The Prime Minister’s mea culpa?

What did we learn from Scott Morrison’s mea culpa and precis of his Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic at the National Press Club on Tuesday?

While referring to the up-ending of lives and livelihoods and how exhausting ‘…financially, emotionally and psychologically’ the last two years have been for Australians. Primarily, the decisions made, he said, were about ‘…getting the balance right [between the] twin goals to save lives and to save livelihoods, [and to] balance health objectives with our broader societal and economic wellbeing.’ What seemed the only concession was that ‘decisions are made in real time but with hindsight the view does change.’

For when it came to the most onerous and controlling aspects of that governmental response to the pandemic – the role of the states in locking down and denying the right to work for whole sectors of the community, sometimes for months; mandating vaccinations for everyone and moving to segregate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, physically and psychologically harming their own residents – areas where lessons should have been learnt and acknowledged, or never have been countenanced let alone undertaken in a liberal democracy – that mea culpa was absent.

Justification instead was the order of the day with Morrison further stating: ‘The pandemic did not suspend the constitution or the federation. It did not change what the States and the Commonwealth have always been responsible for: they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less; and I have always sought to put the national interest first by seeking to work together with the Premiers and the Chief Ministers through the National Cabinet and not engage in petty fights…my job was keep everybody together in the room working together…and I have sought to work together…’

What Morrison is arguing here is that the national interest is all about “facilitating” and “supervising.” In effect, this is a “managerial” response. And though his offered mea culpa in his speech, we see this mindset continue to the present, as the Prime Minister in the last day offered clear support for the W.A. Premier’s decision to renege on the promised and previously locked-in February 5 border re-opening.

So Australians are left wondering, where is moral authority in this country? Where is ‘…the trustworthiness to make decisions that are right and good’ (Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary: moral authority)? Where in effect is the moral authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Australia?

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February 5, 2022 8:10 am

‘The pandemic did not suspend the constitution or the federation. It did not change what the States and the Commonwealth have always been responsible for: they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less;

But it could be argued that the states ‘abused’ their powers, with far more overreach than could be justified and in all aspects of daily life.

Duc de Normandy
Duc de Normandy
February 5, 2022 8:12 am

The whole episode has been a disgrace, authoritarian, bullying and thuggish. And it still is in QLD, Weimar Australia and Viktoriastan. . Sweden, the UK, Denmark. Israel and others have changed tack, and it’s winter up there.

They are all to blame.

I’ve only ever vote d Liberal in this country. No more, never again.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
February 5, 2022 8:30 am

Don’t look to anyone in authority in this secular society (which spans the whole western world) for any moral guidance.
The morality of the secular is only as good as the default morality of the society they live in, like a parasitic morality they cannot define a Good morality of their own.
Man is inherently wicked, therefore the only hope you have is by setting your morality to something higher than yourself, higher than man – get God, get good morals.

February 5, 2022 8:33 am

Even without the assault on freedom and small businesses, the events of 2015 onwards ensure I will never vote lieboral again.

February 5, 2022 8:40 am

I would never rush up to shake hands with John Howard either as I would have once

February 5, 2022 9:01 am

The great Barrington declaration was published on the 5th of October 2020. There was ample time and information available for ScuMo to make better decisions.

February 5, 2022 9:07 am

We’ve entered the “slow motion” stage of the trainwreck that is this abomination of a government.

Get ready for an even bigger trainwreck in the form of a labore/greenfilth clown circus goat rodeo, indistinguishable from Morristeen and his morons, but with more moozleys. Many, many more.

February 5, 2022 9:09 am

He and his party are a disgrace! He completely abandoned the Australian people and sat back and let the little Hitlers around the country crush the freedoms and livelihoods of the Australian people.

A pathetic man, who was aided by a WEF stooge as health minister and a corrupt bureaucracy, banned cheap and safe live-saving treatments, which would have ended the lockdowns half-way through 2020, and instead gave away the farm to evil drug companies, and has laid the foundations for the WEF criminals to walk in and take over the country.

