Consanguinous breeding” is a REALLY bad idea.. Interestingly, most “traditiona” / nomadic poples had strict taboos on the matter. Every…
Consanguinous breeding” is a REALLY bad idea.. Interestingly, most “traditiona” / nomadic poples had strict taboos on the matter. Every…
Israel wants Hamas to release half of the remaining hostages in return for a promise to negotiate a lasting truce.…
That would be because he is a knobhead From now on, thanks to WA premier Cook, every Labor politician should…
dover0beach March 10, 2025 12:57 amThe Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for…
They should have done that on October 8 2013
Eating cholesterol containing foods doesn’t do anything to your cholesterol, whatever the cholesterol thing is worth any. High HDL and low Trigs is where you want to be. The medical profession is pretty good at plumbing, not so much on nutrition and consequences thereof. Eat the inverse of the government recommended food pyramid.
So here’s an extremely detailed history of Koala numbers in Australia (a bit too detailed):
But an interesting fact that koalas weren’t sighted until 15 years (!!!) of European settlement! (Despite many expeditions to find them!!!)
15 years AFTER European settlement…
I’ve had the odd contretemps with Arky. He never hurt my feelings though. Probably because I don’t have any.
Don’t know or care how my meat is killed as long as it’s served with a smile of gratitude and silence.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Knew someone years ago who would always ordered prawns, and wouldn’t touch pork because “dirty animal”.
Took a lot of convincing that the dietary behaviours of the British Saddleback were considerably tidier your ocean going crustaceans.
Oh, and the clincher in the Pig vs Prawn debate is that your rarely find a shit cord in your roast pork.
Yea Drills, We make Nafink was always thought provoking and deeply thought out. I found it similar to the reason you supported Mensa affiliate , Pauline Hanson, when she suggested rural based businesses ought to receive interest free loans from the government. This level of deep thinking can’t be replicated when that intellectual giant retires.
I agree, Vicki. We have too much in cash and can’t see much we want to do with it other than spend it or pass it over to the kids (we do a lot of that already). We’ve fixed up our home to our satisfaction, it will hold good value in this suburb. Getting some new windows put in next week to fix some art deco that is rotted, so doing simple maintenance stuff now and paying the costs of ownership in general. Will spend up on redecorating the bedrooms soon, and buying a new Merc, maybe keep the Audi too. I will need new clothes for travel, but all is very casual these days, no formal events except on Cunard and I have enough designer stuff already for that.
Some spare cash has to be put aside for major life events or casualties, such as illness requiring treatment in the US – you can sink hundreds of thousands into that without trying hard. We have an excellent superannuation set-up which covers a lot of costs and allows some savings too. Agree’d it may all collapse. In which case we’ll live on boiled rice per government handout with fruits from the orchard we’ve planted and vegies from the garden – home grown tomatos and cucumbers tonight. I will make a medieval fish pond to help out 🙂
Our time is now, and you eat less as you get older. I have faith in providence that we will be OK.
Hairy just comes in and tells me it’s starting to rain. lol. And I’ve just done some washing.
That’s providence for you.
Sancho Panzersays:
February 1, 2022 at 4:50 pm
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Knew someone years ago who would always ordered prawns, and wouldn’t touch pork because “dirty animal”.
Sounds like the snooty lady who declined the offer of pressed tongue, because she wouldn’t eat something that had been in an animal’s mouth, but happily accepted the offer of an egg.
I eat neither pig nor shellfish.
I’m on my own for dinner this evening as wifey took a pill and feels sick.
Bear’s buffet made me think about my food decision.
1. Sushi
2. Pizza
3. Chinese Special Fried Rice/ steamed bok choy / beef with black bean sauce.
I think I’m going with no. 3.
Watching a whole kangaroo thrown to the pigs certainly changes the way you think about pork.
We need a return to tar and feathering the reprobate.
Chinese New Year JC, you know it makes sense.
JC, years ago I was involved in a Flying School which had a lot of Korean students coming through.
And they loved their meat.
The school would have pizza nights once a month at Pizza Hut or somesuch “built to a price” pizza place.
They used to have an “as much as you can eat special” for a fixed price.
The Korean lads would order a stack of meat-lovers specials, pick the meat off and eat it and leave the crust.
And repeat.
And again.
I think they did over about four Pizza Huts before the “* Conditions Apply” signs went up.
Bear, never trust a man with pigs.
h/t Brick Top.
Now I wan’t some.
Oh yea Bern.
You can be anti-China but pro-Chinese food, right?
Just because you can’t see what prawns get up to.
The Pizza Hut all you could eat $5 lunch was a golden age.
Pressed tongue and cheek is tops.
Just don’t be around when it is rendering down in the pot.
Sanchez, focus on this for a sec.
You’re an aviator too! We already have an aviator here in class who reminds us every couple of hours. How humble of you to keep it from your friends. We have two aviators here now. You and the one they made a movie based on his incredible life.
Hamburger (non-maccas) with the lot and beetroot and pineapple.
Nutrition perfection.
Eat with beer or coke or both.
