Carrying the load for the whole of Western Civilisation


The Battle of Quebec, Queenston Heights, Lundy’s LaneVimy RidgeDeippeJuno, Moscow 1972, not to forget Laura Secord. And now the Battle of Parliament Hill, Ottawa. You don’t want to mess with Canadians, when they’re really angry. And they are really angry.

And bless them, they are carrying the load for the whole of Western Civilisation. 

I suspect the people who teach Canadian history don’t even know most of these moments, but what they show is that Canadians will not surrender when there is a battle before them.

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Davey Boy
Davey Boy
February 10, 2022 10:07 pm

Ezra Levant’s take and prediction on the blockade in Canada, the Twitter thread (includes explanatory images and videos) is
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1. I think I know how this trucker rebellion is going to end. Hear me out.
2. Two days in a row, Liberal MPs have publicly distanced themselves from Trudeau’s fiasco. He’s never had such a crisis before and he’s never mismanaged it so badly. Gerald Butts’ usual advice – smear everybody as racist sexist Nazis – isn’t working. It’s made things worse.
3. No-one believes it anymore, especially when everyone can see for themselves how happy and Canadian the crowd is. They see thousands of Canadian flags but they hear Trudeau snarling about Nazi flags. Suddenly Trudeau looks old and out of touch.
4. So Trudeau is abusing working people, minorities, independent thinkers. People who used to vote for him. I can’t get over the fact that 57% of Green voters love the truckers. Trudeau’s smiley mask has slipped; he’s shown his rage. Voters will never un-see that.
5. Trudeau never apologizes (except for when he apologizes for other people’s sins). He is emotionally incapable of admitting he was wrong. He never has in his life. So he’s stuck as the angry guy. It’s not a good look. That’s 100% Gerald Butts.
6. Trudeau is polling as the worst politician to deal with the crisis according to BOTH pro- and anti-truckers! (How is that even possible?)
It’s a remarkable combination of insults, incompetence, and fleeing the city. Both sides blame Trudeau.
7. But he can’t back down now. How can you call someone a racist sexist Nazi, and say you’ll never meet with them — and then meet with them?
But that’s exactly what most people want Trudeau to do. Including half of the people in Ottawa!
8. Trudeau has made outrageous threats and the Ottawa Police have disgraced themselves by carrying out those threats with shocking brutality. This video (80yo man being arrested) has 3M views in two days. This is Trudeau’s vibe now. But how can he back down? He can’t lose face.
9. That video is bad enough. But imagine going truck by truck, extracting men, women and children? Here’s a vid from the Coutts border crossing. What’s Trudeau going to do — shoot them? Policing doesn’t work when the bulk of citizens don’t consent.
10. So the truckers aren’t backing down. All Ottawa courts would do is end the honking. The Coutts and Milk River blockade probably have 5,000 people in the middle of the prairie. And now the single most important bridge in North America is locked down.
11. I call it the most important because it carries 25% of Canada-U.S. trade on it — connecting the auto industry on either side of the Detroit River. And the bridge just happens to be privately owned, too.
12. Trudeau has no clue what to do. He’s losing his cool. He’s losing voters. He’s even losing his MPs. Only the fools at the Ottawa Police and the Media Party are still marching with him. Gerald Butts is panicking — he’s lashing out and suing critics.
13. But look at this! Vice President Jen Psaki (I think that’s her title) was asked about the truckers. And she didn’t do a Butts. She didn’t smear or slander or attack. In fact, she seemed to praise the truckers and pretend Joe Biden was one of them!
14. For all her flaws VP Psaki can control her emotions, unlike Trudeau and Butts. Trudeau thought demonizing truckers somehow made him look better, so he doused the fire with kerosene. Psaki was conciliatory and friendly. Why?
15. Again, because she can control her emotions. She doesn’t have a vendetta against Canadian truckers like Trudeau does. She just doesn’t want the Trucker Spring to spread to the U.S. She doesn’t want the political optics. She doesn’t want the economic carnage. She’s a grown-up.
16. Imagine what a trucker rebellion would do in the U.S. Supply chain mess. Inflation. Unemployment. Visual proof of Biden’s economic failure on TV every night. Alienating working class voters Biden needs so desperately this November.
Trudeau’s mess is creeping over the bridge.
17. But the truckers are already changing the political climate. Half a dozen Democrat states just ended mask mandates. Democrats are looking for a graceful exit for Fauci. Biden doesn’t need this staring contest. And here, I predict, is how this ends:
18. Biden gets the CDC to announce that The Science(TM) has evolved again, and St. Fauci now says truckers don’t need to be vaccinated to cross the border. Biden’s policies are working so well, they can be retired already! Biden is a friend of the working man!
19. Biden saves the day. He saves jobs. He’s normalizing America! And the Teamsters will praise him. And because he didn’t demonize the truckers, he won’t lose face.
But all cross-border trucks do round trips. So if Biden ends the vaccine mandate, Trudeau has to, as well.
20. You can’t have a cross-border vaccine mandate in one direction. Biden will move, Trudeau will follow. He’ll say it was for Canada-U.S. relations, and that it wasn’t because of those racist, sexist, Nazi truckers.
But of course, it will be. And everyone will know it.
21. These Canadian truckers — and everyone cheering them on, despite the rage of the establishment — are saving Canada. They’re already making us more free. They’ve done more damage to Trudeau than the last two Conservative Party leaders combined. They’re a political tsunami.
22. They’ve restored a sense of community in a country that Trudeau and Butts pitted against itself. They’ve restored a common purpose in a country where lockdown laws kept us isolated from each other. They’ve literally been a moveable street festival. They’re great Canadians.
23. I mean, come on. Don’t you wish you were there?
24. But what’s never happened before is these Canadian truckers will be responsible for making America a freer place. The daily TV images of the Canadian truckers have some paternity in the Democrats’ about-face on masks this past week. (What other intervening event did that?)
25. But it’s those brave truckers on the Ambassador Bridge who put a fright into Biden and Psaki. In 1812, the last time Canada invaded the U.S., they sacked the place and burned down the White House. Psaki doesn’t know her history but Biden is old enough to have been there.
26. To save the U.S. economy from a trucker rebellion, Joe Biden will lift his trucker vaccine mandate. Trudeau will have to follow, though he will be so enraged he’ll probably punch through the drywall.
I can’t see much further into the future than that.
What do you think?