February 5, 2022 9:12 am

they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less

So if all emergency powers all states and territories are still operating under were revoked right now everything they are doing would be legal and proper?

What a lying despicable assclown.

February 5, 2022 9:14 am

they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less

Err, quarantine?

February 5, 2022 9:29 am

Very good summary BBS.

I’m capt’n Kaos55 above – a complete abdication of the role of federal government, and the liberal ideals of freedom.

February 5, 2022 9:30 am

“I’m with capt’n Kaos55” – I’m not him/her/zer/zee

February 5, 2022 9:36 am

What Morrison is arguing here is that the national interest is all about “facilitating” and “supervising.” In effect, this is a “managerial” response.

You have pinpointed the problem. We needed less management and more leadership.

This is how businesses fail, this is how countries fall.

Leadership involves risk. And sometimes failure. “Management” turns failure into an inevitability.

February 5, 2022 9:42 am

The Constitution was not suspended. It was ignored.

The powers used were not granted by People and Parliament.
They were Executive dictat enforced by the obedience of the Police.

February 5, 2022 9:57 am

I loathed Turnbull but at least we knew what he was like.

But I detest Morrison more . . . he has been a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A gutless politician with no over-riding principles except for power.

Yes it will be worse under Labor, but not a lot more.

The damage Morrison and has ilk has done to the Libs will be incalculable .

February 5, 2022 10:18 am

I’m starting to wonder if we are going to see the sort of seismic shift that wipes out parties for a generation. Not just federally, but state level as well. Would love to see Victorian Labor destroyed, given they are marching in lockstep as socialist left.

Hopefully what replaces the current dominance is something more like LDP, and not the greens.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 5, 2022 10:27 am

they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less

I thought the Dan Andrews government legislated themselves more power.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 5, 2022 11:02 am


You have pinpointed the problem. We needed less management and more leadership.

This is how businesses fail, this is how countries fall.

Leadership involves risk. And sometimes failure. “Management” turns failure into an inevitability.

The acceptance of the cult of managerialism is why the western world peaked in the 1970s. Scummo is a particularly poor representative of that cult.

February 5, 2022 11:23 am

Agree absolutely re managerialism, it’s holds technical skill in complete contempt

February 5, 2022 11:25 am

The fact Trumble wanted scomo says it all

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 5, 2022 11:32 am

I still haven’t seen anything that would lead me to believe Scummo is not driving this whole shit show for nefarious purposes.

Evidence is pouring in about how dangerous these toxic injections are but they are pushing ahead with multiple boosters and injecting it into 6 month old babies. And they will.

Maybe Mick Trumble abdicated because he wouldn’t do it.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2022 11:33 am

I’ve only ever vote d Liberal in this country. No more, never again.

Yeah, Hi Alan ..
This thread reads like a Guardian Australia comments section, except more unhinged.
Scotty has done a helluva job, without JobSeeker and JobKeeper families woulda been starving and homeless and Supply Chains woulda disintegrated.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 5, 2022 11:34 am

Miltonf says:
February 5, 2022 at 11:23 am
Agree absolutely re managerialism, it’s holds technical skill in complete contempt

Could someone please explain exactly what is meant by “managerialism ” ?

February 5, 2022 11:36 am

“Where in effect is the moral authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Australia? “

Art imitates life.
Line from the movie “The American President”:
“I was too busy trying to keep my job to actually do my job.”

And THAT is what has happened and continues to happen – it has been the response to the pandemic that has made it obvious to many that such attitude is not only pervasive, but almost universal in politics. I have no idea how to fix that, but fix it we must.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2022 11:38 am

Maybe Mick Trumble abdicated because he wouldn’t do it.

Trumble didn’t abdicate, he was rolled.
He only won the Spill 43/40 and at least 25 of those 43 woulda been Backbenchers who vote for the Leader regardless of who he is and the rest were Cabinet Ministers.
If he’d resigned and then recontested he mighta been lucky to get double figures.