I don’t fsck the prawns. I eat them.
I don’t buy food that was made in China if I can help it.
I don’t buy food that was made in China if I can help it.
I don’t think JC’s food is coming from that far away.
There is even an aviator chick here, JC that carries a gun in her car.
Really, can you say who it is, Bespoke?
An acquaintance once woke up suffering badly from a night of drinking and went to the back door to vomit. This attracted a bunch of ducks that proceeded to scarf the chunks which led to more vomiting. He wouldn’t shut up about it.
Bushkid, JC.
If it is coming from Uber Eats then you know that shit is getting served up out of a bucket.
These policies were developed by our internal team in concert with a number of outside experts and are updated regularly to reflect the changing safety landscape.
Mmmmyesss, because I source all my health information based on shit churned out by journalists, official or amateur…
Im also rather loath to follow guidelines for emergency authorization new tech injected into my body by companies which are asking the data proving they are safe be locked up for 50 years.
And Im even less enamored of government invoking emergency powers for a virus which is basically a boomer remover (Ie: age is a big factor in dying) and maintaining everything they are doing is legal because “emergency powers’.
And Im positively hostile to tech turds who think censorship is a great thing to do because some geriatric old musicians are afraid of going to their eternal rewards… they know what they have done and if I were them Id be terrified as well.
Bushkid is female? Really?
JC says:
February 1, 2022 at 4:20 pm
.. but it seems to me that you would like others to entertain you with good views and opinions.
Uh? Did I write that? … Must check…
Speaking for myself, I’m not your entertainment director.
Awfully decent of you to inform me of this.
Stammi bene!
Prawns, the Wuhan bats of the sea…
Sancho Panzersays:
February 1, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Oh, and the clincher in the Pig vs Prawn debate is that your rarely find a shit cord in your roast pork.
Please take a seat.
We have something to tell you.
Dont take it the wrong way.
We need to talk about traditional sausage skins…..
Can I ask for a little advice?
I am looking to fix my interest rates on my home and investment property for three years. Being offered 3.09% on OO and 3.19% on the investment property.
It’s a slight increase in repayments but not unmanageable. I have an adult son at home whom I could tap for a little extra to help out and I would raise the rent on my property in line with the agent’s recommendations instead of leaving it as I have done for a couple of years. I just have a feeling that the inflationary pressures I am seeing literally everywhere are going to force interest rates up sooner rather than later and I would prefer to have a few years of not having to worry about frequent letters from my bank informing me that my repayments have increased yet again.
This is far from an area where I have any sort of expertise. I’m acting on little more than a hunch at this time.
Any thoughts or comments would be welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Oh completely forgot to mention that in my fantasy-land of The Good Life in suburban Vaucluse I would establish a chook pen in the lower garden. There’s 400 sq ft of land down there, possibly room for a goat too for milk, but it would have to be tethered because of the vegies and fruit trees.
Also forgot to mention that we need to completely renew the front entrance to a standard appropriate to our neighbours. Currently we have pebblecrete where there should be sandstone blocks and sandstone bullnose steps. That will cost $35k. Peanuts in the scheme of things around here. Neighbours in another street have just paid $50K each to put the powerlines underground. We are merely paying under $10k to change the old wooden electricity pole servicing our building to a new steel model with the power channels dug into the garden, that cost to be shared with the people in the residence below ours.
I guess if you wish to disburse yourself of money that there are always ways to do it quickly.
Truth to tell the value of a place like ours is that there is so much land with harbour views that our building will be pulled down and a set of ultra-expensive new dwellings will be built on it. Beyond our time here though. Some gracious old pieces of the past will be gone forever. Us included. 🙁
Fun fact.
The private equity firm that owns Neil Youngs music is in turn controlled by Blackstone.
The soon to be new owners of Crown.
Excellent choice.
That’s what I have whenever the wife insists on Chinese takeaway.
I have the questionable oppurtunity to see bodies that had spent time in the sea.
They invariably had prawns feeding on them.
Never put me off prawns.
What are you paying now? That’s how you compare.
Personally, I don’t think interest rates are going to go through the roof and if you run the debt on the short end, you’ll likely be better off. Run it on very short term interest rates.
And raise you. Hot Dogs.
Adrenochrome prawns are the best prawns.
Just don’t tell srr.
Peter van Onselen named in political reporter’s case against Network 10.
Another fun fact:
Young used to be part of a consortium of c. five investors that owned Lionel Trains, a household name & the American version of Hornby except in O gauge (so about twice as big).
Under their watch the company offshored its production to South Korea.
Neil is no longer sticking it to the man, he is the man.
van Onselen’s betrayal of a texting source today at the NPC to embarrass Morrison was a dog act – one that even lefty journalists don’t respect.
Total. He’s just vermin.
Ah well, JC, I have given the flying game away long time ago.
And I would never describe myself as an aviator.
(Although I still have a pair of wire framed Ray-Ban aviators from those days).
Have you not seen Ted calling me an A340 captain?
All because I once recounted the tale of an A340 crew who snagged the perimeter fence and a row of approach lights at Tulla on account of the take-off weight they punched into their computer being a tad light.