February 10, 2022 10:19 pm

I am finding very few I speak to are aware of the Canadian truckers.

Spread the word.

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 11:04 pm

Thanks Davey Boy. Ezra Levant knows what it’s like to be smeared as a Nazi (he’s Jewish).

Ezra and Rebel Media do God’s work.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 11, 2022 12:04 am

God bless Canadians and thank you Canadians for showing the world how to deal with tyranny the Thomas Jefferson way – when tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
February 11, 2022 2:47 am

Steyn from a few days ago:

In Ottawa, attempts by agents provocateurs to provoke violence at the Freedom Rally have gone nowhere. So last night, “anti-hate” buffoon Bernie Farber, friend to censors everywhere, was reduced to hate-hoaxing for Justin by circulating “anti-semitic flyers” sent to him by a “friend” “in Ottawa”. Inevitably, within moments, they were revealed to be from something entirely different in Florida some weeks ago. So Bernie explained that his imaginary friend in Ottawa had seen actual hate flyers in Ottawa but had accidentally emailed him a similar flyer from America or something… These days Farber disgraces even himself.

Meanwhile, the Ottawa police have begun arresting citizens trying to deliver food to the truckers. There is no basis in Canadian law for the actions these goon coppers are taking, but the attitude of their dreadful police chief is: hey, the law is whatever I say it is. So he has ordered the arrest of citizens for “mischief”. By mischief, he means bringing sustenance or heat to protesters passing the night in temperatures of twenty below.

~Many parts of the western world are in a very dark place right now, but none more so than Canada. Its unseen prime minister, who came into office promising “sunny ways”, can no longer appear in public and sweepingly, tweetingly declares that he doesn’t need to because the sort of chaps you run into out there are rubes who don’t even know they’re Islamophobes, transphobes, thisaphobes, thataphobes, too dumb even to be aware they’re working for Putin.

As Tucker and I used to joke five years back, across the developed world the elite rise up against the masses: it’s like an anti-1848, prefiguring the post-democratic era that the 2020s will usher in. The present showdown between the Bollywood Bridesmaid and the truckers who deliver his quinoa has made it about as explicit as you can get. The good humour in the face of elite contempt is impressive…….

A serial blackface fetishist is calling the masses racist and the court eunuchs of Canada’s state-funded media dutifully tag along…….

February 11, 2022 4:49 am

Remember, the Victorian police behaved in exactly the sane way.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
February 11, 2022 7:35 am

Support the truckers. They are fighting evil on behalf of us all.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 11, 2022 8:25 am

The truckers are ridiculous. They certainly are not “freedom” fighters. No freedoms are at peril here; people are free to opt out of vaccine. They are not free to impose that choice on others. In simple terms: you take your choice knowing that there are consequences.
What this is about is entitlement and indulgence. A bunch of whiny truckers staging one of their typically brave parking demos.
Just leave them there, I say. See how long their valiant commitment lasts.

February 11, 2022 8:36 am

Living the dream: No freedoms are at peril here

Vaccine mandates are not a removal of freedom? Even if it costs you your job and career? Seriously?

February 11, 2022 8:40 am

The Ottawa police chief has either not read Victor Hugo or have misread Hugo.

He and a LOT of others seem to have adopted the persona of Javert, but without much sign of potential redemption..

There IS a LOT of it about.

February 11, 2022 8:44 am

BC [Before Covid] who would have thought that the social democratic Swedes would be more attached to their freedom than Australians and that mild mannered Canadians would display more courage?

John Michelmore
John Michelmore
February 11, 2022 8:46 am

Living the Dream @ 8.25am:- I cant believe you wrote that. Since when are people free to opt out of the “vaccine” when their ability to work and support their families is removed if they don’t submit. That is not freedom, its blackmail especially when you consider these are “vaccines” that are still approved under emergency authorisation without long term data!

February 11, 2022 8:50 am
February 11, 2022 8:56 am

Living the dreamsays:
February 11, 2022 at 8:25 am
The truckers are ridiculous. They certainly are not “freedom” fighters. No freedoms are at peril here; people are free to opt out of vaccine. They are not free to impose that choice on others. In simple terms: you take your choice knowing that there are consequences.
What this is about is entitlement and indulgence. A bunch of whiny truckers staging one of their typically brave parking demos.
Just leave them there, I say. See how long their valiant commitment lasts.

Your a retard. Sorry not sorry.