February 5, 2022 11:38 am

Ok managerialism is the notion that because you can manage an advertising agency one day you can manage an oil rig the next. Like putting media executive Judi Stack in charge of the Rail Access Corporation in NSW

February 5, 2022 11:39 am

Morrison is as much to blame for the response to Covid in the last two years as any premier.
Instead of reining in the premiers and their excesses with all the powers he has, such as the constitution, he did nothing.
Except cheer them on and support them.
And for all that alone he stands condemned in perpetuity IMO.

Then there is the “little” matter of his abandoning Liberal principles and indeed all principles to appease people who will never vote for him.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 5, 2022 11:40 am

Ed Case says:
February 5, 2022 at 11:33 am

Scotty has done a helluva job : Yep, considering he’s doing the work of Satan, it could be considered a helluva job

without JobSeeker and JobKeeper families woulda been starving and homeless and Supply Chains woulda disintegrated.: Considering the average age of the COVID “victim ” is around 85 (with comorbidities), protecting them (where possible) and everyone getting on with their lives & working, then Jobseeker and JobKeeper would never have been needed.

February 5, 2022 11:43 am

‘The pandemic did not suspend the constitution or the federation. It did not change what the States and the Commonwealth have always been responsible for: they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less…’

Morrison is correct, more or less (his government did delegate quarantine powers to the states, which was a mistake). He also decided to underwrite state lockdowns rather than leaving the premiers financially responsible, which surely would have tempered thir enthusiasm for them.

Be that as it may, what we need to do now is learn from this experience because there will be pandemics in the future.

While I’m generally a state’s rights anti-centralist, emergency health powers are something the Commonwealth should take over from the states. That was, in fact, the de facto situation until covid-19; when Tony Abbott was Health minister he had a decent plan drafted. But in this area a Prime Minister really only has powers of persuasion. That is where the politics came into play over the last two years, which was, frankly, disgraceful on the part of Labor premiers. Perhaps it will take a Labor Prime Minister to restore some common sense among them?

February 5, 2022 11:45 am

Attended a UAP candidate launch last night. More than a few members of the Liberal Party present, some of them well off, long term members. They’ve left the Libs and joined the UAP, offering to put up signs on their properties and help the campaign.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 5, 2022 11:46 am

Miltonf says:
February 5, 2022 at 11:38 am
Ok managerialism is the notion that because you can manage an advertising agency one day you can manage an oil rig the next. Like putting media executive Judi Stack in charge of the Rail Access Corporation in NSW

Thanks for that – apart from engineering, I have a degree in management – basically resource use optimisation and it is quite technical and very effective when used properly.

On a similar note to your RAC comment, the old QR/AZ workshops at Redbank used to be run by engineers, then it was decided that “managers ” were all they needed. At one time, the Section that looked after the overhaul of the locomotive engines & assorted componentry was run by a guy who was an Industrial Relations person. Fucking hopeless.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
February 5, 2022 11:53 am

Excellent post, BBS. Put simply, he is, as he has done all along, lying. 106,173 adverse effects from “vaccines” requiring medical intervention. Scumo – more of the same.

February 5, 2022 11:55 am

Yes I know where you are coming from Fat Tony. Paul Broad, former treasury economist, also a good example. Water board now red energy iirc.

February 5, 2022 11:57 am

These people are a fucking menace. Even worse than lawyers

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 5, 2022 12:02 pm

We are ruled by Fascist scum. Thank good they are incompetent.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 5, 2022 12:06 pm

‘…getting the balance right

‘Getting the balance right’ is the Liberal equivalent of Labor’s ‘Fair share’. They are subjective terms and everyone will have a slightly different sense of ‘balance’ and ‘fairness’, but we recognise them as desirable because they are what we want.

Labor’s idea of a ‘fair share’ of tax is to tax the productive until they have only as much money left as the lowest income earner. The Liberals’ (and Labors’, but we are talking here about Morrow) idea of balance is the balancing of the image as strong (i.e. despotic) and avoiding open rebellion. They did not want any contrary ideas even whispered because it made it harder and might mean getting less of the first two.