By a “tad” I mean 100 tonnes.
The point of the story wasn’t about aviation per se. It was about people in any job being fed data and not immediately recognising it as utter bullshit, as this crew should have done.
But, as usual, Ted missed the point by a wide margin.
Prof gonna get himself canceled if he keeps that up. Life as a j’ismist academic ain’t easy.
Luzu, in times of coming inflation a fixed rate can be a sort of security blanket.
I don’t know how Hairy and I would have managed with a largish mortgage on a large house to bring up four children well, including private school fees, during the 1980’s when Keating managed to push interest rates to over 17.5% if we hadn’t had some mortgage relief; we were in a category of people who had their rate fixed to no more than 13.5% and we were so glad about that.
That said, I can’t advise you. Paying a higher rate when you coud be paying a lower one is a little painful, but if you get peace of mind from it, maybe it’s worth it. I don’t think in the next year rates will do much as the politics of a sharp rise woud be very difficult; after that though it is gloves off and fixed rates will go up commensurate with that.
Let JC offer his words of wisdom.
I’m wondering too what my own kids are doing, fixing or floating. I must ask.
Ted needs to focus on thing and one thing only. That’s picking bananas.
We decided a few years back to get out of all property as it was too much of a hassle with politicians fiddling around with negative gearing, and rental markets being variable. There is a time in life when you just don’t want to accumulate and take risks any more. I have a friend in Tassie in a similar situation. A widow, she has a major piece of Tasmanian waterfront Hobart real estate as her home and three other properties, plus plenty of super. She is being driven crazy by the rentals on the properties. Sell them, I say, and spend rather than accumulate now. Then Covid struck and she couldn’t go on cruises etc. so she hung on the worry and it is stll plaguing her.
On reflection, probably we should have kept the beach house on the south coast. We did well, but keeping it would have provided another useful store of value and tax relief and prices have rocketed now due to Covid. But we’d just had enough, Hairy had cancer and one’s perspectives change. We have no mortage on our home any more. That’s always good.
With no added micro-plastics.
A few hear have asked “What is the point of NATO now?” in recent days.
This article – Russia and a New World Order – touches on that, among other things.
While we’re on the topic, I’ll reiterate something twostix wrote here recently. A great deal of the American liberal elite’s unhealthy obsession with Putin is motivated by his unabashed public rejection of homosexuality.
I have a gripe.
At home, in Melbourne every parish near me offers a daily mass, perhaps not all on a Monday but still.
In Italy much the same and sometimes both in the morning and evening.
The new brooms in Ajaccio did the same but Marseille, the number of weekly masses at the (enormous) cathedral is zero, not even on a Sunday. A single Sunday mass at St Laurent and mid week just Tuesday and Thursday 6 pm at Accuel.
I appreciate that mass going is not a popular pastime in France and maybe there are security issues but still I can’t believe that not even a mass in the crypt is on offer at the cathedral.
Notre Dame de Garde has a daily schedule but it’s difficult to get to.
They have priests here so that’s not the issue, or maybe they just need more Franciscans, more Africans and more Poles.
Latho as sympathetic to PVO as you’d expect:
Having not watched a single second of Aus TV for many years, I have no clue who this pvo person is. lol
This is why I always skin my sausages before eating them.
Not stupid.
Regarding van Onselen, you have to give it to him, he has fabulous hair. Gleaming with all that pomade.
It’s fine trolling. Every time someone says Ukraine or Armenia or Georgia should be let in about six fascist Presidential heads explode. Lots of fun.
The alliance is fairly useless but I’m enjoying Putin’s existential hyperbowl.
Look, you’re going to have to take a number.
The Cat Gripe centre is flat out today.
But your call is important to us.
Wow! That is some huge assumption.
All of whom?
I suspect that there are several Cats who started out the hard knocks way, (but keep it to themselves), just as there are those whose parents were in a position to give them a leg up, so to speak.
Why try to make this another divisive issue?
H B Bear says:
February 1, 2022 at 5:02 pm
One of my first jobs (part time) was working at Pizza Hut back in the days when they were restaurants as well as take away. Actually enjoyed making the pizzas. On Sunday nights, dine-in would pay as they consumed (always busy) but Tuesday night dine-in was all you could eat for a fixed price (even busier).
We have a waterfront property not far from Huskisson, Lizzie. Its gone up nearly 3X in less than 7 years, have someone trying to buy it at the moment well above valuation. Not interested. Time ceases when I’m there.
“Mr Goldsmith described the researchers’ work as a commercial rather than academic undertaking, and said they had not provided proof supporting their assertion.
“This proof just has not been produced,” he said.
“Simply to disseminate an assertion that then in the public discussion becomes a kind of fact borders on a conspiracy theory”
Publisher apologies for book naming Anne Frank’s betrayer, after expert says ‘it’s full of errors’
I knew I had seen it somewhere.
The Mathematics of Boneless Pork Rectums
Another reason not to eat Chinese.
As the author states, Putin understands the world is becoming multipolar in terms of power.
