Get a load of this totalitarian bint. @vonderleyenReArm means: • More fiscal space for national public funding for defence through…
Get a load of this totalitarian bint. @vonderleyenReArm means: • More fiscal space for national public funding for defence through…
@robinmonotti Mark Rutte is to the current mass formation psychosis what Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was to the previous one. NATO…
@ReclaimTheNetHQ The House Judiciary Committee is ramping up its fight against global censorship. Chairman Jim Jordan just subpoenaed Google, Amazon,…
@liz_churchill10 You don’t hate them enough. They literally said there was no evidence of Biological Labs and then admitted there…
Businesses sue Hochul over ‘illegal and misguided’ $75B climate law, claiming it will cause a spike in costs to consumers
A good man, telling the truth.
I have some nephews/nieces who work in media.
If they are any guide, “thick as bricks” is your answer.
No. I pretty much view it as whatever was left of the unspoken social contract has been shattered and I see no real reason to contribute.
Like everybody else, they’re fond of their cruisey job and don’t wanna throw it away.
Also, they don’t own a Printing Press, they just tell lies for a bloke who does.
See you there? 🙂
The Beer whisperer says:
February 7, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Put Liberals last, but Labor behind them as they plan to license speech, starting with kids.
From that article:
It is a similar concept to how children earn their pen licence to upgrade from writing in pencil.
Can someone please assure me that they are referring to a metaphorical licence???
Australia. # of C19 deaths:
2020: 909
2021: 1330, majority occurred Aug-Sep (jab rate high)
2022 Jan month only: 1519 with majority jabbed twice.
2020 + 2021:
2020+2021+Jan 2022:
incoherent rambler says:
February 7, 2022 at 4:56 pm
While I can.
Get Fscked Albo.
incoherent rambler johnson is right !!
Except for the spelling miskate:
There are many many youths who feel that “the unspoken social contract has been shattered“.
It is time to write a book and capture the imagination of this youth (or post a video).
Get them to help build a better Ostraya. Jab Heil!
Ostraya Uber Alles
We live in a very very dangerous time.
Let me quote Fat Tony Johnson:
Rex, HIV AIDS doesn’t exist anywhere.
In Africa, normal diseases were rebadged as AIDS. In San Francisco and New York, people who took lots of drugs (poppers or heroin) died because they took lots of, first those drugs, then AZT, Nevirapine etc.
Statistics in Africa on cause of death are practically non-existent so the WHO just said everybody on the continent who died, died of AIDS. Well they did that until they decided it would be better for their narrative to declare all deaths were caused by measles (and then no deaths were caused by measles following the measles vaccine campaign).
You’re welcome.
Australia. # of C19 deaths:
2020: 909
2021: 1330, majority occurred Aug-Sep (jab rate high)
2022 Jan month only: 1519 with majority jabbed twice.
FMD. I’m getting the shits with this. I’ve had 4 jabs so that means I’m twice as fucked.
I’m keen to get a comparison with historical annual flu deaths data. I suspect Kung Flu deaths are lower — even though it came out of a lab and was designed to kill people.
My mate from Gambia reckons Aids came into Africa from US homosexuals.
Remember when the Soviets had American born sleepers everywhere that would be turned into agents when the correct password was uttered?
Looks like the Chinese have been doing the exact same thing.
Not working as planned though.
A small group of unvaccinated international travellers will be taken by bus to the site, just outside Toowoomba, from Brisbane.
The local tent shooter will be pleased.
You are not: I have not really done a jot of work for the past 3 months, being in forced WFH by my employer.
I don’t feel guilty about that – but I very much try to redirect my unspent energy towards future oriented goals. e.g. improving my house’s salability in case the SHTF, spending more time with my son and encouraging his work and giving him a sound theoretical basis to financially succeed.
Please explain what black spot is on roses or what Newcastle disease is with chickens. Or a rotten gum for a jaguar for example.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of biologists have identified microbes with repeatability that cause these, along with ways to kill off the microbes.
“Plants have feelings”, okay, L Ron.
“Germ theory doesn’t apply to humans” hmmmmmmmm…..
Only a hick would fancy a place brazenly compared to The Imperial Villa Katsura.
Flu deaths per year always range between 4 and 5 thousand.
Any major change to that figure must mean that death numbers are being suppressed.
Ed Casesays:
February 7, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Why doesn’t the media push back on all this bullshit. It’s way beyond ridiculous.
Like everybody else, they’re fond of their cruisey job and don’t wanna throw it away.
Also, they don’t own a Printing Press, they just tell lies for a bloke who does.
Good to see you. How are you going with finding that comment where you claim that I expressed doubt as to the actual number of slaves in the US at the time of the Civil War? Shouldn’t be difficult for a man of your genius.
Everyone knows AIDS comes from monkeys and originated in Africa.
Some dirty bastard sodomised a monkey.
Not in regard to revolution. Revolutions only ever come from the Left, since the Left are not inhibited by Christian mores. The present regime is a Lefty regime, and the lefty kiddies all love it to bits. So they won’t start a French Revolution. Although they might start a Reign of Terror with them being the brownshirts. That would be dangerous.
On the other hand such repression tends to happen particularly when the regime feels threatened, and at the moment they don’t. The few red-pilled people are easily controlled, as we’ve been seeing.
Actually the timing of 3rd was reduced from 6 months to 3 months. That was clearly not “scientific” but related to the panic when Omicrn was starting to multiply in NSW.
I remember the sequence of the decision making and it went like this :
Monday – Federal Health Minister says wants to ask ATAGI to reduce from 6-5 months.
Tuesday – NSW Health Minister says wants reduced from 6 to 4 or even 3 months.
Wednesday – PM says wants 4 months.
Thursday – some female WHO expert attached to one of the Melbourne institutes recommends 2 months.
A few days after that announced 4 months and soon after that said end of January becomes 3 months.