February 11, 2022 9:06 am

Anyone heard about Canberra? There is a big push for people to get there on Saturday, there has been some coverage of the protests there already but how true the media portray it is something I don’t know.

Where the hell did ‘Living the Dream’ come from? he could possibly be our PM Morrison, after Morrison says that there are no mandatory vax programs here, only a delusional idiot or a straight up liar could say such a thing.

February 11, 2022 9:27 am

I am truly humbled by what the truckies are doing – with absolute resolve & no violence. We will try to get to Canberra tomorrow.

February 11, 2022 9:38 am

Living the dreamsays:
February 11, 2022 at 8:25 am
The truckers are ridiculous. They certainly are not “freedom” fighters. No freedoms are at peril here;

I would aver you to be either living a wet dream or to be the wanker of the county.

February 11, 2022 9:54 am

I believe most Australians would be completely unaware of the Canadian truckers. The media blackout is astonishing. A crack every now and again is not coverage.

February 11, 2022 10:00 am

February 11, 2022 at 9:06 am
Anyone heard about Canberra? There is a big push for people to get there on Saturday, there has been some coverage of the protests there already but how true the media portray it is something I don’t know.

Where the hell did ‘Living the Dream’ come from? he could possibly be our PM Morrison, after Morrison says that there are no mandatory vax programs here, only a delusional idiot or a straight up liar could say such a thing.

Media are probably only covering it in an attempt to smear the federal government. Once they work out how they can attack both the protesters and the liberals I’m sure there will be plenty of coverage.

vlad redux
vlad redux
February 11, 2022 10:10 am

And in America in the slavery days, if slaves could get over the border into Canada, they were free. That was the land of freedom for them: Canada.

February 11, 2022 10:33 am

This is an informative article on the political machinations that underpin Trudeau’s predicament.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 11, 2022 11:00 am

Considered views above. Obviously none of you is aware that the requirement for vaccination has been with us for a very long time. Kids can’t start school without it. COVID is assessed as a risk to adults, so the vaccination requirement for various situations is imposed. You don’t have to have it, but you can’t refuse and expect everyone else to ignore their own safety concern.
90%+ of adults in Australia have accepted vaccination. That’s simply a fact. Get over it.

February 11, 2022 11:11 am

Living the dream – can you read & comprehend any material more complicated than the daily newspapers?

If so – please allocate some time to get up to speed with the medical journals and clinical research papers, & learn a little about immunology & virology. The genetic “vaccines” that have been authorised under “emergency use” have not been subjected to the long process of clinical research trials of the traditional vaccines which all of us, and our children, have willingly accepted.

What has occurred in the last two years will be bitterly regretted in the future.

Again, if you are capable of any sort of research, you might read the Great Barrington Declaration & the Rome Declaration signed by tens of thousands of global physicians protesting against the adoption of unprecedented inoculations. These signatures include some of the most celebrated scientists, virologists, vaccinologists, immunologists, et al of our age.

February 11, 2022 11:14 am

. COVID is assessed as a risk to adults idiots.

Fixed it for you, dreaming dimwit.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 11, 2022 11:21 am

Living the dream
You’re one of those cockwombles that has posted here under a different name – full of shit & retarded, but full of your own wordsmithing ability. Shit on a fancy pizza is still shit.
Fuck off or come back with something sensible, using facts.

February 11, 2022 11:24 am

Living the dreams’ first three wives ran off with truck drivers.

February 11, 2022 11:25 am

Answer this, dumb dreamer. If 90% of the Australian population threw themselves off a cliff, would you?

Just as relevant a question as when my mum and dad pointed out the stupidity of that argument to me as a teenager. Clearly you had parents even dumber than you or you weren’t paying attention.

Go and find your tribe at the Grauniad or The Dumb. Or find your little safe space of vaccine safety to shelter in. You are totally out of your depth here. Even Dead Head Ed has demonstrated better use of logic and argument (rare ocassions, admittedly) than you’ve managed in two paragraphs.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 11, 2022 11:37 am

Living the dream = Iampeter ??
other suggesstions…

February 11, 2022 11:48 am

Living the dreamsays:
February 11, 2022 at 8:25 am

That you, Justin Castro?

Seriously, your own words reveal you as a full-blown authoritarian and probably a huge fan of Dictator Dan and Mark McClown.

February 11, 2022 11:49 am

In Ottawa, a judge has rules that fuel that police confiscated had to be returned, so the police returned only half the fuel, as the fuel cans now contained half fuel and half water: How nice of them.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
February 11, 2022 12:02 pm

Thanks Bemused. Depending on the specific wording of the Court ruling and order, that must surely be sailing close to contempt of Court by Ottawa Police. Certainly unlikely to be forgotten.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
February 11, 2022 12:06 pm

OMG, Dreamer can’t differentiate between vaccination requirements intended to protect kids from childhood diseases and the current push to jab kids and jeopardise their health purely to ‘protect’ adults (which these jabs don’t even do anyway).

Never go full retard.

February 11, 2022 12:20 pm

Can’t understand why anyone would reply angrily to obvious stirring: tongue-in-cheek stuff from One-Off poster is only wortyh a laugh.s.

So soon as you read that allowing free choice is FORCING something, you know it’s a put-on do you not?