The unipolar “new world order” is in recession.
They won’t be pumping Neil through the PA, will they?
Gonna be hard to play the pokies with fingers in both ears.
Can I at least have some music while I wait?
Oh and the open forum should be more interesting and enjoyable and there should only be discussion about things of interest to me, none of this commenting about commentors making comments about commentors.
I don’t like it.
“Our time is now, and you eat less as you get older.”
My time’s not now. Gone forever. Felt brief joy 18 months ago with the birth of a granddaughter, but it was wiped out with worry for the world they will grow up in. So the spare room is becoming storage, and I have my son’s old GN cricket bat to repel boarders. I practise swinging it from the shoulder, for fun. My neighbour has sneaked in and taken spring onions and a few eggplants, I know it’s her. It’s a filthy thing to do. She watches to see me drive off. Perhaps broken glass on top of the wall, and the gate?
We don’t know what hardship and deprivation is. No bloody idea.
Quite so.
And I always steer clear of people who describe themselves as a “renegade”, a “maverick” or, worst of all as “having a quirky sense of humour”.
They are invariably never what they see themselves as.
A bit like people who run a Festival of Dangerous Ideas, which is basically a gab-fest featuring late 20th century left-wing orthodoxy.
About as dangerous as bingo night at the local bowlie.
Also you know you are in mainland France when the price of a crappy grande creme at an nondescript bar is €4.
Going to try the modern gluten free vegan place with the catchy English language name instead.
“Bring me my coffee”
Saw Scummoron at the Press Club when we stopped for lunch at a pub on the way back from the coast. No one in the bar believed a single word he said. My parting comment was why don’t we see assassinations on tv anymore?
Yes. But it will be Neil Young.
Oh, Jesus is still weeping.
Distraught, he is.
As I say, take a number.
There’s a lot of it about.
No sir I don’ like it
Oh yes, me too!
There is (was?) a Chinese buffet in Tea Tree Gully, SA, run by lovely Chinese people who serve Chinese/Cantonese dishes with all the trimmings, plus English roast beef, pork and chicken with all those marvelous trimmings. Plus desserts.
Fabulous food costing 15 to 22 dollars, depending on day, time of day and senior status.
Don’t know how they fared with all the Covid BS.
I swear to God, the worst coffee I ever had was at Charles de Gaulle airport.
Brewed and stewed black coffee.
Whipped cream from a can sprayed on top.
Covered with “hundreds and thousands”.
I have 18 month old and 20 month old grandchildren and spend zero time worrying about the world they will grow up in.
Am I doing something wrong?
I knew I had seen it somewhere.
The Mathematics of Boneless Pork Rectums
Another reason not to eat Chinese
I used to work at a pig abattoir, there was no part of pig genitalia that wasn’t cleaned, washed and shipped to China.
Lizzie and Hairy ‘keeping up with Jones’s.’ A term you don’t hear much these days. A shame so many of the old sayings are being forgotten.
Hundreds and thousands.
You topper.
I think the whole thing is organised and he was just doing what he was told. One after the other they are piling on to Rogan. And Neil Young was hardly hard left in the past. What’s changed?
The hunchback fascist first pls.
Delta, I deliberately nominated a sub-category of people here, which you missed seeing, whether by design or not I don’t know. That category was those like Bern, who commented ‘Sweet Jesus’ at me and Arky being, by my choice of term, mavericks. I did not deny there were other ‘mavericks’ here who also did not come from that sense of middle-class entitlement, in fact I specifically mentioned Shatterzzz as one and said there were doubless others. It was the entitlement that annoyed me, because the sort of exasperated comment made by Bern indicates just how little tolerance there is at times for people who are ‘different’ here. I have lived with that sort of intolerance for much of my life and certainly for a lot of my time on Catallaxy. Mavericks are different because that is our experience and we mention it. We should be free to mention it. Or not, as some others may choose to refrain.
Grey Ranga,
I remember when Husky, Vincentia,Hyams Beach, Erowal Bay and such were for people to poor for Nowra.
I take it the area has changed?
You would laugh in the face of covid if you were the type to engage with an all you can eat buffet. Fearless.
I had pork intestines in a Chinese restaurant in Footscray around 20 years ago. Not bad but it did have a distinct taste and odour of fecal matter. I ate the lot but wouldn’t order it again, the flavour was just too rich.
Never go Full Lavatory Rodeo.
Or if you do, give me warning so I can sell some tickets. It’s a marketing opportunity in these difficult times.
Kiss From a Rosie (1994)
Biggles, I never missed the point of your flying skills, I just knew you had to be an A340 captain because how you explained the maths & your overall knowledge on most every subject in the universe.
I mean you are a country gentleman, sniper par excellence, murder detective ( I heard you won a game of cluedo once).
Between you, choo choo man & that nasty arsehole the Head Prefect this site becomes the font of all knowledge.
Oh, & how is your wife is he OK?
In the most absolute terms, yes and no.
With a “C” because an “S” is uncouth.
That post should keep those 3 arseholes occupied for a while.