Enjoy Shark 1 while you can you platitude prating pygmy. If there is any justice to be had you will be in Goulburn jail being passed around in the showers for a pack of smokes for all the harm you have inflicted on Australia.

February 5, 2022 12:08 pm

mandating vaccinations for everyone and moving to segregate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, physically and psychologically harming their own residents – areas where lessons should have been learnt and acknowledged, or never have been countenanced let alone undertaken in a liberal democracy – that mea culpa was absent.

This statement should be branded on the arse of every coalition “member”* of any parliament in Australia that went along with this. (There’s enough room for two on Gladys)

I don’t care if speaking up meant being kicked out or sidelined, therefor putting at risk your fat salary and even fatter superannuation, this is a paramount founding principal which has led to the society we have (had) today.

You would expect this template of dealing with these circumstances from a Labor government, not, NOT, from a so called conservative one(s).

* Used in the phallic sense.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 5, 2022 12:22 pm

You would expect this template of dealing with these circumstances from a Labor government, not, NOT, from a so called conservative one(s).

Yeah – I expected Australia to be disarmed by a Labour Government, not a Liberal Government.

Simon Morgan
Simon Morgan
February 5, 2022 12:25 pm

‘…getting the balance right [between the] twin goals to save lives and to save livelihoods, [and to] balance health objectives with our broader societal and economic wellbeing.’

-Getting the ‘balance right’ is forcing people to have these vaccines against their wishes is it, Calamity Scott?

-Getting the ‘balance right’ is States closing their borders to fellow Australians is it, Calamity Scott?

-Getting the ‘balance right’ is refusing point blank to look at alternative strategies to lockdown and vaccines only, is it Calamity Scott?

-Getting the ‘balance right’ is throwing our Pandemic Plans into the nearest bin, is it Calamity Scott?

-I’d like to tell you what I think of your ‘balancing’ PM, but it wouldn’t be printable.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2022 12:27 pm

continuing to force people to get vaccinated.

No ones getting vaccinated by force [yet].
All bets are off if Albanese is elected, since he’s asking the Electorate for a Mandate to compel everyone to be vaccinated.

There are now thousands of adverse reactions reported.

How is that Scotty’s fault?
You don’t take any notice of anything else he says, so why insist you’re compelled to obey when he recommends the “vaccine”?

February 5, 2022 12:54 pm

Regarding Morrison, again we find no adherence to any Liberal Party values

It is not 1955.

The current party behaviours perfectly match current values.

February 5, 2022 1:08 pm

Rubbish. If that were the case he would be a dead cert to win.

February 5, 2022 1:08 pm

“…without JobSeeker and JobKeeper families woulda been starving and homeless and Supply Chains woulda disintegrated…”

And yet, had the Feds refused to “support ” people this way, the states would have been severely constrained in what they could get away with imposing – the backlash would have been larger and much, much sooner. We would have, by necessity, allowed a significantly larger number of “at low risk” people to be exposed to the virus and it would have been done and dusted inside of 6 months, not continuing for 3 years.

If, instead of getting all the states to agree, he let – even encouraged – them all go their own way we may have seen a diversity of reactions and been able to see which actions worked and which did not.

What would have wrong with saying “We have a pandemic plan, drawn up prior to need and so therefore carefully considered in depth. We will follow that plan, and when this is over, we will consider the results and if required update that plan for the inevitable next one.”

Instead, we had mask mandates, socialist distancing, lockdowns and business closures that, according to Stanford researchers, made only 0.2% difference to fatality rates, yet cost 100’s of billions of dollars in public spending as well as causing physical, financial and psychological damage to a large percentage of the population. Indeed, said researchers stated this response was an object lesson on what to avoid in future pandemics. Despite this, we continue doing the same thing and expecting a better outcome. Such is the “wisdom” of our “leaders”.

Cassie of Sydney
February 5, 2022 1:09 pm

February 5, 2022 at 9:57 am
I loathed Turnbull but at least we knew what he was like.

But I detest Morrison more . . . he has been a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A gutless politician with no over-riding principles except for power.

