The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
Sean Spicer was very good. I felt like turning off Bolt but then saw Spicer so watched that.
There’s plenty of papers on the statistics of the American Slave trade – duck-duck it.
again gives similar numbers: 4M slaves and 250k free non-white in 1860 in the Southern States.
Here’s some estimates on the import numbers (sorry, I don’t know a more sensitive way to express that). ~ 2M to North America
But this says only ~400k
.. and for those that castigate the British and the USA – almost 11M slaves were imported to the Americas – Portugal was the biggest offender – only about 10% of those numbers went to the British colonies in North America.
.. also from above link:
Knuckles you have good taste but mine is full of Joanna Krupas.
The operation broke the back of the Confederacy and helped lead to its eventual surrender.
The fall of Vicksburg cut the Confederacy in two and “broke the Confederate back” .. with control of the Mississippi the Union not only stopped the Southern food supply from the mid-west but freed up Grant’s massive army to move towards Virginia …..
Do you know private equity guy Mark Stevens?
Seems like bit of a douche from twatter.
I tried to donate to the Canadian truckers, but the GSG page wouldn’t respond when asked to “continue” after entering details. (I had my adblocker switched off too)
Hopefully they’re struggling to handle the demand and not the victim of DDoS attacks.
Did get a warning from my anti-virus that I was “attempting to reach a site that allows remote connection to computers. Cybercriminals …..”
Bullshit. Proclaimed, put into practice – some 40,000 freed slaves got their “40 acres and a mule” and later welshed on by Andrew Johnson.
Wikipedia ..
Freed people widely expected to legally claim 40 acres of land (a quarter-quarter section) and a mule after the end of the war. Some freedmen took advantage of the order and took initiatives to acquire land plots along a strip of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts.[2] However, Abraham Lincoln’s successor as president, Andrew Johnson, tried to reverse the intent of Sherman’s wartime field order #15 and similar provisions included in the second Freedmen’s Bureau bills.
Some land redistribution occurred under military jurisdiction during the war and for a brief period thereafter. However, federal and state policy during the Reconstruction era emphasized wage labor, not land ownership, for black people. Almost all land allocated during the war was restored to its pre-war white owners.
Amazing. Do the Libs realize how badly this looks to the voters? There’s an election in a couple months or so. Sheesh they’re dumb.
Yep, but still hasn’t conquered the age old problem of keeping a supply going when Dan Murphy is out of stock.
Germans GermaningTrudeauians Trudeauianing.Air Canada arranges reception at LHR.
Of course, if Court Historians admit that at least 25% of the slaves frred by the Civil War starved to death, questions might be asked, such as:
What was the fucking point of the Civil War?
Court Historians also play cute with the death toll from the Civil War.
For 100+ years after it was accepted as 500,000.
But when you add in civilian deaths, slave deaths and real figures for Union and Confederate dead, the same question raises it’s head:
What was the fucking point?
Clean up afterwards, you say?
Don’t tell me we are going to have to lower our expectations on which private school the Barnaby-Bastards will attend?
Oh, the humanity!
Arch conservative “Gray Connolly” who just magically appeared one day, who bangs on, and on, and on about “tradition” and “Australia”, is so wedded to “tradition” and “Australia” that he thinks the revolutionary, Soviet inspired “National Cabinet” secretly meeting behind closed doors to determine what Australia is going to get, forever, is a great idea!
Glows brightly.
They have ~50/50 chance of getting back in. How it looks to voters is just one aspect. Of many points of view.
Truth be told, these parasites only care about themselves and their place at the trough- any trough. Gladys is now in a very highly connected position to influence favours for her LNP maaaates. MQG have fingers in many big lucrative pies. LNP operatives will be cheering on Gladys , hoping for some crumbs off her table. Our democracy is much more an industry for its own participants than a system meant to serve us.
February 6, 2022 at 10:57 am
Bossi’s cringe but rootless Gen-X “Gray Connolly”, who arrived here five minutes ago making it his goal in life to endlessly and sniffily lecture Australians about our “tradition” – that he’s read all about, so he knows, is infinite clown world times infinity.”
Oh cmon…..are you’re okay with Bosi standing up in uniform and screaming and screeching like a lunatic? The man has lost the plot with his crazy theories. We don’t need people like him on the right.
As Dot says, he is probably a spook….I would argue he’s not a good one. I like Kelly, I like Hanson, I like Roberts…all of whom do a great job without dispensing lunacy.
When I saw the picture of Bosi yesterday I was reminded of Castro.
Supreme Court? Margaret Court? Badminton court? Court of public opinion?
Their latest piece:
Of course, Maritime Law was in its infacy then.
Love the bit where Boris is explaining how the population pressure on SE England could be relieved by allowing them to live in rural France and the camera just pans across the faces of the other guests.
If Boris can become PM after that clearly it is time for Mark Latham to have a crack at PM here.
This prescient caption from writings of Carl Sagan was snitched from Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity website. But I jus had to share it with you:
~ Carl Sagan, 1995, apparently having invented a time machine
We need to talk about Steve Bannon.
What was the fucking point of the Civil War?
probably the same as WW1 .. the big boyz had lotza toys they hadn’t played wiv and thought a quick game would be fun …….
“Our democracy is much more an industry for its own participants than a system meant to serve us.”
Liberty quote.
I wonder if Mark Latham would be the same man he is today if he had become PM, Bear.
Probably not.
Surf judging makes the Olympics look pretty good.
When I want an appraisal of my country I go to a first generation immigrant former naval intelligence officer whose entire family served in the British military establishment. Whose dogs breakfast of mundane ‘ideas’ are no better than the average commenter on any political blog, yet magically, suddenly one day appears on Twitter with tens of thousands of followers then something, something…is a “conservative pundit”.
Wholly coincidentally on the critical points of the moment (Covid tyranny, revolutionairy National Cabinet) he is in full support.