Basically an admission first two did not work against Omicron and confirmed by Pfizer boss around same time.
It can’t be said enough that the Australian press has failed miserably in looking at both sides. Totally lacking in decent investigative and analytical reporting. The Oz has had some good articles but the other News outlets have been pathetic.
“the ‘science’ says 6 months after the 2nd clot shot, there is zero efficacy (probably negative). So a double clot shotted tourist is likely to be equivalent to an unvax’d or worse.”
Hey Poindexter
If you’re defending the notion that HIV/Aids is real [in other words, WhiteKnightingt for Dr Fauci] then how about some proof rather than your usual blather?
Burning with enthusiasm to get out of WA? Or into?
Several trucks have burst into flames at a Covid checkpoint at the border crossing from South Australia into Western Australia causing chaos for motorists.
The vehicles caught alight near the Border Village Roadhouse on the Eyre Highway in South Australia’s Nullarbor Plain on Monday afternoon.
The truck fire erupted in the Covid testing line and caused thick black smoke to drift across the major motorway and obscure driver visibility.
Images from the scene show plumes of smoke emanating from at least four trucks parked just metres from the border checkpoint between the two states.
Daily Mail
Black spot on roses is a fungus. It likes humidity.
Cool story, bro.
Tom says:
February 7, 2022 at 5:24 pm
Australia. # of C19 deaths:
I’m keen to get a comparison with historical annual flu deaths data. I suspect Kung Flu deaths are lower — even though it came out of a lab and was designed to kill people.
Looking at those numbers, one would think it was the “vaccine ” that was designed to kill people.
Last night I was watching Reacher on Prime.
Jack Reacher choked a Sth American cartel goon to death. He then walked off ending the episode to this tune.
The reason the song rings a bell with me is that I recall they played this over loud speakers in Harlem at a drug dealer’s funeral procession.
Phone transcirpt:
Brett: Hi John, calling about some new lab samples that you have.
John: Oh! You mean the “travellers”, yes?
Brett: That’s right John. I have fun needle experiments planned.
John: No worries Brett, I will ship you a half dozen as soon as the border opens.
Mr. Ed fondles cats.
Good to hear I’m not alone.
2 blokes at work who just had the booster are sick as dogs and cant work at the moment. I know one of them did not want to get it.
Staff are near impossible to find as well. The only ones that interview are international types with no marketable skills. And the overlords think they can simply import ‘skills’ to replace the unclean. When those ‘skills’ are in short supply world wide, I don’t like their chances. Like international students, Australia can only attract the dregs. I don’t see a bright future here.
Before he became the novelist we think we know & love anyway, he was a propagandist for the British Nuclear Industry.
“Good Omens” by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman is dedicated to GK Chesterton, as ‘a man who knew what was going on’.
Last night I was watching Reacher on Prime.
What’s Prime head prefect? I’ve been waiting for Reacher the series.
Dr Dick has now become the world authority on HIV/AIDS, having failed completely with US Civil War history, which was his selected subject.
You can tell he wanted to be Mini Me in the Austin Powers movie.
Never mind, that’s Amazon Prime. Fuck, I’ve got Stan, Fox, Netflix but not Amazon.
I miss the Delta variant.
at least back then there was semblance of a reason for the techno-fascism
the Grim Reaper laughing at us all from the inside of every pub
viral gargoyles that were gonna fly when they saw your mask drop
nanna’s cheering on the policy of compliance at the point of a trucheon
The good old days of what … October 2021?
If asked what were the greatest inventions of the C20th, I would include the ‘mute’ button.
It’s decades since I heard a TV advertisement, except by accident. 🙂
Be fair, not everyone got straight HD’s at Uni.
Hugh at 5:13.
Really? I thought they all died of weakness, Chad Thunderbrain?
You know, because you have repeatedly declared that you think all disease is human weakness and mental trauma because of weakness?
Perhaps you should have scrolled rather than swallowed?
Sounds like a good job, and a valuable one. I wouldn’t call it “propaganda though”. “Truth” maybe.
His first novel is a SF not fantasy: The Dark Side of the Sun. It’s really good.
February 7, 2022 at 2:53 pm
We are supposed to believe that a man who managed to get to the top in journalism and politics has no agency. He is apparently a mere puppet of whoever he is screwing at the time. He has no independent existence, and somehow these greenie wimminses zero in on him every time while he is helpless in their thrall.
It’s the debbil debbil wimmenses who are to blame, not him. So much for taking responsibility for your actions.
Geez, fellas, how weak, pathetic and misogynistic do you have to be to push this nonsense?
Johanna, we’re talking about Boris.
Yes, it’s his fault for being an unprincipled self-seeking hack. I think commenters are just factoring that in as a fundamental part of reality, like gravity or the laws of thermodynamics.
If Boris had any principle or integrity [stop laughing, it’s a hypothetical statement] it wouldn’t matter very much, if at all, that his missus was a green-left loon.
Conversely, Boris’s utter lack of principle and integrity and consequent status as a puppet for whoever he’s screwing wouldn’t be such a disaster if his missus had sane views on public issues.
The substantial problem is the combination of unprincipled self seeking hack in a position of authority, and green-left loon who can use his dick as a lever of power.
It’s the most calamitous hardon in British history since Vortigern and Rowena.
I just think srr (aka Mrs Faulty) doesn’t like nuclear power because it involves tunnels.
And somebody told her that supervising engineers and plant workers sometimes eat pizza while on-shift.
And that their safety PPE (including boots) are red…
Lucky they haven’t got Andrew Bolt covering the trial. It would be against the law to file a report like this.
Kenny with that cuck fletcher about the abc; what a useless fucking wretch fletcher is; he won’t do anything about the abc.