Neil Oliver: Canadian freedom convoy is a ray of sunshine
I know Chinese have some entertaining English language slogans on tshirts and things but the French have lots of giggle worthy English stuff, with far less excuse.
At Parata there was a sign warning me of a ‘step descent’ okay there were stairs but the original French made it clear they meant ‘steep descent’.
And some kids outfit at ikks that was €77 had an ungrammatical sentence about rock and roll. Why?
And the lady at the perfume shop said that you have to sing it to speak French properly, that’s my problem right there.
On our travels in China we came across a sign on a rather dangerous looking boardwalk – “Slip Carefully”.
So I did.
Thanks but no thanks BoN.
I respect that your trying to change direction but please don’t carryon like an ex-smoker.
At least give it a few more months.
Nope, just keeping our major asset in good repair.
Renovations happen. Get over it.
You don’t keep up with the Jones around here. Most people are the Jones. lol.
You’ll be encouraging the wretched Mrs. Bucket crowd in a moment, which has absolutely nothing at all to say about me and Hairy. Aspirational lower middle-class ‘goings on’ in some middle-middle British suburb have appeal only to the class-besotted Brits.
Keeping up with them joneses.
The mimetic of desire, I think they now call it without saying so because that would be keeping in with keeping up.
Well you wanted music.
Didn’t say what sort.
They can peel themselves off then.
He’s promised equal time to opposing views when he has a ‘controversial’ guest.
Look at the bright side Kev – he’ll be there for you when the time comes…
I do hope he is on stand down when I arrive. Ron and I had ‘history’. Lotsa history.
Everything written is correct, in that these people are utterly demonic and finding the most vulnerable moments in their sworn enemies lives and wedging the sticks of dynamic labeled ‘the state’ into those cracks and blowing it up in order to punish us, while shrieking and cackling with laughter at our suffering. There really does need to be a day of the rope.
That’s obviously my mind on the subject, so what I’m writing here is not to diminish what they’re doing ( and they are doing it with pure joy), but to perhaps soothe the not “full vaccinated” parent in WA who’s heart is in their throat at the thought of all this, having been through it.
Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:
They did this in QLD in December, and I wrote about our experience when our daughter’s appendix burst the very week it was to come into force. Entering the hospital we were met with a massive sign telling us in big letters that we were not allowed to enter the hospital as of that Friday – two days away. Full stop, no wiggle room in the wording, “Unvaccinated people cannot enter the hospital as of Friday…”, I was astounded at the lengths they were going to. The media were shrieking daily, the head of the AMA was mocking us in interviews. While staying overnight at our little daughter’s bedside, the Mrs heard two doctors swanning around the (completely empty) children’s ward crowing that unvaccinated parents wouldn’t be allowed in as of the Friday. All of that pressure was on top of the fresh and terrible fright at finding our little girl unconscious on the floor, and all that follows after that moment (and no ambulance turning up – but QLD is going to QLD).
Fires of hell.
So instead of relying on the lying liars to tell me what they had planned, I took it upon myself to read the actual “mandate”. As I reported from my own experience, parents are of course allowed to be with their sick children in hospital. Satan himself obviously struggles to break that bond. But it’s only one “unvaccinated” parent at a time in QLD, and you may have to take a test. Yes they’re deliberately trying to frighten people in the most grotesque way imaginable, pumping it up in the media, making you imagine your brave little trooper alone, lying in bed in grasp of this ghoulish system. They’re doing it so you’ll give yourself over to them in a moment of self-sacrifice at the imagined future hardship of your children. And we personally went through it and it is frightening, but people need to be brave – proper brave. Brave in a way that modern overly-socialised society has essentially banned so nobody really gets to do it anymore and we’re all terrible at it. Paddling out into double overhead Kirra takes less bravery, climbing a near vertical mountain takes less guts, no doubt we’re finding out we’re terribly untrained for bravery required to be proper citizens – by design. They’re trying to terrorise you, but you don’t have to feel terrorised. You are a citizen, not the school child that they want you to be, and those days where we got to just go along being treated like that are over. The system, and the people in it, serve you. Read the “mandate”, then enter the breach and see what you can make happen on a personal level. Just see what happens, and make them live up to their filthy demonic rules individually. You’ll be surprised at how much leeway and goodness you find in people who are inside the system, how much tradition and cultural intertia pushes you through, but also how much evil lives in the hearts of other people you wouldn’t expect to see it in at first glance.
A lot of this stuff is more bark than bite because the people behind this are gutless bugman filth. Don’t be afraid, face this system and see what it’s made of. In Canada they’re finding out it’s not made of much. In QLD we are finding ways forward and life is manageable, word gets around. People serving a corrupt system are often lazy, lots of people become better people under a bit of pressure, and imaginative solutions emerge.
And, and just four weeks later here in QLD, they changed the rules and fully vaccinated parents are also only allowed in one at a time now as well. And there was just last week a story of a fully vaccinated mother having her new born baby stolen away from her in hospital because she stupidly and naively offered up that she was a “casual contact” – so they snatched her baby off her and wheeled it away for half a day. Everyone will be punished by these people, make no mistake.