But ignore that.
Special forces or military intelligence.
The man who stared into the abyss and became a goat.
Gray “Heritage Implant File Missing, australian.exe missing” Connolly
Steve “Laurel Canyon” Bannon
I don’t trust any of them!
Still not quite sure what to make of him. His Road to Damascus moment will take some beating.
He’s a Spook too?
Okay, we’ve now got Bosi, Bannon, Connolly …
Are there any of these pundits that isn’t a Spook?
When I want an appraisal of Bosi, Connolly will do fine because he’s bang on the money.
Laugh all you want about Maritime Law, but it does allow you to
announce to the world “I require a tug.” without fear of arrest.
Wait till after the election.
Heated discussions about US Civil War on the Cat.
This is how it starts.
Soon uniforms and old weapons are purchased and a date for a staged re-enactment of Bull Run organised.
I want to be in artillery. Shouting gypsum rounds obviously.
Hope springs eternal.
What happens when Scotty leaks some more shit about Joyce?
Too close to the Election?
Whichever ones you like, Grigory?
WordPress is blocking me trying to post a link to episode 1618 of Bannons Warroom on rumble featuring Matt Gaetz and Bannon talking about Pence.
Also he thinks repealing S18C was a terrible idea and the people who wanted it were “political fetishists” and that limits on free speech are the same as speed limits, there for all our protection.
Says former naval intelligence man, come “conservative” pundit.
When I say he glows, man, he shines bright!
Connoly reminds me of a Gen-X version of perpetual eyeore Peter Hitchens. Who also was the son of a family of the ole British Naval tradition and spent his entire middle age suffocating any chance of an optimistic reactionairy movement in Britain with endless droning about tradition this, and whatever that. Fortunately nobody listens to him anymore and they forge onwards and upwards with hope.
Shouting gypsum.
Shooting would be nice but at this early stage maybe yelling “Bang” is the best we can do.
He’s right. Only they’ll be sorting it out in Opposition. Standby for another Howard v Peacock battle for the hearts of the Lieboral Party. Broad church – what an utter crock.
“Connoly reminds me of a Gen-X version of perpetual eyeore Peter Hitchens.”
I find Jordan Shanks-Markovina…aka friendlyjordies…much, much more of a perpetual eyesore than Peter Hitchens or Grey Connolly.
Donald Trump News
? GETTR News ?
Column: Is this the beginning of Facebook’s downfall?
Even the most dominant corporations have confronted the limits to their life spans. Can Meta outrun its fate?
Use tiny url custard. I have to with prager u.
What a drip.
I think he fails the character test to immigrate here.
Falinski represents everything wrong with the Liberal party in 2022.
He represents anything Photios tells him to
Hearts of Oak
Watch Hearts of Oak live on GETTR
The Week According To . . . David Vance
David Vance returns to Hearts of Oak as we pick through some of the stories that have stood out or made our blood pressure rise this week including…
HONK HONK! Lowlife GoFundMe seizes millions of dollars that was destined for the Freedom Fighting Canadian Truckers as Jordan Peterson speaks out and negative reviews of GoFundMe flood the internet, Israeli hospital director declares that 80% of serious COVID cases are in the triple jabbed, HIV is the new Omicron as super strain is found in Holland and MP Jess Phillips gets herself tested and urges us to do the same as it’s “really important” apparently,
Watch now – https://gettr.com/post/pspey63d0a
Posted on 7:02 AM · Feb 6th, 2022
Not sure is anyone has mentioned Qobuz. I have been using it for 12 months and no complaints. Owned by the French.
A real Irish pub
Has evidence of operating perhaps back to 900 AD.
On my bucket list to be sure.
I said he’s cringe.
You’re wrong, we do need “crazies” on the right. Every successful movement has crazies and fundamentalists on their flanks. He needs to calm down 1000% for sure and people need to tell him that at the protest, but otherwise who cares?
Just don’t ever forget that everyone turned up and joined their protests, the peoples revolution, “crazy 5G and sov-citizens antilockdown” people, that they’d been holding each week, getting arrested at, getting mocked at for months beforehand, mid last year. Zealots and true believers at the pointy end of the stick are critical for success. The political left have known this for a century which is why they incubate them in universities and NGO’s and artificially maintain the fake ‘Greens’ parties across the world to be called upon whenever needed.
Consulting Burke’s Peerage:
yep, Latham is there, along with Connolly, Bannon …
can’t find Joyce as a surname.
Baird is there, 508 results for Morrison, 22 for McCormack, so it’s safe to say Mick’s coming back.
Try it yourself:
Shooting it is usually the first step, but Sherman’s and Sheridan’s men didn’t give 2 fucks either way.
Dick Ed knows what the men thought, he was there!
PS, Dick, one of the Southerners’ complaints against Sherman was that his men shot the dogs. The “dogs” being the bloodhounds used to track escaped slaves. Perhaps Sherman’s men had some sympathy for the slaves, unlike, apparently, you.
The Exposé News
?| BREAKING: ONS data shows C-19 Vaccinated Teens are 200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Teens of all causes; is this why male Teen Deaths increased by 53% in 2021?…
ONS data shows Covid-19 Vaccinated Teens are 3 times more likely to die than Unvaccinated Teens
According to numbers supplied by the Office for National Statistics, teenagers in England who have had the Covid-19 vaccine are over three times more likely to
Now, I know what some are going to claim:
But that’s not right.
The vast majority aren’t, just everybody who is anybody.
I’ve thought that’s the reason for the Covid fascism.
After SARS the CHO’s drafted these intricate plans for the next pandemic.
And when Covid arrived it was “hey now we can try them out!”
Sledgehammer, meet gerbil.
Hey SpongeBob!
What sort of arsehole shoots someone’s dog?
At least McCormack didn’t lie about what he stood for.