Yes it will be worse under Labor, but not a lot more.

The damage Morrison and has ilk has done to the Libs will be incalculable .”


Firstly Scumbag Morrison has destroyed federation and the Liberal party.

Secondly, I agree about Turdbull…..I also think Morrison is worse, far worse. And I don’t think Turdbull would be ceded power to a National Cabinet.

Everything Scumbag does is designed to placate people who would never vote Liberal in their lives. All he has done is shat on the base…..even more than Turdbull.

February 5, 2022 1:11 pm

My view is scummo is turdball by proxy

Cassie of Sydney
February 5, 2022 1:12 pm

Scumbag is a salesman…and not a very good one.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2022 1:20 pm

And yet, had the Feds refused to “support ” people this way, the states would have been severely constrained in what they could get away with imposing .

If JobSeeker and JobKeeper weren’t enacted, the States woulda done exactly the same thing and blamed Scotty, same as they’re doing now.
The difference is that Supply Chains woulda been destroyed and families starving without a roof over their heads.

… – the backlash would have been larger and much, much sooner.

What backlash?
You’re promoting accelerationism.
Care to put a figure on the number of deaths you think would be acceptable?

February 5, 2022 1:28 pm

I thought the Dan Andrews government legislated themselves more power.

You didn’t seriously expect anything ScoMo said would even vaguely resemble reality did you?

February 5, 2022 1:32 pm

When Rudd was in power I marvelled not simply that he could be PM but that a man so vacuous and shallow could even exist.

With ScoMo it’s the same. Forget about the fact he’s PM he’s so gormless and disloyal it’s astonishing he could have gotten anywhere in life – let alone the Prime Minister.

February 5, 2022 1:33 pm

If Stalin and ScoMo were each holding a dagger and I had to choose to stand in front of one of them, I’d put my trust in Joe.

February 5, 2022 1:37 pm

Stalin killed about 20 million non-combatants.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2022 1:39 pm

Scotty is a post turtle, no doubt about that.
However, Cabinet Ministers and Prime Ministers don’t have a lot of oversight, all they’ve gotta do is keep it simple and not be perceived as speaking down to voters and Scotty has done just that.

February 5, 2022 1:54 pm

The current incumbent occupying the PM’s chair in Parliament proves that Australia, at least, has reached the inevitable end point of where the ‘trait’ school of leadership has brought us. Assuming that there are identifiable traits of leadership, (and I’m not convinced that there is) which can be learned by, or replicated in others and bring consistent results to their endeavours is another damning example of management dominance and magical thinking.. What you end up with is the current empty shell who mouths platitudes and political Newspeak in a forlorn and misguided belief that they are leading.

Leadership, especially intelligent leadership, is at all times and in all places contextual. The skill lies in determining what specific attributes are required in each situation. The morons in charge Australia wide at the moment see the big picture of the country as a machine that when broken can be disassembled, fixed, reassembled and returned to service good as new.

Instead they have failed to recognise they are dealing with an entity made up of countless thinking and feeling human beings who are individually and collectively diverse.

They simply cannot operate from the master/slave perspective they currently favour but must first establish a relationship where leader and follower are linked by a common purpose.

Our current, leader imposed, circumstances have destroyed trust to such a degree it is close to impossible for anyone currently a politician to successfully re-establish in our lifetime.

Scummo is just a symptom.

February 5, 2022 2:00 pm

@ Fat Tony

“Evidence is pouring in about how dangerous these toxic injections are but they are pushing ahead with multiple boosters and injecting it into 6 month old babies. And they will.”

Then there is the blithe “expert” attitude to “Min ‘n Match vaccines”.

Check the (now probably memory-holed / “edited”) OFFICIAL Jab instructions / “guidelines” / “merely suggestions”:

The publicly available CMI (Consumer Medical Information) sheets for both the Pfizer and AZ inoculations, both clearly state that each of them have not been tested in combination with any other “vaccine” or medicine, let alone the combination being properly trialed with a control group. More like “CONTROLLED” group; that’s us peasants. This may still all be on the TGA website, but everyone should be given a copy to read and understand BEFORE agreeing to get the jab, as part of the “informed consent” process.

