bespoke says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Coffee is all I need for breakfast.
A smoke and a look out the window.
Tell us you’re an ascetic without telling us you’re an ascetic.
Hawaii it is even a staple, so much so it is stolen.
At Denny’s in Hawaii they have a range of spam related menu items.
Hawaiians have some great spam recipes. Spam fried rice and spam pizza were faves of mine when I lived there.
I’m aware Johanna is more than capable of defending herself. For the record, however, Johanna saw through Hyacinth’s bullshit from the onset, as did I and. no doubt, others here.
All Johanna is guilty of, in my opinion, is alerting the unsuspecting that you should not take everything a self-absorbed poster writes at face value particularly when it resembles Swiss cheese. That’s not being obsessive. It’s being realistic.
Johanna is certainly not the one who is psychotic.
It’s apparent Hyacinth has some serious psychological problems that require professional help. Returning day after day to check who has upticked who and keeping score is indicative of a disturbed individual. An uptick is no indication of the number of “friends” a person has on an internet site. To a rational person, an uptick means you agree with the comment without having to type the words “I agree” or “Correct” etc.
I feel for those who have trusted Hyacinth on a personal basis because she has no compunction about blathering on and on about personal conversations. Unless she had the contact’s permission to reveal private exchanges, then that’s clearly a breach of trust and I find that disturbing.
Caveat emptor.
My favourite meal , other than using the chocolate, rice and condensed milk to make rice pudding
That’s one of the things I miss about not being able to holiday overseas, as a result of this thrice cursed virus – a full English breakfast, or a South African bush breakfast, set you up well until lunchtime.
Caveat emptor.
Played for St George in the 70’s didn’t he?
Two words made terrifying via proximity to one another.
Seriously I find the boasting re money, real estate, schools, travel and jobs absolutely grotesque. True gentle folk are modest and don’t self praise.
I’m fine thanks, Tony, do not trouble yourself re that. I am very busy elsewhere writing a submission for a project dear to my heart. I have limited time for blogging and there are other and better places where I am not subject to the same level of abuses.
And Dr. BG, there is only one ‘tiff’ I am concerned about as I don’t actually have many ‘tiffs’ here, being a fairly equable sort of person in temperament. What I am angry, very angry, about is continuing attacks upon me by a ‘fixiated’ individual who has a great deal of poor form on this blog over many years, and even more appalled at the implied abuse leveled at me by others via their support of this person’s duplicitousness.
OK, so you are sick of me saying something about this, but until Cassie said something above I was one person against the world here. Noone likes that without some pushback; allowing a complete bully to get away with it degrades the blog further than any commentary I might add taking up valuable pixels here that could be better used on defending freedoms from attacks by the left.
The whole thing makes coming here unpleasant for me, I can’t be or feel natural in doing so as I know she is waiting to ‘pounce’, and the pounce also gives rise to unpleasantness in general here. Serious topics become overwhelmed by it, and yes, I agree my anger and sheer disgust has contributed to this. So I will as I said above, busy myself elsewhere. My feelings about the attacks are completely justified, and so is the fact that I have had a gutful of it. Just take that now as read, and get on with things. I will dump the tab and let it be over and done with now and see yuz all later.
Spam pizza.
Oh sweet Jesus.
I’m picturing that scene at the end of Indiana Jones – a huuuuuuge warehouse…full of Spam.
Hawaiians have some great spam recipes.
So did Monty Python.
Spam pizza, is that really different to a “ham” pizza from a non gourmet shop?
I usually cook up an English breakfast on Saturday mornings, including sausage and black pudding, and then skip lunch.
To a rational person, an uptick means you agree with the comment without having to type the words “I agree” or “Correct” etc.
Totally agree – i occasionally give rosie a (admittedly dickless) uptick for the comment and i can’t stand her.
Bullshit. Talking about one’s lived life (the litany above) is something others do here frequently about the same things in that litany when the topic arises – just as I do. I haven’t always lived the life I live now and those who know me over the years here know that. Seeing such talk as ‘boasting’ is ridiculous and says far more about you than it does about me.
I think you and your ilk are grotesque and a good reason not to contribute here much if at all.
Yeah I made a pilgrimage across to Andrews Hamburgers. They were good but felt a bit overhyped to me. You could probably put South Melbourne market dimmies in the same basket. Didn’t stop me getting a couple each week though with the weekly vegetables though.
I ate bear steak at a russian restaurant in Finland once. It was ok. Go from chicken to scotch fillet and then keep going, for a month or so.