He didn’t advance his own interests by secretly propping up the Britnah ‘Iggins push to destroy conservative politics whilst his missus was writing “feed the chooks” articles in the Tele to placate the faithful in the bush.
The Public Health Acts MUST be repealed.
If I have learnt anything, I don’t even think delegated legislation ought to exist anymore. The NSW Government made regulation and deferred Parliament from sitting for six months. It could not be rejected.
Tudor regime shenanigans.
Absolutely twostix. Movements are sustained by the fanatics. If that chap had not stood in front of that tank so many years ago Tiananmen Square would have been forgotten by the next afternoon. Passionate intensity keeps movements going. I’ve argued the case here before that if you think being calm and reasonable will win the day you are being irrational. People strongly respond to those who wear their emotions on their sleeve and are prepared to take it to the streets. The recent protests regarding COVID restrictions persuaded politicians to move much more quickly to lower restrictions than any number of erudite letters and emails to MPs could have done.
Would have got him four years up the creek in the old Soviet Union..
You didn’t read the post before jumping to the keyboard, did you, Grogs?
Dot Johnson is right!
The 4.4 million figure for 1860 [see Duncanm’s link earlier today] was from Natural Increase.
Heh. Kept in durance vile, beaten, working the cotton fields from dawn to dusk, and still increased eleven fold. And were so busy proliferating that they never learned to till the fields (despite working them daily), nor to build homes (everything was supplied and maintained by de massas).
You Dick, Ed.
“At least McCormack didn’t lie about what he stood for.
He didn’t advance his own interests by secretly propping up the Britnah ‘Iggins push to destroy conservative politics whilst his missus was writing “feed the chooks” articles in the Tele to placate the faithful in the bush.”
Quite so….I am staggered he jumped onto the Brittanneeeeeeee bandwagon.
Delegated legislation should certainly be the exception and not the rule. Particularly in its current form.
The Beetrooter is just another “maverick” insider playing party games.
I’ll see you Sagan and raise you a Philip K Dick — The Simulacra
I’ll amend that comment.
This column echoes a what is said a lot in the tech press is A solution searching for a problem. What the article doesn’t mention is that FB are NOW trying to solve problems with interpersonal ‘relationships’ that have been known about since Second Life and other Sims before it. They are trying to stop avatars groping and doing other unsavoury stuff.
As one commentator said if the porn industry does not see how to harness a new tech (3d/AR/VR) or make it work(IOT in this case iot dildos) then there is no money in it.
“Surf judging makes the Olympics look pretty good”.
Winners are grinners.
30 years since his first Pipe win.
11 World titles.
Well played GOAT.
Yeah it just keeps getting worse with Joyce. What a total moral vacuum.
But he didn’t jump on the bandwagon, he contacted Ms. Higgins on the sly.
Why did he do that?
Re jumping on the Higgins bandwagon- I thought I had miss read it. Surely not. Oh yes. Wow.
I like Philip K Dick, but I can’t say a god as an AI satellite is comforting…nor have I had robotic sounding aliens call me on a landline.
The American Civil War was fought over individual States having the Right to secede from the Union, everything else was a smokescreen.
The basis for the Republican Party is:
You’re really obsessed with this generational thing aren’t you.
Tiger would still be winning tournaments from the ICU ward if the PGA followed this judging criteria.
Meanwhile in Townsville:
A REPEAT juvenile offender has made a mockery of the youth justice system after he re-sold an expensive present bought for him by the government for drugs.
Police sources told the Bulletin the boy, who cannot be named, was recently released from detention and was gifted a mountain bike worth more than $1000 for him to use at his residential care house.
Sources say instead of riding it, the boy re-sold the bike within days for drugs.
Opposition spokesman for Police Dale Last said it showed the government’s priority was the “criminal not the victim”. “What we have here is an offender being rewarded while victims are left with little or no support from this heartless government,” Mr Last said.
“The fact that taxpayers provided a bike to a convicted offender who then used it to purchase drugs proves that these young offenders have no respect for the legal system.”
The 17-year-old is a well-known property offender and was recently sentenced for bashing two woman in an attempted carjacking on Ross River Rd in March last year.
Under the influence of ice and armed with a large knife, the teen preyed on a 55-year-old woman as she left a medical centre and dragged her from her car in an attempt to steal it.
He punched her in the face multiple times and crushed her between the door and the car as he slammed it open and closed repeatedly against her body.
The boy has been in and out of youth detention for most of his young life and was put into a residential care house when he was 12 years old. He has a 14-page criminal history and has been ordered to detention 13 times.
A child safety insider said these sorts of sell-offs happened all the time.
“(The department will) buy them computers, laptops, iPads, phones, and they sell them, only for child safety to replace them a few weeks later,” they said.
“I know kids who have had five to six phones bought for them by the department.”
A spokeswoman from Youth Justice cited confidentiality clauses when asked specifically about the boy.
The spokeswoman said a federal-funded allowance, Federal Government’s Transition to Independent Living Allowance, can be used to buy items and services for kids to help with transition to independent living.
“Eligible young people aged 15 to 25 can receive a one-off payment of up to $1500, which can be spent in a variety of ways,” the spokeswoman said.
They said the Queensland Government does not fund the program, but it is unclear who decides how the money is distributed.
Opposition spokesman for Police Dale Last said if the boy needed transport to school or work, a cheaper bike would have “done the job”.
Bruce of N
I’ve thought that’s the reason for the Covid fascism.
After SARS the CHO’s drafted these intricate plans for the next pandemic.
And when Covid arrived it was “hey now we can try them out!”
Sledgehammer, meet gerbil.
Except they didn’t use the carefully drafted plans, they went full CCP instead.
You never, ever, go full CCP!
100%. Nail on head.
Screaming obscenities at the punters whilst wearing gongs earned for fields of endeavour not related to public administration and chanting ‘pedo pedo, pedo, pedos everywhere’ is intense, but not passionate.