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 11, 2022 12:35 pm

Living the dreamsays:
February 11, 2022 at 8:25 am
The truckers are ridiculous. They certainly are not “freedom” fighters. No freedoms are at peril here; people are free to opt out of vaccine. They are not free to impose that choice on others. In simple terms: you take your choice knowing that there are consequences.
What this is about is entitlement and indulgence. A bunch of whiny truckers staging one of their typically brave parking demos.
Just leave them there, I say. See how long their valiant commitment lasts.

As Dick Ed is wont to say, “Spook”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 11, 2022 12:42 pm

Living the (Wet) Dream

COVID is assessed as a risk to adults

If the “authorities” are still assessing it as a threat to all adults, they are hysterically incompetent.

February 11, 2022 12:57 pm

“Considered views above. Obviously none of you is aware that the requirement for vaccination has been with us for a very long time.”

NONE of those ‘requirements’ restrict those who refuse the vaccine from doing as they wish ‘in private’ – need a measles vax to send your kid to a public school, and don’t want it? Go to a private school that doesn’t have that requirement, or even home school your kids. Your life can go on as before with some minor inconveniences.

But the COVID vax mandate is much worse: it forces one to choose between one of two UN Universal Human Rights – the right to bodily autonomy and the right to earn a living. And is made worse by another UN Universal Human Rights violation – the ability to move freely with the state (country) in which you are resident.
Australia signed up to the UN’s Universal Human Rights agenda decades ago. State governments are violating these human rights.
AHRC says it cannot prevent state governments from doing so (I have an email from them stating this).
(NSW) State Omsbudsman says (s)he can’t do anything either (again, response in an email)
(NSW) Governor will not even acknowledge receipt of a request for where I can go to have these human rights violation addressed.

You may not care in this particular case – it certainly appears you are with the Government(s) on this issue. When they come for you on something that matters to you, will you object? And if so, who will support you if you allow this outrageous situation to continue?

They are telling you what you MUST wear in public (mask mandates), what you MUST ‘consume’ (get the vax!), and how you MUST behave in public (‘social distancing’) – and if you refuse, you are punished severely.

My rights have been taken away from me (and you, and every other Australian) without due process.
What’s next?
The right to voice your political opinion?
The right to vote?
The right to own private property?
Where is YOUR line, hmmm?
And if you do not support my rights in this issue, why should I care about future rights violations against you that you do object to? And make no mistake, if they are allowed to continue with this hideous, unethical and downright evil campaign, they will not stop until you have no more rights than a medieval peasant – that is to say, none at all.
Live in the pod.
Eat the bugs.
You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy.
THAT is the future, if we let them do it.
And you support them?
You inhuman piece of filth.

February 11, 2022 12:58 pm

Many Cats agree that mandatory covid vaccination and all associated controls are anathema to personal freedoms.

This leads me to wonder why public health decided it is necessary to vaccinate all newborn babies against Hepatitis B. Do any Cats know the reason for this?

February 11, 2022 12:59 pm

So soon as you read that allowing free choice is FORCING something, you know it’s a put-on do you not

I would have thought so once, but my patience with the brain dead vaccine mandate supporters ran out a while back. It’s no longer a joking matter. Assuming that terminal ignorance guides their contributions from the start saves time.

February 11, 2022 1:04 pm

There are many protesting in Canberra against mandates but not getting any media coverage. The public servants in the capital are not happy that after two years they are being affected for the first time.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 11, 2022 1:10 pm

Living the (Wet) Dream

but you can’t refuse and expect everyone else to ignore their own safety concern.

But, but, but, we are told that the vaccines are sooooo “effective”. Surely being vaccinated addresses their concerns?

February 11, 2022 1:24 pm

“But, but, but, we are told that the vaccines are sooooo “effective”. “

yeah, really good, aren’t they?
Dan Bongino had the vax while being immune-compromised getting lymphoma chemo-therapy.
He got Delta variant weeks after he finished his chemo.
Within 2 months, he got Omicron variant as well.
Psaki was triple jabbed and still got COVID.

They are unfit for purpose – they do not provide sterilising immunity, nor prevent transmission, nor prevent hospitalisation, nor prevent death.
Yet they are now saying I need to get a “booster” – “for your family, for the community”

February 11, 2022 1:30 pm

Damon says:
February 11, 2022 at 4:49 am

Remember, the Victorian police behaved in exactly the sane way.

Insane or same. one or the other.

February 11, 2022 1:38 pm

Roger says:
February 11, 2022 at 8:44 am

BC [Before Covid] who would have thought that the social democratic Swedes would be more attached to their freedom than Australians and that mild mannered Canadians would display more courage?

I would have.

Multiple personal experiences of the cowardly submissiveness of professionally trained, otherwise intelligent people.
Incapable of protecting themselves, as a group, against managerial malicious incompetence, usually from a one/couple of woke managers.
But they were quite adept at turning on each other.

And then we all know how brave and subversive the voting public is, at the polls.

February 11, 2022 1:39 pm

Kneel says:
February 11, 2022 at 12:57 pm

“Considered views above. Obviously none of you is aware that the requirement for vaccination has been with us for a very long time.”

NONE of those ‘requirements’ restrict those who refuse the vaccine from doing as they wish ‘in private’ – need a measles vax to send your kid to a public school, and don’t want it? Go to a private school that doesn’t have that requirement, or even home school your kids. Your life can go on as before with some minor inconveniences.

For me you both miss the main point, the China virus vaccine IS NOT FULLY TESTED. It only has emergency approval. I will not even consider taking it prior to full testing and complete approval with the manufacturers being held responsible for any unadvertised side effects.
Mandating your population to partake in an experiment on their bodies is EVIL.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 11, 2022 1:51 pm

And bless them, they are carrying the load for the whole of Western Civilisation.