The killing scenes are pretty good, Cronkers, but you also need to put reality aside. Reacher killed the fuckhead in a laneway in NYC. I’ve been through this before, there are no freaking laneways in Manhattan. I know, you want to be exact, there are probably 4 or 5 at the most. He killed him by tie strangulation as Reacher was hanging over a fire escape – his weight was carried on his tie wrapped around the fucker’s neck.
My last statement is possibly not true, but I have seen the overalls some poor buggers in the chemical industry have to wear. And they are red.
I’ve been watching Rogan, Tucker, Viva Frei, Tim Pool, Lotus Eaters, etc on youtube for months.
Just lately, their algorithm has started shoving CNN, MSNBC and Colbert in front of me all the time. It’s almost like they’re trying to influence me in some way?
No “Voice” on the jury?
The chemical jumpsuits are hilarious. Bouffant hair should be compulsory too.
Well hey baby, I have this nitric acid for you honey.
A King among men.
Reacher is just a little more believable then what’s his face Jo Twig, Wit, whatever.
JC: Ex paramour worked as a locations scout in the NYC movie business (she’s listed in the Bronx Tale credits and IMDB). She says there are two — TWO!!! — laneways in Manhattan, both closed off with iron gates. When they needed Manhattan-ish laneways, they shot in Pittsburgh
Article, over at “The Times” about the assassination of JFK
Great to hear Australia’s No,1 race caller Matt Hill calling the downhill skiing at the Beijing Olympics, but the real interest is in how long the Chinese Communist Party will wait (having bought the Biden family) to invade Taiwan later this year.
Never mind head prefect, my wife tells me we do have Amazon prime. I watch the shit in my study and haven’t bothered logging in on that TV; she’s been watching it out in the lounge. I’ll just get her to tune my set in. She’s good like that.
February 7, 2022 at 5:23 pm
Rex, HIV AIDS doesn’t exist anywhere.
In Africa, normal diseases were rebadged as AIDS.
This is Figures’ version of “that wasn’t real socialism”.
Figures is, apparently, able to diagnose the cause of illnesses without ever seeing the patient or having even case notes to find out about symptoms, situational history, lab tests, other diagnostic tools, or in fact anything. He’s the clairvoyant diagnostician.
LOl Areff.
I mentioned this one other time because I frequently keep seeing these scenes in Manhattan alleys and I can never recall seeing even one.
Rex you wanted an explanation and I gave it.
A simple “thank you” would be appreciated.
Yea Cronkite will be very excited by him. Reacher is muscled up.
not everyone got straight HD
I did, then a straight HR and an HK that, truth be told, had a couple of dents.
3: mater’s fine
One of biden’s illegal immigrants: FMD:
This just proves you and Rex refuse to argue in good faith.
The question was about the presumed existence of a disease pervading Africa. The question was generic and therefore so was the answer. It wouldn’t have made sense to give an individualized answer.
If you think every AIDS diagnosis in Africa in the 1980s and 1990s was done using a lab test then you’re clearly retarded. And if you don’t think that (and yet you still brought it up) then you’re just a pathological liar.
Victor Davis Hanson | The Failure of Globalism
Canada Governor General Overwhelmed with Calls Demanding Trudeau Be Removed from Office
Perfect example of Democrat science.
February 7, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Boambee Johnsays:
February 7, 2022 at 5:43 pm
Dr Dick has now become the world authority on HIV/AIDS, having failed completely with US Civil War history, which was his selected subject.
Be fair, not everyone got straight HD’s at Uni.
I think he got straight DHs – Dick Head.
It’s Time for the ‘Mother Truckers’ of America To Shut Down the Vaccine Mandate
QR codes, check-ins in NSW. Hello? Perrotett?
Cancel this charade now.
Cancel the masks too.
Either disband the SAS or STFU. Do not kneecap them.
This expectation of “special behaviour” in a non-Geneva Convention battlefield is deranged and self-defeating at least and treasonous at worst. But that’s the left for you.
The man was a writing God
Re the Rolfe trial: It seems that the NT DPP or whoever was in charge thought they were dealing with a typical working class kid who joined the cops, when they started breaking the rules.
Unfortuntely for them, he is a scion of the wealthy and influential Rolfe car dealership and other stuff family in Canberra. Much to their surprise, they have already been to the High Court, and that was just a warning shot across the bows.
The NT government deserves the shellacking it is about to get.
Friends from our little SA town are there. About 1,500 km travelling.
Go to it, stix.
Didnt wear one in the petrol station today. No one gives a shit.
Ed joins Focoult in denying AIDs exists.
In proof the gods have a sense of humour guess what Focoult
With a bit of luck Retard-Ed will die of feline AIDs caught from an ex- slaves cat he was fondling.
Focoult died of.
Terry was brilliant, the closest thing to Dickens ever. Probably better than Dickens in as much that Terry understood the human (and elf, troll, goblin…) position. He left a huge hole when he died. I recently listened to an audiobook of a series that he he cowrote with another author but died around halfway through, ‘The Long Earth’ and it’s sequels. It was way too woke at the start and got worse as it went on, dunno if Terry was past writing then but it was a sad way to end a brilliant career.
Ed Case says:
February 7, 2022 at 5:29 pm
Flu deaths per year always range between 4 and 5 thousand. Any major change to that figure must mean that death numbers are being suppressed.
No. Influenza deaths are relatively small. The worst (recent) year was 2017 when 1181 people died and this was laboratory confirmed cases. Generally, death from influenza number in the few hundred. The average age in 2017 was was 86 years, with 91% of deaths reported in people aged 65 years and older.
Having said that, people may die from other causes that have been aggravated/complicated by influenza but they didn’t die from influenza per se. Not unlike how covid works. More times than I can remember the Cat has discussed people who die from covid -vs- those who die with covid.
During covid we have seen a dishonest blurring of the lines and the presence of a serious underlying disease has sometimes been ignored although that seems to be changing a little (ie. previously, persons with stage 4 cancer have been announced as covid deaths/other persons in end-of-life palliative care/other complex and unsurvivable genetic diseases*).
