Sober and level-headed.
Update: 8 Feb –
Sober and level-headed.
Update: 8 Feb –
New York FBI Field Office Head Forced Out Days After His Office Was Revealed to Have Been Hiding Thousands of…
Arky wants facts, nothing but the facts mam, about zelensky so I’ll post this again the regular stream: Bio on…
Ontario’s Premier Threatens to Cut Off Electricity to U.S. — Says Republicans Will ‘Feel Pain Like They’ve Never Felt Before’…
Stick to international geopolitics mUnty. It’s like Econs 101 all over again.
Same with the lefties in the U.S. upset because Trump and Vance didn’t lick Zelensky’s arse
the difference is that this time, the Bolshie revolutionaries were already in power
Common sense is a beautiful thing.
And common sense is not the same thing as a consensus reflecting an endorsed, approved position.
The men here are speaking from a profound depth.
Judging from the press coverage, you’d think they’d be wearing white hoods and sheets.
Our fellow travellers from the Canadian portion of the Anglosphere.
We do really exist as a composite cultural entity spanning the globe.
“The carnage that’s going on out there with the children is indescribable…”
What’s he talking about?
The social isolation and disruption of schooling, anxiety etc etc etc.
Vaccination side effects on the young. As yet unproven in my book.
Stick to the no mandates and people should be free to choose messages. FFS!
Stick to the no mandates and people should be free to choose messages. FFS!
I get your point, but remember there is a significant Karen group which has to be turned against the lockdowns.
And mentioning risks to their kids is a big attention getter.
Sure, but given the push to vaxx children that are effectively under no risk from COVID, speculation as to vaxx side effects is entirely justified.
And to emphasize mole’s point. Protests are visceral. You get people off their arses because something being done rankles them. Mandates do that because it effects people’s ability to earn a livelihood, attend public gatherings, etc. but so does targeting children with barely tested medical products that they don’t need (same is true for adults).
“Vaccination side effects on the young. As yet unproven in my book.”
Not proven safe either.
Although preliminary short term data suggests more than 100 times the risk of pericarditis etc compared to no vax for those under 40 or so.
For safety na*i’s, they sure seem unconcerned about side effects “safety” – in large part, these seem to be pushing the vax for “safety” reasons, but ignore the fact that such data is sparse and what does exist is concerning. Weird, right?
Agree wholeheartedly re vaccinating children.
But you can’t make an argument based on speculation.
And if you want to, don’t be surprised if the other side just sits there, points a finger and claims “anti vax nutjobs etc etc”.
The MSM is sooo far out of touch with this.
Check out the poll here.
The goal here is not health and safety but the imposition of a digital ID via the vaccine pass on everyone, in other words the imposition of a global surveillance, controlled state, a cashless state wanted by the big banks, for the latter query Mr Mark Carney.
That’s in the Toronto Star which is a bastion of the Liberal establishment in Canada. If 92% of the Star readers are supporting the right of the truckies to protest Trudeau is in big trouble.
The other side will do that anyway. Did they care about vaccine efficacy re transmission? Or hospitalization? No. You don’t tailor your argument to the opposition but to the audience, a portion of which will be interested in their purported safety.
The entire process of mRNA treatments are based on speculation.
There is no double blinded scientific trial to support their use.
Meanwhile old safe repurposed drugs require peer reviewed double blinded trials or they are horse medicine.
I am intrigued that there was even a 0.5% ‘Undecided’ in that Ottawa poll…
Am I right to read from the youtube link that there are 146k ‘likes’ and ZERO ‘dislikes’ ?
The Biden youtube team has obviously been asleep.
I support the protests and the survey but the comments section is the opposite so assume most votes not Star subscribers!
Something to keep in mind:
The purpose of terrorism is to TERRORIZE.
Frightened, insecure people are MUCH easier to manipulate.
Farmers join in .. who thought a road blockade was going to stop tractors?
duncanm says:
February 8, 2022 at 3:35 pm
Am I right to read from the youtube link that there are 146k ‘likes’ and ZERO ‘dislikes’ ?
The Biden youtube team has obviously been asleep.
YouTube have recently changed this, where the Dislikes count is not displayed to the viewer, although the uploader can see the number/percentage.
It was a response to armies of trolls mass disliking videos.
I think SmallDeadAnimals might have linked to that one, she can push a lot of traffic and they relish trolling the online polls like that.
Vaccine safe?
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed.
Genotoxicity studies have not been conducted.
Carcinogenicity studies have not been conducted.
Covid 19 vaccines are under “provisional” (conditional)approval until the trial period ends in 2023.
“It was a response to armies of trolls mass disliking videos.”
Specifically, official White House videos – they were showing an embarrassingly low ratio of like/dislike.
Way past time that we replaced medicos with truckers. Bring it on!
If you please go see also our trucker heroes
live on the ground Ottawa, over night Feb 7, 2022
on youtube: Freedom convoy base camp Live from police raid Ottawa