I’d still give the Gold Medal to the USA as they haven’t degenerated into a tyrannical dystopia as have the Canadians, the Kiwis & us. That is because the USA still has a working judiciary of sorts, and also because they have a competitive federation whereas we here have an unconstitutional “national cabinet.”

Canada certainly gets the Silver Medal in the restoration of freedom stakes through their trucker’s strike, it’s an inspiration to everyone who wants to get their life and freedoms back.

The Bronze Medal hasn’t been awarded yet, will it go to the Kiwis before us?

February 11, 2022 1:52 pm

@ Living the Dream

Welcome to the blog.
You do write like someone who identified as Iampeter, on a previous incarnation of this blog.

So, so as not to sound like the idiot Iampeter clearly was, please read the Virology and Immunology chapters in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Ed. – Kasper, Fauci, Hauser (2018)
You’ll then learn about about the differences between true vaccines and adjuvant immunotherapies like Fizzer, AZ and ModRNA.
Indications, modes of function, benefits, limitations and side-effects.

You may then appreciate why most bloggers here disagree with you.

You’re welcome

February 11, 2022 2:33 pm

Living the dream says:
February 11, 2022 at 11:00 am

Considered views above. Obviously none of you is aware that the requirement for vaccination has been with us for a very long time. Kids can’t start school without it. COVID is assessed as a risk to adults, so the vaccination requirement for various situations is imposed. You don’t have to have it, but you can’t refuse and expect everyone else to ignore their own safety concern.
90%+ of adults in Australia have accepted vaccination. That’s simply a fact. Get over it.

If you believe that 90% of Australian adults have been double or triple vaxxed, Ive got a bridge to sell along with Santa and the Tooth fairy who live under the bridge.

February 11, 2022 2:38 pm

Says everything that Living the (wet) dream needs to know.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 11, 2022 3:01 pm

I watched the ‘sky news vid’ on the main post. Where were these hecklers 2 year s , 1 year or even 6 months ago?…..There all rats turning and leaving a sinking ship. It will happen here too.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 11, 2022 3:09 pm

As I do not read aircraft engineering specs before boarding I similarly don’t feel the need to study medical texts. I have son with a PhD married to a PhD, both working in labs related to studies of immunology. I have met with the foremost Australian in this field and with a variety of doctors engaged in ICU. All of those people advise me to follow the public advice.
Nothing here convinces me to question what I have been advised.

February 11, 2022 3:13 pm

And, so far, nil outrage about the “Mix ‘n Match” ‘vaccinations.

I had 2 Astrazenica jabs, then went to my local pharmacy for the “top-up”.


I asked the nice young lady about this and she assured me that it was compatible.

She lied.

The publicly available CMI (Consumer Medical Information) sheets for both the Pfizer and AZ inoculations, both clearly state that each of them have not been tested in combination with any other “vaccine” or medicine, let alone the combination being properly trialed with a control group. This is all on the TGA website, but everyone should be given a copy to read and understand BEFORE agreeing to get the jab, as part of the “informed consent” process.

Also the CMI for the provisionally approved Pfizer inoculation states only that a third dose “may be taken AFTER 6 months” so it is all BS; “expert advice” being relied on when the government is trying to coerce people into taking it after 3 months.

Therefore, taking a Pfizer “booster” after an AZ 2 dose course is pure experimentation, but you will never be told that by your doctor, as they have all been compromised by the blatant threat they have received from AHPRA, to follow the government narrative or be investigated and deregistered. ALL doctors, having taken the metaphorical “Kings shilling”, now have a conflict of interest and your health is not their primary interest.

Gardening question: Should I buy a bigger log-chipper?

February 11, 2022 3:29 pm

Living the dream says:
February 11, 2022 at 3:09 pm

As I do not read aircraft engineering specs before boarding I similarly don’t feel the need to study medical texts. I have son with a PhD married to a PhD, both working in labs related to studies of immunology. I have met with the foremost Australian in this field and with a variety of doctors engaged in ICU. All of those people advise me to follow the public advice.
Nothing here convinces me to question what I have been advised.

You need say no more dreamer …. all has now been revealed

February 11, 2022 3:55 pm


Good for you. Please feel free to follow the advice of those you trust and be vaccinated.

I understand that you will grant me the same freedom and encouragement to follow the advice of those I trust and NOT get vaccinated. Right?

February 11, 2022 3:57 pm

Living the dream says:
February 11, 2022 at 3:09 pm

As I do not read aircraft engineering specs before boarding I similarly don’t feel the need to study medical texts. I have son with a PhD married to a PhD, both working in labs related to studies of immunology. I have met with the foremost Australian in this field and with a variety of doctors engaged in ICU. All of those people advise me to follow the public advice.

I see, you already know everything. It must feel good to be so omniscient, with so little apparent knowledge.
You follow the public advice that promoted actions that don’t work,
restrictions that don’t work,
that led to higher morbidity and mortality AFTER said measures were instituted,
that restricted and outlawed safer alternatives to unproven, untested and toxic immunotherapies, in an allegedly emergency situation with incomplete clinical knowledge
that vilified a section of a normal population,
that has cost the country a bomb in business distress, errant government expenditure and other adverse health consequences on the population.