It is a definitive indicator that not all your dogs are barking, and does not inspire confidence* in the screecher’s ability to influence a country, let alone lead it.
*Nor does reading the screecher’s own manifesto, which prescribes execution – after a trial presided over by persons unknown – for an undefined thing called ‘political warfare’.
The bio on him is a remarkable journey into a highly creative and troubled mind.
Hey Dick
Hey SpongeBob!
What sort of arsehole shoots someone’s dog?
One who wants to give the freed slaves a good chance to get away? Waaaayssissst!
“The Great Pyramid of Cheese” (2 Jan)
Slater is an incredible surfer and probably the best ever. I just hate the “sport” of surfing and the WSL in particular. It’s current guise is the worst yet.
Hey bananabee, I’m gonna tell on you!
Ed Casesays:
February 6, 2022 at 12:25 pm
The American Civil War was fought over individual States having the Right to secede from the Union, everything else was a smokescreen.
Had the Confederates NOT fired on Fort Sumpter, Lincoln would not have had a cause to unite the North to take action. The South could have just gone their own way eventually, because most of the North would not start the war.
Don’t shoot first, and don’t shoot Arch Dukes?
They didn’t even do that. They literally threw the book out and went into full blown panic and misused the powers they were given oh look in X they are doing y so we will do y as well but more draconian and that y is illogical never enters their heads.
As I said in a post yesterday, many of the staffroom got their covid red pill on Friday. Eg Qld mask mandates for schools, seriously what is the point if kids can take them off when seated and can do PE, dance and sing with no mask? Teachers can take masks off if not within 1.5 of students and they can be off if we are sitting in classroom or staffroom. Add to this we cannot be close contacts because we are teachers. If I get the couf, Mrs D is a close contact and has to do the full close contact bullshit. If she gets the couf I can go to work until I show symptoms.
I had lots in agreement when I said I would love to see the science justifying those mental gymnastics.
Former White House report’s opinion of Pence.
Why did he do that?
Had new sofa in office. Fancied a root.
Well that didn’t work!
Good points KD. Nazi Germany is more what I had in mind. There were brains guiding the fanatics. The Nazi leadership was a very clever bunch that excelled in manipulating the mob. Some even suggest Hitler was very bright but he did become unhinged in later years and like so many political leaders he should have stayed away from military strategy!
When the leader is a lunatic things get out of hand. I don’t know about Bosi, I’m not interested in yet another failed political party, so my comments were out of turn.
It’s fun to do, but it’s not a competitive sport as the scoring is impossible.
The danger with the likes of Bosi isn’t really that he sounds like a clown at a protest, there are unlimited numbers of them and that didn’t stop November / December from happening. It’s that as “Jan 6” showed, anyone who has been recently involved in the military or security forces now trying to get ahead and “lead” these protests, or like “Gray Connolly” trying to “thought lead” the current conservative re-alignment, has to be eyed with a deep level of suspicion by normal people.
“ex-Naval intelligence” you say?
“ex-Special forces” you say?
The ‘passionate intensity’ business works for the Left but not the Right.
Consider how it works: Leftoid radicals glue themselves to road, often get violent and spit in the eye of the society that tolerates them.
Labor and greens mainstream pols ostentatiously wring their hands at the worst episodes, then add the caveat that while their passionate intensity goes too far, their concerns are valid and worth incorporating into law.
On the right, were all things equal, those infamous garage nazis would be the shock troops. Yet they are such odious wankers, the handful of them that actually exist, no decent conservative can or would endorse them.
Chuck in the bias of media coverage and you have an steeply uneven, asymmetrical battlefield.
The only way conservatives win is if mainstream politicians hold the line — a devotion that recent history says is simply beyond them.
Thus, by gradual degrees of aggression and concession, does the Left win … and win … and win.
A long read (with an excellent title) but well worth it. Perhaps with a glass of wine or a single malt. The message? Think first, act later.
She’s maximally beneficial to MQB when Libs are in Federally and in NSW.
Likely in a few months that it will only be NSW, so her value would have declined markedly.
Had to be now or never. She cares naught regarding the optics.
Ha ha
It’s the conclusion most people would arrive at, though.
If he wanted to show support he coulda done it via Twitter, he was a Backbencher at the time and it’s still a sorta free country.
Interested to hear what Ms Higgins reaction was and if she responded to the message.
Shame about that Allegory Spender being a stalking horse for a fascist party.
Knew her Grandad. He was kind enough to give me a number of lifts in his Roller. Lovely man.
All the uniparty have shown their fascist colours.
The sooner we are free of them the better.
I watched Les Mis last night. The one with the Romper Stomper and Wolverine blokes in it.
I sympathised with the revolutionaries. Know how they feel.
Certifiable nut-job.
As for the uniform, yes, most normal blokes wear on Anzac Day or reunions. And I would guess the norm is to wear a dress uniform, not the day-to-day fatigues. What message is he trying to project, do you think?
Battle ready Bosi?
When was the last time he operated anything more lethal than a semi-automatic Bic ballpoint behind a desk in Canbra?
Is he still gaining “valuable learning experiences” in failed private sector ventures?
That’s an eye opener. Thanks for posting, Bruce.
“Zealots and true believers at the pointy end of the stick are critical for success. The political left have known this for a century which is why they incubate them in universities and NGO’s and artificially maintain the fake ‘Greens’ parties across the world to be called upon whenever needed.”
And there’s not one of the, ‘oh so clever & above everyone else’, regular old ‘intellects’ of the Cat who also aren’t fully aware of this, hence their perpetual dousing of the kindling fires in the bellies of those starved of justice.
And how do they do it?
Straight up pile on’s of mocking what the justice hungry never said and making sure they know everyone else that they to shall be treated with such ruthless pointing of the electronic bone should they show any understanding of the mocked, let alone support.
The hardest thing about herding cats is convincing people that it’s hard.
Thanks twostix and John H.