I’m getting the impression that’s you are an SME on slipping calli.
There was a really strong gust of wind as I crossed the concourse in front of the cathedral yesterday, I was that close, but managed to stay upright.
If anyone had had an umbrella up they’d have Mary Poppining over to chateau d’if.
February 1, 2022 at 6:04 pm
I knew I had seen it somewhere.
The Mathematics of Boneless Pork Rectums
$211,250 base salary for a Commonwealth backbencher.
aargh. Blockquote fail. You know what to do.
40 here today. Some folks wearing masks outside.
Their faces will fall off.
Neil Young’s dad was lifetime CIA, just like Tucker Carlson’s dad, Steven Stills’ dad, Sharon Tate’s dad, Frank Zappa’s dad, a mile of others. David Crosby’s dad also made films for the US Army, so he was likely a spook too.
Has Blackstone any ties to the CIA?
Well, put it this way, they didn’t pay Neil $11 billion dollars for his catalogue because they liked his music.
In short, he’s a Spook.
Have no idea what you are talking about bespoke.
Plenty of fake covid pass generators out there too.
I don’t know what Rogan’s contract is but I think he should leave Spotify as soon as he can and set up his own streaming service that isn’t beholden to scum like the Ginger and the Whinger.
Why share a platform with such scum?
No, as Rex said the other day, you’re just being you.
So no surprises there.
This video of coppers slashing tires is doing the rounds and being claimed as going on now-in Canada..
Its not. Its from the US in 2020.
Also their ABCcess had a lot of lip sucking and fleculating*over a chaps father who…. DUNDUNDUUUUN, helped his dad clear scub on the farm when he was 16.
From the tone you would have thought the blokes dad was thrusting 3year olds up mercury factory chimneys to filter the smoke via respiration.
* Like speculating, but with 100% more buullshit.
Hi Bundy
Look pal, i’m a bit confused.
Are you the one who says
Just a yes or no answer will suffice.
Those who’ve overcome hard knocks rarely consider themselves better than others & are rarely disparaging of either the financial circumstances or profession/occupation of others, nor of the knocks life may dish out to others.
If someone on the cat is disparaging of another’s occupation or lot in life – it’s pretty much a guarantee the disparager has never known tough times or a life-changing setback.
Ed furiously feculating evidence free again.
Neil Young has directed his music streaming fans to Amazon, spruiking their 4 month free trial.
$11 billion? Surely not.
Whatever you may say about Arky, he’s the man who gaffer taped a chainsaw onto a pole to cut branches and in thongs to boot.
Accomplishments claimed by others pale in comparison.
“Neil Young’s dad was lifetime CIA, just like Tucker Carlson’s dad, Steven Stills’ dad, Sharon Tate’s dad,”
Rubbish, Tucker Carlson’s father was NOT CIA and nor was Sharon Tate’s father.
Very thoughtful and deep comment Drills.It wins the internet for the week.
In the Good Ol’ Days (pre Covid) I went to a buffet lunch at the Twin Towns RSL in Coolangatta QLD.
I barely survived but came away having learned one of life’s great lessons:
“Never get between an old age pensioner and a tray of fresh prawns”
Cassie of Sydney says: February 1, 2022 at 6:55 pm
Ed Case comments are not intended to be taken seriously Cassie. 😛
Miss A, saw something recently about Nowra being the most bogan place in NSW. Believable. It has improved a lot recently. Those areas mentioned are not for the plebs. Talking to my plumber who lives a street back from us has lived there for 40 years, he said for $17k more he could have had waterfront. The area just sold for close on $6M. With a nothing flash place on it.
$150 million is the figure cited.
Western Australia bans unvaccinated parents from seeing their sick children in hospital. The media applauds exploiting desperate parents in their darkest hour.
I want to see the pricks responsible for this covered in sores and begging on street corners. I’m feeling generous.
They didn’t pay $11 billion, you jackass. No one has ever received anything close to that amount of money. STFU
They’ll sell the cattle for a song in a few months time and go farming Carbon Credits.
So much for indigenous employment opportunities.
Maverick is my choice of word and it will mean exactly what I say it will mean.
Not a renegade in any sense, perish the thought, nor is there a quirk in my sense of humour.
Why, even you can sometimes make me laugh. Quite often, in fact.
But don’t give up your day job.
I wouldn’t pay 11 cents for that LWNJs shit music.
farming Carbon Credits
They’re not that silly.
Hispanic students hated (and were failing) their CRT-based ethnic studies class teaching ‘intergenerational trauma’
Why does nutcase think everyone is a spook. I knew 2 CIA guys in Perth. One associated with Burke. The other his lackey. Nutcase wouldn’t know a spook if he said boo.
That’s my point.
Blackstone paid $11 billion, so it was a payoff for something.
Anyway, win/win, Rogan is now better known, and people are wasting money trying to find a good song in Neil’s catalogue.
I don’t disparage anyone for their lot in life. Never have. Never will.
But I will disparage people who claim entitlement over others.