All to ostensibly save geriatrics and co-morbid individuals from a nasty flu.

Yes, it must feel good to be such a virtuous, well informed relative of PhDs.

February 11, 2022 4:07 pm

Obviously none of you is aware that the requirement for vaccination has been with us for a very long time. Kids can’t start school without it

You’re completely wrong. On everything. Please stop having opinions. There are no vaccine requirements for *any* school in any state in Australia. There are some states that don’t allow unvaxed kids in pre-schools and childcare. None ban unvaxed kids from any education. That’s true for state schools as well as private schools.

You’re an idiot. Like most people who believe in vaccines. Idiotic and evil.

For the person who asked about the hepatitis B vaccine it’s simply a function of the fact that the vaccine program is disgusting and immoral through and through. Doctors – because they’re stupid – decided that the reason junkies got liver cancer was because they got infected with a virus called “hepatitis b”. They had zero evidence for this and a non-retard would have pointed out that shooting up toxins (aka heroin) would cause liver damage. But no. It had to be a virus. So they came out with a vaccine to give to junkies. Of course they did.

But the problem is that junkies didn’t want it. And it was hard to convince them to get it. So instead they came up with the bright idea to give it to newborn babies. The only reason was because stressed out new mothers were already in a hospital and easy to bully into it. And then they told people that the vaccine would magically stop people getting liver cancer when they were older.

The problem is, the infant hep B vaccine has been around for 30 years (the vaccine has been around for 40) and guess what? Liver cancer rates have skyrocketed in that time.

That’s right. The vaccine is completely worthless. There’s far more evidence for it *causing* liver cancer than that it might prevent it.

If it wasn’t a vaccine (which are all sacred cows) the people responsible would have been thrown in prison for such a catastrophic failure. Of course, nobody with any power even suggests there is any kind of a problem. If you point people to actual government liver cancer data they will call you a conspiracy theorist and a pro-plaguer.

February 11, 2022 4:09 pm

I think the ‘dreamer’ has achieved what he set out to achieve, to get attention. I learned long ago that, especially on the internet, the best way to utterly infuriate idiots is to ignore them. Nothing on earth upsets such people more than being ignored.

February 11, 2022 4:18 pm

On another note, YouTube is absolutely full of videos about all the ‘Freedom Convoys’, Canada as well as Australia and NZ. Looking at the view numbers, many of these are approaching 500,000 views. I wonder whether the MSM liars are getting such results.

February 11, 2022 4:36 pm

Living the dreamsays:
February 11, 2022 at 8:25 am
The truckers are ridiculous. They certainly are not “freedom” fighters. No freedoms are at peril here; people are free to opt out of vaccine.

Good god you are an idiot, what makes you think you can talk down to other adults?

90+%, of people in NSW were double vaccinated.

The government lied, then took away some liberties again, now the definition of fully vaccinated is going to change.

All for a strain of the common cold, which at least 20% of us have caught and at least 30% of us have natural immunity to (and double vaccination rates are around 95%).

You are so full of shit it isn’t funny.

NSW Parliament didn’t sit for six months and the executive kept on making new regulation defining civil liberties.

Not since 1215 has the executive decided what civil liberties we have.

You are too damned stupid to understand the gravity of these emergency powers. The fact that they are being used for a relatively benign illness is a sick joke.

Like (Dr) Gilas said, the list of lies and contradictions that were and are anti scientific garbage, spouted by “health experts” and became the basis for coercive laws is very numerous.

Anyone with a normal, happy life worth living has taken a huge loss in the past 23 months.

In a less insane country, it would be over. Instead, Hunt, McGowan, Andrews, Chant and other associated loons are doubling down.

They have no clue or concern about the damages they have brought upon us. Trust has evaporated. Businesses shut down. They’ve given actual antivaxxers ammunition for the next 30 years.

February 11, 2022 4:58 pm

There are no vaccine requirements for *any* school in any state in Australia. There are some states that don’t allow unvaxed kids in pre-schools and childcare. None ban unvaxed kids from any education. That’s true for state schools as well as private schools.

Oh please. Give me a break. Your lies may fly with the morons but it is an objective fact that many kids have been excluded from school on the basis of them not being injected with substances the government wants injected to them. Maybe not on an enrolment basis, but certainly on a rolling whim basis depending on what the authorities allege is floating around in the school environment. Fact. At many times in the years you’ve lived on this earth, Australian kids have been at home rather than school BECAUSE they are not injected with a substance. It’s simply a fact honey.

“When are children excluded from school?

When there are cases of a vaccine preventable disease such as measles in a school, the local public health officer may request the principal to exclude any children who are not fully immunised against that disease during the incubation period (14 days for measles). In some circumstances, if unimmunised children can be immunised immediately they may be able to continue attending school, however if the window for this has passed the unimmunised children will need to stay at home. If no further cases arise the unimmunised children may return to school.

Under the NSW Public Health Act, if an unimmunised child comes in contact with a vaccine preventable disease outside school, they can also be asked to stay home during the incubation period to reduce the risk of starting an outbreak. Again, unimmunised children can avoid exclusion from school if they can be immunised very soon after being in contact with the disease. The timeframe and exclusion policy varies by disease – see the NSW Health Disease Control Guidelines for more details.”

February 11, 2022 5:17 pm

bemused says:
February 11, 2022 at 4:09 pm

I think the ‘dreamer’ has achieved what he set out to achieve, to get attention. I learned long ago that, especially on the internet, the best way to utterly infuriate idiots is to ignore them. Nothing on earth upsets such people more than being ignored.