Extremists on your side are good. They take bullets for you and shift the Overton window.
To be fair, Bosi might have only worn the uniform because his mono-brow houseboy lost the dry cleaning ticket for his very sharp Giorgio Armani.
Which means houseboy is guilty of treason.
And will be tried and executed.
By The People.
These muscly tatted up young blokes at the Mandate rallies swigging cans of beer – Spooks or AntiVaxxers?
And he will have an accident on the stairs.
In this autocracy of Danistan there are no executions. Just unfortunate accidents.
“Tiger would still be winning tournaments from the ICU ward if the PGA followed this judging criteria”.
You wouldn’t have a clue.
Obviously got a bee in your bonnet.
Go watch a 50 yo put on a clinic this morning at backdoor pipe.
Skill, knowledge, experience and talent.
By the way, that’s his eight win at a place that would kill the average surfer.
Bit different to hitting white balls around a paddock.
The Liquidation of Govt Debt (2015);
US public debt at ~30 $Trillion. With inflation around 7% will the Fed raise rates aggressively? Nah.
You’ve gotta wonder how stupid you have to be to be in the National Party if they think they can clean the Barnaby mess up after the Election.
He’s sent a rape victim a secret message, it’s become public, and he’s still got a job?
They must all wanna go over the cliff with him too.
Many thanks for sharing the article from Emerald Robinson brislurker, best thing I’ve read in a while.
Puts a very different complexion on Pence.
Mak Siccar:
February 6, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Brilliant article.
Ta for the link.
That article can be also be applied to the Glowball Warming scam and its grifters.
Maybe this might be just a little bit more worrying.
TE, Dale Last is a good bloke. Seems to be the only one making noise in the opposition at moment.
I was absolutely amazed that the 3 sitting members were re elected knowing the crime problem. Townsville includes Palm Is so is generally safe ALP but the other 2 seats that have copped the brunt of the break ins and car theft it was a WTF moment. Was one of those things that couldn’t be put down to Freckless being invisible.
Elon the Heretic
3 hours ago
Vertical integration of supply chains went against the grain of LEAN and Just in Time manufacturing as practised by Airbus, Boeing, Toyota et al. But Elon has been proven correct to set up Tesla in this way.
He is now claiming that humanity faces a looming crisis of underpopulation, contrary to the accepted wisdom that we are overpopulating the earth. Will the heretic be proven correct again?
Watch the full interview at: https://youtu.be/Cc4oRKcgvuY
[Elon is a ‘super-trawler’ ‘fisherman’. Beware the sorting]
Spotify Deletes 71 Episodes Of Joe Rogan’s Podcast After White House Demands Action
Feb 6, 2022
Timcast IRL
about 400k brought to North America.. maybe.
~10M kidnapped from Africa, about 6% went to North America
so yes — they were bred like animals and likely did have a very high birth rate.
Delta – I haven’t checked out anything in it, it was a fun story so I thought it’d be an entertaining Sunday afternoon read.
OTOH I do know that titanium dioxide pigment is added to some “cheese” to make it look like cheese instead of being transparent. It’s harmless, but the fun is that the cheese as such would look sort of like jelly if it didn’t contain an opacifier.
So how do we explain you and your ‘All disease is mental weakness and you are all weak because you get sick’ gag, Chad Thunderbrain?
You lick the Overton window, not shift it…
I’d taken the lad surfing down at Bells Beach when he was about 15yo.
It was just perfect barrels lined up forever
Sitting there on the beach with old Bess Dog, a heeler who was by that stage about 15yo herself.
Every time a surfer came in and walked up the beach blind old Bess would walk her old bones towards them for a sniff just in case it was the boy coming back in.
This time the bloke must have looked right in silhouette so dog’s tail was going helicopter. Though he didn’t smell right she gave him a nuzzle anyways and Kelly Slater gave her a good scratch behind the ears.
Boy finally came back in all wide-eyed and grinning.
He says, “omfg! did you see that? I hassled a wave off Kelly Slater”
I think this is pretty obvious. With increasing wealth / exit from poverty, all societies have decreasing birthrates.

.. and governments obviously believe (rightly or wrongly) that an increasing population is essential for prosperity. Hence the immigration ponzi we’re running.
The public anger of the sacking of Justin Langer is growing.
The Oz is running a poll “should CA have re-signed Langer?”
Current figures are 15683 votes with 89% “Yes” and 11% “No”.
The 1700 odd “No” voters are probably Indians or Poms.
Can anyone advise when Bosi last wore a uniform as an ADF member?
For a bloke who likes to strut around in khaki, there is remarkably little available about his ADF service.
He seems to have started his public speaking (ranting) business in 1999, but there is reference to him being in the Army until 2004.
Presumably running a business whilst serving full-time would be verboten, so I assume 1999-2004 was as a Reservist?
In any case, someone wearing the uniform 15-20 years after leaving strikes me as a cosplay fetishist living on past glories.
This guy has got an awesome wife: she spots while he sights in high powered rifles:
Had gourmet Italian sausages for lunch. Nice enough.
But how can sausages be gourmet? Wouldn’t even say gourmand.
We are on the third floor so our table is quite high.
Not sure what fires for justice you think you’ve been kindling lately, but I do hope they are wood-fired.
While I will always be partial to anything I’ve made over a coal-fired grate (fly ash makes the best crunchy bits. And it scrubs your teeth really good, too!), the very best pizza is wood-fired…
This guy has got an awesome wife: she spots while he sights in high powered rifles:
Mark and Sam After Work also have a
Pretty good YouTube channel, some incredible long distance shots.
But how can sausages be gourmet?
Sancho, below link: 1978-2004.
Portsea Graduate too.
With bowlers like Hazlewood, Starc and Cummins and an opener like Davey, anyone could coach this team.
Basically, he got the arse for losing to India last season and not taking any responsibility for it.