That happens here. And not by me.
LWNJ…is that a new Myers-Briggs type?
Heh. LWNJs have been around for a long long time.
Left Wing Nut Job. A person who removes reasoning, logic, and common sense from their decision making process, instead basing their decisions solely on emotional responses.
Going by past experience, the majority of the cattle will be slaughtered to feed the extended families, who will be citing the rich tradition of “sharing.”
Well, he was career Army, he was sent to Verona, Italy at the time the CIA were setting the stage for Operation Gladio …
Kurri Kurri power plant running on green hydrogen ‘will not impact’ power prices (1 Feb)
What a load of gaseous effusion. Pat Conroy was my local MP until I got redistributed intl Joel’s electorate. He’s never had a real job in his life, staffer to several unions until reaching a cosy safe seat. He looks like a toad and acts like one. I declined to shake his hand once when he visited our local shopping centre.
15,000 head of cattle?
I realise this is difficult for you, but try to not be a complete idiot all your life.
Nowra used to be a real dump.
A naval padre who was serving at HMAS Albatross suggested the best thing to do with one of the local hotels was to burn it down. (It was on a corner of the main drag – the Princes Highway if I recall…)
Asked him why, and he said it was the place where the young local ladies used to lie in wait for a young sailor flash with money. Get married, get a kid, and then send him packing, and live on the required alimony.
Not exactly a Christian sentiment, but quite understandable.
Got told off as a student for flying in and out of Nowra’s radar on the way to Sydney.
They had some nice light engineering fabrication shops there. Not sure if they do anymore……
Just leaving this here because it is bound to need a rerun tonight at some time..
LOL – Michael Danby (on Bolt) has just referred to a certain ALPBC non-comedian as “Tom Bollard”.
Alan Moran’s latest climate news: catch up on all the alarmist bullshit:
I was kicked out of home at 11.
Thanks for my privileges
Didn’t even get the 14 cents from vets affairs.
Haha, much as I like Elon (mostly) his Gaia-chariot business I could do without.
Tesla Accused Of Inflating Sales In Australia After Company Sales Data Fails To Reconcile With Official Registration Data (31 Jan)
Quite like BoM’s temperature adjustments. Maybe drovers used Teslas to drive sheep in 1910.
Got a knife.
Scraped off as much gunk as I could.
Stirred the rest into the coffee.
Still revolting.
Re Pat Conroy, where the hell do they find this trash. Reading up on Bob Brown and Kelly Hoare is vomit making. Not the Tas Bob Brown
Dick Ed sees spooks under every bed.
Hehehe Moran’s!!!!!!!!!!!!
Down the Highway at South Nowra.
Metalwork, Brickyard et al.
Some other industry about.
Bonds, Horlicks and paper mill at Bombadery.
There was a pub down from the White Ensign club you could always score if you told them you were in the Puss.
Never mind the military moustache
What is the definition of gay?
How about a bloke with a man-bun, riding a scooter with his fucking mask on? Saw that homo today.
Why does Kurri Kurri need a new power station of any type when the one that Babcock & Brown spent half a bill on is sitting there under care & maintenance ready to be plugged back into the grid?
How about a bloke with a man-bun, riding a scooter with his fucking mask on? Saw that homo today.
I’ll raise you.
Two blokes on a stand up scooter, packed in tight, both with face masks.
Saw that in the city during the restrictions last year.
In a gay Sydney bike lane.
Jasper’s Brush used to have a Railway Station.
And an airstrip.
Flew gliders there.
And later a bit of Army Aviation there.
I hate heights.
Husband and I had a waterfront at Manyana for about 18 years. Sold it 7 years ago & bought our farm – daughter didn’t speak to me for a year, and still does so only under sufferance. It was in an exquisite location & we advertised it as a unique “heirloom” property & that absolutely did it for her – where was their heirloom now?
But I grew up on a farm in the Upper Hunter. The land is in my blood. I have come home – although it is on the other side of the wild Wollemi range. I have absolutely no regrets, even though, as Ranga says, our beach home has quadrupled in value since we sold. I might add – so has farmland around here. But that it not the point. You have one life – & should go where your heart longs to go. My very cherished husband agreed – and although he has little time to play with cars now – he is at home with all the vehicles and equipment that the farm requires. It is a great life – although we still spend part of it in our Sydney home (much less since Covid) to see friends and family.
We are in a magnificent valley with views of towering red escarpments. It doesn’t come any better than this – at least for me. Grandson seems to also love it, as granddaughter did before she acquired a boyfriend. They will have a wonderful “heirloom” one day.
You know what’s gayer?
When I use my electric scooter in town and mask up because of the fumes.
Some poof always stares at me.
Particularly when I give another raspberry ripple a bunk.
Nice. I know Tyco used to assemble valves down that way dunno if they do that anymore.
Do Nowra and Bombadery have a love/hate relationship? It had me fucked why they built two sewage treatment plants – at the same time – just across the river from each other back around 2016. Would have thought they’d just built one, either in Nowra or Bomadery and just pipe the sewage under the river. But no, they wanted 2 independent plants!