Influenza is opportunistic and can severely aggravate an existing condition causing death. Please yourself whether you count that death as being from influenza, or with influenza.
* one classic case occurred in the USA many months ago. A fellow was shot dead and the local health people reported it as a covid death because at autopsy, covid was detected. The report of another covid death was only withdrawn from the statistics after the local Medical Examiner arced up and said “no, the man was shot through the chest causing extensive damage; covid had nothing to do with it”.
I meant ‘The Human Condition’ sorry.
Justin Castros mother.

If you were going to shoot someone at close quarters in a knot of three people, this weapon would likely make an awful mess
Wouldn’t a practical military man, who didn’t want to splatter his mates, have opted for a simple pistol?
(apologies for my general innocence about automatic weapons)
Used to be able to do this on the streets of Melbourne.
I had great hopes that omicron was the beginning of a very fast end to covid mania ( WA and new Zealand exceptions)
Bringing back international tourists to Australia is a great sign that travel is still, nearly, for everyone, as I always thought.
Any suggestion that people will be still asks to rats before travel? I see no mention.
I’ve got a couple I bought with me but would be very pleased if my hope that pre travel testing would no longer be required before I came home eventuated.
It’s a current series, so free for a while on Flixtor.
Depends when you’re coming back Rosie. If in the next 0-4 months, no chance the requirement is lifted. Five months plus from now….hmmm….maybe, but too far out to tell.
New thread so a reminder to chip in to buy this blog’s mine host a coffee or champagne.
Also, if you’re searching for something on Amazon, go via the link at the top right of the Cat page.
No you couldn’t. You were never allowed to do such a thing and you can tell on people’s faces they were kind of shocked and wary. Just stop. And frankly, why would you feel the need to carry a rifle over your shoulder in Little Collins Street?
I think you meant Not Suitable For Transmission.
I haven’t got to that episode yet.
Before he became the novelist we think we know & love anyway, he was a propagandist for the British Nuclear Industry.
Definitely a good bloke, then.
I have a family member with stage four cancer about who’s recovery we remain optimistic.
If they’d be knocked over by covid in the interim and died you can bet I’d have blamed covid and considered it the primary cause of death with the cancer as an underlying contributing cause.
No one disputes that the vast majority of people who die of covid are old, frail have underlying chronic health issues and should continue to avoid getting covid.
I agree that detection of asymptomatic covid in a deceased from other causes, suicide or motor accident or people in a palliative care pathway already shouldn’t be counted.
There’s probably been significant undercounting of covid deaths in the third world too.
Seems to me if you’ve gone down the can’t breathe, ICU, intubation, induced coma, organ failure, die route you’re a covid fatality.
Wow. Linda Blair has really beefed up.
We’ll see Speedbox, I’ve got about a month to go.
They’ve already gone from pcr to rats.
Might have been a gunshop there in those days.
Australian Bureau of Statistics:
Annual Flu deaths in Australia 4-5,000.
the 1181 figure you quote is likely for Victoria.
Where will you be for Ash Wednesday, rosie?
JC I used to see men on trains (usually weekends) at Flinders St carrying guns and shooting gear, they’d catch a train to country stations and shoot and return the same day with their rabbits or whatever, this was in the early 70’s. Nobody cared at all. It was quite common on Saturdays to see people (mainly Italians) on the tram carrying a few live chooks upside down by their legs, taking them home for the weeks dinners. No one cared.
Was it here I read this?
Australia has spent $373 billion on covid for 4200 deaths. Around $80 mill/death.
We could have had 10 x the death rate and still compensate the family a cool $1mil.
Upon rereading Witness 14’s account, more questions:
According to SMH report, Muhammad bin Stumpy was enjoying the company of three Diggers when “a burst” of automatic weapons fire cut him down, except he was already on the ground.
As noted above, must have been a godawful mess with lots of splatter. Also, would SAS guys unleash that volley in close proximity to comrades. Bullets bouncing about everywhere etc.
Witness 14 also says he didn’t recognise R-S but DID recognise the camo paint pattern on his face. This is unbelievable.
R-S is a giant of man. So 14 didn’t recognise someone who stood six inches above everyone else because face paint?
If Moses isn’t picking this testimony apart, blame Gladys. Clearly, her charms and talents as his love slave have been a major distraction. Being introduced to nasal sex for the first is apt to that.
Someone said upthread that Mater is fine. I bloody hope so. One of my ‘always read’ contributors. Mater, please come back.
One of biden’s illegal immigrants: FMD:
One of the few honest things Trump said. They are not sending their best.
A man arrested last week for vandalizing Washington’s Union Station with swastika symbols is a Mexican citizen with a 15-year criminal history who has been deported twice but still does not meet Biden administration standards for arrest or removal.
Does omicron mean that delta is no longer an option?
News for Sandgropers: https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/mark-mcgowan-says-wa-covid-spread-means-new-quarantine-rules-will-kick-in-tomorrow/ar-AATxWrK?ocid=mailsignout&li=AAgfYrC
Sneakers declares that Ohmigod case numbers are going to climb in the next few days, so he’s giving us all a pass.
This little black duck suspects instead that someone snuck his bollocks into a vise while he wasn’t looking, and has applied a few turns.
Like Churchill once said of Americans, we Sandgropers can expect that Teh Worst Australian and Kerry Stokes will do the right thing- After they have first tried everything else…
There is no limit to the amount of our money politicians will spend to avoid being blamed for covid deaths.
Dutton has to sue that little prick carr for saying he shat on scomo. What carr said is defamatory. If he sues carr it would shut up the media and the liars.
“Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.”
? Terry Pratchett
Thanks, Zulu.
I said last night it’s all a distraction squirrel.