100% agree, but this guy’s possibly a newie here.
I thought it was worth seeing whether he’s just honestly misinformed by the gangrenous MSM, or a fully qualified know-all, flat-Earther troll with all the critical faculties of a parking lot.

Now I know.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 11, 2022 5:36 pm

Living the dream says:
February 11, 2022 at 3:09 pm

… I have son with a PhD married to a PhD, both working in labs related to studies of immunology.
Excellent – please link to their published works on COVID and the “vaccines” (bit hard to be a PhD without published works…)

I have met with the foremost Australian in this field …..
Also excellent – Please name this person so we too can be so convinced

Nothing here convinces me to question what I have been advised.
Also also excellent – a person who does not question advice is retarded and anti-science

February 11, 2022 5:40 pm

Nothing here convinces me to question what I have been advised.

Cheerio, then. Working out you are an arrogant blowhard took us all of 30 seconds. Don’t let us keep you.

February 11, 2022 6:51 pm

“as the fuel cans now contained half fuel and half water”

So, the “police” STOLE half of the fuel that they “confiscated” illegally, then returned containers of dangerously contaminated fuel to the rightful owners, presuming them to be silly enough to try to use that fuel in their engines and heaters.

Those of us who have had to clear contaminated fuel from a diesel vehicle system would be VERY unhappy to be the recipients of such an act.

MORE official, ORDERED and authorized criminal provocation.

They WANT some one to snap so that they can go in and deliver serious “attitude adjustment”.

THAT is how most modern governments work; State Terrorism.

Criminal malice aforethought.

pete of perth
pete of perth
February 11, 2022 6:53 pm

Someone should have the required centrifuge equip to clean up the fuel.

February 11, 2022 7:21 pm

Criminal malice aforethought.

It shows how far those who were once highly respected have fallen. I guess they were just following orders.

February 11, 2022 7:34 pm

As I do not read aircraft engineering specs before boarding I similarly don’t feel the need to study medical texts. I have son with a PhD married to a PhD, both working in labs related to studies of immunology. I have met with the foremost Australian in this field and with a variety of doctors engaged in ICU. All of those people advise me to follow the public advice.
Nothing here convinces me to question what I have been advised.

So – you are “living the dream”, are you? I also have a PhD – & yes, I don’t read aircraft specifications before boarding an aircraft, either. But then, I have no reason to doubt the ability of the pilots and the maintenance of the aircraft. Nevertheless, it IS a leap of faith and plenty of aircraft have “gone down” for reasons of failures in maintenance and/or failures of flight personnel.

I also realise we risk our lives daily when we assume modern technology trumps the ignorance of the past. Not merely motor vehicle accidents prove the point of our vulnerability – but medical “science” itself. People are injured regularly in hospitals from atrophic injuries caused by in appropriate treatment. Mostly, of course, we accept considerable risk in our lives.

However, your inference that we live in a specialised age in which we confer absolute trust in experts is an ingenuous assumption. And, might I say, a fundamentally uneducated one.

I do respect YOUR respect for your family involvement in labs involved in immunology, and your familiarity with various identities in the professional field.

However, do you really assume that people on this blog (including this writer) do not have similar contacts? One such friend of mine is appalled that I should doubt “the Science,”although he concedes he is not surprised, knowing my infuriating desire “to know” all aspects of matters important to my health.

Good luck to you.

February 11, 2022 7:37 pm

“atrophic injury” should have read ” iatrogenic injury”.

You see the dangers of technology? Even the computer makes its own erroneous decisions!!!!

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 11, 2022 8:02 pm

Vicki – if you don’t mind, what’s your PhD in?
There seems to be a wide range of skills on this site.
If you’re nasty in replying, I will flounce – and it’ll be all your fault…

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 11, 2022 8:05 pm

I don’t read aircraft specifications before boarding an aircraft either but i do have a good look for any obvvious structural problems…and I won’t sit beside the propellers (mechanical engineer – can’t help myself)

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 11, 2022 8:22 pm

Errr. Chaps. The reason you’re not convincing on this issue is that you dont have a shred of evidence to contradict the advice from public authorities. It’s just baying at the moon.
No one likes what’s happened. But there is no reason at all to think any government anywhere is part of a conspiracy.
Suck it up and stop whining.

February 11, 2022 8:25 pm

The Dream liver does write a bit like Iampeter, but allegedly much older. Whatever, he is achieving his objective by getting so much attention, and I am making it worse by even commenting on it. Meh.

February 11, 2022 8:27 pm

Maybe its the Munted?

February 11, 2022 8:29 pm

Errr. Chaps. The reason you’re not convincing on this issue is that you dont have a shred of evidence to contradict the advice from public authorities. It’s just baying at the moon.

I don’t need to. They do it themselves.

“Don’t wear a mask”
“Wear multiple masks”

“Two weeks to flatten the curve”
“We will try to eliminate COVID”

Fuck off, and stop telling other people what to do.

February 11, 2022 8:34 pm

No one likes what’s happened.

Untrue. Some people love this, because their lives were meaningless. Now you have elicited widespread unhappiness, we can assume harm.

But there is no reason at all to think any government anywhere is part of a conspiracy.

The national cabinet is literally a conspiracy – a secret meeting of people meeting to make decisions they were never legally empowered to do so in any State constitution, let alone the Commonwealth constitution.

a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp with political motivation; plot

Citation needed? Okay.