Also the CMI for the provisionally approved Pfizer inoculation states only that a third dose “may be taken AFTER 6 months”, so, whence all the “expert advice” being relied on when the government is trying to coerce people into taking it after 3 months.

Therefore, taking a Pfizer “booster” after an AZ 2 dose course is pure experimentation, but you will never be told that by your doctor, as they have all been compromised by the blatant threat they have received from AHPRA to follow the government narrative or be investigated and de registered. ALL doctors, having taken the metaphorical “Kings shilling”, now have a conflict (convergence??) of interest and your health is not their primary interest.

I’m beginning to suspect that this will NOT end well for many people. Nor has it been intended to.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 5, 2022 2:06 pm

Performance Appraisal – Scott John Morrison

Leadership Skills: Totally lacking, fully subservient to WEF and UN directives – Fail

Adherence to liberal principles: None demonstrated, allowed tyranny to prosper, financed the construction of internment camps to imprison people who believe in free choice, pressing ahead with digital identity enslavement policies – Fail

Constitutional Compliance: No enforcement of constitutional ban on forced medical procedures, no support for constitutional requirement for free and unhindered trade between the states – Fail

Economic Management: Total disaster, appalling Federal deficit, money squandered – Fail

Health Management: Banned the use of inexpensive and efficacious anti-viral treatments which would have saved hundreds of lives, authorised the use of expensive experimental medications which have killed hundreds of Australians and permanently injured many thousands more, long term impacts still not known – Fail

Summary: Total failure in all capacities, dismissal strongly recommended.

February 5, 2022 2:24 pm

What a great post, Bar Swimmer.

Yes, perhaps the most damaging criticism of Morrison in respect to the challenge of the last two years is that he proved to be, sadly, “managerial”.

What we needed was an inspirational, thoughtful, courageous PM who has a deep understanding of the principles of the democratic ideals that have inspired the development of this country.

It is only a leader of those qualities who could have made the hard decision to resist the global pressures of conformity to the medical bureaucrats who got it so spectacularly wrong.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 5, 2022 3:52 pm

One of many crushing assessments of our p1ss-poor, Turdball-lite PM.

A Christian school valiantly tries to uphold the Christian (and scientific) view of gender. It attempts to defend the Christian ethos for human sexuality which was the consensus in the West until five minutes ago in history.

It fails.

In less than a week, Christian parents are thrown under the bus by a Christian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, and his Christian education minister, Stuart Robert.

February 5, 2022 4:14 pm

Morrison – A sheep in sheep’s clothing.

Can’t recall who first used that phrase, but it fits.

Duc de Normandy
Duc de Normandy
February 5, 2022 5:02 pm

Morrison – A sheep in sheep’s clothing.

Can’t recall who first used that phrase, but it fits.

I think it was Denis Healey referring to Sir Geoffrey Howe.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2022 5:11 pm

In less than a week, Christian parents are thrown under the bus by a Christian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, and his Christian education minister, Stuart Robert.

Well, no.
All the School had to do was inform prospective parents that should their child announce for Gay or as Transgender, the parents might be on the hook for any compliance costs that may arise from the declaration.
Are they going to sack LGTBI teachers?
Course not.
If they are, they might find it hard to fill teaching positions.
As it stands, they’re just grandstanding, wonder why?
The reality is that all these Schools have their grubby mitts out for Commonwealth Funding and beggars can’t be choosers too.

February 5, 2022 5:23 pm

I come from a military family and a late relative who served as a cop. The leadership there may be a tad different but a couple of take aways on Scomo and this could be extrapolated to most of the Parliament IMO:

Honest and Forthright: Scomo and the Premiers have been anything but through the whole 2 years. I give honesty may have been there at the start when they didn’t know what they were dealing with but forthrightness on the evolving situation has been completely absent. Honesty in the last 18 months has been completely absent. They are following a narritive, nothing less.