This is the real scandal:
I’m touch that politicians think my life is worth $80 mil. But at the end of the day, history will show that it wasn’t worth destroying the country over.
“If cats looked like frogs we’d realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That’s what people remember.”
? Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
One of the few honest things Trump said. They are not sending their best.
All of what Trump said was honest- truth hurts sometimes. You are a twerp.
And 3800 would have died anyway within a week.
So nearly $1billion per real covid death.
Makka says:
February 7, 2022 at 7:08 pm
Australia has spent $373 billion on covid for 4200 deaths. Around $80 mill/death.
There is no limit to the amount of our money politicians will spend to avoid being blamed for covid deaths.
The sad thing is, if they’d spent nothing, we’d probably still have had those 4200 deaths.
“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”
– Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
Makka says:
February 7, 2022 at 7:08 pm
No politician will ever be called to account. Ever.
Every public announcement by every politician is always accompanied by the words “according to the health advice…” or “the experts advise…..” or sometimes the actual source “ATAGI has recommended…..”
Not even the CHOs will be hung out to dry because the lines are so blurred by the faceless bureaucrats and consulting doctors behind them. No-one of any significance will ever be accountable. Maybe some low level schmuck will be offered up as a sacrificial lamb, but I doubt it.
“And what would humans be without love?”
RARE, said Death.”
– Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
The Minimi is not a traditional machine gun that sprays its projectiles into a roughly ovoid ‘beaten zone.’ It is an accurate squad support weapon that is better considered as a belt-fed descendant of the WW2 era Bren Gun- I.E. employed in short and aimed bursts, rather then relied upon to saturate an intended area with suppressing or killing fire.
Nonetheless, you would not be indiscriminately firing one into a group of people to execute a single person- Aside from the inevitable danger of recoil sending it places you don’t want it to go at point-blank range, no trained or disciplined individual fires directly into a group of his mates.
Aside from the fact that you would leave a quantity of disintegrating-belt links and expended cartidges all over the ground as evidence of your actions. And that stuff does not spontaneously disappear upon contact with the ground.
If the measures only save one life then it will all have been worth it.
So one life potentially is worth $373 Billion!
Not mine though. Closer to $9.99 a kilo.
I’ve had the odd bit of experience with cam cream over the years – never had any difficulty recognizing anyone with cam cream.
Operation Warp Speed?
Get the Vaccine!
That was honest?
The guy was and is a blivit.
“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.
Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.
But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.
This was the Captain Samuel Vimes ‘Boots’ theory of socioeconomic unfairness.”
– Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms: The Play
Good comment, but why aren’t the witnesses giving this “evidence” being asked these questions?
One of the few honest things Trump said.
Fuck off.
If they’d spent nothing, Supply Chains woulda collapsed a year ago and the Army would be on the streets to prevent people from eating one another.
I’d only use a Zegna pure silk for that.
The guy was and is a blivit.
Why don’t you share a donut with the other fuckwit.
Like a braindead lemming, Scummo went all in 30 seconds after the WHO declared a pandemic. Shutting down almost the entire economy. He can’t walk back from that. It would mean admitting he fkd the country and millions of citizen’s lives and livelihoods on a whim. So what better way to justify his idiocy that bury it under billions of $’s of our DEBT?
Ditto the fact that all the Emergency Act legislation in existence starts with “For the Good Governance of…”
If you chuck in that little throwaway line at the start of the document, and maybe what Human Rights Charters or Fed Legislation on the same you are in alignment with, you are (ostensibly) completely covered.
This is the way our system is. And all the rage and bluster of muh Constitution tub-thumpers on the Internet and in the meatspace cannot overcome this.
Not a single one of any of our original writers and legislators (or subsequent) have ever seen government with the suspicion and cynicism our American friends did post-Revolution. So someone with the means and desire and legal understanding always had the ability to tyrannise this country and its people.
It just seems that culture and morality held them back.
The question was about the presumed existence of a disease pervading Africa. The question was generic and therefore so was the answer. It wouldn’t have made sense to give an individualized answer.
The point is that whatever deficiencies you may think there are in the official numbers (quite possibly correctly), you’re saying that every single case where death by HIV was diagnosed was wrongly diagnosed.
In every case being a patient you know nothing about.
You’re putting your ludicrous theory, at a distance of thousands of miles and decades of time, ahead of the work of the entire health professions of the whole of Africa, where you’ve got zero information about even a single case you’re talking about.
“Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things.”
– Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight
But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.
Many times have I recommended to women who are on their feet most of the time when working to buy good quality work shoes/boots (proper AS approved ones). They tend to buy K-Mart ones that only last a few months and are not particularly comfortable either.
I’m sure they are, but not in an immediately obvious and soundbit-friendly way.
We want blood (metaphorical or otherwise). The good cross-examiner looks to expose one lie. Just one.
Because the whole rotten edifice collapses the instant the ostensibly truthful witness has that honesty amd truthfulness called into question.
Its not only the height; it’s also the physique: it would be impossible to misidentify the hulk.
Read a lot of sci-fi over the years, but I never tried Terry Pratchett. Discworld sounded too cutesy and twee. Seemed like a lot of celebrities raved about him which put me right off the idea. I always imagined he would be pretty lefty friendly.
Where should I start with his books?
Ed Case says:
February 7, 2022 at 7:21 pm
The sad thing is, if they’d spent nothing, we’d probably still have had those 4200 deaths.
If they’d spent nothing, Supply Chains woulda collapsed a year ago and the Army would be on the streets to prevent people from eating one another.
And our supply chains are staffed by people with an average age of 85 and who are also quite sick (aka co-morbidities)???
You really are retarded – I know they all say it about you, but I thought there may have been a glimmer of sentience in there…somewhere. Mea culpa.
Good comment, but why aren’t the witnesses giving this “evidence” being asked these questions?
I’m sure they are, but not in an immediately obvious and soundbit-friendly way.