Surfing was great fun but I never could understand how it was a competitive sport. How on earth do you score it? Caught wave, didn’t fall off board? Worked the wave for longer?????
Yep, “They’re cutting off heads!” – Trump, 2016
I’m never going to be able to watch Full Metal Jacket in the same way ever again- The first thing I thought of was that Marine door gunner…
“He’s sent a rape victim a secret message,”
What “rape victim”? He sent a message to a woman who “alleges” she was raped. Oh and the Higgins trial hasn’t happened yet so, the plain fact is that Higgins is the accuser and the man she “alleges” raped her is the defendant and he remains innocent until proven guilty…..unless of course you’re happy to trash common law…which clearly Dick Ed is.
Via a recommendation by Jim Treacher: Reacher. Looks like it might be eight episodes of time taken care of that covers the main base, cheesy senseless violence. Appearing now on P2P sites if enrichment of Bezos doesn’t agree with you, according to rumour that is.
February 6, 2022 at 1:28 pm
Maybe this might be just a little bit more worrying.
And we’re importing such people.
Irresponsible fear mongering from the work experience children at News.com.au
Sunday, 06 February 2022
Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 8.52.07 am
One expert.
Who is that expert?
A journalist.
Ed Yong, a science writer at The Atlantic.
The Washington-based journalist’s collection of work on long Covid in 2020 earned him the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting.
No two waves are identical, Eyrie. 100 meters is the exact same distance for competitors with the winner marked as the one who reaches the other end first. You’re really not good at this stuff, but keep trying as one of these days you may end up saying something that’s half way correct.
But isn’t it the most feminist of religions?
Higgins isn’t on Trial and she’s done nothing wrong.
The chap that is going to Trial, a former George Brandis staffer, put it this way, he’d wanna have a very good story to tell.
Too much ‘tard for Sunday morning, Cats. Too much even for mid-afternoon, depending on your timezone.
Far too much ‘tard…
You really are scum, Ed Case.
“explanatory reporting”
Spying on his lawyer. Deceiving the grand jury. Hiding political biases. Misleading the grand jurors about the law.
This is a well-detailed motion from Steve Bannon’s lawyers. The DOJ is persecuting Bannon through a political show trial.
Is the photo legit or faked?
One thing for sure, Michael Smith wouldn’t know.
We’re not on friendly diplomatic terms with Iran, as a matter of fact they’re on a Sanctions list, so why do you think we’d be “importing” Iranians?
he’d wanna have a very good story to tell.
Why? .. it’s a “she said, he said” case and she’s already said .. “Can’t remember .. but …. !”
If BRADBURY hadn’t of waffled into it there would be no trial …..
Oh, I’ve always been anti, all the anti-breeders.
It’s just nice to Elon raise the point & rattle his ‘worshippers’ after he got so many anti-breeders excited about ‘populating’ Mars.
Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth.”
Genesis 35:11
And God told him, “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply. A nation–even a company of nations–shall come from you, and kings shall descend from you.
Genesis 8:17
Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.
Grigs will even argue that the Brereton et al shitfight is genuine ‘whistleblowing.’
Remarkable how there is an incredible paucity of concrete and actionable evidence after some 15 years of investigations and the corresponding appearance of a remarkable array of investigative authorities within Defence with previously unheard-of coercive legal powers. And that’s before we even get to the publishing dates of Dr Samantha Crompvoets’ and Mark Willacy’s storytellings…
Uh huh.
The defendant’s same has been published in the MSM so it’s not secret squirrel anymore.
Any particular reason you and a coupla others have been whiteknighting for him.
Other than your well demonstrated regard for Truth and the Fair Go?
Surely, even you can spell ‘R-E-F-U-G-E-E,’ Grigs?
Far too much ‘tard for a Sunday.
Stay off the Lemon Sherbert next time!
Seems like you’re totally wrong. Humans need not only to keep on making more humans, but also we should colonise the galaxy.
LOL sorry if been posted above. Gofundme backflips on Trucker Doanations being donated to one of their charities. Seems they poked a hornets nest with this little over reach, bulk chargeback fees and possible inquiry from Florida caused them to think twice…
Meanwhile GiveSendGo steps into the breach…
“Truth and a fair go. ”
*Whiteknighting for an accused.*
You really are scum. You are vermin and you are waste and detritus.
And I could just see Griggy in the meatspace clapping, dancing andnsquakily ‘#MeToo!’ing his way into an Inquisition where his alleged actions have already been prejudged by the media, and all that remains to be seen is how many simultaneous obliterations, executions and life sentences the judge can inflict…
It’s been Committed for Trial, so a Magistrate had to be satisfied that there is a Case to answer.
Peter Dutton called it “he said, she said”, which doesn’t reflect well on him.
Apparently “incidental Covid” is now a thing, according to the NSW Health Secretary. This, as she casually explained how the department has been delivering fraudulent pandemic figures to the people she’s meant to serve.
Someone told them to collate the hospital admission figures this way in order to skew admissions upward to go with the ballooning case numbers. I want to know who.
Scumwatch reports that “Ed Case” continues to assert the superiority of summary justice.
Be on the lookout for a verminous rat covered in pondscum, waste and detritus…
I saw that Rockdoctor, but it also says he started “Lionheart” (his ‘motivational’ speaking business) in 1999, which is an overlap.
I assume the ADF wouldn’t allow full-timers to freelance, so this leads me to believe he retired from full-time ADF in 1999, and probably continued as a Reservist until 2004.
Courtesy of CL’s wonderful blog.
If you call standing up for the presumption of innocence ‘white-knighting’ then count me in.
Across the English speaking world, the UK, Canada and here in Oz, the relationship between police and the citizen, as originally envisaged by Robert Peel, has broken down. Trust has been trashed, respect has been evaporated. This has always been the left’s plan. The police in the English speaking world now operate as partisan militias of progressive governments. We’ve witnessed such partisanship, such biased policing even here in Oz. BLM protest – police stand back, anti-lockdown protest – police move in.