Puts team before self: Nope haven’t seen any of this, in fact everything he has done has been about saving himself at the Commonwealth’s and collueges expense. There are 3 rogue states playing politics at every chance. Also ask Craig Kelly & George Christiansen for a reference.

Courage: None shown, so many examples of this one he has said nothing on pigs harrassing and beating up old ladies in the street. Yet to show any inclination to rein in Dan Andrews or Palace”chook”s corrupt government, then there’s McGowan… Even backing himself, he has shown he is a windvane if the focus groups frown on something.

Integrity: IMO the guy has all the morals of an alley cat. He has been inconsistant from the start and compromising at every stage if it means he has to take an unpopular stance.

I didn’t go into too many examples because my mind is overflowing with them and this post would get very long. Problem is when you are promoted well above your competence you get found out sooner or later. Scotty got found out just after the last election and han’t been able to right that.

February 5, 2022 5:30 pm

This won’t be solved by voting. It’s gone way beyond that point. The public service is completely out of control, a behemoth drunk on its own power which has been amply demonstrated by the ludicrous health officials over the course of the pretend pandemic. Every other government department is staffed by equally stupid and vacuous power-hungry incompetent fools. And all of them swooning with jealousy over the attention and power that the health officials have managed to wallow in these last two years.

They employ more and more underlings to shore up their own base of power, and then those same underlings strive to come up with new rules and regulations so that they themselves might then crawl up the government totem pole. On it goes, regulation atop regulation, self-contradictory and self-defeating, with the only sure result that the Australian people are less free and more burdened from one year to the next.

Once again, we’re not voting our way out of this.

February 5, 2022 5:53 pm

“the role of the states in locking down and denying the right to work for whole sectors of the community, sometimes for months; mandating vaccinations for everyone and moving to segregate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, physically and psychologically harming their own residents”
I understand these decisions are at the discretion of the Health Officers, who really should be held accountable and criminally liable.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 5, 2022 6:05 pm

Fat Tony

Could someone please explain exactly what is meant by “managerialism ” ?

The belief that a generalist “manager” can handle any job, no matter how technical.

Se also Humphrey, Sir, re Scottish law: “I wouldn’t have been put in charge of the legal section had I known anything about the law”.

February 5, 2022 6:09 pm

One only need reference Sweden to see what a true liberal government would have done.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 5, 2022 6:10 pm

Fat Tony

Yeah – I expected Australia to be disarmed by a Labour Government, not a Liberal Government.

Howard demonstrated the instincts of a suburban solicitor when doing that.

February 5, 2022 6:18 pm

Someone came up with an excellent idea of cutting the US murder rate by 80% through gun control.

Ban demonrats from owning guns as they commit 80% of murders and crime in America. That’s a really neat idea, I think.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 5, 2022 6:44 pm

Somebody put up the figures for deaths in 2021.
What struck me was that suicides exceeded with or by Covid.
I hope the happy clapper is proud.
Obviously self awareness is not in his creed.

February 5, 2022 6:57 pm

Roger says:
February 5, 2022 at 11:43 am
‘The pandemic did not suspend the constitution or the federation. It did not change what the States and the Commonwealth have always been responsible for: they didn’t get any more powers they didn’t get any less…’

Morrison is correct, more or less (his government did delegate quarantine powers to the states, which was a mistake). He also decided to underwrite state lockdowns rather than leaving the premiers financially responsible, which surely would have tempered their enthusiasm for them.

I’m not certain it was a ‘mistake’ per se by Morrison. Purely speculative, but what if Morrison thought that by delegating those powers would deflect ‘responsibility’ from the Commonwealth. Each state Premier will face their respective voters for the actions taken within each state. The Commonwealth (Morrison) can paint himself as the ‘white knight’ acting to dispense cash and working hard to keep the economy functioning but the states messed it up with their inconsistent rules.

Ok, it all went to dust and the states blamed Morrison anyway (which was foreseeable) but he had a degree of plausible deniability but that was messed it up by not castigating the state premiers as/when he should have for their gross excesses.