Quite likely. A cross-examiner will try to get the witness to commit to a whole lot of detail, often repeatedly under different guises, before springing the vital question. If the question is asked straight after the witness has said the porky, the witness may be able to wriggle out by saying “did I say that? I’m terribly sorry, that was misleading – what I really meant was…”. Whereas if the witness had also answered a whole lot of subsequent questions all based on the hidden premise of the witness’s porky, then when they try to wriggle out of the porky they can be asked “but doesn’t that also mean that your answers to A, B, C etc were also wrong?”.
Oh, there you go again, same old BS.
Powerful men throughout history have had wives and mistresses, a tiny minority of them got involved in politics.
The notion of using his dick as a lever (leaving aside the engineering issues) is ridiculous. They have a couple of small kids, not exactly a recipe for romance.
Why is it so hard for you to accept that this is the kind of woman he wnts?
New thread so a reminder to chip in to buy this blog’s mine host a coffee or champagne.
Thanks for the reminder, Gab.
As it happens, I had already made a small contribution earlier today.
Where should I start with his books?
Page 1 often works for me, local oaf.
In summary, the opening address for the prosecution in the Rolfe case:
1. Conceded the dead career criminal was in fact a career criminal with a significant history of significant violence:
2. Said he was on parole and supposed to be in rehab;
3. Also mentioned he cut his monitoring anklet off and went back to Yuendumu ‘for a funeral’ (which he didn’t attend), but spent his time breaking into the fortified clinic nurses’ houses and threatening to rape them to the point they left town;
4. Said that before he stabbed the jack and got shot for it, he chased out two other coppers from the same house with an axe (the jury were shown the body worn vision, unbelievably);
5. Said he stabbed Rolfe in the shoulder with surgical shears stolen from one of the nurses’ homes;
6. Further said that the first shot fired was reasonable and necessary, but that shots two and three were not (resulting in the murder beef); and
7. Also said that the three shots were fired in three seconds in a dimly-lit corridor with the dead bloke continuing to try and stab the jacks.
I can’t see anything other than…. well, I’m not going to jinx it, but it should be bleedingly obvious.
All the defence needs to do is mention the appalling partisan subservience of the brand new Commish to the government that gave him that job, and align that to the terrible performance of that government and how the indig hated (and still hate) it, and it’s over. Red rover, bend over.
It was a political charge to shore up a tottering government, and as johanna mentioned if the Commish had taken longer than a few days to charge this bloke he would have found out that Rolfe had the almost unlimited resources of both his own family and the NT Police Association – who apparently had been stockpiling member funds (like all jurisdictions) for just this scenario – to contend with, which he had not anticipated at all.
areff at 7:03.
Yes, Mr 14’s cross exam sounded wobbly at best.
Interesting that the suggestion arose of 14 assaulting a US woman serviceperson.
It would be really interesting to know who was involved in yanking Mr 14’s chain over that.
Read a lot of sci-fi over the years, but I never tried Terry Pratchett. Discworld sounded too cutesy and twee. Seemed like a lot of celebrities raved about him which put me right off the idea. I always imagined he would be pretty lefty friendly.
I’m reading some vintage Poul Anderson at the moment. Or should I say the late, great, Poul Anderson. Greatly under rated but wonderful. If you haven’t read it or heard of it if you read nothing else “The Queen of Air and Darkness”.
If they’d spent nothing, Supply Chains woulda collapsed a year ago and the Army would be on the streets to prevent people from eating one another.
So speaketh the prophet ED (as usual, offering absolutely no evidence).
Put it another way, BlowJob is another idiot son of extreme privilege, an arty farty twerp of a journalist who neither knows nor cares about the challenges Joe Average faces.
Nice projection. You opened your mouth, spouted your gnostic bullshit again and were made a fool of.
And what does any of this have to do with your assertions that In Africa, normal diseases were rebadged as AIDS, or it was used to disguise vaccine failures?
Trying to greaseweasel your way out of your own rhetorical faceplant and then try to hide behind ‘science’ by saying that AIDS could not have been detected before the 80s and 90s (curiously enough, my linked abstract indicates 1983 being the year in which first confirmed cases of HIV were reported, about 40 years ago today), was just the final pineapple topping on your pizza of utter failure.
You cannot read.
Like I said, you should have scrolled and not swallowed…
Rex A
It just seems that culture and morality held them back.
Until now. This speaks eloquently of the calibre of our current politicians.
miltonf says:
February 7, 2022 at 3:13 pm
The ridiculous statement at the top assumes politicians are up front with their intentions and that voters have some real choice.
That would be my statement, incidentally also supported by Dot, and by many others on this blog.
Maybe you are just a closeted Polyanna who believes in the goodness of, and righteousness of all voters, and that they otherwise have no agency.
No, one doesn’t get the clusterfuck that is the current electoral system without repeated electoral approval. Lying scumbag politicians are only part of the mix, their omnipotence being only a relatively recent phenomenon.
Erectile Dysfunction?
Makes sense, as I’ve never seen Ed ever make functional or coherent Case for anything…
This is the way our system is. And all the rage and bluster of muh Constitution tub-thumpers on the Internet and in the meatspace cannot overcome this.
Precisely, and it was designed that way. Other than outright criminal acts, a politician acting in ‘good faith’ and on the advice of ‘experts’ is bulletproof.
If you chuck in that little throwaway line at the start of the document, and maybe what Human Rights Charters or Fed Legislation on the same you are in alignment with, you are (ostensibly) completely covered.
Australia is a signatory to many charters proposed by the UN. But whilst we ‘support’ whatever ideal is contained within, many are not enacted as laws of the land. So, they can be ignored if necessary. And as you correctly point out, the enacted legislation always starts with the words “For the good governance of…”. Therefore, you would have to prove that the Minister did not act for the good governance of the state/nation. The best of luck with that as the Minister trots out the assorted advisors who will swear the advice they received from the WHO required xxxxx for the good governance of the nation and the Minister was advised…….who acted according to that advice…….