It’s not gay if your mask has activated carbon in it.
Very disappointed this evening.
Catching up with a couple of chaps for a drink.
Hadn’t finished the first schmiddy and the fire alarm went off.
Walk down the block to another bar, sorry gents we’re at COVID capacity.
Then to another bar, same thing.
So I call it quits & head home.
The days of an impromptu drink are over in Sydney for the time being.
Why does Kurri Kurri need a new power station of any type when the one that Babcock & Brown spent half a bill on is sitting there under care & maintenance ready to be plugged back into the grid?
Origin owns Uranquinty Power Station. I don’t think it’s in mothballs. It’s a peaking plant and was used regularly in 2021.
Lizzie and Hairy are the Jones’s.
Went to pick up my dins at the very busy Chinese restaurant and they’re only doing take-out due to staff shortages. Hospitality is fucked.
Bob did tell the Defense Dept to really truly sell me Cafe Bruce, which I’d bought at auction 8 months earlier (whereupon they then decided in infinite wisdom they didn’t actually want to sell it, mere legal contracts being for the little people). I wrote him a sob story letter and they backflipped with alacrity a couple weeks later. Was funny. So I and all my birdies are indebted to him, sort of.
They will have a wonderful “heirloom” one day.
Give it to them now, otherwise you’ll have to sell it when you go into a nursing home.
No, it was righteous.
Oh sweet Jesus.
So sorry that instead of loving my family and doing a fair bit to care for them, and yes it’s shocking I’m having a holiday at the moment, I don’t spend my days wringing my hands at 1001, mostly imaged, terrors. You think you know all, when in fact you know very little.
And I’m so sorry I’m not a whiny little dog in the manger snapping and snarling at everyone and everything WHATDONEMEWRONG.
Americans do build nice looking inviting homes.
Just popped in. Scrolled back and thank god twostix and a few others are still here.
The dribbling about coffee and other bullshit going on with the likes of the jetsetting “good Nazi” and her bemoaning the lack of twenty four seven church services for the angelic such as she, makes me want to puke.
Thou shalt be judged by your deeds, notaclue, and just a bit of advice, seek out confession times instead, between French Latte’s, and let the priest know he may need to put in an hour or two of overtime.
But then again, you could just generalise with, Forgive me father for I have sinned, it’s been many years since I’ve been honest in the confessional. I have put myself before my fellow man and succumbed to the devil, so as to bite the forbidden fruit, forbidden to all those doing your work on earth. I have left them to fight, while, as soon as I could, I sipped from the holy goblet of airline coffee. etc, etc, etc.
It’ll be the first time the body of Christ will be in the little white cracker next communion, no matter how often you tell us you’ve been to church.
Sal at 6:45.
You mean, like someone who describes a financial market trader as a “shiny arse” for example?
Turns out chateau d’if is closed on Mondays and Muceum is closed on Tuesdays so I’m having a bit better coffee in a more salubrious venue and walking around to catch the navette, with just a little trepidation, because it’s still a little windy.
Two dogs in the manger.
cohenite, the Redbank one (which got passed around with each owner going bust).
That’s just sitting there.
Unless Origin bought it.
Is that the one you’re referring to?
Too symmetrical, JC.
The gables look like raised eyebrows and the house is screaming.
Or it just sat on something nasty.
JC, look on the bright side.
You could have had a cigarillo while you waited outside.
I thought it was cute.
I love all that stone fronted stuff.
There are some seriously oot monster ones in outer north west Chicago though.
Hey Struth,
How are you?
What’s new?
You’re like the prodigal son.
That’s surprising, Calli. Nearly everything humans regard as ‘beautiful’ is basically related to symmetry.
Have you ever done a Rorschach test, calli?
The GayBC in the warpath against Christian schools again:
Hi Struth, hope you’re well!. The Canadian stuff is fun. You’re a pioneer! Truly.
Ditch the witch should be a sign in the Quebec protests, Trudy being very witchy.
Unless things have changed it’s the same Council.
Haven’t been back that way for a long time..
JC, that roof isn’t the ideal set up for solar panels.
Got anything that is?
Lol , I did actually. Not exactly while I as waiting but on the way there. Can’t smoke at home as Wifey will divorce me, or at least threaten to. She never would, but I’d never hear the end of it and then I’d have to divorce her for harassment. Smoking harassment.
Where’s Cronkite.
Cronkers, do you think we could get a divorce going through the “unfamily” courts for smoking harassment. Imagine the pleased smirk on the face of the judges at first reading about smoking harassment as they assume it’s a non-smoker who’s had enough. They then realize it’s a smoker bringing suit against a smoke nazi.
A warning worth heeding.
They used to fly large(ish) jet-powered target towing drones out of there.
Can’t recall what they were called.
Controlled by chaps on the ground using fairly rudimentary IFR.
Someone once told me they had a groundcrew of 2-3.
One for pitch.
One for roll and maybe another for yaw.
Don’t expect lightning quick evasive action out of that.
Man buns must be pretty passé by now surely.