So, rather than a mistake, Morrison didn’t have the kahoonas to enable the emergency powers to the Commonwealth because he was too scared to risk wearing a poor outcome. Better to spread the risk with one eye on the next election.

(Something about the best laid plans of mice and men comes to mind.)

February 5, 2022 7:01 pm

Rong fred.

February 5, 2022 7:09 pm

Further to my comments, a real leader would have said that while he will take advice and input from all Premiers and health specialists, this is a ‘national emergency’ and “I, as your Prime Minister, will make the decisions for the protection of all Australians. You may judge me on my record at some later time”.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 5, 2022 7:37 pm

Old bloke says:
February 5, 2022 at 2:06 pm
Summary: Total failure in all capacities, dismissal strongly recommended.

No, not just dismissal. They, or others of their kind, will be doing the same thing again in a year or two.

Collectively, they need to be charged with manslaughter or murder for every death caused by their actions. This also includes doctors/health care personnel who knowingly put money ahead of peoples’ lives by not coming out against these “vaccines ” . You or I would be. And the Courts run by impartial non-government people.

In depth analyses of all their financials need to be done, with confiscation of everything where corruption involving Pfizer or other Pharmas is found.

There needs to be a cleansing so deep and righteous that nobody goes down this path again.

February 5, 2022 7:43 pm

In depth analyses of all their financials need to be done, with confiscation of everything where corruption involving Pfizer or other Pharmas is found.

There needs to be a cleansing so deep and righteous that nobody goes down this path again.

This ought to be a non-negotiable demand.

February 5, 2022 8:36 pm

Fat Tony says:
February 5, 2022 at 7:37 pm

Nailed it right there.

The deterrent must be sufficient to ensure the temptation to do this again is removed. Forever.

February 5, 2022 8:54 pm
February 6, 2022 7:19 am

I work in warehouse distribution for a major supermarket chain. It’s now a condition of employment to be double vaxxed. We are also strongly encouraged every day to get a booster. We need a negative RAT result to enter and masks are mandatory. I live in South Australia who are run by the Liberal Party.

As that sage called Shaquille O’Neal says “that’s force”.

February 6, 2022 10:53 am

“Care to put a figure on the number of deaths you think would be acceptable?”

Don’t be a dick.

The answer is: None.
No deaths are acceptable – period.
That doesn’t mean I can stop them – everyone will die at some point.

Here are some equally ridiculous and pathetic “when did you stop beating your wife” questions that you can answer – or at least think about:

Care to put a figure on the number of destroyed businesses that are acceptable to save the life of someone who is already older than average life expectancy and has severe medical issues?

Care to put a figure on the number of kids lives ruined through bad educational outcomes from school closures, “distance learning” etc that are acceptable to save “just one life”?

Care to compare annual deaths due to road crashes vs COVID deaths, and then explain why we don’t cease all transport to save “just one life”?

If saving lives is of paramount importance, why do we have an army and why do we send soldiers to die in wars thousands of km away, against people that pose no direct threat to any Australian life?

The answers boil down to this: we have limited resources, and we only have the choice between “bad” and “worse” – there is no “good” outcome. In such cases, we should choose “bad” over “worse”, should we not? The lesser of two evils, as it were. If you know of a way to make a pandemic result in a “good” outcome, by all means let us all know – I’m sure the world would be eternally grateful for such information.

February 6, 2022 11:38 am

“The morons in charge Australia wide at the moment see the big picture of the country as a machine that when broken can be disassembled, fixed, reassembled and returned to service good as new.”

Whereas, it more closely resembles heart surgery – without some replacement of the vital functions, stopping the heart for more than a few minutes is fatal.

“The operation was a success, but the patient died.”

February 9, 2022 6:06 am

Great post BBS!

  1. I understand he was raised by his settler mother after his indigenous father didn’t hang around for the hard slog…

  2. Cocaine withdrawal – his ‘pharmacist’ won’t give him any, and that worthless pile of shit son of his won’t share.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x