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

February 11, 2022 9:05 pm

THAT is how most modern governments work; State Terrorism.

That is how all governments have always worked.

February 11, 2022 9:26 pm

No one likes what’s happened. But there is no reason at all to think any government anywhere is part of a conspiracy.


February 11, 2022 10:31 pm

Anyone heard about Canberra?

Local wallopers are (a) predicting a crowd of only 4000 and (b) preparing for a major onslaught.

A and B don’t agree.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
February 11, 2022 10:39 pm

This is where Castreau’s guesswork fails.

He has no connection to Canadians, so he is unable to respond effectively.

His chances of guessing right are virtually nil.

February 11, 2022 10:40 pm

they got infected with a virus called “hepatitis b”. They had zero evidence for this

I have a couple of ex-junkie pals who would disagree vehemently. But they can’t because they came down with Hep B or C and cancer killed them.

It’s not about vaccines per se. It’s about this gene-therapy jab. Now piss off.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
February 11, 2022 10:42 pm

The national cabinet is literally a conspiracy – a secret meeting of people meeting to make decisions they were never legally empowered to do so in any State constitution, let alone the Commonwealth constitution.

I love disagreeing with Dot.

But I got nothing. Lamest conspiracy ever.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 11, 2022 11:00 pm

The truckers are ridiculous. They certainly are not “freedom” fighters.

The Littlest Anklebiter rides ?again! 😀

@ Fat Tony- This particular troll once posted under the account names ‘EllenG’ and later ‘Kim’ (amongst others) on the OldCat. Sinc got quite adept at smiting it, and its smoothbrained GetUp! script is pretty obvious.

Some key characteristics include exclusively targeting anything posted by Steve Kates, writing off anyone who disagrees with it as being University types or Public Servants who have no understanding of commerce, and fetishising its apparent history as a sole trader/private enterprise. Even though it sounds like no small-medium business owner I have ever encountered.

And the obligatory laying-on of all the scripted Pro-Gummint and Pro-Media talking points so thick, it has to be propaganda.

Upset it sometime, and see how long it takes before it calls you a Putin puppet, as well… 🙂

February 12, 2022 6:33 am

Fat Tony – PhD in History. A long time ago. But it does set you up as a compulsive researcher.

And re being “nasty” – can rarely see the point, as it tends to distort the argument.

February 12, 2022 7:49 am

The reason you’re not convincing on this issue is that you dont have a shred of evidence to contradict the advice from public authorities


February 12, 2022 9:06 am

The reason you’re not convincing on this issue is that you dont have a shred of evidence to contradict the advice from public authorities

Pretty funny coming from someone whose sole evidence is reflected glory from someone else’s PhD and who believes advice from public authorities is infallible and must be obeyed.

February 12, 2022 9:14 am

I love disagreeing with Dot.

No one here ever disagrees with me and I am quite sure you would not enjoy it at all.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 12, 2022 10:34 am

Constable Rex Anger is on the case! There’s a Netflix series in it.
Meanwhile, serious people are vaccinated and hospital staff are beginning to see daylight after two years of extreme difficulty. With luck, improved vaccines will defeat the variants and the risks will abate.
No doubt, Rex and others are warming their scripts of Anger over the fake pandemic.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 11:39 am

The Dream is still very wet.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 12, 2022 1:07 pm

Boambee John says:
February 12, 2022 at 11:39 am
The Dream is still very wet.

Doubt it BJ – The Dream is all urge & no surge.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 12, 2022 1:10 pm

Vicki says:
February 12, 2022 at 6:33 am
Fat Tony – PhD in History. A long time ago. But it does set you up as a compulsive researcher.

And re being “nasty” – can rarely see the point, as it tends to distort the argument.

Thanks Vicki – history would be very relevant to what’s going on in the world now and the “nasty “bit was a joke – Cassie told me to GFM a week or so ago & I threatened to flounce, but I messed that up. John H gave me the correct protocol after though.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Meanwhile, serious people are vaccinated and hospital staff are beginning to see daylight after two years of extreme difficulty.

Is that so, Littlest Anklebiter?

All the propaganda coming out to us from Clown World says that the hospital systems are more clogged and overwhelmed than evar! Your ‘sources’ are misinforming you, and that is bad…

Constable Rex Anger is on the case!

Thank you for your confession, Littlest Anklebiter. Now we all know who you are.

No doubt, Rex and others are warming their scripts of Anger over the fake pandemic

I am sure that your smooth brain thought this ‘insult’ was as polished as your cerebrum. Please try to be less incompetent the next time you turn up to try and purity-check Mr. Kates. You are an embarrassment to your fellow leftwits.

February 12, 2022 2:15 pm

@ Dot:

“Not since 1215 has the executive decided what civil liberties we have. ”

“The Great Reset”?

Party like it’s 1214?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 3:49 pm

Steve, have you seen Bob Moran’s cartoon posted on the Open Thread by Tom at 4.08am 12 Feb?
Well worth a look.

February 12, 2022 11:12 pm

A very good briefing by two of the Canadian trucker protest intelligence leaders

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 13, 2022 10:34 am

Constable Anger of the Central Discipline Inspectorate, doing the work of the United Front Work Department.

  1. Yep. Take that lesson from Allegra Spender in Wentworth. All sweetness and negotiable considerations etc prior to the election and…

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x