This was uploaded this morning by a Canadian about the disgraceful Ottawa police chief, who’s just a personal lackey of the boy PM who likes to wear black face…..
A message for Ottawa Police Chief from a concerned Canadian (Herbert Hildebrandt)
Quote from the Rockdoctor link.
“Within the answer to that inquiry, we realize the structural issue of the Conservative Party in Canada. They are controlled opposition who actually support leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”
It’s the same here Morrison supports and agrees with the Labor Premiers and the Labor Premiers support Morrison. Both sides would like to win their respective elections but deep down it doesn’t really matter as they are merely different wings of the same party.
What NSW Health have been doing to the hospital admission figures is Mt Everest compared to the PH rumpy pumpy molehill.
One might have you salivating and sniggering over the vulgar details of it all, the other is a fraud and deception of gargantuan proportions, probably reaching right to the top of the department, if not the government.
Twitter has become unusable for people that don’t have a twitter account. Pop up windows stop you from reading too many comments and going directly to someones him feed is the same. Steve Inman is age restricted and requires a login. I don’t think these new changes are going to work out the way they intend them.
Mak, great article!
In addition, medical practice does eventually auto-correct – and ends up doing the right thing.
After a lot of deaths….
Interesting that the OODA loop was discussed.
Observe: Most didn’t get infected on the Ruby Princess, most didn’t die.
Oh wait, let’s just scream and run around like our hair is on fire!
But the Presumption Of Innocence is just that, it doesn’t need to be defended in one or 2 particular cases, but not generally.
Put another way RockDoctor, Bosi has spent more of his adult life outside the military than in it (not counting Reservist time).
So why are we still strutting around in khaki 23 years after full-time service ceased?
Is it that the period since isn’t anything to write home about?
And yes, it is there on a bare-bones LinkedIn timeline, but if you are revelling in uniform cosplay, why doesn’t the A1 website make more of his glittering military career?
BTW, I disagree with Cassie that it is reminiscent of Central America circa 1960’s and 1970’s.
It’s got a 1990’s Balkans vibe for me.
Everyone thinks the sword is great.
Right up to the point where it is against their necks.
Justice vs. Mercy- A Believer who understands just how awesome (and not in the clichéd ‘good’ sense in which we understand it) God’s Justice is, is always grateful for and will always seek His Mercy instead. As do most people in the world when finally sprung and held to account for their actions…
I had noticed that Frank. For the linked Tweet, just press “play”. You’ll see it all and make up your own mind.
Reading comments is interesting but time consuming. Sometimes though a commenter will point out that the linked video or still is actually from another source/location/date which gives you a better understanding of veracity and context.
Well, it needs to be defended when the hostess of The Project is rattling crucifixion nails in her pocket at every opportunity, and with potential jurors tuning in.
So, you still disagree with the concept?
Or are you just too stupid to type coherently and check before posting?
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
February 6, 2022 at 12:32 pm
“The Great Pyramid of Cheese” (2 Jan)
That was great Bruce. I can vouch for the industrial cheese making process. In the early eighties, I worked at PDS ALLOWRIE at Granville. It was next door to the Vauxhall Inn, (that’s a story for another time!). In those days, any unsold or out of date cheese was sent back to us from all the supermarkets. Some of the vac-seal was gone and a lot of the blocks of cheese would have mould growing inside the plastic cover. When a large load of this cheese would arrive, all of the casual day workers would be called and were set to ripping the plastic off the cheeses and, if the mould was particularly excessive, slice off some of it.
As the cheese was undressed, it was then tossed into a huge stainless steel bin on wheels. When this was full, it was sent to the cooking room. The cheese was emptied into a huge, heated mixer along with various oils, salts, colouring, plasticisers, etc. This was cooked and stirred for a while then poured onto large belts to be cooled and rolled like pasta to the correct thickness. Then sliced and packaged.
Any and all cheese was used in this process, cheddar, swiss, gouda etc. Whatever came back from the supermarket. All mixed up and turned in Kraft Processed Cheese Slices.
What’s the chances of a potential juror tuning in to The Project?
About the same as winning Lotto?
I want to see some “explanatory reporting” on what that Health Secretary chicksplained about “incidental Covid” and the rubbery figures.
Won’t be holding my breath.
Damn!, what happened to my paragraph breaks?!!
Groogs on fire today. Must have changed mutton suppliers.
Professional surfers (like professional golfers) are in another league. Ages ago I was surfing Yallingup when the Margaret River Pro was on and the place was crawling with pro surfers. It was big but nothing outrageous. Matt Branson took off on this wave, does this S turn thing down the face and disappears. As the wave closes out on the reef he reappears with a 6 foot aerial before anybody really knew what they were.
Innocent until proven guilty, hey, Grogarly Q.C?
Wearing a uniform when you’re no longer employed in that capacity is just straight up weird and creepy. I agree with wearing medals etc on civilian clothes on Anzac Day but uniform? No. Is this a military thing? You never see retired police, fire etc wandering the streets in their old uniforms, it’s just not done.
I’d never support anyone who did/does.
And to add to that…
Those of us without Twitter accounts link to the tweets in good faith because we don’t have access to the comments to check.
Those who do have Twitter accounts, and link without scrolling down to make sure to the best of their ability (given that the feed is fluid)…not so much.
Mr. Ed fondles cats. We really don’t need to presume he’s innocent of cat fondling.
Pogria, did you audition that comment on another platform? Sometimes the formatting gods don’t talk to each other.
Rabz, you inspired me today; we went to a live band at The Star Hotel. (We could’ve bought a T-shirt: I had a riot of a time at The Star.)
Sancho, in all honesty I don’t have an opinion on him other than he has gone off the reservation lately.