Maybe you are just a closeted Polyanna who believes in the goodness of, and righteousness of all voters, and that they otherwise have no agency.
Maybe I’m not. Maybe you’re an insufferable snob.
February 7, 2022 at 7:10 pm
Dutton has to sue that little prick carr for saying he shat on scomo. What carr said is defamatory. If he sues carr it would shut up the media and the liars.”
I also think he should. I suspect that China shill Carr’s attempts to smear and slime Dutton is quite deliberate…for two reasons. Carr is smearing Dutton because he’s tough on China and the other is to try and destroy Dutton’s chances of getting re-elected in his seat.
Rex Angersays:
February 7, 2022 at 7:47 pm
So speaketh the prophet ED (as usual, offering absolutely no evidence).
Erectile Dysfunction?
Makes sense, as I’ve never seen Ed ever make functional or coherent Case for anything…
Typo, finger stayed too long on the Shift key. But the other meaning works also.
Carr has a fArts degree from UNSW- need I say more?
I had a similar view of the Pratchett books, and my then young nephew asked me to read ‘Going Postal’ and ‘The Wee Free Men’ and I was hooked.
There are 41 books in the Discworld series and they can be read in any order. This short discussion has reminded me to read Carpe Jugulum which has been on my to read list since I encountered the real thing on this here blog.
srr, I generally flick over your comments, however your Pratchett knowledge and admiration makes me think I was too hasty. Pratchett was a genius and funny and profound, difficult to those things at the same time.
Re the Ben Roberts-Smith case, I reckon Person 14 is being led down the garden path by getting him to state one thing in one breath and then having to modify what he said later on. Defence lawyer will pounce shortly.
I know it is only what we read in the news reports, but Person 14 is starting to sound very dodgy and is hedging around his statements.
If I was on the jury I would not believe anything this bloke says. He also sounds like he has got a huge chip on his shoulder over BRS being awarded the VC.
I’m sure I read some Anderson way back when I was young (the 60s), but can’t remember much about him. I’ll look him up again soon.
When does open season on politicians and so called health professionals start. Will they form an orderly line to receive their due process or run about wildly with hands in the air screaming it wasn’t my fault I was only following orders.
miltonf says:
February 7, 2022 at 7:52 pm
Maybe I’m not. Maybe you’re an insufferable snob.
You never miss an opportunity, do you Milts?
A reason I comment here infrequently, so I don’t have to waste time responding to clueless imbeciles like you, who contribute nothing but boilerplate “insights” that inform no one.
Do kindly fuck off.
Srr – Starting by saying Pratchett was a propagandist for the UK nuke industry, then going on about how good his stuff is, is just slightly incongruous.
I don’t think with blojo and his green ball-tearing bitch that it’s a matter that she did all the directing like that other ball-tearing cow mrs hazza. Obviously blojo is a step above hazza but still a weak fat fool so I would say his disastrous green policies are 80% hers and 20% his.
Probably false, but heard Sneakers attempt to isolate his way out of attending his court case in Sydney last week was put off by being told that if he didn’t attend he would lose his case- sort of makes sense since he is apparently no longer isolating after being a close contact on the weekend and free to travel next week
When they were workshopping person 14 they never actually had him say out loud what he is saying in court otherwise thet would have realised what a crock of poo he was promoting.
Do kindly fuck off.
Very profound. Not.
Sure, I recall my dad coming home from town after having bought a shot gun. He didn’t have a car at the time, so I’d assume he came home by train. There’s a difference though, it came in a special leather/vinyl carry bag, which is how we saw people carrying guns in public in those days. You did not see a regular person carrying a gun nonchalantly over his shoulder in what looked like Little Collins Street like the dude in the vid. That’s an entirely different thing. I’d bet you can carry gun in a proper case even these days as I’d be surprised the law has changed.
Neighbors make sure they keep their cats well away from Mr. Ed. He fondles cats.
that’s really dumb
everybody knows zombies won’t eat other zombies
I think my favourite Poul Anderson is “The Boat of a Million Years” for the amazing sweep of history. Although the venerable “The Trouble Twisters” is excellent too.
I know a bloke, what knows a bloke, and he says that what’s driving the whole saga – Ben Roberts Smith was awarded a VC and these roosters reckon they should have been awarded a medal as well.
I think Carrie Johnson is a problem and from what I’ve read it’s clear she does have a somewhat malignant influence over Boris…especially with pushing her pet interests such as climate change crap, ruinables, LGBTQARSE ideology and so….all progressive gunk that middle England and Red Wall England don’t give a rat’s arse about. What they care about are strong borders, illegal immigration, the threat of Islam, Covid lockdowns and so. Boris was gifted an eighty seat majority in December 2019…..and this majority was from working class and middle England. It was Carrie who pushed out Dominic Cummings, perhaps Johnson’s best adviser. Others have also resigned and pointed at Carrie. Now Boris Johnson should be a strong enough leader to block his wife’s political influence…..because remember, nobody voted for Carrie but he doesn’t seem to be able to….which perhaps points to character flaws in him.
All going to plan calli, probably Clermont Ferrand, will be making my way to Paris shortly afterwards as that’s where I’m flying home from.
Going to Perpignan today and thinking of a brief excursion into Spanish Catalan before Carcassane then Tarbes.
No hurry.
I bought some wine too, a grenache in a 25 cl bottle. Perfect.
Hmm, good bloggage in my absence by all of the troops.
Wow, Chad Thunderbrain legged it when I asked him about other species, including non sentient ones, getting infections.
What will he say about microbes infecting other microbes?
“It’s just stress, but they don’t exist”
February 7, 2022 at 7:37 pm
Why is it so hard for you to accept that this is the kind of woman he wnts?