Frank @ 2:42pm Open the settings in your internet browser find the cookies tab and delete the twitter cookies. There is a few sites with instructions on how to do it. Google Twitter forceing me to log in to see tweets. This solved the problem for me, however you have to do it regularly.
Lotta aboriginal kids don’t get Presumption Of Innocence from a few here.
But the same roosters are very keen to TrashTalk Brittany Higgins.
No Calli, only on this thread.
The paragraph gods must have been on their cheese break. 😉
You seem to know a lot about bfondling cats, JC.
Not that i’m presuming anything.
I forgive you but just this time.
Wouldn’t wearing a police uniform if you are not police be a major no no, as in a criminal offence.
If the No, U! riposte didn’t work for Iampeter, Grigory darling, why on earth do you think it might work for you?
Nice projection you got there, Grigs.
Shame it only reflects your race to the bottom in order to push a rhetorical advantage you never actually held…
Who will rid me of this troublesome gypsum snorter?
I think it is time for Septimus McGrigsock’s account here to be Thomas a’Becketted.
Some electronic steel right in the online sweetbreads.
Frank, funny enough wearing the uniform isn’t an offence. The offence is to present yourself or try to make people believe you’re police officer. A small difference but important.
“Sancho, in all honesty I don’t have an opinion on him other than he has gone off the reservation lately.”
I’m one of the few here who’s met him and his wife….now three years ago. I found Bosi impressive at the time. I don’t find him impressive any more, I find his obsession with pedos disturbing and his “fuck this and fuck that” shtick not conducive to winning over mainstream voters. The truth is that there are unhinged people out there who inhabit the dark corners of the left and the right and if you want a serious political career, you need to avoid those nutters.
As Dot has alluded, I’m beginning to think he’s a plant.
Just back from Yallingup (surf midsized and messy)…
Famous general store-coffee shop n boutique bakery combo at the top of the hill was dead at 9:30. Probably 20% of the traffic I’d expect. (I went in for cofvefes sans muzzle… not a peep) Signage on door saying mask up, no dine-in, apply within for positions starting immediately.
Another mate texting from his Thai restaurant last night, they were so quiet. It was a rare hot windless night where I’d reckon the average consumer would jump at the chance to have someone else cook for them- he overlooks beer garden of hwy hotel, they turned their lights off at 9:00. His January receipts were down to 45% of Jan 2021.
Ragnarok has fallen upon WA hospitality.
Yes, if you tried to exercise authority over people or gain financial advantage by doing so.
But not if you dress as a Bobby for a fancy dress party.
I put Bosi in this latter category (fancy dress for effect).
Weird, but not illegal.
Apologies if already posted, but
Masked kid attacks Jews, Trump, Ricardo Bosi, Aussie Cossack & Avi Yemini
The Cat and all its descendents (especially Currency Lad’s blogue) deserve a better class 0f Grigsock.
Not that we’ll ever really get one, but all the better to shoot Grigory in his permutations on a semi-regular basis, pour encourager ses autres…
Last night I watched a French reality TV show called Familles Nombreuses, la vie en XXL.
No doubt carefully curated, despite not following the dialogue, none appeared to be ‘blended families’ they all seemed very happy, one family of six children had a baby girl with down’s syndrome, clearly adored by all. I think the biggest family had ten children.
Racially diverse but no nijabs in sight.
To those who participate in the wilful trashing of common law and who desire its elimination……
May the day come when someone you love is accused of an unspeakable crime, that person might be your son, your partner, your father, your brother and so on and this loved one is deemed guilty until proven innocent by the howling and screeching lynch mobs…………because, because, because, “believe all women” and “women don’t lie”.
I will laugh and laugh and laugh.
Snap sfw.
The miners have only relatively decent mineral prices to smokescreen the consequences of Sneakers’ folly on their operations.
If iron, nickel or gold prices take another tumble, Sneakers won’t need to worry whether he’ll survive the latest caucus meeting or not.
The only variable will be how much of his public persona, his legacy and his political career will remain…
Just had a look at the candidates for the local state seat by-election next weekend. What a choice – the ALP professional candidate who has never had a real job, the National candidate who is the wife of the recently retired local mayor, the Greens (never!), the Animal Justice Party (like I’m going to vote for compulsory veganism), the Sustainable Australia Party – Stop Overdevelopment/Corruption (sounds like a front for someone), and an Independent who is well known as a local loon abusing people on Facebook. Looks like a ‘None of the Above’ from me.
“local oafsays:
February 6, 2022 at 3:30 pm”
Aussie Cossack handled that superbly.
My understanding is only if official insignia is used.
He has been pushing the Mutton Window lately.
Cassie, I watched one of his presentations when he had his nephew co hosting. I lost interest pretty quick in it and didn’t see anymore episodes. Then there was the rant full of expletives and that was my first whoa, then the blue card to join his party which I thought was a little over the top and another hmm. The last straw was the rant at the judge, for someone considering a tilt at representational duties he shot his credibility in one foul swoop. Shot in the dark but having a friend just go through anger management counselling from his ADF service, I’d hazard a guess there may be something similar going on.
The majority of enslaved Africans brought to British North America arrived between 1720 and 1780.
by 1850, most US slaves were third-, fourth-, or fifth-generation Americans.
Although young adult men had the highest expected levels of output, young adult women had value over and above their ability to work in the fields; they were able to have children who by law were also slaves of the owner of the mother. Therefore, the average price of female slaves was higher than their male counterparts up to puberty age.
so yes — they were bred like animals and likely did have a very high birth rate.
Indeed. The point I was trying to make to Dick Ed was that, contrary to his depiction of released slaves as innocent children, unable to grow food or build houses without the help of de massa, the released slaves knew how to farm, how to work with wood, and (in the case of the women at least) how to make clothing.
The idea that a quarter of the released slaves starved to death in a bit over a decade after being released is, to put it tactfully, unsupported by any actual evidence. Note also, that the black population continued to rise while Ed alleges that a million of them were starving to death.