Maybe because his first wife has no track record of political activism nor as far as I’m aware any publicly expressed political views at all, and his second wife is a barrister who said publicly that most discrimination claims are bogus.
Carcassonne is lovely. Have fun.
Crickets tipped to replace kale, acai, blueberries as mainstream superfoods in 2022
Write that down, folks. This is the year you learn to love eating bugs!
Um…citation needed. Anyway, I didn’t bother reading any further. Just more pro-bug meat propaganda.
Dodgy alright.
Accused of assault of a woman.
Messy divorce where the ex-bride breaks into his house, grabs some videos of his time in Afghanistan and threatens to release them to the media.
Begs the question.
What was on those videos?
And how broad was the indemnity offered to Mr 14?
Is it possible Mr 14 is a bit nervous about his own history and has grabbed the “dob in BRS and score an indemnity” offer with both hands?
It’s actually in our legislation but you have to read it very carefully, there is a manner to prosecute offensive operations regardless. There is also a matter of legislative interpretation regarding control of enemy combatants. Given how the Taliban were nearly always war criminals, terrorists, free shooters and murderers themselves, “control” ought to be construed very narrowly.
It looks like the snitches were lying little runts anyway. BRS will not be prosecuted.*
*In a sane, non-clown world.
Does anyone know of lawyers in WA working on vaxx mandates?
Excellent comments, areff.
I reckon Mr Moses will smash the defence in summing up.
AREFF! Some of us are innocent and don’t live in a degenerate, grim/dark world.
I always liked the excessively homosexual Lambda Lambda Lambda or overtly chadesque I Felta Phi.
After reading the thread above about how Australia was basically set up to eventually become tyrannical, I don’t see how any court cases on vax mandates will amount to anything……
Take as deep breath Makka. At all tiers of government, it’s trillions now.
We will possibly never pay it back either.
For the Train v Truck battlers; in the here & now world, I vote Trucks BUT as a Pratchett fan who enjoyed an early childhood spending much time on ‘the better class of train carriage’, and who to this day thanks God for what men sacrifice for us all –
Raising Steam
Science fiction author Cory Doctorow, in his review on Boing Boing, remarked that Pratchett “never quite balanced whimsy and gravitas as carefully as this, and it works beautifully. This is a spectacular novel, and a gift from a beloved writer to his millions of fans.”
“Dick Simnel, a young self-taught engineer from Sto Lat (and whose father, Ned Simnel, appeared in Reaper Man), has invented a steam locomotive named Iron Girder. He brings his invention to Ankh-Morpork where it catches the interest of Sir Harry King, a millionaire businessman who has made his fortune in the waste and sanitation industry. Harry promises Dick sufficient investment to make the railway a success.
The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, Lord Vetinari, wishing to ensure that the City has appropriate influence over the new enterprise, appoints the reformed fraudster turned civil servant Moist von Lipwig to represent the government in the management of the railway. His skills soon come in useful in negotiations with landowners along the route of the new line.
Throughout the story, Dwarfish fundamentalists are responsible for a number of terrorist attacks, including […]”
I’m currently listening to –
Mrs Bradshaws Handbook
by Terry Pratchett
narrated by Penelope Keith
with Michael Fenton Stevens.
“Authorised by Mr Lipwig of the Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway himself, Mrs Georgina Bradshaw’s invaluable guide to the destinations and diversions of the railway deserves a place in the luggage of any traveller, or indeed armchair traveller”
“Maybe because his first wife has no track record of political activism nor as far as I’m aware any publicly expressed political views at all, and his second wife is a barrister who said publicly that most discrimination claims are bogus.”
Yep, Carrie is disliked much like Cherie Blair was….whereas Sarah Brown and Samantha Cameron were greatly liked.
Sounds like my Grandmother.
“Only the poor buy twice”.
Which I think comes from
“A rich man buys it once, a poor man buys it twice.”
I started a Pratchett because a couple of friends were mad keen but it was too clever and I didn’t find it entertaining.
I’m not going to elevate a writer of fiction to godlike status either.
That’s either points shaving or if an earnest attempt, the jurors will not let go.
It’s not a govt mandate. It’s a university. And it’s being applied on extremely short notice (ie. decision made on 31 Jan and going into force today) – even if you weren’t vaxxed and this coerced you into getting vaxxed, you couldn’t get a double dose in time to start and you’ll be excluded.
I’m not sure about Australia dot but a week ago france was reporting 99.4% omicron and .6 % delta.
How’s this for fucking the working man:
In recent EBA negotiations, fuel industry workers (operators, technicians, shift leaders) copped a 25% pay cut, assume inflation is 5% and they actually copped a 30% pay cut. How’s that search for a house going, well they’ve been stacking on 10% p/a.
Not only did Unions run defence for the most corrupt and idiotic labor state governments, but the just fucked their members in EBA negotiations.
A lot of big and ugly chickens coming home to roost from this two year government built cluster fuck.
I often hear the following two lines parroted by various people…
1. That the voters always get it right……not true.
2. That juries always get is right……not true.
Yep, this is undeniable.
miltf, stop being offended!
Not only do Australians bitch and moan, they also vote for the same clowns they complain about!
It is amazing how loyal Australian voters are given the low level of donations, party membership and volunteers.
Two options:
1. We’re livestock.
2. We’re subject to the ungracious and distasteful title of house niggers.
We keep ourselves enslaved. There is a majority who loved this COVIDMANIA! They’re like kids watching Hulk Hogan. COVIDMANIACS!
There is no real indication that a protest vote is going over 20%.
We really need 40% + for satisfaction. Taking a couple of Senate seats in each State and a handful of reps for the next two Reps cycle would be a start, but the uniparty is truly monolithic.
They will hound smaller parties out of existence if they can.
Most people simply won’t care because they are shockingly parochial.